What is the SCARIEST/CREEPIEST thing you have seen while walking in street at night (r/AskReddit)

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our slash ass credit posted by user you slash di Grassi oh serious what's scariest slash freakiest things you've seen while walking in street at night walking home from work I live in a low socio-economic area and my family couldn't pick me up Sun had set in I'm doing the typical walking in a dangerous neighborhood after dark thing then I hear screaming so I speed up I passed the house with the screaming family always fights and sitting outside is this little girl in her PJs she's watching me with this blank look on her face I've mentioned in previous posts I'm studying to be a teacher so I've got a soft spot for kids I walk towards her a little and ask if she's okay mummys angry she replied then she grinned at me and her eyes went all crazy like the mother came out then the dad following and I kept walking when the little girl was brought back in the dad left in a car whilst the mum went in with the kid the little girl's eyes really freaked me out still do it was during my year abroad I went in Canada and I was in a stupid town that was some three and a half hours from Vancouver it was kind of cold that night but nothing too bad I was coming home from the gym walking down the Main Street I cross a road something was glittering on a driveway I take another step forward to see better and Kate kid you not I could just make out the silhouette of a bear the sheer size of that beast wasn't fun at all I could see that it was watching me it started taking steps towards my direction I've turned my head and I keep walking making as little noise as possible it wasn't nice to tense too exciting for me someone following me back when I had first graduated from college I moved back home to North Carolina and I got a little apartment near the town center we had a cat one hurricane hit and I still had to work my parking lot had to breathe that was blocking my car and so I figured I just walked to work seeing as the worst of the storm had passed but the pole lights were down as was most of the county power so I was walking home in near pitch darkness I could hear footfalls behind me but I knew that if I reacted I might risk elevating the situation unsafely so I got my knife out but kept my pace even in calm the police station only half a mile up the road and I figured I could panic when safety was at my fingertips it worked the person following me obviously didn't want me to panic and start screaming which would attract attention so he kept his distance and when I ran to the police station I watched as he turned and ran away however another young woman wasn't so lucky that night he raped her when the story hit the news I realized I must have seen the guy it must have been who was following me so I went and I gave my info to do a lineup guy was caught with mine and the victims IDs and he went to prison where he still rods when he gets out he's going to have the victim's father three brothers six male cousins two grandfathers and seven uncles to deal with the scariest thing I have ever seen while walking at night isn't anything supernatural but something that haunts me to this day cause I was only around for in half I was walking with my dad to a store and as we get closer we see the store owner being pushed outside by a man with a gun my dad pushed me into the bushes near and he jumped after the man didn't see us but we could see him so the guy starts to beat up the store owner and my dad and I are seeing this and we call the police and about five minutes before the cops arrived the guy pulled out his gun from his pants and shot the store owner in his head and shot him about 15 times in his whole body then the police arrived before he could go far and my dad and I rushed home told my mother what happened and on the news heard that the guy was the store on her son we didn't listen to what else happened and this is the scariest thing to have happened to me I posted this story on a similar thread a while back but I feel like it fits here too I went for a walk alone one night at 12 a.m. silly I know but the town I was living in his pretty damn safe I was walking along a path that ran parallel to the beach and was taking in the views I sat down on a bench and was minding my own business when an elderly couple came into view as they walked towards me I noticed that they were dresses as if they were from a different time period my first thought was that the man was dressed like God and Abraham Lincoln and the woman looked Amish they really looked like time travelers now there was an Orthodox Jewish family that regularly vacationed in the town small town and they stood out I thought that it must have been the grandparents of the family out for a midnight stroll but as they got closer I realized that it definitely was them not only was it too early for their yearly trip plus I hadn't seen them around town and they normally stayed right next to my house but they weren't dressed like them all the men in the family warp a yacht and this man didn't they looked nothing like the people I'd seen eventually they reached me and suddenly came to a halt a few feet away the woman looked at me and said hello in the most creepy way I've ever heard then they turned and walked away I was a bit spooked by this point so started to leave as I looked up I saw them speed walking towards me they had walking sticks but were somehow speeding towards me I nope the duck out and practically ran home afterwards I asked around and nobody had seen the Jewish family I still have no idea who those people were but they may well have gone back to their family and told them a similar story about a creepy girl sat alone on a bench at midnight edit this is probably not the best way to attach these photos but I'm a bit of a red and noob so apologies here's a picture plus a zoomed in version that I took as they walked away do us to make it extra spooky I've brightened it up a bit but that's it tbh they do just look like an elderly couple from a distance but I promise it was weird haha I've also attached a screenshot of messages I sent to a friend named blanked out right afterwards excuse the language I'm Scottish last summer my friend and I were hanging out in a park late at night around 11:30 she was smoking pot while I was scrolling through my phone she got quiet all of a sudden and I look over to where she was looking and some really odd looking men was standing on the road about ten feet from the park my friend said he'd been standing there for over ten minutes but not doing anything I was getting sketched out so I started to get up that's when that [ __ ] started sprinting towards us we both screamed and bolted I was fumbling with my pocketknife while he literally chases us down the street we eventually got back to my house making sure he wasn't there to see where I lived lock the doors and cried a little I can still picture what he looked like under the streetlight was like a ducking horror movie so this happened to me and a friend of mine him and I were riding our long boards to another friend's house to go pick up some bud we started around 6:00 p.m. or so because it would take us at least an hour and a half just to ride there and we honestly didn't feel like riding in the dark anymore than we had to we got there and we hang out and play pool billiards in his house for a couple of hours and in my days of blaze I forgot about the fact that we had to ride back so I tell my friend that it's time to go and remind him that we need to leave if we don't want to spend all night outside so we grab all our things and head on our way we get to the end of the first road we had to turn on and we go by this church which is the only reason I remembered that we had to turn there think I forgot to mention we had flashlights and backpacks as well and at this point it's around 2:45 a.m. and my friend was superstitious about that whole 3 a.m. being witches hour or some crap like that but I didn't really think much of it we get about a quarter of the way down this second road when we reach the darkest part of the road where there wasn't any houses Oran lights from so just us in the woods that went on for a little while they weren't really that big just really creepy vibes from them we get to the darkest part and all of the sudden our flashlights start flickers at the same time I dismissed this as my battery's being low or my bulb somehow starting to burn out after a while of flickering and me trying to keep it on they both completely shut off as we were riding I look at my phone to see what time it was 3:00 a.m. we both kind of freaked out so we stopped and I start banging my light against my thigh hoping it would come back on when I realize it's not working I quit we venture on for a couple more mins and we get to the top of this steepest hill and when we go down it I could hear something off to my right we were sharing the whole Road so I was on the far right side of the road and he was in the middle a little behind me I looked but don't see anything just hear something running beside us at this point I start to freak out and try to skate faster but it was no use whatever this was it was fast enough to stay at a pace of at least 15 miles an hour I finally got enough balls to stop once we got to the bottom of the hill and slowed down a bit I pull out my flashlight to see if it would work it did as I turn it on something grabs my foot and I shined the flashlight down at my feet but nothing was there then I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and I moved the light towards it but it kept moving out of my light I freaked out and started trying to look at it and I finally get part of it in my light it was just a black silhouette of a really small child I didn't tell my friend that I had scene and I just said I felt something grabbed my foot we have no other problems that night but when we get back to my house he tells me that he saw a little child on the side of the road that was sitting and crying I was downtown one night and was at a little music performance I was eating ice cream and went to go throughout the little rapping that came with the ice cream right beside the garbage can was a man with wide open eyes and once I got close enough he just stared at me I got freaked out and quickly went back to my seat the entire time the man stared at me he continued to stare at me for a good 10 minutes after I sat before he moved on to do something else that area is known to have crackheads lingering during the night a few years ago my ex-boyfriend and I were sitting in a park drinking beers mucking about it was almost midnight on a Saturday night and we see a figure walking along the road adjacent to the park coming toward us now we were thinking it was just someone walking home no need for worry etc etc but we noticed it was a man and he was carrying something that looked like an umbrella we were only slightly unnerved but as he gets approaches what is in his hand glints under the streetlight it's a machete boyfriend and I froze looked at each other in absolute fear we were in a dark corner of the park so silently decide to remain still in hope he didn't see us man proceeds to walk right past us entirely expressionless but gripping this sword like machete upright ducking terrifying no idea where he'd come from where he was going we just bailed back home as soon as he was out of sight about two years back me and a couple of friends were driving through very small towns to travel out of North Carolina we were having some conversation about what the best album of 2015 was suddenly our car broke down and we were stuck on a road in the middle of nowhere we tried to call someone but we had no service my friend Lionel decided to get out and try to ask around I reluctantly went with him while we were walking down the road we ran into a huge group of people one of the men yell get the hell out of our town you sons of [ __ ] next thing I know we were being chased by a mob we all had the idea to run into the woods and not stop running until we think we were safe one time my brother were doing some backcountry camping in the northwest of Washington State we made camp and made dinner in a fire restricted patch of National Forest so no campfire we had made dinner and went to bed around 10:00 p.m. my brother and I are close and also both avid hunters we were talking and listening to the sounds of the night all around us right when I was dozing off around 1:00 a.m. I heard a rustling in the trees above us then the frogs stopped croaking then more rustling in the trees I whispered to my brother if he heard that and he said that he had we were both tired but we were suddenly keyed up and very alert there was more rustling in the trees finally I was tired of the waiting to see what the hell this thing was so I roll over and grab the ak-47 had brought and clicked the safety off I rolled onto my back and cracked off 2/3 round in rapid succession I was expecting to see a raccoon or something in the muzzle flash and have the noise scared off what came falling out of the tree and landing right beside me was none other than about a 200 pounds mountain lion it hit the bush next to me and disappeared into the night in a flash needless to say we packed up and hiked out immediately our exodus from the woods looked like a scent from pitch-black as every light we had brought was turned on and taped to something this happened to me about two months ago unfortunately it happened to be in broad daylight but it still sticks with me as the scariest thing I've seen on the street despite the fact that I have spent a decent amount of time walking at night me and my friend had just left a local park and we're going somewhere I believe it was his house I had pulled ahead as he finished packing up his stuff when I began to hear yelling we live in a low-crime area so I knew off the bat that something was wrong as I'm not accustomed to hearing anything but typical boring suburban noises as the yelling got louder I was able to make out more and more of what this man was saying and this was the point where honestly I became scared he was on the phone in the street while riding his bike as he rode by I heard him screaming angrily to someone that he was fresh out of the military had heavy weaponry and was going to kill whoever was on the phone and or whoever he could get to it was at this point that my friend told me that we needed to turn around and go the other way on the street and frankly I agreed sometimes I wonder what happened to this man as I'm pretty sure he had some sort of severe mental illness hopefully he got help with whatever was going on as if he continues to have outbursts like that I feel someone could be seriously injured TLDR likely mentally ill man threatening someone over the phone on his bike more than when I've seen a well-dressed man just walking up and down the street while carrying a leather satchel I was walking my dog at night in a man that I couldn't see very well fell in step beside me he struck up a conversation and from the way he talked it sounded as though he knew and recognized from somewhere but I couldn't remember who he was or where he might have met me I felt safe in his presence and my dog wasn't alarmed by him so I don't think he didn't have any ill intent towards me but I still turned off away from him on a side street that took me on a longer but less direct route back to my house because one can never be too careful when I was a kid I convinced my mother and sister to take me fishing it was dusk and I lived off the beaten path in a part of New Hampshire we were at a small pond on the side of the road you could see pretty far in the distance it was flatland for miles as the darkness came I reeled in my line last line I looked up at the sky and saw a giant neon glowing green figure with massive wings flying across the sky over the open fields I said nothing and only screamed I ran away as fast as I could to the car to this day I have no idea what I saw but it wasn't the only scary experience I've had in that area edit I was in a house but I saw something freaky on the street I remember one night when I was younger I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep when I heard giggling and what sounded like a ball bouncing on the street it had to be around 10:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. when I got up to look at what it was I lived on the second floor which made me feel better at this point so I looked out of my window and saw the syla wet of a girl with long hair in pigtails and bouncing what looked to be a yoga ball I don't know why but I scared the crap out of me my dad and I were driving home from my swim lessons a little over 10 years ago and he seemed strangely on edge for some background I was a little kid and my dad was a cop our house had two recent break-ins that week which was suspected to be the neighbor kids suddenly he pulled over in the car behind us pulls over to he tells me to lay down in the backseat and then turns off the lights in his truck locks the doors after grabbing his gun out of the center console I hear him yell at a guy telling him to leave him alone and I hear the guy yelling some things back I just remember being very confused and scared suddenly I see two squad cars pull up the door on my side opens and I'm faced by two police officers in uniform who helped me out of the truck I later heard my dad say that he threatened to kill my dad and strangle me as well as follow him home and rape my mom and sister about a year ago I found out from my dad that the man was a friend of some drug dealers my dad had arrested and was likely looking for some sort of revenge they found that he had pictures of the inside of our house as well as some miscellaneous belongings I don't know what happened to the guy but I hope he's in jail the thought of what could have happened still scares me I worked at a coffee shop and had the opening shift starting at 4:00 a.m. would walk to work no driver's license left at about 3:30 walking down the street all alone not a soul in sight look up ahead about 100 yards and walking towards me was a fully dark figure no features man-sized with arms out and a tipos like stands or held out for an embrace at least that's how it felt moved like a mirage just kept walking towards me as I got closer he never seemed to move and then dissolved was just gone I crossed the street as I was already close to my job it freaked me out and I stopped working the opening shift shortly after I was walking around with my friend sharing a blunt it was around 11:00 p.m. we hear what sounds like an elderly woman screaming and shouting we can't tell what she's saying we hear this for about two minutes it stops not even a minut passes before we see a guy run out of a house almost tripping when he sees us he stands up straight and walks calmly and slowly as soon as he turns the corner he starts running again we stand there looking back and forth at each other thinking what did we just see the guy then comes back around the corner still running and runs back into the house he ran from we didn't do anything like call the cops because we didn't know if both things were related screaming and guy running out this freaked me out I was camping one weekend with some friends and decided to take a walk so I was walking down the road next to the campgrounds then a huge black shape ran across the field to my left then stoped for a second then started coming at me and being somewhat sensible I ran until I was back at our campsite and told my friends what I saw they thought I was lying until we heard something in the woods behind us we shined a flashlight over and all we saw was a giant black shape and two huge eyes staring at us needless to say we booked it out of there in no time we went back in the morning but there was nothing not even any tracks however later that week on the news there was a report of a similar figure seen at the town less than a mile away from where we were camping and in case you were wondering none of us were high or drunk I was walking down to my local 7-eleven for rolling tobacco as I had been smoking joints and run out it was nearly 2 a.m. normally I would have driven but I was hi I'm a big guy so I'm kind of used to people not bothering me it wasn't that far of a walk but that 7-eleven is across the highway from a caravan park that has a pretty bad reputation I had done the walk plenty of times before and wasn't used to seeing anyone as I was a couple of blocks from it two men came from the other side of the highway they seemed to be together as they came from the same place and were walking a little faster than they should have been like they had a purpose more disturbingly one of them came off the road on the footpath ahead of me and the other behind me now all three of us were walking towards the 7-eleven I carry a big buck off style metal flashlight when I'm out on walks it's a very effective cudgel I'm gripping this thing so tight that the lattice on the shaft is imprinting a pattern into my hand after about 30 or 40 seconds of this the man head reaches a bus stop that is obscured by a large advertisement on the side and I lose sight of him now I get a really bad feeling like he is waiting behind the advertisement to jump me as soon as I pass it and at that time the guy behind me will also attack from behind I stopped and looked behind me getting a good look at one for the first time this guy looks like a walking corpse one of the most meThe doubt mother duckers I have ever seen he gives me this insane looking grin that reveals half his teeth are missing he breaks step just for a moment as if considering his options mind you he is older and smaller than I am I'm reasonably certain that can bludgeon these two duckers to death so long as one of them doesn't get lucky with a knife but then of course their blood will get all over me and is probably full of diseases but he just walks past me joins up with the guy who was waiting behind the advertisement at the bus stop just like I thought the guy who was hiding puts something in his pocket and they both keep walking past the 7-eleven and turn off down a side street I bought my tobacco and got an uber home have never done that walk at night again not a word was spoken by anyone during the entire encounter but I'm convinced I came very close to inflicting of suffering significant violence that night both are frightening [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 54,097
Rating: 4.8543153 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: D6adKde1J8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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