What Weird Things Do Your Neighbors Do? (r/AskReddit)

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those who have weird neighbors what does your neighbor do that is weird or creepy my neighbor's kid stands on our shared fence and chews it so I had a neighbor ate a yo or more widowed guy every time I get the newspaper delivered to my mailbox when I open it I find the crosswords done I don't do them or give a dang a day I decided to try catch who's doing my crosswords day one 8:00 a.m. they were already done day two 7:30 a.m. already done day three 7:00 a.m. I decide to give up one day 4:00 a.m. I was getting back home from a night out while I was passing by the mailbox nothing yet delivered so I place my GoPro inside and went sleeping the next day finally got IT it was my neighbor he has done the crosswords right up on my mailbox for like 10 minutes I will try to find the video but it was absolutely cute staring at my door time-to-time and scratching his head next day I took him a 1,000 crosswords book drop it right his door rang the bell and stayed on my car discreetly he took some time to open the door then found it I swear it was the happiest person like a kid that got a puppy he stayed in his porch and passed like two hours doing crosswords then fell to sleep long the next day I was getting back home from work he came to apologize like a kid that has to confess something and brought some cookies we stayed talking about his World War two service and how the world changed I frequently bought him crosswords books until he passed away one year ago may he rest in peace beautiful growing up we had some really crazy neighbors that lived across the road from us the parents were real nutters and abusive to their kids they would regularly lock their children out the front of their house and lock the front gate so they couldn't leave with nothing but one glass of water now this is outback Australia where temperatures would regularly reach 40 - 45 degrees the kids would be screaming and crying out the front police would get called they'd come kids would go back inside then get put back out once they'd left the mother would also come out the front of the house when my mum would farewelling or greeting people and start yelling mrs. colo 89 why won't you be my friend I know you think I am crazy please be my friend a few years ago I heard the mother had been committed to a psychiatric hospital husband remarried and kids have nothing to do with then now my neighbors have a tent in their backyard the tent is listed on Airbnb this is the best one so he has a truck and a car both kind of old and beat up every day he switches their parking places and every day he leaves the car running opens the hood and just stares at the engine for about an hour he'll step back for a smoke break I is still hard on the running engine from afar sometimes he'll sit in the driver's seat and listen to the one tape he has left apparently and it's Sheryl Crow every single day every day is a winding road my next-door neighbors keep using our stuff they've been caught with their hose attached in our water taking our outdoor chairs etc they also have no problem honking their car horn repeatedly at any time of day or night when someone isn't getting out of the house fast enough the cameras I haven't considerate neighbors who don't understand personal space or property they notice the cameras went up things stopped being taken and it got quieter we have about 70 meters of bushes that separate our gardens our neighbor cuts the bushes excessively thin on his side so he can watch us through the bushes he does this exclusively at stretches of bushes where we spend time so next to our door and our back yard where we used to sit in the Sun or play football with my six and seven year old brothers you can see his side of the bushes when you're on the main road and the bush everywhere is dense and about two feet thick aside form those spots in a time we opened the door makes a noise we can hear him turning off his lawnmower and making his way to the same place we are but on his side landlord lost his crap at him so the guy bought fencing to put up where he had blatantly cut the bush to thin this fence is purely a decorative one and can be seen though were head height whenever we leave the house we can hear him finishing what he's doing and he'll be Stan down at the front gate to watch us leave my mom's also caught him a few times staring through the bush into our kitchen very large window at our dining table where mom spends most of her time so we keep the blinds down all the time got reported to the guards years ago for indecent exposure and some other weird crap not related to us we just don't go in our yard anymore because he's technically not doing anything wrong and we can't stop him so I just remembered I also have a neighbor that collects PT Cruisers he's got at least six of them and washes them all the time seems like a weird car to collect they aren't vintage or anything the only car more weird to collect would be the Pontiac Aztek across-the-street neighbor feeds the stray cat outside after he empties the food on their plate he runs his fingers inside over cannon licks the remaining cat food off his fingers such a small inconsequential thing to do and yet definitely the most disgusting I've read so far we built a fence on our property line a few feet into ours actually and the night it was finished I hear banging outside I go to the sunroom we have downstairs and see a headlamp moving back and forth quickly I go outside and see my neighbor throwing lead pipes into our fence screaming can you see me now and kept repeating that over and over again soon after he spots me and runs back inside a friend of mine has a neighbor who sometimes walks around in a gas mask no one can confirm layers and that's why I won't remove my mask not my neighbor but her friends later used to put her car in neutral and push it down the driveway because she said it saved her dollar sign dollar sign on gas same lady would also get on her hands and knees and trim her yard with scissors after the lawn care company was done I had a friend who did the grass thing we aren't friends anymore for myriad reasons my neighbor secretly does my yard work he's a very reserved man in his 50s and my fiancee and I are in our mid late 20s our neighbor never talks to us and will frantically avoid conversation with other people he blows our leaves in his yard every single day even during summer he also waxes his car once a week if there's a storm the next day he'll walk around his yard picking up twigs that have broken off of trees until his yard is perfectly clear of twigs I should mention we live in a forest and both of our yards are at least an acre or so with dozens of trees to the yard obsession doesn't end with his property line though at least once a month I'll come home and our yard is magically groomed the leaves have been blown even if we just blew the leaves a few days prior our gravel driveway has been sprayed for weeds our tiny section of grass has been mowed etc we take care of our yard I have flowerbeds I maintain and we do a big yard maintenance day once a month but it doesn't come close to our neighbor's yard maintenance I've even caught him in our yard a couple of times and he just hustles out without saying a word we have a picket fence around our acre lot so it makes him silently leaving now yard just a little awkward since he has to walk all the way up to the gate I've tried to thank him multiple times bill the last time I brought him cookies as a thank-you for blowing our leaves he would only open the door a crack took the cookie tone dumped the cookies into his hand handed me back the tin and quickly shut the door now I just leave thank you cards in his mailbox I'm guessing he's either bored has an obsession with yard maintenance or is just trying to be nice to the young couple next door but really hate social interaction I think accepting the cookies was a big deal for him I have these neighbors that live way behind me down a long and secluded driveway they aren't really weird percent yet a nice country elderly couple in their late 80s early 90s safer one odd habit of his he kills Buzzard and why's there decomposing bodies to his fence I discovered this when I took my toddler son back there to trick or treat his first time we're walking down that long but driveway of theirs and hey looky there big buck dead buzzards wings outstretched to the fullest decomposing on the fence I was just like well that's not something you see every day and went right onto their door dearly wanting to ask about them I couldn't be like trick or treat what's up with the buzzards vultures aka buzzards stay away from other dead vultures they may be killing any livestock he had or tearing up his vehicle house this is a good way to scare them off without killing more generally people just use decoys especially because it's illegal to kill some types of vultures without permits but I've caught my neighbor probably like 5-6 times just staring at me through the window with complete focus we got a new guy who can't contain his belongings to his own space each condo in the building comes with two tandem parking spaces he owns five motorcycles and three cars so that's not enough they give him another set of tandem spaces and here's the only reason anyone gives a crap part of the fire lane in the garage you saw that the holler for the building decided money was more important than safety so he's got three motorcycles in an area are actively obstructing the fire lane which is also against their own stupid hella rules not to mention fire codes but he's not done you can tell which apartment this guy is in because he's the only one with a huge planter next to his door in the dank fire lane the planter has grown it's now got two plastic flamingos a wagon and a stroller all in an active fire safety footpath why do I care about fires we're in California I'd call the local fire station and make a complaint Fire Marshal would love to hear about this I had a neighbor alcoholic druggie who thought there were two women living in my house I had dyed my hair blonde from brunette he continually asked where the brunette was and how she was doing I finally just said she was fine I have a neighbor who sometimes jams out on his tuba he always does it in the middle of the day and he's actually pretty good as a fat person I feel like he's playing me my own personal theme music and I really freaking love him for that the people who live next to me like to invite all the other neighbors over for barbecue and whatnot when I first moved in it was the only time they had come over to invite me I'm not super sociable so I politely declined once I'm home I enjoy my solitude my own fault though for choosing an apartment complex that tries to promote community apparently the fact I wasn't in the mood to socialize must have deeply offended em considering they spread a rumor around the neighborhood that I'm a drug-addicted ex-convict that's not what's creepy though what's creepy is how every time I take my dog for a walk my neighbors will come outside and just glare at me with crossed arms it's the consistency with how they do it too it could be 3 a.m. and here comes the husband in his underwear to give me dirty looks this sounds like a beginning of the comedy movie my parents have a neighbor that is obsessed with my mom it was innocent enough at first he was just nice and feed have small conversations they became friendly and we would invite him over for be bqs and everything then he started to get creepy every single time my mom would take the dog out he would appear outside and want to talk her he would find an excuse to come knock on our door every single day he got the same haircut and grew the same goatee as my dad and started to dress like my dad he then went and bought the exact same type of motorcycle as my dad he started showing up with my mom's work bringing her lunch and flowers that's when my dad had to confront him and it almost became physical he has mostly stayed away since then the next phase in his plan was definitely murdering your dad and taking over his life there's a senile old lady in the apartment behind me every time I take my dogs out she gives me dirty looks when she sees my girlfriend she smiles and talks to her introduces herself every time as if they've never met then I walk outside and she scours this morning I took my dogs out her blinds were open and she was looking out the window I saw her and smiled she shut the blinds never smiling I've given up on saying good morning smiling etc I wouldn't take it too personally she sounds really senile my grandmother is the same way terrified of men so she avoids that at all cost every male she sees is a strange man she doesn't know that could hurt her you may be misinterpreting her actions do housemates count if so drinks a two-liter bottle of Cola every frickin day buys it from the corner shop so it costs double as well still female housemates leather trousers and wiped all over them pretended to fall outside an Albanian carwash garage in order to get compensation from them is now in great fear of Albanians had another guy stay for about a month heard him say about three words was there like you say hi and he just walks past quite anti-social in that regard although he never caused a problem it was just odd dude should fear Albanians he probably triggered a blood feud they videotape us 24 stroked seven whenever we come home they stand on their front porch and watch us they put a big wire fence up between our houses a few years ago if we're backing out of the driveway they come and watch to make sure nobody hits the fence also their entire house is covered in plants I can't see in any of the windows it's very weird if it's snowing and we accidentally shovel a tiny bit of snow through the wife and say we'll come out and shovel their snow onto our side they will cut down trees on our property that are too close to them and throw all the branches in our driveway to also have paintballed our house all because we didn't lend them money a few years ago apartment living is amazing I hear my neighbor throw up dry heave every every morning I had to deal with this as well I imagine the trash bags full of beer cans on their porch had something to do with it very glad I moved away my neighbors are foreign nationals from China and I don't think they quite understand the concept of a BB Q I was tanning on my balcony one afternoon when my neighbors burst out onto their patio quite loudly and break out a great big grocery bag full of meat because foods bagged by the look of it so one can imagine the meat wasn't cheap dude turns up the heat and throws about 7-8 steaks on the grill straight no seasoning no nothing puts the cover back on then walks back inside about 5 minutes and the meat smell is wafting my way I am not complaining because it smells pretty good 20 minutes later and I am worried because it is well overdue for this guy to flip the stakes nothing another 20 minutes those stakes are definitely suffering by now the meat smell is still there but it's starting to smell a bit charred nothing another hour and a half goes by and these steaks are definitely charcoal by now the smell of meat is gone and it has been replaced by the smell of charcoal and propane I am guessing the tank has run out because I have the same weber grill and it only fits one tank inside I hear the guys Porsche Macan pulled back into his garage and the whole family bursts out with leftover bags from Sam Wu's the guy goes back to the grill opens it up to witness a bunch of bricks of inedible hunks of charcoal takes some self eyes and pulls them off and throws them on the grass freakin what the actual freak sounds like he just disposed of a body I'm pretty sure I'm the weird neighbor but one time I farted pretty loudly and my downstairs neighbor laughed not at all creepy just weird my neighbor landscapes my yard we have like 90 square featuring townhouse yards and I guess he can't get enough yard work out of his so far he's installed some stone paths put in a retaining wall in the front and now he's planting stuff in the walled area I hate yard work so much I pay a service to keep my micro yard light up to city code so I've told him whatever he wants to do is fine still super weird to come home from work and find a new feature in front of my house that's actually pretty cool he enjoys it and you get benefits of not having to do yard work while also having a nice little yard I want him as my neighbor my neighbor sets off huge fireworks and the streets throughout the year and just shoves the remains trash down the sewer but take that Pennywise my sister bro-in-law hated their neighbor he was a weird pedo type they had some contractors build a fence in their backyard he came out into his backyard a mid build and injected one of the guys building the fence in the Gauss cheek with what he called vitamins we flipped crap he ran away when they cleared out his house they found a shitload of child pee like Polaroids it was very bad I have a neighbor in my apartment block who sings opera not poorly singing over a recording but singing well on his own I live next to a school known for its music program and he's clearly an upper-level opera student it's never loud enough or late enough to bother me and he's quite good at it a few times he's had a woman over and they've practice to get a he's my weirdest neighbor but also one of my favorites you should dress us like you're going to the Opera sit on your porch with some wine and start applauding after he's done make an evening of it at my parents hints rowing up he was a horrific gossip and would literally run outside when he saw you to talk about so and so anyways one time I flicked up and needed some plan B I go to the store and he's there I notice him following the aisle to Ohio so I double back him grab the birth control and split for the checkout I was in the clear until the dumb boss cashier couldn't open the box and yells to her boss I need help opening this Plan B of course he freaking showed up so the next day I have a pit in my stomach because I knew he was going to tell the neighborhood I passed these two older ladies who mentioned the plan B I took once they assumed I was out of earshot one said not to tell my mom it was my business and she understood how rough that must have been the other commented the neighbor had no business sticking his nose in at energy's life and she was going to talk to him my mom never found out not so much creepy just weird I've lived in my current place for a few years now my upstairs neighbors moved in about two years ago and they're interesting people when they first moved in they are really loud while making love their bedroom is right above mine I wasn't bothered by this because oh it's an apartment you get used to that crap and B they did it in the evening so it wasn't like they were waking anyone up I always left it alone one night a few months into their first year I was trawling around on the top floor outside because the gutter was clogged and the apartment maintenance team is slow as crap so I was unclogging at myself with a yardstick my upstairs neighbor came out onto the deck and I nearly scared the crap out of him I told him I was just the downstairs neighbor and he relaxed we got to talking and then he suddenly got nervous and said hey me and my girl we aren't disturbing you are we I laughed and said no I get it I have a boyfriend too he said ok but we'll still try to keep it down and he went back inside ever since then they've played loud music every time they made love to try and cover it up it's kind of adorable they had music playing for 6 hours over the weekend one day and I gave my neighbor a grin and a thumbs-up the next day when I ran into him that thumbs-up made you the creepy neighbor we are pretty sure that the lady who lives across from us is a high-end prostitute we're in a good neighborhood but she has a wide variety of the older men visit her at all hours a day but she's the only person on the block who doesn't come to our block parties or socialize but once she asked my neighbor to mow her lawn and upon completion decided not to pay him because the work wasn't on a good enough quality it was actually decent and he was 12 years old for heaven's sake we now refer to her as that lady and everybody knows who we're talking about I don't live next to these neighbors anymore but my next-door neighbors had a habit of threatening each other with guns whenever they argued it wasn't uncommon for their kids to come to our house for safety and to borrow a phone one or the other was regularly arrested because of this it was very very rare that a month passed and this didn't happen at least once it was weird to say the least Connery was weird to say the least understatement of the frickin century you have been visited by the romantic girl comment love is magic so you never fall in the friendzone if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people you
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 73,105
Rating: 4.9080849 out of 5
Keywords: weird neighbors, weird neighbours, weird neighbors reddit, creepy neighbor, creepy neighbor stories, creepy neighbors, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: 9qIl-80Oyaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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