The World's Greatest Peach Cobbler | Easy Peach Cobbler Recipe | Mattie’s Kitchen

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hi y'all welcome to maddie's kitchen today i'll be making a peach cobbler and i'm it's not quite from stretch but it's something that i cooked when i was young i don't cook the before and the way i cook it is the ingredients that i'll be using i'm back with you i'm getting ready to show my ingredients and what i'll be using in my peach cobbler okay the first thing you go i went to the store and i bought this uh pie crust i used to make mine from stretch but i found out it's easier quicker to just buy you some crust they have two in a pack and you sometimes you might need two and a half i make sure i have two packs in case i have i cannot run out because once i start making my peach cobbler i don't want to go to the store and i just got some light uh there might be sliced peaches it doesn't matter what kind you use i got those i think they were on sale the reason i got them okay the next thing you know you're going to use sugar you're going to use two types of sugar you're going to use brown sugar and you're also going to use white sugar and i'll be using a little honey so when i made mine a long time ago all these stuff i didn't even know i just use sugar probably flavor i know i use that and here's some ground cinnamon here's my uh nutmeg ground nutmeg and here's like i said this is the most important thing that i use is a pure vanilla extract it's a little costly but it's to me is better than the invitation but if you don't can't afford this don't don't stress it just get the uh the invitation okay then i have fresh lemon i talked about the sugar and this is a flour okay some people use stuff in case if you have to thicken your juice from the peaches and stuff once you put all your ingredients in there some people use cornstarch i do not like cornstarch period oh i just use flour put a little water in there make a paste out of it and put it in my thing i like that better but when you're using it make sure your stock is warm or hot because if you don't if it's cold when you're putting it on lump up but smooth it out and of course i'll be using butter and these are my ingredients and i'll get right back with you okay i'm getting ready to start and the first thing i did i cut my stove on i'm gonna put the peaches i'm gonna start with my pizza i'm gonna use all of these if i got some left i can freeze it i'll give it to somebody okay i'm using three cans i'm gonna put it all in here three cans of peaches okay [Music] and i feel like it's a lot but it's not that much and i'll take this little bowl right here i'll be putting my peach cobbler in there this probably is a lot but the last time i made some peaches i only used two can that wasn't full enough but okay and the next thing i'm gonna start with is my sugar okay this is a half a cup i'm gonna use a cup this is a half a cup right here and i'm gonna put another cup in there let me have another half and then equal a cup okay and when you're making peach cobbler what you're gonna have to do you're gonna have to taste you have to taste it and get to your desired face because one thing about peach cobbler is it's got to be sweet and taste what you want to taste it's not no measuring some people measure they have a measurement you go for taste because you know what now you have when you baking like pies and stuff you have to measure but when you're doing uh when you're making i'm sorry cakes when you're making cakes you have to measure but when you're making pies it's your taste you don't have to measure like that just make sure it's sweet enough and it tastes good enough for you okay i'm gonna put some brown sugar i put the white and put a little brown sugar in here and but i know this is probably not gonna be sweet enough for me because i'm gonna taste it again and these are about everybody that's a tablespoon that's about two or three tablespoons like i said you gonna taste it stir this up and these pictures these peaches will probably take about 45 minutes to cook cook them till they're soft enough and you can tell that by looking at it and i'm gonna put some my favorite one i'm gonna put some ass uh vanilla pew extract it don't matter how you put it i kind of put a lot of this in there because that'd make it taste really good and it's only a few ingredients because all you're doing is sweeten your peaches up and i'm gonna put some honey in here put some honey in there let it cook and i'm gonna put some cinnamon i i'm not a fan of cinnamon but it tastes okay in peach cobbler but i'm not a fan of it i don't put squish when i'm cooking sweet potatoes i don't put cinnamon in my sweet potato but it's okay some people do i'm not a fan of cinema like i say but i'm not gonna knock it because if you like it use it i'm stirring that up and then i'm gonna put uh i had to say my nutmeg that's important too very important to me let me some of that make it taste so good the extract and the uh the uh some lemonade is to me is the most important part of all and making a peach cobbler and so you're gonna stir this up and i'm gonna let it cook i'm gonna taste this when it get done and stuff because that you know that might not be enough sugar but i'm gonna taste it and i'm gonna see how you know how i desire because i it's going by what you care about and this right here i know most people don't do this but this lemon i just put a little lemon juice in there just a little bit i hope i don't get a seed see that's enough for lemon because you don't want to put the too much lemon in there and someone taste this i think i probably i don't think it might be sweet enough it might be okay but i don't think it's so sweet enough but i'm gonna let it cook a while and so this the uh ingredients i put in there so i can cook into the peaches but i'm gonna taste it some taste this sad taste pretty good pretty good but do need a little bit more seasoning some put some more sugar i already put a cup in there and put them put about a half of a cup half of a half cup put some more sugar in there and what i know i needed was this right here this pure extract i need a little bit more of that but like i said taste it and it's gonna be your easter cook this for easter i put a little bit more sun like i said not a summer fan but a little bit more and uh putting nothing egg in there just a little bit because that's good but make this your uh yo easter uh dinner i mean dessert and make sure you go to my channel and for easter i want you all to go to my fall off the bone turkey easter dinner thanksgiving dinner and christmas dinner is very important go and cook a turkey that is so good i got so much compliment just go in there and read my comments and they not line up those people don't light up my my subscribers and uh viewers they tell the truth that was the best turkey that i have ever tasted myself and i it fell off the bone if you follow my instruction you will have to cook this make sure you and i got greens if you want to cook some greens with this peach cobbler i also have green beans i have potato salad and i have sweet potato i don't think you're really gonna need some sweet potatoes because you're gonna tear you but go cook them if you want to if you're not a peach fan peach cobbler fan i also made a good banana pudding and i want y'all to check them out give me some subscribers and i do the best that i can do i try to explain everything to you make it easy for you all and please just uh give me some subscribers and tune in to my kitchen and i'm you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna let this cook for a while and i'm gonna get back with you okay my peaches cook good enough they cook for about an hour 45 minutes maybe to an hour and then when they look like this they're ready because you don't want to get too mushy but you want them also to be done because when you eat your carbon you don't want to eat no hard peaches and what you have to do cut the stove off and before you put your crust on there you have to let this cool down it hasn't cooled off so what i do i set mines in the refrigerator and let it cool you don't have to do that you can set it aside that's how much time you got but i'm gonna set this in the refrigerator and i'm gonna let it cool off about 30 to cool down because i don't want my dough my crust to cook up and i did season it off camera i took and put a little bit more sugar in there i tasted it and i put a little bit more uh a vanilla extract extract i put that in there i put some cinnamon milk and a little sugar in there i didn't put no more lemon because i had enough lemon but you can season to your taste make sure you taste it before you uh before you set in the refrigerator because once you set it in the refrigerator once it cool down you don't need to season that anymore like i said i'm gonna set this in the refrigerator and let it cool off and get back with you all okay see my peaches got a lot of juice which i love juice but i wanted to be thick so i made it flour and water same amount of flour flour you use this water and all it's going to do is thicken up like i said you can use corn starch if you want to i don't like personally i don't like the taste of corn starch in my peach car but i can taste it tastes funny but flour you don't taste the flour in the water that's why i use it you know that's gonna thicken up and even if it's not thick here it's gonna get thick and with the uh when it wants to cook with that dough with that crust because that's flour too okay then and the next thing i'm going to do i already did a little bit of it i'm going to put some butter and my pan on the sides put some on the sides and the bottom butter side some uh you know just a little bit all right so it's gonna uh make the crust come out easier but really it doesn't matter because when you've got it even if it don't come out good the crust it doesn't matter because uh it's gonna you're gonna scoop it out anyway you never a cobbler is going to be scooped out so it don't matter so i have that kind of warm and the first thing i'm going to do now honey i'm not an artist when it comes to putting the dough in there but this is the roll from what i showed you for the crossroads i'm going to take and put i hope this cup this might cover the hole put it up like this i'm going to use two pieces of this so i broke a little bit but that's okay see i'm pushing it down like that in the pan and i might have to cut a little other edge of the other one on there i'm gonna put it in there i'm not good at this but uh my pie should taste good i'm gonna put this like this push it down in here well that's better than some time i do i'm gonna take this lump out of here a little bit because i don't want all that good i'm gonna press that down too so it's better than i normally do all you do is you can press it up and don't let your dough get too uh you know too uh soft because if it will when you put it on here it definitely will uh it won't it won't stick good it'll start doing it because mine's a little soft but that's good enough so i got this around this how much i want around the edges of it okay i'm gonna take and cut a little piece off of this right here let me get a knife i should have had my knife and i'm gonna cut the edge off of this right here see this edge and cut this off and put up so i can put around the other part of it cut it and i don't make those slats and put that right up there sorry that is that's easy that came out pretty good i'm saying it the best looking one button because some people is can can do this so pretty but honey pretty that is sometime it don't taste as good but this is going to taste good because i see our taste in that seasoning and what i'm going to do next is that's pretty good for me but the insides of the show tastes good okay i want to put my peaches inside here let's kind of unroll this first before i do this one and i'll roll it and roll this because this got to look good that part that got to look good i'm gonna roll it a little bit now that's good enough okay i'm gonna take and put some peaches in here in my in here set it in here and you do want some juice but you don't want too much juice i'm putting my thing to there put it in here and i think it does take three cans whether you believe it or not it takes three cans and this is so good hon i taste this and this is a little and a peach cobbler can be kind of pricey though because this is three cans of it and it's a little bowl so if you're making a big one you better make sure you got enough uh peaches okay you don't want to take some of this stuff this already smells this honey this smells so good i should now need a spoon that got holes in it because i don't want too much juice in it but i need to get all my peaches and i might have could have used three cans and a half but i don't know yeah let me get another spoon i'll be right back so i don't have someone's juicing i don't want too much juice make this work it's kind of yeah just this got enough so that's juice that's all it just i want i don't like the juice because you don't want to be too dry that's about it see maybe i could have had a little bit more but i'm gonna go with that so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take this kind of hot i'm taking oh this almost fit i gotta come right here put this down there that's pretty good and i got to take some of this and put this in right here this came out better than i thought it would y'all sure did let me take this in another curve that had a curve on that too and i'm gonna take and cut this right here a little bit of this i don't want too much dough on here so i take this right here and put it around here see like i said i'm not the best when it comes to that but i bet you could say my insides do tastes pretty good i hope that'll be too bad and i got my oven set at uh at a pre uh let's see i'm gonna take a fork you can pinch it but this bowl right here i'm just going to do it like they ain't got to be all that pinch i'm not good at pinching but i'm going to do the best i can do now but i know i can i can put you down for the insides of it and things got to look good too you want stuff to look good you can't just because people ain't gonna eat it so i said i hope y'all forgive me for this it's doing better and i thought it like i said and when i get through doing this show i'm gonna put some little slits in it yeah i'm gonna finish this off camera so i can take my time and put it in there and see i'm just using both of my hands they use forks you can use anything you want to use but i'm just taking my finger and doing it like that bring it up and i'm gonna do the rest of this off camera so i can get this in the oven okay okay i finished this off camera now i'm getting ready to put this is milk and sugar it stops it from burning milk and sugar that's all it is and i did this like i'm a brush a little milk and sugar on here yes a little bit you've got to be kind of careful with it especially around the edges and then what i'm gonna do in the end if my you know your edge is always cooked around the edges always cook faster than the other stuff um make sure you i cover mines when they get when i let the middle cook as much as i want to this edge is getting too done i've taken cover mine with an aluminum foil and i know you've seen that before but i hope this looks good i know it tastes good but i just want to know how it looked because people go by how something look cuz i got that little split down there but honey i'm sorry y'all i did it don't be don't judge that just taste the pie and go by my instruction on the pot it's gonna be the best part you ever ate okay i'm gonna put this in the oven i got my oven heated to 350 and i'm getting ready to put this in the oven let it cook i'm gonna let it go probably about 20 minutes and i'm gonna let it go from there okay you all here it is the peach cobbler made i made it from scratch almost but anyway i want you all to tune in to maddie's kitchen hit that notification bell and subscribe this is a homemade peach cobbler and i want you all to go to my channel like i said and check out my fall off the bone turkey make you a complete uh dinner for easter invite your friends over serve this cobbler go by my instruction and it'll come out just like mine also i want you to check out my fall off the bone turkey my potato salad my sweet potatoes my greens and my uh you also cook some pinto beans with that that is really contra pinto beans check that out and make this a a good dinner after you come from church kick your shoes off and enjoy and thank you for tuning in to madden's kitchen and have a great easter you
Channel: Mattie's Kitchen
Views: 224,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peach Cobbler, Peach Cobbler Recipe, Homemade Peach Cobbler, Peaches, Peach, Crust, Vanilla Extract, Pie, southern cooking, country cooking, matties, kitchen, cooking, dinner ideas, Recipes, quick meals, easy recipes, gordon ramsey, tasty, food network, mattie's kitchen, #MattiesKitchen, 4Sure, 4Sure family, #4Surefamily, how to, easy recipe, hit recipe, paula deen, Tomatoes, lemon, soulfood, Desserts, Easter, Easter Meal, Easter Dessert, Pie Crust, Sugar, Honey, Brown Sugar, peach dessert
Id: 2QgJCrXfu5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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