Dr. Frank E. Ray - Be STRONG (POWERFUL Close)

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ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 and 11 and king james virgin finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might put on the whole arm of god that you might be able to stand against the wiles of the devil thank you so much thank you so much be strong help me say that be strong thank you so much there are some things when you study the word that we are not supposed to do one is that it is improper to begin a conversation in the middle of a conversation whenever you do it is like passing a door and you hear a statement while passing and you draw a conclusion upon a statement when you do that you have to use your imagination because you don't have proper information [Music] but allow me to begin this discussion in the middle of a conversation i can do it because the bible is deep yet it is shallow it is deep enough for scholars to dive in and never reach the bottom yet it is shallow enough for babies to swim in and never drown and because of that i want to dive in because of the time that has been allotted to me he began this verse by saying finally you can tell by the statement this is not the beginning of the conversation he says finally it sounds like a church word that people wait in church every sunday to hear the word finally that we'll sit through praise and worship through announcements through prayer through offering through a long sermon we wait to hear the man of god say finally i thought because of the geographical location of the text that might have been what paul had in mind but it is the greek word louie pawn the word louis pawn for the word finally does not mean it is over but that he saved the best for last i had some problems with that because of what paul had covered in the previous chapters how could he say that i'm saving the best for layers because he opened chapter one dealing with this matter of election which has baffled the minds our people all over the world scholars still trying to figure out how can you explain election in the body of christ it is like you leaving this building above the door the writing is saying whosoever will let him come that i'm approaching the door if though it's my decision that it is totally up to me but once i walk through the door and look at the door from the other side except for whom he did for no they may also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son on this side it looked like it's my choice but on the other side of the door i discovered it was a setup that god had me in mind long time before my mother knew my father and jeremiah 1 5 said before you was formed in your mother's belly i knew you i sanctified you i ordained you ephesians 1 unfolds according to whom he has chosen they were chosen is an error tenth it meant god acted alone without a supreme court without a board of directors it was his choice but it's not only an inheritance but in middle voice which means he acted by himself but for himself it means he was chosen by god but chosen for god i know that's difficult for us to be able to comprehend because we count different from the way god counts are y'all still in this house you see for us to count we have to take time and cut it in the segments yesterday today tomorrow was eels and shelby but yesterday is in the tune tomorrow is in the womb yesterday is a cancelled check tomorrow is a promissory note yesterday is history tomorrow is mystery yesterday is recollection tomorrow is spec election but with god everything is an eternal now with god yesterday is now with god today is now with god tomorrow is now you see god never have to leave anywhere to get anywhere he's already where he's going and still where he was he can tiptoe and stand flat at the same time he can take a crooked stick and hit a straight leg talk to me somebody he deal with this matter of election but he also deal with this matter of adoption in chapter one he said we have been adopted and adoption work parallel to regeneration when i'm regenerated i have my father's nature but when i'm adopted i have his name is kind of like a man that had a child before marriage and then he married and he don't have nothing to do with this boy because he got the boy before marriage the boy looked like him the boy got his blood in him he sound he talked like in his expression but he don't want to deal with mama drama so he leave this boy out there with his nature now if the old man died he could be a billionaire and the boy would never get a quarter but if he turn around and adopt the child i don't care what the rest of the family say part of the inheritance is his this is something like that what the lord did with us when he saved us he gave us his nature but he turned around and adopted us and then he gave us his name so now i can say i'm an heir of god and i am a journalist with jesus christ or y'all here he deals with this matter of adoption but also deal with this matter of being sealed in ephesians 1 13 says we are sealed with the holy spirit of promise seal means secure that doesn't mean that i'm free to do whatever i want to do but it means that i'm kept by him i can't keep myself i don't care how much i try my foot david said almost slipped ephesians chapter 1 deal with the privilege of the believer ephesians chapter 2 there was the pardon of the believer ephesians chapter 3 deal with the purity of the believer ephesians chapter 4 deal with the practice of the believer ephesians chapter 5 deal with the power of the believer ephesians chapter 6 deal with the persistence of the believer yet he says finally did he say my brethren greek word for brother is what artifacts it means from the same womb as quiet as it is kept all of us in here are related really by blood there are only five different births in the bible that's what you call the soil birth there is the surgical birth that's the sac birth the savior's birth and saints birth genesis 2 74 man from the dust of the ground that's the soil birth after god made man he performed surgery on him took a rib for man and made woman that surgical birth after adam knew eve impregnated her she brought forth cain abel and set in a sack every woman that after when they get pregnant they carry a baby in a sack that sack birth the holy spirit leaps upon mary and pregnant her should bring forth the savior of the world that's the savior's birth the holy spirit brought us from darkness to the marvelous light give us new inspiration new aspirations start looking with new observations counted with a new calculation that's the saint's birth and when we're born again we are connected to the spiritual womb you may be sitting next to somebody you've never seen but that's your sister that's your brother talk to me somebody it's a father and my brethren he said be strong the greek word is in dunamis it's a compound word any time in the greek language when you see en it means god want to live underneath your skin that's why every morning you get up you should have some conversations with the lord first question you have to ask god is where are you the answer would be he's in me god what are you doing the answer is i'm working what are you working god he said i'm working my wheel why is it that you're working will he said because it pleases him preacher ray he he he said he want to live underneath the skin talk to him with somebody in other words he want to live on the in side of you matter of fact he is concerned about your body first corinthians 6 18 no you're not you're not your own you have been bought with a price therefore glorify god in your body that's why he tell you what to do with every member of your body with my eyes i'll take psalms 121 verse 1 and lift them toward the heels from which cometh my help my help comes from the lord matthew 11 15 he that have ears to heal let him with my mind i take philippians 2 and 5 let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus with my heart and mouth i take romans 10 and 10 for with the heart man believe it on the righteousness with the mouth confession is made under salvation when my hand i take ecclesiastic nine and ten whatsoever thou hand find the do do it without might for there's no work no device nor wisdom nor knowledge in the grave where thou goeth with my knees i'll take philippians 2 and 10 at the name of jesus every knee should bow with my feet i take hebrew 12 in one laying aside every weight and sin which does so easily beset us and let us run with patience to raise set before us and with the rest of my body take romans 12 and 1 i beseech your therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your body a living sacrifice holy acceptable under god which is your reasonable service he said be strong be strong the word strong is dunamis in the greek is in the imperative mood which means it is a command he's not just suggesting that'll be strong he's not just recommending that to be strong he is commanding me to be strong he's in present tense which means i don't need to just be strong on sunday i need to be strong on monday i'm at my best on sunday but don't mess with me on monday i need some strength for monday but it's not only an imperative move in present tense it's in it's in plural form which means not just for the pastor to be strong but it's for you to be strong am i here by myself but it's in the passive voice what does that mean that means the subject is being acted upon in other words he's telling me to do something i cannot do wait a minute preach you mean god will do something you can't do yes we sell time god won't put no more on you than what you can bear but he will he'll put more on you than what you can bear so he'll show you he'll bear it for you [Applause] do have a witness romans 8 28 saying we know romans 8 26 said and with no not and apollo make up your mind do we know or do we don't know he's in romans 8 28 we know that all things work together for good to them that love god and to them who are the call according to his purpose but romans 8 26 says we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit happeneth the little word hepat is mentioned only two times in the new testament the greek word sound big until you cut it up is pronounced soon until slumbatima trium compound word the word soon mean you made it it means when you're born again you are united with the godhead creation is god behind us bethlehem is god with us cabaret is god for us pentecost is god in us he was donated at bethlehem demonstrated that camera but illustrated at pentecost that's that means that i'm connected to the godheads y'all hear me don't you that's why every child of god ought to know you ain't got to run from the devil because of who you are the word unteached is the second part it means over against here it is i'm in the gym working out got a woman trainer working with me women can get more out of me than me in care and she's training me and now i'm doing some pressing i do 10 reps do it pretty good i do 10 the second time i do 10 the third time and now she put some awaits on there and said come on reverend you can do it trying to impress her i get up to seven and my arms start shaking she said don't quit on me now i finally get the seventh one up shh i said i can't do no more she's okay i'm gonna spot you so that means now i'm under the load and she's over the load and while i'm pushing she's pulling talk to me somebody and help me do the next 10 but then she take the load that's the last part of the word lombardima which means to take that means sometime god would put a load on you and you said i don't see how i can handle this load god said all right i'm going to spot you got any help in this house so while you are pushing god is pulling that i'll let y'all alone here in a moment and then all of a sudden god take the load from you but then they pat you on the back side i told you you could do it do i have a witness he says in verse 11 put on the word put on is the greek word endure you see the same word in luke 24 49 when he said wait until you have been endured with power from one heart the word endure come from the idea of a girdle that a woman squeezes down in and it shapes her and keep her in shape well the holy spirit will squeeze you i got any help in this house stuff you didn't know you look that good at he'll have you looking good when you ought to be looking back [Applause] he said put on the whole armor [Applause] of god you have a witness that you may be able to stand [Applause] great word for stan is history it means to stand erect without your shoulders the lord wants you to stand because the devil wants you to fall put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against greek word for guest is prospero yes it's an intimate word it's part of the word for the word prayer the greek word for prayer is pros uk price mean face to face you see the same word in john 1 1 in the beginning watch the word the word was with same greek word cross face to face you see god the father and god the son were face to face throughout eternity every time you saw the father you saw the son matter of fact john 14 9 he said if you want to write a letter to my father send it to my address because we're living together only time the father and son were not together was when jesus was at calvary and the reason they separated that is because my sin got in the way and anytime sin getting anything it create division everybody help in this house but now he should put on the whole arm of god that you might be able to stand against the wiles wilds wilds greek word methodium is where you get the english word method form mean that satan come with his methods and that was satan come organized he used the same tool now that it did in the garden of eden the lust of the eye the lust of the flesh and the pride of life the lust of the eye says see something the lust of the flesh said get something the pride of life said be something he used that then he even use it with jesus in the wilderness the reason they keep using it because it's still working one of the tricks of the devil is if he can convince you that he's not a devil you know he come with so many different names he's called the serpent he's called satan he's called lucifer he's called the son of the morning he's called the prince of the power of the air he's called the devil he's called the accuser of the brother and he's called the dragon he's called the thief he's called the liar he's called a murderer am i here by myself and so we come in so many different disguises it's hard to pinpoint him but the word methodia mean with the road what does that mean that means satan is on the road jesus god said to the devil when he saw him where you coming from he said to and fro so you see whom i can devour his own here's what he do he wait until he can find a crack in your relationship you've been happy with the lord been loving him but all of a sudden you disappointed and something happened in church and the devil spots it he noticed you moved from the front of church to the back he's looking for a crack talk to him he noticed you used to pay your tithes now you're tipping god the devil is looking for crack talk you used to talk good about the church now you're criticizing it i wish i had two witnesses in this house the devil looking for crack you used to pray every night before you went to bed but now you just jump up in the bed and go to sleep the devil said uh-huh i got you now he's on the road to take you out second thessalonians paul i would have come to you long before now but satan hindered me with hindi that the greek is in cop2 it comes from the idea of you in a olympic race and your opponent run up beside you and elbow you out of the race y'all don't like that in other words the devil he jumped in the race with you to elbow you out of the race don't you think the devil is in love because you in love with the lord he gonna do everything he can to try to hinder you from giving your best to the lord second corinthians 2 11 be not ignorant of satan's device greek word is no ima from the root word noeo from the root word noose which means mine in other words the devil love to play mind games y'all don't like with this house anybody know he loved to play man games with you and matter of fact he can get in your mind and take you out with just your mind [Applause] philippian i'll be through in a moment philippians 2 and 6 the bible says be careful greek word is miriam not o it means don't stress yourself out you see stress whenever you're stressing yourself out it causes your pressure to rise when your pressure rise it caused your arteries to harden when your arteries heartened it caused the blood to flow too fast when the blood flow too fast it caused your temperature to get higher when the temperature get higher it caused your cholesterol to rise when your cholesterol rises it cause your immune system to drop when your immune system drops it causes you to pick up diseases and when you pick up diseases it's caused you to have a disease i wish i had some help in here and the devil is behind all of it because he's trying to take you out do i have a witness jesus knew that we'd run into difficulties like that so he fixed it in matthew chapter 6 verse 25 it said take no thought same word mary now for your life that's your future or what you shall eat that's your food yay for your body that's your fitness or what you shall put on that's your fashion let that out for yourself treasure that's your finances if i poll this house this morning there are five things most of you all if you're worried you're worried about your future your food your fitness your fashion and your finances the lord said don't worry about it i said why he said drop down to verse 33. he said but seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all of these things what things your future your food your fitness your fashion and your finances he said they will be at it [Applause] do i have a witness put on the whole arm of god that you might be able to stand against the wiles of the devil the word for devil greek word is diabolus diaz mean through balo mean the throne you mean the devil keeps throwing at your mind till it gets something to stick on it ever got any help in this house you leave here somebody walk up to your honey you all right you look a little strange oh baby i'm highly favored thank god i'm doing good you go before you gotta know somebody else are you okay you look like something on your mind you're feeling good oh i'm feeling fine get home somebody call you say you rest out of church i didn't get chance speak to you are you okay you look like you're a little sick you instantly get sick [Music] you get your aspen caught up in the bed the devil got your mind matter of fact he can take you out with your mind because he loved playing mind games you go to the doctor doctors say you got six months to live number one ain't no doctor that small i don't care how smart your doctor is they ain't that smart you say i don't know preacher my mama doctor gave her six months to live she died in five i can tell you what happened you can live weeks without food days without water but only minutes without hope never got any help in this house that's why you can't let the devil mess with your hope my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and his righteousness on christ the solid rock i stand all of the ground is sinking saying i've held you long enough shake somebody's hand tell them thank god for the word he said my brethren be strong he says in the lord that's what you call in locative tenth in other words you can't do it lord by yourself you got to be positioned in the lord you'll hear me don't you yeah lord i remember a situation that a man was in a phone booth years ago it was at night he was trying to dial a number he stuck his foot in the door to hold the door open so the street light would shine in the booth so he could dial his number little born outside semester mister he said don't bother me baby i'm trying to dial this number he said but mister mister he's a son don't bother me i'm trying to dial his number he said mr mister man said what you want baby i'm trying to dial the number he's i'm just trying to tell you if you move your foot and let the door close there's a light already on the inside do i have a witness it would light the building up for you i was in los angeles california some years ago in my practice each day i try to spend five hours a day studying the word of god five to ten they're my hours i got up that morning great big old pretty room sit at the desk the light wouldn't come on i got above out of one of the other lamps put in there it still would not work i called down to the desk i said can you send somebody up here to put a light in i got all this big room ain't no light i was a little arrogant with the fella they said to me sir we'll send somebody straight up little man come running up knocking on the door greaser and ass there he flipped the light it did not work he changed the bulb again it still didn't work then he bowed under the desk got the plug plugged it in the sockets the light came oh in other words i had everything i needed lord it was just not plugged in have i got a witness here some years ago right up the road in new york city lord all the lights in the city went out it was black in new york but the strangest thing was the statue of liberty kept right on shining they couldn't understand how it was the city was black and powerless but the statue of liberty was bright and lit up so they called an engineer to come in and see what it was that was going on lord they checked it out and they said we found what it is the city officials said please tell us why is it that the stature is lit up and everywhere else is black then you just say the reason the statue is lit up is because it's positioned in new york but he's getting this power from pennsylvania have i got to witness him that somebody is looking at you trying to figure out how is it you're still standing there everything around you that seem to be falling apart and you still got a smile on your face be sure when you get a chance to tell them that the reason i'm still standing because i'm positioned down here but i got a power source in another land have i got a witness i'm out of here y'all thank you for letting me stop by june 24 that said now normally when you see now in the bible it's an adverb but in june 24 the it is a conjunction it's a noun unto you hear me don't you yeah unto uh is a proposition that a preposition is a pre-position which means is not where i'm going up in other words there's a comma and not a period too many people look at your life try to tell you that's just a period in your life tell them when you get a chance honey it's not a period it's a karma i'm not talking uh i'm just pausing have i got a witness so now under him which is a pronoun but it is an objective pronoun that the next word is that which is a pronoun but it is a subjective pronoun in the english language it's rare you get both in it's either either r either subjected or objected have a got a witness but in june 20 from there hold on he got both of them together i called jude i said jude i'm on the way to the cathedral tell me how is it you'd have had brother jesus and didn't get your english language together jude said well i'm just writing what the holy spirit dictated me to write i said gotta dig a little deeper so i grabbed my greek new testament and king james virgin said now unto him that's the ebola but listen what is saying the greek text the greek text just said this uh him able i'm out of here him able now that's bad english but it's good theology would you shake somebody's hands your name him able anybody know he's able to he may not come when you want him but he's out always [Music] right on time is it all right help me say it's all right shake a cup of hands so honey hear me hear me reach one other person and say neighbor i want to ask you a question have you any rivers that seem to be uncrossable have you any mountains that you cannot tunnel through tell them god specialized [Applause] in [Music] hallelujah come on tell him thank you come on tell him thank you lift those hands just for a moment tell him yeah yay [Music] [Music] [Music] you love saying what you thinking about you've been so good [Music] what sounds good he's been so good sounds so good [Music] he's been so good what did it do for you you say my soul got it to save folks in here save myself [Music] say my soul you say my soul say my soul he said yes [Music] hallelujah the lamb come on let's bless him come on tell him thank you hallelujah hallelujah take your seat if you can hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] you can get more with a thank you jesus then you can't act to them any day anybody got something to tell him thank you for [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it's about [Music] eyes are closed
Channel: The BlackChurch Vault
Views: 3,279
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Keywords: frank e ray, tellis chapman, new salem frank ray, jasper williams, national baptist convention, leroy elliot, frank ray jr, brian carn, ge patterson, baptist whoopers, jasper williams jr, donald parson, ralph d west, tolan morgan, f bernard mitchell, black baptist church, paul morton, jasper williams hoopology, dewey smith, bishop jo patterson, bishop ge patterson, td jakes, serita jakes, the blood of jesus, what can wash away my sins, old school preaching, the blood
Id: Wos3sVVblzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 1sec (2581 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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