Creepy AF Things A Girl Has Said To You? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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let's hear the other side guys offered it what's the creepiest thing a girl has ever said to you was talking to a girl on the phone who at the time was freaked up on painkillers and started relating to me a story about how when she was 7 she pushed a girl into a pool and watched her drown her grandma came home found out about it and told her to tell the police it was an accident that should have been a warning sign right there I kept some of your hair - 20-year high school reunion copied from an email I received from a stalker 7 years ago when you and her have your baby rest assured I'll be the one that raises it roe that's genuinely horrifying when I was about 17 years old I worked at a cafeteria and some girls 11 and 13 we're chasing me for weeks they even waited in front of my door when I had to go to work to chase me all the way up there one day I was working in the cafeteria was full with people when the 11 year old girl said when can I give you a bj everyone instantly looked at me uncomfortable isin't even the right word to describe my feelings at that moment in seven years then you put on your poker face and walk away I was dating a girl called Alison my grandma is also called Alison I had mentioned that I found it a little weird that they had the same name so once as we were having sex she asked does this make you think of your grandma it didn't until then you got trolled making out with a girl I was seeing lightly slide my hand up her chest and as my hand is going to caress her cheek she grabs it around her neck and forces me to choke lo which is fine she then proceeded to call out her brother's name was his name Alison this happened to a friend of mine I was living with I won't go into it but the situation we were in demanded we shared a bunk bed we had a rule that we could bring girls home so long as we kept the noise down one night whilst sleeping my friend brings this girl home with him I woke up to them coming in as they went up to his bunk to start messing around I hear the typical stuff at first lip smacks heavy breathing so then it happened I hear the girl whisper to my friend the words are you down with the funk in retrospect my friend says he said yes because the chick was hot and he didn't want to ruin the night so he says yeah baby I'm down with the funk for sure almost immediately the girl takes off her panties stands up on the bunk turns around squats and shoots right on his chest luckily for him it wasn't the messy sort bits as you can imagine the guy lost his crap no pun intended he tossed her off the bunk and started screaming for girl to get the freak out of his house meanwhile I'm on the bottom bunk laughing my ass off so not really the creepiest thing a woman's ever said but now you know what the funk is you don't have to wear a condom I'll just miscarry I wore a condom you have no right to your own life and if you try to leave me I'll kill you so nobody else can have you good times threatened to kill yourself if she doesn't leave you got her out crazy the crazy I was over at her dorm room and after we got done with our business I spotted a bottle of my Cologne on her desk I asked her about it and she said she sprayed it around to make her room smell like me okay next week she gets into my car makes a big sniff sound and says oh um smells like you in here she started masturbating no crap in Router Kroger okay few weeks later at her dorm room I decide to get a little nosey I find the following one aforementioned bottle of cologne - two pairs of my dirty undies not left by me three pair of my dirty socks again not left by me and this freaked me out more than anything for some reason for envelope with what I can only assume to be drum roll my pube is in it not okay I break up with her over I see cue the good old days she informs me that she left a bag at my apartment it's under my bed in said bag is a bunch of completely random crap with Kmart tags still on it it was obviously a plant meant to force us to have an awkward post breakup makeup reunion says I got my army buddy to drive me over to her dorm in his Ford Festiva I saw her on the curb waiting crying I launched that bag out the window and we took off as fast as that Festiva would go never did see if the bag hit her but given its trajectory its Higley likely for those who will want to know the Cologne I was wearing was Old Spice well I've posted it before and I'll post it again I want your me tampon had to explain to her how that was not a turn-on quick throw a hot dog at her and run just so you know I wrote your name on my leg with a box cutter so I'll always have you near me me girl faked a pregnancy and said her dad hit her to get detention from my friend my dad hits me to get your attention put on a condom you don't know where I've been this is the only one our laughed at she's either nasty all had a great sense of humor had a girl grabbed my face in the middle of sex tell me it was okay if I came in her then grabbed my face and told me I know how to kill babies did you enjoy that dinner I put my blood in it now part of me is inside of you yes this actually happened I thought she meant she put a lot of work into it like blood sweat and tears and asked her and she showed me the cut she made to bleed herself into the dinner I once went to a ski resort where people of different nationalities were there a young Chinese girl introduced herself to me the day I was leaving and asked for my number so I gave it to her she called me about a week later and asked me if I wanted to go over to her place for a dinner party I thought to myself sure why not so I turn up with some booze and find about two dozen young Chinese girls and no guys none of the girls spoke any English except the girl who invited me they sat me down at the end of a table spoke in Chinese all night while looking in my direction and giggled all the way through I had no idea what they were saying at the end of the night the hostess asked me if I would be so kind to pose for individual photos with each one of them separately I hesitated but went along with it they giggled hysteria we threw out and still only spoke Chinese no idea WTF that was all about but I got seriously creeped out edit no sex involved those girls were young I'm a regular guy only thing I can think of is they thought maybe I looked like someone famous though I don't think I do edit - okay some people are making a big thing about the booth thing in Australia its traditional to bring someone when invited to a dinner party also here the legal drinking age is 18 the girl I met was no younger than 18 I thought so it was all cool I was in my mid-twenties then so by young I meant they were too young for me though technically it would have been perfectly legal I'm no predator I just like girls to be around my age but not younger by a huge margin also the hostess told me none of them ever drank alcohol which made me think that they were slightly on the innocent side I got this foreign students in a local university who have all told their family and friends back home they have an American replaced with w/e Country Union boyfriend decide to work together to trick the people back home by getting a random average guide to pose in pictures with them treat him to a nice dinner want some of this crusty pizza and I want to stick my fist in your ass both offers declined a girl I hadn't even dated carved my initials into her ankle she received no penis she received no penis I'm making an effort to use this phrase at least once in my life I think about you when my dad F CKS me actual quote I really had no idea what to say or do about that if I got pregnant I'd just drink enough to kill the baby because I'm not ready to have a kid yet one of my friends she was 14 at the time and that's what she did worked every time had a girl request me to break into her apartment make her hot chocolate in her kitchen while she scared in her bedroom and then come in and have sex I am sorry I cheated on you I just lost your baby goodbye stick it in my ass baby starts to insert it what the f is wrong with you I was just trying to turn you on sorry I stop what are you doing keep going yes stick it in my ass you just told me not to you're supposed to just rape it o0 I had a girl I once kissed at a party proceeded to send me pictures of her crying half-naked and makeup smeared all over her face Joker style she won't stop calling me or sending random pictures of herself with distressed or angry face this has been going on for three months now I think your friend may have actually been kidnapped and you're missing the requests for ransom at the bottom of the messages this is a toss-up between look at these before showing me hundreds of bits of paper the girl have written my name on over and over again when we'd been out once all the time I woke up from a lovely sexytimes dream to find my GF gripping my dong and asking me over and over again who do you think I am tell Emmy your secrets penis a friend of mine declared her love for me by saying if I knew that by killing myself I would be born again as a pretty woman I would do it so that you would love me but if that would happen she would be born as a baby and babies are gross impeccable logic do you want all your stuff back after we broke up I had not given her anything she had stolen it all over time she had it Korean to me we then ended up having sexy talk a few months later over email I found out later that it was her sister mailing in the stuff she sent back was a photo album entirely filled with pictures of me sleeping good times I had to read it twice I was having sex with a girl I knew and she starts shouting my best friend's name then the names of three other men I didn't know it creeped me out beyond belief so I told her I was done she climbed off me started pleasing herself and moaning her own name while glaring at me over her shoulder we were on a lot of drugs and it was the worst night of my life haven't spoken to her since I'm a stirrer but in the women's room with those thick highlighters I had to borrow a girl's computer once for a group project in college I got to the group meeting and there was a password I called her and after 10 minutes she finally gave me the password which was her first name and my last name I think that's kind of cute your lips look dry while you were sleeping so I'll nip them for you that's pretty friendly you know I've been following you for days we can't go behind those bushes and frake I think you're looking for the best offer a girl has ever made thread wife and I were in town with our son visiting my parents when an old high-school friend she was only ever a friend came by to meet my wife and two-year-old son after we all sat and talked for a few hours and after what felt like a pretty normal night of company we all got up to say good night in the friend hug my wife goodbye then turned to me grasped me very firmly into a hug kissed me on the lips then whispered into my ear your son should have been ours I love you then turned like it was totally normal and waved goodbye to us and left my wife didn't see or hear any of it and I never told her she thinks the girl is a decent person and will never see her again after hooking up with a girl several times I had run out of condoms the time came again to do the deed and I had not restocked she said it was okay so not being one to argue I proceeded after I finished she turned around and said you made a Barbie edit SIA I pulled out she was kind of joking but she really did want me to knock her up she was what you would call a husband hunter she rocked in the sack and cooked for me and overall took pretty good care of me she was a nutjob though in the end no babes were made I left her and she worked as a stripper for a while heard she got married his problem now my brain screamed I love you with all my heart let us run away and get married not creepy yet I was 12 she was 42 not directly to me but a friend of Mines mom referred to me as a tasty little snack when I was fifteen and no she was not a MILF not even close I went to a football game with this girl afterwards I went to meet her dad which was already kind of weird he said to her is this the boy you've been talking about for the past three months I had known the girl for four days I had a drunk girl forcefully attempt a pretty much rape have sex with me because she wanted to see if a gay guy could freak a girl the entire time she kept saying I just want to see if it works while she tried to climb on top of me pretty freaking creepy or quit if you ask me so I did this chick that lived near me only a few times over a few days she got really attached to the point of freaky so I backed off within a month she was at a mental institution two weeks after that she gets back and happens to be sitting with her mom outside when I got home from work so I could either ignore her completely or interact I greeted them nicely and asked how she was not mentioning where she just was she stared at me feel like a minute straight with the most blank creepy face I've ever seen and finally said something are you the one that was controlling my mind on wat phou I want to rape you and want you to yell crying me mommy i crap you not she said that I still live in the same apartment building as her at this point enough women have threatened to rape me that I assumed it was a normal conversation opener I can't believe I just typed that sentence I was about to try to reassure you but I think I need to review my friends list I can poop bigger than you can if she began dropping her pants to be fair we were only three or four years old at a time behind my parents garage and though I lost that contest I married her years later and have since upped my game I was literally almost inside of this girl and some sexy talk is going on and she whispers you know why I've always liked you I asked why and she said you remind me of my dad I still banged her but I didn't call her for a while after that I still banged her good man I kinda write Twilight fan fiction pulled down pants star slapping dong on keyboard shouting so do I I want a baby I think who'd make beautiful babies I was 18 at the time fool you walk throught girl I had slept with two times without knowing her or her friends we were neighbors my friend saw you at bar X on Saturday I thought you said you weren't going out how did they know it was me I never met any of your friends they've seen pictures pictures of what of you sleeping man I sure do you love great content and I'm working on some of that over at doot man so you should you should go there right now go there go if you want subscribe to this channel subscribe then go over to doop man right there right there you click click right there you click right there you better do it but so help me you better go over there because you deserve something good put my heart and soul into this stuff man
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 699,251
Rating: 4.8984299 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, story, stories, tz reddit, toadfilms, best of, creepy, creepiest, girl, creepy story, creepy stories, other side, paranormal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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