Quarantine Cooking: Southern Peach Cobbler Recipe

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hey y'all it's me Paula now with all this thing that's going on in the country the quarantine I told y'all that I was gonna be coming in and just doing little cooking shows to try to help Entertain You a little bit and us just share ideas I'd love for y'all to send in your ideas to me and tell me what you'd like to see me prepare right now I'm trying to do things y'all because we're not out going to the grocery store every day I'm trying to come up with some things that you would have in your home without going to the store so a little while ago I made us a peach cobbler that the lady and Sons peach cobbler and look how beautiful look how beautiful that is and I have to tell you I've made a lot of cobblers over the years but this one is the easiest of all converse to me I love that corner with all the crusty on it so I'm gonna show y'all just how we make this and it's easy as pie it's easy as cobbler about that all right so the number one thing that is the most important is that you use self-rising flour if you don't have self-rising flour add 2 teaspoons of baking powder and a teaspoon of salt and that will produce self-rising so remember your baking powder and your salt and you'll have self-rising flour so the recipe calls for one and a half cups of self-rising flour and I love my measuring cups I think we have these at the store these beautiful measuring cups and I like - they're so good for dry ingredients and you want to take the back part of your knife and you want to just level that off so we know without a doubt that's a cup all right a cup and a half of flour is that no that's the third right why didn't I think of that I'm not as smart as you Teresa all right not kind of hit it like that so it'll get down in there and there we go a cop and a half self rising flour and this is a little something I do just to make me feel better because I remember one time getting a bag of flour that said self rising and it was not it was not somehow plain flour had gotten in that bag so just to make myself feel better I'll just put about that much baking powder in so this is that it was part of teaspoons okay because I know without a shadow of a doubt that this is self rising flour all right now we're gonna do a cup and a half of sugar I'll let them know I'm not crazy when it's great Teresa said let y'all know I'm not crazy I'm sorry I can't do that to yourself I do talk to myself but I ain't starting answering me yet maybe I have on a couple of occasions all right so here we go a cup and a half of self-rising flour a cup and a half of sugar and you want to just take a wire whisk and it's almost like does the same job as a sifter you want to get that mixed up real good make sure that's very well incorporated so called a PD yeah baking powder doesn't hurt if you I mean it does oh no no that's what I would give it some more fluff all right I'm gonna dish in the oven and let that butter melt that's the number one ingredient in this compliment is a stick of melted butter all right cup and a half of sugar cup and a half of flour one cup of milk and you want to kind of add it slow so it won't lump so bad so just start with that little whale in the center and Theresa you want let's not keep mixing that up for me and then I'm gonna move on to the peaches because this is gonna take me a minute it's wonderful when we have fresh peaches available but what month is this March it's not peach season so at the lady and Sons we use canned peaches because we know every time that's gonna produce a consistent dish I also love using frozen peaches and these peaches will see it come stuff it's a pound it's a pound of peaches excuse me the placement of the camera she lays all right so these peaches are not sweet at all so we're gonna have to make a syrup for these peaches and to do that I'm gonna add 1 cup of sugar or maybe 3/4 a cup yeah I'll do about 3/4 of a cup and I'm gonna do 1 cup of water why did I do with my measuring cup oh thank you so one cup early banners of water and now we're gonna put this on the stove and we are gonna cook that for a little while we want to make sure that our sugar is totally dissolved so we'll let that come to a ball and I tell you frozen peaches if you sweeten them just right they're almost as good as fresh not quite but almost I've got a peach tree out in our yard I think I don't did you know that ain't kicking you didn't know well I've got a peach tree out there and it's called donut peaches and the peaches are flat and it looks like a donut because the stem you know kind of goes in like it's a hole and they're white the meat is bright white those aren't the best are they hard to grow oh they are Bulldogs appeal yes you have to drop those important waters they are named monkey oh they're horrible but they taste something and they're the color of peyer's looks just like a pear all right so this is starting to get by we've got our stick of butter melting in our dish see how simple this is I mean it's so easy I don't have anything to do y'all want some kombu oh you didn't need at all that's watching Herkimer well I gave her a homemade blueberry muffin a while ago and I made the big ones oh you'll find the recipe for that in the new baking cookbook Halloween southern baking that blueberry recipe in that book y'all you'll never wanna make another blueberry muffin as long as you leave yeah all right so let's see what else I can talk about oh yes I want to talk about the triplets but I also want to remind people that they can go to Amazon I'm not using the air fryer today but you can go to Amazon and see the biggest air fryer that's available out there anywhere so that that's my air fryer Bobby did FaceTime cloud and bobbing clamps they did FaceTime with me and they are quarantined so tight in their house y'all because these little babies only lift in their mother's tummy about well 26 weeks no no I don't think they lived in there six months no oh my boobs check 4/24 they had it so said it's what was great at clothes right at six six months getting close to but they had to finish baking you might say in that incubator outside their mother's womb so which started them off with lung disease heart their heart you know they will hold it a hole in their heart you know but all these things are correcting itself and that amazing yes it's it there they take my breath away they are amazing but their care klaudia and bobbies care of these babies has been spot on it's been spot on and they're flourishing but but cause they started out so yes they they have had good role models but with them starting out so vulnerable they are extra extra safe with their most precious babies so I wish I could what did they go to even see them actually we're probably gonna start seeing them a lot on Instagram looking for the Deen brothers Instagram good in the next week or so oh good good good good it will be a net one I know that claudia has a wonderful Facebook page or Instagram I don't know what it is because I'm not totally computer literate I don't know all the tricks of the trade I know how to play Wizard of Oz okay but anyway she's an interesting girl to kind of follow she's a triathlete and like I said she wears me out just know was she a medium she amazed me because she was this beautiful young woman that was raised in Venezuela and raised in not a life like we were raised in you know and for her to come in so she was come on to us she probably was coming in to a different language oh yeah she she went to school here and she the language is sometimes yes I think they I think they had a cook a housekeeper and a nanny from what I gather so cloudy it was not raised like Bobbie and Jenny you know we didn't we didn't have all that but she stepped up to the plate in the most unselfish manner it didn't matter what she had to go through as long as her babies well where they were supposed to be that was all that mattered to she and Bobby and you know it just fabulous yes I'm just in awe all right so go our sugar has totally melted so we got our syrup and let's see yeah this is melted I don't like doing blood shot Sadie if I lean in that up and do you not gonna get a butt shot oh are you you can turn towards [Music] okay infection yes ma'am oh it's like brown butter all right so we're gonna take our batter and we're just gonna pour it on top of that butter now the first and most important thing in this recipe is like I told you when we started self-rising flour the next important thing is do not stir this do not stir do not stir all right because that batter is gonna come up over these peaches so I'm gonna take a female spoon and first just dig out the peaches and spread them evenly with that butter so it's gonna go where's the noise that's our butter that's that batter hitting that hot pan all right now the next step is to ladle this juice now I like a lot of I like a lot of juice in my cobbler I actually probably didn't have a full cup of water when I did that one but I'm gonna put all this juice and I'm putting it on as lightly as I can not to disturb that batter mmm-hmm if you're using canned peaches you want to make sure that you use all the juice that's in the canyon huh you just yes I'm twice peaches and you just pour them over that batter and leg into your peaches on top I don't like to just dump it I like so just cling peaches you're just talking yeah clean - yes yes yes and and then pour the sauce over like you just yes so just drain them and right right you can you can add sugar water if you'd like more juice but you see it works out pretty good oops now if the lady and sons and Paula Deen's family kitchen we sprinkle it with a little cinnamon in it show do make it good Kerry bought me this cinnamon it's that good good time all right so oh who knew there were so many cinnamon I know all right now I've got my oven on 350 degrees and I'm gonna set my timer to about 30 minutes and to find this recipe y'all if you didn't have a pen and didn't jot it down you can go to www.hsn.com what else did I want to say to them going shine I hope y'all are enjoying this little time that I'm getting a spin with y'all and let me hear from you let me let me know what you'd like to see me prepare or you share your favorite recipe with me and I'll make your favorite recipe here
Channel: Paula Deen
Views: 1,222,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paula deen, southern comfort food, southern cooking, quarentine cooking, easy recipes, simple ingredients, peach cobbler, paula at home, self isolating cooking, peach dessert, easy dessert, peach recipe, peach cobbler with cake mix, peach cobbler with canned peaches
Id: sLuBG5An2X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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