People who have experienced a ghost or demonic presence, what's your story? (r/AskReddit)

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[Music] serious people who truly believe they have experienced a ghost or demonic presence what's your story I used to have night terrors all the time as a very young boy I'm talking really young like I can barely remember a lot of this young so anyways from what I remember it felt like something was in the room with me and sometimes it would grab my feet that's what it felt like anyways I distinctly remember my feet always being touched or grabbed so here's where it gets interesting one day more recently as an adult I'm talking with my parents they're discussing how I was a terrible sleeper as a child that's when I tell them I used to have night terrors as a child things used to grab me so this line of discussion brings them to tell me of an event they remembered happening they go on to tell me about me crying one night in my crib I slept in another room down the hall my father gets up to check on me they used to leave the door ajar to my room so they could hear me the first thing he noticed is that the light to my room is on which is strange because he knows he turned it off so as he starts walking towards my room the door abruptly slams shut now my dad thinks someone's in the house in my room so he runs in and bursts into my room only to find it empty and me standing in my crib crying he said it was the creepiest thing he's ever witnessed and had completely blocked it out til now most of the comments are scary / creepy so I'll share a more wholesome one I think hope my English makes sense and keep in mind that some details are fuzzy when I was 9 my dad died in a crush he was on his motorcycle in a car hit him and then left him on the side of the road he was wearing a helmet but he got thrown on a road lamp on his abdomen and got a serious case of internal bleeding the hospital called my mom during the night and I was left home alone I remember thinking that he'll be fine he had been in an accident before and he only got some bruises so I went back to sleep and didn't give it more thought I should mention that my dad has been working on the fields for many years and his hands were very rough so at some point during the night I remember being in that half-asleep state where you're kind of aware of your surroundings but it also kind of feels like a dream and I felt someone stroking my hand it was a very familiar in particular sensation of another Sion's hand because I could feel the roughness against my skin I remember thinking being half asleep and not registering any of the information about the accident that it was my dad who was getting ready really early to go to work and he was checking on me I woke up the next morning not remembering anything and not knowing that he was already dead I was sent to some relatives for the day my dad had died in the funeral was on the same day but no one told me until after it was all over years later I remembered this incident at a therapy session and I'd like to think that he was just saying goodbye as a ghost of some sort it's kind of silly and I know that it was probably my way of coping as a kid in my mind made it up but I can really still remember the sensation against my hand edit thanks for all the replies and the support it's quite interesting that there are other people with similar experiences I hope you're all doing well even if you miss some people in your lives I've had a number of experiences to name a few notable ones one morning my wife and I were getting ready for work at the house she lived in when we first met I was at the kitchen sink when a wooden spoon that was on the counter above the sink shot at me like a dart hitting me in the stomach not very hard I thought her son was maybe playing a joke on me but when I looked up she had seen it too that really freaked us out another time at my old apartment it was just as two and the dogs I lived with roommates so when we heard loud prominent footsteps coming up the stairs we didn't think much of it we heard them come all the way up to the top and even down the hall towards my room my door being opened both the dogs perked up very attentively when nobody made their presence known the dogs actually snapped up and ran barking all the way down the stairs I honestly thought an intruder was in the house so I jumped up and followed when we got to the bottom of the stairs in the living room I fully expected to be confronting someone but there was no one there even the dogs were perplexed and sniffing around everywhere I check every room behind every door etc that one was a trip I've got numerous stories and I even have video on my youtube of what we believe was a demonic presence when I was a kid around 8:00 I knew my great-grandmother she lived with her daughter my great-aunt my mom her granddaughter and my brother and I one day she stopped living in the house and not understanding the concept of death in my young brain I thought nothing more of it I actually don't remember even thinking about how she wasn't there anymore one midnight I go up to get a drink of water I turn out of the hallway and across the living room into another hallway as this weird mist it's like a cloud standing by the right my right side of the wall it was floating about one foot or two off the ground and then slowly began to drift into the wall and disappear I stared at this thing for about a minute blinking and I knew I was awake it was one of the few times I actually saw something after it disappeared I ran to that side of the wall and checked it out obviously there was nothing I then ran to my great aunt's room explaining everything that had just happened she then proceeded to tell me that one day my great-grandmother was walking down that hallway and collapsed into the wall breaking her hip soon after she got pneumonia and passed away she said that I had probably saw her and that she was saying hello I never felt scared of the presence maura so fascinated I still think about it sometimes and I wish I had gotten to know her better this is a story about a ghost but it's a happy story when I was 3 to 4 I went to my dad and told him that I saw his dad last night he laughed at me and rolled his eyes because his dad died when he was 13 I was annoyed he didn't believe me I told him he sat at the foot of my bed and he was smoking like this I put my hand to my mouth like I was using an old tobacco pipe I had never seen one before and my dad knew then that it was true because his father always had a corncob pipe Maya taught at siak grandfather would visit me now and then in my childhood and I became his admiring granddaughter I even told my dad that someday when I died that I will get to sit on my Itachi axe lap I don't remember any of this but I do have an image in my head of a dark-skinned man at the foot of my bed holding a pipe and wearing plaid and I know it's him when my mom was about 16 she lived with my gram at my grams father's house so my mom's Gramps he used to tell her every night do not fall asleep with your head zhan and every night my mom would fall asleep with her headphones on one night she woke up with her headphones on and she saw a lady sitting at the end of her bed smoking a cigarette she took them off and just stared at her she said she didn't feel scared just confused not even when the lady turned to her partially and said didn't your grandfather tell you not to sleep with your headphones on my mom turned to put the headphones on top of her stereo turn that off and when she turned back around the lady was gone my mom went back to sleep the next morning my great Gramps my gram and my great aunt were all in the kitchen eating breakfast and my mom rolls in and tells the story they all blew her off until my mom says well she was smoking her cigarette in a funny way that kind of got their attention one of them asked her to demonstrate so my mom pulls out a cigarette and proceeds to hold it between her middle and ring fingers further down on her fingers fingers fully extended that shut everyone up my great-grand ID when my mom was four to five and she has very little memory of her let alone how she used to hold their cigarettes or even that she smoked at all that's how my great Graham had cigarettes your story just reminded me of that me my mom and my sister moved into a house it's an older home and for the first year we lived there everything was normal my mom is a crazy person and bought me and my sister a Ouija board from toys-r-us no less we went through a few graveyards and in one my sister got spooked and ran to the car a few minutes later we hear her hysterically screaming when we got to her she said something had grabbed her leg we lost interest in it after the novelty wore off and it stayed stacked with all of our other board games a few months later my sister and I started getting it out to play with after my mom went to bed we did it for a week or so until we again lost interest in it and it went back on the shelf I don't remember anything happening while we were playing with it but weird stuff started happening on multiple occasions I watched something fall off of various surfaces I watched a loaf of bread that was laying flat tip itself over and fall on the floor we had those public salt shakers that looked like pilgrims and they were constantly just tipping over and rolling off of the counters that's how it started but soon things got much more weird and scary one night I was up late on a Saturday night playing my wii when all the hairs on my body stood straight up and I got goose bumps everywhere I felt something was watching me and I turned and in the doorway between our kitchen and dining room I saw a shadow person it looked like someone was standing behind the doorway and peeking their head and shoulders into the doorway I was so absolutely frozen with fear that I decided to ignore it and keep playing my game a few minutes later I looked back and it was gone I told my mom about it and she said she had seen it too but didn't want to scare us we named it Walter my pug started sitting at the end of my mom's bed with his hackles raised just snarling if you could call it that since pug at the same spot it was near the ceiling in the corner of my mom's room one day I was doing the dishes when I heard what sounded like a car driving through our house I ran out of the kitchen and saw nothing amiss and checked the other rooms then I ran outside thinking someone had wrecked their car in the whole neighborhood was quiet as it often was on Sunday afternoons I called my mom and she had experienced the same thing and had no explanation for it one evening my mom had come home and came into our bedroom where my sister me and my dog were hanging out I had left my wii controller tangled up on the couch my mom had bitched me out about it before we started taking about our days and what we wanted for dinner mid-conversation we heard a thump and there in the floor of the dining room was the Wii controller every living thing in the house had been in my bedroom after a weekend at me and my sister's dad's house my mom told us that she had been folding laundry and laid down for a bit to watch TV when she saw a pair of legs run by her heading towards the back of the house where the kitchen was and me and my sister's room was off of she told me she didn't think anything of it until she realized both of her kids were staying at our dad's house as soon as she had that realization her here'll stood on end and she got goosebumps like I had when I saw the shadow person the craziest incident I think was when my cousin was sleeping over me and her were in my bed and my sister was sleeping in her bed across from us I woke up to my cousin hysterically crying and screaming and when I opened my eyes for a split second I saw something it's hard to articulate in words but it scared me so badly I started pushing myself away from the edge of my bed until I had pinned my cousin against the wall my mom came running into our room and turned the light on and found three hysterical children crying our out we talked about it and my cousin said she had been woken up by a terrifying growling noise my Pug was sleeping with my mom so it wasn't him she comes from a really Christian family and she never slept over at our house ever again there was more stuff that happened but those were the ones I remember most vividly I was 11 at the time this stuff happened so it's been like 14 years since then we ended up moving away and then moving back to the area a few years later I had been friends with a neighbor girl and we reconnected and I asked her about the house she said several families had moved in and then immediately moved back out within a few months she also said that before his people would stay for a few years at least a few years later I moved out of my mom's house and ended up being estranged from her for reasons I won't go into here now I live not far from that house so one night after work I drove by and pulled over to the side of the road and was kind of reminiscing when I looked up into the darkened windows of the house which was again vacant and I felt like something was looking out at me and whatever that thing was it was malignant and would hurt me if it could I'd get was such a palpable feeling once again the hair on my body stood on end and I broke out in goosebumps and my fight-or-flight reaction was triggered and I slammed my car into drive and sped off down the street as fast as I could I was shaky and my stomach was upset and I didn't feel better until I got home and was with my boyfriend I won't even go back to that neighborhood anymore because I don't want to be anywhere near that house apparently the poor landlord still can't keep anyone in the house longer than a few months we had c0 detectors so I don't think it was carbon monoxide poisoning I won't play with Ouija boards anymore never experienced anything like it again I can't prove that this was a ghost or what it was around 10 years ago I was lying in my bed with my deaf chihuahua my ceiling fan was going in the light was still on because I was watching The Late Show with David Letterman and I always kept a light on all of a sudden Daisy dog starts biting up in the air and going semi crazy initially I thought that she was just biting up towards the fan because it attracted her kind of like seeing another animal maybe it had something to do with her being deaf I thought about 15 seconds later I see this black orb just come through the side of my wall and start making zigzags in my room Daisy was following it with her head and continuing to bid up in the air after zigzagging a bit it went in a circle and went through the other wall on the opposite side of the room I was frozen in disbelief I wasn't scared or wanted to scream I was just in awe of what was happening when I saw it didn't feel like any type of scary presence or it was there to harm I always second-guess if I actually saw it but my dog also seeing it makes me realize that it did actually happen I still get chills thinking about it and typing it I woke up one morning and heard footsteps on the top floor of our house the floorboards are wooden and the footsteps were unmistakable there are no trees touching the house no cats living nearby no bird species here are big enough to make noise and the sheep in the field can he climbed that high I went down to breakfast and asked my mom if she had been upstairs she denied it this happened more times than I could count so I kept asking her about it she told our neighbours quite far away about it and they said that about 80 years ago a girl that used to live here and slept in my room had the same complaints and would get into trouble for being out of bed at night to investigate it my house is about 500 years old at least the bit I sleep in is it was an old hunting house at one point it was used by a notorious Raider to hide and my theory is that he killed somebody up there and they are walking about haunting the place my brother also had ghost experience when he was a baby in a different house my parents would go into his bedroom at night and he'd be having a conversation he answered questions they couldn't hear and would always be looking at the same point in the room when my parents opened the door he would say you scared her away I'm a man of science and I'm conflicted about ghosts the evidence I have personally experienced tells me they exist but everything else says otherwise I let myself believe in them to satisfy my and her child I woke up in the night and my grandmother was standing in the corner of my bedroom in her pajamas I honestly thought it was her at first although obviously I was confused and a bit dazed since she is still alive so I went to ask her what she was doing at this point she starts to walk towards me in a way that I can't describe but assured me that it was not really her there was something foreign and sinister about the way she moved too smooth and unfeeling anyway I screamed and threw the duvet at her it had nothing but she immediately reappeared in the corner of the room and began walking again as she got closer to me I had nothing else to throw in her face began to change melt perhaps into something other my dad bursts in at this point my parents assure me that it was my imagination in the place between sleep and awake but I couldn't stop fixating on how the duvet was on the floor so I must have been awake I actually thought it was a sign something had happened to my nan but thankfully she was fine I refused to sleep in the room that night but by the next night I have calmed down I decide to sleep in the room but left the light on with the dimmer down I lay down and within ten minutes there is a click at the switch and the light starts to switch itself off and on in a constant flicker I go crazy my dad says it was just because I left it on the dimmer and it was probably broken anyway but it couldn't be switched on it all without flashing off and on I don't know what it was but it never felt like there was a rational explanation one day when I was in middle school I came home from the bus stop and my mom was usually at work until 7:00 p.m. so I would come home for a bit then walked back to the bus stop to get my younger brothers which was an almost everyday thing this day I walked in the house and heard my mom calling my name from our basement which was it all that weird it's a finished basement so she was always down there chilling so I figured she was off that day and called back to her to see what she wanted no response I hear my name again I go to the top of the basement steps thinking she didn't hear me the first time and I say yeah still nothing so I walked down there looked around didn't see my mom so I'm still not freaking out at this point because I'm like okay maybe I thought she was down here maybe she's in her room or somewhere else long story short I look all over the house and she's nowhere to be found then I look in the garage and her car's not even there I got the [ __ ] out of there so quickly I went to my friend's house until I could get my brothers and not be alone in the house but what I'll never forget is that it actually sounded exactly like my mom and once I entered the basement something felt so off like someone slashed something was watching me even though I was positive my house was empty I also have never heard voices previously or experienced anything like that before I was around 22 woke up in the middle of the night to what sounded like someone throwing a boulder at my bedroom door at this point in my life I had just come out to my family and my mother was staunchly opposed to me being gay mostly because of religious reasons she had basically abused me emotionally after I came out so my mental and emotional state were completely diminished and I was generally just sad and scared anyways not only was something banging on my door to the point where it sounded like a cannon firing off but it started taunting me when I yelled who is it this thing was saying my name it had a voice and not only did it have its own voice but it sounded eerily like my mother you know in horror movies were there's some sort of Exorcist like possession where a person has taken over and their voice is some kind of hybrid between their own and a demon that's what this thing sounded like I'll never forget it saying my name from behind the door Christ's as if it was enticing me to open the door I was so so scared in addition to this I couldn't move I was sitting up in bed but I legitimately couldn't move the banging and the taunting / voice Scott louder so loud that it climaxed with the door flying open I had never ever been so scared in my entire life as the door flung open in came what I guess I can describe as a shadow / silhouette of a person but it was almost floating it was almost like a black smoke figure and I remember being so scared that my voice had to have been about four octaves higher than normal I didn't know what to do I just kept saying oh my god oh my god it was now at the foot of my bed and it was basically going back and forth from one side to another almost hissing at me after what I can remember was about 60 seconds I was able to move I decided I had to basically fight this thing I shot up somehow able to move again and ran straight for the thing I ran right through it and as I ran through it and hit the wall I turned the light on and turned around to get one last look it was gone I ran straight upstairs I was living in the downstairs bedroom screaming for my father my dad had just woken up because he heard me screaming from when the thing came in my room I remember just falling down on the floor of my parents bedroom ironically at the feet of my mother and brought him downstairs only to find nothing no trace that anything had been in my bedroom I've spent hundreds of hours trying to figure out what this was I have been told by so many people that was standard sleep paralysis but I still to this very day think this was something else I totally incompletely acknowledged that I couldn't move at one point and but I know what I saw and what I experienced this was absolutely evil this was absolutely terrifying and I refused to believe it came from my mind I've had goosebumps the entire time writing this because I can still hear it's voice taunting me Christ's I slept in the living room with the light on for a few weeks after that thankfully I haven't seen it since I actually grew up in a haunted house for a number of years from the age of 12 to 21 the house was built in the 1920s and had been owned by our family since it had been the childhood home of my grandmother and all of her siblings the house that both my great-grandparents died in as well as my great-aunt nothing ever felt threatening or angry but it would occasionally get under my skin and freak me out sometimes one notable incident was encountering a clear as day completely black apparition he was around six foot tall had a bowler hat in a briefcase watched him walk right across the hallway in broad daylight I was 16 at the time on summer break from school and to say the least it was a very creepy six hours waiting for my father to get home after describing what I had seen my dad said it sounded awfully similar to my great-grandfather pulled out some old pictures and found him wearing the same kind of hat carrying a briefcase same profile shape and all it actually made me a little less freaked out by the whole situation things would tend to become active when new people would start coming around at least that's what I picked up on anytime I'd start bringing around a new girlfriend to stay the night something would happen one particular instance was probably the third or fourth time my at the time girlfriend had come to stay the night I power cleaned my house before she came by I'm talking clean as a whistle everything tidy and straight as she sat on my bed after putting her stuff down we heard a loud commotion from the kitchen I figured it was nothing told her it was probably the dogs but that I'd go check it out to calm her nerves cue me entering into a kitchen in which all of the cabinets and drawers have been and I quietly closed them all returned to the room and kept it to myself I didn't feel like freaking her out whereas I'm very used to it there's much more that has happened feel free to ask any questions or for more creepy stories [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 141,944
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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