Why Palworld is so HUGE and AWESOME | The Act Man React

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[Music] [Music] [Music] that was such a good edit what the heck on with guns three words that will pique your immediate curiosity and interest props to whoever came up with this phrase could have been random on the Internet or the Albert Einstein of marketing because good God power world is doing numbers the numbers if you've been on the internet in the last some pretty big numbers you've no doubt heard about how World check this out yo look at me dude look at him go pick up a [ __ ] dig toys I can even jump with him bro do I need to investigate you for steroid use why do you think my arms are so big huh why do you think and today this is the the question I'm going to answer why is power world so popular I mean look at it cuz it's so cursed it's so cursed and silly and funny cow Pals need milk cannons that would be cursed but I I I wouldn't I wouldn't say that it's not impossible for them to add that based on what's already in the game and awesome I've compiled eight reasons why In This Very video reason number one word of mouth power world's popularity has surprised everyone especially its de Vel opers who apparently were considering bankruptcy if the game didn't sell well oh no I didn't know they were considering bankruptcy wait 3 days before launching they were like we'll consider making another game if this doesn't bankrupt us after putting down 7 million USD into the project holy crap they took three years to make this so it wasn't exactly easy either they did have a couple of veterans showing them the ropes too even if majority of them were absolutely new to Unreal and barely had any understanding of what a rig how is consider considering their previous projects were making were made sorry using assets they didn't make purchased or contracted they had a lot of drive to make this project considering the amount of times the project was on the verge of being canned it's so cool man what a huge wupy if the game didn't sell well I don't think they have to worry about that anymore yeah I think they're like it's been a change of plan this game's trailers did not attract a sort of viral attention and so what I think we're witnessing is one of the most successful Word of Mouth campaigns in video game history Pokemon with guns is what got me to check out power I was going to say I feel like there was coverage of it being called Pokemon with guns forever and people like oh what in the world that was a funny enough thing that people had to try it what CH oh my God D holy [ __ ] just in premise you know Jesus Christ we were so close these are Cannon Blastoise these these are cannons not Firearms we're so close the chances of an early ACC game being this good is about 1 in 8,192 the explosive popularity of power is unheard of in the world of gaming it's like the polar opposite of the day before [ __ ] that game power world has reached power levels that seem we reached the highest and highs and lowest of lows during that time period between power world and the day before possible that is second only to pubg the game that arguably popularized the entire Battle Royale genre that's more concurrent players than Counter Strike [ __ ] Counter Strike has ever had what is happening do you understand how crazy this is I told you guys this so many times but cute is meta when you are cute you can get away with crime it has cute and it has crime and everyone loves pokon so power sold over 8 million copies in less than a week it's probably more by the time you're watching this yeah probably scarlet and violet sold million copies on the first three days and that was Nintendo's biggest game launch of all time wait so they sold 10 million hold on wow they literally doubled their biggest game I didn't realize that power world doubled Pokemon's largest game in sales that is that is actually insane like I did not really it was that much of a disparity I I I didn't like know that they were actually doing better than Pokemon jeez this isn't just insane it is insane in the membrane that a random Indie developer can come out with a creature catching game that Rivals that of the largest media franchise of all time it can even keep up with it in sales relatively reason number two why power world is so popular it's is an easy one it's a damn good video game comines the DNA from all these popular games in different genres to become this [ __ ] Supreme super being you've got the cartoony art style gliding and third person shooter combat of fortnite they even have shields in this El Dark Souls with time Dodges and a little bit of Zelda of the wild Twist by the way what the [ __ ] was that that's like the Darth Maul butterfly kick yeah you oh [ __ ] Darth Maul butterfly kick I love it I love the butterfly kicks the crafting Base building and survival mechanics of valheim Minecraft and Arc you have open world elements a little too similar to breath of the wild with multiplayer guilds [ __ ] it throw a grapple hook in there too so while shooting a musk it's truly a really good inations in the Character Creator I [ __ ] you not because they said Americans sometimes like to make ugly characters we do like to make things as c as possible to take ideas and inspiration from all these different places throw it in a blender and hope it turns out great we either make anime wuss are cursed atrocities and there's no between we've seen plenty of copycat games right Doom clones Halo Killers Etc and most of the time these games live in the shadow of their inspiration but we witnessing something usually they're like how world is competing with its inspiration it combines so many different elements of other games that it actually becomes unique like cell for a game that feels like one giant [ __ ] post power dis it's a really good ship post I think that's the best part about it is like it's a meme ship post that actually was literal [ __ ] are you serious oh I didn't even notice that it's this is literally a skill tree that that's clever I see what they did there I never noticed that I feel like that's very apparent but I did not I did not put that together that's so funny here's your skill tree this game isn't real there's so many optimize them it's it's a much less time consuming tedious process than grinding EVs and regular Pokemon games I never looked at it like that PS up is better and more fun than modern Pokémon what are the offer offer pal Souls what soul that's do you have all sorts of different passives positive and negative traits there's a ton of different moves that Pals can learn which happen in real time combat instead of turnbas so like you actually have to aim this [ __ ] if you're controlling the pal you know what I never even a whole lot of them the PVP for this game is going to be absolutely wild I forgot that that they're still going to add PVP in here but yeah I totally forgot the fact that it does make the game feel more immersive because of there's no like cuz like for me the one super annoying thing about Pokemon was I'd be like walking around minding my own business and then some [ __ ] would just [ __ ] walk up and be like I'm going to battle you I'm generic NPC number 32 that has a freeze that I'm going to say that's not memorable at all and like I am the brick wall in your way blocks your path generic NPC number two 47 whenever that comes out you know micromanaging your base with Pals and the tasks you give them it reminds me of managing villagers and Age of Empires 2 there's there's like a little realtime strategy to it the crafting resource Gathering Base building and pal training are all things you can invest a lot of time into and get a huge return on investment this game is way better than it has any reason to be and that leads me to reason number three the content and polish this is Early Access done right when you combine the phrase Early Access with Survival game it's usually a recipe for disaster but power world defies The Stereotype usually with skepticism and again it it just works somehow it's more stable and Polished than a lot of AAA games manag to be mechanically the game play is solid and that's most important it's a ton of fun battling the pals catching them in real time avoiding attacks power World Nails the fundamentals and provid it's what an Al should be where a lot of the groundwork is already there active participant in the Pokemon formula and I cannot fathom why that hasn't been done before this is leagues above what most people expect from an early access title it feels complete inconcept and because of that I'm not too bothered by the rougher areas of the game say so much of it feels already just like that power world is something me and the boys are going to keep playing for a very long time calling power world comparatively stable and Polished to other recently released games feels so [ __ ] bad to acknowledge I mean true onestly a few animations that could use some work all right check this [ __ ] check this [ __ ] oh no dude I at least thought like you'd be on her head or something but I'm torn between wanting smooth animations and this janky funny [ __ ] yeah I was get say is something about the Jank though is like likable and not frustrating cuz like a lot of the Jank that's in the game like doesn't like there are some bugs and stuff but it doesn't like mess with your game play it just looks funny put them anywhere you want there's quite a few moves attacks and equipment that don't have any sound effects yet but still functions somewhat yeah they really need to fix the underneath the map but any gamebreaking glitches I've found can be fixed by quitting and reloading another huge issue is things phasing or clipping into the world the pathing is kind of janky for the pals they've already gotten better at the pathing like what's impressive also is how fast they've had the patches out you know they don't always know what to do or where they're going and the police yes there are police in power this game has a [ __ ] wanted system the police by the dos there is a psychopath on the Lo stop you violated the law for the Empire remember this audio for you should have P the vine what's the matter getting tired if you attack non-hostile NPCs the police will spawn in your anus like they used to in cyberpunk they will follow you no matter where you fast travel so you either let them kill you or you quit and reload the game oh my God I didn't realize it in survival games is is being able to access all of your stored materials without having them in your inventory so you can build craft and do what that is like one of the most Innovative systems in this game that other games just have not even put in and this game already has it in Alpha meanwhile like Diablo 4 like loads everybody's inventory and upon them just you know opening the game without actually going to the box and picking it up and then doing it power world does the one thing that every video game should strive to do give you bang for your buck they really do give you bang for your bck in both senses of the term reason for it undercuts the competition scarlet and violet have been out for 14 months and they're still charging 60 bucks for them that is so insane I don't even think they fixed any of the bugs either 60 bucks for that pig [Music] slop did I mention they're also double dipping on DLC they're s the same DLC twice which by itself is still pricier than pow world it's been like that since every Pokemon game on switch is pricier than pow world really hold on let me look hold on oh my God even like the not like main games are 60 bucks it's crazy it's pricier than power world so power world is Affordable you can play it on PC or Xbox with game pass it has a small file size it's easy to understand you don't need a top-of-the-line PC to run it it checks almost every accessibility box not to mention there has never been an official Pokémon game released on PC to be fa that's like the craziest part of it and like why why I guess I hadn't thought of that either they're hurting themselves to be so exclusive Nintendo doesn't really release games on PC at all but you would think the largest media franchise of all time would at least try to tap into that market reason number five why power world is so popular meability yep yep Merc with a wounded knee I used to be a tough trainer like you then I took to oh my God I haven't seen this person from that giant oh my God I used to be a tough Traer like you but then I took an attack to the KNE ow a Skyrim reference in 2024 that's on the surface power a cute cartoony art style located on a series of Island wonderful such adorable I love it meanwhile this island is a living hell the people I came with us any longer those damned Pals a what everyone of man I got to start reading their text boxes but when more than 100 died I gave up on that idea what the [ __ ] and now standing on this mountain of Brave corpses oh my God I have quite the view the T takes a radical shift towards the maob complet random you know One Moment In po world you're catching Pals and the next moment they develop an eating disorder or have broken their legs true you can force them to work under normal cruel or brutal conditions yep no one's in the wrong here there was nothing to be done we had no choice in all this it is such a me this world is just that cruel you don't just fight Pals you can fight real people you don't defeat them you kill them when I think to myself what is it about me as a Pokémon fan that is drawn to power part of it is the dark undertones of Pokémon that mostly go unaddressed and this is like a satire of that on the main menu screen you've got two lamb balls on mounted mg40 I didn't notice this what I don't know how I didn't notice this in the intro screen I didn't see these Lambs like blasted in the background I'm not sure how how I missed that there's a pal called hang you which in universe is used to carry out public executions by tearing the skin off of their bones Jesus Christ power is popular parti because it allows you to do things that game freak would never even consider implementing in a Pokemon game you know some areas look like they're they're from a Pokemon game but then you go to the volcano biome at night and it looks like demon ruins from [ __ ] Dark Souls dude that's so awesome I want to go there what is this there's an organization called the free pal Alliance we have five traditional Commandments thou must not eat Pals thou must not overwork Pals thou must not abuse wow I didn't realize had a doctor use Pals for experiments th must risk thy life to protect Pals and it sounds like a parody of PETA right an accurate representation of PETA because the free pal Alliance can be seen and murdering Pals I think I love being caught completely off guard and not knowing what to make of this game at any yeah yeah it's like they purposefully make them contradictory of their own statements even and they like double down on it it's so good I love how much this game just doubles down on everything moment power world is a very funny game and it's easy for it to spread like wildfire when there's so many mem worthy moments you can create look at the way it [ __ ] walks oh my God come on look at main character energy bait it is it is absolutely in terms of pal and human breeding stop stop right there okay you want to see something else let's see it is it is number 69 in the pal dead of course it is see I love how much they double down if anybody like doesn't say that this game is a parody game they're just lying to themselves reason number six the pals we can argue about plagiarism and the various designs and if some of them are stolen ideas or not which some of them are might cover that in a separate video but most of them are original and what really sells me on these Pals is the amount of animations they have and the detail yeah that's true when he mines looks absolutely hilarious Moss Panda before he chops Lumber does a little bow like a the pals in this game function exactly how you'd want Pokemon to function in a game like this yeah also if you pet some of them like the the one pal we have you hold her hands instead of patting her on her head and then like gumas you rub their belly like they have they have different animations already and it's only an alpha I guess I'll just say one of the things I like about this game is you can use your pals for everything you'd want to in a Pokemon game where like you know instead of clicking to use the move you like get on the pal and ride them to fly them or you get on the pal and Ride part of the world yeah they're part of your K yes so like's not like an interface cuz there is one when when they had mounts and Scarlet and violet where like it feels kind of like weird like you got to stop what you're doing yeah I didn't want to SPO this but like I think I should you could literally use them to Glide like as a parag glider like you can do [ __ ] with them that like you would think of the the millennial audience of Pokemon is so massive I don't know why they don't capitalize on it yeah like it's really also all of the gliders like all of the pals that work as gliders work differently hang you he actually keeps going up further into the sky cuz he likes to um life end people so he doesn't keep you close to the ground he only goes up so I also like that they have like multiple options for the gliders it's not even just one pal it's like you could pick one and they kind of work a little differently uh because they haven't really had to they haven't had to try the keep getting like I mean yeah no one's putting their [ __ ] feet to the fire but maybe now someone is like if you took this exact idea swwa out all the pals with real Pokemon it would sell millions Pokemon fans would eat that [ __ ] up because they have been so starved for Innovation and new ideas you can utilize and control a huge number of the pals which is one of my favorite features they can work as gliders or gloves or you can pull up lamb ball and use him as a [ __ ] Shield 111 pounds all designed with a unique ability they all have unique animations for a variety of tasks some of them have exclusive moves and animations for that too you know the personality conveyed yeah there's like a lot of personality in the game is what sells you on power world even with the Scuf like there's a lot of a lot of Personality Leander is such furry bit I mean she literally looks like s what is it sal sal salazzle salazzle is also for rebate and um Pokemon cuz I think the other thing that people kind of don't like about Pokemon outside of it all right well I guess it's it's part of it is that like they just smell so corporate they can't they cannot do anything slightly on hinge right and when they do when they do make a character like salazzle they kind of like don't address it and like pretend it's not there whereas this game's like here you go here's the same type of idea in pal world and we are definitely saying it breeds with humans and it is number 69 so in case we didn't double down enough we'll triple down so that you know that we absolutely are are trying to make that apparent we are being degenerate and we are not we are not pretending about it or hiding it behind things or I don't know it's just nice meanwhile game freaks animations oh my goodness reason number seven oh my God you guys remember that look at that what is happening like why couldn't they have even just had like a PNG of a like a definitely not Subway sandwich that goes in her mouth like it's not even facing the right way I can't number seven power is controversial nothing popular can ever avoid controversy and power has been accused of many things like using AI stealing designs plagiarizing from Pokemon where's mer we got yeah that's yo it does have a hat it has a hat too that's that's [ __ ] merro yo that's actually merro he's much easier to catch one I've seen that actually gone all right he's got the shape by the way he's got the shape of the owl in um Animal Crossing in my opinion he's got that Animal Crossing owl boy shape a sus a crow with a hat that's it is a little sus the controversy only seems to be fueling people's girl hold hands with but if you think Nintendo or game freak or the Pokemon company is going to sue power world and its developers they had a couple years to do that they're not going to yeah I was going to say this game's been in development for what three years so they've definitely had the time to do it fre or the Pokemon company is going to sue power world and its developers they had a couple years to do that they're not going to and if they can take down this Pokemon Mod for power world why wouldn't they just take down power world reason number eight yeah yeah yeah like they took down the PO world one they or they took down the Pokémon mod that was in power world like the day of like I think it was like less than 24 hours like they were on that this is the last one and it's big Pokemon [ __ ] sucks right now I have been a fan since red and blue version and with 25 years of Pokemon experience under my Wombo belt I I say with absolute 100% certainty that scarlet and are the worst Pokémon games the enti spin-offs included and they're the bestelling power has inovated the Pokemon formula playet too I don't even remember that be Quest decade plus how Pokemon is the most static inspiring apathetic franchise in gaming power world was made by people who learned how to use the Unreal Engine as they developed the game the game they made is 15 years ahead in technology from scarlet and violet game freak and the Pokemon company haven't had to work they haven't had to innovate does it like because they've had a monopoly on the creature oh my God what the [ __ ] was that what parted hold on push the boundaries what happened here I have never seen the like long boy whatever the hell this is this is really bad I I've seen some interesting bugs but I I haven't seen this one this one is uh exceptional why does that look like PlayStation 2 because I feel like Nintendo switch pretty is a Playstation 2 right because they've had a monopoly on the creature Catra for 25 years power is the first real genuine competition although there's more games on the Play since its Inception you know how I know that because I've only cared about Pokemon since its Inception no other creature catching games have caught my attention man I'm and quality of the Pokémon franchise has gotten so abysmally low that I've gotten to the point where I'm secretly rooting for its downfall I don't want to secretly root for its downfall but I feel compelled to given the complete lack of effort game freak and the Pokémon company continue to show oh my God what's this it doesn't feel like acid is being poured into my so pretty like this area looks so nice yeah that's another good point I totally forgot about that like their games don't even include all the Pokémon they have eyes when I look at Power world no way objects don't disappear or render at 5 frames per second when they're 2 ft away from me holy [ __ ] you can actually see the entire world if you go high enough this kind of draw distance would be impressive for any game meanwhile yeah sure power world was optimized for more powerful Hardware than the switch but uh tears of the Kingdom Xenoblade Smash Bros ultimate Pikmin 4 breath of the wild there's tons of examples of amazing looking games on the switch the hardware is clearly capable of it it's just that game freaking Pokemon company don't give a [ __ ] or they haven't been given enough time to make something that that looks even remotely acceptable you can you can literally take assets from scarlet and violet and drop them into Mario 64 and it doesn't look out of something's not right here this is why the monop look like it just exist it illustrates why monopolies suck for consumers you want a creature catching game your only choice is Pokemon so they'll make it as shitty as they want to and you will still buy it cuz there's no other options now you have an option it's called [ __ ] power world and this is one of the biggest reasons why power world is so successful because it is a great creature catching game that does feel unique the catch mechanic plays out in real time a lot of fans praised Legends archus and hoped that would be the next direction for the series but it wasn't no it was the same regurgitated stale formula isn't it ironic that evolution is such a critical component of I remember playing some of archus and just getting bored with the plot early and then I just forgot to like play it more is is incapable of it going back to Quality of Life power actually lets you control basically every difficulty setting in the entire game meanwhile game freak is removing difficulty options that have existed since gen one they're removing difficulty options why why would you what I don't know it's so weird how like a lot of these companies like really want to control how they want you to play their game like instead of saying like you could play the game in several ways and there's several different things that you could do it's like a lot of these other games that like frustrate people it's it's like because they're trying to limit how you can play the game they're trying to like funnel you in you know they they actually Force the easy mode on you through XP share it's just Pokemon should have a difficulty setting I don't want this to be like Diablo 3 and 4 where I have to beat the game to [ __ ] be challenged by it I hate that [ __ ] give me a difficulty option that I don't have to self-impose on myself okay look g game freak continues to streamline the games and make them as easy as possible so that 3-year-old toddlers can beat them the thing is is like you can have a ver you can have easy mode for the Toddlers and then you could just make a hardcore mode for people who are not toddlers I don't understand why they don't just have both and they just want to force you to play easy mode I hate that [ __ ] power world has a level SYNC feature so even if you catch something monstrously overpowered it can't exceed your own level that's a great way to balance the game so a huge part of power world success is this growing discontent between me and many other Pokémon fans who are just tired of the complacency laziness and incompetence at game freaking the Pok company so why is power so popular well for all the reasons I've been explaining for the last 25 to 30 minutes silly it's a solid addicting game packed with tons of content that absolutely Nails the fundamentals of everything it tries to be and despite taking inspiration from every other game imaginable power manages to feel fresh and original it's such a bizarre game you have to tell your friends about it and spread the game through word of mouth it's easily memeable going for half the price of AAA titles so naturally tons of people are going to pick it up especially when it Bears similarities to Pokémon it's accessible easy to learn and most importantly it's satisfies Pokemon fans who have become Hungry for Change and Innovation I am excited for the future it doesn't take itself too serious for a long time I hope it becomes a regular series if it mity and I especially hope this makes game freak and the Pokemon get off their fat lazy he goes making at least half spare me but what do you think are there any reasons for power world success and popularity that I didn't mention here leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments below like the video If you enjoyed it and subscribe to the pal man for more awesome content M soft all right ev1 that's all I got for today this is the act man signing out peace make sure you guys give the act man a follow he makes really good videos he makes very very good videos like consistently but um I guess the one thing that I I feel like he kind of mentions this but I guess not directly is uh another reason why I think it's really popular is because I think that it doesn't uh it doesn't act like it's on a corporate rail system where they like are not allowed to be too unhinged you know like box cutter experience if that makes sense free to be unhinged or silly or Mimi or have dark topics in it you know what I mean I feel like that's another component where like sometimes the fact that a lot of companies are AAA and they feel like an experience that's meant to just make money I don't know perfect in every way and not risk anything in any shape or form also as of why power world's so great cuz it literally doubles and triples down on things that Pokemon would never you [Music] know
Channel: Rosiebellmoo
Views: 7,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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