Managers share their favorite "I AM the manager" story

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managers of red did past or present what is your favorite iam the manager story we had this insane and rude as hell old woman screaming and ranting she couldn't use a coupon for something the coupon was not even for we stood there arguing a good five minutes holding the lineup her grown granddaughters were with her trying to call her down and embarrassed as hell usually i would have just given in and let her use the damn thing but she was being so rude i was not about to help her she asked me to speak to my manager and i said i was the manager and she didn't like that at all and said well i'll just go to the other location in town they will take my coupon and i said not if you don't buy what it is for she left few minutes later we run out of a product we need and i call other location and they have some we can borrow so i head over to get it i walk in the store and who do i see about to get in line for some food the old coupon lady so i wash my hands glove on up and jump on the food line the lady walks up to the counter and i smile huge and say hello how can i help you her granddaughters both gasp and go oh god here we go and the look on the grandma's face was priceless she did not try the coupon again lol automotive industry here quick lube style place franchise where owner only owns two locations i'm the service center manager of one location and area manager over both customer rolls up and asks for an oil change she drives her van in hops out and walks around the side of the building once we finish the service she walks back around and gets in the van she starts to pull the van out and starts yelling about her window saying we broke it and that it wouldn't roll up now i immediately pulled up the camera footage clearly showing the window was down when she pulled in and she didn't want to hear it she promptly asked for the manager i explained that i was the manager she demanded to speak to my regional manager i explained that i was the only person she'd speak to as the owner is fairly absent and doesn't handle petty store level complaints she called the corporate one to 800 number on the back of our invoices because we're a franchise that complained gets typed out and sent right back to my ml inbox with a phone number to contact the customer she wasn't pleased to hear my voice calling her to shut her down again god i wish you had a company phone that just forwarded straight to you i'll call the 1800 number ring ring ring hey i'm still the manager and no when i was in high school i worked at a candle store in the mall for the most part everything was returnable for store credit unless it was a sale item or holiday specific stuff i had a woman giving me the hardest time about not being able to return something that had obviously been used for an event and she no longer needed she asked for the manager who was there but wasn't satisfied with her answer she went on to ask that we contact someone else about it and it just happened that we had a visitor from head office at the store that day still not happy with getting the same response from all of us she went on the general disgruntled customer out of this place is terrible and i'm going to tell everyone how terrible it is and no one is going to shop here and in the best move i've ever seen the woman from head office dragged a ladder out into the middle of the mall walkway and insisted that the woman start telling people about her experience right then and there the woman quickly shut up and left it was beautiful i worked at a restaurant where you filled in a ticket with all the ingredients you wanted on your pasta pizza salad there were large boards above a counter explaining how to order correctly once customers filled out their ticket they could bring it to the register during a weekend lunch rush with the line of at least 25 people a woman comes up to the counter and tells our cashier what she wants when the cashier told her that he needed a ticket she got annoyed about the inconvenience all while the line builds up behind her she demands to be given a ticket and begins filling it out right there seeing this i come up to the cashier and tell him to ring up the people behind her while she takes a sweet time making the important decision of which pasta sauce she wants she finally finishes pays and sits with her gaggle of companions later she comes up to me and tells me that my behavior of having the waiting customers pay before her was extremely rude i respond by telling her we try to make sure every customer gets speedy service and her holding up the line because she didn't read our large signs was also rude to all of the other customers she tells me that she'd like to speak to the manager to complain about me with a gleeful and maybe slightly evil grin i reply you already did i'm the manager the look on her face when she realized she wasn't going to get to be and feel vindicated about my mistreatment of her was lovely and even though this was years ago it still brings me joy not my story but my parents they owned a franchise delhi some 12 years ago my mom was there full-time making things run smoothly and my dad would be there sometimes to help out when he wasn't working his tech job well this lady came in one time and ordered her food when it arrived she claimed that the kitchen made it incorrectly my mom apologized for the inconvenience and calm terminal as well as gave her a certificate for a free sandwich next time the lady came in so the lady comes in again orders her food and again claims it was made incorrectly my mom again apologizes and gives her another coupon for a free sandwich this happened probably one or two more times my dad had heard about it and was convinced they were just being scammed by this lady well the next time the lady comes in my dad happens to be working the kitchen sandwich lady comes through the drive-through and orders my mom recognizes her and so to make sure everything is perfect my dad makes her food himself and gives it to her a couple minutes later the lady calls the store to say her food has been made wrong again my mom sets the phone down and goes to my dad and says the lady is on the phone and says you made her food wrong again my dad says you tell that b i didn't make her food wrong and that she is never welcome in this restaurant again my mom picks up the phone and says oh and the lady goes i heard that you tell that boy that he is fired and my mom responds with ma'am that boy is the owner of the restaurant the lady hung up and never returned my parents both have a long laugh about that whenever they are thinking of all the stupid beach that went on with that restaurant 21 22 years old le rung manager of movie theater guy tearing tickets took a lunch break so i am tearing tickets lady comes in like an hour before her show is supposed to start the end of the film is still going on and she is holding what i can only guess is an ice cream sundae made for four people i tell her we aren't letting in for that film yet and she can't bring in outside food into the theater she gets into a tizzy and tells me that she always i say always brings food into the theater and no one has ever stopped her i'm an impetuous 21 to 22 year old making 20 cents over minimum wage so i tell her it's been a rule since before world war ii you should get out more she says i want to talk to the manager i say sure thing i'll go up to the office and he will come down and then i walked up to the office checked my hotmail i'm old and came down and told her i'm the manager and she can't come in with the outside food ended up giving her a refund for her ticket after she said i know the owner of this theater and he will fire you it would have been nice if i had been fired i would have gotten unemployment i used to work for a particularly large ice doing tech support one day the guy working next to me was dealing with a particularly rude business customer the business customers were usually treated like kings but this guy was having a particularly hard time even getting a word in eventually he put up his hand to motion the supervisor come talk to the customer right then the owner of the company happened to be walking by with another one of the execs i've met the guy a few times at the company social events and he is a really down to earth employee friendly boss he asked what the issue was with his customer and after it was explained he took the headset and picked up the line after listening for about four to five minutes he said very flatly that's never going to happen especially not when you have an attitude like a 13 year old girl again listening for minutes before he said i don't have a manager i own this company and i don't have to listen to this from an rh like you and neither do my employees i'm terminating your account with us he hung up and i watched him disable this guy's account and add a note to the file customer is an rh do not reinstate account boss then he just handed back the headset and carried on about his day back i the early 2000s i worked as assistant manager of a popular video game retailer on a slow day i had a guy coming and tell me he wanted to buy two ps2s to copies of all the popular games controllers etc personal experience told me that something was fishy i gathered up all he wanted and proceeded to ring it up he whips out a credit card and tells me that this will be tax exempt his credit card was for the local airport authority and says tax exempt on it with no number so i asked the guy for a copy of his tax exempt certificate he says that he doesn't bet one and anything charged to the card is tax exempt i proceeded to tell him how tax exemption works and the fines that my company would face if i didn't follow the law there was some back and forth and in the end i refused to process it as tax exempt he refused to make the purchase unless it was tax exempt he says you just lost a big sale buddy i was already on my way back to the stock room so i replied back well i'll just go the back and cry then he got p and asked for the manager i am the manager well then who's your boss i want his number i proceeded to grab a business card and write down his name and office number on the back after the guy left i realized i might have given him the wrong number i ended up calling the district manager anyway and explained the situation anyway he agreed i was right for refusing the transaction i then called the airport authority and spoke two hours that explained that the person was just fired that morning and said that he didn't have the card on him they were pretty sure the card hadn't been authorized yet and thanked me for notifying them worked as a supervisor in our optical retail store we got issued name badges with our first name and job title written on them and as i was only recently promoted i put on my badge saying optical assistant with my supervisor badge in my pocket this isn't a massive issue as normally when dealing with customers if you tell them you're a manager they respect that normally enter customer c that doesn't adhere to this rule they had a problem that i was very easily able to offer a solution to but was absolutely adamant they wanted to speak to a manager see can you please get me your manager me actually i'm a manager how can i help c no get me your manager you know the person in charge me ma'am i'm a supervisor and i'm more than able to help you with any complaints unfortunately the only other manager in is taking care of yesterday's banking and is unable to leave see that's not good enough for me go get the manager so at that point i realized i didn't have the correct badge on so i turned around switched them over and turned back to the customer me hi i'm the manager how can i help she stormed out and put in a complaint against me so worth it i worked in a burger king at 20 i was the oldest person on my shift a customer came to me to complain and demanded to speak to the manager i went and got our shift manager ross only 19 but he was experienced smart and worked as an on-call firefighter at the same time as fast food managers go he was a really good one he was handling the customer's complaint really well was polite but was refusing to give the customer their whole meal for free just because a single topping was wrong on one berger eventually the man snapped and shouted i'm fed up speaking to children i'm getting nowhere there must be another manager in this place i want to speak to a ducking adult ross paused for a moment then said politely i can get the duty manager if you want but he's my little brother the customer said this is outrageous and walked out i'm a manager at a clothing retailer and occasionally i get asked to help open new stores around the country i was at a grand opening and happened to walk past to register when one of the new cashiers had a question a lady was standing there wanting to put a 50 gift card with a 10 off coupon i explained that we don't do discounts on gift cards could you check with your manager i'm the manager she then verbatim said can you check with your double secret manager to which i replied ma'am they flew me out here to help these new people with the grand opening and specifically to figure out questionable situations i am the double secret manager and we don't do discounts on gift cards
Channel: Reddit Girl
Views: 77,566
Rating: 4.9039106 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit, askreddit, top posts of all time, best of r/, r/, reddit workers, reddit people, reddit managers, i am the manager, reddit cringe, reddit hilarious, reddit funny, r/askreddit, funny videos, best i am the manager stories, i am the manager stories, hilarious stories, reddit employees
Id: RwrSiQyo6ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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