Peach Cobbler -100 Year Old Recipe -The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to be making my granny's peach cobbler and this recipe is well over a hundred years old I can remember my granny and my aunt with my mom thinking it was a little kid it's probably nearly as always peaches it's not a real complicated recipe but there are some steps in this but aren't in any other cobbler video I've done because with a peach cobbler it's kind of all about the juice and you want your crusts or your topping just a little bit crispy but your you still want that topping to have the flavor of that juice in it so I'm going to show you the tips the tricks the secrets to making the perfect peach cobbler and we've got everything we need here I think my pain is like an eight by eleven that's just what all my glass casserole dishes are you can use anything from this size even a nine by nine paint would probably work you can use up to about eleven by thirteen with this recipe you don't really want to spread it out much thinner than that I have a stick of butter in here which is a half a cup you need four cups of peaches now you can use any peaches for this I usually use frozen and that's normally what they used because peaches have a very short season and they would get the peaches and they would freeze them when they were in season and then they would pull them out all year and make peach cobblers out of them like I said I usually use frozen peaches you can't use canned peaches for this but it's not as good with canned and you can certainly use fresh peaches and they did use fresh peaches when they were in season but I have four cups of frozen peaches here you need some sugar and you're going to need it divided into two parts part of its going in our peaches and part of it will go in our topping you can use anywhere from two cups to one in this recipe but you're going to divide it in half and what I have here is about a cup and a half I've got 3/4 of a cup here and three-quarters of a cup here half of its going in my peaches and I've got a tablespoon of lemon juice it's going in my peaches now that lemon juice does a couple of things in this recipe it will keep your peaches that bright pretty yellow color and it also accents the flavor in the peaches it's not going to make your cobbler taste like lemon you're not using that much it's just going to help peaches a little bit I have a cup of milk and a cup of all-purpose flour now if you have self-rising flour that's fine but if you're using all-purpose you want a tablespoon of baking powder and about 1/4 teaspoon of salt and I've got my other 3/4 of a cup of sugar and that's gonna be my topping and what we want to do is we want to dump our peaches in a pot and we're gonna put half of that sugar and I'm using like I said about 3/4 of a cup you can cut that down to a half a cup or you can put a whole cup in it if you like just you can adjust it even before you try your first peach cobbler if you like stuff really sweet put a little more sugar in it if you're not if you don't want it too sweet if you're cutting back or you just don't like your desserts as sweet go ahead and cut it back a little bit like Brent and I especially with fruit desserts I like mine a little more natural or he likes his a whole lot sweeter so I kind of do a middle-of-the-road recipe and it's good for both of us we both enjoy it it's sweet enough for him but it's not too sweet for me now we're gonna take this over to the stove and you want to bring this to a boil and you're gonna put your stick of butter in your pan and you're going to put it in your oven now if your oven is cold and you haven't preheated it yet turn it on 375 put this in it and start your peaches and your letter will be hot at about the same time your peaches are boiling my oven is already preheated preheated so I'm gonna wait just a minute before I put my butter in the oven now you do want to keep an eye on your butter once you put it in the oven you want it really hot you want it to the point that it's sizzling but you do not want to burn it so I'm going to turn my peaches on medium and like I said my oven is already preheated so I'm going to wait just a minute before I put this pan in the oven you're gonna have to keep an eye on your peaches too and you're gonna have to stir a little bit from time to time but you don't have to go crazy and stand here and stir them constantly like we do with a lot of recipes so while our peaches are starting to cook we're gonna dump the ingredients for our topping in the bowl that's my cup of flour and if it's all-purpose remember to do the baking powder and the salt and like I said self-rising this fine in this recipe and your sugar you can adjust that for however you like it if you want a little more put a little more I'm using the 3/4 of a cup now I'm not going to add my milk to this until my peaches are cooked and my butter is hot because as soon as you add the milk you're gonna activate the baking powder and it's gonna start rising and we don't want it to get all foamy before we get the peaches done you do want to make sure you get it mixed up pretty well while it's dry because you want that sugar even in there and you want the baking powder even of course in the salt okay we'll go ahead and take our milk and the rest of our topping ingredients over the stove so we've got them ready when the rest of the ingredients get done okay my peaches are starting to at least fall out so I'm going to go ahead and put my butter in the oven it does take just a minute to get this butter hot enough so I don't want to wait until my peaches are completely ready after just a few minutes in the pan over the heat you can start to see the juice forming in the pot and that's the sugar bringing it out now I know there are a lot of dump cobbler recipes out there but you really don't want to skip this step because heating up the peaches and bringing that juice out it's really really going to make the difference in how this cobbler comes out the type of crust it has on it it makes it unique from other cobblers I decided to make this video now because Monday is Memorial Day here in the United States and I know we have viewers all over the world and you have similar holidays where you honor your fallen soldiers that your veterans who have protected your way of life and your freedom and that's what Memorial Day is here in this country even though I think the true meaning of Memorial Day is not known by many people before Memorial Day was Memorial Day it was decoration day and the name Memorial Day is fairly new it came about in late 60s and it was declared a national holiday in the early 70s when I grew up we still celebrated decoration day I never even heard of Memorial Day until a long I became an adult and this is the kind of thing that my grandmother and my aunt's they would make and they would take it to the church on decoration day because the entire community would come together on a decoration day and they would have dinner at the church and they would clean the cemetery and they would decorate all the graves even people who did not have family at the church anymore maybe all their family had passed away or moved away every single grave in the cemetery was cleaned and decorated on decoration day I said even if there wasn't a great relative at the church to do that and that's still something that we do in this country there are a lot of veteran cemeteries around the country that do not have family members who live immediately nearby them and other members from the community will go decorate those graves clean them and take care of them as a way of honoring the sacrifice that those veterans made for our freedom so if you're one of those young people who work sure what we're celebrating on Monday and why everything is closed that's why we are celebrating the sacrifice of soldiers who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom here in this country and our freedom here in this country is seriously under attack our founding fathers believed that we had certain god-given rights and that's what this country was established on and they believe that the most important among those rights for our freedom of religion and our freedom of speech they also believed that a country's greatness or society's greatness was based on individual initiative our drive to be great and our drive to be great is only possible but by art freedom so a society is only as great as its individual freedoms the more freedom we have the more ability we have to achieve that whatever purpose God created us far and I don't think God created any of us to be mediocre I don't think God created us not to matter our efforts should make a difference in the world that we live in now it may not be on a grand scale it may only be to the people in your life but whatever you do every day your existence should make a difference in the world to somebody and because we live in a country where we are free where we are afraid to practice our religion and whatever way we choose where we are free to speak and share our beliefs we certainly have the ability to be great and to make a difference and if so many people were willing to die to protect that freedom we should be willing to stand up to protect it when it is being oppressed we have that right here is guaranteed to us by our Constitution it was guaranteed by our forefathers they laid it down so that nobody can take it away from us here and we have to defend that it's up to all of us and we're only as free as what we fight for if you give up your rights if you give in to political correctness if you give in to [Music] coexistence you can never be free so honor those veterans who have paid the ultimate sacrifice not only by maybe going out and cleaning some graves and putting some flags out and putting some flowers out but honor them by the way you live your life and honor God by the way you live your life he created you to be great be great and he created you to be free so be free because you have that ability in this country at least and I know there are other countries where there is democracy and where there is freedom exercise your rights okay our cages are boiling and I'm pretty sure our butter is hot yep it is so all we have to do now and this recipe is really easy to mix up it shouldn't be a struggle at any point but you can see how much juice is in these peaches and it's nice and clear that's what you want okay all we're going to do is pour our milk into our flour and sugar and baking powder here and we want to stir this up now this is going to be about the consistency of pancake batter it may even be a little thinner than pancake batter but it's pretty close to a pancake batter you do want to heat your butter until you get it nice and only like that that way you know it's hot but like I said keep an eye on it because you don't want it to go until it burns go ahead cut my pieces off they're definitely hot enough okay I've still got a few little lumps in this you can see them in there but that's fine that won't hurt anything at all you don't have to continue to stir it until all those lumps are out it'll bust up you're just going to kind of pour this batter around in your butter and you can see it starting to rise up there already that's because your butter is hot and it's really activated your baking powder and then these peaches are also going to make it puff up even more because they are hot and what that's gonna do is that's gonna make your topping crunchy now you want to kind of pour your peach juice around in here a little bit and you want to make sure you spread your peaches out in this a little bit you don't want to get them all in a big lump in the middle so just kind of spread them around those are your paintings you dump them in there okay you can see how it's all foaming there and our batter is already starting to really rise up and it's even cooking a little bit around the edges already that's because everything was so hot and that's what you want now we're going to put this in the oven for 45 minutes on 375 it should be golden brown and crunchy on top you don't want mushy on top but underneath there it's gonna have that peach juice still and all of this topping even this crunchy stuff up on top it's gonna have a peach flavor in it because we cook the peaches first and got the juice all in there if you're planning to get together this Memorial Day maybe even a family reunion because a lot of families do have family reunions this weekend and you're gonna have dinner give this peach cobbler a try and certainly save the recipe when peaches are in season try this with fresh peaches it is absolutely delicious you can serve this just like this or you can put a big scoop of vanilla ice cream on it it's really good like that and you can serve it either hot or cold it's good either way you do want to let it cool a little bit you don't want to scoop it out quite this hot but it's a good one it's good cold it's good all by itself it's good with ice cream and here's another little tip something I do a lot of times especially when fruit is in season and I have a lot of it it's I will actually double my fruit in a cobbler recipe sometimes with apple cobbler we have a lot of apple trees and I'll go out and I have a big 11 by 15 pan I think I'll use the same amount of ingredients for my topping and I'll fill the whole pan full of apples so I have a lot more fruit and a lot less bread it's still delicious I still have enough topping that it tastes like a cobbler but it's much much healthier and when fruits and see fundin sand you can get it either if you've got trees in picking it or you can get it chief because you're close to an orchard even grocery stores have sales and it makes it much more affordable and easy to get thank you for joining this in the hillbilly kitchen don't forget to click like and subscribe before you leave and until next time remember to put God first [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 393,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, 100 year old recipe, bret and becky, peach cobbler, homemade peach cobbler, how to make peach cobbler, peach cobbler recipe, cobbler recipe, peach recipe, baked peach cobbler, baking, peach dessert, cobbler dessert, old fashioned cobbler, old fashioned peach cobbler, pie, apple cobbler, blackberry cobbler, how to make peach cobbler from scratch, cobbler from scratch, world's best peach cobbler, perfect peach cobbler, peach, dessert, cobbler, recipe, heirloom
Id: aV_H8egqJmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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