Homemade Shepherd's Pie / Cottage Pie -100 Year Old Recipe -The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're making shepherd's pie okay what we're actually making is college pie both of these recipes shepherd's pie cottage pie have become commonly known as shepherd's pie and there are probably a million variations of this a true shepherd's pie has ground lamb in it we're using ground beef today and when you make this recipe with ground beef it's generally called cottage pie not shepherd's pie but like I said everybody calls it shepherd's pie all of it and this is one of those recipes that was intended to get you through hard times so you can substitute just about anything in this you can even do a vegetarian version of this and leave the meat out entirely but if you've got some leftover roast you can chop up to your leftover roast and you can use leftover roast in this recipe instead of the ground meat beef pork lamb roast anything work you can even use leftover chicken or turkey Thanksgivings coming up you can substitute turkey in this recipe and make you a turkey shepherd's pie but like I said there's a million varieties of this and this is just kind of my standard variety now usually I use leftover mashed potatoes in this but if you're gonna make it all from scratch you need about four or five you know these are just average size potatoes any variety will work you want about a pound and a half of potatoes it's gonna be about 4 cups once you chunk them up and boil them and the only thing I'm going to put in my mashed potatoes is I'm gonna put some butter some milk and some salt and some pepper now you can season your mashed potatoes with a lot of different things can use heavy cream or half-and-half in them you can put sour cream in you can put shredded cheese in them you can put cream cheese in them you can do all kinds of stuff but when I make this I serve the cheese and sour cream on the side so we're gonna kind of scoop this over here a little bit because that's going on the table not everybody likes that and when you make a dish like this that already has so many flavors blended it's kind of a good idea to give some options on the side your meat you can season it again however you want they´ll peppers are in season so I have about half a chopped bell pepper and half a chopped onion I also have a little bit of minced garlic and this garlic is the stuff that you can get in the spice aisle and water that is absolutely the best way to use garlic because peeling and chopping fresh garlic is such a pain and this is not very expensive it's actually cheaper than buying fresh garlic I'm going to use this and a little salt and pepper like I said you can season it with anything you want you need some vegetables when you're making this and you want at least a half a cup of each kind of vegetable or about two cups total however you want to do it I have about two cups of vegetables and I'm using carrots corn and peas my carrots were fresh I chopped them my corner of my peas are frozen you can use fresh frozen or canned and they actually make frozen corn and Pease together that worked really well in this recipe but that's not go ahead and I had a carrot in the fridge and that's only about one carrot and I diced it up and that's what I'm using you need a little tomato in this a lot of the recipes call for it's made a paste some of them even call for ketchup and I use ketchup sometimes in this piece if I don't I have anything else you certainly can but instead of using tomato paste you also have to have a little liquid in this how to make the sauce I'm just going to use tomato sauce if you're using tomato paste you can add a little beef stock you can add a little chicken stock you could add a little vegetable stock you can add a little milk you could even add a little water take you to make your sauce and I might have to add a little bit of water with this tomato sauce but only like maybe a quarter of a cup or so and you also need to thicken it now I'm using two tablespoons of flour to thicken my sauce if you need a gluten-free variety of this you can use two tablespoons of corn starch just dissolve it in about a quarter of a cup of cold water before you add it to your mixture okay I've already got my meat over here browning and I've got my potatoes over here boiling so we're going to take this over to the stove and add it to the meat and the only other thing that I put in my meat mixture besides my peppers and my onions and my garlic is a little salt pepper and you could even hold these peppers and onions and put them in when you put the rest of your vegetables in but I like to cook mine a little bit better and we're just going to kind of crumble the beef up and let it pick for the papers in the aliens and like I said put a little salt and pepper on there or any other seasoning more does no one that's it there probably for about ten minutes and I'm gonna check my potatoes I've had a lot of requests for a mashed potato video and I will probably tag this one one of the secrets to getting really good mashed potatoes it's cooking the potatoes until they are really tender these are getting pretty tender but I'm gonna want to sit here and cook just a few more minutes while this is cooking so maybe about another five ten minutes or so while I'm eating our potatoes finish cooking I want to take just a minute to say thank you to a very special lady Peggy I truly appreciate all the stuff in this box and I'm sharing this box with you because I want to share with you kind of what this box represents Peggy is a regular viewer she hasn't really been when they deal with the kitchen for a long time maybe get close to a year but there was something that I said in a video that really touched Peggy and it changed her life and it helps her to find that relationship with God that I talk about in so many of these videos she saw that something that she was looking for and she wrote me a really long really nice email like several several months ago and told me what had happened and told me how much she appreciated the videos and I can't that email vent more to me than anything that anybody could ever see me but I do appreciate Peggy's physical expiration of her in this box because of what it represents you see you never know when you're going to say something that's really gonna touch somebody because we are born meaning God we are born seeking God I think it was Laszlo he was a psychiatrist search psychologists whatever he came up with his hierarchy of needs and love is at the very top we cannot be complete we cannot behold we cannot be happy unless we are loved we can't we don't even develop normally physically not it doesn't just affect our emotions and our psychological development but it affects our physical development we all need to be loved and Jesus told us to love one another that was his new commandment that's what we are to do above everything else on this earth is to love one another and sharing your faith is how you love one another but also it's with acts of kindness and appreciation and a lot of us me I have a hard time when people give me things I heard somebody once say you can't really give until you learn how to receive so I'm trying I said this was absolutely wonderful when I got it in the mail and I appreciate that but I think we all do need to learn how to receive gifts and receive love because it is or to give when you don't know how to take I mean then all the expression you have to take the good with the bad well you got to learn how to take the good as well as gifted so why should I go what Peggy did because this is so powerful she didn't just fill a box with any whole thing I did a couple videos where I cut corn off the cob and I said they make a little gadget for doing that so Peggy got me the gadget for doing that because she made a note that I did not have that she got me a really nice batter bowl or a large mixing up stuff and he poured it out and a lot of times you need that for recipes with large ingredients I have a really big glass mixing Cup that one of my daughters got me that I used and it comes in so handy in videos and so will this but this has a lid on it so the stuff that needs to sit in the refrigerator for a while or if I do stuff ahead of time like how sometimes I'll cut up the vegetables even in this one I did stuff ahead of time I can put a lid on it and refrigerator it not turn round she sent me a very nice set of measuring cups and spoons I cannot tell you how many measuring cups and spoons I lose and I don't know if looking so many of them but I always need these I use the little clear dollar tree ingredient cups I've had a couple of them in this video and Peggy sent me these really pretty little condiment cups and I won't be using them in some of the videos now but I told her Charlotte will love these because she's a very very picky and these are super cute and I can tell they're there Charlotte bowls and chilli anything out of these that there are six of these I mean everything in here she put so much thought into it all the gadgets that I had hanging on my wall Peggy noticed that I did not have a flat whisk so she sent a flat whisk I swear I think she must sit and zoom in on the stuff on my wall and this cute little measuring cut up and I just did a video where I separated her eggs Peggy sent me a stainless steel egg separator I use the old egg shell method she sent this for my baby Charlotte and Gabby it has Bible stories and songs on it and they both absolutely like to sing so they're gonna love this and this one here scares me the most is she sent me two cookie scoopers now I did a video probably three or four years ago and I had to make like 250 chocolate chip cookies by the next day I had sent Alex to get me a cookie scooper and she wasn't home yet but I filmed making those cookies and I made 250 chocolate chip cookies with a broken cookie scooper this one kind of scares me because you know God knows everything and put it in the future and I'm afraid I'm gonna have something come up where I have two cookies going person bought me a thousand chocolate chip cookies I have to go and do by the next day this time but all this that was so thoughtful and everything came from a different video are from some little something I've said in the video and that is that how we manifest God's love for each God's love for us through each other what Peggy did actually shows me how much God loves me somebody in another state who I have never met sent me cookies food works because I made chocolate chip cookies with a broken cookie scoop God knows that he sees that and he provided that for someone else and that's how he works and if you're one of those people who is searching for something who doesn't feel complete maybe you're looking for it in a bottle maybe you know you're looking for it through a prescription maybe you're looking through it all right through some other Avenue I'm gonna tell you you can't drink happiness you can't swallow it can't and hail it you can't inject it it only comes when you are complete because you have God's work he created us to meet his love and until we find him through His Son Jesus Christ it is impossible to find happiness and it is impossible to be complete so if you're one of those people who is desperately seeking something and you just can't no matter what you seem to be happy you just can't I hope I promise you that hope is in God and you will find it through Jesus Christ by the one of those people who always seems to think things are going to be ok no matter how bad it gets I promise you that person knows God and they will help you find God too because no matter how bad things get when you have God you know it's gonna be okay in the end let's go check on this meat real quick thank you so much okay [Music] now I just use 80/20 ground chuck in this if you have something super lean you won't have to worry about the grease at all but with eight twenty ground chuck it might be a little breezy whether or not you remove any of the grease is up to you you can see how much it's in there and that's probably a little more than I want so I'm gonna get a little bit of that out of there a lot of people tell me that they have trouble lifting skillets or even being painful of something that they're cooking and this is a really easy way to get the grease out of your meat if you are having trouble lift in the pan I've got arthritis myself and occasionally I have a really bad flare-up in my wrist and this is saved to my dinner more than once just a minute second here while I take care of my potatoes before I add anything else to it now the potatoes are done and you can see they both start really easy there I hope you can see that and they've actually turned colors if they were in smaller pieces it almost looks like you get see through them but you know they're done when they get really really soft and the secret to good mashed potatoes is getting the potatoes really really done and it doesn't matter what variety of potatoes you can use you can use whatever you have but different varieties of potatoes to do give you a different taste Brett really prefers a russet potato or a mashed potato I like something like a Yukon Gold it's a creamier smoother taste but you know it's whatever you like the secret to good mashed potatoes is cooking in a long time so I'm just going to drain these you don't have to be fanatical about getting every last drop of water out of them but I usually bring them pretty good because I don't think the water adds a lot flavor to them and in fact I think it kind of dilutes the flavor now when I'm making less than five pounds of potatoes probably I almost always just use my potato masher but if you're getting ready to make mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner and you're going to be making five or ten pounds of potatoes for a whole crowd if you probably are going to want to use a mixer for this and mix potato potatoes that you beat up with a mixer are quite a bit different than the potatoes that you hand mash they're fluffier and they are much smoother they will have absolutely no lumps in them at all and when I do the cream potatoes like that I usually didn't try to have some half-and-half or cream or something on hand because it makes them a little creature you don't ever want to put potatoes in a blender if you're giving them for a big crowd if you're just doing a few if you put the tape is in a blender to try to get on one side of them you're gonna end up with something that tastes smells and is the same texture as glue so unless you're a big fan of eating Elmer's glue-all do not put your potatoes in a blender now if you've cooked them really done it's really easy to mash them and not have any lumps if you want them a little fluffier even with a hand masher you know you can get crazy and really whip them up a little bit there or at this point you can even take a whisk and people a little bit if you wanted to do it without getting out an electric mixer but that's about all I ever do right there and like I said I'm gonna salt and pepper to taste you just put however much you like and you probably do want to taste them now if you had some folks like Bret who like just a ton of salt you can serve extra salt and pepper on the table and I always add extra salt and pepper on the table because he eats so much like I said you can make this recipe with leftover mashed potatoes and if you've got a favorite mashed potato recipes by all men we use it this is very done a lot of folks have also asked about using these cast iron skillets on the laptops phones because they don't recommend it well if you have to be very very careful when you sit them down because they're so heavy it would definitely be easy to bust the stone with the skillet I'm sorry I just dumped my flour in here you add the flour at this point and stir it around until it soaks the grease soaks it up and it kind of disappears and that's what's been thickened up your sauce in a shepherd's pie we did this the same way when we did the sausage gravy yes is its kind of the same way you make any gravy you just dump that flour in the grease there and stir it around until all the grief soaks it up and you don't need to take the meat out of the pan to do it or anything like that and you don't need a ton of grease okay now I'm going to add my tomato sauce and I may have to add like I said a little bit of water kind of see how saucy it looks and you can add whatever kind of liquid you want mmm yeah I think I'm going to add just a little bit of water just like a quarter of a cup now if you needed the gluten-free version of this you could put your corn starch in that little quarter cup of water but you wouldn't use flour obviously and then just add it and that will just and you can add I said any spices that you want this now I'm just gonna dump my vegetables in here you have a lot of options for baking this you can make this in individual casserole dishes you can dump it into a glass or a metal casserole dish this does freeze well if you wanted to freeze it you could freeze this filling you can and or you can bake it cover it with foil and freeze the whole thing this is gonna serve about four or five people and if you freeze it if you bake it and then freeze it you'll want to put it in a 350 degree oven for about an hour or alright out overnight and put it in a 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes to heat it leave the foil on it just cover it with foil freeze it and then when you take it out leave the foil on it and heat it to bake this if you put it in a casserole dish or if you decide to leave it in this you're going to want to put it in about a 400 degree oven for about 30 minutes maybe a little bit longer until the edging the tops your potatoes are a little bit brown and it's kind of bubbling up around the edges and I'm going to bake this in this I have the one in the fish in the already [Music] you can let it sit here and click on top of the scuttle for a while if you want to kind of soften up the carrots and everything already you just put it in the oven now where I just put these carrots in here and it's not been in the oven at all it would take a little bit longer to cook because the carrots won't be done in 30 minutes if I just pop it in there and they take out those stupid country so if I put it straight in the oven and I didn't let it could encompass so at all I would probably want to leave it in the oven about 3 to 5 minutes if you wanted to put the sour cream or the cheese in your potatoes before you cook it you can mix them up in your mashed potatoes or you can just sprinkle them on top after you add your status I'm gonna pretend like I'm out 15 minutes or so to soften up those carrots just a little bit and I'm going to show you how to finish this I said it does freeze really well this is one of those things that it's not a bad idea to have it in the freezer around the holidays for unexpected company so you've got something to pull out and have for dinner if people show up or so you've got something to pull out after dinner when you get home at 8 o'clock at night after you've been out doing some holiday activity so either dump this in a casserole dish or if you're using an iron skillet or oven safe pan you're just going to top it with your potatoes and you can get really fancy on you can use a pastry bag and a tip and pop these on there make a real real cute I kind of like to just spread them out so that the top of it is almost frosted like even frost a cake or something I think that gives it a nice texture it looks good when it's done whether you add cheese to it or not and once you get the potatoes spread out on the top you can add sprinkle the cheese on the top you can also top it with bone stuff like parsley I don't generally it's kind of supposed to be a simple dish and I don't seem even complicating it but and I don't like my potatoes smoothed out because I like to have some little Peaks on there to brown that makes it prettier and that's all the work there is to it you just throw everything in the pinion and brownie if you've got leftover mashed potatoes this is a one pot [ __ ] okay after about 30 or 45 minutes in the oven it's gonna look like this now of course your pants won't change but you see my potatoes are just a little brown but my feeling has bubbled up all around the edges and you can sprinkle the cheese on top of it before you bake it that is also pretty a lot of people really like the cheese but not everybody does and I said Brett's not a fan of it so I always served it on the side even when the kids were smaller they don't like cheese and if you're making it for kids Jesus kind of a must so this is a pretty easy dinner very hard to miss this recipe up I said you can use whatever you have canned vegetables fresh vegetables frozen vegetables whatever leftover mashed potatoes for sure if you have the leftover mashed potatoes and stuff you can have this thrown together pretty quick on a weeknight and maybe make some of those mayonnaise rolls with it you know the 15 minute mayonnaise rolls or serve it with some other kind of rolls serve it with a little corn bread and you've got like a world's best comfort food that is pretty easy to make and it doesn't take a long time if you're making it all from scratch you're only looking at a little over an hour from start to finish but if you've got some of the stuff already left over you've got frozen vegetables much faster or if you want to pull it out of the freezer you know make a couple of them freeze them and then pull it out of the freezer it's really nice to have something like this during the holidays just sit down and enjoy it before we leave if y'all notice my t-shirt or not oh there it is we are working on some t-shirt designs I said that already this is the first design that we've actually completed we'll probably have maybe three or four designs they'll all be kind of simple and they will all either say put God first or Jesus as the Lord and have to get a Lilly kitchen are gonna do one maybe with a barn and then do some that are just kind of abstract things that have the Jesus as Lord our God first on and working really hard on the cookbook I'm hoping it's going to be ready for people to order before Christmas it's it's coming along but we appreciate all of you the kitchen is being a part of this I never dreamed that this would grow I never dreamed that anybody would watch the first video Hey y'all have really kind of given me a purpose in life and you have certainly shown me the love that God has for his children you've all just you have manifest and giving me that and I truly appreciate that you all make me feel loved and that is a wonderful feeling and I hope that you get some of that back for me thank you for joining us thank you for being a part of the hillbilly kitchen please don't forget to click like and subscribe or you leanin if you haven't already and until next time remember to put God first [Music]
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 74,593
Rating: 4.9585109 out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, bret and becky, shepherd's pie, shepherd's pie recipe, how to make shepherd's pie, iron skillet cooking, sheperd's pie iron skillet, 100 year old recipe, cottage pie, cottage pie recipe, how to make cottage pie, cooking in an iron skillet, iron skillet recipe, shepherds pie, shepherds pie recipe, perfect mashed potatoes, old recipe, heirloom recipe, hamburger recipe, ground beef recipe, one pot meal, comfort food, Homemade Shepard's pie
Id: I8aJmDKvfnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 17sec (1937 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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