People Realize Their NEIGHBOR is CRAZY (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit what is your crazy neighbor story we live next door to a gay couple who have been in their house about a decade they have a fantastic garden vegetable beds in the front nature strip turned into a herb garden from which everyone is invited to take stuff beehives out the back they put a lot of work into it turns out the guy on their other side late middle-aged lives alone drinks heavily is a wee bit homophobic late one night the men next door woke up to hear this dude smashing up their garden apparently he'd spent all day drinking and around 11:00 p.m. decided it was time to deal with her slow s once and for all and that involved smashing their tomato frames the guys went out to stop him and he started bashing them which is when we woke up along with the rest of the street for households called the police and the big Greek bloke across the street tackled the drunken homophobe and sat on him until the cops arrived victims included one of the men next door broken hand their apple tree and the tomatoes drunk guy was charged with assault and restrained from driving or walking past that house or speaking to his victims but that was it the broken hand recovered the tomatoes were replaced and Onyx door neighbors know everyone else on the street has their back so I guess that's a happy ending except for the psycho who still lives on their other side when I was about ten this grandmother and grandfather with their grandson moved into a house a few doors down the son by the name of scene was an angered issued kid from the moment I saw him in hindsight I feel bad because his parents were in prison but scene is only had of the story this kid may have had more than anger issues once he ran through the front door glass of his house when he saw the ice-cream man he was a cut-up and [ __ ] like crazy and they had to fix the door his grandmother was from like Montana and she wasn't used to modern medicine and she believed that your body's creation this itself would heal wounds she would make him pee in cups she would pour it on wounds or in his ears when he had an ear infection they moved away not too long ago but I don't miss em another one is a group of people who live across the street and they live here to this day the lady who lives there is kind of a lazy ass if you know what I mean she lets her dogs roam the neighborhood now I am NOT gonna act like an entitled little pose but they were really annoying to the point of that same neighbor I was talking about earlier having to call animal control on the dogs at one point the dogs have dug up people's flower beds and have bit an old veteran with Parkinson's her husband who was about 50 had an affair with a 25 year old got the 25 year old pregnant and our crazy dog neighbor didn't even bat an eye so now the man that lives there also has his pregnant girlfriend and his wife in the same household that's all I got but it's a whole lot of drama before they move the year ago I live next to this alcoholic couple and they're 28 yo son ever since I was a kid they caused problems for the whole neighborhood but especially for me and my family we live on a flag lot away from most other houses one particular incident happened before everything went downhill for my parents neighborly relationship W them my whole family goes on vacation for a week and my parents give our neighbors a house key so they can watch our house for them come back home to a shattered back sliding glass door and various bottles of alcohol missing turns out our cameras caught the neighbors son walking into our house getting drunk slipping and falling into the door and then leaving like nothing happened my dad calls them out on it results in a screaming match and no charges were made considering the kid's dad is an ex-cop he's also gotten his son out of multiple DUI charges which I only know about because he bragged about it to us after that the next decade is just a series of petty acts like them parking their cars in the middle of our shared driveway pointing floodlights at our house and just being a general annoyance they finally moved to some town in the middle of nowhere ID so yay not really crazy definitely living next to the same shitty and insufferable neighbors for 20 years is always annoying PS that same son has also got me woken up at 4 a.m. with cough sirens outside their house multiple times usually because he was in violation of his parole but would always come back later the same day because his dad would go into the station to negotiate his release had a new neighbour M move into the apartment across from mine F maybe three feet apart although we parked next to one another occasionally past each other coming in slash out or at the mailboxes we never spoke maybe a hi he didn't really even make eye contact overall strange vibes one night I'm relaxing at my apartment single lived alone talking a Jane my underwear slash pajamas it's around 11:00 p.m. on a Thursday maybe Friday suddenly I hear a knock at the door as a single woman who lives alone I don't answer the door to a stranger especially not at night so I slowly and quietly tiptoe to the peephole it's my weird neighbor of course I think for a moment that maybe there some kind of practical problem that needs solving regardless I don't want to answer because I don't really know the guy it's 11:00 p.m. and I'm alone then I take a closer look he's holding a bottle of wine ah I back away as if he can see me clearly stoned law and wait eventually I resume doing whatever I was doing check the peephole again and he's gone 15 minutes later another knock at the door I get up again look and sure enough same weird neighbor same bottle of wine same stoner paranoia as if I wasn't freaked out before now I'm getting really freaked out he clearly knows I'm home because my car is there and I have lights on in my apartment he also should clearly know that I'm not answering the door for a reason sure enough it happened one more time I'll never figure out why he decided that late on a random weeknight was the right time to approach me for the first time at my apartment with a bottle of wine very bad approach now maybe I watch / read / listen to too many murder stories maybe I was a little too high but like stay sexy don't get murdered okay gah Bai I moved in with a friend after she had to kick her last room at out she was sort of friendly with the next-door neighbor duplex like setup they shared a wall between living rooms and a door stoop important my friend is also hearing impaired which neighbor knows about when I moved in she'd been having issues with the neighbours husband because she had a bad tendency to slam the front door without realizing how loud it was he would come storming out of his apartment to scream at her usually citing his wife Zipporah myalgia or migraines for being the reason in that the noise was causing his wife pain I remember the second day I was living there I had tried opening the door with a chain lock still on wasn't used to it and it made a noise I left the apartment and he comes out to scream at me thinking I was her I apologized he scoffs and goes back in never said a word to him otherwise a few months in the neighbors on their other side start hammering on things all hours of the day turns out they were stealing the cabinet's before they left we can hear it all the way in our apartment he doesn't say a word I truly believe it's because one of them was now whereas me and my friend are both female what took the cake there was the day I backed up into his wife's car we shared a driveway I was leaving checked behind looked forward for a second and felt a bump and looked back again to see him staring at me and his wife's car no idea where he came from he gets out starts hemming and hawing about the damage running his hand over a part of the front of the car that has the paint already scratched off says he needs to talk to his wife about it she comes out says she doesn't want to get insurance involved and tells me to pay her 20 bucks a week later I backing up again I'm super cautious this time and I see him flying down the drive going something like 40 in a 10 on a drive kids play out in the middle of I'm already partially out of driveway and he has to slam on his brakes to keep from hitting me then he just sits there waiting for me to do something after about a minute he pulls into his spot we moved out a bit after that my friend sent me a link the other day years after this all went down apparently he's being charged for child molestation lived in a townhouse with very thin walls neighbor was a very loud very angry person he'd always get into screaming matches with his wife at the time he'd play call of duty super loud constantly he'd speed off in his oversized truck in the middle of the night often a whole shitload of stuff we never really exchanged any kind of formalities after we moved in we may be waved introduced ourselves whatever his wife kept flirting with my husband in front of him and they'd begin fighting my husband would always tell me or he'd ignore her one night seriously stands out though his wife hadn't been around for a while so we assumed they were finally spirited he would have friends over on weekends and they'd grill drink and loudly play card one night after most of the people who came over left he was playing Cod and we could tell he had one friend still over they will are fing having a good time whatever then a few minutes later it got super quiet and he began yelling at his friend screaming about the game whatever his friend was trying to defuse him saying man don't treat me like this I'm trying to be a good friend and be here for you he then would scream back I don't need you or anyone [ __ ] you they went back and forth then we heard glass shatter his friends say he was leaving slamming doors and a car leave for two hours after it was just him rage screaming at nothing breaking [ __ ] and playing Cod we had called the cops to make a noise complaint they came knocked on his door he didn't answer so they came over to us to ask what happened it wasn't the first or last time someone called the cops on him the last time we did the cop who came knew him somehow and said to us he's just going through a nasty divorce I didn't care he was keeping my five-year-old stepdaughter up and scared he tried to get us back by always throwing cigarette butts over our fence calling the cops on us once because AB smoke detector was going off and double parking like a jackass in our space so many times I wish I'd said something to his face never did just passive-aggressively dealt with him I lived in an apartment building on the corner of the main drag my neighbor across the hall had schizophrenia and he did not like taking any medication one day coming home in the evening on the side street where the parking was my boyfriend and I see a gigantic ladder sitting in the middle of the street going up to my neighbor's second-story apartment window as we are gathering our stuff from the trunk we see a police car with two officers turn off the main road slowly approaching the ladder while looking up to the building we head inside before the police do and shortly after I hear them knock on my neighbor's door knowing this is going to be good I get an irrepressible need to watch out my peephole I hear the police announce themselves and knock again and then my neighbors muffled voice yells just a minute suddenly he flings his door open throws his arms up to the doorjamb on either side shoots a provocative Hippos and says in a very breathy voice can I help you did I forget to mention that he is only wearing a leopard print bananahammock anyway I'm not too sure what happened after that as I had to vacate the doorway and peephole as I was laughing hysterically I cried laughing and fell on the floor this neighbor provided several occasions of amusement and WTF over the year or so I live there this was also the same building where another neighbor on the same floor kicked her door in on her lunch break as she had to have her lunch immediately she couldn't bring herself to return to her workplace and retrieve her piece it was an interesting building I lived in a circle of houses that were a part of a larger group of townhouses in a small town there were a lot of families that had children particularly within a couple years of my age that lived within these homes there's obviously a lot of stories that went down but my neighbor was a big part of my life he was only a couple of years older than me and lived with just his mother she seemed like a very kind woman single mom taking care of her son who has a so of different mental and physical illnesses to deal with his main ones being severe bipolar ADHD and on the autism spectrum having a younger brother myself that's on the lower side of the autism spectrum him having disabilities had no effect on my impression of him he was super tall lanky and frequently got mad I was also a pretty stubborn child and he and I would get in physical fights all the time the troubling part is a lot of it wasn't warranted examples being throwing a controller at me if I beat him in a game I once got mad at him for killing lightining bugs and he hit me in the face with a plastic tennis racket it broke on my face but I called him a close friend and he claimed to have a crush on me at the time it seemed innocent but I always felt off about it he would chance me around and try to kiss me laughing as if it was just a game to him until he was alone with me there's a lot of very bad things that happen behind closed doors and I'm pretty sure you can figure out where that went it's a little hard to word it and type in out I'm okay though what happened after was what makes all of this even harder for context a lot of this happened throughout my younger childhood and I have a lot of gaps in my memory due to natural growing up as well as dissociating from memories but my parents found out that his mother was lying about her son he didn't have the Pala or autism or anything my mom had always had a weird feeling about her considering my brother having autism and my mom knowing extensively about what it's like being the parent of a disabled child personally finically papers government staff you name it and while I don't know the specifics of what went down I do know that it was confirmed she was laying getting government benefits and feeding her child medication to keep him disabled to keep the cycle going I could go deeper into how that whole dynamic [ __ ] my perception of my past but that's only if people are interested I did end up reaching out to him years later and it was like talking to a completely new person I mean they were lived completely away from his mom and was even going to school it's something I think about every now and again but it's kind of just heartbreaking just leave this knowing that he is doing well and if he can survive that you can get through what's going on in life I have a lot of stories but this is the newest I have enabled with mental health problems that takes medicine religiously every day except on pay day on pay day she gets her cash buys beer and wine turns her stereo on very loud sits outside her house and drinks until whatever mental health problems she has starts acting up I think she shares a phrenic and she starts screaming with invisible entities that she's not scared of them and keeps singing gospel songs over her loud stereo and kicking her own gate the gate is bent at this point and doesn't close anymore we are tired of calling the cops every month sometimes she screams that she's feeling sick and someone will call an ambulance and when it gets here she refuses treatment and tries to make any good looking person in the ambulance come out to drink with her ambulance started calling police to check her out before actually coming now because she never goes with them but takes a lot of their time I know she has at least four K and fines from all the times police and ambulance showed up here in the last year we have asked the owner of the house to kick her out but she's the only one insane enough to pay what they are asking for and a few weeks back another neighbor who has two young kids straight up went inside her house at 2:00 a.m. and beat the [ __ ] out of her and her stereo because she was screaming her head off and police couldn't go inside her house the police officers are tired as [ __ ] of being called and pretended not to see anything she has calmed down for now but payday is coming and we are waiting to see when my father passed I dealt with the estate and thus his house and neighbors the woman across the street had to be the nosiest person in the history of the universe she would consistently come over to say hi within seconds of me arriving that was annoying but it's the suburbs and people are weird so okay then she started coming over to deliver mail she thought was important so she was taking all of the mail and only handing over what she wanted to after she opened it I changed his address almost immediately so I don't even know what she was getting but hopefully it wasn't important she asked for my number in case of an emergency and I gave it to her since I wasn't living there and I guess there are scenarios in which that could be helpful this is when I finally had to tell her to turn it down I was there at least three days a week so short of a fire or breaking I'm good but she called to tell me she spotted something in the house I honestly don't remember the details but the only way she could have seen it is if she went through the gate into the backyard and pressed her nose against the glass in the bushes that's when I started hinting that it's okay and I really don't need you to inspect things she backed off a bit but one day I was doing a project in the garage and her and her husband would not leave me alone I got their whole life histories a grilling on my life and my favorite a ton of questions about old neighborhood gossip on my father she was telling me all kinds of nonsense that wasn't any of her business and wouldn't believe that I had no idea why he broke up with his ex he never told me and it wasn't my business this woman thought it was entirely her business and continued to question me on their entire relationship for at least an hour when my realtor met her she kept making faces at me after neighbor lady left she told me what about when she first listed the house she kept getting phone calls from someone about if anyone had died in the house what of and how long someone had been dead in there before he was found yes none of your business and definitely none of your business real to recognize the voice she'd been in the business for a while and couldn't believe it and the last story I had from her is that she called to tell me she had called the cops to remove someone from the premises as law enforcement hadn't contacted me and I assumed I'd have some notification of a breakin I had to ask some follow-up questions it was a woman living in her car who had parked in the driveway of a vacant house to have asleep I told her off on that one because I would have been 100% okay with that literally no harm done i 100% hinted to the buyers that maybe they wanted to establish some boundaries there and this is yet another reason I'm never going to live in the suburbs I've had a few crazy neighbors over the years this is one of the crazier ones TL DR my neighbor was saying until she got sucked up by a cult the girl who lived above this was really nice I watched her son often because she was a nurse who worked a lot of overpasses she had epilepsy and was prone to seizures she wasn't insane until she got a boyfriend who was super religious not normal religious but an off-the-charts alert one day she was having a grand mal seizure and her boyfriend was convinced she was possessed he called his fellow zealots while I told the paramedics when the paramedics arrived the boyfriend and his friends were throwing holy water on my neighbor and wouldn't let the paramedics near her those weirdos had locked her poor four-year-old son in his room and he was crying so hard that he was throwing up when the weirdos were distracted by the paramedics I got her son and took him downstairs cleaned him up and gave him a cookie I held him close till he fell asleep the paramedics were not successful in trying to treat the mom and when they left the boyfriend came downstairs and pounded on my door demanding for me to give him her son he almost broke my door down the boy woke up and started crying again poor baby I opened the door and the dude started screaming that I worshipped Satan and I caused our neighbor to be possessed by a demon he grabbed the boy and took him back upstairs I called the police but the boyfriend the little boy in my neighbor were gone before they got there a couple of days later they came back without the boy and got some stuff out of the apartment I tried to say goodbye to the mom and she had this vacant look in her eyes with a really weird smile on her face I think she'd been drugged either that or she had brain damage from the seizure no idea I just know she wasn't the same at all they left all of the little boys toys and almost everything else and never came back I told our landlord what happened and he did what he could to try and find her but never did I still wonder about that poor little boy to this day he'd be about 12 or 13 now probably my meth head neighbors I had living in Oklahoma they would never sleep and were constantly yelling the guy would have complete mental breakdowns at least once a week and the cops would be cold and he'd be gone for two days come back be good for a day or two and then it would all start again one night I'm on our back porch relaxing with my wife and the dude comes up looking for his girlfriend my neighbor she comes out and they start fighting my wife has had enough and goes inside to call the cops while I stay at the door to make sure nothing happened to my neighbor before the cops came the dude then stops yelling looks me in the eyes and says just [ __ ] shoot me molecule I carry and while at home I openly carry I laughed and told him to [ __ ] off he then took out a huge [ __ ] knife and started coming towards me saying I'll do it myself and started slashing his arms blood is all over the back porch and it's a really wild scene the cherries and berries pop up and he takes off eventually the cops come to take my report and fill me in on my lovely neighbors they explained to me that they are well known meth heads and the guys in and out of jail and mental health facilities he's also know to start local confrontations with people and police to get them to shoot him / suicide-by-cop they warned me that he will be out in three days and will probably be right back so my wife and I just just say [ __ ] it we were moving in two weeks and we just wanted to bid our time before we were gone for good we pretty much stayed held up in our bedroom trying not to make a sound those two weeks and bounced out of there ASAP we have crazy neighbors where we are at now but instead of meth heads we have turkeys they kinda remind us of them okay so there's this house one over for me and I have dubbed it the bad juju house it's had two families live there since I've moved in and both are crazy and sort of sad one this divorced lady moved in with her two sons both about 8 years older than me at the time I was around 8 and lived there until I graduated high school she was inaudible and had mental issues she was supposed to take medicine for but didn't at times just a quick list of some of the weird things she did one time my mom came home from work and my neighbor was smashing mirrors with a hammer outside in the driveway she would wake up at ungodly hours and scream the time out of the window custard my sister and I coming home from school cursed out a family friend driving up the street and hoarded so much you could see it through the windows I think she eventually got evicted it was really sad because her sons were so nice and when she was on her medicine she was too - after that crazy neighbor moved out a family with two sets of twins one boy set and one younger girl set moved in they moved in right as I moved away for college that I still saw them frequently when I came home they would always sit on the front porch and their kids would play my dad and the father even bonded over going to the same College the mom worked as a nurse or something and the dad would stay at home totally typical how I was home for my birthday my mom and I were watching TV in the front when my sister came home and asked why are all those cop cars outside we looked and there are like five to six visible cop cars lining our little streets with their lights on but no sirens this was super weird considering we live in a relatively safe neighborhood then this unmarked black van pulls up and a guy with a jacket that says F the aisle the back steps out my mom had my sister go outside to get something from her car to ask if we should be worried he said everything was fine we looked for a couple more minutes and couldn't see a lot because of the position of our house although we could tell they were going into the bad juju house eventually it came out that the dad was caught sending child porn to an undercover police officer in a sting operation I read the police report and there was evidence that he sexually abused and sent pictures of his twin daughters who were about three two other pedophiles his ex-wife still lives there and now has four kids all within two years of each other my mom helps whenever she can and the wife just seems sat very worn down I couldn't imagine staying in that house sorry for the awful formatting used to live with my partner in this tiny bed suit it was essentially a converted crappy hotel our upstairs neighbor was absolutely insane he kept his microwave and a half renovated room on the ground floor and I would regularly get home from nights out e.t.c and see him sitting on the floor in a darkroom cooking ready meals at 3:00 a.m. rather than in his room one day at roughly 2:00 a.m. I heard banging on our door so I answered it quite carefully as it was late and it was him and he just stared at me not replying to anything I said so eventually I shut the door on him and went back to sleep this carried on every couple of days also I'm a very very patient man but someone waking me up every night at 2:00 a.m. when I had to leave for work at 5:30 a.m. was starting to drive me insane so I answered the door extremely angrily and told him in a much more angrily way to go away he obliged and left about a week went by before me and my partner started noticing he was following us around regularly he would follow me on my walk to work follow us to the shop and be generally creepy hiding behind bushes etc at this point I really lost Michael I heard banging on our room door again and answered to find him sitting cross-legged on the floor staring at me I slammed the door in his face and he punched the door at this point I swing open the door and tell him to F off before I throw him down the stairs and he stood up and ran off the next night I hear banging on the door again and he starts shouting at me saying I stole his microwave now I definitely did not steal his microwave but he was absolutely adamant I had and tried to get through the door to check my flat this was 2 a.m. roughly and my partner was in bed it was basically one big room I push him out the door and he starts trying to ran the door down at this point I call the police they turn up and calm him down and essentially give him a warning which seemed to do the trick I then bumped into him in the hallway a week or two later and he invites me to go for a cover II with him and his mom we still see him occasionally following us even though we've moved to a different city and have lived here years I have the worst luck with neighbors first apartment was actually an extended-stay hotel the people above me and across the hall would [ __ ] very loudly very late at night are all the time second apartment was a secure building if you'd got locked out the landlord would charge you 35 dollars to come let you in probably illegal but whatever we were in a bad neighborhood so I was glad the exterior was locked about halfway through our lease new people moved in across the hall they [ __ ] breathed weed like weed smoke filling the common area from under there closed door I don't smoke weed so I didn't appreciate being hit by a wall of weed smoke when I leave for work in the morning as a joke I made a sign that said whoever keeps letting skunks and building please stop and put it on the wall in the common area the next day they ripped it in half and wrote [ __ ] you an asterisk asterisk asterisk on the wall some weeks later at 1a and someone is shouting let me in and pounding on the outside door couldn't see who it was like I said bad neighborhood I'm not going down there to let whoever is there in the building they don't give up for a [ __ ] hour so I called the cops they ran there was also a riot in the parking lot some kid that lived in the building ran inside and about ten seconds later there was like two dozen kids throwing [ __ ] at the door trying to break in there has been two shootings in that building since I moved out bought a house I'm in upstate New York neighbors are from Brooklyn this guy has like six kids in a 1400 square feet house and they're all misbehaved little shits me and my friends are in the backyard drinking not watching our language they are over there dropping several f-bombs in our figure it's an anything-goes neighborhood this [ __ ] has the nerve to come out and say you guys better watch your mouths over there he'll come out and threaten people for parking on the street in front of his house is that a thing down stat and once I mowed like two feet into his yard on accident and he came out screaming at me and accusing me of trying to steal his land give me a break guy he didn't mow his backyard once the entire year before next house I'm going to make sure there's no neighbors for at least 100 yards thank you for watching don't forget to Like and subscribe
Channel: Top Reddit
Views: 7,496
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: DOLDmr7krrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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