Starfield - How To Become Insanely OP Early! Best Skills You Need To Unlock First (Sarfield Tips)

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one of the coolest things about Starfield is that almost every type of playstyle is possible there are lots of skills that let you go in guns blazing become one with the shadows and hunt for critical hits or manipulate and talk your way out of every situation skills in Starfield become increasingly stronger the more you rank them up so today we'll take a look at some of the best of course free of any spoilers and while we're going to focus a bit more on damage in this video keep in mind that you're absolutely free to play your own way now there are 82 skills in Starfield split between 5 distinct categories each with four distinct tiers that will progressively unlock as you span more points in them so you will need to spend 3 points it will category to unlock tier 2 7 for tier 3 and finally 11 to unlock tier 4. as you level up and gain additional skill points you can then spend them to unlock new skills but also to rank them up and make them a lot more powerful even gain new effects up to a maximum of Rank 4 for each skill so that's quite a lot of levels but we're going to focus on some of the strongest beginning with the physical skill tree so the physical tree has probably the highest concentration of really good and useful skills in all aspects of the game especially in combat if you want unarmed damage or super high health regen even better ways to jump and maneuver around the environment or gain an insane boost to stealth this has all of that and more starting with the Tier 1 Fitness a more straightforward unlock this is basically going to provide you more oxygen levels and oxygen kinda acts like your stamina you don't really want to run out of that too much and almost every single action will cause oxygen especially if you want to Sprint around or charge up powerful melee attacks this is going to be what you need and every single rank provides an additional 10 increase in the oxygen levels available up to a maximum of 30 percent but at Rank 4 this is going to further make sprinting and power attacks to use significantly less oxygen so especially for the sprinting it's going to be very useful cool but then we have the stealth skill and this is going to be yet another Bethesda game in which stealthy characters are absolutely busted so ranking this up is going to provide you with a stealth meter it's going to make you 25 more difficult to detect at level 1 and it's also going to make your suppressed weapon damage to do an additional five percent sneak attack damage every single rank couple provides an increase of 25 to that detection difficulty and a 5 to the sneak attack damage so by Rank 4 you will be a hundred percent more difficult to detect and your suppressed weapons will deal 20 additional damage but you also get another Advantage which is the fact that opening up doors will no longer alert enemies if you do so while in stealth mode so you can just sneak around the base a lot easier so enemies do not detect you but you can truly Skyrocket your sneak damage and bring that stealthiness the true Next Level by getting the tier for concealment in the same skill tree so just that rank one alone you no longer set off enemy mice and not just that you arranged sneak attacks now deal two and a half normal damage meanwhile you're mainly sneak attacks do four times the normal damage which is absolutely busted and it only goes even more up in damage the more you rank up concealment so buy rank for your ranged attacks now deal four times normal damage Meanwhile your mainly sneak attacks deal 10 times the normal damage besides at Rank 2 you get running while sneaking which is not going to deactivate stealth anymore at Rank 3 you gain a chameleon-like ability that's going to make you completely Bland with the shadows and avoid enemy detection and by Rank 4 if you engage in stealth it's going to cause distant enemies to completely lose track of you now of course there are other great skills here too like wellness to boost up your HP even more ways to increase your carry capacity and resistance to stagger but those are pretty self-explanatory and you will just know when you need to grab them depending on what type of gameplay you want probably the one you should pay special attention here would be the tier 2 gymnastics because this is going to let you unlock a combat slide it's also going to reduce the fall damage when you need to even stabilize you a lot more in zero g and there are quite a few moments when you will fight with enemies in zero g and not just that by Rank 4 you can further increase your jump height run faster after combat sliding and it's going to help you a ton to be a lot more mobile especially since we're going to invest in the next skill tree and that brings us to the tech skills so this is going to focus a lot more on the technology you can install on your character on your ship to improve your piloting skills but also to manipulate and hack into security systems however probably the best must have unlocks here is the Boost pack training this is what's going to give you that jet pack that you can use to just maneuver around the environment jump to new heights even like just makes it better for exploration so rank 1 is going to let you to utilize that so you will probably want to rank this up to level 2 so that it consumes less fuel Rank 3 so that it regenerates fuel more quickly and then finally Rank 4 is going to double all of these bonuses so that you can use your Boost back much more often and for much much longer another very useful ship here especially for those who do plan to use ships extensively is piloting so this is going to let you use those ship thrusters increase the maneuverability of your ship and even have the ability to Pilot higher class ships than the ones you get by default there's also security however so there are quite a lot of locks in this game that you might want to unlock and break into maybe access the new area or open up a container so security is going to help you a ton with that this is going to let you attempt hack Advanced logs and also provide additional Auto attempts for each rank up that you get so you can progressively unlock more difficult locks like Advanced expert and finally Master Level even expand digipigs to eliminate keys that aren't required to solve the puzzle from here on out it's all about the ship agrees that you really want depending how deep you want to go into like space piracy or space fight so you can upgrade various subsystems such as Shields engines different weapon types depending on your choice heck you can even install experimental ship modules via Starship design and become better at repairing your ship depending on the choices you make now the third one is the combat skill tree this provides more specialized bonuses to different types of Weaponry especially in the first couple of tiers so if you really enjoy ballistic weapons for example or melee the more advanced versions of laser particle em and having weaponry and everything else in between this is the place to grab them however tier 3 and 4 is when you can grab the really powerful more blankets type effects that affect all areas of your combat for example tier 3 has Marksmanship this makes your weapons a lot more lethal with an increase to critical shots so the first tier right here will increase your critical chance with non-automatic ranged weapons by 3 then 8 and then 15 however by Rank 4 this is the one that you really want because Critical Hits using non-automatic ranged weapons without a scope do double damage and those with Scopes will knock down enemies on the next shot so you play a stealthy James Bond kind of character that plays with a silenced pistol you're going to get absurd amounts of damage against enemies or if you use a rifle instead with a scope you can just pin down enemies on your next shot and keep them busy that way then we have rapid reloading this is just going to be useful for every type of weapon to not stay there and wait too much to shoot again so ballistic energy em particle beams all get a 30 faster reload speed with this but at Rank 4 you have a chance on hitting enemies to increase your reload speed for all weapons by 50 or 15 seconds which is absolutely insane now at tier 4 we have two more very strong abilities that can further build up from that stealthy gameplay but it can literally also work for any type of Gunplay so one of them is armor penetration and this just makes your attacks to ignore a percentage of your Target's armor up to 50 at rank 3. however at Rank 4 when you score Critical Hits it's going to further debuff your enemy's armor by another 25 for 6 seconds this further synergizes very well with sharp shooting and other tier 4 skill here which is going to just make Critical Hits deal more damage and even increase the chance for you to do Critical Hits so rank 1 2 and 3 progressively increase your critical damage for headshots or enemy lags and finally all critical damage by rank 3 when you use ranged weapons however by Rank 4 when you defeat an enemy with a ranged critical hit you're going to increase your critical chance by another 25 for 20 seconds so that's going to make it pretty much a complete build with everything we just talked about and and like just get insane damage numbers plus a lot of benefits to debuff your enemies at the same time of course you don't have to go in guns blazing as I've said there are many ways to play and this brings us to the social skill tree so this is going to give you a lot of ways to manipulate others through the power of speech gain or even craft extra resources and obtain different bonuses for your companions when they are with you so if you like a non-combat approach you can boost your chances to persuade others but you can also have more nuanced options see for example you want to make enemies completely stop attacking you you have diplomacy or make them flee in fear from you you of course have intimidation and you also have instigation if you want to make them attack their own allies this is also where you can become a bit better at piracy with the deception tier 2 skill because this is going to make it possible for you to automatically make ships much higher in level than you to basically surrender to your piracy demands and it's going to all also make enemy Contraband scans to become less efficient a lot less efficient actually if you go to Rank 4 which is going to reduce that by half basically but two other skills here that could work with a more wider range of builds could be isolation the tier two one so this assumes you prefer a more solo approach to combat fitting a lone wolf kind of playstyle so each rank gives extra damage and damage resistance for each spacesuit and helmet equipped as long as you don't have a companion or crew with you so by Rank 4 you will do 40 more weapon damage and you will gain a 60 damage resistance for each space suit and helmet equipped when you don't have any companion or crew nearby so if you want to plan with this route you can even use this with the introvert trait and basically get a lot less oxygen consumption when you go in alone which can be quite useful we also have the tier 3 Outpost management so resources are going to be extremely important here to craft additional shapes to craft additional items even like suits and weapons weapon mods and so on so the tier 3 Outpost management can boost how much you gain from the resources you can extract if you go with that route so rank one two and three just helps you a lot with having additional cargo robots and even crew to be assigned at your Outpost however Rank 4 is going to make Outpost extractors to produce twice as fast of the resources they extract so it can be quite helpful for that type of gameplay so if you're planning to dive really deep into Outpost gameplay and create a ton of outposts all around the Galaxy then you can also pick and combine this with the Outpost engineering from the science skill tree so this is going to let you construct improved Outpost modules and even research additional modules at the research lab eventually this is going to let you construct other Cutting Edge modules that you cannot get otherwise and even like make them cost a lot less resources by about 50 percent at Rank 4 and this brings us the fifth and final skill tree the science this is going to help us a ton with space exploration planetary scans and resource collecting but can also boost our research projects to gain improved crafting recipes so at tier 2 we can already unlock two very powerful crafting related abilities called space to design and weapon engineering which is going to let us craft cutting-edge spacesuits and Master Level weapon mods so the first one this is self-explanatory we can craft higher and higher grade spacesuit and helmets as well as pack mods that will help us A Thon to provide additional abilities with our spacesuits You Can level this up just to rank 3 and get The Cutting Edge variants to craft however you can also bring this to Rank 4 and occasionally not have a cost of resources when crafting them maybe keep that point for the weapon engineering because this is going to give access all the way up to Master Level crafting of weapon mods so you can craft improved weapon mods as a weapon workbench and even research additional weapon mods as in research lab and the more you rank this up all the way up to four eventually you can research and craft Master Level weapon mods which are going to be much more powerful than anything else and like I said with the Outpost building if you really want to dive deep into that type of gameplay science kill tree has one more ability here called planetary habitation this doesn't just increase the total Max Outpost you can build which at Rank 4 would be 16 but also the types of planets you can place them on so you can now build them on extreme pressure gravity and so on these types of planets that you normally cannot and would otherwise need other ways to navigate so yeah lots more content like this coming up for Starfield on the channel again we're also doing that giveaway so if you want to stay up to date with everything regarding the game totally make sure you subscribe leave a like on this video and activate that notification Bell and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 150,412
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Keywords: khrazegaming, starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield beginners guide, starfield tips and tricks, starfield secrets, starfield skills, starfield news, starfield update, starfield info, starfield news today, starfield news update, starfield best, starfield best build, starfield best ship, starfield best skills early, starfield best gear early, starfield things I wish I knew, beginners guide starfield, starfield factions, starfield 2023, starfield background
Id: 74JYVCviit8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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