People who have lived on a haunted house, what was your scariest supernatural encounter? part - 2

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serious people who have lived in a supposedly haunted house what was your scariest supernatural encounter what was it like part two i lived in a house that was built in the 1950s and didn't seem to be very updated the house i don't think was haunted but the detached garage sure as hell was my buddy and i had a gaming setup out there keep in mind this garage is super messy we had a couch and a tv with my ps2 in the middle of the mess one night while we were playing games i heard a woman talking and her three kids running around laughing at 3am i looked over at my friend and he was like what the f was that we both just kind of convinced ourselves that it must have been from the game so we continued to play pretty soon we heard it again so i paused the game and we both listened didn't hear anything for a good two minutes sure enough we hear the lady talking to her kids and all of them laughing again we both freaked out because who in the world would be out at 3am next to our garage with their kids so we both had to crawl over all the crap in the garage to see who it was when we opened up the door nobody was there we both sprinted back inside the house and checked periodically for anyone outside a couple of days or so go by i was bored and my friend was busy at the time so i decided to go out into my garage all by myself to play games sure enough i hear the same thing again with the kids and the mom but this time the door started shaking i immediately froze then there was hard banging on the door at this point my body went into fight or flight mode i always told myself that if i was ever caught in a supernatural situation i wouldn't try to be sneaky if this thing wants to kill me it better do it right now so i jumped out from the couch leaped over all the crap in the garage and sprinted towards that door blasting through it i sprinted towards the house without looking anywhere around me when i made it through the door i vouched to never go out into that garage again during late hours oh and when i went inside i realized i stepped on a nail my adrenaline was pumping so hard i didn't even feel it all these events happened at my dad's house he still lives there bless him i moved in while i was in my early to mid 20s he was military and going to be gone for a year so i got a job up there and lived in his house but moved up a few months before he left at first i really didn't have too many bad experiences it was new construction he was the first to live in it we were in a subdivision etc so not the classic haunted house trope things started off super small and random [ __ ] i could easily brush off hearing knocks seeing odd shadows here and there all fully explainable one time the landline phone started beeping like someone had picked it up and started dialing and when i walked over the six button had randomly gotten stuck and was typing six six six six six six six six six six six etcetera i don't really prescribed christian doctrine so this didn't bother me in the it's the mark of the beast way but it was just another weird thing so dad moved out i'm living alone etc honestly despite it being my first time living completely alone i wasn't that scared we had an alarm system my dad left a handgun in the house and i had training on how to use it most of the neighbors were current and former military guys and had been instructed on to keep an eye out for me i just mentioned that for context that i wasn't overly paranoid or lost in my head with fear so things ramp up a little bit sometimes it sounds like someone is walking around in the house even though i'm alone other times i'd be downstairs watching tv and hear a giant crash the first few times i'd grab the gun and do a quick sweep upstairs but i never saw anything so after the first couple of times i legit just stopped checking and honestly his office served as the catch-all for random boxes was such a mess if anything fell in there good [ __ ] luck figuring it out one time i was walking down the stairs and swear it felt like someone shoved my shoulder but again i was living alone and all these occurrences were benign enough and spread out enough that i wasn't living in fear or even thinking about this [ __ ] when it wasn't happening my dad was able to come back a couple of weekends during the year to check up on the house and see how i was doing a few of these times we'd both hear the crash upstairs i tried to explain to him that it was nothing but he'd always send me up to look i'd go and report back that i had no idea other things would happen i was usually a stickler for closing and locking the bathroom door when i showered more habit from always living with people than anything else but a few times i'd get out and it would be wide open again weird but something where the gut instinct was for me to pull out my town cry her hat and start shouting haunting my sister came up for spring break that year and we had a [ __ ] week not much happened while she was there but one day i had to go to work and left her she slept in and woke up to a terrible storm heavy rain hail hitting the side of the house etc not in any way terrifying random storms were not all that uncommon where we were and she didn't think about anything of it then other than the like recognizing the fact ah a storm until she went downstairs where i'd opened the sliding glass to her curtain and it was sunshiny and dry as a bone outside no storm at all [ __ ] was weird but we brushed it off as a dream or something things had a turning point probably a month or so later i was alone late at night upstairs in my bedroom i always always closed and locked my door because my logic was if someone does break in that's one more obstacle for them to deal with while i call the cops etc well that night i hear footsteps in the home again except this time i'm upstairs with them not downstairs i legit just keep reading my book and refuse to acknowledge or check on it it was that weird duality of okay this house is [ __ ] haunted and i've seen enough movies not to open the door and ghosts don't exist this is all [ __ ] i'm a logical person and will prove it by ignoring whatever that is to make my point the noise continues like someone is just pacing up and down the hallway over and over literally this continued for over half an hour i got super [ __ ] frustrated and shouted out to shut up well this pissed it off because now it sounds like someone running up and down the hallway i [ __ ] freak start texting friends i know we're awake turn on all the lights in my room went from proper reading to fall asleep to adrenaline in high gear it kept going and going and going i was just [ __ ] terrified and knew that there was no way in hell i was opening that [ __ ] door i stayed up as long as i could and eventually passed out when i woke up at five the sounds were gone but all my lights were on and i saw the texts on my phone so i knew i hadn't dreamed it all up around 7 30 i have to leave my room and start getting ready for work i go out and there's just nothing alarm still on no sign of a break-in if it was a raccoon or other animal that got in there was no sign of it or any damage just nothing for what it's worth someone did legitimately try and break into the house via the downstairs porch one night when i was watching tv i wasn't half as terrified as i was the night this [ __ ] happened trying to talk to my dad he doesn't believe me at all no surprise there nothing as big or as terrifying as that ever happened to me again while i was there and i lived there for almost another year still would hear the crashing the footsteps when we were downstairs knocks etc but nothing like that thank [ __ ] my dad thinks it's all lark and for a while would regale dinner guests with my beliefs about the house being haunted i moved out of state eventually would keep in touch with my dad on the phone sometimes he'd complain about weird [ __ ] happening in the house crashes at night but nothing fallen one time he was in the shower and heard such a loud crash and felt the ground shake that he got out and grabbed his handgun and did a sweep of the house convinced someone else was there but there was no one and nothing out of place occasionally guys he knew would be stopping through and need a place to crash one was catholic and slept in the room that i used to have and said he had such a horrible terrified feeling that he barely slept that night just something overwhelmingly bad dad thought he was [ __ ] joking but the dude ate breakfast and left pretty quickly and even when he'd come through town he refused to stay at my dad's again another one was super logical dude who i'm pretty sure was agnostic he was with my dad downstairs when they heard a crash and my dad was just like it's nothing and kind of had to explain later that night old boy heard some knocks not enough to terrify him out of every staying again but like two grown military guys who have both been in numerous combat zones telling my dad that something wasn't normal about his house seemed to at least convince him i wasn't making it up lol two or three weeks ago he called me on the phone had me on speaker he recently had his girlfriend and her daughter move in and they were complaining to him about knocks and footsteps while he was at work he tried to tell them the house is haunted but they thought he was bullshitting them so he called me to be his resident haunting verifier gotta love him might be late but whatever i was a baby at the time so i don't remember this at all but my family used to live in a house where apparently a i think seven-year-old boy died when he climbed up on a chair to grab something from the pantry but fell off and cracked his skull and died when they moved in they noticed that doors were being closed when left open and lights were being shut off when they were left on so by this time casper was already a movie and they named her ghost appropriately casper since he was friendly and a kid my grandma said she would tell her nurse friends of the ghost and they wouldn't believe her so she invited them over and purposely left the door open and light open and when they woke up in the morning the door was closed and the light was off couldn't be anyone else who did it or else they would have heard footsteps my aunt said that while i was a baby i would be staring at the air and giggling like i was watching someone and seemed to have a good time she said i was probably playing with casper anyways my aunt had her boyfriend at the time over she didn't tell him about the ghost simply because she forgot or it wasn't of significance in her life that much so one night he stayed until late at night and told her he was going to go downstairs and get his jacket he left and went to where he left his jacket but apparently as he was looking in the direction of the room that had his jacket he happened to be walking towards our old fish tank which around the top of it had a mirror around it he looked in the mirror and said that he almost screamed because all he saw in the mirror was a boy's face behind him mind you i'm the only baby at the time and we have no boys in the family so he grabbed his jacket and ran back upstairs to my aunt's room and she said she's never seen him so pale she asked what's wrong and he kept saying he saw a boy's face in the mirror next to him she calmly said that it was casper and he's really nice lol needless to say he was very spooked that day my grandma accidentally killed off casper when she burned incense in the house and everyone was mortified when they got home and saw it happening including my grandma who liked casper goddammit grandma he saved his electricity and closed the doors and that's how you repay him i was on a three-week summer course in college i stayed in this dorm room that was actually pretty nice on the first night there i had a dream where this man and woman were asleep and then they were murdered i don't remember how exactly i didn't think much of the dream at first on the same night i dreamt of the man coming out of the mirror in my room all ghostly ghostly-like i have lots of extremely weird hyper-realistic dreams so i thought nothing about them starting the next night i heard footsteps coming from above me scary since i was on the top floor and there was no way onto the roof then on the second week i'm just after getting into bed rolled over to face the wall closed my eyes and this male voice whispered me get up i could feel his breath on my neck so i jumped up as fast as humanly possible lights on and searched my room from top to bottom gripping a hurl as i did so why that seemed like a logical thing to do i do not know and then went and got my roommate just to see if she had anyone over she understandably wasn't incredibly annoyed at being woken up at three or four am about two or three days after that i'm sitting in my room when the smoke alarm goes off and won't stop apparently it was faulty because the maintenance man couldn't see what was wrong with it and found it weird how it would just keep going and stop for a few seconds and start up again after that i only had the problem of my door randomly opening by the time i went to the kitchen and back a few other people on my floor and the room below had some weird experiences but nothing i heard of as weird as mine eg the girl who stayed in the room below me had no roommate and often heard knocking on her kitchen door in the middle of the night which led to her asking to be moved due to a weird smell guess you can't tell the residential assistant that you think your room is haunted i didn't live there so not quite the answers you might be looking for but i spent a lot of time growing up at my nan's house and some really weird [ __ ] went down particularly in the years running up to when we had to sell it to pay for her care the house isn't particularly old not sure on the particulars but i'd say that it was built sometime between 1930 and 1958 when my mom and her family moved in the neighborhood the house is in used to be farmland and as far as i'm aware the only death to occur in the house was my grandfather i only ever stayed the night at my nan's house once and refused to when the offer was presented normally at christmas time my cousin would often sleep over but i always chickened out i suppose that i must have been picking up on something subconsciously weird stuff started to kick off towards the last few years before my nan had to move into a care home in hindsight a similar time to when her dementia was really beginning to develop there was a sort of weird vibe that settled over the house particularly upstairs it felt as if you were being watched if you went up there alone and not in a good way if i had to use the bathroom i'd run up and down the stairs wanting to spend as little time on my own upstairs as possible i was lucky enough to not experience any worse in that house than the feeling of being watched in some footsteps that'll come later but my cousins were not so lucky the house stayed in our possession for about two years before we sold it during that time one of my cousins her ex-boyfriend and one of their friends moved in this was when things really started to get weird my aunt my mother's sister and my oldest cousin would keep the front and back gardens maintained and one afternoon my aunt was weeding in the front garden the street that the house is on is pretty straight and long and you can easily see if someone is moving around she heard footsteps approach and a shadow overhead so stopped to look up thinking someone had stopped for a chat perhaps one of the neighbors we knew there was no one there nor was there anyone remotely close to the house that could have caused it another two of my cousins had popped around to pick something up my nan's house was a 10 minute walk from my aunt and my cousins used the garage for storage one of them had popped into the house for a drink and was sitting in the living room the other was sorting through tools in the garage my cousin saw a shadow person pass through the doorway from the kitchen into the living room he refused to go into the house again after that his twin sister who was living there experienced a lot whilst she was living there the friend moved out after a little while i'm not entirely sure why and my cousin's ex-boyfriend was working on the night shift for the first few months my cousin slept in what was my mom's room and had been woken up by the covers being pulled off of her and perfume bottles being moved around on the dressing table it got to the point where she wouldn't sleep upstairs instead sleeping on the sofa in the living room with the tv and lights on all night she would regularly hear footsteps and unexplained knocking and her cat would react to things that my cousin couldn't see she eventually moved back in with my aunt and uncle after an encounter with a shadow person most likely the same one her twin encountered she heard footsteps coming into the living room and saw the figure spent the rest of the night awake but the duvet pulled over her head she told me that she could sense the figure standing over her until morning i have plenty more stories like these particularly ones i've experienced myself but most of them happened outside of my house save her too but as these happened in isolation i don't think i would have described my house as being haunted i remember when i was four years old my mom and i were outside and she was breaking leaves and tidying up our backyard my mom had to go back inside to grab some trash bags so she could bag the leaves she brought in the rake and pitchfork she was using and lean them up against the wall in our laundry room our laundry room had a door that would lead out to the backyard and she told me she wanted me to stay inside while she bagged the leaves so i wouldn't get dirty i was playing with my toys when suddenly i looked up i noticed that the pitchfork was freestanding all by itself at the other end of the room before i could make any sense of the freestanding pitchfork it started moving toward me by itself in a fast-paced stabbing motion all i could do was keep crawling backwards so it would not hit me just when i was about to run out of room and most likely get stabbed with the fork it quickly returned back to the place my mom originally placed it and then i saw my mom open the door and come back inside to get the rake and pitch for i was crying and told my mom that the pitchfork moved all on its own and tried to hurt me my mom just told me i had imagined it and to calm down i told my mom again that it did move and that she should throw it away she told me to come back outside and she would show me that there was nothing to be scared of i knew the pitchfork would not move again while my mom was with me because it only came after me when i was alone this was the first of many paranormal occurrences that i have experienced in my 40 years of life my father has a habit of pausing in what he was doing and watching whatever it is you're watching before continuing off on whatever it was that he was up to so one time i was just sitting alone in the living room just watching tv when i felt him doing his thing of walking up pausing and having a look i was like yeah there's nothing really on as i flicked through the channels to show him i didn't hear him walking away though so i turned around to see what he was up to except i was alone in the room it's not much of a ghost story but the others i have about seeing a shadow person in my father's room as i walk down the hall or seeing what looked like our family dog walking into a room at the far end of the corridor only to get there and find the room empty or seeing a guy standing on the back porch watching me play with our puppy until i looked away and back and there was no one there those are all equally non-amazing stories there's other stories from that house that i can recount only second hand though like when a guest was staying over and mentioned hearing someone walking up and down the front porch outside their room but there being no one there so my mother took a camera stuck it out there snapped a pic and went on with life then later when the film was developed there was a sort of misty pillar approximately person sized in the pick or when my father heard someone tapping on the wall as they made their way down the corridor like they were running their knuckles along the slats which made up the covering pausing on one side of his door then continuing on the other side to the end then coming back pause continue to the other side of the corridor which could have been anyone living there except for the fact that there's a standing bookcase which the tapping continued along behind there and back i heard the tapping one night many years later myself or the time nothing in particular apparently grabbed the sheets and blankets from my father's bed and vigorously shook them up and down while he was in it i have quite a few i find ghosts spirits supernatural things very interesting i feel like when you believe or spend any kind of time watching shows slash reading books about or even talking with people about these things you're more susceptible to these things i guess my first would have been in college i had four roommates and we rented this really old three-story house in the middle of town by the university the kitchen had three doors leading in and out of it the only light switch in the kitchen was on the one side of the kitchen that didn't have a doorway sometimes you'd turn the light off make it to the doorway and it'd flip back on this could be chalked up to the switch not being flipped down far enough and slipping back up i suppose the third story of this house was basically one big room with a little closet almost like another tiny room to where you could fit three or four people in it but the height of the closet was maybe four feet tall there was a pool table up there and we'd have a nice stereo system up there one day i was home alone and bored so i went upstairs to play some pool as i was playing i heard in a loud whisper hey i thought maybe someone had come home so i went down throughout the house and no one was home i went back upstairs and started playing again when i heard hey late to get up i freaked out ran down both stories and left the house until one of my other roommates returned the last interesting one at this house was when i was lying in bed one night everything in my room was off and it was pitch black in there all of a sudden my printer turns on not the computer just the printer and starts printing something freaked out and intrigued i got up turned on the light and grabbed the piece of paper in the top left hand corner in a tiny size was a heart maybe wingdings or something in my head i was just like well at least the ghost loves me there were several times where one roommate's tv or stereo would be found to turn itself on while they weren't home or the stereo upstairs would randomly come on with a volume on it increasing and decreasing on its own next would be a place where my husband and i lived with our first child i always sat my purse on the rail at the top of the stairs one day it forcefully flew down the stairs and landed about halfway down before rolling all the way down toys would roll back and forth across the carpeted living room floor our dog was always barking and staring at seemingly nothing the next house we lived in was a two-story home that was fairly decent in size the master bedroom and the bathroom were upstairs all by themselves so that's where me and my husband's room was while the kids rooms were downstairs my kids and nieces always had a rule there's not mine that you have to go to sleep by midnight or else you would hear someone walking around upstairs most of the night i never really believed them until one night i got off from work super late and didn't want to talk or walk all the way upstairs i opted for the couch i heard what sounded like a child running around upstairs so i went up to see what was going on only to find my husband dead asleep no lights or tv on this happened almost every night apparently but you would never hear it if you were upstairs one early morning probably around five or six in the morning i was laying on the couch with my kids who were too little to be in school yet as we were laying there i heard what sounded like my big heavy dresser fall over upstairs i mean it was the kind of loud that made you jump and it shook the house too terrified and not wanting to scare the kids any more than they already were i suggested we just go back to sleep for a while when we woke up several hours later and the kids were busy playing i went upstairs to see what the damage was and dreading having to clean it up when i went into my bedroom everything was perfectly normal and in place sometimes my siri would come on when my phone was sitting across the room and i'd say i'm sorry i didn't quite catch that my husband heard something grown in his ear from over his shoulder once don't really miss living in those places needless to say i've told this story a few times on the net but i'll repeat it we family of nine kids two parents and pets lived in a large bungalow here in christchurch new zealand several freaky things happened to myself and to some of my sisters the freakiest one for me was a repeat visitor of what has become to be called the hat man interestingly when i first got on the net in the late 90s i looked up shadow person because i didn't know what else to call it and the entity that used to appear in my room was the hat man exactly one particular night when i was seven the thing appeared outside my bedroom window my sister younger by here had her bed parallel to mine with a doorway out of the room between us so i see this thing and without being able to make sense of it it was now in my room and coming over to my bed i lay down on my tummy and i turned my head to look at my sister who said don't let him get you i turned my head and could see him coming to lean over me with something in his hand the thing is it was entirely black and huge it was like you could see nothing but dark black i turned my head to face the wall as i noticed this hand coming down toward me no [ __ ] i felt something poke my shoulder three times i have no recollection of how this particular night horror ended just remember waking up the next morning there's heaps more freaky stories about this particular house but i'll wind it up by saying that we moved out of christchurch when i was 10 years old at the age of 21 i moved back to christ church i had moved into a house in the inner city and shared it with a girl that just happened to have grown up in the same suburb as me we got to talking about the house and she said did you say you lived in e road and i said yes that's right she asked me it wasn't number 56 was it and i said yeah how on earth did you know that to which she responded everyone knew that house was haunted
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 31,832
Rating: 4.8832116 out of 5
Keywords: ask reddit, Reddit scary stories, Reddit NoSleep, Scary AskReddit Stories, NoSleep, Confessions, Scary Stories, Creepy stories, Creepy AskReddit, Horror stories, best scary stories, scary stories, ghost stories, horror, ghost, creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepypastas, scary story, nosleep stories, reddit horror stories, creepy story, nosleep, r/nosleep, creepypasta reading, horror stories, creepsmcpasta, creepypasta stories, paranormal, mr nightmare, mr creeps, creeps
Id: 08Ai3wlfM7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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