Pastor Tolan Morgan - Grow Through It

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chapter number one exodus chapter number one if you can give me a little bit more volume on the monitors on the pulpit i appreciate that thank you so very much exodus chapter number one if you don't have your bibles the word is posted on the screens and we want to begin reading in verse number 7. exodus chapter 1 verse number 7 your bible should read and the children of israel were fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied and waxed exceeding the mighty and the lord will and the land was filled with them now there rose up a new king over egypt who did not know joseph and he said unto his people behold the people of the children of israel are more and mightier than we come on let us deal wisely with them lest they multiply and they come to pass that when there falls out any war they join also unto our enemies and fight against us and so get them up out of the land therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens and they built for pharaoh treasure cities python and ramses but the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew and they were grieved because of the children of israel i won't tag this text grow through it you may be seated in the lord's church would you just look at the person next to you and tell them don't just go through it grow through it 1985 thomas mcgowan was sentenced to prison after being arrested charged and convicted with robbery and rape in 1985. there a man in texas by the name of thomas mcgowan was sentenced to prison particularly and extended to life sentence after being arrested charged and convicted with robbery and rape in 2008 23 years later a dna test proved that thomas mcgowan was innocent of the charges and the sentencing and that he was simply the victim of witness misidentification he spent 23 years in prison for a crime he did not commit a dna test proved 23 years later that thomas mcgowan was innocent they immediately released him from prison and upon his release they met him at the door with a check from the state of texas because in the state of texas it is a law that anybody who serves an unjust term will be awarded eighty thousand dollars for and if you've heard this man's story he teaches us that in your persecution you grow [Applause] that while he was suffering unjustly he was growing at the same time it doesn't matter ladies and gentlemen what the circumstances are when you're in the wheel of god god uses even your crisis to grow you such as the discipline discovered in the discourse of exodus chapter one in which there is this group called the children of israel who have temporarily relocated to egypt because there was a famine in their land they relocated to egypt where god had already placed and positioned one of their family members by the name of joseph who had moved up in the political hierarchy of egyptian authority to become a prince and a prime minister he was already there pleased by the providence of god to be a blessing to his people that while he was there they would relocate there and there he would be used to provide food for them while there was a famine going on in their land and while they were there they stayed too long because it was never god's ultimate long-term intention for them to stay as long as they did they made a residence out of a refuge and stayed too long they had the right life in the wrong place because they stayed too long beyond what god had intended for them to be and as a result of being in that land you and i just read this context that the egyptian king by the name of pharaoh observed their growth and wanted to stop it because they were growing on intimate territory [Applause] and as they continued to grow pharaoh went and hired some task masters with the assignment of inflicting affliction so that they would lose their strength and stamina to to to to reproduce and procreate but by the time we get down to verse 12 verse 12 says the more they afflicted them the more they grew sometimes ladies and gentlemen you just ought to get excited just reading the bible [Applause] even if you if even if you don't know all of the exegetical tools you ought to just get excited just just reading the more they afflicted them the more they grew that's the story let me back up and share some things out this text that are pertinent to our walk with god and we'll all go get some fish tonight ladies and gentlemen this texas tailored to teach us about the dynamics of growth and the first thing the texas tailored to teach us is that of the author of growth uh you'll discover in the passage uh if you read exodus chapter 1 verse 5 says that they they they relocated to egypt with 70 souls about time they get to verse 7 text says they're so big we're not going to count they are abundant they're multiplying they are exceeding in the might so they went from 70 in verse 5 to an innumerable number in verse 7. let's try it again they started with 70 souls when they relocated and in between two verses they went from 70 souls to an innumerable number let me try this side in verse number five they started with 70 souls and two verses later they went from 70 to an innumerable number let me talk to these people here in verse 5 they started with 70 souls and two verses later they went from 70 souls to an innumerable number okay all right way in the back here in verse number five they had 70 members at the church and two verses later they went from 70 souls to an innumerable number now what that literally means ladies and gentlemen that in between two verses was years of accelerated procreation [Applause] okay you being spiritual right here let me talk to these people within two verses they had accelerated procreation [Applause] okay since y'all being deep it was a lot of sex going on from verse 5 to verse 7 [Applause] it was so much procreation going on that the writer of the book of exodus doesn't put a number on verse 7 because he got tired of counting but ladies and gentlemen the reality of the passage is that there was accelerated procreation but it wasn't by human ability come in the reason why they procreated at such an accelerated rate is because they got prophecy on their life because god told a granddaddy that he was gonna have so many folk in his family that they wouldn't be able to match the stars in the sky he'd have so many members in his family that they wouldn't be able to match the grains of sand on the seashore which means y'all they are not procreate procreating because of their physical ability they're procreating because the prophecy is on their life you don't know when to shout so let me help you it means ladies and gentlemen that there are some things happening in your life not cause you want it to happen but because god said so and because god said so the devil in hell can't do nothing about it your enemy can't do nothing about it the folk that can't stand you can't do nothing about it the truth of the matter is there are some things happening in your life because god said so [Applause] would you just grab your neighbor by the hand and tell them neighbor it's no way in the world that you got to walk in church and just not shout every time you come in here because there's some stuff happening in your life it's because prophecy is on your life it's because god's word is on your life [Applause] so here's what this means here's what this means y'all it means i'm growing because god already ordained me to grow and there's nothing you can do to stop it because if you do you're gonna have to stop prophecy lord have mercy but you don't know when to get happy come here [Applause] dr h wayne house who teaches at faith international university says that prophecy watch it y'all is history written in advance you missed prophecy is not something that's going to happen in the future prophecy is something that's already done that can't nobody stop has anybody ever tried to sabotage you and it didn't work has anybody ever tried to set a pitfall for you but it didn't work has anybody ever tried to set a trap for you but it didn't work it didn't work because you was good or bad it went it didn't work because god's prophecy is on your life and when prophecy is on your life you can't be too good to earn it you missed it and you can't be too bad to cancel it [Applause] watch it y'all come here prophecy is on their life before they ever start procreating you missed it god told us today granddaddy abraham who by the time we get to this text is dead and gone which means the prophecy was on their lives before they were born do you know what that means it means the prophecy on your life supersedes the problems in your life [Applause] you ain't getting me it means the prophecy has to come to pass because it was established before you were born which means it's got to happen before you die you don't know when to get happy grab your neighbor by the hand and tell them neighbor whatever god said about you you are not going to die before it happens no you you got to shout it too you can't just you can't just say that and still be sitting in your seat touch somebody else and tell them neighbor you are not going to die until god's word is performed in your life [Applause] if it's pre-birthed it's got to be pre-death you don't know when to get happy that means that's why you didn't get sick and die because god's word had not been fulfilled in your life yet that's why you was in that car accident and you walked in church tonight because god's word has not been fulfilled yet anybody in here know you should have been dead would have been dead and could have been dead but the prophecy is not fulfilled yet [Applause] now i need you to help me preach this tonight and point your finger in your neighbor face and tell a neighbor the prophecy on your life supersedes the problems in your life if they didn't get happy turn to somebody else and tell them neighbor the prophecy on your life supersedes the problems in your life they didn't get happy either turn to somebody else and tell them neighbor i don't care how bad it is the prophecy on your life supersedes the problems in your life [Applause] they're growing not because of their sexual performance they're growing because of sovereign prophecy [Applause] y'all making me work too hard here i thought y'all knew when to get happy they're growing simply because god said so [Applause] you happy about that great i'm glad because the text is also tailored to teach us not just about the author of growth but the text is tailored to teach us that when you start growing you're gonna have to deal with an attack on your growth come in the text says that when they start growing they had to deal with pharaoh you missed pharaoh wasn't messing with them before they started growing [Applause] still slow but the minute they started growth is when pharaoh had a problem with it y'all so slow do you know the devil wasn't bothering you before you started growing but the second you start growing here comes the attacks do you know why do y'all know why because dogs don't bark at parked cars [Applause] you walk your dog your dog ain't gonna block at a parked car but any car that comes back that's on the move making noise a dog can't stand it if the devil ain't attacking you it's cause you ain't doing nothing but for the rest of us around here if the devil is on your trail it's cause you're on the move and you're making noise touch your neighbor and tell them if you're under attack consider it a compliment that you getting the attention of the devil because you're making noise and you're on the move [Applause] pharaoh don't have no issue with them brother minister until they start growing [Applause] he wasn't bothering them till they start growing [Applause] wouldn't bother them till they start going to bible study regularly [Applause] wasn't bothering them till they start adding fasting to praying wasn't bothering them till they start giving up some kind of sin that they would typically do easily and now they got authority over that sin one bomb wasn't bothering them until they decided to go to the revival not just one night but every night wasn't bothering them till they start getting serious about their theological studies and stop getting up on sunday morning entertaining from the pulpit one until they start praying just on sundays and start praying every day wasn't bob the minute you start growing [Music] expect a pharaoh [Applause] if you dare to grow expect pharaoh now let me give you the profile of pharaoh so you know how to spot him when he show up [Applause] first of all ladies and gentlemen pharaoh is not the name of a person pharaoh is the name of a title given to the king of egypt so we don't know his name we just know his title because when you start growing it aggravates his little position [Applause] and he's bothered and aggravated that your growth is a threat to his little power you'll get that probably around friday at two o'clock [Applause] he has no name he's identified by his title and he's threatened by the fact that your growth is going to be a threat to his little position [Applause] because pharaoh has no life outside of his little position because if he did he wouldn't be threatened by your growth do you know some folk like that in church they don't even know you on your block but they know you at the church because you to chair this and the ministry leader of that and you'll fight over your little position in the church but don't nobody know you because church is the only place that will give you a title for something you not legitimate for [Applause] pharaoh pharaoh how do you spot a pharaoh if you can read the bible the first way to spot a pharaoh is that pharaoh is disrespectful to your history if you can read the bible the text says they knew not joseph [Applause] which means he's a new king that comes in and has no sense of previous accomplishments by the authorities before them and could care less because they're threatened by a dead man oh my god today let me talk to the young preacher in here when you get a church you ain't got to be threatened by who came before you you don't have to become an enemy to the church's past in order to move it into the future you got to realize that whoever came before you set a foundation from which you can stand and what what god gave to you pharaoh is disrespectful of history all right number two he's deceptive watch it y'all he's deceptive listening what he's saying he said hey man i'ma call a meeting with my boys and i'm gonna tell them we need to stop these people from growing because they are mightier than us [Applause] how are they mightier than you when you the king how are they mitered in you when they're living on your kingdom they can't be mightier than you but a pharaoh builds relationships off of lies because a pharaoh is not courageous enough to come and confront you himself he got to go get some more company and lie to them so that they can get together and come against you reach toe with morgan what it look like i'm doing do you know somebody like that they'll get on the telephone i mean the telephone and tell all the business to who ain't got nothing to do with anything but won't come in your face [Applause] so they have to build an alliance against you by lying on you so my question to you is why are you getting mad over somebody who won't even come confront you why you all losing your hair over somebody who ain't even got to be to come confront you [Applause] they allow on you to get people against you because what they're doing is transferring their insecurities into folk who don't even know you can i ask you all a question do you know somebody who don't like you but don't know you i ain't trying to start now i'm just asking a little question do you know anybody who can't stand you but has never had one conversation with you that's a pharaoh spirit that has been transferred from one insecure person on to somebody else [Applause] a pharaoh [Applause] is disrespectful of history a pharaoh is deceptive in building relationships but thirdly the text teaches us that a pharaoh is double-minded listen to what he says he said listen we need to build an alliance against these people the reason for the meeting is because they're growing in the land that's the reason for the me but when they get in the meeting pastor he tells his people we got to stop them because they may form alliances with our enemies fight us and get out the land let me try again you call the meeting because i'm growing in your land when you get in the meeting part of your argument is we got to stop them because they might build alliances with enemies and fighters and get out the lane let me try it again the reason for the meat is that we're growing in your land but when we get in the meeting you've got to stop us from growing so we won't get out your land [Applause] let me try it again when the meeting open you upset because i'm on your land when the meeting closes you bother because i might get out your land now which one is it are you mad that i'm here or are you mad that i'm gonna be gone apparently i ain't the one crazy my growth is driving you crazy because you don't know what you want to be mad about you mad that i'm here and you're mad that i could be gone would you just grab your neighbor by the hand and tell them neighbor i'm going to drive the devil mad before he drive me mad i'm going to drive him crazy before he drive me crazy i'm gonna make sure i come to the very church where they can't stand me i'm gonna make sure i go in the very place when they call my name you can't stand it because before i let you drive me crazy i'm gonna drive you crazy the text teaches us that there's an authority on growth and that authority is god and the authority of god is met by the attack on growth which is spawned by satan in the spirit of pharaoh so we got the authority and the attack here's the joke of the text i'm done this is it this is it we're going to get together we're going to form an alliance the alliance was birthed out of their growth to stop their growth and what we're going to do is we're going to hire task masters task masters y'all were people who were hired to make the men of israel tired to increase their burdens so that by the time they get done working they have no strength or spirit to hook up with mama [Applause] why y'all don't want to see the text the way it is let me try it again here's the plan go hire some bosses that increase their workload so that by the time they get home they have no spirit or strength to hook up with mama [Applause] okay you missed it we've been taught that idleness is the devil's workshop but according to this text business is the devil's workshop you got to realize when the devil got you too busy to produce [Applause] and god's word to somebody in here tonight is that before 2017 is over you're gonna have to live with upsetting some people and telling them no because they trying to get you on their agenda so you'll never do what god called you to do all right grab your neighbor and tell your neighbor let me just practice on you let me just practice on you tell them no they didn't get it turn to the next person i just need to practice on you now no they didn't they didn't get happy about it turn somebody else to the i'm just practicing i don't mean no harm but i might have to say this to somebody in 2017 who trying to get me off of god's agenda for my life no i got to live with them being mad with me no i got to live with them dogging me no i got to live with them talking to me no now because sometimes the enemy gets you too busy on other folks agenda that you not producing what god calls you to do and here's the joke of the text here's a joke in the text the more they afflicted them the more the plan backfires okay okay you missed it we came together to make you tired but apparently that didn't work because the more you afflicted me the more i grew up which means ladies and gentlemen that persecution and prophecy look the same when the tech started we grew off of prophecy when the text ends we grow off of persecution which means that when i'm in the will of god prophecy and persecution come out the same way because what you meant for evil [Applause] god means for good and every time you tried to tear me down and try to hurt me you were actually building me up all right okay um don't tell nobody this this is our secret don't tell nobody this it's our secret only here in greenville i need y'all to keep this here [Applause] i'm a grown man i got a wife children and a church it's my 20th year of preaching my 16th year of pastoring uh but in all of that responsibility i still go see comic book movies [Applause] don't you sit in this church and judge me some of y'all went to go see logan last week [Applause] i'm grown now i'm a grown man with responsibilities and every comic movie that come out i'm gonna be there on the first date [Applause] batman superman spider-man fantastic four incredible hulk it don't matter x-men tolin morgan is there on the first day batman is about a fella who became a vigilante because his parents got killed coming out to movie theaters one night superman is about a fellow who whose father sent him from another place earth because his hometown of krypton had been destroyed spider-man is about a little boy who went to a a scientific lab one day and was bit by a real spider and because of an unfortunate bite it gave him strength fantastic four was a bunch of four kids that went into space got through a cosmic storm and came back to earth with power they didn't have had they not gone through the storm since you missed it heroes are birthed out of tragedies because every time you go through something god is giving you a power you didn't have before you got in the situation grab your name and tell them and we know that all things work together for the good of him that love the lord and are called according to his purpose because the more you afflict me the more power i said the more power [Applause] so for all you good deliverance christian saints let me upset your theology and tell you if god is ever gonna grow you he can't deliver you [Applause] he got to keep you in the mess until you develop and grow okay since you missing it let me help y'all understand something god minors in deliverance and majors in development [Applause] let me tell you why because if you get developed it's less for you to get delivered from see you should have to come to the altar every sunday if you just develop you don't need to call the pastor every week for a meeting if you just grow up and develop because if god develops you that's lester for him to deliver you from and in order for him to grow you he got to keep you in something [Applause] until you finally grow up yeah tell your neighbor i'm growing through it i'm growing through it i'm growing through it because i'm coming out this thing with a power i didn't have before i went in it so y'all don't know when to shout i'm trying to get you to shout tonight not about your deliverance but about your crisis [Applause] i knew you weren't going to say nothing because see that's the only way we know you're going to bless the lord at all times if you can give him praise while you're in trouble and not just waiting for him to bring you out the reason why he got you in it is because he's trying to grow you just grab your neighbor by hand and tell neighbor i'm growing up tonight i'm growing up for this light affliction [Applause] which is but for a moment lord works for us and exceeding abundantly weight of glory is there anybody here that can testify the night that god is growing you up is it anybody here tonight that can give him glory for the mess that you're in if you don't mind put your arm around somebody and tell a neighbor i'm not going through i'm growing through you on the testify tonight to somebody and tell a neighbor i'm not crying through that thing tonight i'm coming out with more power than i had before y'all still ain't happy it reminds me of somebody i know his name is jesus when he comes out the grave he says all power in heaven and in earth is in my hands he even asked god to get him out but god did not respond because god understands that when i really want to grow you i gotta take you through a crucifixion but just wait three days and you're coming out with power have i got to win this here grab your neighbor by the hand and tell them neighbor i'm not going through i'm growing through is it anybody here that's daring to grow tonight tell your neighbor i'm growing on enemy territory that's why the devil is doing overtime because i'm growing on enemy territory that's why he's trying to form the weapon but it will not prosper because i'm growing on enemy territory if you're growing do you know what that means it means some stuff that used to fit you don't feature no more it means some places you used to go i'm not comfortable anymore it means some people you used to kick it with i'm not fitting anymore because you're growing in the things of the lord anybody glad that you're growing tonight if i got some growth people here the bible says that the more he afflicted them the more they grew up saying the more he afflicted them the more they grew if there's anybody in affliction tonight it's only because god is growing grab your neighbor by the hand and tell them tonight is my night to celebrate my own growth i'm not waiting on anybody to get happy about my growth i'm growing because the word of god is only i'm growing because prophecy is only anybody glad that he that has begun a good work in you shall perform it until the day of jesus christ anybody glad that what god starts he will finish it if he's doing a good work in you then praise him for your own growth don't wait on nobody to give him glory for you open your mouth and say lord thank you that your word is on me lord thank you that your spirit is on me lord thank you that despite me you still letting me grow if god is being good to you then open your mouth on a thursday night i am talking to you sunday morning saints i'm talking to the thursday night saints who will thank god that he's letting you grow if he's letting you grow open up your mouth and thank him that he's not letting you stay stagnant that you're growing in the lord not letting everything that's growing in the lord open your mouth and tell him thank you for growing me up thank you for letting me live thank you for letting me grow up grab somebody and tell them i'm growing through it it's not gonna kill you grow through it it's not gonna lay out grow through it and when you come out you're gonna have power that you didn't have before anybody in here got power then grab your neighbor by the hand and tell them neighbor i'm transferring my power to you i'm pulling you out until you grow through it get rid of your stank attitude and grow through it get rid of your bitterness and grow through it [Applause] [Music] yes
Channel: The BlackChurch Vault
Views: 29,294
Rating: 4.8392434 out of 5
Keywords: tolan morgan, tolan morgan fellowship, tolan morgan edgar vann, tolan morgan new st paul, tolan morgan baptist convention, national baptist convention, td jakes, serita jakes, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, cogic, steven furtick, michael todd, bishop noel jones, city of refuge la, frank e ray, jasper williams, timothy flemming, fellowship warner robins, john p kee, i made it out, jamal bryant, newbirth, rudolph mckissick jr, john gray, tasha k, kim burrell, larry reid live
Id: atkhRzhWXTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 44sec (3044 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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