People Share The Weird Things Their Neighbor Does (r/AskReddit)

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those who have weird neighbors what does your neighbor do that is weird or creepy not my neighbor but a friend's lady used to put her car in neutral and push it down the driveway because she said it saved her dollar sign dollar sign on gas same lady would also get on her hands and knees and trim her yard with scissors after the lawn care company was done oh I just remembered I also have a neighbor that collects part Cruisers he's got at least six of them and washes them all the time seems like a weird car to collect they aren't vintage or anything I've caught my neighbor probably like five to six times just staring at me through the window with complete focus my neighbors have a tent in their backyard the tent is listed on Airbnb my wife and I live in a large apartment complex in Chicago I'm not sure which apartment this guy actually lives in but I always see him zooming out of the courtyard we call him future man future man does not speak or walk or try to fit into society in any way he is easily 6 feet 7 and weights at least 275 pounds he wears sunglasses at night and I've never seen him actually walk he rides everywhere on one of those two-wheeled hoffa board fingers and at night straps rope lights to his torso that flash incredibly bright red and green light sometimes he also has a little Bluetooth speaker clipped to his backpack that blasts some pretty solid ATIS slash 90s hip-hop he does not slow down he drives it mostly on the road and does not observe such things as stop signs or stoplights we have lived in this apartment complex for five years and just two weeks ago he acknowledged me for the first time he simply gave me a head nod and put his hand into a fist as if to say you're ok with me he said nothing in actuality but I'm still beaming from the experience he's my favorite neighbor but he is weird my neighbor sets off huge fireworks in the street throughout the year and just shoves the remained slash trash down the sewer take that penny wise we are pretty sure that the lady who lives across from us is a high-end prostitute we're in a good neighborhood but she has a wide variety of older men visit her at all a day she's the only person on the block who doesn't come to our block parties or socialize but once she asked my neighbor to mow her lawn and upon completion decided not to pay him because the work wasn't of a good enough quality it was actually decent and he was 12 years old for heaven's sake we now refer to her as that lady and everybody knows who we are talking about my next-door neighbors keep using our staff they've been caught with their hose attached to our water taking our outdoor chairs etc they also have no problem honking their car horn repeatedly at any time of day or night when someone isn't getting out of the house fast enough there's a senile old lady in the apartment behind me every time I take my dogs out she gives me dirty looks when she sees my girlfriend she smiles and talks to her introduces herself every time as if they've never met then I walk outside and she scours this morning I took my dogs out her blinds were open and she was looking out the window I saw her and smiled she shut the blinds never smiling I've given up on saying good morning smiling etc at my parents is throwing up he was a terrific gossip and who would literally run outside when he saw you to talk about so-and-so anyways one time I [ __ ] up and needed some Plan B I go to the store and he's there I notice him following the aisle to aisle so I double back him grab the birth control and split for the checkout I was in the clear until the Dumba's cashier couldn't open the box and yells to her boss I need help opening this Plan B of course he [ __ ] showed up so the next day I have a pit in my stomach because I knew he was going to tell the neighborhood I passed these two old ladies who mention the plan B I took once they assumed I was out of earshot one said not to tell my mom it was my business and she understood how rough that must have been the other commented the neighbor had no business sticking his nose in at energy's life and she was going to talk to him my mom never found I had a neighbor alcoholic / druggie who thought there were two women living in my house I had dyed my hair blonde from brunette he continually asked where the brunette was and how she was doing I finally just said she was fine we had some that pretended to be upstanding religious people well son was a big-time drug dealer dad lost his security clearance because of it and the mother was a Raging [ __ ] we'd hear her screaming in the front yard on Sunday mornings get your [ __ ] Bibles and get in the [ __ ] car we are going to be late I'm not sitting in the back of the goddamn church on and on they also let their dogs [ __ ] in the front yard instead of the back yard like normal people the mother came to our door once and screamed at my mother about my sister being assault and coming in all hours of the night well she worked in a bar and she had the drug-dealing son she kept trying to push the door open so my sister called the cops that was the start of the dad losing his security clearance he should have divorced her because he wasn't a terrible guy do house mats count if sir asterisk DRI in KS a 2-liter bottle of Cola every [ __ ] day buys it from the corner shop so it costs double as well still female house mats leather trousers and wanked all over them asterisk PR ete and de D to fall outside an Albanian carwash garage in order to get compensation from them is now in great fear of Albanians asterisk hav another guy stay for about a month let him say about three words whilst they're like you say hi and he just walks past quite until in that regard although he never caused her problem it was just odd apartment living is amazing I hear my neighbor throw up slash dry heave every every morning a friend of mine has a neighbor who sometimes walks around in a gas mask no one can confirm who he is we got a new guy who can't contain his belongings to his own space each condo in the building comes with two tandem parking spaces he owns five motorcycles and three cars so that's not enough they give him another set of tandem spaces and here's the only reason anyone gives a [ __ ] part of the fire lane in the garage you saw that the hearth of the building decided money was more important than safety so he's got three motorcycles in an area actively obstructing the fire lane which is also against their own stupid horror rules not to mention fire codes but he's not done you can tell which apartment this guy's in because he's the only one with a huge plan to next to his door in the damn fire lane the planter has grown it's now got two plastic flamingos a wagon and a stroller all in an active fire safety footpath why do I care about fires we are in California so he has a truck and a car both kind of old and beat up everyday he switches their parking places and every day he leaves the car running opens the hood and just stares at the engine for about an hour he'll step back for a smoke break I is still hard on the running engine from afar sometimes he'll sit in the driver's seat and listen to the one tape he has left apparently and it's Sheryl Crow every single day my neighbor's kid stands on our shared fence and choose it at my old house we had a neighbor who was [ __ ] batshit his name was Ed and he lived on a hill right above from us he would always invite me over when I was a little kid to play with his chickens and rabbits but my grandmother always said no I never understood why ed built a shed with one window only facing our house this is weird because there's no view on the side my house is on the view world bend to the left there was no logical reason for him to face the only window towards our house and also didn't work with tools so we could never pinpoint what the shed was for as they had a basement in their house where they stored stuff my grandpa built a little 20 foot fence on the side of our house that faced his house I didn't know why it was so tall and it was a common joke among my friends when we were younger one day me and my grandmother we're in the pool and my grandpa quartet beeping through a hole in the fence he would also walk by the yard when my grandma was mowing until her he enjoyed watching her mow in her shorts when I got to high school he would stand at the top of our yard wait for me to come home when no one else was there and come on the porch when I was trying to unlock the door making random-ass conversation and always asking me if he could come in when I was a freshman in college my grandpa found a stepping stool underneath my closet window like someone had been trying to be people it was a dumb bus his initials were painted on the underneath ed and his wife has a daughter who was pregnant with twins unfortunately she ended up miss carrying them both later in the pregnancy they had a funeral for them and my grandmother was asked by Ed's wife would like to hear that Ed's wife was a very kind woman worked with my grandma but had no idea how creepy her husband was if while they were at the funeral my granny could take their dog out she accepted its wife was supposed to bring the keys but ed showed up instead my grandma was alone and apparently told my grandma how he'd love to get her naked and tried to kiss her my grandma slammed the door in his face locked it and called my grandpa ed stood and paced around our porch for 15 minutes before he finally left remember he did this 30 minutes before his grandbabies funeral my grandpa showed up went on his property and told him if he ever saw him come close to me or my grandmother ever again he would end his life I've since moved out but my grandparents say they don't get much trouble from addition he has her in-home nurse now due to Parkinson's and 3f it when he found out he had a male nurse because he wanted a female nurse instead Ed's known in my old neighborhood for creeping on women luckily all our neighbors knew how weird he was and were always on the lookout moral of the story make sure you don't have an ED next door not so much creepy just weird I've lived in my current place for a few years now my upstairs neighbors moved in about two years ago and they're interesting people when they first moved in they would have really loud sex their bedroom is right above mine I wasn't bothered by this because er it's an apartment you get used to that [ __ ] and B they did it in the evening so it wasn't like they were waking anyone up I always left it alone one night a few months into their first year I was trolling around on the top floor outside because the gutter was clogged and the apartment maintenance team is slow as [ __ ] so I was unclogging it myself with the yardstick my upstairs neighbor came out onto the deck and I nearly scared the [ __ ] out of him that I told him I was just the downstairs neighbor and he relaxed we got to talking and then he suddenly got nervous and said hey me and my girl we aren't disturbing you are we I laughed and said no I get it I have a boyfriend too he said okay but we'll still try to keep it down and he went back inside ever since then they've played loud music every time they have sex to try and cover it up it's kind of adorable they had music playing for six hours over the weekend one day and I gave my neighbor a grin and a thumbs-up the next day when I ran into him [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 53,971
Rating: 4.884892 out of 5
Keywords: weird, weirdest thing, neighbours, neighbors, weird things your neighbor does, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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