What story did you hear about yourself online? What's your side? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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redditors who have found stories post about themselves or situations places they were at on reddit what's your side of the story brother-in-law's wife was ranting on here about my mother-in-law something unrelated to me entirely and as part of the supporting argument noted that mother-in-law's constantly taking my wife and I with them on vacations but not them what they don't know or clearly left out is that we split the cost of those vacations and/or pay our own way all we buy the room next time she seems to have a victim complex sometimes and twists scenarios to appear as a victim I found my old roommates read it and there was a post asking for advice for her cat because he had been acting up a lot she mentioned that he pooped on my bath mat but she didn't think much of it because he didn't like me but in reality that cat was in absolute numbers who liked me even though he was an [ __ ] never figured out why he pooped on my bath mat the defender she thought he did it to be mean to me edit he peed on her laundry a few times after that and that's when she realized he was acting up he stopped shortly after that but I don't think she ever figured out what was going on since she was cleaning out his litter box unscented normally he just kind of stopped but my point still stands that he was a really dumb cat if my old roommate is reading this I love you and I love Snickers and you know he is dumb I found my ex's reddit account turns out she broke up with me because of an argument disagreement we had I remember specifically asking her was it because of this she said no and gave some long ass [ __ ] reason I've learned from seeing the rest of her posts and she's pretty insane timid in real life warrior on reddit so I was sexually abused by my mother as a buoyant had sexual relations with her as a teenager I shared my story in a comment and was messaged by a woman who was very encouraging she said she was studying to be a social worker and was very comforting to me I ended up sharing a lot of details about my mother's abuse as well as a sexual relationship we heard when I was a teen of course she was not a sympathetic social worker at all and wasn't even a woman instead he used our conversation to write a story that he posted on the incest subreddit I was a subscriber and immediately recognized my story he couldn't post the childhood abused details but he used the incest details almost verbatim just changing my age to fit the rules and exaggerating my emotions so that it seemed I enjoyed everything that happened I messaged him and he eventually deleted his post and his account so at least my story got removed fairly quickly which was a small comfort though I still felt sick after reading some of the responses and knowing that he and others got off on it I was on a tour a few days ago and this guy posted about his store that refused him a refund because of Hurricane Doreen he mentioned Terry details that led me to believe he was a problem customer I had a couple weeks ago we message each other I confirmed it was indeed the same guy and I called him out on the lies he told in his story his post got locked and he got thoroughly reamed I found a post that I believe described a coffee shop by frequent from a barista line good friends with I clicked their profile to confirm it was them I found a description of our wedding and that it was the best wedding ever I was charmed belated at it because I ignored reddit for two days and came back to this a refers to my husband and by the barista friend was a guest this is nowhere near as interesting as many others but I came across a post that I'm 95% sure was about me in an Oscar added thread about what not to do on a first date someone had written don't turn up to the wrong coffee shop wearing a backpack and looking disheveled a week before I'd had a bad first date where I'd gone to the wrong coffee shop and had a rucksack with me the person neglected to mention that he had given me the wrong address there were two of the same chain coffee shops in the shopping center and he told me the wrong one and he'd insisted on meeting at 5:30 p.m. no later when only one of us had a job it was not him I had barely any time to make myself look like I hadn't been at work all day and I always carry a rucksack to work because I need stuff dude then try to ask me out again like a year later very odd pretty team story compared to others my now ex posted in a discussion about books people had gifted to others he mentioned that he had bought me the Marie Kondo book and that I never read it what he didn't mention was that he'd given it to me as my 40th birthday present along with some cheap last card from a supermarket so romantic right still better than my last birthday when we were together and he prepared nothing at all he didn't even remind the kids about it let alone help them prepare at least a card which they were pretty upset about he has this image of himself in his head that he's kind and thoughtful as a friend and partner and a great father he's none of these things he also posted in a thread about being an avoidant attachment type and how the best approach for partners to discuss topics is to give a heads up about the impending discussion then allow a short amount of time to process the topic before actually discussing he made it sound as though he'd then participate in discussions reality was that he'd continue to avoid participating then simply hope that her just give up so he wouldn't have to deal with anything talks the talk but never walks the walk throw away for obvious reasons I never saw the post but I know there's one out there my brother had a psychotic break and killed hour long my brother was hallucinating and saying the government was monitoring him and he was yelling about Nazis the news posted the story along with another that my mom works with refugees the news article was posted on reddit I've still never read the news story or they're a good comments because I'm scared of what I'll see especially since someone told me some witnesses commented on the thread I know people will make a connection that my brother was motivated to kill her because of the Nazi refugee connection but it wasn't at all he had a psychotic break undiagnosed psychosis and PTSD fueled by paranoia based on stuff he read online and four days without sleep in his paranoia he thought he was protecting her from Nazis not attacking her because he was one as people may think I still haven't looked up those posts the detective told me not to read anything online or in the news I do not remember if this happened on reddit or 4chan or Facebook or wherever but I recall being woken up by my ex in absolute panic because a screenshot of our facebook relationship status was shared as cringe somewhere my profile picture was that image of a little girl having tea with tarantulas and he looked like a neck but in his photo the caption was something about how when bombs have their kids as their profile pictures it makes their partners look like pedophiles I have no kids and was 19 at the time I laughed because it was such a humorous situation since all the facts were wrong and my profile picture was a literal meme and then I got yelled at for like half an hour because of that and the fact I hadn't woken up earlier this was a long-distance relationship at the time and he had been spamming me for like an hour time difference was seven hours between us and I kept staying up late so I could go to bed at the same ish time as in but I need way more sleep than he did he overreacted and manipulated me so much throughout the years we were together that I don't know if I was an [ __ ] or not when I laughed at it oops this might get lost and it was also on YouTube but I went through a breakup a couple years ago my ex had sent a long email including details of the breakup to a famous channel that will talk sh t about the other party I only found it because his YouTube was still on my phone and I could see his previously watched videos anyways the video basically sh t talked me for leaving him for another dude when in reality I left him because I had fallen out of love with him and couldn't bring myself to leave him for months before without a support system as he had considered my his only friend he thought I cheated but I absolutely did not so it sucked to have that out there but it was still all anonymous this is actually from Facebook but I found a question posted on a physician assistant Hmong group I'm in with thousands of men from all over the US this woman was asking for advice because her supervising physician has a progressively worsening drug alcohol habit and had been coming into work under the influence she mentioned details like he hired his mistress as his VP of his small company and that she also worried about him driving under the influence because he moved between his four clinics each day she needed advice on how to report him reading her post I progressively thought to myself this is sounding more and more like the clinic I started out at when I graduated and that sounds like my supervising physician at a time I opened her profile just figuring I'd look and see what state she was in but our mutual friends were listed at the top and it was all the nurses and x-ray techs from that clinic one time I saw a post that pretty clearly referred to an inside joke from my high school and the username associated with the post was fairly obviously the username of someone I knew I clicked on the username and found out he frequented and commented on incest porn subreddits that was weird I never mentioned it to him and we still hang out sometimes I still consider him a good friend and for the sake of our friendship I don't think I'll ever tell him what I know I didn't have much of a social media footprint for a while I just wanted to tune out so I deleted basically everything well a friend came across my than girlfriend's post on Reddit regarding how she cheated on me with a homeless guy merely because he told her she was beautiful I confronted her and she told me that her and I were over a long time ago we weren't and that she had told me this she didn't long story short I left it alone and just went on with my life but two weeks later he robbed her blind while she was at work because it turns out she moved him in with her and her parents I was an exchange student in another country living with a host family a host family member had a birthday so of course we had a birthday cake after some time there were still leftovers so I politely asked another family member if I could have a slice as the birthday person was not going to be home for a of days and I was told that of course I could again to be polite I only took a small slice to leave some for the others too however after some time I came across the birthday person social media account and found a post saying imagine coming home and the exchange student has eaten your entire birthday cake s MH never brought it up because I was a shy MF but it did put a strain on the remainder of my time with them knowing someone else had eaten the rest of the cake and I was blamed for it a few years ago I was walking around a mall just north of Houston with a couple of friends when we saw this guy walking around with a sign hanging from his neck and this girl that was walking with him the sign said something like I cheated this is my punishment the dude had the biggest f king grin of enjoyment the entire time and my friends just kept saying things like I feel bad for that girl he is enjoying the attention way too much I get on reddit the next day and see that [ __ ] grin on the front page and all of the comments were just calling him out for being an [ __ ] that was when I realized reddit was where I belong and I haven't left since I suspect I found my ex's post somewhere about a year ago talking about her new relationship there were problems in it ranging from pregnancy to infidelity on both sides it's eerily similar to my ex who whom stalks me on IG and I get for details to buy other friends the relationship started because they fell for each other while in a relationship with someone else they joined a writers club voter cycle club without the cocaine pushing getting engaged a few months in too many details synched up with what was happening with my ex I didn't bother asking not that I could I'm blocked on everything thank [ __ ] come on I'd been over her for a while at that point and I just lived my life the only reference to me was that I was a piece of sh t and unstable she had yet to mention I had seen the very graphic aftermath of my brother's suicide having to clean the blood arrange the funeral my parents and were too sad to do anything and deal with all the SH T around that time that had made me unstable and sometimes emotionally distant I wasn't exactly an ST R boyfriend I know that much but I didn't lay a hand on her or direct anything towards her just locked myself in a bathroom to cry and binge game to forget e image once had a guy from my old B & B group make this long post about being kicked out of our group he claimed that he was a victim of prejudice and that we had banned him because we were bigots and couldn't stand that his girlfriend was trans all kinds of stuff about how much he loved her and would stand by her in the face of intolerance really playing up the victim thing what he did not mention is that his girlfriend had nothing to do with his ouster his sexual harassment and stalking of a female member of our group did he was even offering to leave his girlfriend if she would let him move in with her and showed up unannounced at her house once with bags packed as though he'd been invited to stay he was going through some personal stuff so we first tried intervention and talking to him about what he was doing but he refused to stop harassing our other member friend so we decided to kick him from the group and stop talking to him a while back I posted a question to ask reddit a few months later apparently it was featured in an article about yacht week pretty dope the story came about in a session with one of my clients he was a younger client struggling with substance abuse and he was talking about how he just wanted to get rich and stay high all day we talked about it and thought it would be cool to ask ridet it was fun to read the responses wasn't a super therapeutic intervention but it helps build rapport with him which is never bad in a counseling relationship wasn't on reddit but someone once posted a really creepy missed connection about me on Craigslist I was at Target with a friend and stopped at the in-store Starbucks while he checked out the much-older the wrister later wrote about how he knew he had feelings for me when i'll hands touched while he gave me my drink my friend saw it and texted me and i still haven't gone back to that target years later not on reddit but when I looked up the reviews for a retail stool that I worked for I found one about me it was about a girl in the returns department I was the only girl who worked there at the time I don't remember all of it but I do remember it said she looks like she hates everyone my co-workers and I got a good laugh out of it they weren't entirely wrong I hated working for that company especially in that department I had a lot of fun though so I don't leave my memories of working there my ex-boyfriend made some posts about me a few days after we broke up he said some stuff about me leaving him for a new guy and breaking his heart when in reality he was scaring lis obsessed with me extremely controlling manipulative and it was just in general a very toxic relationship I even had a conversation with him afterwards and he didn't delete most of the posts but after he had me block a friend of mine told me he tried to post nudes of me he made without me knowing it was scary cutting the story short hit things off with a lady on a cupid five years ago had a purely long-distance relationship with her because I couldn't afford the train fare to see her at the time suddenly started guesting me gaslighted the situation after I called her out on it then broke things off stating that she didn't want to lead me on double-quote I looked up her a coupie Dee's name a few months after out of curiosity and found her reddit account what I didn't know about whether several guys she f ked while we were seeing each other I found someone telling a very descriptive story of a former friend stealing his GF away the story started off basic but gave the way that we broke his bed stuffed a condom in a Pringles can and she let me drive her car mentioning the car by model he made it out to sound like I was the bad guy in the situation when he should be blaming vodka and him having a sex with his very drunk passed out GF while cheating on her were two other girls one night she broke up with him soon after she uncovered his poorly hidden secrets he invited me over for drinkin to try talking to her to get them back together I agree as I knew the both of them for quite a while I took note of his story then the side of it he has a bad tell when he's lying and it was clear she wasn't lying because of how clean-cut she put it he went to work later that night and I accidentally put the moves on her and we ended up dating for a few months we never had SX in his bed because it was too damn loud and you never lay pipe in another man's bed it broke because I sat on the edge of it's a little too hard for that IKEA frame to handle I nearly got my friend sacked as someone from his company saw what I had wrote about his job Rowland managed to figure out who I was talking about from my replies to people's questions my comment went up on a front page post so thousand swords we are also on completely different continents it got back to my friend who asked me outright if it was me of course I didn't think for a second anything would come of my contribution to this certain thread so I felt awful when he told me he had to go for meetings about it and his job was on the line I once found my best friend's account and found a bunch of posts talking about how she was beginning to hate me one post was while we were together and she was talking about how talking to me was like talking to a robot and how I just wouldn't listen this was a work activity that she deliberately sat alone at and would only talk about her depression anytime someone tried to talk to her so people kept moving to one of the book tables I was sitting with her talking and she kept telling me to leave I told her I wanted to sit with her but she would interrupt me to tell me to leave she was very obviously not listening to me as well and would sit on her phone constant guess I know what she was doing now so to see her painted like I was being a shitty friend was horrible I called her out on it and we talked things through the way she threw me under the bus for attention will stay with me forever though I'm not sure if this really counts but I commented on a post a couple months back asking redditors what they were doing at the current moment I said something along the lines of wasting time at Taco Bell because I don't have a ride home and don't want to walk in someone jokingly applied I'd give you a ride if you live in my city I looked through my comment history to see if there was any indication of where I lived there was not so I'll look through their profile to see if maybe it was someone I knew and they recognized me from my username they do live in the same city but I didn't know them we talked a bit and it turns out they live a 15 minute drive away from me we never met up and we haven't talked since but it was a pretty cool coincidence my ex posted about our fight from a throw away account about how I wanted to be around men who were always romantically interested in me and how he was a victim when I refused to accept his demands simply because he couldn't trust me I was bummed out after reading the post not because people called me an attention-seeking disloyal girl I was more sad because he posted an absolute f ck old story that wasn't true and at the same time instead of talking to me about it he decided to post our personal lives online for the world to judge turns out he ended up cheating on me and moving to another country early irony I've never seen the post but a girl I used to see told me she's posted about our relationship on Reddit and that it had got a lot of reactions and she got a lot of good advice after I hurt her however the truth of that story was that I'd found out she'd been seeing three other guys while telling me she wanted to be exclusive at the time I had been kicked out of my parents and was living with her so just kept that I didn't want to be with her anymore till I was back at university I still feel a little upset that there's a long deep post about me somewhere people reacted to which is almost certainly untrue there was a photo going around on a few subs of a very very large curly-haired woman in a cheetah print bodysuit using a piece of gym equipment people either made fun of the 500-pound woman dolled up like a gym bunny or said good for her for taking control of her life and hitting the gym well guys she was a fat fetish model and it was a staged photo shoot in a hotel fitness room how do I know I used to work for the woman and I was I helped her pack herself into that 8x cheetah print liquid cat suit and can attest that other than playing around a bit with the equipment she was just there to pose for photos not work out not read it but my ex has secretely talked about cheating on me and had a series of posts on tumblr for the number of times she did didn't find out about it until after we broke up a mutual friend told me she posted a new entry about one of her friends possibly sexually assaulting her he was one of the seven cheating posts so it's hard to know what was true or not I had already stopped talking to her after she came out with cheating in the first place but it was a pretty sh t thing to do and I still kinda chuckle that she expected me to know about the tumblr when I never bothered to follow her internet presence to begin with there was a post about an author who had gained a bit of popularity writing humour at the expense of one end of the political spectrum in the u.s. then he did a joke about the other end of the political spectrum and suddenly all his former fans were angry because they couldn't take a joke at the expense at their political party I stumbled into a discussion about the guy and someone asked if anyone actually had anything nice to say about the author I explained that I'd randomly met him before I ever read his work and he was a polite guy willing to make jokes at his own expense a few months later I'm in the same forum and the author is being talked about again someone brings up my username that I'd used when I told my story of interacting with the guy and launches into a tirade that I'm the author using a shill accounts to sound good I wish I was making the kind of money use I contracted hsv-2 genital herpes and was reading a lot on various related subreddits mainly for support some general medical information and about other people's experiences the girl I was seeing at the time who gave it to me basically guessed it me and wasn't replying to any of my texts etc which sucked because it was emotionally exhausting and a very confusing time I saw her post in one of the support communities that sounded exactly like my her situation and she was saying how bad she felt and asking what to do I asked her if it was her and she said it was which made me feel a bit better that she actually gave a [ __ ] it was crazy because it was a throwaway with a misleading username that seemed completely out of her character and it sucked because she made a point that she now knew what my reddit account was she turned out to be a pretty inconsiderate person so we don't speak anymore if she still reads my posts then all I have to say is I hope you've gained the emotional maturity to realize those sorts of actions are not cool I found my GFS post about wanting to break up with me which she did later that day and I didn't see the post until after one day I accidentally found her throw away because I hid the icon on the top left so it had show what her profile name was I wasn't snooping a day or two before she wanted me to tell her what my username was and I got drunk that night and forgot hers anyways she made me sound like a total b tch and all the comments were like leave his ass what a loser f ck that [ __ ] what an [ __ ] I'm so glad she dumped me because my dumb self wasn't going to leave one I should have fast forward half a year later and every part of my life is 100 times better and I'm with someone who appreciates me okay so background my ex husband cheated on me with one of my bridesmaids and tried to Gaslight me into polyamory close bracket after I left the whole mess and started rebuilding my life I saw the bridesmaid posted to Reddit that if she could go back in time and give her younger self advice it would be to get my ex to cheat with her sooner because they were soul mates or some [ __ ] like that it's now been years since it all went down and she actually recently reached out to me with the world's most half acid apology where she didn't take an ounce of responsibility for what she did to me in some other people in the situation that she also betrayed although not quite clear in the letter I think my ex must have started cheating on her to law [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 130,370
Rating: 4.8624258 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: qPJwDphtFXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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