The Nightmare Next Door: Worst Neighbors of All Time (r/AskReddit)

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what is the worst experience you have ever had with your neighbors next door neighbor was always creepy he wanted us to always come inside and play with his cats when he was moving out he offered me an air force jacket I was about ten at the time he said if I wanted to get the jacket I had to come with him to get it from some guys house after I told him I need to ask my mom he disappeared to this day I think he wanted to abduct me not me but my aunt my aunt who was a single mother at the time and ran a day care service in her house live next to psychopath after a bad ice storm one day my aunt had a bunch of tree limbs fall into her backyard her neighbor's husband came over and cleaned it up for her ya know just being a good neighbor and in turn my aunt thanked him with a case of beer ya know just being a good neighbor well his wife took that as flirting and so began a one-sided feud against my aunt it was a while ago so I don't remember everything what I remember there was horrifying she tried to run over my aunt's dog once another time she called Child Protective Services and told them my aunt was a prostitute and working at a house during the daycare hours probably the worst one there was when my aunt found a bit of her house and grass near the house burnt she's old high school friends with the fire inspector so he came and confirmed a fire was started using a propellant my aunt took her to court over these things but I don't remember what came of it I'm pretty sure she at least got a restraining order he came home from the bar with his friend both drunk they were screwing around with a pistol and accidentally shot through their floor down into my apartment I got hit in the stomach call 9-1-1 and when the ambulance was taking me away my panicked fiance was getting ready to leave because the EMTs told her to follow instead of riding with my neighbor came down and was like what happened we heard a commotion cops were called and he got arrested yeah I was going to post a story about my landlady complaining I leave the whole light on to March but you definitely win this thread I kinda had a similar situation I wasn't hit but my next-door neighbor kept pounding on the shared wall when I was loud a couple months of that and then one day I come home to a shattered mirror in my room I can't figure out what happened and then I see a bullet look around and find a hole in my wall it looks like Li shot a gun into my apartment I called the police they pulled him out of his apartment since they thought he might be a threat when he saw me he started screaming saying he was going to kill me he thought I was pulling a prank on him didn't help his case come to find out his Dib shirt son fired the gun and didn't tell anyone cause he thought it got stuck in the wall and didn't want to get in trouble the next day I was in the apartment managers office telling them what happened and the guy had the balls to come in and complain to them that I call the police when I could have just asked him what happened they kicked his mess out after two weeks by passing the 30-day eviction notice due to firing a gun in his residence had to see him in court one last time he told me I was a prick for calling the police my old neighbor used to walk his dog on a leash to shut in my yard my mom had me throw it back in his yard once he called the police and claimed he never did that a few months later my family and I were going out of town and after we left our house my mom had realized she had forgotten something we turned around only to find our neighbor standing in the middle of our yard with his dog on a leash dropping a nice Dookie in our front yard all I remember is my mom winding down her window and yelling docu dawn I once had a neighbor in college that would knock on my door and ask for money I would just say I'm a broke student and I can't spare anything it was weird as duck and a weekly occurrence at the least she was in her 50s and working one day I got fed up when she knocked on my door I think I was for exempts and I said yeah I got some money for you I asked her to hold out her hands and gave her maybe $2 worth of nickels that I had in a change jar she never bothered me again I have a neighbor who did this I gave him 14 euros and told him that I can't borrow him any more money until he returns my 14 euros never heard of him again I was 13 at the time he tried to steal my dog and her puppies he tried to enter our house and when my mum and I stopped him he told us he could break our necks whenever he wanted quite a nice guy we obviously called the cops after that when I was around 10 years old my neighbour would occasionally watch me open my mailbox to see if my gamestop magazine had arrived she would threaten me each time saying she was calling the cops and that it was illegal for me to check my parents mail I actually believed this until I was 15 years old we were trying to sell our house and the neighbours meth-head nephew was sabotaging it when we leave so people could come look at it he would sneak around just being creepy which turned off a lot of buyers he even went into my house during an open house and was telling people not to buy it these people lived like 100 yards away and we still don't know what his deal was once he started threatening my sister who tried to help him after he passed out on my driveway she's a nurse we called the cops and he signed a paper that said if he was caught on the property again he'd be sent to jail luckily we were able to sell it after that this house comes complete with a restraining order against the neighbourhood creeps sold some 15 years ago when my parents and I lived in Fort Wayne Indiana we ended up befriending one of the neighbors and her tickets well one day we're all hanging out together and I noticed her son had some pretty bad bruises and a nice sized knot on his head I kind of shrugged it off and we continued playing well that night the mother comes over and confesses to my mom she killed the boy she ended up drowning him in the bathtub after beating him severely she wasn't remorseful at all when she left back to her house my mom called the cops immediately and she was arrested shortly after she vowed that when she got out she'd kill my mom we nope the duck Outer Indiana and moved to another state I expected this to be a funny thread I was not prepared she intentionally backed into my wife's car because she claimed my wife was parked in her spot that spot was on a public street in front of our house the cops saw it differently than she did neighbor across the street does the same thing his adjacent neighbor teaches piano from home so parents are coming and going for a few hours in the afternoons if anyone is parked on the curb between their houses large enough for two cars easy he'll go out of his way to back his car as close to the bumper as possible even if he obstructs his own driveway puts a lot of work into it to his Subaru b9 Tribeca doesn't have a backup camera so this pastie older man in a shirt and tie backs up gets out looks at the distance to the car gets back in back sob gets out checks the distance gets back in backs up and on and on until he's a hair from the other car I had to park near his house once while I worked on another car he pulled this shirt while I was staring at him for minutes was just waiting for him to make contact of course his wife parked in front of my house all the time he denies it now his wife's car is permanently parked in front of their house I've half a mind to report it and get it ticketed my parents neighbor hurled abuse at the paramedics who had turned up to save my dad's life after he had a heart attack in the bathroom all because one of the tires was on his front lawns grass lived on the top floor of a drug house in college because it was the only place that would let seven of us rent together the first week we were there the SWAT team did a raid on one of the units there were three below us they busted in the door and used flashbang grenades on them one of the other units smelled like your and constantly had people coming in and out buying drugs our keys barely fit in the lock because people had tried to pick them so much our cable internet stopped working so we called the cable company to come check it the guy took us over to the box outside and showed us nine different illegal lines that were ripping our internet I could go on and on on the plus side we could shoot bottle rockets in our hallway because it wasn't like anyone was going to call the cops on us that urine smell was prop Smith that's exactly what it was I heard a really loud banging one evening and walked outside to see a fire extinguisher on the floor and a woman on her phone I was puzzled but I put the extinguisher back and went back inside a few minutes later I heard the banging again and opened up the door to see the woman trying to be down the door across from mine with the fire extinguisher apparently this was the xgf of one of my neighbors friends that she was trying to find him even though he was quite clearly not there I called the police and interestingly enough my neighbor told me she got a DUI that night in an unrelated incident I was in the process of selling my townhome so I abandoned my house for a while and moved to another home do took down the fence separating our townhomes and cut down my lemon tree I was livid did you take him to court that destruction of property which likely cut into your home value no we gave him 24 hours to put it back up we didn't live there anymore and we honestly didn't want any problems or worries we were luckily able to sell the home just fine man oh man we moved to Florida and our neighbors there were the most duct up people I've ever met almost too much to get into they threatened to poison our dog they threw shut in our yard all the time just to try to get a reaction out of us they set two webcams in a window to watch our house it goes on and on one day a shoe landed in my pool while I was swimming so me being a 13 year old kid I picked it up and threw it back over the fence I kid you not they called the police and said I threw shoo and hit their grandma in the head while she was watering her plants almost got me in serious trouble and to this day I swear we didn't do anything to provoke the behavior that we know of we were friendly with the mad first came home to a smoke-filled apartment called the fire department when we couldn't find the cause turns out our downstairs neighbors put a charcoal grill on their stove so they could barbecue indoors my only relief was a friend had walked my dog earlier that day so I know he wasn't in a smoke-filled apartment all afternoon TLDR by a carbon monoxide detector and get renters insurance saya retired woman on my street follows the garbage truck and moves the garbage cans off the street while the rest of us are at work because there and I saw this would be fine except she would leave them in the middle of the driveway and there is no stopping on our street during rush hour bus route so you either need to park a block away to move the garbage can then go get the car or ass getting a ticket while you move it since the houses are quite close together we found out the first time by turning in and hitting the garbage can because it was just far enough back that you couldn't see it until you turned people think they are helping you by moving your burn a few feet but are actually being a huge nuisance it's like the guy that wanted to wipe my sunglasses with a new type of solution that fills the scratches and chips at the fair I explained my glasses were brand new literally a day old he kept on going on and on about how it's going to change my life what the dark gotta love the hard sell had a dude at a Comic Con try to sell me a massage pad thing walked up to me stuck it under my shirt without asking it didn't feel pleasant said no thanks he went on to try to sell it to me as a gift for my mom saying what if you die you will massage your mom forever um no thanks [Music]
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 293,402
Rating: 4.7810044 out of 5
Keywords: r/askreddit, reddit neighbor, bad neighbor stories, worst neighbor ever, worst neighbor stories, reddit neighbor stories, crazy neighbor stories, reddit, people share stories, best posts and comments
Id: TE_Mmj1KvxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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