Firearms Expert Reacts To PALWORLD's Guns

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this is Jonathan Ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal armories Museum in the UK which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this episode Jonathan's taking on perhaps the weirdest game we've ever shown him power world whoa okay we just shot our animal friend at the enemy why did we do that yes you can it's it's a pen gullet so I don't know if it's like a penguin bullet makes for a good explosive Warhead if you enjoy this kind of content make sure to keep an eye for our latest episode of Loadout which dives into the story behind counter- strike's iconic or sniper rifle right time to wish Jonathan good luck as he takes a look at the guns of power world that is not a terrible representation of how a musket is reloaded if anyone doesn't know cartridges are a thing I haven't grabbed one to show you it's just a paper tube with the ball at one end and powder in it and I think that's what's being flamboyantly thrown up and caught for no reason and then it looks like that's going straight down the muzzle now that's where it departs from reality um what you need to do is bite and tear and pour so that you get a nice consistent load of black powder at the bottom of the Barrel in the chamber then you push down the paper with the ball in it and RAM it down it would work to just slide down the whole cartridge probably yeah you wouldn't want to you wouldn't want to do it because there'd be a risk of of a a hangfire probably would affect your consistency with velocity it would definitely affect accuracy but we do get the ram rod out very very quick spin Ram spin put back you do have to spin Ram rods typically because they have a flared end for a good bullet ramming shape there is a gesture toward priming going on as well so there's like this this cartridge which I don't see getting torn open but then it's not High Fidelity gra Fidelity Graphics so maybe it's implied that it's being torn the cock's being cocked at least the frizen is flying forward when it shoots considering the nature of this game I am incredibly impressed this is one of the more detailed blint locks or muzzle loading weapons full stop that I've seen which is amazing this is not as it turns out what the game is trying to show the game is trying to show a normal muzzle loading musket but I grabbed the hall already so you may as well see it does have a very similar Barrel band at the front there uh with the double straps on the top the rammer underneath now that's interesting with the hall this is because you can load it from the muzzle if you need to cuz how it's supposed to work is actually very cool so flint lock mechanism in the middle of the of the gun rather than on the side and there's a what looks like a backwards trigger is your breach block lever you push that backward and that unlocks the breach which pops up and you still load from the front but you load from here okay so that green thing has an AK he looks quite happy about it as well what's weird is it's scaled very oddly it doesn't seem to be as big as it should be in his hands compared to the player character that is again surprisingly detailed for the style of this game and for the fact that the this is a green cartoon monkey that is wielding this kalashnik of akm we can we can identify it as an akm and even the gas block looks correct for an akm amazingly little cleaning rod underneath the barrel yeah I don't think it if you try and place that in the hands of the of the player character I think that's scaled down for the monkey but he still seems to be struggling with the recoil oh God some the idea that someone out there is making AKs for monkeys is uh kind of intriguing and alarming all at the same time so this thing is huge I cannot stress how enormously huge this thing is is compared to the guns I've seen so far but again detailed there's a moving Slide the slide locks open the reload is quite quite well done so I went looking for huge 1911s CU this is clearly based on the cult 1911 or maybe 2011 actually because it's got quite a quite a wide grip although capacity is only six let's pretend it's single stack cuz this is this is the L Grizzly and um I didn't bring another 1911 to show you the scale but you can probably tell it is also here huge I guess it's like a 1911 Desert Eagle cuz it's that 50 c very awkward to eject but then there's a huge magaz in not unlike the one we're seeing here chunking great slide but we have the classic 1911 controls safety and this gun has a a pretty wacky trigger guard in it the grizzly not so much but it is squared off like a like a sort of Glock trigger guard well more like a desert eagle trigger guard actually and the the width of that grip as well this thing looks like it takes Magnum rounds even though in game it doesn't seem to be any kind of a a magnum pistol but I think I think it's quite a striking similarity considering that this thing doesn't exist this is one of the upgrades that you can give one of your pals give the guy a submachine gun and then he sits on your head and fires alongside you oh that almost looks like a Bolter pistol to me to my un trained non-w Warhammer I I've done it I've indoctrinated Jonathan into Warhammer yes I don't know no I think it does I think it looks quite what do you think it it it jumps out to me as like sci-fi 40K almost Gears of War I knew said Gears of War yeah but I didn't want to detract from the um from the 40K reference but hey I guess I think gears is owes a lot to 40K doesn't it now there are some sort of SES on there there's a there's a rail type strip on the top and what almost looks like a a ring sight like on the P90 mounted on the back considering that's that looks like quite a large weapon and this thing is sat on your head you're losing your hearing in your right ear all like almost certainly absolutely yeah it's it's going to be uncomfortable you're going to get hard bits of metal poked into the back of your head you're going to be deaf probably in both ears but more so in in in one of them yeah if you look at look at it compared to the pistol which is also which is enormous like the scale the pistol is enormous this is a big gun this is the size of the akm that we saw yeah interesting so we got I've seen a number of real world guns so far and then this is the only one that really seems like it's from a different different world again overall more detail than it needed like a a double barrel shotgun we're already familiar with like sci-fi double barel barrels from the Doom games they could have gone very much fantasy with that this is a very conventional side by-side hammer gun side locks there so it's almost like an old flint lock or something in in terms of the lock being built the mechanism being built into steel plates and they are attached to the side of the gun this probably makes people think of the old west the coach gun although this looks like a full length fairly full length gun it's probably not as long barreled as you would want for shooting birds it looks more sort of workmanlike Defense gun something like that but it has quite a long set of barrels there's even a little bead site on the front there well you know I think the action on the shotgun is good as well again it's well modeled we can see right down the barrels we can see the shells in the BS in the in the chambers I should say the mechanism is the brake mechanism is maybe a bit glossed over but we can assume it's a top break it it could well be I just can't see it in detail again pretty impressive this is much more fortn nighty little bit more cartoonish in its proportions compared to the double barrel but the reload is quite realistic looks like we're just not cocking it on the last shot so there's still an empty case in a chamber so after we've reloaded pumping the pump ejects the case I think that's what I'm saying there so in other words correct there's a bolt handle on the bolt carrier which is a bit weird is not normally a bolt handle certainly not a big sort of race gun semi-auto style knob on the bolt carrier cuz the pump is your cocking handle essentially is that something you'd have on like something more more akin to a saiger 12 like a MAG shotgun yeah something in that or even um like you know think of one of John Wick's Gucci semi-autos um would have a great big easy to grasp bolt knob on it because you it's like a normal self-loading firearm [ __ ] it for the first shot and then it Cycles itself with a pump gun it's kind of redundant to have essentially two cocking handles on it but hey the US Army has adopted a rifle with two cocking handles on it so what do I know now as some of you might well have spotted this is actually a real historical firearm pretty close to it this is the Spencer carbine in this case there were rifles as well in fact our rifle in this particular facility is much nicer than this carbine this has been ridden hard and put away wet as they used to say but it's roughly the right configuration for what we're seeing here this has two barrel bands the traditional Spencer carbine has only one little flip up sight just like we're seeing here and then how it works is half [ __ ] or if you're feeling a little unsafe you could go to full coock and then you cycle it so it is a lever action but it requires two steps you've got an external hammer or three steps if you're going to do it safely so half cut cycle the action the the bolt drops out to the bottom of the gun bit like the 1887 Winchester shotgun feeds around from the tube in the butt and then Chambers it up here and then you would go full [ __ ] and fire so multiple actions required but we definitely we very much call this a repeater in case you're wondering about the ammunition it's this here and out comes your magazine tube and it's this very distinctive humped receiver shape you can always identify a Spencer from that now the elephant in the room here is that this is functioning as and is called the singleshot rifle so they have combined the real world Spencer repeater which has the magazine in the butt that I showed you with the sharps which is a dropping Block Sing Le shot so I suspect they got a bit confused or just like the look of the Spencer over the shots kind of combined those two classic old west Firearms yeah your powers don't have to just fight for you you can put them to work in your arms Factory wow I've got a few sheep here assembling my assault rifles for me something a little dystopian about that yeah a nice time I built them a hot tub they're happy you built them a hot tub yeah keep them fed keep them sheltered keep them safe give them a hot tub they just got to [Laughter] work oh God what has become of us as a society Dave did I see you cutting down trees with an assault rifle yeah and is that a an economically viable use of that weapon oh no it was a huge waste of resources but I needed to get a clean take of um the weapon in action as to this assault rifle feels quite generic compared to the the other guns there's a sort of an ar18 vibe to it maybe looks like it could be made out of sheet metal but quite modern it has the patini es rails on the top very hard to place I I wouldn't be comfortable saying that was based on anything in particular other than maybe the big boxy receiver or something like the ar18 ar180 the 18 being the assault rifle the 180 being the semi-automatic rifle so you know how we had the um little guy with a submachine gun on your head earlier this is like the big version of that now you're the little guy with the small gun on someone else's head this really does look like a sort of Pokémon from hell where does his minigun go go when he goes all aggro some questions are best left unanswered I find the the color scheme makes is this meant to be like a Pikachu it's a it's a bigid electric bear instead of a small electric Mouse so I said minigun I don't really think this is a minigun it's more of a macro gun or closer to something like the well I don't know trying to scale it based on the yeah it's kind of kind of halfway between a 20 mm Vulcan and the 762 minigun very much a sort of sci-fi game take on a a chain gun it's not called a chain gun it's called what's it called Dave I think it is called GIS Bolt's minigun GIS bolt oh it is called a Minun okay yeah I mean I guess for him it's probably a minigun those those are probably no bigger than 50 cal those those cartridge cases I'd call it a midi gun almost perfect Browning m250 cal machine guns they have to actually run to like the storage boxes to pick up the ammo as well so you put them to work and then they have to go like oh right I need a belt of 50 BMG for this it's not 50 BMG in game it's just called like rifle ammo it's nuts though cuz there this is so so detailed that it has the correct mounting lugs for a proper Mount even though they're not using the rear logs like they don't need to have that on there but they've modeled it like for the for the type of game this is absolutely bang [Music] off so this is reminding me of an old 80s toy toy range called Dino Riders yeah so this this is kind of a a really weird cutesy take on that concept only the the sort of built-on weapons or the you know equipped weapons on the dinosaurs would stay on them and here they just appear out of nowhere they're not really based on any real world missile or rocket system they're probably closest to something like the rocket pods on gunships like the hind but they're usually round they're not usually Square shaped they need to be somewhat aerodynamic or maybe maybe a groundbased multiple launch rocket system which does have a sort of a squarish blocky assembly that rises out of the bed of the vehicle quite a cartoonish looking rocket launcher I'm going to say it has quite a bit of recoil which it shouldn't have it also doesn't have a hole in the front and the Warhead pokes through the weirdly bell-shaped muzzle it's almost like it's backwards if you spun this thing around that bell-shaped feature might make more sense the Bazooka was named after a made a sort of um homemade musical instrument because it had that flared shape to it but it's at the back the front doesn't need it it doesn't help it makes aiming harder and in this case it causes problems for the graphics it's almost like this has been put into the game backwards whoa okay we just shot our animal friend at the enemy why did we do that yes you can it's it's a pen gullet so know if it's like a penguin bullet makes for a good explosive Warhead yeah you see the conceit of animals going to sleep when you kill them is a little bit subverted by them literally exploding when you shoot them at the enemy they live the P the pullet lives they yeah it lives oh you just do like the return to ball thing and put him in a put him in a box to peel up and then do it again there we are I have underestimated the developers rolling with this as best I can it's a shame that the penguin thing doesn't just have his head sticking out at the end like a human Cannonball he should have a little helmet that he puts on like a human Cannonball but he seems to just stick sideways onto the front of the weapon took no time at all to get you on board with shooting the penguin out of the rocket launcher just needed a helmet it didn't take long the list yep I want to see him coming back and I want to see him wearing some sort of PPE and then I'm fine with it what an absurd game and what an absurd mind I have okay guys we made it through that one that was uh quite quite a wild ride I did in honor of the game wear a a shirt featuring my own animal companion uh that's my cat cobweb so hope you enjoyed the surprising ly interesting and accurate in some cases guns of power world which I gather is extremely popular um as ever guys please do check out our royal armory's YouTube channel socials um our three bricks and mortar sites if you can but we'll absolutely see you here again on Gamespot next week
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 235,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld weapons, Palworld guns, Palworld expert reacts, Palworld firearms expert, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, dave jewitt, loadout
Id: _OvrVNzPDH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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