Pastor Tolan Morgan - It Happened Behind Closed Doors | 2019

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if not i want to summon your senses and invite your intellect to the book of second kings the book of second kings if you can give me some more monitor here on the pulpit i appreciate it thank you so much book of 2nd kings chapter 4. second kings chapter number four thank you so much it is there that the holy spirit has highlighted for us this context of scripture beginning with verse number one [Music] your bible should read now there crowd a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto elisha saying your servant my husband is dead and you know that your servant did fear the lord and the creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen and elisha said unto her what shall i do for you tell me what do you have in the house and she said your handmaid has not anything in the house except a pot of oil then he said go borrow you vessels abroad of all your neighbors even empty vessels borrow a few and when you are coming in you shall shut the door upon you and upon your sons and you shall pour out into those vessels and you shall set aside that which is full so she went from him and shut the door upon her and upon her sons who brought the vessels to her and she poured out and it came to pass when the vessels were full that she said unto her son bring me yet a vessel and he said unto her there is not a vessel more and the oil stayed then she came and told the man of god and he said go sell the oil and pay your debt and you live and your children of the rest i want to tag this text it happened behind closed doors you may be seated in the lord's church several years ago in my hometown of detroit michigan i was invited to participate in a play production that would be featured on father's day the play was entitled when men pray and the directors knew that i was not an actor in any kind of way and so they only assigned me to do the prelude and the post lewd for the play therefore they limited the number of lines that i had to know and remember because they knew that i was not an actor of any kind they made sure that i did not mess up their play so they just gave me a few lines to introduce the play and several lines to conclude to play that was my whole assignment i just had a couple lines to remember yeah not a great actor at all not an actor of any kind so to make sure that i don't mess this play up they just gave me a few lines to open the play yeah all i had to do was do the introduction and the close of the play and as a result they made sure that i didn't mess the play up knowing that i had no acting skills whatsoever never asked me to step out of who i was and what i do just open the place sir and be quiet when the play is over close the play give a few lines do what you do and that's it in the course of that play they did not permit me after i finished doing what i had to do to go sit in the audience they regulated me to stay in the back for two hours had nothing else to do with the play all i had to do was open the play [Applause] closed the player had minimal lines to remember i made sure that i didn't mess this play up not an act of any kind just had to remember a couple lines to open the plane a couple lines of clothes to play but i had to stay in the back while the whole play was going on for two hours during that time i observed something in the presentation of the play that i did not see in the rehearsal of the play at least the rehearsal i attended i noticed that as i sat back there and watched the amalgamation of these actors and singers and musicians and and and all of the persons who played a role in the play come together um i noticed that when it was time to switch a scene these persons called stage hands would come they would close the curtain remove the props from the current scene and set the stage for the next scene and they did it with speed and skill but i was not impressed with their speed and skill i was impressed with the fact that they could execute their speed and skill in the dark the stagehands had the responsibility of closing the curtain removing the props from the current scene and set the stage for the next scene quickly in the dark [Laughter] and by the time the curtain opened the audience saw a whole nother scene that had been set in darkness [Applause] might i talk to somebody over here and suggest that you thought that god was just the director of your life [Applause] when really god is the stage hand of your life who closes the curtain on your life switches the props out and sets a whole new scene so that the next time folks see you they're not going to remember the last thing that they saw about your life and the genius of god is that god doesn't need light to switch your life [Music] he's got you in a dark place because he's getting ready to reset the whole scene lord i wish i had a church around here somewhere see the truth be told some of you are starting 2019 and you don't know what's going to happen this year you don't have a vision you don't have a plan you don't have a goal you don't have an objective and you need not be ashamed of that because god has you in a dark place and because he has you in a dark place he's switching the scene he's closed the curtain because there are some people looking at you that god don't want them to see what he's doing in your life by the time they see it he's already done the change [Applause] do i got anybody in here that's got some nosy people in your life that's they are so consumed with what you're doing where you're at and why you're there they just sit as an audience of your life god thanks be to him knows how to put you in darkness and ladies and gentlemen darkness therefore is not an indication that your life is over it's an indication that your life is starting all over again such is the discipline discovered in the discourse of second kings chapter four god has closed the curtain on the life of one of his prophets you and i read ladies and gentlemen that this darkness has set in in the life of this family god has closed the curtain and he is rearranging the scene and setting because he's getting ready to do something new in the life of this family you and i read this story where the man of god died and his widow is left with the bills she has no money and the creditors are coming to collect her children as collateral for the money she cannot pay for her bills her husband has died and she is in debt she is caught between the consequences of death and debt and she's getting ready to lose her children as a result of death and debt she goes to the dean of the school the prophets his person and personality there his name is elisha he runs a seminary and one of his students died and the wife of the student who died comes to elisha and says your servant my husband is dead and the creditors are coming to take my boys as collateral for debt that i cannot pay elisha looks back at her and says what do you want me to do about it again poses a second question to her of what do you have in the house she says i have nothing in the house but a pot of oil he gives her three directives don't touch the pot number one go borrow empty vessels from your neighbors number two have a shut-in with your sons and number three when you close the door start pouring the oil from that pot into those vessels the bible says that god got on the back end of that pot and as she poured more oil came from the pot to the vessel she goes back and tells the man of god i did what you told me to do he says take that and sell it take the proceeds pay your debt and you and your boys live off the rest now that's the story i want to back up and share some things out of this text that are pertinent to our walk with god and we'll all go get some chicken together if y'all don't mind let me posture what i believe is the thesis for this easter speech tonight all right if we just needed to sum up this little story in one little sentence what is this story telling us come here child of god here's what the story is telling us god will open doors if you obey him behind closed ones let me talk to these folks here if we just got to put this store in one little sentence i've got open doors for you but i'm waiting to see are you going to do what i told you when nobody's looking. you know some of us need an audience in order to do what the lord told us to do we need a plaque with our name on it we need a chair with our name on it we need some approval in order to do what god told us to do but the truth of the matter ladies and gentlemen is the only person who's really watching is god and if you do what he told you to do behind closed doors he'll open up doors that no man can close that's really the whole point this little story god will open doors if you obey him behind closed doors this folk didn't hear me right along here i said god will open doors if you obey him behind closed doors still acting funny i said god will open doors if you obey him behind closed doors i'm not talking about obeying him in the church i'm talking about in your career i'm talking about on your job when nobody's looking god will open doors if you obey him behind closed doors and when you get behind closed doors here's what this text teaches us when you get behind closed doors you need to establish your priorities you need to establish your priorities uh come here pick your face in the text uh the bible says that when she comes to elisha she tells elisha your servant my husband is dead and uh he says to her what do you have what do you want me to do that's the first question he says sir what do you want me to do catch this pastor watley elisha is responding to her as though whatever happens is based upon what you prioritize because lady you presented several problems to me [Music] your first problem is your husband is dead your second problem is your children are getting ready to go into slavery and what elijah elisha is saying to the woman is you need to decide what you want me to work on because because it's possible that based on the question i'm not doing both of them okay y'all missed it lady do you want me to resurrect your husband or do you want me to rescue your children still slow come here here's what here's what he's saying to her lady do you want me to resurrect your past or rescue your future [Applause] cause i'm not doing both even though i got the power to do both that's god's word for somebody in here you have stepped into 2019 and god's word to you is i am not going back in 2018 and redo what you didn't get done it's dead it's over and now we are with discussion is your future do you want me to resurrect your past or rescue your future because truth be told i got the power to do both tell them the reason why i got the power to do both is because i'm wearing elijah's mantle and elijah raised people from the dead i got the anointing to do both but i'm only going to do one of them because even when you got problems you still need to establish what's more important you see ladies and gentlemen god got all power but god ain't got to do all things i just snuck and said something i said god got all power but god is not obligated to do all things apparently is some stuff god wants to stay dead [Applause] so you need to make a decision do you want me to resurrect your past or do you want me to rescue your future and here is the joke of the text if we look at the text with an exegetical eye the blessing of the text y'all is that elisha never gave the woman a chance to answer the question [Music] okay this point is only for about 20 of y'all i'm gonna make number 21. the best thing god ever did for some of you was not answer your prayer [Applause] because he knows you can't be trusted to give the right answer and you can't be trusted to ask the right petition so what he did was he just ignored you and moved on because he knew you was asking for some foolishness do i got some real saints in here who testify some stuff you prayed for ain't got nothing to do with the holy ghost the bible the church god you wanted some stuff for you and god blessed you by ignoring your petition which means god some of y'all need to thank god that he didn't give you a chance to mess up your future [Music] [Applause] i'm talking good in here but y'all this side don't want to talk back to me i said god gave gave you a chance not to mess up your own [Music] because i really didn't ask this for an answer i need you to think yeah and to prioritize what's most important he didn't even give a chance to answer the question he just moved on to the next question catch that next question church what do you have in the house when you get behind closed doors you've got to establish priorities but you also need the number to evaluate what's present what do you have in the house listen at high answer she says your handmaid has nothing but this pot of oil she gave one response with two answers yes okay y'all making me work too hard right along here what do you have in the house she says your handmaid has nothing but this pot of oil she gave one response but two answers what she was telling elisha was number one i got me because when the story started it was your servant my husband is dead but by the time we get to the second question i'm your handmaid y'all missed it when the story started i didn't want nothing to do with you but now that i need something from you i'm ready to serve you she's saying somewhere between verse 1 and verse 2 her status changed because sometimes ladies and gentlemen god draws you closer to him by taking away who you close to i couldn't get no help right along there as long as her husband was there he was possibly an impediment from her having a relationship with god but now that he is gone she is now the handmaid can i ask you a question what does god got to take out of your life for you to get closer to him and declare him your master said the first thing i want to offer you is me i'm your handmaiden now but the second thing is this pot of oil what do you have in house got this pot of oil listen what she said i have nothing but this pot of oil i'ma try it again i have nothing but this pot of oil i'm gonna do it one more again for the people over there i have nothing but this pot of oil [Applause] she's saying i got nothing in something [Music] [Applause] at the same time because the something i got i see it is nothing [Applause] and the mistake you made lady is the something that you see that nothing is everything to god [Applause] the problem is you're looking at the pot of oil and not the oil in the pot god is looking at the oil in the pot you looking at the pot of oil ladies and gentlemen come here stop judging people by their exterior and the case they come in because you can't define anything by the package it's in it's all about what's on the inside you see it is nothing because you're saying you're in a little pot but i serve a god who can take nothing and do something with it and here is the theology of the text i've been running off at the mouth just to get to this one point here it is here it is pastor watley that oil that she said was nothing was the thing that god used to change her life weight y'all here is the theology of the text the theology of the texts is the pot of oil was in her house before the debt was okay slow back there the debt and the death is younger than the pot the pot was already in the house before the problem ever happened because the god i serve his solution is always older than the problem [Applause] which means church you don't need a miracle your miracle needs a need god has already worked out the issue he just waiting on the problem to happen because the miracle is already in your house [Applause] preach told morgan what it look like i'm doing talk to somebody and tell them god ain't got to work it out it's already worked out [Music] still don't believe me [Music] uh genesis chapter 3 adam and eve are getting ready to get evicted from eating and god says before you go genesis chapter 3 verse 21 i need to cover you text says cover them with skins that means some animal died that they may be covered but god didn't have to create the animal the animal was already in the garden before they sin uh genesis chapter 22 god tells uh abraham to take his son up on mount moriah [Music] and the crucifixion and text says take him up on one of the mountains uh abraham has no address he don't know which mountain it is but he finds out it's the mountain that the ram was caught on still missed it the ram was already caught in the thicket before abraham ever got up on the mountain because god had already met the need before the problem genesis chapter 42 uh the the boys are going into egypt to flee the famine and the good news is their brother joseph was already in office by the time they got into egypt because god had already met the need before the problem was exodus chapter 14 uh moses is standing in front of the red sea and god doesn't have to create a stick he says that same stick i gave you in chapter four that you already got stretch it out over the red sea and the sea will split god already met the knee before the problem happened exodus chapter 15 they get tomorrow and the waters are bitter he says break a branch off this tree throw it in the water the tree was already there before the waters before they got to the bitter waters okay y'all still acting funny first samuel chapter 17 davis got to stand before goliath and they trying to give him a sword and stone he said no i got this slingshot and some stones i already met the need before i had the problem y'all still acting funny before you were ever born to sin jesus died he was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world he had already died before you were born to sin okay y'all still acting funny anybody ever went to work broke [Applause] anybody ever went to work bro uh you went to work that day didn't know how you was going to eat and around lunchtime you stuck your hand in your pocket and it was a piece of money in the clothes that you put on that morning that money was already in your clothes the last time you had them close on but god let it stay there until you needed it [Applause] won't god provide won't he meet your need before you need it i'm trying to tell you the oil was already there but she wasn't ready for it because she saw it as nothing so what god had to do bro pastor god had to take her away from the oil on a journey to increase her capacity and bring her back to the same oil the oil was always there but her thinking towards the oil wasn't appropriate so god had to take her on a journey to expand her capacity to get her ready for the oil here's here's god's word for you ladies and gentlemen in 2019 this this is god's word for you god will put your miracle in layaway until you stop that stinking thinking and stop thinking small he'll hold it until you're ready because god will not give a vessel-sized miracle to a pot-sized mind touch your name and tell your neighbor you got to expand your thinking this year you thinking too small you thinking too little i've got some big things for you but you're thinking too small i've got some vessel-sized miracles but you got to stop that pot-sized thinking till you change your thinking first thing i need you to do i'm gonna change your thinking watch this this the joke of the text i need you to go to your neighbors and ask them to give you some empty vessels okay come here come in i need to change your thinking so the first thing i'm going to do is send you to your neighbor and tell your neighbor to give you some empty vessels come in look at the joke of the text she went to a man of clout and he sent her back to the people she bypassed [Applause] still slow right in that section right there it's your neighbor y'all so slow it's your neighbor it's the folk who are right next to you who know your stuff but you trying to be wonderful and go to somebody of clout when god got your blessing right next to you but you so busy thinking little just because they don't have a title and a tag and a position look at your name and tell your neighbor i might have your next job right here in my pocket i might have your next blessing in my possession don't discount me because i don't have a title god got your blessing through the least expected person and i'm gonna send you right back i'm gonna send you right back to the people you walk past cause what i'm trying to do is kill your pride [Music] y'all gotta see this and us us pastors and preachers will preach would appreciate this this a preacher's wife who don't want her neighbors to know she broke i didn't make that up y'all can imagine if that was us she been going to church with her hat on got her red bottoms on got her fur on and she always got this impression that she wants folks to think she the id ticket until she hit a season where she ain't got nothing she don't want to go to our neighbors sometimes god cares more about killing your pride that he does about what you think about yourself [Music] eliminate your pride go get empty vessels because i am ready to bless you if you are ready to start at the place of empty y'all can't read the bible don't go get full vessels go get empty vessels because you want to be filled and you can't be filled if you're already full [Applause] you've got to start at a place of empty what would our church be if we had more people to stop saying feel me and then say lord empty me [Music] what would this church be like if you got emptied of all of that mess you brought into this year what would this church be like if you ask lord lord into me of my attitude empty me of my anger into me of my lack of participation into me of my isolation and fill me with everything you want me to have so that god can fill us kill your pride you got them you got those empty vessels all right now employ privacy the door and don't invite anybody into your closed-door meeting watch this don't invite nobody into your closed door meeting but your future [Applause] [Music] i'm trying i'm trying but y'all working me hard tonight don't go bring your neighbors don't go bring your friends bring your sons just you and a closed door meeting with your future and have a shut in with your future okay okay read temple y'all ain't gonna appreciate this this just happened today this just happened today i'm sitting in the room i got crab cakes sit in the room chilling me and my crab cakes y'all pastor text me him say it doc i'm sorry i couldn't meet you for lunch today but i was in a meeting with the architects y'all still man i'm sorry i couldn't come to lunch with you today but i'm in a meeting with architects [Applause] amen i'm sorry i can't come hang out with you but i'm in a meeting with the future and i ain't got time to come play with you because i'm in a meeting with the future of reed temple and when i'm in a meet with the future of re temple i ain't got time to come have lunch with you in 2019 it's some people you're gonna have to turn down if you got a meeting with your [Music] future close the door and have a meeting with your future sit down and construct your future and god says if you get with me in private i'll reward you openly but don't expect me to bless you if you don't want to deal with me privately because there's some stuff that i want you to be shut because i need some other people associated with you to be shut out [Applause] you're behind closed doors i know y'all getting tired of me i'm about done you're behind closed doors you've eliminated your pride you've employed privacy now engage in pouring [Applause] okay this point is not for y'all who is like super rich i ain't talking to y'all she's already broke she is bereaving and broke she got debt and death and the one thing she got left god tells her to let that go to take those empty vessels and the little oil you got left pour it and the difference church between the pot of oil and the vessel of oil was the release of oil [Applause] okay patrick you don't want to get happy so let me tell you come here she kept pouring her sons would say mama that vessel is full she said go grab another one she kept pouring mama this vessel is full go grab another one she kept pouring mama that vessel was full go get another one she kept pouring mama this the last vessel we got but we never ran out of oil okay y'all missed it the oil was as full when she poured it as it was before she poured it cause the more you release out the more god comes and adds i don't know if y'all knew this but god is mathematically dyslexic god adds by subtracting and multiplies by dividing that the more you give out the more you'll receive i wish i had some tithers in here who testify that there is the givers who never go broke because god keeps his word that the more you give the more imma give to you this is my last point i'm this is it thank you all for your patience i know you don't know me i don't know you but i hope we know each other after today this is it i'm done this is it listen can y'all read the bible look at verse six verse six and seven this is it that's it eliza said she went back to the light and said i did what you told me to do i kept pouring kept pouring the oil never never ran dry i did what you told me i took the vessels full of oil and i sold them listen to what elisha said to her he said take the proceeds from the sales go pay your debt your children not going into slavery and live off of the rest you lady came to me so you can get a bill paid when what i was trying to do is get you to start a business you had little mindedness to take care of something little but i put you through a process that was gonna help you to start your own business so that you will never be in this place again ever in your life can i tell you something church when you do what god tells you to do eyes have not seen ears have not heard neither has it entered into the heart of man what god has in store for those who trust and obey him touch somebody and tell him do what he told you to do they didn't get happy tell somebody do what he told you to do now i happen to be a gospel preacher i'm unapologetically a gospel preacher and therefore i have to surface the christological connection that is tucked away in this passage here it is this the close of the sermon it's the last line i'm gonna tell you this story happened because a preacher died so that his wife and children can live off the oil this story happened because a preacher died so that his wife and children can live off the oil this story happened because a preacher died so that his wife and children can live off the oil one friday on calvary a preacher died so that his family could live off the oil that came 50 days later called the holy ghost anybody in here got the oil on your life grab your neighbor and tell them neighbor the oil is still running have i gained man safer witness in this police testify tonight that god still got your miracle right in your house have i got to win is he got to make up in your mind that even behind closed doors i'm going to obey him have i got a witness here put your arm around somebody i said put your arm around somebody and tell them neighbor the oil is still on me toss your neighbor neighbor the oil is still on me that when i obey god he lets the oil keep running over and over again in my house there has been a shortage but every time [Music] i look around he meets every need and i gotta win this here grab your neighbor by the hand and tell them leave i got a word for you god shall supply all of your need lord according to his riches in glory if he's met your need you ought to give him a praise i said if he met your need you want to give him a praise he kept you out of debt because he met your need he saved your soul and he met your need and since he's met your need divine says let the redeemed say so divine says let the redeemed of the lord say so if he healed you say so [Music] he did it [Applause] you
Channel: Inspiration Station
Views: 37,213
Rating: 4.8731217 out of 5
Keywords: tolan morgan, tolan morgan fellowship, tolan morgan baptist convention, national baptist convention, td jakes, serita jakes, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, cogic, steven furtick, michael todd, bishop noel jones, city of refuge la, frank e ray, jasper williams, timothy flemming, fellowship warner robins, john p kee, i made it out, jamal bryant, newbirth, kim burrell, potters house dallas, cogic shout, cogic praise break, holy convocation shout
Id: O78Am4b27Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 28sec (3148 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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