Old Fashioned Blackberry Cobbler | Easy Cobbler Recipe

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looking for an easy cobbler to fix well folks i have got you fixed up i do that is a homemade blackberry cobbler i'm gonna show you how to do it in a dutch oven but you can also do it in the house and you're gonna be the talk of the town in the head of the backyard come on we picking the berries now [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by camp on what i'm calling whoo it's one of them hot days for sure it is and you know what goes better on a hot day than a swimming pool and some ice cold watermelon i'm talking some homemade blackberry cobbler yep you're going to want to see this and you're going to want to fix it because when you go to the backyard barbecue you're going to outvote the meat whatever's on the grill this thing is so easy and i'm going to walk you through it i'm going to show you how to do it and guess what i'm going to give you some tips on some beginner deals to cook it in a dutch oven because folks cooking a cobbler is probably one of the easiest things that you can start with in a dutch oven so hey fresh homemade blackberry cobbler let's get to it what was more traditional on ranch first night in for dessert shannon knows because she made bunches of them when we was cooking on ranches and cowboys loved them too and that was a cobbler but on the very first night shannon is very decorative with pastry dough and stuff like that and she would put the people's brand on the cobbler that was always a traditional ranches that i cooked on now this is the easiest thing in the world to make i mean two cups of flour and guess what there is a two cup measure right in here shin so we ain't even gonna have to measure no more then we're gonna use two cups of sugar a little shake of cinnamon whoa it says i'm hot i don't want to come out a bottle so about right there a pinch of salt how much is that you know when people be telling you a pinch of salt pinch of salt let me see do you just oh did you hear him holler pinched him so hard i'm talking about we're going to use a little more in a pinch we're going to use like a teaspoon and i guarantee you that is on the money just get you some of this bacon powder and some salt going to need about i'd say four teaspoons which is just that much right there you got them fancy mixers at home that the deal goes round and round out here the bowl goes round and round what speed is that that is what you call medium low because if you go any more than that you'll be slinging it out of the bowl now we have already got us a 12 inch deep oven and i'm going to show you that oven in a minute but we put us a stick of that kerrygold butter in there so it could be melting because we need that in there first you got to have two cup of couch used to going right in there with it you just pour it in there mix it up till it's right and then add some more and i'm gonna make this a little thicker than what i would probably a regular cobbler dough like this because i want it to set up really well so i'm probably just going to use maybe a cup and three-fourths of milk instead of two and we're gonna mix this on what we call medium speed that is the desired right consistency so it's like a thick pancake batter yeah a little thicker than pancake batter well let's talk about it y'all touching mm-hmm i want to a 12-inch dutch oven which is deep or a 12 inch dutch oven which is a shallow about like this now let's say we was putting this in a shallow and we went and put the lid up on it the lid would be sitting about right there and the coals on top of this would be closer to the cobbler dough that is going to rise over the top because if you're cooking this in the house you need to preheat that oven to 350 degrees but i don't want you to preheat this cast iron you can pre-warm it to where we melt that butter but if you're preheating it you're gonna scorch something before we ever get started so get it pre-warm get that butter in there and guess what the batter go in first so we're just gonna let it run right there on top of that butter i wish the bees are here cut there's something floating in here [Music] this here is part of a blackberry it's called the leaf stem that was there be sure you check them fresh ones and whoo i have picked me a lot of blackberries got them thorns on them you be careful wear you some gloves and i just want you to take about four cups and i want to scatter them around in there it's called a fruit cobbler for a reason that is what shin a healthy nutritious meal this public service announcement was brought to you by the thousands of grasshoppers and mosquitoes that are floating around my ears you can see we got about a cup and a fourth left when you get that two and three-fourths in there i just want you to mash it just a little now as them cook then we're going to settle more to the bottom but i like to give them a little spanking to make sure that they know what's happening and they're going to stay in there then we're going to take the rest of them and just scatter them out amongst it guess what's now shin fire on the lid i'll meet you all over at the tribute because i got some more explaining to do to you well i'm gonna tell you i put me some coals down there cause this is the first time i've cooked in this camp in quite some time and there's a lot of green vegetation always prep your ground the first time before you've ever used it even if it's dry grass wet grass cold grass frozen grass or a lot of green grass because you're wasting some of that heat if you don't trying to burn that foliage off there a trivet is three horseshoes welded together oh my gosh i was a hot coal right there yo so that trivet there is three horseshoes welded together it is and we happen to sell them on the website with adjustable leg height now i'm going to be cooking on the tall brand today which is about five inches but you can see them coals have ashed out a little by trying to burn that their green grass off so we're going to move them out of the way make sure your trivet is level uh-huh now people have been to cooking school and had apps on their phone to where they could lay it across there and it would level me i just use this right here yep level it is uh-huh well you see me put a line of coals around the outside edge of that trivet not nothing underneath right around the outside edge and remember we're using a tall trivet and then we loaded the lid up oh i'd say medium heavy hard wood lump charcoal oh we i'll be liking that stuff because there ain't no crumbs in it it's just real wood outside edge of the trivet which is really the outside edge of the bottom of the dutch oven sort of line up with that the more wind they are and i'm gonna give you a little deal here 10 mile an hour you ain't much got to worry about it 15 to 25 pull them colds out about this much further than the dimension of your dutch oven on the bottom 25 to 35 pull it out a little more 45 to 80 seek shelter from flying debris off a dutch oven because it's going to happen but folks remember we have to rotate that the lid one way the bottom the other what's that do it's going to even out a hot spot if we got one from one too many coals on one side or the other well we've been on about four or five minutes and i just want to make sure that we're getting some of that bubbling effect yeah you could see that batter trying to sneak up and come over the top and you want to make sure that you sort of cook this pretty slow really to me because you got to give time for that batter to rise all up there so if you need to rake some of them coals back just a little if you think you're going a little fast but just rotate about every 10 minutes lead one way bottom the other well about 12 or 13 minutes according to the waterbury let's have a gander in there there is some browning taking effect on the outside now i want you when it gets to that point give it a jiggle ain't nothing moving but the middle this here on the outside is what i call set up just right uh-huh so put the lid on it we're going to target some heat and you can do that with a dutch oven oh so easily let's pull some of these back because remember that outside edge is where we want it and i'm telling you right now that handle is hot pardon me while i move over here move this back here's one gooden we're putting right back in the middle yep and the same thing goes for the top we're going to pull some of them off the top because we ain't needing a whole lot left up there no more and 90 of the time what you cook in a dutch oven will get through in a faster time than it will a oven in the house so always remember that the outsize was setting up the inside was still got a little wiggle and a jiggle got a jiggle in the wiggle so what do we do put one coal right under the middle we got our coals packed up right up here on top of this and we ain't gonna be long but if you think you need to slow this down and there's not a knob oh my god what am i gonna do take it off the trivet just set it over there in the grass because it's cast iron it is holding heat it is still cooking [Music] [Music] oh done deal it is and we done throw some blue bale on there now you got two options right here you got the little spoon that's going to be no good or you got the spoon that's going to give you some of that goodness now you want to let this cool off before you do this but we don't put some of that whipped cream in there and i like that crunch ice cream ice cream yes that is a mm-hmm praise the lord grow some blackberries we fitting to make some blackberry cobbler gonna do it one time everything back cabacaba cobbler blackberry's so fine you see it is now right there at the last and i'm gonna tell you if you enter in the house that's 50 minutes in pull that thing out get you some brown sugar sprinkle there on top it's going to help that crust because it'll set up and give it that little crunch that you need cook it about 10 more minutes get it out there set it on a wire rack if you're cooking it in the house take that dutch oven let it cool it's going to congeal just a little bit make it even better and if you got busy and sometimes it happens it even happened to me and the bottom is burnt just a little don't dip off the bottom that's all i can tell you now remember that batter was in there first and then you pour the fruit in and it's going to rise over the top the outside edges are going to get done first always before the middle does and it's sort of a cakey ratio to the fruit filling that you have in there that's a lot of words to say it is and it will congeal as it sets up when you let it cool but you want to make sure that you know that outside edge is going to be done first before that middle ever is well as always we sure thank you for stopping by camp on a hot day it was i'm telling you kept that ice cream in there on some dry ice things is happening everything we use today will be listed right down there in the little link below to where you can find it and folks we just appreciate you watching them videos we never take it for granted but also as always and i am greatly honored to do it every week i am and that is pay tribute to that flag that is flying above this wagon there we just thank them service men and women and all them veterans that have kept that flag up there it is a great thing so remember folks backyard cobbler time it is blackberry is one of the best and you'll be the star of the show and guess what god bless you each and every one and i'll see you down the blackberry cobbler trail [Music] i got a feeling in my heart called sunshine i really like it in the wintertime i said it hold on [Music] yeah say medium heavy because we can see the top there's a bug in there hang on he gone [Music] now
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 490,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cobbler recipe, blackberry cobbler recipe, blackberry cobbler recipe with fresh blackberries, easy cobbler recipe, berry cobbler, cobbler dessert, dutch oven, cobbler, blackberry cobbler, dutch oven cobbler, dutch oven cooking camping, dutch oven campfire cooking, dutch oven desserts, dutch oven desserts for camping, dutch oven blackberry cobbler, summer dessert recipes, how to cook in a dutch oven, outdoor cooking, cobbler recipe dutch oven, how to make cobbler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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