Peach Dumplings

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hi welcome to Crisco for you too today I'm going to be doing my own version of peach dumpling I thought about this last night and I thought about how I could put it together and I'm like okay well let me just kind of make up this dish and then let me just see where it goes from there but I wasn't going to put the dish online I was going to go ahead and have a trial run first but then when I thought about it I'm like okay well I have high expectations that this word dish is going to work out well so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to put it together by recording it and then if it does work out like I think it's going to then I'm going to upload it online so let's get started here the ingredients that you're going to need you're going to need two twenty nine ounce cans of peaches and you want them to be drained you're going to need three containers of crescent rolls now this is only if you're going to be making as many as I'm going to be making I'm going to be making 24 okay and it's eight it would be eight servings to one can so if you want to make less than that then you would get your cans according to how many it is that you actually want to make you're going to need some mountain dew not a lot probably about 1/2 of a can of Mountain Dew or a half a cup of Mountain Dew you're going to need some white granulated sugar one cup and you're going to need a half a cup of brown sugar as well this is the drains or the juices from the peaches you're going to also need that and I told you I had two twenty nine ounce cans so I just went ahead and drank it over into here you're going to need nutmeg and cinnamon and you're going to need a stick of butter now I'm going to call and of course you're going to need the peaches which I've already drained and they're sitting over here to the side now I'm using canned peaches some of you may use fresh peaches you can go ahead but this is not the season for fresh peaches so the cam pictures works just as well so I'm going to show you how to get started with this and then I'm going to go away and put everything together and then we're going to move to the next step this is a relatively easy dish I don't think that it's going to be complicated at all and I think that it's the dish that's gonna be really really good now here before you I have a buttered dish so this is mine like I told you I'm going to be making 24 so this will hold 24 and you don't need that you can do it you know what a lot less because you may not have you know your family may not be as large as many and you may not need as much as I need so I have this fork sitting right here so I'm just going to use this fork to go over and pull apart my perforated lines because a lot of times they don't just come right apart like you think they should okay but before I do that let me just sprinkle because no matter what I'm doing desserts of this type I always like more cinnamon and more nutmeg so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and sprinkle a little bit of extra and then make an cinnamon down on these and the reason why I pretty much do what to go what to put into this dish is because I know what tastes good in peach cobbler so if it's good enough for the peach cobbler it's going to be good enough for this and I think that this is going to be something that your family would really really enjoy and I am going to try it so you can see so I can tell you exactly how it tastes once I get through baking it all okay so now I did put a little bit of extra nutmeg and cinnamon and I would be putting some in the mix that's going to go down to help bring this dish together but right now what I'm going to to just show you how we put this together and this is going to be similar to the way that we did the apple dumplings and I know that the apple dumplings is just oh my goodness that's just a fantastic dish so now I have the wider end of my crescent roll now what I'm going to do and that's why I have a fork I'm going to you take a couple of my peaches and I got quite a few peaches here so I'm going to take a couple of my peaches that one was kind of small so and use your discussion when you're doing something like this okay so and I'm going to roll this this up okay and we're doing it just like we did the crescent rolls I mean for the apple dumplings I'm going to place it in my ditch now I'm going to do the next one I'm not going to put it as close to that one because you do need room for them to rise up and to rise out so I'm not going to place it as cold as closed and you really don't need to use three teachers you can probably get away with two or whatever you think is enough of your family then you just rolled it up okay now because there's a soul all in the inner I'm just going to double that over and I'm still going to put it right in here and it doesn't matter how you do it how you put it in I think that this dish is going to really work out and a lot of times if you used to cooking you can pretty much tell what's going to go together so you don't have to really worry about messing up ingredients because you know what goes you know in certain dishes in order to make it taste good so here I only use two of the peaches but it really doesn't matter because I'm going to do something different with the pictures that I have remaining once I finish this okay and as you can see I'm not putting it that close together I'm spreading them out to give them a little bit of room so that they can spread when they go into the oven now I do have my oven preheating at and fifty degrees and I'm going to cook this for roughly about thirty minutes when we get maybe 45 minutes when we get to that cooking step and you will know when it gets well because it should have a golden-brown color now these two pictures were kind of big because you know not all of the pictures in the container is is uniform so I can just cover it over I don't want to I can't leave them opening you cannot leave them open you can use your own discretion but because I'm going to try to do something different with the remaining peaches I want to make certain that those don't just fall out of the fold of crescent rolls that I have now two more pictures flip over and like some of them I put three when they were small and then some um I put two and it doesn't really matter because what you want your guests to do or whoever that's eating this you want them to get a full taste of the peaches that you have them close now I'm going to finish out this because I have three cans of the crescent rolls that I have to do I'm going to finish out this and I also have some ice cream that's waiting on this because I've got it yesterday I was thinking about it last night I'm like okay I really want to try this dish but let me just try it and then I'll post it if it works out and then I thought I'm like okay I have strong high expectations for this particular dish so what I'm going to do is go ahead and make it and I'm going to go ahead and record this video and then if it doesn't work out they'll never see it if it does work out that'll be fine I'm not in the habit of throwing away of food and you all can really really tell that when I give you a recipe it pretty much works out just like I say that Duke does and if you follow the way that I'm doing it that's why the tutorial is with it you'll be able to get the same taste taste that I'm getting at home you'll be able to get at your home as well so I'm going to go away and finish doing all of these and make sure that I get them into this bowl and then we're going to move on to the next step but just remember Chris is making peach dumplings today and this is my own recipe so I'll be right back okay now I have all of the crescent rolls wrapped with the peaches the inside I have them in this bowl but now what I want to do is to take my C my leftover peaches I want to take them and I want to put them down between the little spaces now why am I not putting why am I putting them down between the little spaces and not just you know putting them all over on top because I need these pictures to cook and I don't need them to dry out and if I leave them on top there's a strong possibility pretty much I know they're going to dry out I don't want these pictures to dry out now the way I envision this dessert I want to be able to get a crescent roll and then pick up some of the peaches to go on my crescent roll and then I want a scoop of ice cream on top of that now what I'm doing now and with this let it stay what I'm doing now is just making sure that when I pour my liquids in here that my peaches will also cook because they're not cooked and like I said I don't want them to dry out so I'm getting all of my pictures in here in the next step is to put together the sauce for this and to put it together at the stove so now that I have all of my peaches in here I'm going to meet you at the stove remember don't put your peaches on top of the crescent roll let just go ahead and get a golden brown and let it have a crust to it put the peaches in the center so that way they can go ahead and cook as well so when you get ready to scoop it out you're gonna get some peaches and then you're going to get one of the dumplings and not the that's going to be fantastic that was just a little bit of the syrup that was left I just bought it in there and I will meet you at the stove okay now I'm at the stalls and you see my butter is melted okay and I'm going to stir it for a little while now to my melted butter I'm going to add first of all I'm going to add my cinnamon my other pot is kind of over this right okay and I'm going to add my mud Mik and then I'm going to stir that in I'm going to add in my granulated sugar and I'm going to add in trying to do two three things at once my brown sugar and I'm going to pour in my peach juice now pour it in about a cup of go ahead cup and a half of my peach juice and I'm not trying to get um cook the sauce until it just caramelize it's like only thing I'm trying to do is to make certain that my sugars are well blended in now I use if you might ask why don't you use granulated sugar and then you used brown sugar brown sugar will caramelize a whole lot more and I did need a little bit of that carmelization so I use the brown sugar for that and then I use the ground granulated sugar just for the sweetness and I needed this syrup to do just what it's doing now I need it to thicken a little bit and I don't need it to be grainy I need that sugar to completely dissolve okay now I've added almost all of my my peach juice so I'm going to go ahead and add the rest I'm understanding it stir this for a few minutes maybe about five minutes just to make sure that everything is mixed up together at the end of that five minutes I'll bring you back and I'll show you what the next step is okay now we're back and I've stirred it and like I told you I wasn't really trying to do anything to get everything I'll call I'll creamed up together I didn't want this to have any granulated sugar parts over in it now I'm going to use I'm not going to use all of this juice because I really don't think that I need it and I'm measuring it off and what I miss the instructions I'll be able to prove to give you the instructions exactly like it should be because I will have perfected it okay I'm going to use two and a half cups of my juice and I'm not going to use the Mountain Dew okay that's two and a half cups of my juice didn't use the Mountain Dew did add a half a cup more of the sugar placing it in my oven let it cook and we'll see where it goes from there like I told you I had this juice left over now I'm going to use it just going to throw it away it was only the peach the juices that was left from the peaches and I did not use this can of Mountain Dew so as soon as it gets ready I'll get back to you then I'll show you how I'm going to dish it up see right there now I'm back and I'm gonna take this out of the oven oh my goodness that looks fantastic and if it tastes as good as it looks man this is a real treat I am Telling You I'm going to allow this to cool and then I'm going to come back and show you how I wish it up my peaches got a chance to cook the crust on here is a golden brown it's still real bubbly you can even see peaches and the golden brown from this side this is great I didn't throw out my leftover juices because I decided to do something I can do with it so I'm going to show you this allowed to cool for a while and I'll be right back okay now we're back and I'm getting ready to try some of what looks like a fantastic dessert so I'm going to take out and this is exactly the way I envisioned that this would go I'm going to take out two of these because I needed a lot of syrup and I'll show you why okay and I'm going to split this and then I'm going to take the ice cream and I'll show you I bring it down front just so you can see it a little better I should take a my screen I'll hold up sooner but I didn't but that's okay I'm gonna put that ice cream there and then I'm going to take a little bit of this syrup put over my ice cream and I also have a couple of peaches that I'm going to put down on it now that is a real real treat I mean it really looks fantastic and what I did was I saved remember I saved some of these liquids that was leftover and if you need just a little bit more syrup spooned over there man I'm going to enjoy that I can see it now but what I am going to do even though that's hot I really want to taste it before I let you get away from me that's the dessert and it's still kind of smoking hot I just want to taste it and see what it tastes like you know I normally don't taste online but since this is my own creation I am going to taste it and I hope it's not too hot oh my goodness this one you have to try it's going to be a few days before I upload it but man you gotta try this for mrs. fantastic I mean this is really really good and it's the perfect dessert to bring in the new year I wanna thank you for watching Chris cook for you to have a fantastic year and God bless you all bye you
Channel: chriscook4u2
Views: 562,142
Rating: 4.8989253 out of 5
Keywords: Peaches Cobblers Desserts How to, Bake, How to
Id: 2alTzyQDOVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2016
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