The time my apartment was haunted

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the time my apartment was haunted this is really long story so bear with me it is a true names have been changed to protect anonymity let me start by providing some background information these events happen during my sophomore year at a state university about two years ago the university has dorm buildings which are open to only freshmen and then two apartment complexes open to second third and fourth-year students after my freshman year I was no longer allowed to live in the dorms so my best friend Becky and I managed to both secure a room in a three bedroom apartment Becky and I have been best friends since the fifth grade so we are very close and consider ourselves to be more like sisters than friends another girl Jennifer was randomly assigned to the third room luckily we all got along great so everything seemed like it would work out little did we know there would be a fourth being joining us since Becky and I had been friends for so long and even grew up in the same neighborhood we decided to drive up to school and move in together we moved in two days before Jennifer did when we checked in with the University we were each given one key for the apartment and one key for our own assigned bedrooms Becky and I made our way over to our apartment and absolutely loved it all the bedroom doors were locked though and we couldn't open them without the special keys we were given I guess this was the university's way of making sure people weren't stealing the biggest room or messing with other's stuff I was in room a Becky was in room B and Jennifer was going to be assigned room C when she moved in later that week the first out thing we noticed was that the door to room C had a fairly large hole in the first layer of the wood it looked like an incredibly strong person had punched the door and actually broke through it since it was Jennifer's room and we didn't know her yet Becky and I went to speak with our RA the RA is inspect the apartments at the beginning of the year and at the end after move out and if there is any damage whoever was living there as fined since the door was already damaged we wanted to make sure it was already on record so that we wouldn't be fined and Jennifer would know we weren't the ones who punched a hole through her door not that we could without breaking our hand our RA Roger came over to check out the door he was shocked to say the least the damage to the door was not on university records but he promised us we wouldn't be fine since we had just entered the apartment for the first time and there was no way we could have done it with just our hands you'd have to be like the Hulk said Roger so knowing no blame would be placed on us we just assumed someone had busted the door moving out earlier that spring and forgot to report it Becky and I sat in on moving our belongings into the apartment we decided we'd set up the kitchen and living room first so that we'd actually have somewhere to sit and then we'd finish our bedrooms and bathroom later that night in the next day we brought in a few chairs a TV stand the TV itself and then the new Apple TV Becky's parents had gifted us the TV was also brand new so it came in a big box with lots of styrofoam after we finished setting it all up and organizing remotes and wires Becky and I decided to go out and grab some food we were gone for about 45 minutes when we returned we decided we would turn on the most recent season of Grey's Anatomy while setting up the kitchen so that we could catch up before the new season started there was only one problem the brand new Apple TV remote was no longer sitting on the table where we had left it thinking that maybe we'd accidentally put it the box we plan to throw away we dug through all the cardboard and styrofoam we'd piled up by the door we couldn't find it keep in mind that this was the only room we had begun to move into there was nothing else in the entire apartment it was completely empty thinking the remote would turn up eventually we decided we just move on to the kitchen and our bedrooms sidetone at the end of the year we had to move everything out of the apartment and clean the entire thing for the next school year as I said before the RAS come around and make sure the apartment is completely clear and undamaged even after moving out every single thing the Apple TV remote never turned up Jennifer eventually moved in school finally started and we all dived into our coursework and jobs Jennifer joined a sorority Becky began working at a daycare and I got a job at a local bookstore and cafe we all had extremely busy and extremely different schedules so we were rarely home and rarely saw each other but we weren't so busy that we didn't notice the strange things happening it started small a punched in door a missing remote things began moving to places they hadn't been before I had a bookshelf in my bedroom on the top shelf I had some candles and a few knickknacks like plants and mini statues the second shelf was where I put my jewelry perfume lotion etc on the third I had my textbooks binders and notebooks and on the bottom shelf I had placed some cute little buckets that I could put my shoes in I know bookshelves are where you put shoes but it was a small apartment I had to improvise my perfume began showing up in my shoe buckets textbooks would end up on the top shelf and single random shoes would be on the shelf that held my books I was not the one moving these things due to limited cabinet space in the kitchen we had to keep her cereal boxes on the kitchen counter jennipher cereal boxes kept winding up on the top of the fridge she's only 5 feet 0 inches so it would make no sense for her to put them up there when she wouldn't even be able to reach them Becky was an elementary education major and was starting to student teach and take on full classes of kids at her daycare I have pretty nice handwriting so she asked me to help write out the kid's name tags and other labels Jennifer had offered to pitch in and help too so we were all sitting in Becky's room chatting while we worked I had a pile of four or five completed name tags in front of me when Jennifer stood up to grab a water for a second I glanced up at her and when I turned back to my work all the nametags were gone I thought maybe I just knocked them off the desk so I searched the floor and then I searched the entire room much like the Apple TV remote those nametags were never seen again one night Becky and I were both free from work and homework so we decided to go out to dinner together while Jennifer was out with her own friends we got dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant went home put on some fun face masks and hung out in Becky's room we were up for hours talking about this new boy Becky was seeing around midnight Jennifer came home and laughed at us for leaving the kitchen sink running the only problem was we hadn't touched the kitchen sink we had got out to dinner we didn't cook anything at home or wash any dishes in fact neither of us had been in the kitchen all day events like these happen multiple times we started joking that we had ghosts whenever we found things in places they shouldn't be or had inexplicable things happen we would laugh and quip of the ghost strikes again although strange we weren't too concerned about the things happening until they started to get worse as lame as it sounds all three of us began to just feel a change we were all uncomfortable being in the apartment alone especially at night our rooms felt somewhat safe but standing in the open hallway or living room felt uneasy it always felt like something was behind you or that someone was watching you you know that feeling you get especially after watching a scary movie or reading something spooky when you are turning off the lights at night and you feel like you have to run up the stairs or down the hallway before something can get you it felt like that all the time even in broad daylight despite all our crazy schedules we began brushing our teeth together at night and getting up together in the morning I wouldn't come from work until 10:00 or 11:00 p.m. and Jennifer wouldn't make it back from sorority events until midnight or 1:00 a.m. but we waited Becky had to leave for work at 5:45 a.m. but we would still all get up with her no one felt safe alone so we made sure no one was alone on the rare cases that we were left home alone we never left our rooms we felt so unsafe and uncomfortable it got to the point where we were taking extreme measures so that we wouldn't have to leave our rooms one weekend Jennifer was out of town and I was working late so Becky was home alone she had been chilling in her room and she began to feel the need to use the restroom but she decided she'd just wait until I came back unfortunately my shift kept getting bumped later and later Becky was so terrified of leaving her room that she resorted to peeing in an empty water bottle she had laying around that's how frightened we all were we all wanted to visit home and see our families the University was only about three hours away from our hometowns so we left the apartment the same weekend to go home Becky and I drove together and went back up to the University late Sunday afternoon as we were walking up to our apartment we noticed there was a ton of commotion at our neighbors apartment we stopped by to make sure everything was okay apparently someone had broken into their apartment early that morning and ransacked the kitchen and living room all the food in the fridge had been dumped onto the kitchen floor furniture had been moved or knocked over and the posters and tapestries had been ripped off the walls but nothing was taken additionally there was no sign of forced entry whoever had gotten and had walked in freely all four people in the apartment confirmed they had locked the door one of the boys has OCD and locking the door is part of his regular nighttime routine furthermore there are only five keys in existence that could unlock the front door four of which were all in the possession of the people inside the apartment when the break-in happened and the fifth belongs to the University in case of an emergency university police and city police never found out who did it or how they did it or why they did it it gets even worse things began to happen right in front of our eyes and even got physical I began waking up with bruises all over my legs I'm an active person so initially it was easy to credit the bruises to sports or walking into a table at work but the bruises started becoming more regularly shaped almost like fingerprints and they began occurring more and more often at the peak of it all I woke with a full-on hand shaped bruise around my calf it looked like someone had grabbed my leg and squeezed until it turned black and blue I have a picture of it somewhere but as I write this I can't find I'll upload it when I do one night Becky had been home alone in her room she heard the front door open steps go down the hallway and then Jennifer's room door opened and closed since she was no longer home alone she felt like it was safe to come out of her room and take a bath we had all become very stressed and anxious none of us were sleeping well and Becky used baths and essential oils to help her relax and calm down Becky went into the bathroom locked the door and got in the tub all the doors in the apartment were thick and heavy they have the type of locks you have to completely turn not just push in and the doors don't have round knobs instead they have large handles you have to push down and pull in order to open while relaxing in the tub Becky heard a clicking noise she looked at the door and saw that it had become unlocked then watched the door slowly open she jumped up and grabbed towel thinking that maybe she didn't actually lock it and Jennifer was coming in to use the bathroom no one was at the door in fact Jennifer wasn't even home I came back to the apart in about a half-hour later and found Becky still in her towel crying in her bedroom she swore she heard Jennifer come home and she swore she locked the bathroom door we were running out of explanations and our ghost was no longer a light-hearted joke from then on out the bathroom door and kitchen cabinets opened and closed randomly the only things that remained untouched were our bedroom doors when they were shut and locked when they were left hope and everything seemed to be fair game one morning I had cleaned my entire room I washed my sheets made my bed and decorated it with all the cute throw pillows and blankets my mom had got for me the whole atmosphere of the apartment had become a dreary and miserable we were terrified hopeless and just flat-out exhausted bringing out the things my mom had gifted me and snuggling up in the blankets she had sent made me feel safer after making the bed I ran to the bathroom directly across the hall to grab a scrunchie for my hair there is clear view of my bedroom from the bathroom and vice-versa so when I turned around to head back into my room to get ready for work I had a clear view of my bed I watched in horror as all the pillows and blankets I had just put on my bed flew off and fell to the floor I was in shock knowing I kept an extra work uniform in my car I just grabbed my keys and left the apartment right then I couldn't process what had just happened and I definitely couldn't stand to be there any longer I was 2 and 1/2 hours early for my shift luckily my manager didn't seem to mind me sitting in the break room until it started all of these events happened in a matter of just a few months we moved into the apartment late August and it finally came to a climax in late October Jennifer's sister was getting married so she had left town for the weekend that Saturday I had a full shift from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. after the longest shift of my life I came home hungry and exhausted Becky had surprised me and cooked a full breakfast for dinner meal with eggs and biscuits and pancakes things had been so stressful and busy lately that we hadn't really seen each other for a while despite living together it was amazing just to binge eat and gossip with my BFF all night eventually we tired out and decided to go to bed Becky went and got into her bed but she left the door open so I could see and talk to her while I brushed my teeth again we were still too spooked alone when I finished getting ready for bed Becky asked if I could shut her door for her since she didn't wanted to get up I went over and shut her door turned off the bathroom light hand naturally sprinted back into the safety of my room I wasn't super tired yet and I had just began watching Game of Thrones and was obsessed so I snuggled into my bed opened up my laptop and plugged in my headphones so I could binge after about 15 minutes went by I got a text from Becky she said stop that having been fully immersed in King Joffrey's demise I had no idea what she was talking about so I responded what are you talking about Becky it's not funny me dude I really don't know what you're talking about I've been in bed watching God Becky seriously I know you're just messing with me I'm really tired can you please just come back and close my door at this point I was really confused I had no idea what she was talking about after a few more minutes of going back and forth convincing each other that neither of us was playing a prank on the other Becky called me crying and yelling at me to come to her room I jumped out of bed and ran down the hall to find her sobbing and as wide as a sheet according to Becky she was starting to doze off when she heard her phone ding she woke up to check it and saw that it was just a random Twitter notification before she could turn her phone off and go back to bed she heard footsteps in the hallway when she looked up expecting me to walk in she watched as the handle on her door moved down as if it was being pushed in the door flung open obviously it spooked her but she thought I had run down the hall thrown open her door and dashed back into my room in order to scare her she yelled my name multiple times and when it didn't respond she texted me I had been in my bed with my headphones in and volume up so I didn't hear the door and certainly didn't hear her yelling after we both realized that whatever was in our apartment was actually trying to get to us into our own rooms at night we were absolutely terrified we decided that we would both sleep in her room because we were too scared to be alone and I was way too frightened to go back into the hallway to get to my own room we shut and locked her door and turned on all the lights we spent the next hour or two talking about what was happening to us and actually diving into our beliefs regarding ghosts and other paranormal it was the first time we had actually sat down and discussed every aspect of it we began piecing everything together despite our overwhelming fear we decided it was time to shut off the lights and go to sleep we flipped a coin and I lost so it was on me to go across the room and shut the lights off as silly as it sounds something just felt wrong it was a simple thing to do but every cell in my body was screaming at me not to do it after a few minutes I mustered up the courage and made my way across the room as soon as my fingers touched the light switch there was an enormous thudding down the hallway outside it sounded like someone with bricks for feet was sprinting down the hallway then there was a banging on the bedroom door as if someone was hitting it with their fists as hard as they could I ran back to the bed with Becky and cried we both did we just sobbed and sobbed and sobbed I felt utterly trapped like an animal backed into a corner we just sat there in silence eventually we became so overwhelmed with exhaustion we passed out my dreams that night were horrific they were dark and gruesome around 4:00 in the morning I woke with a start at least I think I did that whole night was such a blur I don't even know what was real what woke me up was this warm heavy pressure on my chest I couldn't breathe I felt like air around me was just getting thicker and thicker and I couldn't expand my lungs to take any of it in worst night of my life the next day Becky packed a bag and left she said she couldn't stand it there anymore so she went back to our hometown to recoup I had responsibilities that kept me from leaving town but I left the apartment and spent the day either outside at the school library or bouncing from cafe to Cafe anything to get out of there my grandmother is very superstitious and believes in paranormal stuff so I called her for some advice she explained to me that since we are flesh and blood and living and whatever was disturbing us was not we had the power to simply tell it to go away and that we didn't want to see it with nothing left to lose I went back to her apartment and screamed go away we don't want to see you into the empty air the next morning Jennifer came back armed with sage and a prayer we had told her what had happened Becky returned three days later with herbs and oils of her own we did a complete cleansing of the apartment as far as I know worked the town the university resides and is very old and known for having multiple haunted properties in fact there are three graveyards dating all the way back to the late 1700s on campus one of them was on the other side of our apartment building before this experience I would have said I absolutely do not believe in ghosts these events shook my core beliefs and now I'm not even sure what I believe in but considering the history of the University the graveyards and the number of reported hauntings in the town as having a ghost in our apartment doesn't seem so outrageous I just hope whatever it was is gone and can't terrorize anyone else what do you guys think have you ever experienced anything like this before [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
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Id: E3mh-PBkoUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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