Nosey Parents, What Do You Wish You Never Saw?

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nosy parents of teenagers what do you wish you shouldn't have seen when we moved house and all the stuff was in the new place one of the moving guys called me out to double-check the receipt and when we were out of my mom's earshot I lie and he handed me the WETA pipe that had fallen out of the hidey hole in the back of my desk when they were moving it what a bro my mom found my butt plug tail on the bathroom counter I had washed it and forgot it in there she was crying laughing as she threw it at me my son has a towel for a specific private purpose it needs to be washed as a kid it seemed like no matter where you hid sheet your mother would find it I had a nice stash of spank mags when I was a young T and decided I would hide them in one of my guitar cases even behind the guitar my mother would have absolutely no reason whatsoever to open one of those she still found them and acted like she wasn't looking for anything I'm a parent so one weekend wife and I are chilling out in bed watching whatever garbage on TV we're now a youngest son 11 comes in and says oldest brother 13 is looking at porn on his tablet so we call for oldest son he denies and a knives of course so tell him to bring me his tablet he hasn't learned the art of incognito browsing all clear in history completely going through his history well I'll be damned he is looking at porn not just any porno some anime stuff some adult drawn sheaths stuff but the real kicker was the Scooby Doo poor Fred ducking Velma shaggy ducking Daphne Velma doing Daphne et Cie so mom leaves the room to let dad and his son talk about this starts with the usual don't you can't hide this sheet from me if I go through your browsing history it's okay to masturbate in private of course you're growing up yada yada yada finish the conversation give him his tablet back but as he's walking out the door I can't but help do my best worst Scoobies impression but shaggy followed by zoinks jinkies and rah rah found your porn his face got so red and I just lost it I was in tears now every so often when he starts to cop an attitude with us I just go Zoids to him kicker of it all youngest son comes into the room when I was only joking I didn't know he really was Edit corrected Velma not a parent fit the only time my mom ever searched my computer history was 10 minutes after I had googled what we saw I raised a daughter as a single father I am NOT a natural snoop I try to not be too nosy the worst part for me was having her around my mom my mom is more nosy than any five people I have ever met my mom was left alone in my house with just the dog when my daughter was 15 my daughter is now in her mid-20s and I still have not heard the last from my mom about her having three different vibrators and therefore as somehow perverted she has T lived at home since she left for college at 18 and I'm still hearing about it not a parent but was preteen at the time the internet was starting to get going my parents saw my search history after I became confused how six Werft in homosexual relationships and googled it that led to some interesting questions my mom found the thing saying I was being confronted me while crying about it and begging me to tell her why I had turned away from God six years later and I'm still so far in the closet I may as well rule Narnia also she found my AoE stash when I was a duck in weblo not a parent but a witness to their finding something they didn't want to see work it guy had his daughter's computer that was having issues opening some photo application and needed it fixed as we are going through and checking if it worked yet opened up and presented an image of his daughter naked holding a huge deal down no words were exchanged he closed the lid and left edit I got quite a few questions about the age of the daughter and honestly can't say he mentioned her being home from college so I'm assuming 18 plus not a parent this happened a couple years ago when I still lived with my mom and stepdad my stepsister used to live in my room and it had been nearly a year since she moved out I had a vibrating dildo that my best friend had bought me as a joke but not really a joke for a birthday gift I used it frequently and I would hide it in the bottom of a drawer in my closet hidden in a hat my mom decided to snoop and found it but somehow thought it was my stepsister's and kept it I asked her about it and she was blown away by the fact that I masturbated but she was going to send the toy in the mail back to my sisty without telling her now that would have been a disaster telia my mom almost sent my dildo to my sister in the mail update I texted her about it and she had the typical response like not my daughter and yes I did get it back but soon threw it out because the thought of my mom knowing what I use was too much I'm not a parent but on my 16th birthday my girlfriend at the time was over and we were in my room watching a movie just chillin I went downstairs at a point during the night leaving the GF in the room to get a drink of water whilst downstairs my mother asks me if I had any laundry to be done this wouldn't be strange for most 16-year old guys but I had doing my own laundry since I was 14 due to my parents regularly being away for days at a time for work I was confused but just replied now I did some yesterday I'm checking anyway so she did I got my glass of water and one for the gf and started my path back to my room went her shrill screams come from that direction I ran to the door my mother storms out eyes on the ground and grumbles I'm never going into your backing room again I enter the room perplexed only to find my gf wrapped in a bed sheet on the bed her clothes strewn on the ground she had been sat on the edge of the bed with nothing on whatsoever when my mother walked him the night was ruined and my mother never entered my room again I'm sure she regrets being such a nosy fool typical not of parents I was helping my recently turned teen cousin with a PC problem I know his dad has some control said so I did a little snooping to see how effective they were apparently the kids discovered few tannery and gente he likes the classics black bible was searched for a lot didn't tell his dad but I did puerile the duck out of my hands not a parrot but a snooping child found a box of my mom's deal doesn't Lube in a different drawer found a photo of my dad naked in the shower my dad had died several years prior to my snooping discovery a friend of mine once set the homepage on his dad's work computer to the porn site you know those viruses that automatically set themselves his dad got greeted with a large woman pleasing herself with a zucchini next time he opened his browser at work he was not pleased but the it guy who had to take care of it must have had a good laugh at it to clarify he did it accidentally he actually removed the internet explorer a shortcut to try to hide it I was cleaning my 7 year-olds room because it was a ducky mess and I was sick of it I found a collection of Apple calls orange peels and candy wrappers stashed under the some had been there a long time neither of my parents seemed to be nosy but I have had some interesting moments like at one point my dad wanted me to look something on the web banks or I had Medina Arabic on the bookmark tab and naturally his first responses are you trying to join Isis I am just really into languages something that apparently my family finds really weird edit wow this really blew up at least to my perspective from 20 , to 350 I couldn't believe my eyes not a parent but my stepdad tracks not only my phone but also my bank account so almost everything he tried to track what I do on the computer but I'm more tech savvy than he is not a parent just a dumb the third occur my dad once found porn huge big dig in girls as doggy as my desktop wallpaper because I thought it would be better to fat that way my daughter's boyfriend left his condom wrapper in her bathroom trash can twice it was a magnum both times I'm very glad they are using double protection she's also on BC and they were both Verdi's but goddamn I hate it not a parent went to take a piss honest all that school found a cellphone on the TP dispenser he didn't have a lock screen I thought I would search in the contacts for someone the owner spoke to regularly mom or whoever to send them a text found your son's phone it will be with campus security as soon as I swiped to unlock it opened to a Google image search result page for sexy shemales I wiped the browser history turned it into security and went about my day like nothing happened it was at that moment I realized how numb I was to watch sheet so I have a bunch of weird sleep issues and one of them is the ability to hold conversations with people while I am in a deep sleep have no memory of the conversations my mom found out about this when I was a teenager and apparently she would sneak into my room in the middle of the night and sleep me would dish out all the scoop who was having a party who I liked which of my friends made bad life choices everything she would never punish me for it but would give advice based on what sleep me confessed it always confused me on how much she knew about my life when I'm extra tired or stressed this comes back and apparently I have had hilarious conversations with my husband I have just recently discovered that I passed this trade down to my son part of me is tempted to get the scoop from my kid but another part of me wants to respect his personal space not a parent but I wish my mother hadn't found the letters located in a hidden drawer from my first girlfriend getting home one day to find my mother standing there proclaiming my girlfriend to be a nutter salute was more insight into my life than I wanted her to have in fairness to my mother her judgment was spot-on but at the same time she'd failed to realize that was why I liked her okay but what about the reverse because I found my mom's vibrator bubbler and stash of weed oh that she apparently grew in our backyard back in high school my friend allies house was right next to our campus I wasn't allowed to go hang out after school though no boys were unless our mother was home why because mom had walked in on a like giving a guy oral 6:00 in the basement one day , the only reason I actually know this story is because one day I was there with parental supervision and when mom has to leave for errands she said well I wish I could leave you guys here alone but I guess I really blew that chance I have never seen a teenager turned that red not a parent story but my piece of sheet brother-in-law would try to catch me doing sheet my sister is much older so I'd stay with them sometimes in the summer when I was a kid he showed me his new computer and then said don't give anyone my well password and just left me alone for a day while they worked I was 12 with free rein to the internet he came home with a perverted grin on his fat face did you know I can see what websites you've been to today oh I can he sat down at his computer fired up the history with a glint in his dead pig eyes and saw 12 hours of activity of me doing two things reading about animorphs and Star Trek and chatting about animorphs and Star Trek I was not being nosy our family shares an apple cloud account and when looking through apps that people had downloaded I found one about different six positions my oldest kid at the time was around 12 not a parent but my mom taught me how to wash my own clothes at 6 she honestly hated doing the laundry that much for my birthday once I turned down her offer of $100 to instead just do my laundry adding that it would honestly appeal to me that much she still wouldn't do it and left the Benjamin in my coat pocket being a late bloomer I took home a girl to meet my parents and had six for the first time at 21 in their basement as many young men do not wanting her finding the condom in the garbage can I ended the rubber and pocketed it I then changed clothes so I wouldn't smell like sex you guessed it ninety minutes later I seen my mom folding my clothes your doing my laundry for the first time in 15 years sigh and you of course checked the pockets she folded quietly looking down yes John van Hien I found the condom 8 years ago and that was and likely always will be the last time she did my laundry not apparent but when I was a teenager in my mom with no suspicion managed to find my weed out which was inside two pairs of socks inside a small cinch sack all stuffed into the bottom of my soccer bag with sheet piled on top to this day she still claims she was just looking for dirty socks the little boy I - - gave me his iPod so I could find some music on Yatim to play in the background opened the search bar type - for whatever song it was and the first suggestion was hey girls but closer how did that get there my 9 year old pupil exclaimed incredulous I did not search that it did not matter that he was the only person in the household with that level of writing capability I just kept going found my music and it until his very strict mum not a parent but this scenario is kind of the other way around I found an uncomfortably large vibrator in my mom's room once when I was looking for candy which she often hoards oh and it wasn't the cheap kind either they didn't spare any realism when they made that thing even worse I thought it was a flashlight you can't imagine my surprise when the flashlight had vanes but of course the most traumatizing part was when I pressed the button and instead of illuminating the drawer it vibrated intensely took me half an hour to find out how to turn it off when I was a teen my dad walked in on me and my GF during sex she was on top dad opened the door and everything paused we looked at him he looked at us after a few moments he said your mom is making cookies and wants to know if you guys want any no dad were fine okay then he closes the door if my door was ever closed he knocked after that and he never brought it up thanks dad when I was 10 my parents found a jar of lollies that was given to me by a friend they thought I stole them because I wasn't allowed stuff like that because I was hyper ass duck so I hid them next thing you know my step that puts me in the car and attempts to drag me into the police station only lesson I learned was that I couldn't trust my parents not me but a family friend was looking through her daughter's phone without her permission two minutes after I told her she shouldn't do that she found out her daughter had been on a less chat site and burst into tears should have minded her own damn business not a parent nor does this involve any of my siblings but I did find gay porn in a rectory for non Catholics it's where priests live my Boy Scout troop was connected to my church and our priest who is a stand-up guy asked us to clean out some of the spare bedrooms that weren't occupied anymore this place was a fringe and mansion so they needed all the free labor they could get digging through one of the closets there I happened upon a metric sheet ton of gay porn they weren't magazine though they were slides like old school slides for a Kodak carousel projector me being a naive but not ignorant of how ducked up the church's twelve-year-old at the time I thought there could potentially be some less-than-legal porn in the mix so I stupidly took it upon myself to look at every slide to make sure I didn't have to go to the police I tossed that sheet in a dumpster and never mentioned it again not a parent and this wasn't exactly with my parents my uncle when I was around nine I accidentally stumbled upon my first porn video at my home I saved it and kept going back to it I also used to spend weekends at my uncle's house and I always got on the computer before he did so I'd end up watching it with the volume on he caught me but didn't reveal he had until later on when he told my parents that I was looking at dirty stuff for some reason I had this weird mentality that the next day at school I told the only friend I had what I had seen she never spoke to me again just one a rat I am a girl okay so I'm not his parent but I'm over at my gay best friend's house we were both in our 20s and he's getting dressed I'm waiting in his room and so I start going through his bookcase I find the six head book for kids with an old lady on the front that looks like mrs doubtfire it's basically six had taught by your grandma I'm standing there with my mouth open reading this book and wondering why he even has it when he walks back into the room he looks at me all funny and says water reading I quickly shoved the book back in the case and say the title of another book on the shelf he just looks at me and says okay but his face is red all over I always thought people were born gay but after that incident I began to wonder if reading such horrific literature at a young age could make someone permanently terrified of women in high school I bought a pipe for WETA it went missing days afterwards so naturally I was panicked I searched the house top to bottom and asked my brother who was 12 if he had it his answer was no one had sent me into a panicked loop of searching house asking brother I had written it off until a month later when I heard a commotion from my brother's room my father found the pipe and my brother claimed it was mine my father stormed down the hall and woke me up with is this your hash pipe I had to stifle a laugh first time I had even heard the word hash used as a drug name and told him nope never seen that before he went down the hall and proceeded to kick the shit out of my brother for smoking hash and lying still to this day I have a smile on my face telling this story worst part is I don't think he ever even got to smoke anything out of the pipe was just a kleptomaniac helped a friend's little brother 14 at the time with a computer issue and found that he didn't clear his browser history at all tried to go to to get software downloads my gotu and the first URL that popped up was an a root Oh hentai site my friend was there and I asked if maybe we should have a chat with him about how to clear browser history and his response was nope if I had to learn the hard way so will he wear several years removed from that now he knows to clear his history let my sister use my laptop created a folder for her staff pictures and all that she was always taking pictures this was before smartphones check the folder for pictures of the dogs got a bunch of pictures of her vaginal immediately backed out rename the folder don't open sisters vaginal she found out when my brother borrowed my laptop and saw the folder name their actions almost made up for having to see parts of her I wished I hadn't not a parent but a story of something I saw my parent do I'm about 12 and my best friend is over we're playing Halo and all that having fun we decided to get snow cones and I went open the door to tell my dad we're going the snow cone shock was right around the corner and once I opened my door I see my dad nude flail around trying to hide his nether regions and when he did that the computer turned around as he hid it there was porn on it I immediately closed it and just yelled all right Alan let's go get snow cones Alan being the name of my friend [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
Views: 681,892
Rating: 4.9319458 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, funny askreddit, r/, best posts, reddit funny, sub, people, funny stories, memes, Cowbelly, Updoot, ToadFilms, storytime with reddit, sir reddit, planet reddit, teenager, students, parents
Id: v5USd2YWqRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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