Pokemon Fans Have HAD ENOUGH! #palworld #pokemon

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you know Destiny is a funny thing I'd almost given up on this YouTube channel entirely about 6 months ago just a total burnout on YouTube I have three or four other channels and this one was my main passion project for a long time but just due to a complete lack of momentum going forward it kind of fizzled out and then 10 days ago I decided to just make a Pokemon ranting video because it was long since overdue and I can see by the comments section and the reaction to the video it was long since overdue for a lot of people and I'm really happy to see that I gave a bit of validation and a voice to a lot of very frustrated folk and here I am making a followup also um I'm in a pretty much empty room and I have an eye infection I've been ill for the past like 3 or 4 days so I'm going to pretty much just have this as a voiceover video and I'm going to read through a lot of your comments and sort of emphasize your concerns with Pokémon and the Pokémon franchise so if you're you're new to the channel welcome if you have just subscribed due to the one video that's got more than 500 views or something like that thank you very much welcome as well I don't know what to promise for this channel going forward I just know that it's going to be incredibly authentic and genuine all right without further Ado let's microphone it up so I've never made a video exactly like this before I am just going to react live to a lot of your comments because I replied to most of them but a week ago is like a billion years at this point so I'm just going to try and give my authentic reaction and add a little bit to a lot of your takes and hopefully let you guys lead the conversation so top comment is from Dark Root Ambush the main thing everyone is realizing from power world we don't have to be complacent with [ __ ] games anymore because now the floodgates of competition are open this is one of the main comments uh or like one of the main points that I wanted to highlight in my video that Pokemon has just had this choke hold over so many aspects of modern gaming for so long right if you think about it there are no there not really any competitors to Pokémon in like that RPG space in like capturing little animals and training them and yeah there's been some over the years but Pokémon has just been dominant and I think one of the main issues lies with you know General enjoyers uh of games like enjoyers of games Gamers um where and journalists where the first thing they think of when they see Power world in the first demo that's just Pokémon with guns right and I use it in my title cuz I or my description I know how to get views but it's one of those where I I think a damaging thing that we do in society is the second we see something that seems similar to an already existing concept we immediately call it a ripoff one of my best examples is Lego any construction toy and there are many good construction toy companies out there but any that aren't Lego are just a knockoff Lego which to me is like seriously damaging to competition it's like stopping Innovation and I think there's a lot of issues with Lego like we don't just want Lego to be the only competitor when Lego has competition they innovate and they drive like they want to succeed like that's all companies companies can easily become hugely complacent if they don't have competition and that's what happened with Pokemon so it's great to see that power world is challenging that Norm and challenging people to look Beyond Pokémon and good me the views on power world on Twitch and YouTube the amount of videos like mine uh I'm not definitely not the only one um just shows it really does show there's a reason why a large contingent of Pokemon fans don't even touch the main Series games anymore and instead content themselves with older games ROM hacks fan games or games like power world High Life prods yeah I mean when I was young I used to love the old school um hack games like rom hack games well the fan games is another one right like everybody knows that Nintendo are horrific when it comes to fan games they've shut down Pokemon fan games that have taken years literal years of people's lives if you want a good video look at EMP lemons uh The Cult of Nintendo or something like that um summarizes it perfectly um where oh yeah the church sacrifices to the Church of Nintendo um that is an excellent video and I highly recommend you watching it it talks about how Nintendo again just like absolutely not only dominate certain digital spaces but also like try as hard as they can to stop competition you even have something like Lego again Lego has some deals with certain supermarkets where they're literally not allowed to stock or like have a very limited shelf space for other rival Brands like it's all choke holded competition um and yeah people have relied on other Pokemon kind of content since then like um I slowly became disenfranchised with the anime because it just became too childlike I have enjoyed parts of it um I don't enjoy when the official Pokemon Twitter account ruins that Ash won the Champions League the day he did it the day the episode a that's pretty brutal but um yeah it it's one of those I can see that a lot of people have been driven away over the years and it's nice to see again with this video that people uh feel the same as me and actually haven't touched the games for many years honestly I hope pal World pushes game freak to stop messing around and put real work into their future games ARA Sante 37 I mean for real though let's just we're on the perfect moment here like yeah that's Arlo's video but like what is this game man like for a start I don't really enjoy that legendary but that's completely like Aesthetics aside we're not talking about the actual Pokemon we're talking about the it's just abysmal like here's the thing if you're walking around um um well actually that's probably a bad example I was going to say if you're walking around a field you'll see lots of wild animals kind of not actually that true a lot of hiding um but still if you like I guess I guess you wouldn't be able to see a little rabbit from across the mountain but the rabbits are bigger in this game okay than in real life I don't know I don't know what I'm trying to say here but um a lot of the time like certainly if you were in like um like Sahara Desert or um an open plane like you'd see animals like you'd see Wild Hing deers from 2 miles away they wouldn't spawn in when they're close enough uh I don't know I kind of lost myself on that one um I struggled the Finish scarlet and violet and legends arus and I am a longtime pokemaniac I'm just dot dot dot tired of their lack of giving any form of a dam it is this isn't a lack of Polish this is a lack of caring I completely agree like it's not about the fact that they released um an unfinished game even though they did it's a fact that they released a game that even when finished is not really good enough like if you if you imagine this like even with you know good render distance good spawning um good frame rate it's still not a good game like I I can't really be convinced otherwise I don't think it's a good game uh now could it have been improved in a lot of ways did they innovate in a lot of ways with this game like they certainly improved on um sword and shield don't get me wrong but it's just not good enough and um it's complacency it's all just complacency um except when you see this comment her herum game freak is sweating so hard right now Pokemon day next oh yeah Pokemon Day is next month that's funny or I guess this month now um yeah they are sweating though like I think um game freak and Nintendo at a large and I do wonder what the relationship between game freak and Nintendo is cuz they produced every Mainline Pokemon game except for the Diamond and Pearl remakes and I wonder what like the relationship is do they all just know like does the Pokémon company hold them accountable when the game is unfinished or does the Pokémon company just look at the bottom line like it's it's it's impossible to say but they must be sweating like they must finally have that heat under their their um I don't know their heat under their chair I don't know they're on the spot very well put well thank you lizard boy Pokemon has been in Decline for a while now at this point it's so frustrating to see there be potential in the newer games that are never used properly it's straight up insulting that power world is able to make a game that uses the potential of Pokémon in a way that is enjoyable while a multi-million dollar franchise that I've grown up with can't make a game that runs properly and you know we uh I I mentioned in my previous video uh the fact that the power world is $35 and Pokemon is $60 and there were a couple of people that said well power world is in a beta and I do get that but it's it's not even 35 when you think about it like well it is 35 Pokemon is not even 60 it's the DLCs as well I don't even know how much the DLCs cost how much do uh uh what is it even called indigo violet DLC cost it's going to be crazy 35 it's 35 there we go dude it's literally $35 it's literally $35 oh wow so it it oh wow wow so oh first of all that screenshot is is making it look way better than it is I did see some comments that it performs better than uh a lot of like people have said um at least the DLC but if the DLC is $35 which I don't know I'm just scrolling through it IG plus no um I don't know also they just look like pows they look like Po world Pokemon I don't know um if it actually cost 35 literally cost $35 is that um is that uh two two experiences um so is that both of them is that Indigo disc and that mask or they cannot be you canot purchase them separately so it's $35 for two DLCs and our literally power world is $35 that's so sad also uh if you enjoy the music Japanese lowii radio 24/7 it's really fun um that's sad man that's really sad oh no it's literally the DLC is literally the cost of the game oh no h saddest thing is that Pokemon will absolutely not change at all parents are still going to buy [ __ ] for their kids because it says Pokémon on the tin casual players that absolutely gobble up anything popular will still get Pokémon Nintendo and Game Freak absolutely does not have to give a [ __ ] about quality in order for Pokemon to sell at all and we'll continue to do so this is like 99% true I would say like the problem between um sword and shield cuz sword and shield was when the the problems really started the difference between sword and shield and like arus or like that timeline yeah I was totally on the ball of saying you know parents and parents will still buy this [ __ ] for their kids but I was totally on the face of like yeah um they're still going to gobble it up like casual plays are still going to want to buy it and that is true um I think it's I think it's more on the pr side right like yeah Pokemon just continues to sell better and better regardless of oh a plagiar there's a PO World plagiarism tier list there that's pretty funny um Pokémon does just continue to sell regardless I do I do agree but hopefully it's the pr side of things hopefully it's like the number of people and like will this like will power world take it away from other Pokemon games the real test will be when the next Pokemon game comes out which will probably be this year unless Pokemon are smart and they might delay it because they're scared now um but who knows straight facts brother thank you Pokemon has just become the Japanese Call of Duty not giving a damn anymore I don't know anything about Japanese Call of Duty but sure more wanting to throw you DLC and whatever else has a good game and keep pumping it out because it's not because why not it's Pokemon it makes a lot of money I remember when the next Pokemon Direct was an event where you were on the edge of your seat dude really though to see what Satoshi and his crew were cooking up this time I remember watching the Sun and Moon announcement dude the X and Y announcement let me tell you when that X Andy announcement first came out I was so so excited yeah it was literally like Pikachu like from some sort of like Paris uh biome um dude I remember I I think I remember every frame of this trailer legitimately I yeah dude and then and then Chespin comes out first like I think I remember this trailer all the way through oh wow and yeah the the excitement I had for this trailer and I know a lot of that is is growing up uppr right because you know obviously if if well at the same time if this kind of game was announced today like Loki if Pokemon want to succeed and I would love to hear your thoughts about this down below if Pokemon want to succeed they should just release um a a a retro looking game not this chibi stuff with the diamond and pill remakes just do a retro game just like take it right back and like make people desire um make people desire like wait these are not my comments what I did not get 3,300 comments um um yeah okay okay they're back um yeah I don't know I don't know um I would love I would love for you guys to say in the comments down below um what do you think would be a um a a good next move for the Pokémon company what should the next game actually look like so spark fading spark fading spark Pokemon has kind of had a monopoly of its little genre of games for a long time I think a little competition SL rival we can only be a good for the game I've seen the same thing happen with the Sims franchise they have ruled the life simulation genre and it has made the games become steadily worse now there are finally more life Simulator games starting to make oh there's more life Simulator games starting to be made and it's hopefully going to make ea/ Maxis work harder on improving Sims but have they actually done that yet I don't know if the same thing is so the same thing has happened into the Sim franchise with actual um you know new games that are not Sims um but we're yet to see if Sims has actually improved yeah I would love to think of an example where um pressure from other Studios has forced a game to innovate um I'm sure there's a lot out there a lot of good examples one thing I will say is seeing all of this Discord surrounding Pokemon power world makes me want to go back to on my DS and play some of the older games to get a glimpse of the magic I felt with when I was a kid this is that thing about Nostalgia right and I always um I always kind of like think about how healthy Nostalgia is and like how beneficial Nostalgia actually is because sometimes Nostalgia can blind you and sometimes you really do need to move on in life but there is nothing like I think a good example is say of like um it like like Charizard is the best example right Pokemon are obsessed with Charizard and they need to move on but everyone just has that Nostalgia towards Charmander and Charizard and now it's become so popular with things like the trading card game that Pokemon just keep on ramming home with Charizard and it's getting boring um but yeah I I feel you though um there is no greater Nostalgia on this Earth than me flicking on my Game Boy Advance SP and seeing uh the Pokemon Ruby logo come across the screen nothing nothing better to me um in terms of nostalgia I saw the linearity of uh sword and shield when the trailers first dropped and the fact that the wild area is quite basic along with the bad vibes that they lied about using new models and stopped buying new Pokemon games dude I forgot about the lying about the models stuff that was another thing brought up by that uh that that really legendary content creator um um he made the videos high quality animations I showed some of them in the video Yeah distant Kingdom yeah he he was the one that start like yeah you can see it's literally that that that one piece there it's good that that's the thumbnail cuz that's probably the most insane one the fact that they literally just had the same animation between two of the rivals between two games garbage like absolute garbage crazy that that is actually something that they did just blows my mind um I think I cut I cut Dragon Nami off mid sentence or mid paragraph I may buy Legends arus but seeing scarlet and violet releasing this St it did I just can't bring myself to buy another one I was hoping the gem 4 remakes would kickass just like oras but instead I got burnt by by a Faithfully bad pair of disappointments yeah dude so the oras remakes oh my God I yeah the the Ruby and sappire remakes I I I want to make sweet love too um but it is depressing yeah and the first like the second I saw the chibi announcement and like Pokemon can do that I I got no issue with them doing a chibi esque uh reimagining of a game but like the second I saw the chibies I was like nope I'm good I need some immersion um the lack of competition and the love for a product/ brand will always end up causing the people behind it to cut corners and become lazy I hope this finally sends a wakeup call yes Crystal wasn't on the Game Boy Advance it was on the Game Boy Color looks at my copy of it did I say the advance um that's probably cuz I just played it a lot on the events my first um no huh my first Pokémon game was Pokemon Crystal and my first game boy was the Game Boy Advance so I mean I definitely got them both at the same time maybe they weren't yeah I got to look into that I guess they weren't released at the same time that's bizarre um year of release for Pokemon Crystal I thought it would like stop me the anyway 2000 I stopped typing for the last four letters instead of just finishing the damn word um 2000 okay year release for Game Boy [Music] Advance okay 2001 so maybe I got both of them at the same time the purple one was my first ever Game Boy still got it interesting I'm disappointed at some poket tubers like the guys at the hidden power podcast that are just criticizing the game without touching it instead of being open to whatever makes yeah well see the problem is they also like they feel threatened as well and it's it's a it's an inherent problem with um really any kind of research any kind of media that are linked to one specific thing because when you're intrinsically linked to one thing you have to see that thing succeed um I mean there's so many examples I could give a funny one I could give is um ancient Egypt right and that seems like a weird one to give but ancient Egypt um if you're a egyptologist if you're if you're if you're in um archaeologist then um if you can't really go and do research in Egypt without basically meeting the standards of what they considered to be like the timeline in the history cuz they don't want anything to undermine their sacred history and um it stops a lot of research and then if you sort of say if you want to come up with a new theory about say the construction of the pyramids if you produce that theory you're going to be heavily criticized by anyone else that has the opposite Theory the one that they're trying to hang on to cuz like think about it if you're an archaeologist you've created a theory for the for the pyramids construction you've that's your entire life's work and then when you're 80 some random young guy says actually it was done this way and you're about to lose credibility for your entire life's work you defend it and it's the same with any YouTuber that's linked to one brander IP they have to defend it because they want their livelihood to continue like they want the popularity of Pokemon but I agree with you it is that I think it's the moral obligation to um you know view everything um without bias and and actually you know present the proper evidence to people for me the problem started with X and Y oh interesting the game started becoming brain dead easy but they did yeah they did um putting mechanics that couldn't carry through generations I didn't even try sword and shield scet Violet because Pokemon broke me as a fan back then broke you as a fan ah aus I'm so sorry to hear that power world is in the vein of what people are expecting let me hop on my favorite Pokemon and run around interact with stuff similar to how breath of the wild is while the game has flaws it's a game as Paradise nice Legends arus was a format smv needed to build on I couldn't get myself to play scarlet and violet past the Pokemon League I don't I don't know many people made it past that my guy in defense of Team yell I guess I'm okay with them not really being bad guys and just man stands I mean it can't get bigger than destroying the universe and submarine devil Pokemon himself right what did I say I guess the evil Deeds peaked right there yeah yeah it is one of those um I still like even if team yell exists I still need some kind of main antagonist and Pokemon missed a beat with not just having something like Team Rocket and having branches all over the world and having like characters from different Team Rocket CL interacting and Waring with each other and all sorts of things but they just want to dumb it down and make it child friendly and it's sad because Pokémon edit core it never was child friendly the whole concept is not child friendly you know what I hate the most out of the modern Pokemon games The Raid battles so I don't know enough about this I remember I was interested by this comment they are essentially pay to win content where the difficulty is so ramped up that I honestly don't blame people hacking the best mons into the game so the sequence breaking when you get that massive boost debuff off and deliver a powerful attack is where I draw the line because the Pokemon takes five to six turns setting up in your face yeah okay set up ter remove all debuffs and St effects um yes I don't know a lot about this but um I would love to hear anyone else's takes on current raid battles down below raid battles I mean um gigantamax battles were something that I was really excited about I still think the gigantamax theme just absolutely slapped but um yeah it it it did fall flat on delivery um it really they did and and you're thinking about like the the like the context of terama maxing that you have this this uh this I don't know if it came from space but it's a crystal that basically enlarges Pokemon sizes to like absolutely monstrous degrees you could have taken that in so many directions you could have gone Godzilla mode like you could have had like a Tyranitar that like gigantamaxed and then burnt through a city like there's crazy things you could do I'll defend the pre- switch Pokémon games until the I die hell yeah um Pokemon alienate its own audience now it's paying for it you do not take away features such as the national decks game freak does not own the concept of catching monsters and training them exactly what I was saying there were games that came before game freak absolutely I honestly don't think game freak should be the ones to blame here if you play the story and explore the ideas they explored game freak have a lot of good ideas but they are forced to make them Bare Bones because they are just put under tight deadlines see yeah I I mean I I will I will hear you out there Conor St um it is definitely a point now um another thing you can leave a comment down below if you'd like I mean do you think sword and shield in its final form if it was completely bug free is enough same as uh scarlet and violet God pigeon just flew past my window and like scared the life out of me oh God I shouldn't admit that on a camera um you must do something right because you randomly showed up on my feed and I just assumed you were a big YouTuber with the thumbnail and quality at the start of the video I had a quick look at your video playlist and your last two videos are definitely an improvement in terms of what is considered a clickable thumbnail nice let's have a quick look see um yeah yeah I mean they're they're they're they're pretty clickable look at them I want to click on them um that one not so much that one way too busy um actually you probably can't see the fourth one cuz it's off screen I'm not recording the entire screen my bad anyway let's read a couple more and then sign off we're already 26 minutes in all right we are in the meat and the grit of the situation um I went straight to the comment section did not even watch the video I mean you could watch the video though okay we'll put a smirk so we we know we uh wait hold on I've got I've changed now and I don't have a Apple keyboard so what what is the slowness of this um I've just got to like load up a smirk got to type in and load it usually cuz I had I had like a a MacBook Pro like um one of those screen bars or whatever it is so I just had to type the word smirk and it would show it but then sometimes I would forget to actually like press it and I'd just leave the word smirk or the word love people thought I was weird anyway one of the issues with Pokémon is that the game never grew up with its audience from the 9s fair enough fair enough enough oh my God I'm my friend I'm with you 100% and I'm also a lifelong Pokémon worshipper since the release of red and blue but every single point you have made hits the nail on the head and I hope instead of just trying to throw a lawsuit at the power world team they treat it like they have sat on a wasp and up their game to the level it should have always been they have halfast their jobs far too long and ripped all their loyal followers clean off knowing we will keep on buying wake the fop game freak we got a city to burn listen to the people that pay your bloody wages so yeah that that is an interesting one uh that that a few people have pointed out like is it a game freak issue or is it a Pokemon company issue cuz I think it's still got to be a bit of both but I would be leaning more to what towards it being like a a a game a Pokemon company issue because yeah there are a lot of good ideas in in game free games like they do continue to innovate the formula and they have been listening to feedback and bringing in open world slowly but it's just not good enough and it's just not enough polish like imagine if they'd never done sword and shield and imagine if it was just Scar and violet and it taken four years to develop that would be nice okay um so I think yeah it's time to wake up everyone I think that's about enough comments for today um I really hope you enjoyed we're going to be hitting about the 30 minute Mark and that's probably about time to sign off but let me know what you think of this formula let me know what you think of my comments let me know what you think about everybody else's comments and uh yeah thanks for um a really beautiful boost suddenly over that km Mark I got about 250 subs from this video which is pretty good conversion rate and um yeah I mean the sky's the limit everybody thank you so much for tuning in um and this has been Pokemon boy Simon Says and I'll see you next video I don't have an end card yet so I'm just going to stop the recording in three two
Channel: Simon Says
Views: 19,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, palworld, pokemon with guns, new pokemon clone, pokemon vs palworld, palworld rip off
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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