Men Who Have Been Stalked By A Woman Share Their Story - AskReddit

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she gives me her journal full of insane writing about how she was going to come to my house and kill me for denying true love and then kill herself men have read it who were stalked by a woman what's the story how was it resolved back in high school there was a girl named Caitlin she was very gothic looking but was satanic in the way that's extreme I never minded different people and would be nice to her as I would with anyone which quickly grew into a crush for me she would leave her classes early to be standing at mine when I got out send me love letters the whole nine yards about two weeks and I told her I wasn't interested in dating those love letter became the creepy type if I can't have you no one will the final straw was when one of them detailed a ritual killing of me using a dagger and horrific crap about my blood coating her body the actual scary part of it was the list of drugs shed give me before and during to keep me hard so that I could be inside her as I died the drugs would have worked the literal knowledge is what scared me if you have the time to research drugs for that purpose you have the time to put it in action my parents called the police and she was removed from the school and sent away she came back a few years later wearing like Catholic school type clothes but quickly went back to her old ways I've ran into her twice in public and the look she gives me sends chills up my spin and even better my girlfriend is in a quittance of hers although she has distanced herself after I shared this happening I met a girl on eHarmony about 10 years ago she seemed fairly normal when I first started talking to her after a couple weeks of dating she told me that she had gotten stomach reduction surgery and that she was still getting used to the new her who was 150 pounds lighter I had no problem with this at all but it was like a switch flicked in her brain after she shared this she became scarily obsessive freaking out on me if I didn't respond to a text or a phone call within five minutes I eventually tried to let her down easy and told her I didn't think we were a good fit she flipped out texted me over 1,000 times that Dan tried calling me at least 100 times she drove to my apartment and pounded on the door intermittently for an hour this kind of behavior lasted for a week before she finally realized I wasn't going to play her game stocke makes it sound worse than it was but it's a reasonably apt description I worked in a public library and I once helped a woman with computer issues she obviously had her own mental health struggles she would get frustrated easily mutter to herself was very paranoid but generally a nice friendly and polite person after that though she started buying me presents first it was just some chocolates and a card but it was Christmas so I didn't think anything of it then she bought me an artisan cake a week later like super fancy carefully designed thing then the week after more chocolates while this was going on I started seeing her elsewhere near my house or shops I went in when I hadn't before then she came in one day and had bought me a fancy bottle of aftershave and a 70 pounds watch I'd been keeping a record of all this and this time I had to go to the manager because I can get in trouble for accepting gifts of that value they had to speak with her live-in nurse and she did stop but I kept seeing her near places I frequented she never said anything or harassed me but I would just see her around a lot I was letting out a room during university and a girl came around she looked in my fridge and said once I move in you will be expected to clean up more I didn't like her attitude so later on the phone I said I was waiting to decide who I would rent it to she didn't take this well at all and called me a racist and started to threaten and phone stalk me I had to tell the university because she did this for about a month the weird thing was I had recently moved out of my flat with my then girlfriend who was also a psycho she'd only just stopped stalking me I don't have good experiences with women I was fresh out of the military and just started college it was obvious I was new because I used a map to get around I felt like someone was following me but just ignored my instincts on my third week the girl who I noticed was always behind me finally introduced herself and told me we shared a class then she told me that I wasn't doing well in a course and offered to give me her phone number so we could study together I politely declined and said that I would just go to the tutoring services or study with my friends next thing I know she managed to be assigned to my project group writing her name in the group members list when no one noticed she proceeded to flirt with me until it evolved into passive aggressiveness when she got tired of me not reciprocating her feelings sometime along the way she learned I had a part-time job and would show up at my workplace I didn't like my job because the pay wasn't what was promised but her being there all the time made me decide to quit thankfully I made it to the end of the year just ignoring her however things took a turn for the worse when she decided to confront me at the end of our last course together she wanted me finally commit to be her boyfriend I just said sorry and walked away quickly I transferred to a better college after that first semester when I was around 15 or 16 this strange chick started messaging me on deviantART asking for conversation you know the type fat greasy emo elbows that for some reason only draw shitty pictures of wolves well there was nothing red flag II and her messages at first but I found it odd that she would send me about 20 messages per day if I didn't respond quickly enough eventually she fell in love with me some random guy on deviantART she never met mind you and of course me being a [ __ ] with no backbone just figured she'd get over it soon and didn't block her big mistake she started drawing pictures of me and posting them on deviantART and even making a youtube playlist of our songs all full of crap like Evanescence eventually I felt sick of this and blocked her and she went nuts she supposedly carved my name into her arm made several accounts just to message me crazy ramblings rap that I didn't read because I always blocked her immediately found my friend's social medias and message them hundreds of messages about me until they blocked her just typical crazy person nonsense that was relatively harmless at first well a year later without hearing from her at all she shows up to my family's home with all her luggage expecting to live with me her soul mate of course I never gave her my address or town name and I live in the middle of nowhere we still have no idea how she found it before being escorted away by the police she gives me her journal full of rambling insane writing about how she loves me so much that were telepathically connected and she can meditate and communicate with me that she heard my voice telling her of her and want her mind you I'm gay and eventually about how she was going to come to my house and kill me for denying true love and then kill herself still the most terrified I've ever felt in my entire life and I still don't feel safe in my home despite this situation being legally taken care of I got drunk one time and kissed this random girl I've never met before at a bar she then started showing up at the most random times I couldn't do anything in public anymore without her showing up until I got drunk really bad again and I woke up next to her this effed it up a whole other level at that point she would make sure she was near to me whatever the hell I did I talked to her a whole lot about it made sure she knew exactly how I felt and that she needed to stop doing what she was doing after that things spiraled even more out of control she showed up uninvited at parties and even family affairs then she was introduced to me as my new coworker I considered quitting at that point but decided to take a back seat after I realized she was working nowhere near me and it was hard labor I think she worked there about three times before quitting then it just slowly died down thankfully I haven't seen her for years but I do hope she's doing okay I met a girl who came into the bank I worked at she sat with me while setting up an account we talked about TV while crap was loading and came to find out we liked the same Travel Channel TV show Ghost Adventures this was back in like 2009 so not a lot of people heard about its glory yet turns out the girl had a chronic habit of losing her debit card she would come in all the time we would talk eventually I got the courage to ask her to dinner she said yes I got fired from my boss for it but I thought hey it's worth it I found another job real quick anyway at a different bank well after a few dates and nothing more she kind of half ghosted me like wouldn't want to hang out so I just assumed she lost interest went back to playing World of Warcraft drinking like an adult eventually I started to go out to bars and she would always show up with a friend or a date usually never even say hi to me eventually she needs a hero to save her from a bad date so me and my buddy helped her out saved her life or whatever and took her home the next day she came over to thank me and basically didn't leave told me about all these horrors she went through at this point I am a really nice guy I made her dinner helped her out and even let her sleep in my bed as I slept on my couch I woke up at about 3 a.m. to her butt naked with just the TV light behind her I freaked out thinking it was a ghost she got really upset left 10 minutes later turns out the guy was like her cousin none of it ever happened she made up like 90% of the story she created a World of Warcraft character and stalked me down ingame she somehow got ahold of my email and Facebook password so she knew everywhere I was she was never losing her debit card she was becoming friends with my cousin to get an in with a family she even had her two sisters in on it and they were doing all this stuff to get met to fall in love with the girl the crazy part is I was actually really into this girl and all she had to do was not ghost me just say she was really into me too this all went on from 2009 spring semester to fall semester 2010 - I don't think it's ever been resolved and I still see her face when I am sitting alone in the dark and lightning flashes I hooked up with a girl at a party years back we ended up going on one date the following week and I realized something was just not right with her she started talking about hearing the voice of God in her head and how she has visions of the Apocalypse after leaving I noticed she was following me and assumed she just lived in my area nope two hours later I could hear her driving by my house repeatedly her car had like zero muffler I never went out with her again after that day however the next five years involved her following me paying others to follow me hiring a PI to follow me calling me upwards of 1,100 times a week confirmed by police showing up at my workplace stalking my family writing letters to my boss writing crazy letters to my family breaking into my house paying others to break into my house and leaving me hours and hours of voicemails rambling on and on about how the apocalypse is coming and God told her we need to be together or she is going to destroy me I would even be working at a fire scene I am a firefighter and she would be there she had a crazy ability to find me wherever I went I once snuck out of the city in the middle of the night to get away the stress of dealing with her rented a cabin two hours out of the city in the morning I found flowers and a long crazy letter on my car the entire five years that she did this she told everyone that we were together and she was pregnant with my kid I can't even begin to put into words the hell and stress I went through dealing with this person I am certain that if she had the ability to she would have murdered me at some point a restraining order six harassment charges and many calls to the police later she finally left me alone when she started stalking someone else she still tries to contact me a few times a year but it's kind of hard considering the new guy she stalked was a cop who pulled her over because he thought she was hot ha and she is now in jail met her at church small talk to bed somehow she figured out where I worked and started calling my work to talk to me which I didn't answer then she showed up to my work once then she began following me to and from and watching me in court after that my mail started being either stolen or opened and read and put back in the mailbox I started getting strange gifts from unknown people I also suspect she was hanging out in my backyard but have no real proof other than footprints in the flowerbed and strange noises at night it resolved when I moved for other reasons I got a better job offer the stalking in summary after breaking up with this chick for sexual assault among other things she broke into my apartment complex followed me around stalked me on social media and then when I finally got the message through to her she destroyed my reputation claimed I stalked and harassed her and when I reported it to school officials they circled the wagons around her after donating to the school then I was stalked harassed and defamed by an entirely new group of people in the school wouldn't do anything about it this hasn't stopped I have had random harassing phone calls telling me to kill myself fundraisers here on reddit shut down gas lighting and even had new friends and contacts I have made contacted and run off by this group of people some of those new contacts were in a different FN city so the aftermath is nothing has been done since I have gone public with the situation I have been threatened by the Dean over my publication of events and some of the evidence it is disgusting the DOE is investigating the school over it it's a mess I lost my home most of my property and I am financially and psychologically ruined now she was new to the school and I had a bit of a crush on her I had made friends with pretty much all the girls and didn't see any of them romantically so I was kind of excited to meet someone whom I wasn't already friends with I asked her out to a local museum for a date after school and she says yes day of the date she comes in and says she can't go because she has a headache I believed it at a time and offered to reschedule she declines saying something along the lines of getting them often I'm upset about it but move on prom comes around and I stag for the second year in a row hard to get a date when you're everyone's friend and she shows up with one of the guys knew him and passing but if our total conversation time totaled more than 30 minutes I would be amazed I had no opinion on the guy by the end of prom though she ditched him and is Dancing with me instead high school relationships being high school relationships we are now a thing we date for a couple of months first kiss cuddling that sort of thing no sex or anything that would count as foreplay just wholesome stuff it was honestly nice after my past experiences we go to an amusement park for my birthday day before to be precise along with some friends she is a little more subdued than normal but I think I remember her blaming it on a headache they are actually common for her I discovered over the months however the next day she breaks up with me via text message I'm going to college in the fall at this point and she is going into her senior year of high school so I decided that while a shitty way to break it off she was right and respond as such then crap gets real for a little more context she had a rough childhood to say the least she lost both her parents to drug overdose her father while he was in recovery she was adopted by her aunt and uncle she also was violently raped when she was younger around 14 she told me this was why she panicked the first time I asked her out the crap stain even had carved the word [ __ ] into both her inner thighs at the time she said she didn't want to prosecute and deal with all that crap but the cops were involved photos DNA works they had the guy dead to rights if they ever prosecuted him in hindsight I don't think that would have been her decision to make being a minor and I don't think I know all the details my gut tells me it was her uncle or a relative but I have no evidence to back that up all I know is that he was still somewhere in her life after the breakup she immediately starts calling me it was all a test she didn't want to actually break up with me I decide that I don't want to play that kind of game and dating her isn't not the best thing for either of us she wasn't ready to date anyone I was not able to support her so I stick with no we were broken up I start getting endless text messages about our future including kids and grandkids phone calls where she was only crying threats up for killing herself etc I changed my number and get some peace for a couple of weeks until I get texts from an unknown number it's the guy who raped her he goes into incredibly graphic detail of what he is doing to her right now including pictures what is going to do to me my family my dogs apparently through our friends circles someone gave my ex my new number possibly unknowingly school was out gossip doesn't travel as far or as quickly but my ex got the message with the number change apparently she went back to her attacker for some reason and he decided that I should get dragged into his sick games too I call the police given the texts call her parents and and uncle and they get her out this one is too big for the rumor mill to ignore half of my high school friends write me off as a monster for not doing more and taking her back fast-forward to college I'm there maybe two or three weeks I get word from one of my few remaining friends from high school that my ex is talking about coming to find me and begged me to take her back I go to the campus police and file a preliminary restraining order it goes into effect if she ever contacts me and I notify the police about it I tell my new friends to keep an eye out for my ex and advise them to deny that they have even heard of me if someone matching her description shows up on campus looking for me this includes a woman from my major and several of my classes who had been flirting with me pretty strongly I'm notoriously oblivious so if I pick up on it that's something she understandably gets a put off her reaction was a mix of oh no one is going to mess with the guy I'm interested in and but is it worth the hassle things kind of died down from there both with the stalker X and the classmate who was interested in me as for how it got resolved I honestly don't know if it is a few years after all this I got a Facebook message from her through a throwaway profile talking about death the unfairness of people dying early and taking others for granted I don't know if she was talking about herself or me all very unsettling I didn't trigger the restraining order because I didn't want to drag all this past back up over a single message but I would have it she sent another but all this kind of puts a damper on any time I think about starting a new relationship will she show back up how will she react to anyone on dating would they be safe I have suspect all this is at least part of the reason why I bounced between demisexual and asexual but for the most part I'm satisfied with things as they are while I'm single thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and click the bell icon for more videos like this find the original reddit post in the description below and give the authors some upvotes and remember don't reveal too much of your private information any piece of info you share can be used against you by a stalker [Music]
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 609,184
Rating: 4.9213967 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, story, reddit stories, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, reddit top posts, best of reddit, r\, reddit cringe, top posts of all time, best of askreddit, reddit best, top posts, reddit stalker story, askreddit stalker, r/reddit stalker, reddit scary stalker stories, reddit true stalker stories, reddit horror stories stalker, creepy reddit stalker, stalker stories from reddit, stalker, female stalker, woman stalker, stalker stories, stalker stories true
Id: p096j3OTwDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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