Peach Cobbler in Appalachia

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i think fruit cobblers are some of the most underrated desserts they're so good it's such a comfort food when i eat fruit cobbler especially peach or blackberry i'm reminded of being a little girl at granny's supper table again those were the kind of desserts that she might make during the week and saving the weekend like sunday dinners and things for those fancier dishes like apple stack cake or applesauce cake or coconut cake or those type things but during the week if we got a dessert it was usually some type of cobbler probably my favorite cobbler is peach i really like blackberry but i'm really stingy with my blackberries i usually prefer to save those for for jelly making so peach is probably my favorite cobbler and the cobbler recipe that i use is one that is so common i'm sure that you've already heard about it and that you already know about it so you take your fruit and then you need a cup of self-rising flour a cup of milk and a cup of sugar and a stick of butter and that's it that's how simple it is that was another reason that it kind of lends itself to those weeknight suppers instead of the weekend where maybe you have more time to devote to a more elaborate dessert in my area of appalachia's peaches don't readily grow very easily it's not that they don't love the summer they do but it's those sneaky late season late spring frost that a lot of times they'll get your peach blooms when they're bloomed out they'll bite your peaches and then you won't have any those late sneaky frost the further south you go though the the less chance there is of that happening here where we live in cherokee county um of course now you can get you can go local produce stand and get peaches i could get them today if i wanted to you know you there's more variety of things these days in the old days like when granny was a little girl she says that every year someone would come by just come by the house i guess maybe over the years granny gassy bought them i don't know if they stopped at every house i need to ask granny that or if they kind of just knew who was on their route but every year a man would come by selling peaches and granny gassy would buy enough peaches for them to eat but also enough peaches for her to can for future use and all the sunday dinners that i ever remember eating at gazzy's house i remember there'd always be a bowl of peaches they really loved peaches and they loved them pap loved them like that he loved to eat them just with a plain yellow cake with sweet bread he really enjoyed them with sweetbread i know a lot of people like them with like cocoa bread or chocolate cake with peaches that's really good granny's stories of the man coming by granny gassy's house when she was a little girl to sell peaches as similar or as common in other parts of appalachia in my more than moonshine appalachian recipes and recollections by sydney sailor farr she has this to say about peach trees and she was from the berea kentucky area peach trees did not bear well in our part of the country every summer a man in the neighborhood drove a truck to south carolina or georgia and brought back a load of peaches to sell mother usually bought four bushels they were peeled cooked put in sterilized jars sealed and stored on shelves in the can house to wait for cold days of winter we made peach butter peach preserves and various kinds of desserts so when i was growing up there wasn't anybody necessarily coming by selling peaches but granny would buy them at one of the local produce places and she would buy a bushel or more um from someone that was selling them in that manner and then she would put the sheet can her peaches is what she did and i think those made the best cobblers i don't know if it was actually this because granny canned them those fresh peaches or if it was just the granny made the cobbler that was probably it but they were so good but um today typically i would use frozen peaches peaches sometimes i don't really buy bushels and can them or anything but i typically do buy peaches at least once during the summer months and i'll make peach jam and peach jelly peach jelly is a funny story i'll tell you that later if i show you how to make those and then if i have any extra or some that are just on the counter maybe we bought just to eat and they're going bad then i'll pop them in the freezer just for future use thinking of cobblers but out of all the fruit cobblers like i said blackberry and peach but peach probably is my favorite another reason i really like peach cobbler is i love who doesn't like a good peach you know but i love to tease corey and katie when i had them i kind of had the pregnancy of a horror pregnancy from day one but they were kind of miracle babies too didn't really expect that i could have kids and then i had two i had twins so that was really an amazing blessing from god but it was a really difficult pregnancy and thankfully i had a uh here where i live there's no large hospital that really could support the kind of pregnancy i had but i had a great doctor in gainesville georgia and so it's two hours i'd make that trek over the mountain over blood mountain once a week pretty much the entire pregnancy but it turned out great of course because they were born healthy but i teased them a lot that they're my georgia peaches so now i'm going to show you how to put together this beach cobbler it couldn't be more simpler and you probably already know about it but it starts off with i have a stick of butter and i've got it in this glass dish that i like bacon dish i like to use for my cobblers it's a little smaller than my 13x9 metal pan that i use for other things and the interesting thing about the butter is this is this recipe is so simple and basic but there's a few little variations that depending on who's making it that's how they do it and those little variations pretty much show you that it's almost fool proof that any way you do it it's going to work out okay but the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to put this in the oven turn it on to 350 and let this butter be melting while we wait for the butter to melt in the dish i'm going to put my frozen peaches and this is just a bag of frozen peaches let's see how many it is it's about almost two cups of peaches yeah about two cups maybe a little bit more but about at least two cups of peaches and i'm gonna put them in a pan and i'm gonna put a half a cup of water and a half a cup of sugar and then i'm gonna let them cook on the stove for about 10 minutes you're really just letting the peaches cook long enough for the sugar to really dissolve and kind of make a sugar syrup and there are people that use like cans of peaches that works well for this also so you could use that totally so some of the variations i was talking about like i melt my butter in the pan and just because it's so much easier but to granny she don't think that's as easy she wants hurry up and get it done so she puts all her ingredients together and then she cuts up pieces of butter and puts it on top of the batter on top of the peaches that's how she does hers also so so there's a difference it doesn't really make any difference they're both good and you can't really tell the difference that you've done that some people say you put the peaches first in the bottom of the dish and then you pour the batter on top of them i believe that's how granny does hers i think so i think that's usually how i do mine other recipes the same simple recipe using a cup and a cup and a cup and a stick of butter will say to put the batter in and then gently spoon the peaches on top of the cobbler and then pour your juice and bake it that way so there's just all these variations that tell me really ever how you do it it's going to turn out really good and it works well the same basic recipe using a cup of self-rising flour a cup of sugar and a cup of milk and a stick of butter works really good with strawberries that might that's really delicious with blackberries with about any fruit that you can think of even apples would probably be good i don't think i've made an apple cobbler i go for apple pies mostly but i think any fruit that you used would be good in this recipe okay the butter's melted in the pan and then my peaches have cooked enough to to dissolve all the sugar i'm gonna put them in here now like i said some people do the batter first then put the peaches on top this is just the way that granny done her so that's the way that i do mine just gently pour them in there one thing about this uh recipe is though that everybody agrees on is that once you put the ingredients in there dump them in there so i think some people even call it a dump cake then you don't want to stir it up you don't want to stir any of it up so now i'm going to take my hat one cup of white lily all purpose i'm sorry white lily self-rising flour you could use all purpose but then you'd have to add you some lemon in there but i'm using self-rising one cup self-rising flour one cup sugar and one cup of whole milk and then you just stir it around until it smooths out and makes a it's a thin batter it doesn't get really thick okay you can see how it's really a thin thin batter we've got that and then we're just going to gently pour it over the peaches and butter mixture then we're going to bake it you're going to bake your cobbler at 350 for about 30 minutes you can keep an eye on it in your oven the first time make sure how long it takes but it'll turn a golden brown on top you'll be wonderful the bread's my favorite part peaches give it a good flavor but the bread's my favorite part so i just got the cobbler out of the oven it is really good just like it is just like that it's so good but if you want to make it just over the top you need to put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on it or whatever ice cream you like but for me it's vanilla in our area where we live we have a brand of ice cream called mayfield that's my favorite ice cream i'm sure there's some out there that's probably maybe better for a year made out of better ingredients but mayfield is the ice cream that i grew up on and it's just the kind that i like the best so now i'm gonna show you how wonderful this is when i was talking about the differences in the way to uh the main difference is if you put the peaches on the bottom like i did the top is kind of uniform and you can't really tell you can't see the peaches in other words if you put the peaches on the top then you'll see pieces of peaches on top so it's just personal preference but it tastes the exact same either way you do it it tastes the same here's a scoop of vanilla ice cream it's going to slide off because it's so hot from coming out of the oven so i shouldn't be eating this right now because i'm just about to eat supper but who could resist cory's standing here i don't know i think i think cory's going to be my taste test oh is this for me this is for you good so good you just can't believe how good that is so cobbler's just underrated don't you think yeah totally and then you add ice cream to it and it's literally a whole different thing yeah does it remind you of granny it does it makes me think of granny she made that a lot especially the peach yeah makes me think of granny and pap too anyway i'm sure you probably already had this recipe and i didn't even need to show you how to make it but i hope you enjoyed this video and tell us what's your favorite way to make peach cobbler are you a cobbler fan like we are or would you prefer some other type of dessert but mostly what do we hope i hope you'll drop back by often to help us celebrate appalachia that was my shining moment i had to say
Channel: Celebrating Appalachia
Views: 78,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best desserts, taste of home best desserts, fast easy dessert for a crowd, easy to transport dessert, quick and easy potluck dessert, Appalachian Foodways, Appalachia, Appalachian Mountains, peach cobbler, best cobbler recipe, easy peach cobbler recipe, easy fruit cobbler recipe, old fashioned peach cobbler, mayfield icecream, peach cobbler and ice cream, celebrating Appalachia
Id: jyG_idpkvHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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