uber drivers share their WORST/CREEPIEST stories (r/AskReddit)

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uber drivers have read it what is your best story as a driver what is your worst slash scariest story very first fare it was January in West Michigan I had just bought a new car and it was rear-wheel drive three people get in my car one is very drunk when I dropped them off at their place the other two can't get the hammered one inside so I get out of my car and firemen carry him into the house all while the other two are laughing their ass off and snapchatting me when I go to leave my car is stuck in the snowbank and I can't get out luckily the other two offered to help me out and pushed my car out of the snowbank and I drove off I got a five star rating out of that whole mess so it's all viewed I am an uber black driver a few months back I picked up a man and woman in their 40s from a restaurant they were clearly not having a good time still arguing about something towards the end of the ride he punches her in the face as hard as he could when we pull up at the destination he pulls out a knife and starts to threaten her and me I tell him to take it outside and I Drive away I couldn't help but feel bad for that woman so I drove to the County Sheriff Department and told them what happened luckily the uber black cars have a camera inside that recorded the events when the sheriff looked at the video he asked for the address and they arrested the guy I also reported the incident to uber they called me and took a recorded statement by phone used to drive uber and one of the worst ones was when I roll up to a pickup at the end of a gated driveway to this huge house in Marin County to this 14-year old girl in a nice cocktail dress mascara running down her face sobbing she gets in the car and I don't say a word since the name on the uber request was a male's name we drive towards another really rich part of the area and I notice her grinding her teeth and fidgeting I pull up to this huge house with this sobbing girl in the back seat and in the bay windows I see the silhouette of a man with his arms crossed just glaring at the driveway girl gets out and she sheepishly says thanks and I tell her to have a good night TL DR picked up an underaged girl from a house party spun out on coke and delivered her to her very very angry father didn't happen to me but at Lubert driver was telling me about his customer before he picked us up he had a New Zealand guy with a bunch of suitcases slash equipment and had to take him to the jetties in Fremantle Western Australia as there was some huge military boat / ship that was docked there and this guy was sent from New Zealand to take some footage of it the guy dropped him off and he turned to him and said how would you like to make some quick cash if you help me out with something while we are here he then asked the driver to fly a drone around the ship for him while he recorded about 30 seconds of footage from the drone of the ship apparently the drone was worth about fifteen thousand dollars and he scored 200 dollars just for flying it around for him around 2:00 a.m. I picked up three people that seemed to be late forties ish two guys and a lady all quite drunk the destination is less than 10 minutes away but the moment they climb in the car the two in the back seat the lady and one of the guys get really hostile she's drunkenly threatening to punch him in the face while the guy in the front seat takes her on and the guy in the back seat keeps half yelling that he is chilled super chill it wasn't too difficult to figure out that the source of the conflict was that he was interested in getting with her and she wasn't having any of it sort of as I'm beginning to consider pulling over and having them get out for fear that a real fight is about to break out in my back seat the guy in the front seat suddenly changes his tone and starts suggesting that they all should be friends his plan for patching things up consisted of her showing them her boobs it took her about 15 seconds to decide that it was a solid plan and happily presented her pleasure pillows for their peeping pleasure she was seated behind me I didn't bother sneaking a peek I suspect I didn't miss much it culminated with the guys touching her boobs in a manner reminiscent of a pair of eight-year-olds petting a hedgehog we arrived at their destination another bar a couple minutes later they got 5 stars lyft driver it's a Friday night and I pick up a couple from a bar girl was crawling into the car drunk and her boyfriend was like Deb BIA biamp get inside the lift oh hey what's up bro to me bap after she spills into the backseat I asked where they were headed the bro tells me the address I assume it's his apartment spoiler the night's not over it's another bar I was parked in a bike lane on a busy one-way street and I turned on the car and looked in the rearview to see if I was clear to merge left into the one-way in my mirror I see a fountain of vomit spewing into traffic coming from my backseat then a black Prius pulls into the bike lane right in front of me it's the car that my currently unconscious passenger just threw up on and I see the driver get out and go around to check out the side that was thrown up on I'm expecting him to have pulled over to confront me so I'm already expecting him to chew me out I get out and start apologizing and explain to him a lyft driver turns out he was a lyft driver too and he was actually picking up a passenger from the same bar we were in front of sure enough ducking Brad comes out of the bar very drunk and yells at the other lyft driver are you Derek you look like the guy in this little picture he tried showing poor Derek the profile picture Derek says hey man I just got puke on my car I got to head home and wash it off sorry I can't give you a ride this is when I felt like I was in a ducking sitcom episode the guy in my backseat he can be called Chad had been staring at his phone in my backseat avoiding everyone but now he gets out of the car and yells something like wh owes this ducking code lover Brad yells what the duck are you doing here I was at 4th Street with Kelsey no ducking way I was in there too is she passed out of course she ducking is this [ __ ] better wake up we're heading to myth no ducking way I was heading to myth for Rachel's birthday crap what the duck man that's why I was going to now I am driving Chad Brad and Kelsie a few blocks to myth while nice Derek goes home to host buek of his Prius I have the loudest conversation I've ever had with these two brothers who are actually super nice and find out that they are housemates and hadn't talked about going to the same exact party on this Friday night then I find out that Chad asked Brad to be his best man only a month ago after Chad and Kelsey got engaged so how do two brothers living in rooms across from each other obviously spend a lot of time together probably responded going to the same Facebook event and should be the ones getting married end up not knowing that they were both going to a mutual friend's bday bash with bottle service at a very posh bar beats me oh yeah Kelsey woke up when the car stopped and went into the bar with near perfect coordination girl just needed a pukin nap TL DR passenger pukes on other lyft drivers car ended up taking two rides to the same bar I was taking a cab back from a drunken night of karaoke with a few friends my friend was up in the front seat talking to the driver the driver asks my friend so have you guys been drinking my friend says we have the driver responds me too didn't find out this conversation took place until after we arrived at our destination the same friend talking to the driver once took an uber home by himself completely plastered he ended up puking all over himself in the car but neither he nor the driver acknowledged that he lived in the suburbs and once the driver dropped him off he realized he was at the completely wrong address several miles from his house with no public transportation so he calls another uber but then realizes it's the same guy coming to pick him up and immediately cancels it he had to wait 15 minutes in a stranger's front yard covered in his own vomit for the driver to get far enough away so he could call it different tuber he later got a $150 charge from the driver for the cost of cleaning the puke out I've been a driver for two months I started just after they were given permission to operate in my area I like how most my packs are appreciative that I'm driving them home I worked the drunk hours as they pay the best in my market I haven't had any scary or bad packs but one funny one sticks out I picked up these two drunk girls at a bar and was about halfway to their house when the one girl asks how I like driving for uber I told her it's been good so far and that I wish more people knew about the service I said spread the word and the girl replied half slurring her words I'll spread the word then spread my legs do you have a girlfriend I laughed pretty hard and informed her I was married her friend apologized on her behalf and that was the end of that I get a kick out of how many packs call me uber driver excitedly uber driver turn up the volume uber driver I love you uber driver turned here turn here I use Google Maps for nav but if they want me to take a longer route I'm not arguing my wife's cousin last night asked me if I carry anything for protection or if I'm ever scared that someone might try and carjack me while I'm driving them to their destination I replied half joking half serious that since almost none of my packs ever put on their seatbelts I just floored and crashed into a parked car fun times a while ago I picked up a group of Armenian guys in a shady part of town they reaped of cigarettes and booze when I picked them up they had a really negative attitude towards me I can't really explain it but they weren't nice at all it didn't help that they were all huge compared to me tatted up and in a group of four people in my car whenever I Drive I always assume the worst is going to happen you always get some jackwagon trying to drink booze in your car someone throwing up a junkie doing drugs in the back or some dick threatening you I hated it but I was always prepared for the worst since I drove late at night in this situation however I had a gut feeling that I was going to get my car taken and my ass kicked by these guys when they got in the car I asked for the main guys destination this was before they had navigation included in the app and he wouldn't say he just said I'll just give you directions don't worry about it I hated it when people did that it always made me uneasy I feel like they could be leading me to a destination they see fitting to kick my ass so the entire Drive they were talking in our mean Ian and they kept hinting at something towards me I could see one of the guys pointing his finger at me while they conversed it just felt extremely shady we finally get close to our destination and it's a Lola tally behind a very sketchy looking neighborhood it looked like a very industrial area I had no idea where I was because I had my phone with the map closed since he was giving me directions I thought this was the end of the road I was about to get my ass beat by these four huge dudes turns out it was just the alley entrance to one of the guys houses and we were dropping him off after that the main guy gave me a directions again and told me he was an uber driver wish he would have said that in the beginning I know this story is anti-climatic but it just shows you never know who is stepping into your car when you pick someone up I also picked up a porn star who said she just got done filming with that guy who had the million dollar insurance on his penis she was interesting really sweet girl offered to buy me a drink people have puked in my car done heroin in the backseat smoke someone's joint from another car stopped next to us really ducking annoying job so glad I've moved on finally I was a new bird driver and I took my new friend with me for rides she lives in LA so it works for me to visit her a drunk couple came to my car sounds good drive them to college from a party cool in the most la voice ever the girl goes oh my gosh my dad is mad at me again for having an expensive uber bill okay cool nothing wrong but after some banter between the two the girl is quiet suddenly I hear her stomach Rumble I know what's coming and start rolling down her window as she begins to puke on herself as she's puking the boyfriend yells ducking puke out the window not on my suit so the windows rolling down and she's puking on the window as it rolls then we pause if she's pretty much not comprehending what's happening the guy goes Samantha you always do this excuse me are you okay I asked her she's fine says the boy at this point were ten minutes away from the destination and the boy tells me to turn left the uber GPS says right he's insistent and delays at an extra 20 minutes as we arrive I'm trying to calm him down I don't know what he's gonna do to her so I tell him it's fine and uber will compensate me he says it's not okay and leaves I pull over with my friend to see what the damages it's brittle I've got a sympathy puke issue so I was struggling not to barf we get to a 76 station and buy towels and hand sanitizer to clean it up we managed to get enough of it off and head to her house I later check my rating up till then five stars and saw that they were my first non five-star rating with some quick math I found they were the first people to rate me one-star so I emailed uber the next day after a car wash hoping to be reimbursed for like a $15.00 wash they paid me $50 also the next week the girl and I began dating so it was worth right one of my first tuber rides ever was a girl around my age and I asked her a lot of questions about what her job was like she told me that just the other day after only doing it for a few weeks she met up with a guy somewhere in LA and his trip was getting paid for by someone else who sent him off with her she ended up driving him for over two hours to the middle of nowhere at any time she tried to talk to him to figure him out he was basically ignoring her she was too naive in new to the process that she wasn't sure what to do and she didn't want to leave a random guy in the middle of nowhere who obviously couldn't afford his own uber ride so she takes him to his destination prison edit the wording on the last sentence can be misinterpreted to mean she wanted to have him arrested to clarify he was reporting for his prison sentencing I once got an uber he was Indian old man he played really old hindi songs i said re wah see he Ghani leg are okay hai apne great you are playing nice songs he instantly felt happy and said wow you guys I with my friend speak in Hindi I replied Haan KY and I your Kamino hindi toady bul honge then he said I get really upset when I pick some Indian family and everyone starts speaking in English I picked an Indian family just yesterday and there were two kids brothers looked like aged six and ten I felt bad on how frequently they are using duck word and their mother was also sad and ashamed for that those kids were also abusing each other and saying duck you mother duck ER in the end he said you si have lots and lots of good things and very few bad things learn the good parts only always respect your elders love your parents don't leave your parents when you grow up saying that you need freedom your parents need you most when they are old I was in Boston a couple weeks ago to see my dad run the marathon with how bad the weather was my dad as well as plenty of other runners suffered from hypothermia I approached a female police officer to ask her where the nearest medical tent was for my dad she wasn't sure but she offered her personal car to my dad and another runner who was going through it too so that they could sit in it and warm up / dry off the other man was with his wife they had an uber car on the way already to take them to their hotel and offered to let us ride in the uber car with him she confirmed with the driver to assure we would all fit my mom was also with us so that's five adults my dad could barely walk and we would have had to walk several blocks in the still cold rainy weather to the train otherwise when my dad approached the uber car to ask the driver what it would cost us the driver said just get in and get warm he dropped the couple at their hotel and seeing as it was her account and wouldn't charge past the distance she was in the car for he couldn't take us to her hotel which was much further but offered to give us a free ride to the nearest train station when my dad handed him a very generous tip since it was a free ride the driver said I just wanted you to get in and warm up I won't accept any money from you thanks for playing in our town he knew we weren't from Boston that uber driver as well as that couple in that cop potentially saved my dad's life not an uber driver but my friend is definitely an uber drivers best story this is a kid with a bit too much money for his own good he has two apartments bought a 3d printer on a whim uses uber for any distance of more than three blocks so I'm in the same fraternity as him in one night while very drunk he decided to prank the fraternity we have this very large couch in our chapter room and for some reason he thought the best prank ever would be to steal it and bring it to his apartment about five blocks away the problem however is figuring out how to transport the thing that far my friend of course decides the best plan would be to call an uber castle to pick it up and bring it to his place keep in mind he and his friends are absolutely obliterated from many many shots of hard liquor at this point I still to this day have no idea how they fit that huge couch in the uber but from what he tells me it was half hanging out the back of the SUV and they were holding onto it as they drove to make sure it didn't fall out onto the road anyway I just imagined that had to be one of the weirdest stories and uber driver might have I picked up a cute girl from a hotel who was only in town for the night she asked me for some bar recommendations and we had a nice chat when I dropped her off she asked if she could get me as a driver once she left I explained that that's not really how it works but she was cute and insistent so I gave her my cell number when the bar closed I was thirty minutes across town with another fare she called and I said it would be half an hour before I could get there I told her I wouldn't be offended if she got another driver but she said she'd wait for me because her phone was about to die I get the impression she's into me so I turned off my up and pass up the 4x bar closing surge when I pick her up she didn't want to go back to the hotel score she wants to party she says I don't know of any parties but my house isn't too far I say let's go there she exclaimed then she said it's my only night in town and I want to have some fun she looked me dead in the eye safe fun she said are you a safe person at this point I assume she's talking condoms so I'm feeling pretty good about myself she asks me a couple more times if down for safe fun absolutely I say we get to my house and she takes a picture of me for her own safety prudent girl I thought as I lead her into my living room I lightly touched the small of her back and she wrenches away from me I hate human contact she says humans are disgusting and if I could push a button to kill us all I would okay I try to steer the conversation towards common interests but she continues to rent about how everyone is terrible I point out the irony that she went home with a complete stranger and that I'd been a perfect gentleman eventually she starts admiring my bookshelf and record collection and she plays with my pet snake starts telling me I'm smart and funny back in I think but every attempt to get within 10 feet of her results in her physically pulling away after a couple hours I'm realizing she's got her defenses way up so I stopped trying to flirt she sticks around another hour or so and then his me drive her to the hotel at 6 a.m. I didn't charge her for the $15.00 ride home also that dead phone of hers totally operational four hours later and she didn't charge it at my house now I'm sitting here wondering if the fact that I lost probably $60 in fares didn't get laid and stayed up all night for nothing is due to my own bad karma for trying to pick up chicks through Burr or maybe I'm just a dumb guy that got scammed out of a fair uber and lyft driver here in the San Diego area the highlights on Valentine's Day a woman gave her date of BJ in the back all the way from the pickup to home about a 30 minute ride lots of slurping noises um turn up stereo a gross ugly fat drunk possibly exhibitionist couple doing god-knows-what and back huh who knee I don't think the turned driver wants to see my titties teehee nope I sure don't shudder passed out dude sits up suddenly open sliding side door leans out and pukes into traffic while the car is still moving immediately passes back out phew multiple car Falls of lily white sorority girls blasting and singing along to hardcore gangsta rap while throwing signs dancing around so hard the car shakes and snapping hundred of selfies facepalm carful of super buff Navy SEAL guys asked to plug in with the aux cord start blasting Lana Del Rey and singing along passionately and with much ham gesturing trying so hard not to laugh the 1:45 a.m. clown car pile this happens a lot I have a Mazda 5 other than the driver it seats 5 and relative comfort or 6 squeezed in tight a list is an uber XL so I get parties trying to cram as many as possible in the drunken crawling all over each other / fighting over seats / laps / etc is highly amusing once I fit 10/10 very drunk college kids fun times had a car full of hot young women on e moly for the non old people invite me to come party with them sigh sorry I'm married but I still think about that one sometimes [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 55,189
Rating: 4.8446908 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: cN6Kz0S8UaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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