This Developer should be worried | Why Is Palworld SO POPULAR?! And... AWESOME?! Reaction

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guys if this video gets let's say 500 likes I will do a PO World smash or pass now unless you've been hiding under a rock you have probably heard of the game called po World we've even done a couple videos on it ourself uh this is one of those games that came out and is basically what happens if Pokémon had a beautiful love baby with Ark and guns lots of guns you build bases you do all it's basically what the entirety of the gaming sphere have been looking for from a Pokémon game game for a very long time but the people who made Pokémon are as inclined of listening to their Community as I am to not having a contion every 5 minutes so it's no surprise that when this came out the entire internet lost their Collective minds and actually started enjoying it and are giving praise for people doing what they want but the question is how how and why did this become so popular so quickly a question that the philosophers of our future shall surely be asking in an million years when the remnants of the Pokémon franchise are smoldering and the superior pal world will be on its 19th Chapter so we're going to do a bit of a deep dive we are going to be looking into the question and answer as to why poo has become so popular in my mind I do believe it is because of what I said a second ago it is a craving and a demand that has been met by a company that is willing to listen versus a company that has been stagnant for multiple years but I guess we'll see what the video we watch has to say about this yo pal World hey pal world we are like pal world right I mean judging by how many people been playing on the server for our community which by the way if you're watching on YouTube you guys should go join our Discord and join our community pal World server just saying um so we have a video that kind of explains everything that I was kind of looking at and talking about earlier in regards to why PO is so popular and it's by our favorite buddy the actman so let's see what this gentleman has to say he's a scholar I I want to see what he has to say I wonder if his his postulation is the same as mine ah yes the battle of the century the ages of future will guys I'm going to be a buck 50 I haven't liked any of the Pokemon designs in the last two seasons like Pokemon sword and shield Pokemon scarlet and violet whoever they have in charge of the designs at uh Game Freak they are just a goddamn sorry I'm Sid trck let's let's focus on the video this this is not a video about me raning about Game freak's intellectual [Music] bankruptcy yeah so how before we start how many of you guys want to take a guess and say that the entire comments on this are are the Pokémon stands who are like don't bully the multibillion company they're trying their best they're just a small Indie Studio actually something I I wanted to mention this game reminds me a lot of dauntless the uh Monster Hunter World The Monster Hunter free-to-play version kind of game got very similar Graphics suppose it's because they made in the same engine Pokemon with guns words that will Peak your immediate curiosity and interest props to whoever came up with on the Internet or the Albert Ein like in your mind you think hm pokon with guns that sounds stupid but they make it work like the gun play in this is unironically hysterically good like everything about this game you think is like Ah that's stupid that that would never work together but wait of marketing because good God power world is doing numbers oh if you've been on the internet in the last couple of weeks you've no doubt heard about power world who no I haven't but please tell me more yo look at me dude dude I can pick up a peak character design I see that he went to my school of how to design your characters why do you think character creator of why you think and today this is the question I'm going to answer design why is power world so popular and awesome I've compiled eight reasons why In This Very video reason number one word of it it is surprised everyone especially its developers who apparently were considering bankruptcy if the I okay so they made craftopia craftopia had to fail so poor could run I don't think palor was ever going to not be at least a success I just don't think they were predicting how much of a success it was going to be I think that was a big uh postulation here that people were expecting it to be too like they hit the M Marine Mark right on the line they made enough of a satire and enough of a meme so that people like ha funny but they didn't make it so memy that people couldn't take it seriously people saw the elements of survival with The Arc combat and the Pokémon elements and we're like hm but what if this does end up being good which if you want to know why this works is because they created Intrigue they did something that was outlandishly different that never been done for and this all like ties into itself at some point and it's the fact that they were willing to do something that people hadn't seen that people have been waiting for and although people were probably very you know cynical and probably very untrustworthy it was me enough to be funny to create interest but it was serious enough to the fact that people were thinking to themselves what if this does end up being good what if this is a game for the time being in the short term I can laugh at and be haha funny stupid things but in the long time maybe I will enjoy this game didn't sell well I don't think they have to worry about that looks like there's been a change of plan this game's trailers did not attract a sort of viral attention and so what I think we're is one of the most successful in video game history Pokemon we saw these on stream together and we were like oh my God this is going to be the best thing ever or the worst thing in existence it okay yeah come up here either way no matter the success of this game we will succeed the game is literally like this game is the is the epitome of how you balance sort of I say hyper realistic Graphics but still make it cartoony like good graphics but still cartoony Sonic learn a thing or two Sonic what oh my holy [ __ ] Jesus ah yes my favorite uh Mech game these are cannons Blastoise these are cannons not Firearms we're so close I say I mean let's face it Pokemon is obviously designed much more with kids in mind it wouldn't exactly work well with the parents demographic parents would let them watch it unheard of in the world of gaming it's like they guns day before [ __ ] that game power world has I mean there was that question right like this game was so abstract and obscure and weird there was that big question of was this just going to be a scam were they going to release the game and run with the money I mean the developers had been known for doing that before with some games like they'd release a game give it a little bit of support but then after it would sort of Fade Out in a little bit they just abandon it entirely so I'm hoping that because this game is so successful they're going to keep going with it reached power levels that seemed impossible hitting over 2 million Milli it's impossible it's not like second only to pubg the game that arguably popularized the entire Battle Royale genre that's more concurrent oh you would wouldn't you oh you would you would use that clip wouldn't you man I wonder what 2019 PewDiePie would think of 2024 PewDiePie if any of you guys have been watching PewDiePie's art Journey recently it's been an inspiration this was a man who was having a midlife crisis PewDiePie these days based levelheaded and the epitome of someone who's got far too much time in their hands that's more concurrent players than Counter Strike [ __ ] Counter Strike has ever Happ so world do you understand how crazy this is power sold over 8 million copies in less than a week probably more by the time you're watching this for reference million sold 10 million copies on the first three days and that was [ __ ] Pokemon gunch of all that is truly the epitome of what I was saying that really does go to show how starved the Pokemon franchise was Innovation and something that was something that was new and actually had some passion put into it you cannot like you look at Pokemon scarlet and violet they were a mess on their launch they it wasn't just the sloppiness but the fact that the SLO from a multibillion dollar company how L how sloppy the game was was more of a dash to the audience's trust than it was anything else like the how with how little Innovation there was with how little there uh of an imp like sure if you want to play the same game over and over again with a couple extra bells and whistles here that that's great I mean you always get more of the same thing like more of the same thing is always nice but having something something new and outside that box helps innovate and the trouble is with how sloppy scarlet and violet were on launch from a multi-billion dollar Community it all it did was create apathy and if there's one thing that kills a franchise it's apathy if there's no trust from the audience people aren't going to have faith in the product anymore and that kind of shows with freaking pal World pal world is doing everything pal world is doing everything that Pokemon should have done in the last 5 years and it shows with the numbers shows with how eager people are for it and there was much rejoicing this isn't just insane it is insane in the membrane the Indie developer can come out with a creature catching game that Rivals that of the largest franchise of all and in one attempt as well one attempt this wasn't even like a sequel think about it some games have to build themselves up together the fact this was an instant thing like a lot of people I think in the in the first couple of days the people who bought it were like ah let's see what these memes are all about and then all of a sudden they were like whoa whoa this is actually pretty freaking good and that was then everyone else's Turn Point to be like yo we taking this game seriously yo is this actually the Pokémon game we've all been waiting for spoilers it was which is why it's done the numbers keep up with it in sales relatively reason number two why power hold is so popular this is an easy one it's a damn good video game Power I mean it's got It's got it bugs let's face it the developers the developers are not exactly big like even with craft toia they have a very they're they're an indie Studio at best maybe doublea Studio at best so obviously when you've got a game with this kind of scope you know it's going to have issues that's just the way it goes like small Studios do not have the QA of you know your big names but if anything that's more that's more of a reason why freaking game freaking Nintendo should be ashamed of what they've been putting out the fact that the fact that palor a game from a studio that's the size of the average incels dick kind of emphasizes the fact that there's no excuse why a game like Pokémon Scarlet or R uh scarleton whatever should be that sloppy there's no reason at all is like cell it combines the DNA from all these popular games and different genres to become this [ __ ] Supreme super being you got the cartoony art style gliding in third person shooter combat of fortnite they even have shields in this I was about to say I I like that comparison I really like that comparison this has the same Vibe as when fortnite popped off and you want to know what always draws in that conclusion of why something becomes popular it's because it's something that Tres something different something that innovates and something that has and let's face it let's face it child friendly cartoony Graphics will always draw in an audience it's why fortnite was so popular it's why anything that ever ends up being popular skiy toilet [ __ ] anything that is that is like loud equals funny or bright shiny it's like dangling a pet some shiny keys in front of a toddler right it doesn't matter what it is so long as it's cheap or free and as long as it's cartoony and Whimsical it works that was what actually predicated Pokemon being successful in the early days it was cute it was Fluffy it was colorful it was everything that kids loved they finally had something that they could relate to that was cute fluffy and you know Fantastical and I guess that's kind of why this works in the same sense this sick ass butterfly Twist by the way what the [ __ ] was that it doesn't take itself so seriously that it's like oh yeah play it's it's memes enough so that the kids of the generation be like o mem SK toilet ski oh you do a back flip but there's enough seriousness with the crafting and the adult content even adults will play it but it's cartoony and Pokemon enough that the kids will like it this is a game for simar to breath of the wild with multiplayer guilds [ __ ] it throw a grapple hook in there too a gra hook right a fat alpaca while shooting a musket sure they even let players make Abominations in the character Creator I [ __ ] you not I seriously hope they expand on the body creation process cuz my God I think this this is only the beginning I want to have the ability to make the worst monstrosities imaginable and if the body becomes so uncapable of moving that it shouldn't and you start getting glitched textures [ __ ] let me do it anyway let the memes be dreams not because they said Americans sometimes like to make ugly characters and while you might think it's easy to take ideas and inspiration from all these different places throw it in a blender and hope it turns out great Hala 4 taught us that doesn't always pan out well we've seen plenty of copycat games right Doom clones Halo Killers Etc and most let's not forget uh every like back in the early 2000 like early 2010s how every other year there was going to be the wow killer of the time these games live in the the shadow of their inspiration but we are witnessing something truly magical power world is actually competing with its inspiration it combines so many different elements of other games there is an element that I don't think he's going to capitalize on and it's one that's actually pertinent to this and service FES people like pervers cute innocent things and if the Pokemon franchise is anything to judge by if you bring out a game that has animals Pokemon like things of course the the furries are going to instantaneously be like Oh I'm going to make my O My OC based around that character it's about relatability if you make something relatable if you make something that people can immerse themselves in there's more like it's all about making it as approachable as possible and these guys knew that these guys leaned on that so heavily lest we forget about the pal 69 fraking uh love Vander I think it was called and the amount of like there are there there are some Pals in this game that you can 100% tell that when they were designing them they were like ah yes the internet will surely love this one that it actually becomes unique like sell for a game that feels like one giant sh fact that fan service is a big free marketing Ploy like if people are willing to make artwork because you made a sexy thing in your game it's a literal it's free advertising are you serious wow this game isn't real there's so many ways to upgrade your pals and optimize them a much less time consuming tedious process I haven't gotten this I'm I'm still relatively early in the game so this is bit regular Pokemon games like the way you power pal up is better and more fun yes I totally agree with that this is something that Pokemon's been needed to innovate on for ages like you catch a Pokemon and it's basically a black and white with maybe one or two extra abilities you can get give like Pokemon needs to make the way you interact with your Pokemon more Dynamic there needs to be a way of implementing more personalized adjustments to that character or to that Pokemon sorry I'm going to ask a very humble request please don't do that we're recording something but thank you at least wait till the video is over than modern Pokemon what are the offer offer P Pokemon has needed something like this for a long time that's you have all sorts of different passives positive wood the negative traits there's a ton of different moves that pal guys if this video gets let's say 500 likes I will do a PO World smash or pass can learn which happen in real time combat instead of turnbas so like you actually have to aim this [ __ ] if you're controlling the pal which you can control a whole lot of them the PVP for this game is going to be I that music from pokon BL red you know micromanaging your base with Pals and the task you give them it reminds me managing I'm not a furry but of managing I made this comment when we were playing for the very there she is there she is oh my God breeding that's right she'll breed you whether you're looking for it or not I I I I made this comment actually when we were playing the game for the first time I said that playing how world or even survival games like this feels like an RTS it feels like you are building up a base going through the Tories it has that same cathartic element of progression and that was one of the big selling points for me in fact I really want to play maybe today sometime there's like a little real strategy to it resource Gathering Base building and pal training are all things you can invest them get each other wet and get Aug return wrestling any reason to be me to reason number three the content and polish this is Early Access done right when you comb the phrase dud people keep forgetting this game is still early access this game isn't even fully released yet this was just them their way of saying hey guys uh you can jump on the game now if you want and the fact that it's like this at this point dude I again I I'm this is the this is one of those rare times where a game releasing an early development has done itself Justice because I can guarantee you the money they make from this now is going to help the game have so much more polish in the future they're going to hire more people they're going to get better quality control they're going to put much more into it a lot of the time when a game is released in early Alpha it reeks of desperation and sure some sometimes the money you make can help develop the game but here's the big problem and this is something that a lot of people don't quite recognize when you release a game in early Alpha you are blowing your proverbial load you can only make an impression once and once people have had that impression they're not as likely to come back a best the best examples I can make of this dauntless spell break both of these games were and still are good one of them did shut down but that's beside the point the point is both of these games released bare minimal content so obviously initially people were like okay that's kind of cool but because the the threshold was so low because there wasn't enough to PE keep people around the attention got dropped so quickly and because of that now even if they were to release themselves in their fullest form they would never Garner that same kind of attention because people already have their preconceived notion of what the game is like you cannot capture lightning in a bottle twice you have to make sure that the first thing you release makes the biggest impact possible if you are going to do an open alpha or if you release the game too soon or if you do what Warframe does and tease too much too early nobody's going to give a [ __ ] about the game in its fullest form it's it's it's unfortunately the patch 22 of the thing like you want to get attention so so you need money but to get money you need attention to get attention you need money but the second you get money you no longer have attention because you released the game early you can build up from there and a good example somebody just said No Man's Sky you can build back from that but it's very rare for every one no man's Sky there's 30 other games that have tried an early release and failed it does happen but very rarely I think that's something that not many people usually a recipe for disaster but power world defies the stereotypes around Early Access titles because and again it it just works somehow it's more stable and Polished than a lot of AAA games manag to be the G play is solid and that's most what you just said that is very true games like this games like Boulders Gate 3 and there are a lot of indie games that have come out recently that are putting the AAA franchises to [ __ ] shame the fact that you can get small Indie Studios with a tenth of the budget putting out this kind of stuff puts all these triaa develop now there is a slight analogy here that I I think that not many people talk about that can be uh spoken about in the favor of the Tria developers and there's a reason why this happens and I think it's it's important to at least take this into consideration in the fact that when you have a double when you have a smaller Studio there are you know let's just say for example uh how do I do this again yeah so let's just say for for example up top here in green this is your this is your doublea this is your in Indie this is your Indie pipeline this is your Indie developer to them they are dealing with pre production and then post production there are very few cogs in this wheel in in this process to get to the end and this is this is something that kind of pays dividends when you think about how a game is released that is a very simple process very simple from start to finish there's not many things that come between the beginning and the end but when you look at a AAA Studio making a game you've got pre-production you've got post-production you've got uh the higher ups you've got marketing you've got uh focus groups you've got all these other me mechanics and if one of these fails then it has to be taken all the way back to the beginning and constantly recycled and then eventually the process of getting to the end becomes so much more of a tangled maze with convoluted overlaps and problems intersecting with each other it's a mess it's an absolute mess so it's not there's it's almost like success is a boo a Bane in of itself because when you add too many cogs to the wheel when you are successful to a point where you have to uphold a standard sometimes having that success means you have to implore so many elements to that process that the bureaucracy of it all dampens the process and I think there's a I think that is something that AAA developers are not willing to acknowledge sometimes it's yeah I mean and and even on top of that there's also greed Pride there's the ignorance there's the blatant just apathy and lack of care but the sake of pump and passion just talk about passion there's so and and and all these extra things I'm saying are just extra cogs in in the wheel when you think about the Indie they have a simple idea a simple concept A simple process because that's what they want to do they have they set up with this idea because there's no shareholders really to kind of Panda to there's no apprehension Indie developers have it slightly easier than triaa just for the sheer at least in process in process the process for Indie developers is not bogged down by bureaucracy or as much as what a tripa develop would so this explains not only why triaa developers might end up having to put out [ __ ] I will say for all the com all the conversation about comp compli uh comp complexity 90% of this does also come down to just blind ignorance AAA developers just don't care they had money before they will have money afterwards more often than not like a lot of these companies like EA blizzard they are too big to fail even if they put out something that does not work work they are still going to have money afterwards whereas an indie developer they are they have much more on the line so they have more they have more of an urgency to make sure what they do is what people want and comes out in a way that people will like and there's there's a lot of minutia that goes into that with Indie versus triaa but that like maybe that hopefully kind of analogizes it slightly for you to help you understand why this kind of stuff works anyway let's keep it them in real time avoiding attacks power World Nails the fundamentals and provides a ton of content at the same time it makes the trainer an active participant in the Pokemon formula how many of you guys have ever watched Pokemon and thought wow why didn't they above what most people expect from an early access title it feels complete in concept and because of that I'm not too bothered by the rougher areas of the game multiplayer and guilds are a great feature I played a shitload of and just like that power world is something me and the boys are going to keep playing for a very long but muler stability is by far with Indie developers as well you the audience is usually a lot a little bit more lenient towards scuff CU you kind of expect that like you're not going to have the same expectations from a double a developer as you would a triaa developer so you know and especially if the if especially if the developers are honest like they'll be like oh yeah no no guys we're not trying to Market this thing as this flawless game like conceptually an early Alpha is always going to be here's the concept here's the idea yeah it's not perfect yeah it's got a bit rough around the edges but here have have some fun with it usually AAA developers are then going to be like all right guys here's the Early Access it's the best thing since sliced bread there's nothing wrong with this whatsoever and if you think that it's wrong you're just a an ignorant [ __ ] boy go [ __ ] yourself Todd Howard as it's pretty solo there's a few animations that could use some work all right check this [ __ ] check this [ __ ] oh no like you'd be on her head or something and yet this is still smoother animations than Warframe uh planes of when it launched janky fny [ __ ] yes as we find the lavander is definitely a top attacks and equipment that don't have any sound effects yet but still functions somewhat occasionally you can spawn underneath SCU like this makes games endearing found can be fixed by quitting and reloading we not talk about [ __ ] escape from talk of and the scff in that game World sometimes this kind of stuff makes the game endearing and makes you like that's cute don't always know to do or where they're going and the police yes there are police in power world this this game has a [ __ ] wanted system well man that this dude he did the same thing I did I literally did this myself I tried capturing her and the police were like n mate you're [ __ ] going to the you're going to the Bobby mate you're going to the Bobby you've uh you're being reported for shanking without a license path on the Lo stop you violated the law how was I the game is like oh yeah no you can definitely enslave people and create slavery if you want but there is repercussions if you attack non-hostile NPC the police will spawn in your anus like they used to in cyber Punk they will follow you no matter where you fast from so either let you or you quit and Rel the game one of the greatest features ever in survival games is being able to you might think that getting wanted is bad did you ever consider that being wanted is merely free reinforcements you get yourself a wanted logo you go to a place you've been struggling with and you take those Gods with you and get them to fight each [Laughter] other so you either let them kill you or you quit and reload the game one of the greatest features ever in survival games is being able to access all of materials without that convention so you can build craft and do whatever the [ __ ] you want without actually going to the and picking it up and then doing it power world does the one thing that every video game should strive to do give you bang for your buck yes which is why reason for something a lot of games at the moment don't do games most games unless stated otherwise should be a power fantasy something that Warframe and a bunch of other games have been struggling with is removing that agency of power if you are playing a game with no Competitive Edge where it is entirely about power and fantasy stop nerfing things stop trying to be stop trying to have agency over how the player has fun the player should decide what it is they want to do yes everything should be powerful enough that it's going to do good damage and live up to the standard of what you're doing but why Nerf things that people are having fun with like you should be letting the player make the decision for themselves rather than trying to shoehorn them into playing the game the way you want to that is not the responsibility of developer it is the responsibility of the developer to make a game that facilitates the needs of the player and I'm I'm that I feel like that's where a lot of games just drop the ball a lot is they start making the decisions for the player rather than letting the player make the decisions it undercuts the competition like Warframe has made so many Nerfs to things that people found fun because they didn't see it as like Optimal for that pig slop yeah this is what I was talking about multi-billion dollar company guys multi-billion dollar company don't be mean to them guys don't be mean to them they're selling the same DLC twice which by itself is still pricier than po World in fact every Pokemon game on switch is pricier than po world so power world is Affordable you can play games expens orx with Game Pass it has a small file you don't need a topof thee line PC to run it it checks almost every accessibility box not to mention there has never been an official Pokemon game released on PC to be fair Nintendo doesn't really release games on PC at all but you know what I think I think Nintendo are the epitome of an outdated company like Nintendo EA Ubisoft the companies and Studios that have not been willing to adapt to the modern audience I think they are the epitome that like they are so ingrained in their old ways of doing things they're kind of be starting to be left behind and it shows like this game power world it shows that without without without failing without failing I think the largest media franchise of all time would at least try to tap into that market reason number five why power in 1991 and it's going to work now mercenary with a wounded knee I used to be a tough trainer like you then I took to then I took an attack to the knee from that giant a skym reference in 2024 what year is it on the surface poal presents itself with a cute cartoony art style located on a series of islands populated by such adorable Critters look at them look at look at the cute little monsters let's [ __ ] kill them hell the people I came with aren't with us any longer dude that that's the thing I that I talk about this a lot in movie telling and storytelling how if you are trying to make something like really enthralling have something that's really cute really adorable and then have really gritty undertones like yeah this all looks really cute and fluffy but dude these Pals eat people this is a gory ass game with a very misleading uh style like you're like oh it's all Pokemon and then you real there's V then you real they're all eating each other and murdering each other and there's black markedness and [ __ ] like that I say every one of them I tried making Graves for everyone at first but when more than 100 died I gave up on what the [ __ ] and now standing on this mountain of Brave corpses I have quite the view the tone takes a radical shift towards the maob at complete random random you know one moment in power world you're catching Pals and the next moment they develop an eating disorder or have broken their legs what you can force them to work under normal cruel or brutal condition guys if you if they're hardly if they're not working hard they're hardly working put those [ __ ] to work they they chose their lot in life they chose to get captured by you so they have the responsibility of keeping with the demand we can't keep producing Mai merchandise when we're only working normally we cannot keep up with demand that way no one's in the wrong here there was nothing to be done we had no choice in all this because this world is just that cruel you don't just fight Pals you can fight real people and you don't defeat them you kill them when I think to dude could you imagine could you imagine in Pokémon like the only time actually do you remember the only time in Pokemon they ever already dealt with the concept of death was Lavender Town I guess kind of like imagine if you're fighting a Pokémon and rather than saying uh Cubone fainted it said Cubone was viscer and died qone was taken to the hospital and died on the operating table what is it about me as a Pokemon fan that is drawn to power part of it is in dark undertones Pokémon that uned and this is like a satire of that on the main menu screen you've got two lamb balls on mounted mg 42s there's a pal called hang you which in universe is used to carry out public executions by tearing the skin off of their bones Jesus Christ like I know some of the Pokemon descriptions are kind of dark sometimes like you read too much into Pokemon and even that gets kind of gritty but Jesus that's literally an anthropomorphic noose power world is popular partially because it allows you to do things that game freak would you know what this all can be like boiled down to Powell just don't give a damn Powell don't give a damn what you think if Powell's going to do something Powell's going to do it never even consider implementing in a Pokemon game you know some areas look like they're they're from a Pokemon game but then you go to the volcano biome some areas look like ring demon ruins from [ __ ] Dark Souls what is this there's an organization called the free pal Alliance we have five traditional Commandments thou must not eat Pals thou must not overwork Pals thou must not abuse Pals yeah that's just that's just Peter Peter The Noose is here thou must not use Pals for experiments thou must risk thy life to protect Pals and it sounds like a parody OFA right but it's actually an accurate of the pal Alliance can often be seen shooting and murdering Pals I think I love being caught completely off guard and not knowing what to make of this game at any given moment power world is very funny game and it's easy for it to spread like wildfire when there's so many mem worthy moments you create look at the way it [ __ ] walks oh my God yes queen I'm going to [ __ ] your mom tonight oh she's going to love it yes Queen going to be breeding yes literally I guarantee you this thing right here is why 70% of people played this game they like but can I get bread to which uh pal was like yes yes you can she's walking with as much sass as I do going for the for a freaking hot dog I'm going to get [Laughter] thaty what did I say oh whereare oh wa guys this is not pre-at I swear to God I am just really good at predicting things is absolutely furry what did I say though like people don't understand just how much power Fes have people don't understand the power of horny people don't understand the power of fandoms fandoms will sell products if you panda to a fandom you are likely going to draw in near enough all of that fandom and what's one of the biggest fandoms on the planet FES you may not like it you may not want to admit it but furries are huge and most of them have such a disposable income because they all sit inside being antisocial [ __ ] all the time like the average furry is some it to it genius who's got no real reason to go outside so they sit indoors commissioning furry porn all the time they've got no expenditure so the only thing they're going to do is play games that Panda to their demographic or bu porn I'm just saying human breeding stop stop right there and weees and wee yeah weees as well okay you want to see something else let's see it is it is number 69 in the pal deck of course it is oh my God that's [ __ ] freaking thing on its crotch the crotch tattoo makes sense if anybody like doesn't say that this game is a parody game they're just lying to themselves reason number six the pal we can argue about plagiarism and the various designs and so this is the one part that might be a little bit which some of them are might cover that in a separate video but most of them are original and this is the concept that YouTube needs to [ __ ] learn and it's called transformative you can be inspired and it can be transformative plagiarism only deres when it's a one toone copy or blatant plagiarism if there is a very evident attempt at Innovation and transformativeness then there is no leg to stand on when it comes to making something the only reason the only leg that Pokemon will ever have to stand on with um the only leg that they will ever have to stand on with any kind of lawsuit with this game is potentially maybe one or two designs because no like the the line of plagiarism is quite a trou Bome one I can't remember where I left off cuz we got raided but uh point is plagiarism is a very hardess thing to do and the only the only thing that it'll say about Pokémon if they do decide to sue pal world is how insecure they are about their own product cuz this is not plagiarism this is innovation inspiration and it's very transformative and what really sells me on these Pals is the amount of animations they have and the detail of them you know depresso when he mins looks absolutely bro me off after 54 days of doing a donathon just like me I see myself in this Pokémon MOS Panda before he chops Lumber does a little bow like a Sensei kind of cute little exactly how you'd want Pokemon to function in a game like this you know one things like even if Pokemon does end up releasing something like this in the future because they now feel like they have to like I guarantee you I guarantee you Pokemon are now going to be like ah yeah we dropped the ball didn't we they're either going to do one of two things they're either going to be suddenly making a game of this nature and then own it as if like oh no we were always going to make a game like this always were you know Al Todd Howard style or or they just double down and they don't bother but I guarantee you if Pokemon ever releases a game like this it will never live up to the kind of quality of pal world not to mention as well the bubble's been burst by pal world no matter what Pokemon does to uh to respond to power world existing Pokemon will never make something as good as this very unlikely and even if they do what they put out would very likely have the same quality as what they've done with the most recent Pokemon games like there just wouldn't be any heart behind it it would be a egregious grab for attention to start try and stay relevant you can use your pals for everything you'd want to in a Pokemon game where like you know instead of clicking to use the move you like uh casell says game freak actually tried to soothe power but lost law suit which is a big win for transformative content game freak need to do better that yeah exactly well I I was just saying the only reason like sure it's similar it's obviously satire but it's not plagiarism it's just like people know what and what isn't plagiarism the only reason why Game Freak would ever sue them is because they are it's because they feel threatened and it's so hysterical multi-billion dollar company threatened by small Indie Studio that's has done what they should have done years ago I mean bureaucracy and drama of like AI which has proven false and plagiarism I even with looking like that that's a separate subject in itself but I want Powell to succeed much for the same reason all these under other indie games recently should be succeeding and blowing up like uh lethal company these games need to succeed to put AAA games in their place get on the pal and ride them to fly them or you get on the pal and ride them part of the world yeah they're part of your kit yes so like you the celery you can get I didn't want SPS but like I think I should you could literally use them to Glide like like you can do [ __ ] with them that like you wouldn't think of audience of Pokemon is so massive I don't know why they don't capitalize on it uh because they haven't really had to they haven't had to try yeah so this is this is something that a lot of games TR struggle with if there's no competition so competition breeds Innovation get it breeding uh when when when when you are when you have a monopoly you have no reason to innovate you have no reason to develop because you have the capital on everything why Try Something dangerous when you could just keep pumping out the same crap and no people are going to buy it look at Star Wars World of Warcraft um Pokemon a lot of these mainstream companies only keep putting pumping out the low Effort garbage because they know they can Call of Duty [ __ ] anything of that nature uh Counter Strike uh that that all of those kind of games that do the same thing over and over again because they know there's nothing out there that will compete with them this I would love to see what Pokemon does with this now that they know that they're not the only team out there that are making something good getting no one's putting their [ __ ] feet to the fire but maybe now someone is like imagine if you took this exact idea and swapped out all the pals with real Pokemon it would sell millions would eat so actually uh I don't I don't know if uh I I can assume that actman recorded this a couple days ago um Pokemon fansa and swap out all the p with real Pokemon it would sell imagine if you took this with real Pok it would sell millions Pokemon fans would Pokemon and swapped out like this this this thing this uh this this thing here this was for so this investigation was not to the game itself it was the mod somebody made a mod putting Pokemon into pal pal tried suing sorry Pokemon tried suing pal but it uh sorry they the the Pokemon suing pal world was misconstrued and it wasn't pal they were suing it was the people who put Pokemon into pal world and technically I guess that was a decease and desist against pal but it wasn't a a lawsuit it was just try to say hey can you not have Pokemon like it was it was quintessential uh Nintendo and Pokémon being like yeah we're not going to let you have fun yeah we don't like competition only we're allowed to have fun here again if anything that just even reeks more of desperation like imagine if you took this exact idea and swapped with real Pokemon it would sell millions Pokemon fans would eat that [ __ ] up because they have been so St for people people are devoted to a franchise even like look at look at Star Wars like arguably Star Wars 7 8 and N were atrocious but people always go and watch them because it's got the word Star Wars on it sometimes people are so enamored by a franchise they don't can they like even if even if the next Star Wars movie was a literal rotating platform of dog feces they would still go watch it because it had Star Wars on it people are so enthralled by an IP and a name that they don't care what it is they produce just so long as it's got the name of what they enjoy on it that's why Pokemon is still relevant in new ideas you can utilize and control a huge number of the pals which is one of my favorite features they can work as gliders or gloves or you can pull up lamb ball and use him as a [ __ ] Shield 111 all designed with a unique ability they all have unique animations for a variety of tasks I'm going beest looking at this makes and animations for that too you know the personality conveyed through these animations huh the average furry OG is what sells you on power world meanwhile game freaks animations oh my goodness reason number seven power world is controversial nothing popular can ever yes another concept controversy drives stearing from Pokemon where's merro as the uh average um alinity or amaranth stream would indicate even bad attention is good attention apparently but drama and controversy does Drive attention so they knew how to the thing is power world knew how to draw the line they knew how where just enough was to stop hello there not to go over the line but just short enough so that they could still be like you guys like a bit of Juicy drama obviously like whoa did these guys copy Pokemon like you may not like it you may not like Powell but you can't deny you've now heard of it because of the drama no yeah that's yo it does have a hat it has a hat too that's that's [ __ ] merro yo that's actually merro okay but it's different cuz it's go all that's a little sus a crow with a hat that's it is a little sus the controversy only seems to be I'm not going to get into the concept of like transformativeness and you think Nintendo or game freak or design if you will toe power and the line between how you define what is isn't plagarism is kind of take way too long take down this Pokemon Mod for power world why point is power very smart they knew what they knew how to make something transform enough to make it their own [ __ ] now um $68 by the way $68 correction $120 for the mandatory DLC you'd need to buy to then get the later content I have been a fan since red and blue version and with 25 years of Pokemon experience under my Wombo belt I I say with absolute 100% certainty that scarlet and violet are the worst Pokemon games in the entire franchise spinoff included like sword and shield were kind of fun like I I played sword and shield as my first Pokemon game in probably about five or six years and I I kind of play I played those and I still had a bit of reminition of how much fun I had with the original Pokémon games but after having not played a Pokémon game in almost like 5 years it just felt the same it felt like it felt like I was still playing Pokemon Blue and Yellow in red just with 3D which again that's not necessarily bad thing people if people like something they're going to want more of what they like it's just inevitably people will want something better and they're the best selling power has innovated the Pokemon formula more than Pokemon itself has Pokemon still like a DS game I don't think that's really a good argument because if Nintendo were willing to upload to PC short but they make they make Pokémon for the very outdated switch like they make it they like here's the thing and this is like a this is a different conversation about the ethics and uh limitations of consoles Graphics are always hampered by the lowest common denominator the weakest modern console is what drives down the development of every single game because if a game is being made for multiple platforms they have to make it in mind with the weakest of those platforms so when you have a jump in console Generations like when we get the switch 2 or when we had went from PlayStation 3 to PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5 Etc every time you get a new generation of consoles you tend to find that Graphics across the entire spectrum of games goes up because the Baseline has been raised the the the minimum requirements of Technology have been raised that allow you to accommodate better graphics now that's not to say you can't do good things with [ __ ] switch look at uh uh the new Zelda game like you can do great things with it and it if it just it's just harder to do so like uh Zelda pushed the limitations of the switch to the max the problem is Nintendo still have that same problem but they're not willing to do what Nintendo uh what Zelda did to make it look as good um and in some respects that's kind of why palad has a slight Advantage cuz they're making this game for PC rather than switch Yeah the point is uh the argument of graph isn't usually a good one cuz that's more of a limitation of the of the platform and the whole ethics of uh graph graphical Generation Um degradation so you know that that is what it is and then it does it does make a difference but it's you can't really compare because of how different platforms are limited decade plus Pokemon is the most static lazy apathetic franchise in gaming is this Scarlet is this the new [Music] Pokemon gaming power how do you make such a a freaking downgrade how do you go from something so colorful vibrant and personality driven to this who at Nintendo or game freak sat there looked at this and said yeah you know what that works I too love having so much boredom in my life that my eyes want to rot out of my brain like I it baffles me like I get I get that uh converting into into a 3D world is kind of you're going to lose a bit of that like stage that you have with this kind of thing but power world manages to make the combat look colorful and vibrant was made by people who learned how to use the UN engine as they developed the game and yet the game theyve made is 15 years ahead in technology from scarlet and violet game freak in the Pokemon I don't dislike Pokémon games but there is a reason why I prefer this to whatever the [ __ ] the new Pokemon games are I think when Pokemon left its top down isometric nature and converted into 3D it lost what made Pokémon so original and organic I would actually prefer Pokémon to go back to the sort of like 2.5d element this to me was PE Pokémon in terms of aesthetic just a little bit of 3D still that original kind of composited like organic Pokemon that you remember and it made it stylized it made it cute colorful cartoony and now now [ __ ] Pokemon archus all these newer ones just look like they were produced by Clive Barker haven't had to work they haven't had to innovate or push the boundaries because they monly on the creature catching genre for 25 years real genuine competition that Pokemon has had since its Inception you know how I know that because I've only cared about po since ination no other creature catching games have caught my station breeds status quo and quality of the Pokemon franchise has gotten so abysmally low that I've gotten to the point where I'm secretly rooting for I don't want to thank you for the dude apprciate it but I feel compelled to the complete lack of eff the Pokémon company continue to show oh my God what's this it doesn't feel like acid is being poured into my face and eyes so this was this was the problem I had with archus archus wanted to go down a bit more of a gritty kind of like more open world environment and I get it it was an early attempt but I'm sorry like again the comparison of PC versus Nintendo games I know Nintendo is but but archus and even uh scarlet and the newer ones like they had they have decentish gameplay I guess but everything just looks terrible like there's no color there's no vibrancy it's all flat and boring and you can absolutely make these kind of Worlds feel interesting and Lively even with a switch we've seen that from fraking uh Zelda and other switch games look at Power world it's just laziness it's utter laziness from Pokemon without a willingness to try and make it's it's quality control there's no willingness to make Pokémon look even even in the areas in Pokémon that are supposed to have color it looks desaturated and boring and I don't know from me holy [ __ ] you can actually see the entire world if you go high enough this kind of draw distance would be impressive I will say I don't think that um actman comparing the graphics is very valid just again because of the reason of like development Origins a game made for a game made for the switch is never going to look as good as something that uses unreal not really I mean if you go super high hyper stylist style can always outweigh Graphics it's why uh Team Fortress 2 even after 15 years is still a gorgeous looking game but you know in zanzo that's but if anything that's more about Pokemon's lack of innovation and lack of willing to try and make something that works game meanwhile yeah sure power world was optimized for more powerful hard guys I did not watch this I did not pre-at this Smash Bros ultimate Pikmin 4 breath of the wild there's tons of examples of amazing looking games on the switch the hardware is clearly capable La theep Pokemon company don't give a [ __ ] or they haven't been given enough time to make something that looks even remot I think that's a valid that's a valid comment as well uh look at Call of Duty if Call of Duty didn't release a game every goddamn year I guarantee you the quality of the games they do put out would go up probably not by much considering they just don't give a [ __ ] anyway and it's more about the ethics of how they make their game but a big part of the reason why some of these games do look terrible is because the people they do have working on them are crunched to [ __ ] it's about trying to put the minimal amount of effort in possible to make a viable product to maximize the amount of money you gain from it well we could hire 200 staff members and make something better but that costs money what's the least amount of staff we need to hire to put out a functional game well let's just get 50 they can still put something out it might not be good or functional or be very well thought out but people will still buy it because we're Pokémon you can you can literally take assets from scarlet and violet and drop them into Mario 64 and it doesn't look out of place not right here this is this is why the Monopoly board game exist illustrates why monopolies suck for consumers you want a creature catching game your only choice is Pokemon so they'll make it a sh do you guys remember Pokemon Snap in Pokémon Stadium for the N64 those were better open world Pokemon games than Pokemon Scarlet as they want to and you will still buy it cuz there's no other options now you have an option it's called [ __ ] power world and this is one of the biggest reasons why power world is so successful because it is a great creature catching game it all goes back to what I saying is willing to do what Pokemon isn't a lot of fans praised Legends archus and hoped that would be the next Direction I look I get the archus was meant to be a little bit more gritty but even for a even for a Nintendo game it's like they looked at Zelda breath of the wild and were're like okay we're going to copy the homework a little bit but not enough to make it look as good as what we want but not little enough to be able to attain what we didn't want just pick a freaking lane I know arus was kind of ACC claimed for being pretty decent and I get that regurgitated formula isn't it ironic that evolution is such a critical component of Pokemon and yet this series is inable I agree a step in the right direction it's just a shame they didn't double down enough to really lean on it every difficulty anytime Pokemon does try and do something that is even mildly Innovative they don't do it enough because they're too afraid of change they're too afraid of trying something different in risk of it failing and yet I said this earlier if you have if you are a multi-billion dollar company you have the assets and the viability to actually make something that might not be as that might not be a success you have the you actually have the fallback like if something isn't a success you can at least do something else later whereas an indie company they have one chance usually if if they release a I mean they even said it the developers of Po world were going to close if po world wasn't a success they only managed to make Po world because craft toi was just enough of a success to fund pow game meanwhile game freak is removing difficulty options that have existed since gen one they they actually Force the easy mode on you through XP share it's just Pokemon should have a difficulty setting I don't want this to be like Diablo 3 and four where I have to beat the game to [ __ ] be challenged by it I hate that [ __ ] give me a difficulty option okay that goes into a different subject I think accessibility and difficulty are a very different subject continues to streamline the games and make them as easy as possible so that three-year-old toddlers can beat that's I think that um someone in my chat just said this Exp share is not difficult it's grind there is a big difference between what is difficult and what is just a grind something that is difficult is not like if something something that is a tandem something that is just a grind or tedious that is not difficult that's annoying something that's difficult should be a challenge and you should at least have the ability to decide whether you want to have a challenge or not and they just want to force you to play easy mode I hate that [ __ ] power world has a level SYNC feature so even if you catch something monstrously overpowered it can't exceed your own level that's a great way to balance the game so a huge part of power world success is this growing discontent between me and many other Pokemon fans who are just tired of the complacency laziness and incompetence at game fre in the Pokémon company so why is power so popular well for all the reasons I've been explaining for the last 25 to 30 minutes silly it's a solid addicting game packed with tons of content that absolutely Nails the fundamentals of everything it tries to be and despite taking inspiration from every other game imaginable power manages to feel fresh and original it's such a bizarre game you have tell your friends about it the issue that people might have had the would just feel to titles so naturally tons of people are going to pick it up especially when it Bears similarities to Pokémon it's accessible easy to learn and most importantly it's I don't think I mean it was said already I don't think power's perfect and there's obviously a lot of issues but it is still very early development so let's see where it goes I guess fans who have become Hungry for Change and Innovation I am excited for the future I love act man has said everything that I've been saying in much more concise words regular series May car consider that pord has sold over 7 million copies already and at 25 a piece that gives them about 122 mil after paying the steam 30% and what not in less than a month they achieved that oh yes we talked about that earlier in fact it's 18 million now very true though very true we we talked about the whole uh element of how they've earned that selling as much as they have like making the game affordable and accessible in terms of the price means so this is something that I I get like the ethics of pricing something is kind of complicated especially for bigger companies uh because there's more that goes into developing something but there is that dichotomy between making a game affordable and accessible versus pricey and validating the cost of development I think in terms of games that are more Indie in terms of games that require people to be in them if you need an MMO if you need a game that is multiplayer if you need a game that requires a community to populate its environment I think it's much more important to make that game accessible and cheap so that you have asses in seats because once you have an audience that is captivated because you made it accessible you are going to make up like if you would have charged more you would get less people buying it because it's outside their price range but having it more affordable means more people buy it so you make up that dividend by having more people buying the game maintains this level of quality and I especially hope this makes game freak in the Pokemon company get off their fat lazy asses and start making at least spare me but what do you think are there any reasons for power ition thank you for literally saying everything that I've been saying in a few more concise words oh boy well nice to know that my entire consist my entire uh expectations of the game has been kind of validated well what do you guys think ladies and gentlemen if you have thoughts on this if you've been playing pal one you know what it's all about and you got your own opinion please let me know down in the comments if you just use this to validate your own opinion like I have then also let me know and if you feel like coming by the twitch side of things there'll be a link to my Twitch down below or you can use the old search bar to find me as well either way I hope you enjoyed the video more to come soon and uh twitch says you're cringe so bye
Channel: MakariMORE
Views: 15,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld reaction, palworld trailer reaction, palworld pokemon, palworld review, palworld trailer, reaction, palworld release date, palworld game, palworld vs pokemon, palworld controversy, palworld ai, palworld news, palworld guide, palworld reactions, palworld early access, vldl palworld reaction, first reaction to palworld, palworld game trailer reaction, first reaction to palworld trailer, first reaction to palworld gameplay, makari, actman
Id: vLFi7ilFOKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 0sec (4200 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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