Irish Soda Bread – Heirloom Recipe – 4 Ingredient – No Yeast Bread - No Fail – The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're making a traditional basic irish soda bread [Music] [Applause] it is st patrick's day so that's why i decided to do this recipe but i also wanted to do this recipe now because this is probably the easiest most basic most inexpensive bread you can possibly make and it's one of those things that folks need right now my granny made this a lot um we would have it for everything from sandwiches to put gravy on it it's a really good all-purpose bread and you can add a lot of stuff to it that will change it but we're doing the basic recipe today and all you need for the basic recipe is four cups of flour and baking soda because it is soda bread and you don't want to use powder in this you want to use the soda and i have kind of a generous teaspoon you don't want to do too much because if you do too much then your bread is going to taste like baking soda and not like bread and i have a teaspoon of salt you don't want to omit the salt in this it will affect the texture and the flavor and i have two cups of buttermilk that's it now you can add an egg to it and an egg will lighten it up you can add a couple of tablespoons of butter to it just cut it in your flour if you want to do that and it will make it more moist i am using whole butter milk though and if you can't get the whole buttermilk the butter is probably a good idea because the only fat in this bread is in the buttermilk so how i'm going to start is i'm just going to add my salt and my baking soda to this and you can also add a little sugar in this if you want to lots of folks do a variety of like raisin bread with it and they will add currants or raisins and you can certainly do that but this is the basic recipe you can sift your flour which will lighten it up a little bit i kind of just use a whisk because this is a quick bread it shouldn't take all day to make it and that's the quick way to do it and i'm just gonna pour my buttermilk in here you could possibly need a little more than two cups of buttermilk it kind of depends on your flour we've talked about how flour if it's packed or the humidity everything affects it so you know if you need a little more put it in here and then you just want to kind of stir your dough together you can use your hands for this i find this little spatula spoon thing works really well to start combining it my granny usually did just use her hands you don't want to over mix this it's a quick bread kind of like your biscuits this is very similar to a big biscuit the texture though comes out different because it's the baking soda and not baking powder okay now the dough is going to be kind of crumbly like this that's okay when you get it to this point you don't really want to knead it you just want to take your hands and squeeze it together and form it you can turn this out on your countertop put a little flour on your countertop sometimes i put a little flour on my hands but because it was kind of dry i didn't really think i needed to do that it's all right and just kind of squeeze it and fold it until it gets all stuck together the less you handle it kind of the better and it is going to be kind of rustic looking that's okay it's not going to give you a perfectly smooth loaf of bread all right that's probably about good i'm not going to worry about getting every single crumb out of my pan or out of my bowl and just kind of shape it a little bit after you get it stuck together like i said it's not going to be perfectly smooth you're not trying to get it perfectly smooth once you get it kind of round i'm going to bake this in my iron skillet uh you can use just a cookie sheet it will stay together it's not going to spread out everywhere and we're not going to let it touch the sides of the skillet so the skillet's not to hold its shape it's just something to bake it in you can use a regular cake pan just whatever it doesn't matter now there are lots of folks that will tell you to oil the bottom a lot of people cook it on parchment paper and you can certainly put parchment paper on it under it no matter what kind of pan you're putting it in but what i do and what my granny did is put a little flour in the bottom of the pan that will keep the bottom from burning and it will also keep it from sticking and just spread it out and then when you're done baking it you can wipe the flour out now once you get your soda bread formed and your pan floured whatever kind of pan you're using you do want to mash it out a little bit but not to the point where it's touching the sides now with this four cups of flour here i have used my big skillet i think this one's maybe a nine inch skillet you need at least an eight or a nine inch pan to cook this in and the more you mash it out of course the bigger around it's gonna be and it's not gonna be as high so it's kind of up to you what shape bread you want but for traditional irish soda bread you want to bless it that's kind of part of the tradition and you cut across in the top of it and you would actually say in the name of the father and the son and the holy ghost because of saint patrick's ireland was a very catholic nation for a long time and i think it pretty much still is there are a lot of legends and superstitions and you would go around and in each corner of your cross you would cut a slit and that was to let the fairies out so that they didn't curse your bread what this really does is it lets your bread rise and i'm not sure if i thought there were evil fairies in my bread if i would want to cut slits in the top of it let them loose in my kitchen or not something else you can do and you don't have to you can just put it in the oven like this is you can put a little bit of your buttermilk on top of your bread if you added an egg to your batter you could save a little bit of the egg and put that on top of it or you could even break an egg and you know do an egg wash on it but i just use what buttermilk is left in the bottom of the cup and like i said you don't have to do this but it does give it a really nice texture now most folks are also going to tell you to have your oven preheated to 425 i do not preheat my oven what i do like with my biscuits and my pancake batter and every other quick bread that i make is i let it rest while my oven preheats so what you want to do is just leave this on your countertop turn your oven on 425 and then when your oven gets preheated put this in the oven for 15 minutes after 15 minutes turn it down to 350 and then depending on your oven and the size of your loaf if you did a loaf this big you're gonna want to bake it like 30 more minutes maybe as long as 40 more minutes to get it done in the middle you can use a cake tester or a toothpick you can thump it if it sounds hollow it's done and you might even want to flip it out of the pan and test the bottom and make sure the bottom sounds hollow but that's how you check it to make sure it's done and start it at 425 15 minutes then turn it down to 350 until it's done and that's going to be anywhere from like i said if you're making a smaller loaf which i'm getting ready to pull a smaller one out of the oven it takes about 20 to 25 extra minutes in my oven this one would go 30 to 35 minutes depending on your oven though it might take 10 to 15 minutes longer so let's see what it looks like when it's done okay this is what it looks like when it's done and like i said this is a smaller loaf this loaf i only use two cups of flour in so it is really easy to cut this in half and i don't think i said but you do want to use either all purpose or bread flour in this oh when it's done it should not be stuck and if you tap it i think you can hear that it sounds kind of hollow that's what you want top and bottom and you can see that flower keeps it from sticking there you want to cool it on a rack and i like to as soon as it comes out of the oven because the crust does get a little bit crispy i put a little butter on it it's still going to have a nice crisp crust but it adds a little flavor and it keeps the crust from being too hard it makes it just crisp not hard and this is very cold butter but just take a stick of butter and wipe it around on it and let it get all over the top you get the idea there you do want to let this cool a little bit um i guess sometimes maybe we ate it a little sooner than a little quicker than other times it kind of depended on dinner or what we were eating but this bread like i said it's a really good all-purpose bread and you can use it it's at home with gravy poured over it you can eat it with a soup or a stew and use it to dip in your soup or your stew or you can even slice it and make a sandwich out of it it has a really nice texture and it is very sliceable it has a good sponge to it the egg would make it lighter like i said the butter would add a little to it but with if you have the whole buttermilk you really don't need to cut the butter in it's perfectly fine without it you see it just has a really good texture and it works for everything save this recipe because it has to be the world's simplest bread to make it's super easy it's pretty much impossible to fail at it unless you just don't get it done that's about the only thing you can do wrong if you don't want the top as brown you can put an aluminum full tin over it we did that with a lot of our pies and stuff like that i really kind of think it's pretty though a little bit brown it adds to it and it makes it look more like the authentic version of it this makes good it's good with just jam on it it does have a slightly sour taste so with some kind of jam or jelly it's really really good you know i said it's the world's easiest bread before we go i want to leave y'all with joshua 1 9 have i not commanded thee be strong and of good courage be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the lord thy god is with thee whether so ever thou goest you know i i've said this over and over recently current events do not change who god is doesn't change who the lord is doesn't change the fact that he is in control and he will take care of us and he tells us clearly to be strong to be of good courage to in we are to encourage the world we should not be dismayed or worried about what's going on because current events do not change the outcome i hope you all have a happy st patrick's day don't be afraid maybe read the story of saint patrick and see if you can get some encouragement from his story because he certainly was a courageous man and remember to put god first thank you so much for joining us in the hillbilly kitchen if you haven't already don't forget to click like and subscribe and we'll see you again real soon
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 695,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Hillbilly Kitchen, Country Cooking, Southern Cooking, 2 ingredient Biscuit Recipe, Bread Tutorial, Comfort Food, Struggle Food, Irish soda Recipe, No Fail bread Recipe, Quarantine Cooking, Baking, 4 ingredient bread, homemade buttermilk biscuits, how to make bread, cooking, baking, buttermilk bread, cake bread, pan bread, no yeast bread, quick bread, southern biscuits, flaky biscuits, fluffy biscuits, cheap bread, butter biscuits, granny's biscuits, Heirloom recipe
Id: fx9mjh0Tigs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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