People Share Their Best "I Am The Manager" Moments (r/AskReddit)

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what was your best you're speaking to the manager right now moment back when I was in the Air Force there was a base picnic I was put on the crew to get things set up this task was finished and we were just standing around bullshitting waiting for people to show up a young looking guy turns out he was in his 40s but legitimately look 25 walks up and starts talking to us he introduced himself as the new Operations Group commander and was a colonel select he'd literally arrived on base that very morning and heard about the picnic a couple minutes later our boss a major shows up and walks over to us he said hey guys I think the new og might be here today be on your best behavior because I heard he's a real asshole we all stared at him in horror vog just smiled stuck out his hand and said hi I'm the asshole but you can call me colonel when I was 19 I was promoted to manager of the front of the house in this little seafood place I'd been working at since I was about 15 on the back of house managers days off I'd be the only manager there this woman used to come in and order the clam chowder about once a week eat it all and then claim it was made differently than the last time and amount that it'd be comped for some reason the previous manager always just did it but it annoyed me that she was being rewarded for being dishonest since we had the same recipe and followed it exactly since the place had opened I was just waiting for her ass to try it on me and finally she did I was the only manager there that day and sure enough one of the waitresses said she needed to come for a table and there was the cheap ass I went over there and she told me last time you had all kinds of vegetables in this chowder I'm not paying for it bahahaha I was like ma'am we've been making that child of the same way since the place opened and you know it as well as I do so you can either pay for it like a decent person or I can comp it and you are not welcome here ever again cue her demanding to see the manager I nearly burst out in an evil villain star cackle when I informed her that she was looking at the manager she tried to argue for a couple minutes and then finally gave up paid and never came back friend of mine she was getting chewed out over something or other finally the woman loudly demanded to see the manager so she shrugged and got the manager manager comes out all confused angry woman demands my friend get fired manager is very confused but man I can't do that she is the owner customer was getting all bitchy about a coupon cashier called me over normally I just let it slide and accept the coupon but then she had the audacity to insult my cashier claiming she was incompetent so I denied it cause duck this lady she got all pissy demanded to talk to the manager sorry the manager left for the day but the supervisor is here well then I want to speak to your supervisor she hissed I am the supervisor I said firmly this coupon is not valid fine she huffed and left her stuff at the counter muttering about never shopping there again cashier was a bit shaken up but I'm not very good at consoling so I just said duck her we don't need her a Salesman walks into the reception area where I happen to be I asked him if I can help him and he barely acknowledges my existence a few more attempts and he says he wants to talk to someone more senior at that moment one of the staff enters who is older than me the salesman immediately tries to flag him down and asks to speak to someone in charge he points at me and says well the owner is standing right there I love that I am the youngest person who works in my main office I also happen to be the GM and part owner of the company had someone come in talking to one of the employees who has been here 28 years this guy has a conniption about a warranty issue asks for a manager my guy comes and gets me I go out there ask and I help guy says he needs a manager sir I am the manager then I need the owner I am also the owner what can I do for you I don't believe you okay then employee we are denying that warranty request I'll let his management know what happened ten years ago I was a retail manager for Bath & Body Works one day during holiday a customer began going off on one of my seasonal employees like psychotically screaming at her because we were out of peppermint twist body lotion I walked up and asked the girl to go kava registers and that I would talk to the customer customer began yelling at me after another five minutes of insisting it was in the back oh I want to speak to your manager me miss I am the manager on duty this is a popular item we have none in the back none of our other stores in the area have anymore you are welcome to look online but I doubt it is there anymore either have a lovely day she turned purple and asked for our customer service number to complain it was the 24th of December I was invited to a birthday party at a remote acquaintances place she introduced me to her husband and tried to start a conversation by you to work in the same field so the husband started to talk about his work while I asked the light questions then he started to bad-mouth about a competitor of the place he worked at he would claim there was something shady about the company how they would scam customers and cannot be trusted first I asked where he got his apparent insider knowledge from when he couldn't name a source I looked at him and said no problem buddy just take the opportunity to ask anything you'd like to fact-check as you are currently talking to the owner of the company the conversations around us literally stopped and a very awkward silence followed which I ended by politely saying goodbye I got a parking ticket a few months ago when I was waiting in line to pay it I started talking to the lady next to me apparently she just got fined under a new ordinance for keeping her work van parked in the street for a month she was ranting and raving about how the city has become Nazi Germany because of laws like this those citycam sinners are bastards how dare they I quietly listened and nodded well I'm on the City Council and I helped write that ordinance we have it in place because people like her keep their cars in front of people's driveways and make it impossible for them to pull out in the morning when I went to the cashier and was greeted with good morning counselor her jaw nearly dropped not the manager but a woman called the store I twenty years old at the time worked at and I answered the phone me store named Ravens race speaking her I need to speak to an adult me hold on let me grab one hello Ravens race speaking she was not amused but my manager was this is the SAS that I enjoy seeing I did this bit in person at my old job the customer asked for an adult to take his order I walked around the corner and came back repeating my greeting that I do with all customers I look 15 but I'm 19 having a baby face sucks sometimes maybe too late here it goes I worked as a resident director aka the boss of the building for my University despite being in my 20s I looked barely out of high school move-in day for all the freshmen the usual stuff happens crying parents and students people trying to move in items that are not allowed general crazy day nothing unusual yet cute among with the typical can I speak to your manager body language and haircut she walks up to my staff member and demands another room for her child the mom yells insults my staff finally she is screaming for a manager I walk up and introduce myself and ask for her to tell me what's going on the mom can not believe her eyes me this young man was the manager she insisted on getting the real manager I pull out my wallet and give her my card with my name and title clearly printed and informed her that I was the real manager she continued to huff and puff until she ran out of steam hours later I get knock on my door and it is a mom she apologized for her behavior and explained it was stressful moving their child away from home emotions got the best of her and thanked me for treating her with respect despite her not showing the same a friend of mine will occasionally walk into the back of the store when asked to speak to manager then walk right back up to them and ask how he can help he should change hats and insist he's a different person I used to be a cellphone tech in a retail store we weren't employed by the Maine company we were contracted through another company so our manager hierarchy was separate I was the only tech on one night which made me the acting tech manager I am a woman a guy came in and was immediately belligerent wanting his phone fixed came up to the tech counter the conversation went something like this me how can I help you him my phone is broken I need to talk to the technician me I'm the technician what's wrong with your phone him no I need to talk to the tech out back me I'm the only technician on tonight him no I mean the guy in the back who fixes the phones me I am the guy out back who fixes the phones him why won't you let me talk to the real technician you can't fix this me opened the window to the back to show him it's empty I'm the only technician here tonight what's going on with your phone him you're being very rude right now I want to talk to your manager me my manager is not in right now I'm the Acting Technical Support Manager how can I help you him I need to speak to someone above you right now me there's nobody above me available right now you'll have to wait until tomorrow during daytime hours him I don't have time for that I work for a living me so do I as a technician him I'm not leaving until I talk to someone me I can get the store manager for you him yes go get him he will take care of me how ducking stupid can you get that's what I wanted me okay I will go get the store manager I did she was also a woman him who's this I wanted the store manager manager I am the store manager sir him she won't let me talk to the technician pointing at me manager she is the technician sir him well she can't fix my phone manager to me could we not fix his phone me he wouldn't tell me what's wrong with it I don't know yet if we can fix it or not manager to him what's wrong with the phone him defeated at this point it's not sending texts it's defective I need a new one manager to me can we fix that me yes it's a known issue with that model it just needs a software update should only take about 10 to 20 minutes him yeah like software is going to do that me will you let me try it him okay fine try it but when it doesn't work I want a new phone me updated the software it worked okay it's been updated successfully and I backed up your contacts and photos so they're all still there I tested the texting and it's working now is there anything else I can help you with him took you long enough and you're very rude me okay I used to do security patrols on banks had a large BMW bike some duck would cut me off one day nearly caused an accident I gave him the finger over the screen and let it go 10 minutes later I'm getting off my bike to go to one of my banks and same duck wit in a suit come screaming across the carpark yelling insults width do you know who I am me no you're him I'm so-and-so area manager of Australian supermarket that is he was manager of maybe 30 stores right Oh mate and a whatever I don't care look on my face which seemed to irritate him even more him I demand to talk to your manager I give him my business card which he calls I answer with yeah mate what's up while staring right at him Hugh ranting and expletives as he storms off TL er self-important trumped-up little minor manager piss and cuts me off in traffic I give him finger he threatens me in a car park I had someone picking a fight with me in a meeting and I asked him are you really sure you want to do this he said yes because he thought I needed to be put in my place it was a technical matter in which I am considered an expert so I calmly listen to him and systematically shredded his arguments he was older than I am and I thought his head would explode when he realised that I had him completely cornered at every point he tried to make I couldn't tell him at the time because it hadn't yet been officially released but a new organisation chart was supposed to be released the next day the next morning I called a meeting and showed the chart and the fellow immediately slumped into his chair when he realized he would be reporting to me postscript he had a chip on his shoulder for several months and initially he seemed to think that I had it in for him but I'm not a vindictive person and I earned his respect when I later on bailed him out of a sticky situation I told him you report to me but I work for you it's my job to look out for your interests and I'm more than happy to watch your back [Music]
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 1,517,254
Rating: 4.9433894 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit retail, askreddit walmart stories, askreddit retail stories
Id: ZX_51jl7lxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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