Blueberry Biscuits - So Good You'll Lick Your Fingers and Smack Your Lips - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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Howdy Folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're making blueberry biscuits [Music] and this is a really simple recipe and you can use other fruit in this recipe and you can even use a different biscuit recipe if you have one you like I have the ingredients for my basic three ingredient biscuits which is two cups of self-rising flour a quarter of a cup of butter and three quarters of a cup of milk I'm gonna add a couple tablespoons of sugar to my biscuit mix and I'm gonna fold in some blueberries now you need between a cup and two cups of blueberries kind of depends on how many you want you need at least a cup and you can use fresh or frozen and a lot of times you can get the frozen ones really really cheap watch for the sales the buy one get one free sales and buy the frozen fruit then or when it's in season buy them in season I got a little bit of extra flour because I am going to roll this out and like I said fold the blueberries in and we're going to put a glaze on these a really simple glaze I just have a cup of powdered sugar about a quarter of a cup of milk and some vanilla you can add in a little bit of lemon juice in your glaze you could also add in a little honey or something like that and you can cut this glaze back if you kind of don't want so much sugar you could use a half a cup of powdered sugar and just make the glaze thinner and it would pour out thinner and it wouldn't be so sweet and you don't have to put the two tablespoons of sugar in your biscuits it's a little bit better with them and the more fruit you have the less sugar you need too you want to start by either sifting your flour or stirring it a little bit just to get rid of any lumps and put a little air into it that'll make your biscuits lighter now I'm going to go ahead and add in my sugar and and get it evenly distributed in my flour pretty evenly anyway if you don't have self-rising flour you need about a tablespoon of baking powder and about a half quarter to a half teaspoon of salt add it into two cups of all-purpose flour okay now I'm going to put my butter in here and I've got a little bit of extra butter above my quarter of a cup because I'm gonna put that on top of my biscuits before I glaze them and I always do that when I'm making biscuits biscuits it doesn't matter what recipe you're making the technique is kind of the same you want to cut your fat whether you're using butter or shortening or something else into your flour and you can do this entirely with your hands you can do it with pastry blades it's for cutting in fat in flour and I got one of those somewhere I'm just kind of trying to use simple stuff so that folks don't necessarily have to go out and buy tools to make a biscuit because you don't have to have tools to make a biscuit my granny didn't have nothing but a fork and she did have a sifter because she sifted her flower pretty much always now you want to mix this butter and flour until it looks kind of like sand I mean you don't want any big lumps left in it if you can help it that's part of what makes your biscuit texture fluffy and light and um it it will just improve your biscuit texture I've seen a lot of folks freeze their butter and cut in Frozen butter that's not necessary I mean my granny never froze anything and her butter was pretty much always at room temperature and mine was at room temperature but it's kind of cool in here this morning so it's a little bit stiffer than I normally like it for this I'm going to use my hands a little bit here because it is faster than a fork or a pastry blade or about anything and I'm just kind of pinching it and twisting it a little bit between my fingers to bust up any more lumps of butter that I have in here once you get your butter busted it pretty fine I like to give it another stir with my whisk just to put the air back into it where I've been squeezing it at this point before you add your milk you cannot really overwork your biscuits once we add the milk though we want to limit how much we stir it and how many times we fold it because that will make your biscuits tough um everybody's ate those biscuits that come out by that tall and their heart is a rock that's what you get if you overwork it once you add the milk I said at this point you can mix it until you get it just as fine as sand or you can you can leave it like I've still got some slight lumps in here not much and that's all right but give it a little stir with your whisk like I said to fluff that flour back up because that'll help the make them a little lighter and then all we want to do is just kind of stir our milk in and I add it kind of all at once because like I said you don't want to over mix it texture your dough is really important to how your biscuits come out you don't want them too stiff but you don't want them too runny either unless you're making a drop biscuit and then you have to leave it moist enough that you can drop it if it's too stiff then you just add a little bit more milk into it if it's too runny when you fold it out on your paper add extra flour to the paper and as you fold it that extra flour will incorporate into your dough now at this point we've got the flower all in the dough I don't want to keep stirring it because that will make my biscuits tough I'm going to put some flour out here on my paper and I've got down a piece of parchment paper or you can use wax paper my granny always used a paper grocery bag and she would fold up the paper grocery bag with whatever flower was left on it after she rolled them out and she would reuse that again now I'm going to fold this just like three times and then I'm going to roll it out and then I'm going to put my blueberries on it okay I've got it rolled out to about a quarter of an inch here and lots of folks have asked me how to get layers in their biscuits if you want layers in your biscuits if you're just making regular biscuits roll it out like this and then just dust it with a tiny bit of flour and then fold it and that will give you the layers in your biscuits so now I'm going to cover this with blueberries and I don't know that I'll use all two cups of these like I said you want at least a cup and I like a lot of fruit when I'm making something that has fruit in it like blueberry biscuits or blueberry muffins or blueberry anything or any other fruit I like a lot of fruit like my peach cobbler and stuff and blackberry cobblers and apple cobblers I always put at least twice as much fruit in them as what any recipe calls for just because I like it that way now I know times are kind of tight and if you're um having a bite you might want to keep it at a cup might need to keep it at a cup that looks pretty good there I used I used at least a cup and a half maybe a little bit more now here's the trick folding this without getting all that without having our blueberries all rolled off or end up in one big wad and it's not going to be easy and some of them are still going to roll out and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to pick them up and add them back in there and at this point I'm not using my rolling pin anymore either I'm just going to use my hands and I'm going to press it and if you don't have a rolling pin blueberries everywhere if you don't have a rolling pin you can press this out you don't have to roll it out and now I'm going to do it one more time kind of over this way oh my goodness look at that and I don't want to um do too much more than that but what I'm going to do now is get me some more flour back out here because I've used up all my flour my dough was pretty dry but you can see how much flour I still used I bet I used I don't know over a quarter of a cup and I'm just going to press these back out I'm going to kind of try to keep the edges straight and I want to get them until they're old maybe three quarters of an inch or so and then I'm going to cut them you want to preheat your oven while you're making these to about 450 and um you do want to cook them in a fairly hot oven and we're going to cook them for about 10 to 12 minutes depending on your oven and it might even take a little bit longer you can bake them in pretty much any pan but whether you're baking or whether you're cooking a good thick pan makes your food just come out better so if you've got a thicker pan I would put them in a thicker pan you want to be careful once you roll it out not to overwork it too I mean you don't want to have to fold this up another three or four times and if you get a little flour like that on the bottom of them it'll help keep them from sticking to your pan Which I didn't that one's pretty good but I want to do it with everyone because these blueberries they're going to make a mess in my pan okay now I'm going to real careful like stick this back together because I am not going to throw any of this out for sure and I have seen a lot of folks that will do that they won't use the rest of the dough after they've cut their biscuits in times like these that's just silly it's just silly anyway I mean the the cut stuff if you just kind of stick it together the texture's still real good and it's not quite as pretty I'll give you that but it's still fine just be gentle with it there when you press it out so that you don't overwork it here's another kind of tip for when you're making your biscuits if you want them higher put them in whatever pan you're baking so that the sides are touching um and if the sides are touching they'll rise up instead of spreading out and these are going to rise up real nice because they are touching and they're almost touching the sides of my pan all right now those look pretty good they're going in that 450 degree oven for 10 to 12 minutes probably about 12 minutes while our biscuits are still in the oven we'll go ahead and mix up our glaze it is super simple it's just a cup of powdered sugar about four tablespoons of milk and we're going to put a little bit of vanilla in it now I'm using my vanilla feeds tomorrow vanilla and if you have not gotten yours yet um William has it back in stock and you can order it I will put a link in here and he gives 100 of the proceeds to feed hungry people in East Tennessee each bottle of vanilla will feed 42 people it will provide 42 meals it's great vanilla and it's a good cause and like I said I'll put that link in there he ran completely out over Christmas but he's shipping again and we're going to pour our milk in there and I'm well yeah I'm going to go ahead and put all that because I want this glaze kind of runny we want it to run down over the biscuits and it will kind of make them so it well it will make them softer it'll not only add sweetness to them but it's going to make them softer and like I said if you don't want as much sugar cut the sugar back to half a cup but still use your four tablespoons of milk it works kind of like the milk cakes that you make and we haven't done a video on those yet that would be a really good one it's another simple thing um it's a easy recipe and fairly inexpensive so we might do a milk cake but all you do is Stir that up until the lumps are gone in the sugar a little bit of lemon juice in this is really good too just like I don't know a teaspoon or to a lemon juice because lemon kind of goes with blueberries it accents the flavor it's not going to so much make it taste like lemon but it's going to accent that flavor of the blueberries all right you can see there that's really pourable and I'm gonna let it sit for a minute because my biscuits ain't done and I'll give it another stir which will get out any there's a few little lumps of powdered sugar left but they'll come out when I start here in a minute and that's all there is to making the glaze and then we just pour it over it super super simple but we're also going to put a little bit of butter on them when they come out before we put the glaze on them true story I was laying in the bed this morning sound asleep at 3am probably the most sound sleep I have gotten and I could not tell you when and I hear this loud beeping and then the alarm goes off and like I said I was sound asleep turned out it was just a something out in the shed and set off a motion sensor but when you're at a sound sleep at 3 A.M having an alarm wake you up blaring is not what you want to have happened especially if you're over a certain age so I had a big adrenaline dump of course and then I turned the TV on and Charles Stanley was on and he was preaching out of proverbs and I can't remember what verse specifically he was preaching on but I was going to share that with y'all today so I gotta well the silly alarm went off again at 6 00 a.m so I just turned on an audio Bible and was letting Proverbs play and if you are if you miss the old wives tales that are sayings that your grandparents used to say and you know you miss hearing that stuff or maybe you're in that point in your life where you're kind of looking for some of those why answers why is this still happening what is it that maybe I'm not quite doing right because we don't have our grandparents around anymore at least I don't to to pound those old white old sayings the wise sayings into my head everybody used to say stuff and all those sayings were based on Proverbs so if you're kind of looking for some guidance and some common sense Proverbs is a great book of the Bible and I was listening to it this morning and there was you know I could share the whole book with you and you get something out of every single verse but because of what we're making for some reason Proverbs 25 27 kind of stuck out to me and it says it is not good to eat much honey so for a man to search his own glory is not good now there's two things in there that we can pick up everything in moderation stuff like glazed blueberry biscuits are absolutely delicious and we should all be able to enjoy them occasionally and this being you know around New Year's everybody's trying to get healthier and people are doing all kinds of different diets the key really is in moderation not too much honey and there's another old saying in there that we don't hear enough we're not supposed to search for our own Glory that's not Glory if you're patting yourself on the back it's not really a pat on the back so there was another verse in there this morning that I read that said let your Works glorify you so what we do the way other people see us that's how we truly get Glory it's not by patting ourselves on the back so in that one verse in Proverbs there's two of those old sayings everything in moderation and don't be patent your own self on the back so if you're looking for some guidance Proverbs is a really good book of the Bible but I just thought I'd share that with you and it sure helped me at 3am when I was about to have a heart attack because the dumb alarm went off when I was sound asleep and I think our biscuits are ready oh my they're sizzling that's the blueberries in there you can see they're kind of lightly brown that's what you want and when you touch them they kind of have a little bit of Bounce and check kind of down in here oh yeah they're done okay so let's get to finishing these up oh they smell so good I wish I had smell-o-vision do this carefully and if you're afraid you'll get burned melt it and brush it on these spell good they even sound good I'd seriously doubt you can hear that but you might be able to but there's this light Sizzle going on from the blueberries in the bottom of the pan I say they sound good well I try and clean them blueberries out of my skillet I said before you can use this recipe with other fruit uh I think Bojangles I haven't had them but everybody says they're great they have a blueberry biscuit that they call a blueberry biscuit uh Hardy's I don't know if they still have it or not used to have a cinnamon raisin biscuit and they had those when I worked there as a teenager and I absolutely loved them and you can use this with raisins if you want to just add um I don't know a teaspoon or two I would I like cinnamon I would do at least two teaspoons of cinnamon and you can even put a little cinnamon in your glaze uh and do raisins instead of blueberries but that's just you know whatever you want to do not everybody likes raisins you could do it with cranberries if you want to do something other than blueberries and you don't like raisins but now now they've been out for I don't know close to a minute we've got the butter on them the sizzles kind of dying down a little bit you want to give them just a minute to cool off before you add the glaze but we're going to pour this on there and like I said let it kind of soak into the biscuits um you can also if you want to maybe make these prettier a lot of people like to do a slightly thicker glaze and kind of streak it on the biscuits and you can do that but if you're gonna streak it on you need to wait until they completely cool and you could even save a little bit of this glaze and once they're completely cool then you could add a little bit more on the top and in fact I think I might do that just because it takes pretty picture I have to take pictures too save just a little bit of that to go on top of some of them and you can see here I've got quite a bit of glaze in the pan it's like rising up between my biscuits there and that's what you want because you want that glaze to soak up in your biscuits and you want to give them just another minute before you take them out these will be really good for maybe Valentine's breakfast they would be good if you were taking breakfast to your Sunday school class or something like that um if you had the company at Easter you could make these kind of a special occasion thing maybe a birthday breakfast if you've got somebody having a birthday coming up soon and you want to do something special for breakfast this is not something that you know most of us have every morning but everything in moderation and when times are kind of like they are now it's good to have some special recipes that make special occasions special maybe even if we don't have the financial means to celebrate like we normally would we can still make things special and I'm going to try to pull one of these out of here because I think they're cool enough now and show you what they look like all right let's see if we can get this one out without making a mess because they're still really really hot look at that is that beautiful or what we'll cut it in half here and look at the blueberries look at there oh my goodness that is all there is to it it is as simple as making biscuits and making biscuits at home is simple uh you could if you're really nervous about making biscuits which it's it's a lot easier than people make you think I mean people do all kind of strange things to biscuits but biscuits are so easy they're a quick bread and Granny made them every morning sometimes two or three times a day they're quick they're simple they're easy don't let people scare you off any maybe you haven't had success in the past don't let that scare you off but if you're super nervous about it and you still want to do something like this you could use a canned biscuit and roll out the biscuit dough and add your blueberries in it or even if you got the flaky biscuits separate the layers and just sprinkle a few blueberries in and then make the glazing go over top of it you know do it your way you're cooking at home you do what you want to do I want to thank y'all so much for joining us in the hillbilly kitchen if you haven't already please don't forget to click like And subscribe before you leave and I want to ask you to share this video with your friends until next time remember to put God first
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 80,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Hillbilly Kitchen, Southern Cooking, 2 ingredient Biscuit Recipe, Biscuit Tutorial, Comfort Food, Struggle Food, Easiest biscuit Recipe, No Fail biscuit Recipe, Baking, Sunday Breakfast, homemade buttermilk biscuits, how to make biscuits, cooking, Cream biscuit recipe, biscuits made with cream and flour, flaky biscuits, fluffy biscuits, honey biscuits, butter biscuits, granny's biscuits, boberry biscuit, blueberry, biscuits, blueberry biscuits, glazed, breakfast, bojangles
Id: qTxahsYHg8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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