STRANGEST Conversations People EAVESDROPPED ON (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit what's the strangest conversation you've accidentally eavesdropped on I've told this before but whatever two of my students were talking about this guy texting one of the girls saying they think he's texting her to get to her friend who recently got her phone taken away I chalk it up to middle school drama day goes on later I hear the girl who had her phone taken away say I think I'm scarred and something didn't sit right with me about it I circled back and was like hey kid need to talk to me about anything she mulled out over for a bit and asked for a private convo turns out this guy had sent a third girl a dick pic and oh yeah he's not a guy their age it's their teacher for an out of school extracurricular that was not a fun day not something I heard but what someone eavesdropped on me I used to work at her restaurant and every member of the kitchen staff was Indian and didn't speak English very well there was one white guy that worked there and for whatever reason they all called him ding ding white guy was having a birthday party and invited us all one of the Indian guys and myself were standing outside the restaurant smoking and the Indian guy says to me Indian accent hey man you go into ding ding party a guy walking by us stopped and said I'm sorry I just overheard you guys and I have to know what a ding ding party is I couldn't stop laughing and eventually told him what it was I was once in a Starbucks in Boston and witnessed a breakup which was immediately followed a failed proposal attempt it was the craziest thing the dude was very into her and her body language did not reply in a copacetic manner he confessed his love to her she replied that it wasn't gonna work and she might need some time he replied we have the rest of our lines to figure it out so you have time 'la he got down on a knee pulled out a ring she stood up and said this is what I'm talking about you don't listen she asked him to stand up he said with tears in his eyes why I'm still waiting for an answer she gather her things took left out the back the man sat back down and finished his frat books in Oh while crying I refer to the story as the saddest cold coffee beverage ever two of them conversation hash one coming home on Amtrak from visiting my family a few years ago a young 20-something couple sits behind me and they clearly have just gotten engaged they are happy they are talking to each other in just the most loving affectionate way and discussing plans for their upcoming wedding it's all good this is clearly a happy and excited couple and you could tell this was probably the first discussion they'd had about their wedding plans so the girl happily brings up something about what they should have on the menu like two or three choices for the adults but then a fourth option that the kids would like and the guy goes kids I don't want kids there instantly the temperature in the train car drops about ten degrees she goes you don't how can we not let kids there we have family members with kids kids have to be allowed then he says and this is a point I thought was very valid he says having kids at the wedding or having a child free wedding makes it a very different kind of ceremony it's not just a matter of kids are allowed / kids aren't allowed it changes the tone of the whole thing which actually I agree with I'm not married but I've been to plenty of weddings that were kid free and some that were kids allowed and they were both very different the train ride was 3.5 hours and the conversation just got worse and worse the whole way again to give the prospective groom credit he stayed very calm and tried to be rational about it she went from glowingly happy to less happy to attempted neutrality to furious by the time we got to our destination she was crying and yelling at him he made points that if we don't have kids at our wedding it doesn't mean we don't like kids or don't love our family members who have kids it just means that if we want a more adult intimate wedding it's something we need to strongly consider I wondered about them later on if that was something that was clearly a deal-breaker for both of them conversation hash - this one is shorter again a few years ago I was at a small neighborhood drug store I was at the register paying for my stuff and behind me was a girl with two guys and they are buying a - huge boxes of condoms I'm facing the cashier when all of a sudden I hear the girl say we are gonna have a good time you both are gonna get so lucky tonight I'm gonna give you guys everything you want I looked across and locked eyes with the cashier we both communicated a silent holy [ __ ] to each other as she handed me my items and I hurried out I was in line for a roller coaster years ago when I overheard a 12 year old and her even younger sister talking - - nice strangers all standing in line behind me the 12 year old was talking about how she lives on a farm with her grandparents a little sister and her newborn kid she goes on and on about a young kid and how her grandparents homeschool her so she has time to her raise and take care of her kid and how her little sister is helping - she goes on to describe how little and precious and sweet her kid is and how much she loves her I spent the entire time in line stunned and speechless and impressed by how engaged and unbothered the two strangers were during the whole conversation I asking to see pictures etc it wasn't until we got to the front of the line that I realized she meant kid as in a baby goat well sort of the opposite but when I was in high school we would run laps around the perimeter Drive of our football field for pet and part of this Drive was right up next to a bunch of classrooms a lot of times teachers would have the windows open my high school is an old frankenstein' of additions from the last 120 years so we still have windows that open and close so my friends and I made it a point to have the absolute weirdest conversations we could right next to any of these open windows in an effort to distract and confuse anyone who happened to be listening from inside I think my favorite starter anecdote worse and I shamelessly stole this from whose line and that's how my colon ended up in my esophagus I was later told by one of the teachers who recognized me that their whole class stopped and confusedly looked at each other before laughing it off it was one of my proudest moments last night I was at our AAA farm team game in my city and two men we sitting right behind me there were friends from college one was married and sounded more honest and mature the other one wasn't married and described his apartment as being empty of anything but his mattress on the floor of his bedroom the second guy kept calling girls either hot or ugly and his friend asked him to tone it down bit they were saying this truly just twelve inches behind my ears and they were talking loud to be heard over the commercials playing on the screen before the game the second one asked the mature one if he thought he could hit one of the pitches and he replied not without some training the second one claimed he could hit one of those any day of the week eventually I moved because the second one wanted advice on getting laid and I just couldn't take it anymore I had a student job as an interim music director in a Catholic Church while upstairs in the choir loft getting things ready for a rehearsal later that day I overheard the pastor talking to his parochial vicar assistant priest in the area below the pastor said people are complaining that your masses are too long you need to move it along the assistant said something like I don't know how to say Mass any quicker than I do in a louder voice the pastor said don't overthink it get em in get their money and get em out and with that he left the church with the assistant just standing there by himself so in October the sex shop also sells Halloween costumes I was there with my best friend and her boyfriend while she looked for a mildly [ __ ] costume the two of them start having a fight in the middle of the store so they go outside to continue it on the street leaving me to just browse around and eavesdrop on customers a guy comes in the door and asks the lady at the counter if he could order something special I'm looking for a six foot industrial strap-on dildo something I can chase a man down the street and beat him down with I had to leave the store so I didn't bust a gut laughing and accidentally make him feel bad about his kink but honestly I might have stopped to murder if I had while I was sitting at a bus stop this guy walked up talking looking really pale and kind of dirty and sat near by me I actually had my headphones in my ears but no music was playing yet so in guessing the guy assumed I couldn't hear his conversation he started describing the way a person's body looked as they laid on the ground and when he touched their skin it was ice-cold saying that blood everywhere and he didn't know what to do so he left so as I noticed he started looking to see if I was paying attention and talking lower I tried to act like I was listening to music cause I was petrified I still till this day don't know if it was a joke if he witnessed murder or committed one herself but that was definitely weird on public transit I heard a girl on her cell phone loudly having a conversation with her friend she just left her boyfriend's family Christmas holiday celebration where she seemingly clashed with one or more of his family in one respect or another about things to do with a relationship with the guy she'd apparently spoken to him about it and he suggested they speak to the offending parties and sort out the problem slashed confrontation and she tells her friend I told him I was embarrassed to have a conversation with strangers about our personal life like that airing dirty laundry in such a public setting I mean how crass can you be she says loudly on a bus with no less than 30 strangers who can hear this conversation about her personal life / dirty laundry because she can't control the volume of her voice the irony was lost on her I ever gave her the raised eyebrow and she had no idea haha here I was thinking I didn't have a good one I was on an uber getting home late at night and there was this man purse drunk in the backseat he's complaining how to never hire family or friends when you're trying to start your own business he started going on and on how those closest to him never showed up when he needed them to and how they just want his money apparently this dude had hundreds of thousands in the bank then he gets really upset when he gets on a call with someone he knows and threatens to kill them and [ __ ] the mob this is the point where the yuba driver sends me a text message saying sorry this dude is really drunk I replied to him saying it's cool if only he could buy us some food with those Benjamins cause I'm [ __ ] hungry we talked about food for the last five minutes of my ride home haha first night in college my roommate and I got to Perkins diner rice restaurant for a late-night meal and to get to know each other they sit us next to three girls in their early twenties they decided to play what's your weirdest sexual experience my friend and I bonded over our silence and immediate facial expression based don'ts at a [ __ ] word and just listen agreement one girl said she met a guy on a blind date he had flowers so she banged him on a tree limb they started in the tree house and wanted to be dangerous I still don't care if it was staged or a lie or a sorority there but that room it is still like family it's been 20 years several years ago my future wife and I were eating dinner at a now defunct restaurant in Washington DC a twenty-something guy in a suit is seated at the table next to us and a minute later a woman joins him she pulls out a tablet computer and they begin to talk after a few minutes of catching snippets of their conversation it's clear that he works at the Department of State thus explaining the suit and this is some sort of interview he looks kind of nerdy and is saying odd things and she occasionally makes notes on her tablet the phrases I remember hearing him utter my IQ is off the charts I know how to use my body as an instrument he also mentions that he plays music and has jam sessions in the basement of building he works in some time later we mentioned this odd conversation to a friend that also works at the Department of State long story short the doodle is Ronan Farrow when I was 16 or so the landline rang with my dad's cell number so I answered I turned out to be a pocket dial I listened in for several minutes to hear my dad screaming obscenities at someone who hadn't paid him for a drug delivery at this point I knew he was an alcoholic and did drugs regularly he'd often disappear for days and none could get ahold of him I just hadn't realised how involved in the other side of the process he was and on top of that he rarely cursed around my sisters and me he went on to yell about how he needed that money to buy his kids Christmas presents which broke my heart on a whole other level because he was using us an exercise in guilt and lying the whole time I knew that come Christmas any presents under the tree were likely the result of my mom begging him for money to find us a few small items or from my brother's pitching in money from their jobs to get us gifts my classmates and I are doing a lab practical eating gram-negative rods when this random girl sits on the bench outside the lab and starts just bellowing about a mystery person top of her lungs she says stuff like I was telling everyone years against he was a piece of [ __ ] she totally deserved it and something closely resembling the world is better off without her my classmates and I were irritated but didn't close the door for fear of missing out on this girl's crazy tirade who talks like that in public no less at some point the woman dropped the mystery person's name and I kept it in mind my classmate and I look up this person on FAFSA book to find out she was killed the night before on a local elementary school playground over drugs she was only 17 we quickly went from intrigued to disgusted at the way this grown woman was talking about a child who was murdered but yeah that was the weirdest thing I've ever over I used to be a Connie sometimes I would run the Scrambler it's a ride where you literally sit and spin in a little two-seater inline a flock of young teen girls are talking about all dicks they've had loudly I smiled remembering when I was a young thought too so I just listened amused one girl said something like when Connie broke up with Rob I just had to she was interrupted by her friend saying wait you slept him after we broke up as it right after all the girls went silent the girl who was clearly Connie walked out of line in tears everyone followed her except the girl who slept with Rob she just stood there shocked she got on and cried the whole ride got off and left looking heartbroken I wish I knew what happened next Connie Oh Rob from Macan Georgia I need an update if you're eating this I've been curious about eleven years now I used to be a show for driving mostly sedans and serves one day I was called to pick up some people at her wedding no problem I wait for an hour and a half for them to come out it was hot and humid but I made it work well the whole party came screaming out there was a TV type camera and professional photographer it was a huge deal for some reason the Friends of the groom wanted to push the car a short way but that's not really a problem I turned the engine on and put it in neutral and they pushed it a hundred feet maybe I turned the corner put it in Drive and started driving for what was going to be an hour-long trip to the hotel I'm driving towards the interstate which is a quarter mile away the bride starts first complaining and then crying about how the groom's family ruined their wedding all they wanted to do was drink and that they had some of the ceremonies because of his family if she wasn't being brutal to him on a day that he was hoping she's be happy she was just icy cold I don't really call this eavesdropping because there was no way to avoid this conversation I'm in the front seat driving they in the backseat and she's just berating him and his family this went for the whole hour-long drive until I got them to the hotel didn't tip me either I was outside on my deck having a smoke one hot summer night the kind where houses have all the windows open and you still would rather be outside I overheard a couple having an argument that I couldn't quite make out what was being said door slammed but all I could catch was the inflection and intonation in the two voices all of a sudden I heard a couple gunshots and then dead silence ultimately it turned out that the gunshots were from a completely different incident in a neighboring community and although the timing of the event was extremely coincidental and strange I like to believe that they also heard the gunshots and realized there was more to life than fighting I was at a hotel and needed to work on some online course credit so I was just in the lobby slash kitchen area on my laptop doing work and I hear have you ever thought of conspiring against the US government so I immediately think what the [ __ ] and stop what I'm doing to eavesdrop I'll listen to this entire 45-minute somewhat stern-looking interrogation of one person to another both in suits pretty much vetting this person as a spy awesome [ __ ] this is already the craziest thing I've witnessed but it gets even crazier because when it ends the person getting interrogated just said so does Italian sound good and they just start talking about lunch plans like old chums which raised the intrigue of this situation tenfold to me during this time I noticed two other similar looking interview situations that I couldn't hear those I had to go to the event in the middle of the day but when I got back to the hotel at like four o'clock I asked the front office if they knew of people getting interrogated on their property and it turns out either the CIA or FBI I forget which one was doing a training for new recruits and seeing their abilities in that setting definitely the most surreal experience I've ever had crazy [ __ ] not particularly strange a bit mild really however it did catch me off guard I was down in Rocky Point Mexico a few months ago over at a bar called wrecked at the reef I was there with my family my daughter wanted to play the bag toss game further out towards the ocean away from the bar well there was a group of men sitting at a table Kiner off away from the rest of the tables they were drunkenly taking to each other one of the older men was asking a younger guy about which we thought he was staying in once he told him the older guy perked up because the young guy happened to be at the resort he had been staying at last turns out he had buried a pound of weed high up on the beach because he couldn't bring it back with him and asked the younger guy to find the spot he hid it at and he'd split it with him it was quite odd really and made me laugh with how open and brazen they were about the whole thing I guess this might get buried but it's too good not to share I was chilling with a friend in the beach by the sea when I ever heard a guy telling a girl this story he used to have an Asian housemate who kept to himself after a while they the other housemates realized they never saw him they tried his door but it was locked a few weeks went by it was normal to not see him often but eventually it was very strange that he had just stopped showing up eventually a really weird horrible smell started coming from his room that's when they started to get worried eventually they broke the door down they came into the room and to their horror saw some legs sticking out from under the bed until they realized it was tights stuffed with rotting chicken chow mien and then they saw a hole had been opened up well you can guess where suffice to say I listened to this story with mounting horror and fascination I think the teller was on a date and told the story completely calmly and the girl was equally chill about it so yes I think this meets the criteria of this thread on a first date with a girl a blonde cheerleader at the state school which I attended and way out of my league we sat back-to-back with a booth containing a much older lesbian couple they were and I [ __ ] you not talking about extracting semen from stud horses when there is not a female available they discussed in detail about the best motions to use to extract the semen in the quickest possible way and how to properly contain the semen my date said she couldn't eat but I was able to wolf down my pork chop and gravy our conversation was very awkward and I felt the need to talk as much as possible because any gaps would be filled with an older woman talking about jacking off a horse oh yeah best part was that the restaurant was not very full and we were the only ones next to the booth there was a second date so I consider it a win summary old lesbians loudly discussed horse milking adjacent to my first date with the college cheerleader my wife and I were seated for dinner and had just ordered drinks as an older couple were seated next to us my wife and I were having a normal conversation lobbing jokes recapping the week etc all of the sudden during a break in conversation my wife goes a10 and starts tilting her head toward the couple next to us I look over and see the woman wiping away tears in the gentleman opening a manila envelope to pull out papers having been involved in litigation I recognize the format of the first page as being of a legal nature and P stood together the ex-wife sat there motionless the whole time and the husband ordered drinks and an appetizer for them which they left and to shade called for the check about ten minutes later and bounced the whole thing kind of ruined the dinner for us when we got to the car my wife relayed the gist of the conversation she overheard which was essentially a whispered I think we both want out I've talked to so-and-so and he can make this quick I've already accounted for the assets in a manner that is fair to you you're doing this now yes cold-blooded I was sitting in biology class in the wars girl that I had a crush on sat two seats in front of me every once and a while the girl that sat directly in front of me would move somewhere else in the classroom and the guy in front of her would just be hungover from the night before or wherever he was that day and the teacher would tell me to move up a few seats so she could but anyways it was one of those days where I was right behind her and while I was texting my best friend about what our plans were for summer and I overheard her talk about the guy she likes who also happens to be one of my good friends to make it all worse she turns around and looks at me and says don't you have him next period we told each other our schedules once and I replied with a simple head nod and she asked me if I can put in a good word for her and like an idiot I said sure I didn't the friend that I was texting earlier was laughing at me for an hour after that when I told her a few years ago I was working as a manager at a music camp this program is very difficult to get accepted into am very very expensive I overheard one of the students probably 12 while he was in line for lunch it was unclear what he was doing but sounded as if he was selling something to other students I didn't think much of it as some kids would buy snacks sodas and sell them to the other kids who don't have cars fast forward two weeks and this kid is sitting crying in the hallway with his mom yelling at him turns out kid brought a pound of weed with him and was selling to the other kids in the dorms whole building smelled like weed as it was an air-conditioned and middle of the summer the camp leader had to search everyone's room his parents came to pick him up and didn't get the dollar sign 9 K they paid for the camp back they came to sign him out then made him take the 15 hour bus ride home when they left for the airport a tinder date sitting right next to me and my boyfriend at a restaurant it was this dude who was a major oversharer with this beautiful and really patient lady through the course of the night he got gradually worse in what he was sharing he told her he kid so she asked some polite questions then he started sharing the ins and outs of his child's medical problems which was sad however then he out of the blue started shit-talking his ex-wife and told the palais des a really long story about how she had cheated on him and left him and the kid etcetera and called her a [ __ ] [ __ ] and other lovely names then he actually got out his phone and started showing her photos of his child his friends his parents his ex-wife his car the whole time the nice lady just sat there being so polite but it was completely obvious she was not attached or interested at all she was way out to his league and he was seriously odd he eventually asked if she would like to go back to his place I was waiting an anticipation for this moment she politely declined and said she didn't really see it going any further than the dinner but she's enjoyed meeting him at first he was like okay that's all good but over the next 15 minutes he then started saying things like there's obviously something wrong with me this always happens no one ever likes me basically a pity party for himself while she sat there trying to reassure him I had to try so hard to not show the reactions on my face anyway we had to go so we left them there but I still wonder what became of him and if he will ever find true love was sitting on the bus when an old lady told a friend of hers that she wanted to have her fingernails painted black for her own funeral because a young man had made the comment that it looked great on earth another time I was sitting in a waiting room and two elderly ladies passed by and walked into the restroom to my horror they were talking very loudly and the walls there are not exactly soundproof to put it like that one of them told the other one have you ever seen anything like this it's green and the other one said oh my and laughed they exited the restroom and their conversation continued I've been peeing blue for a week because of my medication and now it has turned green thank you so much for watching the entire video I would be so grateful if you could like this video and subscribe to the channel new videos every day
Channel: Slime King
Views: 33,728
Rating: 4.8339624 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: 3VacNXxd_ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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