What Happened When You Lived In A 'Haunted' House? (Scary Stories r/AskReddit)

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serious redditors who have live in a haunted house what are your most unexplainable paranormal experiences I had fallen asleep at night with my fan running and woke up freezing I turned it off not long after I woke up hot and turned it back on this happened several times the last time I woke up hot once again at the moment I opened my eyes I heard the pull of my fan and looked up to see it slowly start speeding up I said thank you and fell back asleep moved from the u.s. to the UK and our parents bought an old beat-up house it still had lead pipes for the water nightmare all on its own anyway work proceeded on the house whilst we lived there we started seeing bright lights in the corners of rooms at night footsteps on floorboards the house had carpet I was about 6 at the time and started getting woken up in the night by a little girl who would dance on my chest off drawers for me I was freaking terrified my mum just thought they'd offers me dreaming workmen complained off strange things happening like tools being moved and odd feeling like being watched after about a year of this my eldest sisters friend stayed over night she woke the whole house up screaming saying a little girl had been in her room she had apparently pulled her from the bed the friend left the house and refused to ever come back mum decided she might need to do something about it and got some advice he suggested my mum and the whole family should treat the presences as part of the family so when we got home we shout highway home did you have a good day over time the house settled and we didn't get any more trouble we also found out a little girl did die in the house of asthma my parents still live there and it is a beautiful homely place now I live in a house built in the 1800s it survived the two world wars and it's seen some crap I imagine one of the previous owners had two sons who both committed suicide a lot of strange stuff happens the animals dog and parrots will wake up from their naps and follow something with their heads just as they would follow me if I walk around also before I switched rooms in the house my brother had a room and he refused to sleep there as he would hear voices he slept with my parents he was a child until the day he got my old room and since then has slept in that room without problems there's also a whole floor we don't use and I sleep in the Attic and I pass through that floor to get to my Attic weird explanation that it's a weird house and I have a motion activated light there that goes on as I'm walking the stairs to that unused floor it would also switch on in the middle of the night while nobody is walking under the motion detector also there's cold spots a lady who had two husbands died on her in the same house that's the house my dad decides to buy the first one hung himself from the rafters in the garage in the second one fell ill and died in his bed in the basement I lived in the basement room and often just felt like I was being watched all the time the bedroom in the basement has a secret storage room behind a bookshelf with a locking latch I would always wake up to find the door wide open it happened so often that I would wake up cold and routinely go shut and lock the latch of the door in the middle of the night for the longest time I thought it was my dad or stepbrothers messing with me but it wasn't my step-brother now occupies that room and he says it still happens to him and that he's even seen it open on its own there are nowhere vents or anything so I've ruled out wind also in the garage I always see light coming from under the door through the crack only to open the door to pitch-black I've heard sounds coming from the garage only to find saw blades clanging together and slightly rotating in their place on the whole storage wall didn't think anything of it at first then when you find crap moving on more than one occasion it makes you look over your shoulder at the rafters and wonder when I was around 9 10 years old I remember waking up to see a large shadow stood at the foot of my bed I was living with my dad at a time he has a very large five floors terrace house built in the 1800s every so often there would be an unexplainable event such as footsteps when there's no one there or voices on the night this happened it was just my dad and I in the house my sister was staying with my mum at the time I woke up and noticed the door to my room was wide open I normally sleep with it closed I then became aware of a large around 7 feet tall like figure watching me from the end of the bed when the figure noticed me it seemed to melt into the floor and the door to my room slammed shut understandably I was slightly traumatized by the whole experience asked my dad the next day if he was in my room and he denied any knowledge of the event he's not the type of person that likes jokes I watched one of our cats being pulled backwards about five feet by her tail she was walking through the dining area and suddenly was sliding backwards as if someone was pulling her by her tail only there wasn't she freaked out and tried to run but couldn't immediately as something held on for a brief second before let her go I tend to think that was the handiwork of a four or five year old girl ghost who hangs out and she just wanted to play with the kitty aaww poor kitty closest I've got till a haunted house is a haunted room I used to sleep on the second floor the bottom one being the first and my sister in the Attic but she used to have sleep paralysis often then she moved out and now I have her old room she no longer has sleep paralysis but I do my uncle's house out on a very eastern part of NY was said to be haunted due to the family that used to own it and the 1800s decided not to give it to the stableman and sold it instead he and the maid was said to have haunted the place we always used to joke that you would hear people or things moving at night but since the house is so old we used to just laugh it off my uncle's friend had her and her sister stay over the house one night and the friend noticed our maid bringing towels down the stairs when she woke she saw the male again bringing what looked like a percolator down the stairs she was so impressed by my uncle hiring staff he is a neurologist in NYC so he had a habit of spending a little bit extra she went back to bed and woke up later downstairs to see my uncle and his friend just chatting she asked where the maid went and she thought that the maid was cooking breakfast my uncle had no idea what she was talking about and asked what she looked like the sister explained and he laughed walked her to the living room and pointed to an old picture she said that it was the woman my uncle replied yay she has been dead for about one yes one night when I was about 12 I was drifting off to sleep then I clearly heard a baby laugh for one two seconds presumed it was just my imagination and went to sleep the next morning my sister mentioned that she'd been woken up by the sound of a baby crying I don't really believe in ghosts but I've never been able to explain that so I used to live in a big house six bedrooms four bath basement etc by myself I was there as a hiring Perkin to look after the place for my boss who live out of state but owned the home one of those win-win situations the first couple of months were fine but when winter came I started hearing things coming from the second floor but I lived pretty much exclusively on the first floor it started with little bumps and bangs coming from above where I had my computer set up and progressed to distinct footsteps coming and going across the second floor I had been up to the second floor to check up on it from time to time and I knew that there were unfinished areas up there one place always stuck out an unfinished room that was a sort of walk-in closet for one of the upstairs bedrooms it was attached to the garage attic complete unlit it was open when I went up to investigate the noises I shut the door and locked it two nights later more noises footsteps leading from unfinished room to the bathroom then nothing the worst part the door the door that led to the unfinished room would not stay closed or locked I tried everything eventually I pushed the bed up against the door to keep it from opening that seemed to work a few months went by without the door coming open but I would find it unlocked all the time as time passed I would hear noises all over the house mostly footsteps but the occasional thump with no explanation I cannot explain how horrifying it is to a little taps up and down the hall from the other side of a bathroom door during your morning shower I eventually moved out but another employee moved in to take my place his stay there only lasted about a month the story he told me is that he was shaving one morning before work and Dede heard aslam like someone dropped a heavy stack of books right outside his bedroom door then heavy footsteps like someone running down the whole he won't stay there anymore and no one in the company will live in the house my father-in-law died before my son was born so he never meet him when we moved into our new home my son would often be laughing in the middle of the night by himself no biggie kids will play with anything one day we were finally putting pictures up in the house and once I put up the picture of my father-in-law he said Oh mommy why do you have a picture of the man that comes and play with me at night he had never ever seen a picture of my father-in-law before I used to live in an old big five bedroom house with six other people my so and I shared one of the rooms I saw a stranger in my room when I was in my 20s it wasn't exactly visible but I somewhat knew it was right there in the corner of the room my sir was next to me sleeping while I had my eyes open I knew it was there so I closed my eyes I tried to wish it away I opened my eyes and it was now next to the bed looking at me I closed my eyes again and suddenly relief came I opened my eyes nothing there I saw it once again at the stairs it was only a brief moment this time and then it was gone I lived in one when I was a team along with my parents several instances come to mind we were remodeling an old farmhouse and had been there a couple of months before witnessing anything one day I was underneath my truck which was supported by only a jack stupid I know I was in the middle of working on it with no good reason to get out at that moment suddenly the overwhelming urge to get out from underneath overwhelmed me no sooner than I got out the truck fell to the ground the jack had slipped freak dad out he thought I was under it when mom got home we mentioned it and she started crying sobbing pretty hard it turns out the previous owner died in the driveway under a vehicle in that spot I would often see moving shadows and strangely hear music from the upstairs area the windows of the old house were corked shut and black birds would often get caught between the panes we ended up replacing all the windows but we had to break 3 inside panes to get them out one of the more disturbing things happened when my mother was cooking breakfast she turned away to get something out of the cabinet and when she turned back around all the forks set out to a bent straight up I had a many haunted incidents in the house I grew up in that I can't explain but I'll stick to a couple one recurring incident involved hearing the voices of my family members who went home sometimes I would wake up to hear my parents fighting or my brother and one of my parents but would find myself home alone when I went to check it would usually occur on the opposite floor as I was upstairs if I was downstairs and downstairs if I was upstairs and would stop right when I got onto the same floor one time was different though I was brushing my teeth with the bathroom door shut when I heard one knock and my dad saying my name in a strange and teasing voice when I opened the door he wasn't there and when I asked my mom where he was she said he'd went out to work hours ago he was alignment with crazy hours I went back to the bathroom and almost right after I shut the door again I heard more knocking didn't open the door that time I didn't have shy ghosts I told my friends when I was a preteen that my house was haunted and when they stayed over they would always see for themselves one of my skeptical friends saw shadow person watching her from the staircase another was up late with me and heard banging in the kitchen and when we came out every cabinet was open one friend never returned to my house because of an incident we were in the kitchen and her distinct knocking on the outside of the house about 10 feet up from the ground out there when we went to follow the noise it was returned with knocking inside then more knocking outside then knocking inside again in a line towards the room we were sleeping in when we cracked open the door to peek in every shade and curtain blew open violently we didn't sleep in there and her mom told my mom the next day that her daughter would not be coming back to our haunted house that was the day my mom admitted that she'd had strange experiences as well so two weeks before we moved my dad and I tur ad our house and I noticed this guy was painting the water heater which I thought was weird after that I was like 10 so whatever anyway we moved in on a Wednesday and my parents let me stay home from school until the following Monday and preoccupied me with coloring books and a new dollhouse in my brand-new crayons pack there literally wasn't a blue crayon like it was a 64 pack but there were only 63 crayons in it one day I went downstairs into the basement into my blue crayon was next to the hot water heater and scribbled on there it said high fitness 6 Kevin I was so confused I started school and my new classmates were like OMG do you live in Kevin's house your house is gonna be haunted it turned out that Kevin was a little eight-year-old boy that lived in our house prior to us and he got hit by a car in the front yard he would write notes if you left out a pen and paper open and closed doors adjust the thermostat the kind where you had to turn a knob and always turn on Christmas music when it was that time of year we had a swing set in the backyard and even on the hottest comest days of summer only the left swing would be moving back and forth we had this dumb cat that I would lock in my bedroom at night and every morning my parents would open the door and let him out then close it back one night I woke up and the cat was meowing at the door and it woke me up but the door opened and the cat hissed and ran out really fast I asked my mom the next morning why they didn't close my door and they said they didn't open it the last story is when I was very upset and nearly suicidal one year during Christmas break the police just randomly showed up at my house the policeman said he was patrolling our neighborhood and felt like something was wrong at our house I'm absolutely certain Kevin had something to do with it when I was younger I used to take naps upstairs but by the time I was eight years old I absolutely refused to go upstairs the upstairs had two large closets attics they ran from one side of the upstairs all the way to the other side on both sides it was essentially a crawlspace that was maybe 30 feet long it started one day when a friend and I went crawling from one side to the other with flashlights like kids normally do then I saw a girl sitting there in the corner acting like she wanted to play with us I know a lot of people say when they see a ghost they aren't scared just intrusted nope I was beyond terrified this girl looked normal had blonde hair a nice dress and seemed friendly I stayed silent kept crawling behind my friend and got out of the closet told him what I saw him there he said he didn't see it but felt like he didn't want to go back in then my parents would occasionally send me upstairs to get something and when I would get up there I would see the door swing open as if they were trying to get me to come inside I would lose toys and wouldn't be able to find them anywhere suddenly my parents would be fishing out Christmas presents out of the Attic and we would find some of my toys in there I remember being 8 years old my parents are asleep still in the morning and I leashed up my dog to go take on the monster in the Attic my dog usually up for anything refused to go off the top step into the Attic my parents never believed me with all the weird things that happened in that house I would get blamed for things that happened all over the house leaving lights on toys all over things I knew I didn't do well anyway we move out of there when I am 10 not a week passes before the new owners call us up and ask if the house is haunted their daughter sleeps upstairs she says that she has been playing with a blond-haired girl at night my parents laughed at how crazy these new homeowners must be to make an already long story short the girl started appearing in other parts of the house for them they kept in contact with us they would look over while watching TV and see the girl sitting on their daughter's lap etc they looked up on the computer the past owners of the house found an old dressmaker that lived there and yep a picture of the little girl wearing one of the ladies dresses the family that moved in there were absolutely torn apart by the events got divorced dad stayed living in the house and ended up taking his own life in that house quick like this video fast before orgy gets you like this video in 2.1 seconds or shall take all of it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: UE Stories
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, haunted house, scary stories, paranormal activity, ghost story, ghost stories, scary moments, haunted houses
Id: dhYcoUbtmdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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