These Paldeck Entries Are UNHINGED [Palworld]

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pal world is a game where humans and Pals can work together and produce the greatest of things like a handgun pal world is disguised as having this cute little exterior with all these cute little Pokémon but behind that veneer behind that it's super unhinged so we are going to be looking at the most unhinged descriptions of Pokemon I mean Pals don't don't sue me Nintendo uh in this game so let's get started number six for example on uh you know that name you using its own body water this pal can create waves anywhere cool nice wow what a what a cool like feature definitely not chap GPT generated it body serfs when in a hurry but the resulting speed often ends in a fatal Collision fatal Collision long ago this pal used long objects like tree branches As Weapons however it found something slightly more effective gods and then we got ping gullet number 10 the feathers of this pal have all but disappeared but sadly it's desire desire to fly has remained as strong as ever even now it tries to fly again in any way it can like that is messed up a strange pal with a body resembling trep it gradually loses strength if it has nothing to cover its body with eventually rotting away I mean I I wouldn't be too upset if that happened definitely not the worst Pokemon in this game and then you know sometimes you don't even have descriptions you just have a Pokemon I mean a pal that the name is just it supersedes any description it could have this Pal's name is espresso okay so this is Daydream say hello to daydream everyone it puts those that is interested in to sleep and shows them an endless stream of happy dreams those who fall into its spell are never to wake up until death takes them I mean this one just straight up murders you like I don't I don't even want this Pokemon anymore my my guy looking like PBA out here if you find KNX hair in your bedding you should always leave it where it lays picking it up is a oneway ticket to a NeverEnding night I don't even know what that means this one's pretty similar to daydream I guess all right this one is is a little wild its hard tail does not deteriorate when cut off some believe these sever taals to be good luck but for the innumerable mauo who were poached as a result they were anything but don't don't look at the 6 out of 10 okay this one is straight up cursed milk pours from this pal like water from an open faucet regardless of its gender it's truly a mystery of Life although this mystery may be better left unsolved yeah we're going to not we're going to go to the the next one now oh my God this one tops everything so far this is unhinged the Pokemon the pal all right the pal Pokemon pal Digimon they're all the same so this Pokemon's name is hang you all right just you know hang you they didn't even try hiding it its gigantic arms can rip apart even iron as a particularly cruel form of execution serious criminals would be strung up in a public square and a hangu would tear the skin right from their bones did this really need need to be in here it looks so cute and innocent in the picture almost all of these Pokémon do and then when you read the description you're like I don't know anymore this is what they use in North Korea is all I'm saying all right this one's not too bad I thought it was kind of funny so this one's called woolly poop its entire body is 18,000 times sweeter than sugar carnivorous Pals lured by its scent will find themselves overwhelmed by sweetness and can even pass out should they take a bite of this pal I mean that's a pretty good self-defense mechanism if you look like that in the wild this one is a little messed up and it's like one of my favorite Pokémons so far in this game Pals okay Pals whatever the one who possesses the most impressive antlers becomes the leader of the herd and then we come to this if their antlers are broken they become depressed and leave the herd never to be seen again whoever's got chat GPT on on sad mode on dark mode right now like relax all right you don't need to put this in the game oh this is super messed up so this is Nightwing right pretty cool Pokemon just based on its appearance it's its attacks and stuff and then you read this it carries newborn Pals to Nest them and raises them as a surrogate parent a how cute once the baby pal has fattened up it hunts them here we go we found another murderer in the dark of the night this pal snatches prey to bring back to its territory what happens to those poor souls afterwards isn't too hard to imagine I mean look at him he looks like demonic I would expect a description like that from this guy not from not from kativa this one just shows how messed up in the head these creators were for these descriptions so this one is dud when too relaxed its Reaction Time drastically declines okay like that reminds me of like a slow bro from Pokemon or something it's slow it's it's you know it's the slow Pokemon and then it says even if it were sliced from head to tail all right why why do you have to go there anyway it probably wouldn't even realize that it should be dead until the next morning like like why was that really necessary this guy who made the descriptions is just letting all his intrusive thoughts come out this one's just unfortunate univolt it used to be considered an emissary of the Thunder God and thus was not hunted by people however after Witnesses observed one die from a lightning strike its Reverend faded and it quite literally fell into the role of a Workhorse how sad is that I mean people just made up a story about this this animal like made up a myth that it could survive a lightning strike like what what creature on earth or this wretched world could survive a lightning strike so then after after the poor horse dies they don't give it any medical treatment or anything see if it's still alive they're just like oh it's just a horse oh my God just because it has Thunderbolts coming out of it doesn't mean it's immune to lightning but it is an electric type so why do I know man oh I guess I was wrong and here you have it a dinosa lux can survive a lightning strike this one's a little morbid this is a marath marith a Mari it relishes The Peculiar scent to living things give off when they are near death if a Merra has taken a liking to you it's safe to assume that is why pretty much this guy is like the Grim Reaper of Pals if you see him you won't be seeing anything for too long all right this one this one you've probably already seen it it's probably on the S tier of cursed this is lavander number insert Meme here seeking a night of love it is always chasing someone around at first it only showed interest in other Pals but in recent years even humans have become the target of a debauchery yeah we're going to move on you remember as a kid when you cried and your parents told you crying doesn't solve your problems well this Pals the living embodiment of the opposite of that so this is flamb Bell when it starts crying this pal produces magma in place of Tears the magma that pours out is absorbed back into its body causing it to get hotter and hotter the more it cries the stronger it becomes this is azobe number 82 this Pal's white ribbon turns black if dowsed with impure water given its usefulness in detecting poison this pal was was once overhunted this past has left them bitter towards Humanity so what this implies is that they used this Pokémon and pretty much threw it into like polluted water or something in Nestle's like water Factory but not only that they hunted them and then used its ribbon which they could have done while it was alive maybe and just tossed it into some water to see if if humans could drink it okay this one is called rain DRS it's transparent civilian antlers glow with the cold of absolute zero any who touched them with their bare hands are instantly frozen over and smashed to pieces this is the reason I don't have any in my pal box all right this one's kind of interesting this one's called Bushi its body becomes a blade upon death to be taken up by the Next Generation if someone other than a Bushi wields this Blade the soul within torments them until they are driven mad so if you guys see a sword on the ground in this game don't even think about it just just leave it unless you're looking to make a new save this thing is going to come out of your screen and like possess you or something that's also why I don't have him in my pal box um moving on this one's a little strange this is wo number 91 researchers once tried to shave off its hair to reveal its true form in the end only hair was left as if that was all there to begin with a little bit a little spooky nothing too crazy and this one is pretty much the same thing except instead of hair they replace it with grass very very creative then we got War sect the ultra hard armor surrounding its body is extremely strong and heat resistant even a napom blast would hardly leave a scratch why why do they have to include that detail did this bug have to fight in Vietnam did they test the napom on it these are questions I want answers to this one's in the S tier boys all right this one's called menting being made of pure energy its insides are completely Hollow this pal crams still living prey into its hollow body where it absorbs them hellish screams of pain can often be heard coming from inside this pal so one day you might be walking your dog down the street and then this thing shows up eats you you and your dog are both barking and yelling inside of it but no one really cares because they think it's the monster yelling s tier for sure this one's definitely very original and not copied from anywhere so this one's Shadow beak and it says unknown life form born from the depths of insanity its very existence should not be having lost all genetic ties to other Pals one wonders if it could even be considered a pal and then you see it has modified DNA like this is definitely Zapdos gu guys then last and not least we have ason a Savage beast born of the Abyss Thou shalt not stand before the Beast Thou shalt not heed the Beast what a nice and Whimsical game we got here there you have it hopefully you guys enjoyed see you next time for probably a monster hunter video peace
Channel: AXIDIUS
Views: 27,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld paldeck, palworld paldeck reaction, palworld paldeck 69, paldeck palworld, paldeck palworld reaction, palworld paldeck reaction unhinged, palworld paldeck reaction cursed, lovander palworld, lovander, lovander paldeck, reaction to paldeck, paldeck entries, paldeck palworld entries, paldeck palworld entry reaction, palworld paldeck descriptions, palworld full paldeck, palworld all pals decks, axidius, palworld complete paldeck, paldeck palworld review, paldeck, palworld
Id: vv6-bNWQ_4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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