Moving On From Your Mistakes - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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sin ruins us because it causes internal defilement while causing external delight it may feel good to you in your body but it's gonna stink up your spirit and cause you inside you right which is why you have a hard problem smile and have a heart problem having something Shawn have a heart problem praising God's because it's hard to hide when you Skype on the inside [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] while you're standing I want to lift up this lesson that is tucked away in song number 51 song number 51 I want to begin reading with verse number 10 the Bible should recreate in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me cast me not away from your presence and do not take your Holy Spirit from me restore unto me the joy of my salvation and uphold me with your free spirit then will I teach transgressors your ways and sinners shall be converted unto you deliver me from blood-guiltiness O God you god of my salvation and my tongue shall sing aloud of your righteousness O Lord you opened my lips and my mouth shall show forth your praise I want to tag this text moving on from your mistakes be seated in the Lord's Church September 26 2005 national park authorities that oversee the Everglades in Florida spotted a 13 foot long Burmese python that was split in half deceased dead and out of the point from which the snake had been split was seen the back end and tail and feet of what appeared to be an alligator from the looks of things clearly in the photography that was taken from that site this 13 foot Burmese python was in the process of eating a six foot alligator the Burmese python had fully consumed the alligator but died in the process of time of trying to digest this alligator now what is interesting about this moment was that the Everglades is a natural habitat for alligators but it is not a natural habitat for Burmese python the Burmese python was in a place it didn't belong trying to digest what it should not have eaten and because it was where it didn't belong trying to eat what it had no business eating it died trying to eat what it had no business consuming in a place it had no business being the picture was very clear ladies and gentlemen that you can die from doing something you have no business doing in a place you had no business being [Applause] [Music] and while this Burmese python was trying to enjoy what it consumed once it got inside it killed it from the inside I know you spiritual and deep today so you don't want to admit that there are some pythons in this church who are dying from the inside because you consume something you had no faith in a place you had no business be such as the discipline discovered in the discourse of Psalm chapter 51 it shares with us this accurate doctrine about the unfortunate effects of sin that sin is good to you on the outside but it'll kill you only I know you deep in spiritual you have not sinned since you've been saved but for all the rest of us real people who are saved sanctified filled with the precious Holy Ghost and real there are times when we've had to deal with the effects of potential death because we consumed something we had no business consumer in a place we had no business being you cannot properly understand apply and interpret Psalm 51 unless you have a real Bible that gives the historical context behind Psalm 51 in the superscription that says that this is a psalm of David when he was in an affair or the aftermath of an affair with Bathsheba if you've got a real Bible it will state that this song is the result the aftermath of the history that is tucked away in 2nd Samuel chapter 11 which God sends the nathan prophet prophet nathan to challenge david about his involvement with bathsheba his calculated involvement of arranging for her husband to be killed in the line of battle and then he sleeps with her and impregnates her now all of y'all are super deep because you're struggling with the fact that these sinful activities were not the activities of an unbelievable [Applause] this is the same guy whom God sent down to his daddy's house in First Samuel chapter 16 to anoint him as God's first selected King the oil was on him he killed Goliath with a smooth stone in the forehead this the same guy who got victories on his way to being God's first elected King this is the same guy who recovered the Ark of the Covenant and brought it back to Jerusalem this is the same guy who flowed in anointing and was a skilled fighter and a skilled musician who played the hell out of Saul this is the same guy who's got such an anointing that his anointing puts him high in the race that he would be a part of Jesus genealogy and being anointed doesn't mean he said Lee I knew you Church throat wasn't gonna say nothing because it's a bunch of critical people in here who act like you have never seen because you graduated high school with Joshua and you act like you have never done anything wrong since you've been saved but all the real people in here here is an anointed man of God got that wall of God and become so malicious and calculating that he would have a man a woman's husband killed just so he could get to help his wife and then he doesn't just lay with her he impregnates her Nathan comes and says man you sir were out of order not because you wanted a woman but you just picked the wrong one I can't get no help you I can't get no help Nathan told David in second Samuel eleven you de king you got access to a harem of women all of this is yours but why did you have to go after her I thought that would preach to the brothers but since always saying nothing [Applause] it is not the fact that you are half a woman it's the fact that you may have the wrong one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everybody has to get to a place in their lives where we have to view sin from boundaries I can't get no help here sin is not just what you have is going beyond what the Lord wants you to have it's stepping outside of the boundaries and going after something that does not belong to you as a matter of fact we saw that as a matter of fact we saw that when it first pops up in Genesis chapter 3 the Lord told me I'm a man you can have every tree around here just don't touch that sin is not access its access I got rewind in my mind since this side over here don't want to talk back to me y'all must be mad already Oh sin is not access its excess and David shares his conviction in prayer to God but as the Prophet Nathan had gone to him he goes to God in prayer he is convicted by what the Prophet told him then he enters into prayer and puts his prayer into lyrics the lyrics now become a part of this song that is included in the Hebrew hymn book and Psalm 51 I said Lord I know you have something else for me to do but before you get to it you can't use what else is left in this heart so creatively a clean heart cuz what I got left in this one is inappropriate for you to use so he said don't clean it out and put something else and just do a whole new heart you don't know how to get happy so I was shouting myself this verb create in the Bible is only associated with God and God created create there in the Hebrew is the word bara it means to make something out of nothing which only God has the ability to do you and I invent God creates all that we make is from pre-existing material but the god I serve doesn't have to have pre-existing material in order to make anything he can speak to nothing and nothing would become something I can't get no help me it is ex nihilo in the Hebrew it means to make something out of nothing the air you breathe the body you live in the mind you have the brain you work with was not made out of pre-existing material it was made from the breath of the divine the trees the earth was all spoken into existence because God needs nothing to make something so when he says traded me a clean heart he's making a request Lord just take me back to the beginning and let's start afresh so that there's no evidence of anything unlike you that still remains in my being listen at his request church he says create in me a clean heart and renew within me the right spirit y'all missus so I tried again he's asking God to do something fresh and clean with his heart and spirit though the sin was in his body he is suggesting ladies and gentlemen that the ultimate impact of sin causes internal rotting sin ladies and gentlemen while it is a pleasure to your body it is a pollution to your spirit sin ruins us because it causes internal defilement while causing external delight it may feel good to you in your body but it's gonna stink up your spirit and cause your inside to right which is why you have a hard problem smile and have a heart problem having some chart have a heart problem praising God because it's hard to hide when you state on the inside it's hard to praise God with your spirit is soiled by stuff that you thought your body could hide but your spirit has to now right with it everybody is not evil some people just stink [Applause] okay y'all missed it I'm gonna give it to you real simple if you don't hurry up and take the trash out it will stick out the room it's in I can't get no help here if you leave trash right where is I and don't hurry up and take out of the room it's in it's gonna take up the room that it's in cuz it's just sitting there he's saying I need you God to deal with my heart and the deal with my spirit because my physical actions are now causing me to rot from the inside clean up my heart renew within me the right spirit my spirits think so it impedes me from interacting well with other people my heart is not right it is corrupt so I can't maintain healthy good relationships with a corrupt heart I can't get no help in here I didn't come to priest you today I just came to get some scattered remarks on the pastor's cost in the modern day Church we don't like to talk about sin [Applause] you just want to come in here and shop and have a one-night stand on a Sunday morning I didn't go home just like ain't nothing happened and the truth of the matter is if you really mature you could handle a sermon about seeing cuz it ain't y'all and this text is not talking about an unbelievers sing listen listen please say some so I look like I'm not talking about you [Applause] he says he says he says if I'm gonna move on from my mistakes I need internal cleansing he says but secondly if I'm gonna move on from my mistakes I need communion with God listen to what he says he says after you created me a clean heart and knew within me the right spirit he says Lord do not cast me away from your presence and don't take your Holy Spirit from me ladies and gentlemen we have to first understand this text in its history because you and I have no business praying this prayer in America this is in the dispensation of the Old Testament this is pre Pentecost so in the Old Testament the Holy Ghost was present but not presiding [Applause] we first saw him in the second verse of the whole Bible and the Spirit of God moved upon the waters so the the Holy Spirit was present but not presiding the Holy Spirit came on people in the Old Testament just to accomplish one purpose and when the purpose was accomplished the Holy Ghost left them but you and I outpost Pentecostal you and I after Pentecost so we don't crave this prayer because the Holy Ghost don't come and go in our lives the Holy Ghost lives on the inside of us and dwells on the inside of us which means you could catch the Holy Ghost it was not but for David's theology in his time and dispensation he prayed this prayer cuz the Holy Ghost did come and go in his dispensation that ladies and gentlemen is a dangerous theology that is inconsistent with the character and person of the Holy Ghost because the Holy Ghost ladies and gentlemen has all of the divine attributes of the father and the son and therefore if he's got all the divine attributes of the father and the son he is omnipresent so therefore ladies and gentlemen he never leaves you left him I can't get no help in here see some of y'all have been saved for a long time so you don't know what I'm getting ready to say when you flowing in saying all week is hard to shout on Sunday Casilla desensitizes you to the presence of God so it's not that God ain't there it's just you soaked with sin and therefore you can't discern the presence of God let me help you Oh the couple was driving and they would like to take drives as they went along their relationship and as they got older dr. Jordan the wife looks at the husband and says when we were younger riding in this car you used to hold me while you were driving and he looked at her and says I'm in the same spot you moved still acting slow so I'll before God has not moved you're the one move he's still in the driver's seat you just scooted over it's easy to praise God if you ask the Lord to forgive you of your sin before you come in here as a matter of fact maybe praise and worship ought not to be the first thing we do we ought to just come to the altar and say create in me a clean heart and renew within me the right spirit so I can give you the globe [Applause] he says cast me not away from your presence Hebrew the Hebrew etymology of that word cast means to throw away presence in the Hebrew is the word Panem it means face the actual translation of the line is don't throw me away from your face it is the picture ladies and gentlemen of David pitching himself as trash that God no longer wants to use that after God has used him he just throws in the way as trash and therefore he is out of God's face might I suggest you ladies and gentlemen it is not God that treats you like trash it is your sin that makes you feel like trash [Applause] God doesn't treat you like trash see and make you feel like trash he says I need communion with God because the other destructive effect of sin is that sin desensitizes me to the presence of God he can be there and I'm not feeling because I'm soaked and saturated with sin the goal of sin is to separate us from God might we suggest again that this is the original symptom of seeing because we saw it in Genesis chapter 3 you remember it Adam has now violated the law of God by eating this forbidden fruit and it causes some kind of cosmic shift in the relationship between God and Adam God comes walking in the cool of the day Genesis chapter 3 verse 9 he comes walking in the cool of the day and he poses this interrogative to Adam and says Adam where are you ladies and gentlemen you're intelligent people if he comes walking in the cool of the day in the garden then that says where he is he's in the garden so this interrogative is not an inquiry into a location it's an inquiry into Adams condition I'm here but something has changed in our relationship that you and I no longer feel each other the way we used to feel each other I'm not trying to find you I'm trying to figure out who's why so spirit distance from my weird the saying garden it's a question of his condition much like some of you in here today in God's presence is in manifestation and you may not respond it's not a question of your location it's a question of your condition what's going on on the inside that is causing you to have a desensitization to the presence he says if I'm a move on from my mistakes I've got to have cleansing on the inside I've got to have some sense of renewed communion with God he says the thirdly if I'm a move on from my mistakes I've got to be able to affect somebody else's conversion I'm in verse 14 he said Lord if you cleaned me up and restored my communion I'm gonna teach somebody else see ladies and gentlemen when you really have moved on you can spot somebody else heading down the wrong road and intercept it really fast cuz you are proof that they're heading in the wrong direction I can't get no help here see ladies and gentlemen we believe we believe that the polished and the perfected and the preferred are the only ones eligible to influence somebody else's life positively but this text says those who are not polished not is perfect and not as preferred a better teacher sometimes because sometimes the worst students make the best teachers because they've been down a bad road and can see somebody going down a bad road and intercept the process because I'm proof that you need to turn around which means ladies and gentlemen God just didn't change you for you God changed you so you can change somebody else never got any help in here I'm done I'm done this it Hagen this is it this thing took me out right along here man you clean about it that's how I like it sound like that's my man right there listen ladies and gentlemen this is the close of the Tex Hagen watch this this is beautiful David is guilty of adultery and an accomplice to murder I mean to which there is no legal prescription of mercy for either one of these sins Leviticus 20 and 10 says he that commits adultery both the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death Leviticus 24 and 17 says he that takes the life of another or kills another shall be put to death [Applause] which means David was guilty of sins for which he should have died for there was no prescription of mercy for either one of these sins but because of God's sending the Prophet to convict him of his sin he changed his heart got on his face before God and God spared his life by giving him mercy by keeping back what he does deserve okay y'all once again you don't know how to give God praise all of y'all in here or the faint God that grace will give you what you don't deserve but mercy will hold back what you do and the reason why mercy comes into play David didn't die [Applause] [Applause] Psalm 103 verse 12 as far as the East is from the West I will blot out your transgressions Isaiah 1 and 18 come let us reason together though your sins be as scarlet I will make them red like crimson they shall be your sins this is the New Testament unrighteousness John 2 and 2 but for the whole world there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins underneath who set us apart lose all their guilt and stain and verse 15 says because of his mercy my mouth will not close well y'all don't know how to get handled I've done some things that should have sucked my mouth closed but I'm still here what does it sound like to be forgiven what does it sound like to have your sins washed away [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] in the house of the Lord [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] which all helped me by simply just looking at the person next to you and just tell them the Lord told me to tell you it's time for you to move on from your own mistakes listen listen Church here is the trick of the enemy I want y'all to hear me real closely the trick of the enemy is not getting you to sin the trick of the enemy is to get you in guilt for sinning [Applause] because if he can set in guilt then he'll keep you in seeing law [Applause] if you're walkin in guilt you're walking bound guilt makes you feel worthless [Music] guilt makes you walk around looking at people like they know what you did even when they don't know what you're doing do I have any witnesses in here you did something walking around suspicious of everybody when they don't even know what you do Raines guilt makes you see everybody as though they're the enemy so the real goal of what Satan's trying to do is get you to the place of guilt that after the act of sin is done that aftermath lingers so you walk around defeated and depressed and you're dead while you're alive I'm talking good here but you ain't listening but if we can lift the guilt then we remove the shame then we can get back to living just about on I'm ready to get back to living
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 29,414
Rating: 4.8714557 out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Pastor Tolan Morgan, Rev. Tolan Morgan, Dr. Tolan Morgan, Warner Robins GA, Fellowship, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church
Id: Xrn5ygCtAv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 49sec (2689 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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