PAY-BACK!!! Abandoned Storage Units | Auction Set-Up!

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[Music] alright guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds this is an unboxing auction setup edition there's my beautiful wife back there Jeana say hello alright so Katie and oh they're not here were they what unit what unit stop playing the unit that you and George abandoned and never went to right yeah well you and George didn't pay for that unit did you all right so hey yeah I bought them a unit and they frickin even go buy it but luckily I only want it for like 30 bucks but anyway so Jacob and Cady are over there it's just right up the road they're picking it up and so what we're doing around here is I've got a lot of comments as like man your place is messy and I'm like man I know that and so anyway what we're doing is I don't know if you saw the video yesterday but I've been time-lapse in this morning because I've been up here since 6 o'clock this morning working and trying to get a head start it does look like a mess but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna flip this around I'm going to show you around before we get to unboxing and I'm just gonna pop in throughout the video to show you that it's actually really not that hard to get this place back in order we did have a lot of youtube stuff we had Jeremy in town we went to Ohio we went to California so we've been super busy in this place kind of got a little bit behind but all by design and so anyway what I'm gonna do is just show you around and then I'm gonna pop back in at the very end of the video so stay tuned and you let me know not in the chat we're chat in right now right but down in the comments let me know while I'm showing you around here in a minute let me know if you think I'm gonna be able to get this entire side of the warehouse done what time is about 10 o'clock okay I've already been working longer than most people do the entire day 10:39 oh my goodness it's already been a long day so here's the I'm gonna show you around and you let me know down in the comments yes thumbs up thumbs down yes or no do you think I'm gonna be able to alone because what I got Gina Katie and Jacob on is they're doing descriptions and pictures of the auction I actually kind of show you how we're doing that as we go so what we're doing is kind of cleaning as we go adding because right we want to educational Channel - and kind of show you how we do it cuz sometimes this mess is overwhelming to people but to me it's not cuz I have a special ability done' what's my special ability organizing right i can see a huge mess and i don't get overwhelmed i just i can see the future almost if i guess you can put it that way i can see the future and I can see a big mess and I can see exactly how it's going to come together and so usually I can get done as much as like five of our employees right is that the truth I can usually get done in two hours but they can get done all day and it's not to be boastful brags just our experience right and it's a special unique ability I have to see a mess and not get overwhelmed I think I picked that up from the Marine Corps alright because it's very you got to be precise you gotta have a game plan and just get it done don't be overwhelmed just get it done it'll all come together so anyway let me flip this around let me I'll show you something pretty before I show you a mess right alright so here's what we got so I'm gonna start here so my goal is say look you tell me do you think I'm gonna be able to get all of this organized and done my plan is to get out here at 5 o'clock believe it or not here what did this look like this morning before when you drop me off this morning right we got a flat tire on one car so she dropped me off early this morning cuz the kids had to be at school ok this was stacked to the ceiling if you go back and video or two you'll see so I knocked out all of this and what we also did is not only that's not all we got done today look at this i'ma show you this so what we do is is these tables right here right so when I'm going through boxes I'm either throwing the stuff in the trash I'm shelf lighting it on the other side which I'll show you in a little bit and you've already seen it from previous videos and I'm lighting the tables right don't you this cool thing this just needs a little TLC but look at this that's a it's like an outdoor Lantern how cool is that right and so look so what I've been doing is is I lot down this table and then they come back behind me and they do descriptions right and after the descriptions sorry I'm walking so fast Gina gets all the stuff and she puts it on these carts right she rolls it over here to the photo booth this is our portable photo booth we got nicer photo booths but this still takes a nice picture and so they take the the carts they roll it down here they do the photos and then their shoes again after the after the photos are done they keep empty tubs down there and then we put the lots in here okay so come pick up day it's organized right and we like to pre pull our orders because we like our customers to come in we believe in customer service here we do our best for them to come in and just be able to pay for their items which they actually pay for it online most people are paid before they get here and basically we just say hey here's your items and then they get to go about their ways a lot of auction houses what they'll do is is they wait to pull the orders till the customers get there and that's where you get long lines of customers and customers don't like that they don't like to wait so what we do is when the guys get the invoices they come through here and they know exactly where each lot is so check this out so that's like lots 25 through 38 see it's all organized believe it or not guys before we start at YouTube this place was pretty organized and I usually have a plan okay and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna come back down here and we're gonna do the same thing all that stuff on the other side of stuff that I need to go through but here let's finish looking so do you think there's your education for today right right all right hey y'all put the camera in my face every day but I guess it's my channel I guess you got to do that so look this is kind of stuff I found that I already lauded for them and this is stuff that will go on the tables I just kind of did it as I went the big pieces are here I'm going to stage all the furniture once I get done but again I knocked all this out this morning and these tables were empty when I got here and I already did one whole row of Lots we'll probably did about 50 Lots and they've already described them and pictured him so this am I gonna get all of this done and the next four or five hours comment down not in the chat we're chatting in right not this chat but down here in the comments yes or no will Grimes fines be able to get this half of the warehouse organized let me know now we'll be right back hey guys thought I would pop in real quick and introduce you to I don't know we got to give him a name I'm gonna keep him he's molting I thought he was dead hey buddy I know you're in the process I don't want his tail to fall so I get Jacqueline so down in the comments below let me know what should we name him I'm gonna keep him hey buddy he's really pretty look at that mm-hmm all right that's enough of that but I thought I'd show you the lizard but so hey what are we gonna name we're gonna keep him for a little bit cuz y'all know I don't kill insects I don't kill ax I don't kill anything that has a lot I don't hunt I don't do anything unless I have to so let's give an alright guys so welcome to the first part of the unboxing so this stuff actually check it out but don't show too much come in and pull is where I can doubted me not all some of them work I know anyway hey check it out so this stuff is actually stuff that's been sitting in here a really long time this came out of a 10 by 30 that we did a while they had a lot of creepy weird stuff in it and I did pop this box open right here well not all the way and I looked in here a bunch of stuff wrapped up boxes looks cool it might be holiday stuff I don't know but hey what other time to do Christmas unboxing right right but all of the stuff that we saw was like super old like from 50 sixties in Newark so there might be some cool stuff in there anyway so this was some of the stuff in there and I just wanted to show you like I haven't pulled this stuff out of here yet but this is the kind of creepy stuff that was in that they we call it the artist unit but let's just be honest dude was weird right [Music] I'm not showing them don't show my but I'm tonight won't weird lady man she keeps requesting to see it again that's weird I'm married stop it show them over here so I'm showing them your back so check this out this is the kind of crowd we found in there like this dude was like taking baby doll heads and putting hands look it's got a thumbs up on foot that's just weird you got problems that's like LSD or I don't know some kind of brain disease at home that's just weird some kind of drug but look I made a unicorn with no hands this is weird man this was actually kind of my face this looks like something you know what this would be on tour sorry yeah Toy Story this is it this looks exactly like it would just slide around I think this one's my favorite that one yeah my favorite cuz the way he's standing he's so uh regal look that's Howdy Doody you know I just know that face off of a horror film this yes I think you're wrong on this one again no no I I believe you but I'm I'm pretty sure they did a reenactment of him I'm pretty sure you're wrong go to work yeah no fro I don't think you're right on this movie was it do you know hey do you know when you'll be right about that when when pigs fly yeah when pigs fly Hey look you can get a pig spot bobblehead look it'll be an auction that's right that's funny unfortunately that's how weird the guy was so this was in there what's it like father Tom or something Sandman the father a time is that the same person as a Sandman father tom was I don't know all right oh maybe this is just his robe it is I thought it was Santa yeah I thought it was like a really old there's a man could you imagine if you try to wince like I'm awareness of the Scottish Rite but anyway so hey look there hey you can buy that for a buck and go creep your friends out are your wife or something put that on when she's asleep and when she wakes up she'll think she's in bed with father Tom I gotta close it I really don't know what this is no idea hey that's like Phil's real yo oh my gosh oh no it's me for real that might have been me Jacob what are you done you know watching me are you wonder what the heck he knows that's good that's good that's step in the right direction right he's got curls I pulled it down this bike down to here on it like it's down to the know if you pull my glasses on I can see that his beard does not touch down there can you touch your nipple would your beard right do this try touching man why do you do this look look look eazy-e I ever I'd go all the way down can't do it okay can you bite your ear nuts oh look he's got a handle hey Ben weird yeah yeah that was probably cool at one time some weirdo will bother hey we're gonna put that auction normally I would throw that away but in my helper review section there's a bunch of weirdos odet same ID yeah me and Gina discuss it on the way over here we're gonna do a help for review actually I might do it tomorrow oh I'll do that for tomorrow so I'm gonna go through there if I can't say it's gonna be hilarious I in my head is really funny so I hope y'all enjoy so anyway all right there's two weird items we got dirty Santa and dirty Jacob who's van Gogh is so weird I don't know I think it's kind of cool I think it's it's hair from that's what I want to know cuz look this is like real doesn't it feel real feel it no huh you know how go about weird things like that so like all my homies here joking that's parolee listen here what is this red German vase they were asking 40 bucks for it and then he said up nobody's giving me 40 for that I'll take 25 but look it's signed so that's pretty how does he know it's from Germany huh how does he know it's German I don't think you knew his head from his but if you wanna be on that's what I'm asking some shrooms or something that's nice yes we're gonna put that here we're gonna put this in the auction you off he's gonna start at $1 homeboy says it's German y'all let me know what you think down in the comments not what we're tacking down comment yeah we are let me know chat again well letting me know about items this is universal for chests y'all let me know when you are how trying to help me look up stuff do it down in the comments not in the chat where were chatting because it's really hard for me to go back there and follow the chat to see your comments that's why I asked you to do it down in the comments so one I just love hanging out with y'all all day but if y'all want to help me it's down in the comments is where you want to do that cuz that's easier because you have to go through and I have to like click to keep up with the chat and it's just it's weird so let's see what is this you know SMC alright is that a German vase - nope it's a tobacco jar I think you might have made that up do you think he meant that yeah well we found a spittoon we found a bunch know like did you would put your tobacco leaves in oh yeah you'd put your tobacco and something like this put a lid on it it's better than minimizing its use that's why we don't do that no tobacco tobacco stuff is very collectible no nuts but I know where you're going with that yeah so yeah you're half way right but remember we found all the forms that he was making pottery oh yeah yeah so I think he might have made that up cuz look that looks new mm-hmm [Music] his LSD like kicked off and he was like what am i doing yeah never I made that up maybe hey what is this it's an old vase that actually has a H to it look at that yeah that's actually really cool oh look it's kind of fish look okay this is might be legit look so it was well yeah maybe you know the things people can make things aged [Music] overlooked it's got dragons on it looks like it probably had a lid maybe you did Inc or something in it oh wait here it is it's all there here's an old lid oh that's actually pretty cool look at that no look it was a beautiful coloring hey quiet over there if I make you wear this dude's head all day I'm please count it you gotta go home with it that's I really like that actually random random Oh tea made this one what up to the boss boss that looks kind of aged installed on it yeah he's fine different initial lid mid century vase okay so that looks legit that does say Germany only underneath there was supreme take it off maybe the dude knew what he was talking about I don't I'm not look he may not have taken drugs in his life go back and watch go back to my older videos and watch its got like a creepy baby doll head or something on the thumb now go watch that this is the stuff that came out so right here Germany is that milliliters is that what that means that's actually really pretty that's pretty different color I like that it does look like it's supposed to have a lid but then again it doesn't yeah all right what else all right we've got one morning here jitsi look tobacco jar now this one likes looks legit hand-painted if y'all know hey look ya'll know pottery is not my strong suit the market fell out of pottery and glass a long time ago I'm not saying it's completely dead but the prices are no word what it used to be and glass has never really been my thing but this is really pretty looks like like they did the airbrush is that what it's called with all them oh I see what you're saying but look you can see brushstrokes and this is definitely older than probably that you can tell that was hand done but let little matches the pipes is this supposed to be a cigar I guess it's a weird shape cigar yeah hey you know what kind of cigar that look hey come alright yeah looks like you twisted undercover hey check that out that's cool hey those will be in there starting at a buck Hey like Moorhead baby doll heads in it hey did y'all take that box I think this is it now that's the look at this so I set these aside cuz I'm gonna go through this but this is all like older Christmas stuff these are really pretty and I'm sure this stuff is very hard to come by these days so we look at these this yeah I really like these so I'll be very careful [Music] you tell like this hand one okay let's take this over here so I can break it I've looked somebody's up on eBay in there Oh Christmas Wow so delicate it was like it was just like snap I'm joking I would be an ornament that is so cute well it looks like they're probably like this is probably where they're you know they're you know I almost looks like a crack but I see were you where they do the yeah like wow yeah glass and like break it up that's cool that they didn't just cut it off there hmm these are really cool we have boxes and boxes and boxes of these old ones but I don't know if I'm gonna sell them this year because I don't have time to research and I really do know that some is whole Christmas stuff faint Megan I don't want super expensive alright guys so that's the first part let's do an update on how much I got done of cleaning the warehouse up and we'll be right back [Music] [Applause] alright guys welcome back hope you enjoyed the first part of that unboxing I just wanted to pop in real quick it is 12:40 and I know some of you are doubting me already so it's 12:40 I think it's been like maybe an hour and a half two hours so what I'm gonna do is flip this around show you where I'm at and then you can comment down below you can chant I allow you to change your answers one time because I know some of y'all fools doubted me so anyway hey this is what we do I'm gonna show you around and then we're gonna get back to unboxing so let me flip this alright check it out so here's what I've got done so far okay so you saw you have to rewind if you're just now joining but this was all packed with boxes and stuff and I was telling them how it's not that difficult I guess for me because I can see the big picture and my line so check this out boom like this all this storage treasure fine so this is where we are so far can't go back to the angle I was that earlier so this is all kind of like box lot stuff that I found that took dug the trash out these are shelves we use to move for pitchers and stuff so you can't kind of see it yes so anyway there's your update I will be back after this next part of the unboxing to show you if I got it complete so my goal was to get this half of the warehouse done while they're doing pictures in description so beer back alright guys we are back so here it is let's do the second part of this unboxing hey if I have you we are doing the second part of the 24 hour unit editing is hard like adding all that stuff in and what I want to do is is I want to do a recap at the beginning of the video the first one before I released the second one and I started doing to be honest I've been working like day and night for the last few days I am at time so tomorrow morning I plan on getting up and editing and doing a recap at the beginning so anyone who didn't see it can kind of see what happened cuz it's hilarious I already miss Jeremy we are we're like little kids when we get together so it was really fun so but I'm gonna do a recap and then you'll get the second part so anyway that's why I'm not releasing it tonight is because I don't want to just half but release give you the product so anyway here it is let's look Christmas looks like a single Christmas oh look more huh see this stuff's just so delicate man oh look at that for real like I'm a better topper I'm a dude and that is like impressive just do a slow y'all know what this is who knows Christmas Oh hold on look that is amazing does anybody if you know about old Christmas stuff obviously I'm gonna research it and I'll learn about it probably tonight but I just haven't had time but if you know down in the comments not in the chat down in the comment let me know about this kind of stuff if you know I mean I know the newer stuff like Christopher Radko stuff like that that looks like it here's the little symbol on it if that helps you if not I'll research that so this looks like 70s 70s just because of the maybe 60s the flowers know I'm that's what I'm thinking that actually makes a lot of sense you made sense today look it is so pretty look at this what I know I like want that ornament like I just want to keep staring at it it's just so pretty if I did acid I bet that looks even cooler I'm joking and it looks so much better in person like I wish the camera would show off the the glitter all right looking here oh my gosh that's a massive one OMG look at that y'all y'all tell me what this has got to be worth some money yo look at that is that no that's a fine person's tree huh I mean I can't explain that to y'all boat no filler hold it was heavy yeah this is heavy oh but look how thick that glass is on there look my dirty hands working my hands well look at the bubbles this is freaky this could be worse like 2 3 4 or 500 bucks on oh yeah what's the need what are you protecting in here this is a bath bomb maybe it was like then you hang it on them okay Smith oh now I'm not as impressed because look at this they had that for nine bucks okay did I just get all excited for nothing but think about it how long ago did they buy it was nine bucks a lot oh hold on well I mean it's not that old yeah but look it was made in Germany and it was 32 bucks there I don't know it can still be older it could still be 60 70 80 there's nothing honest it should shut your mouth I got like three comments later oh really love Channel but you talk way too much well I know that people I know that whoa are those is it so we'll put these in that we're gonna put these in the sale oh look at this one it's too quiet here me and Jacob working on that I don't like Christmas ornaments but I really like these you don't like Christmas ornaments no no coming from the guy whose Christmas tree stays up how many years in Germany well we're over a year now I know solid because we put it up last Thanksgiving I think she put it up late last Thanksgiving and so it's been up for a total year and I'm not saying that the only shoes put a strong bucks and content made in Poland the box is cool some people already checked out overseas Chris oh my gosh that's so cool what hey if you don't like Christmas again for next year's tree happy holidays oh thank you Jay and Brenda Jane Brenda got good taste we got boxes of this stuff that's make oh look those are nice not really exciting but there's some gold balls still got a tag see little weird kids with dunce hats you know what that is is it you don't know what Don said is it the count had that they used to make you wear and time yeah yeah I didn't know that's what they were gone oh that is kind of wrong though weird that does that look comfortable no well I it was I was gonna say it was gonna be cute I saw its facial expression are you going oh are you going I had a boxer read somewhere I was gonna put one around your head and see tell you to tell me how this dear feels but I don't remember there somewhere I don't have my glasses out there yeah is that it yeah if it popped in my head that they said do it because that's what makes our union and I'm not trying to be mean people want to tell you I talk a lot and stuff like that I can tell you you can go find another Channel I'm not trying to be mean it's just think about this if I did what every person suggested it would no longer be me and WA no longer be more gentle right truth so I don't mind if you don't look what they did to him that he is he is screaming for help make a noise I know do it I can't see you I'm not gonna do it I what what what do I make like a screaming noise just whatever you think it would sound like trying to get the roof off do it trying to get the roof up now we're at is shaking his head do it they can't even say I can't make sounds like that we're staying here till you do these people are about to get angry at you ba no do that but put come on put a pretty effort into it I one more just go I don't know what do you do that'll sit on your head okay look now do the noise again I just spit those oh just go sit why am i handing you this you need the boat all right no you keep that on yeah but he was he bought that that way he was hot no I watched him I watched him oh I just made you look like a fool in national TV you did that's for something you're gonna do in the future no no that's part this is part of your punishment for trying to set me up with that fake money roll with one of my customers okay three weeks in the making yeah Jimmy wearing that read for three weeks hey okay Shawn forgot all right there it is Oh oh this is pretty though look at that that's Hamlin that reef sucks doesn't it yeah she's like hold it like this how you think this frickin elk feels okay that was a reindeer look you can see me in though you can see me in the ball - look can y'all see her in the ball still wearing the read look that dumb she look that's really pretty look down here we got more that J dude J and Brenda sent more than one I like J and Brenda is that what their name was yeah perfectly oh you put these on the Christmas lights made in China Oh perfect lit by Santa's own came from the North Pole yo look at this though looks yeah okay you shake it but it's an ornament box or that's don't weigh anything look at that so pretty close oh this is so - ooh this is really nice I'm gonna get into Christmas this year I think yeah you might be right or does it Punk out I think you're right great or maybe the company ran out of money during fall Thanksgiving with the grapes and they're like hey let's just rank this gold put some dust on it and I'll call the bank yep that's one thing that yep hello you go yeah we that's right Oh cuz what's in it yeah from where from the unit that Gina and George didn't stay in cuz they punked out do they even know that they would have had a place to sleep literally no no they didn't they didn't know how nice we were trying to hook them up mm-hmm so anyway and then you know what look at this hey this is the only Christmas video I will do I promise look at that jewelry for the tree I like this that's jewelry or the tree that is pretty oh who would buy that for a buck I would don't even like bunny rabbit it's made in Poland that's cool you know I don't like Christmas because klt why is our Christian Channel we're in the Dallas Metroplex and they start Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving it does not stop until I can't get worship music on there I can't get my normal music until a week after freaking Christmas and they ruin it for me Thank You Kayla alright guys my phone died I'm not joking look all right look sorry oh my gosh that's cute no I'm holding it like in-between oh look at that dirty finger that's like a windshield wiper wait hold on okay you look stupid oh yeah all right let's see look Oh see that's the grapes see this was fall and this is when the guy in the freakin planning room made too many grapes and he was trying to cut down on his budget so you made yep I like his way thank you okay let's go with this one because I really like that parrot this is another Jay strong water friend when they ripped off the tag on see wait so it said some Jay and Brenda that says Jay strong water what if he made it oh I bet he did I just made it up I bet he did though let's see if there's a wait what was his last name did it was it on the car now I'm gonna look up hey Wikipedia this y'all see if y'all can find something on Jay and see if his wife's name was Brenda not here in the chat down in the comments let me know if this is like for real y'all help me it was Jay and Brenda so Google this Jay strong water the maker of this and see if his wife was named Brenda cuz if it wasn't he personally sent these to somebody right but supposedly the guy that had this unit was like a famous artist yeah locally and the people I talked to said it was weird anyways on drugs it's not it's kind of halfway a joke which is true it's kind of sad alright do we open this department 56 I'm in riches I don't know it's it's what is going on with this guy crying yeah little baby t-rex arms they can't even reach his nose that's bad he couldn't even reach to take his hat off look if he wanted to how did he get it on huh he did like Jacob dinner Lou franchise his nipples beard oh they're dancing their head button I can't tell they're dancing they're ticked off as they're sharing arms that's weird that's weird we got to put that on t-shirt that's weird look I'm from Holland isn't that vid what movie is it I don't know Goldmember I shouldn't have said that I should ask him to calm it right is that more uh sad of fabergé egg run amok hmm never mind say something else uh being appropriate uh yeah wouldn't mean anything but they just popped in my head that is I don't like that one if we're being honest it looks like my grandma made that for the hot glue gun is this another song for me it sure is Oh actually he looks like you got the long end of the stick cuz it looks like he might be able to reach that with the broom he's just gonna like do this thing like knocking oh man poor snowman this has got to be fancy we've seen those boxes before maybe it's just the pattern onion ornament all right we gotta see their dad Joe I see why they can't well carat gold weren't the same one that is so pretty oh is this holes these holes no that would be good man that would be SuperDuper fragile no it's just edged oh I see what you're saying that would be freaking cool that is really pretty oh hey y'all let me know about this look this up 12 carat gold it is it's department 55 35:56 dad joke Jeremy's taught me a lot all right flower shop bountiful they're asking 40 bucks for this yellow margarita yellow what magenta that's what all right so it's gonna pretty it's already gonna be pretty Oh glitter series Larry Fraga designs [Music] alright so hey that's the unboxing so real quick you remember what this joint look like so what they've been doing is they've been doing pictures of the scriptures all day is that getting uncomfortable yeah look at all that that was all full with boxes and trash all the way down so what we do is is a lot of stuff can be project furniture there's some good pieces there's stuff it came out of storage unit so you never know what you're gonna get grinds on sales are always fun like no joke it's a treasure hunt like look this is some of what the hell stuff they got some killer like racing jackets Pepsi look at this whole biker jacket that's pretty cool Motley Crue with all the things on that the back what is this a test oh crap you shouldn't show that they're all gonna roll up and give me a man you selling our freakin charities you like that would I did you have the last one hi I'm Anthony I'm creating a character to do our hell to review Oh don't be great I got the nastiest comments last week I did I got the nasties comments that was so mean y'all but look kid rock like this a Kid Rock concert t-shirt look at that from 2002 hey man's again listen to rock you ain't right right right look Marine Corps look at the run after it I know USMC one shot one kill Boone look got some old jerseys dragons okay is that really dragons I was waiting I was waiting look Shaquille O'Neal when he played for Orlando he played with penny Penny Hardaway you remember the penny commercials with a little pay y'all remember penny let me down in the comet if you remember little penny they did the commercials and he had the little penny doesn't bellary's all right look you know this stuff came from from what the Hales it's like friggin all northeastern stuff this is actually kind of cool right here like this Firestone it's like a got patches on my jacket it is a puff jacket could you imagine like now I'm gonna be old man like I think about all the old people that I know and they listen like yeah that's what Tiggers bears say all the time they're like we're gonna be listening to Metallica and yeah when our nursing home over there I don't be rocking on the friggin thing oh my husband a pump daddy oh man there are no they're gonna be completely different these days you hear some more steps what Jake and Katie are about to do they're gonna go through here a lot all this there's actually some cool furniture live she got pollen cam she got ladders I mean you got picture frames new picture frames freaking awesome this might just put a little TLC into it it's heavy as you know what so don't sip it check oh my good lord do we get that do we people will buy an entertainment center in Minnesota or something I thought the chicken was gonna be like 40 bucks I'm like man you've been hanging out with that artist dude from that unit I'm for real that's how serious I guess y'all no way two times in a row did you end it no I dare you uh-huh come on know that certain blend they might have the hip look I do it in slo-mo see if it comes out where's camera there it is did it go I didn't even see it there goes did it yeah no it didn't yeah I did aha you're gonna get the hip yeah all right no you did oh you did how did you see that I don't know my glasses on I'm fine I saw it pop up hey man give me $300 in super chairs I'll stick me in my eyeball with it and I'm joking the younger me would have done that hey man give me stupid chair I'll shoot this ammaji don't you know we've got 40 mm yeah look a swing you were telling about this fly this wing is dangerous for anybody of any age because it doesn't go into the ground yes they're going Teeter over I thought it had two legs she didn't realize no I knew it had these four don't stick I do I didn't know it had these four oh I didn't know it had these though I changed my mind now she said well what if the baby gets going too high and they swing over like a little toddlers legs kicking that hard that frickin made and go over like this yes no cuz I told you I said that doesn't go on the ground you say yeah but still what if they got going too high and flipped over have you seen the swing set did it really that's cool you said where they got kicking so hard that they wasn't circles yeah on it that's what that's what Kevlar did okay and what on the swing sets when I was younger than you remember being on the swing sets this age yeah really yeah you can ask my mama look how many more Lots begun since we did that last time at the beginning the video so all of these look 408 in this video let's do this you're gonna in the video alright alright tell them to go like subscribe like subscribe ring the bell ring the bell get the all notification so you see our premiers hold on I'm gonna bump him brightness they're all man alright it looked like I flipped his head off real quick alright now what are we doing and we'll see you at the next unit [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 13,503
Rating: 4.9318733 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, how to make money, Family friendly, Dude Perfect, What The Hale$, facebook, youtube, google, funny videos, fail army, family vlog, auction house, bargain hunters thrift, pay back, revenge, pranks, team edge, dude perfect, grimes finds
Id: CrsIZ4bOy4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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