Mama Young's Original Po Man's Peach Cobbler / Dumplings Recipe #antoinetteyoungfood4thesoul

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hey everybody how you doing this is Antonia I'm food for the Soul social butterfly welcome to my channel on today I will be making three guys I'm poor man's peach cobbler my famous poem and peach cobbler our pinch dumplings anyway you wouldn't call a girlfriend okay I mean are you going to need for this particular dessert it's some peaches you're gonna need your biscuits any kind of biscuits it can be grants that's what I'm using grant or Pillsbury lungs or biscuits okay you're gonna need some sugar as well as some vanilla you want to use some good vanilla you don't want to use imitation so try to get you the McCormick's vanilla or at least a good brand of another right and as well as cinnamon and nutmeg that's all you're gonna need okay butter peaches ground cinnamon nutmeg vanilla you know you got sugar and because like I said those islands right there you got it okay so let me pan down the camera so you guys can see how to make this meal okay so I have a pot right here right my duck this is my Dutch oven right this is a four quart Dutch oven I have my oven on 350 degrees okay 350 degrees right so what I'm going to do is place three cans of sliced peaches inside my throat port Dutch oven okay I'm making this for the ladies the staff members over at the community yesterday I made baked chicken for me I've seen that video I wasn't able to go live on that when I told you guys that I would try but I wasn't able to go live there because you have to get from your special permission okay you can't just go live on the ground you know so yeah so here are three cans of sliced Delmont peaches you could use any one you want any kind of pictures you want longer peaches are heavy it's heavy okay heavy syrup now I got some sugar right in here I got some butter right here right so let me go ahead and put a couple of dollops butter real butter I use a Land O'Lakes okay okay this is a quick easy dessert to make for your family and you're on a budget okay budget-friendly very easy to me what makes it better baby right so you guys already know how I feel about having hot soapy bleach water next to you when you're cooking your meals right you want a wife as you go and clean this you go and wash as you go wash those dishes okay so now I have some ground cinnamon right here always check to make sure I opened it up okay so I'm gonna put some ground cinnamon in here no it's to your taste buds not mines but yours this is your meal I can't tell you how much something you like you can look at me and see how much I put in mine but y'all know how I am I talk about what I bought I bought mine okay so that's my fitting right now I'm gonna put some nutmeg in there that's ground let me okay okay then I have some pure vanilla extract pure vanilla extract that's what you want don't give the invitation because I've done that before back in the day and it does not taste good at all okay so I got something off in there right there you go wipe down each item that you use okay wipe it down and place it back inside of the cabinet you want everything to be clean right all right okay so now what I have here is some sugar now this sugar is to taste this is a taste okay now I have my stove on on a five okay that's why I love gas stove because you can monitor or put it on any setting that you want you know I mean I'm gonna mix it all together right I'm just going to cook these on top of the stove and bring this back so you guys can see them so like that what that butter to melt okay I'm gonna taste a little bit to see if it's enough sugar okay that's on you now we like our peach cobbler nice or peach dumpling nice and sweet right everybody is different no two people are the same if you don't want it if you want a bitter tasting one don't put as much sugar in there okay that's all I continued if you want it to taste like real real authentic peach cobbler I'm telling you it does this is a new spoon I'm using okay it's not the same spoon I always say always have at least two to three tasting spoons out and about a little bit more cinnamon and this is nice this is something that you don't have to have this at every for every dessert this is a special occasion during special occasions I want that nice taste okay you do your taste testing I like this Cinna me chase and I like it to be buttery so I'm gonna let this cook ma'am five more minutes and I'll be right back okay I'm back so now I have my grands biscuits I started again I'll show you butter sugar vanilla extract right ground nutmeg mix together you have your taste testing right you have many spoons up use once funny taking it put it inside of your hots will be dishwater never use the same spoon twice okay so I'm gonna take my grand spit kiss and you see that I have that here I'm using Grant's flaky biscuits now you can use the ones that are butter biscuit ones butter tasting ones or whatever but I'm gonna now just put these inside of the four core Dutch oven I'm gonna mix it together I'm gonna mix it together I'm just tearing apart just turning apart just tearing the biscuit apart I'm gonna mix it all together all that goodness deliciousness see it with me goodness and then this is net sister okay gonna be mixed together and then we're gonna place it afterwards inside of the oven for about a good 15 minutes right or to your biscuits are nice and golden brown so stuff okay from the pop is on top of the biscuit so it's gonna be so so good so so good cuz there's got a baked inside of it and those biscuits are gonna pop up and I'm telling you a lot of family members here on YouTube they have made this dish and they commented saying mama sister it was good thank you so much for teaching me this is something that you can make your family we don't have a lot of money girl I've been making this for 28 years from my church yes 28 years I choose not for myself I was a teenager you hear me girlfriend but I don't teenager I was making this meal so you see what I'm doing now put this down so you I can see you look at all yeah there's my four quart Dutch oven you have like I said you have your peaches compliment you sugar your peaches your sugar your ground cinnamon nutmeg and you have your vanilla right we got your butter in there look what I'm doing I'm pressing it down pressing it down okay listen that down get those ducklings in there was a dump instead girl get that off Fournier sister cuz it's gonna be nice and syrupy and sweet it's gonna be so beautiful when it comes out see that push it in there get that goodness on there that's butter baby that's that cinnamon and nutmeg and I sure the Chuck get down upon in there look at that sister now I'm gonna place this inside of the oven right 350 degrees right for about 15 15 minutes if not 15 and it's not nice and golden-brown do it 20 minutes okay longer sees these biscuits puff up and they're nice and crispy okay no I'll be right back and put this in the oven place it in the oven put a tray underneath here and place in the oven uncovered in the other okay so it's ready all right I'll be right back okay babies I'm back and it's been 20 minutes it all depends on your oven you can put it in for 15 minutes if you like it's done in 15 minutes and it's nice and brown and golden you can take it out - have been in there for 20 minutes and that's what it looks like make sure you put a pan underneath the pot you're using or you know whatever you're using so it won't get um you won't get sugar inside of you you see that let me bring it up a little bit closer I'll show you what its gonna look like when it comes on you see that and while I was inside what I did is I just pushed it down a little bit and took that nice delicious tasty flavor and I just drizzled that all around all around the peach something that's ready I'm gonna let it settle and sit for about a good 20 minutes or half an hour then I'm gonna take it put a top over it and take it over to my girlfriend's okay thank you for watching my channel thank you for watching my channel guys don't forget if you haven't already to subscribe like and share don't forget please don't forget to hit that Bell sonification button how many times are supposed to do with guys not just once but twice because if you hit their bells notification twice you're guaranteed to get messages and videos every time I make a video you get the message things she's made a video feeling so yeah please don't forget to do that do they do me that favor subscribe share like and comment okay if you don't see my comments right away it's not because I don't like you is that I have to read through the comments and accept the comments because sometimes we have on our channel people who like to just get in there and say things that are not nice so I and my husband have to go through the comments and whenever you see a like from me in a heart that means that I have personally read your comment and I give you a like button thumbs up and I gave you your heart okay babies thank you so very much for watching my channel okay and yesterday I had a great time at the community life building I wasn't able to finish make make this meal for them because I had to get my baby about the bus okay I just leave there and come get the paper I still got my duties of them as a mother and a grandmother okay so I wasn't able to do that um I wasn't able to come live because I can get purpose special permission to do that okay and we have to go to the proper channels so but I told everyone about the great comments you left for our service members okay the men and women of our country will serve our country you know selfless I told them that you loved them and you gave us get your giving out big hugs from where you are and they said thank you so very much I even was able to shake a two-star generals him last night and I told him everything about you guys he said he's a pre appreciate appreciate you guys every that's when you guys okay guys I have to go I gotta go get myself together girl okay get presentable and I'll come back if not today I'm gonna be tomorrow okay with a thank you video all right and I'm a big under gonna make something special for dinner I don't know what it is there's something special I'm gonna make it I'm gonna show you how to do that okay have a great blessed day and I'm talking each one of you guys later [Music]
Channel: Food 4 The Soul Thasocialbuttafly KitchenTableTalks
Views: 88,453
Rating: 4.9106884 out of 5
Keywords: Peach Cobbler, Po Man's Peach Cobbler, Po Man'S Peach Dumblings, Peaches, Desrests, Sweet Treat
Id: Npzbv8trBeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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