Pastor Tolan Morgan - I've Got A Plan!

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i'm trying to tell you that if it looks like god didn't do it god might have permitted it so it can lead to what god wants to do ultimately in your life ladies and gentlemen it's possible that you and i are stuck somewhere between the permissive will of god and the divine will of god you're somewhere on the pendulum between god's permissive will and god's divine will [Applause] [Music] i want to summon your senses and invite your intellect to the book of jeremiah the book of jeremiah chapter number 29 jeremiah chapter number 29 and it is there that the holy spirit has highlighted for us this context of scripture beginning with verse number one jeremiah chapter 29 verse number one your bible should read now these are the words of the letter that jeremiah the prophet sent from jerusalem unto the residue of the elders which were carried away captives and to the priests and to the prophets and to all the people whom nebuchadnezzar had carried away captive from jerusalem to babylon after that jeconiah of the king and the queen and the eunuchs and the princes of judah and jerusalem and the carpenters and the smiths were departed from jerusalem by the hand of elisa the son of shaphen and jemiah the son of helkiah whom zedekiah king of judah sent under babylon to nebuchadnezzar king of babylon saying thus says the lord of hosts the god of israel unto all that are carried away captives whom i have caused to be carried away from jerusalem unto babylon build you houses and dwell in them and plant gardens and eat the fruit thereof you take wives and beget sons and daughters and take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands that they may bear sons and daughters that you may be increased there and not diminished and seek the peace of the city where i have caused you to be carried away captives and pray unto the lord for it for in the peace thereof shall you have peace but thus says the lord of hosts the god of israel let not your prophets nor your giveners that be in the midst of you deceive you neither hearken to your dreams which you calls to be dreamed for they prophesy falsely unto you in my name i have not sent them says the lord for thus says the lord that after seventy years be accomplished at babylon i will visit you and perform my good word toward you in causing you to return to this place for i know the thoughts that i think toward you says the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end i want to tag this text i got a plan i want to attack this text i got a plan towards the turn of the 19th century photography was introduced to humanity the process of developing photographic films included this space and place called the dark room a photographer would take their film into a dark room so that they would be more sensitive to the light uh sensitive film that is on this particular type of paper there was certain equipment in the dark room to help embellish to help improve the quality of the photograph photographers then and even today even in this digital age some still choose to take their film into a dark room because even from its inception photography and films of photographic material gets developed in a dark place and ladies and gentlemen i want to tell you today that god at times chooses to permit us and subject us to dark times so that he can develop us and bring out a better quality so that the image of the lord jesus christ might shine through having gone through some dark times i'm already talking to somebody who testified that you are in dark times you have been in dark times and when you came out of those dark times somehow some way you didn't know going in that you would be that good coming out but god has a way of sitting you stationing you subjecting you to some dark times only to bring out some better qualities in your life some better features in your presentation some better aspect of your attitude some better gift that you have some better vision that you have that can only be developed through dark times such as the discipline discovered in the discourse of jeremiah chapter 29 in which this prophetic literature is one in the bible that according to the hebrew bible has this this is actually the longest book in the old testament by word count not by chapter count but by word count it has the most words and jeremiah had a lot to say because jeremiah ladies and gentlemen was struggling between his affinity to god and his assignment to god's people he's often referred as the weeping prophet prophecy to jeremiah was a very serious burden it was not likes camera and action it it it was not a profile on some type of media it was a burden for jeremiah to be the mouthpiece the press secretary of the lord and it was a challenge for him to be able to speak what the lord said given the circumstances to which his congregation his audience found themselves in god raised up jeremiah during dark times in the life of the people of israel he raised them up he raised him up during the time they found themselves in babylonian captivity and interestingly enough here in jeremiah chapter 29 he writes this letter that he actually dictated out of the mouth of god to be addressed to god's people and the letter was not great news all together this letter that jeremiah wrote to the people from god was an informative letter about how to handle a dark reality you are in captivity and you will be there for 70 years so since you are in captivity i am not the prophet that is going to come and give you some good news i'm the prophet that is going to come and give you some real news and the real news is you are not getting out before the 70 years expire so therefore go build a house go plant a garden go get married and go have some children and make the best of a bad situation preaching here told morgan i i i'm i'm not i'm not the prophet that wants to tell you what you want to hear i'm not the prophet that's coming to speak against god's will just because you need to hear some good news i'm the prophet that will come and tell you you're in it get settled you're going to be here a while so since you here go build you a crib go find your little girl and marry her have some children and sell in because we gonna be here a while jeremiah was that prophet ladies and gentlemen that did not care about tickling your fancy he he did not care about shouting you and making you excited he cared that when you really have to deal with god's will it is not absent of dealing with the reality and the reality ladies and gentlemen is you're going to be here for a while so go build your house go get your fine little sister and marry her have some children plant you a garden and make the best of a bad situation babylon ladies and gentlemen was not the choice place of residence for god's people it was not the circumstances by which god's people wanted to be in they were there against their own will do i have anybody in here this morning who look around at your own life and you're trying to live life against your own preference that's where you and i are today that's where you and i are we've been here month number four and since you in it go build a house go find your little fine sister and marry her go have some children because we're going to be here a while because you've got to learn how to make the best of a bad situation jeremiah is that prophet who comes and tells god's people settle in as a matter of fact he also says be at peace with the place where you're at be at peace with it stop stop resisting it stop fighting it settle in and be at peace with it if you want some peace from it be at peace with it if you want some peace from it because god is not going to get you out sooner than he wants to get you out but the good news is he says if you settle in and make the best of a bad situation i've already got an expected end waiting on you but in order to get there you're gonna have to accept where you are so you can progress to where i want you to be that's the story ladies and gentlemen i want to back up and share some things out this text that are pertinent to our walk with god and we'll all go get some chicken together uh somewhere in warner robins uh ladies and gentlemen can i tell you can i tell you ladies and gentlemen that there is a theological truth that you and i got to tackle before we dive into the depths of this text it is in verse number four this is god's letter to god's people through the prophet jeremiah and the first thing god says to the people is that this captivity you're in is not the devil's fault the text says in verse 4 he says that captivity that you're in i caused it lord having mercy today one of the things this uh pandemic has done and i i pray it will continue to do is to fix our theology because some of us only associate god with the good and we don't associate him with the bad but this text is clear to tell us that the babylonians invaded jerusalem in 586 bc not best because they wanted to they did it because god permitted it yeah yeah yeah that god permitted babylon he caused babylon to take his people captive now when we read the old testament historically we discovered that the one reason why israel went into captivity was because of their immorality and their idolatry but when we read jeremiah 29 their idolatry and their immorality were secondary causes for their captivity the primary cause y'all is god permitted it to be so so so so we've got to unhash this theologica theologically because we learn at the onset of this little context that things that happen that are bad are not outside of god's auspices they are not outside of god's authority they are not outside of god's control they are not outside of god's permission they are within it and it teaches us something ladies and gentlemen one of the things that we got to shout about at the onset of this text is that when we read verse 4 he says i caused your captivity but by the time we get to verse 11 he says i'm coming to visit you to perform my good word cause i know the thoughts i think towards you and i've got an expected end you don't know how to get happy cause you still at the crib so let me help you shout at home in when this thing started it says god got a minute but by the time we get to verse 11 he says i'm the one that's going to come and get you out of it so here's what we got to resolve theologically ladies and gentlemen the permissive will of god often initiates the divine will of god god permits certain things to happen so that it will lead to what he wants to happen okay all right joseph is interrupting my sermon because he wants me to tell you that he had a dream in genesis chapter 37 he got uh got got arrested for false accusations of rape after the dream his brothers sold him into slavery only for him to get to the house of authority in egypt and become second in command you still sleep the permissive will of god permitted him to be thrown in jail for false charges of rape and to be submitted to slavery only to lead to the divine will of god that he would become second in command over egypt david chimes in in my sermon he wants me to tell you that after the oil ran on his life in first samuel chapter 16 he is anointed as israel's first god selected king and then after that he has to be a fugitive on the run from saul who is trying to kill him only to discover that the whole time god was formulating his cabinet and formulating his army that by the time we get to second samuel chapter three and four he and five he is now the israel's king it was god's permissive will that he would be a fugitive on the run only to lead to process his whole cabinet so that by the time he got to office in god's divine will his whole cabinet is worked out lazarus chimes in in my sermon in john chapter 11 and john lazarus said they told jesus i got sick and jesus decided that he would delay coming while i was sick he decided he gonna stay where he at so i could just go head on and die that was god's permissive will only for jesus to show up a couple of days later at lazarus graveside and said show me where you lay him jesus stopped by lazarus gravesite cleared his throat called lazarus name and said come for lazarus came forth because the permissive will of god led to the divine will of god jesus decide he'd chime in on my sermon and decide to tell me for y'all that that on that friday i was lynched when they charged me to be innocent but three days later i got up out the grave with all power in my hand the divine the permissive will of god allowed me to be falsely accused but three days later the divine will of god was able to get me up after being dead for three days i'm trying to tell you that if it looks like god didn't do it god might have permitted it so it can lead to what god wants to do ultimately in your life ladies and gentlemen it's possible that you and i are stuck somewhere between the permissive will of god and the divine will of god you're somewhere on the pendulum between god's permissive will and god's divine will but here's the good news whether it's permissive of divine i'm still in god's will and the safest place in the whole wide world is to be in the will of god even if it's bad it's still in god's will it is his permissive will that is permitting certain things to happen so that his divine will can be perfected he says i caused your your captivity this was not the devil's work no no no no no stop giving so much credit to somebody you don't even like stop giving so much credit to somebody you don't even worship this was god's will this pandemic was not god's doing but it was god's will let me say it again so you can get it right this pandemic was not god's doing but it was god's will he permitted it so because in the end he's going to get the glory and the whole world gonna see his face and his hand all over this planet that's where we find ourselves here in jeremiah chapter 29 that the people of god are singed between god's permissive will and god's divine will he says i did it don't don't don't look at the enemy i did this i got you in this captivity and since you're here build a house go find your little fine sister in maryland go have some kids and plant a garden because you're going to be here for 70 i know y'all don't like this text my soul is happy already get in here and get settled because i got you here for a reason do you care to know the reasons here's reason number one he says i got you in this place so that you can re-prioritize family lord have mercy today i got you in this place and the first thing god told him is go build a house go plant a garden go get your little fine sister marry her and have some kids ladies and gentlemen i need to pitch my tent here because the first thing god wants to tell us in this passage is that you have been on lockdown you too busy for your family and i need to shut you down so you can pay more attention to the people in your house and not the people in somebody else's house preach stolen margin i'm trying to tell you that the reason why i shut you down is so that you can reprioritize family uh uh it's it's a it's a it's an interesting thing ladies and gentlemen that god would tell them to go build a house to go plant a garden and to go get a wife and to go and to go have some children what is he really doing what is god really doing um ladies and gentlemen if you look at those four specific directors there are four of them uh it's it's built a house it's plant a garden it's uh is go get a wife and go have some children there are four specific directives uh the first thing he wants us to be clear about first thing he wants us to be clear about is that building planting and having children all have to do with growth and fertility [Applause] i said building planting and having children all have to do with growth and fertility ladies and gentlemen he says i got you in this captivity so that you can learn how to grow under limitations cause ladies and gentlemen you can't grow running all over the place ask a plant a plant will tell you that if you really want to grow you got to be stationary you got to be settled and you got to be willing to stay still for a while so you can grow in the right place he says first thing you need to do you too busy to grow cause you too busy in everybody else's business too busy in everybody else's life too busy in everybody else's agenda which is why your business can't get off the ground which is why your vision can't get off the ground so let me settle you down let me help you out cause you too busy doing other stuff and most of it you doing you don't have any business doing okay let me let me let me preach to the real people since the fake people don't want to talk to me ladies and gentlemen sometimes god has to shut you down because you're too busy sinning and when you're too busy sinning you can't pay attention to what's most important in your life so let me settle you down so you can refocus on family and get out of somebody else's family preach soul and morgan sometimes god has to lock you down so that you can pay attention to your own family uh he says uh he said build a house he he says uh go get your little girl and marry her and uh have some children and plant a garden uh ladies and gentlemen um my nerves bad right along here cause um there's something sneaky and suspicious not just about the objectives that he gave but the order in which he gave him y'all missed it i'm gonna try it one more time there's something sneaky marv about the order that he gave these directors he says uh plant a garden build a house go get married and have some children uh i have to shut you down because i'm trying to put you back in a place where you started did y'all notice that jeremiah's directives to the people are the exact same directives god gave to adam lord have mercy he told adam hey adam genesis chapter 2 verse 8 verse 15. go plant a garden hey adam genesis chapter 2 verse 23-25 go find your wife he found eve he put his name on eve and said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh genesis chapter 4 they had children cain and abel y'all miss it so i'll try it again the exact same order that god gave to jeremiah to give the people in jeremiah 29 is the exact same order that adam walked in between genesis two and four i'll try one more time the exact order that jeremiah gave the people in jeremiah 29 is the exact same order that god gave adam in genesis chapter 2 verses genesis chapter 2 verses 2 through genesis chapter 4 which means ladies and gentlemen sometimes god has to lock you down because he's trying to put you back in alignment with his original will that he meant for your life because you are all over the place and so now i got to put you back which means y'all sometimes captivity is not a punishment it's a new beginning preach pastor sometimes captivity is not trying to kill you it's trying to start you all over again so that you go back and do it right what you messed up the first time god's trying to get you back in order god's trying to give you a new beginning even if he got to put you in captivity to do it god help me preach it in here somebody in here just got the major revelation of your life because in these four months god done started your life all over again you had to stay home and since you had to stay home you had to pay attention to a spouse you don't even like you had to stay home and since you had to stay home you had to go tend the children that you was trying not to tend to now you got to pay attention to your children because what god was doing he was not putting you in punishment he was starting your life all over again because what you doing now you should have been doing already but you weren't doing it so god had to lock you down and start you over because it's not punishment it's a new beginning he's trying to put him back to where he started them to be he's trying to put him back to where he started him to be i'm trying to get you in the place where you should have already been doing what you're doing now ladies and gentlemen he's got them in captivity because the one thing i'm trying to do is fix your family god help us to remind in this season what matters most god help us to be reminded in this season that your work is not your first priority your family is your first priority somebody else's property somebody else's vision somebody else's business is not your first priority everybody in your house is your first priority and when you get things right in alignment with god god will fix everything else but sometimes he had to shut you down he got to put you in captivity so that you can be reminded of what matters most he said i've got to put you here so that i can re-prioritize family he said no they ain't the only reason why i got you on lockdown he said the other reason why i got you on lockdown is so that you can reappropriate your faith catch this church uh i've been talking just to get to this point so y'all you know y'all uh do something with your nerves while i'm talking here it is uh uh i've been talking just get to this point uh here it is y'all he said now listen you're going to be here for 70 years and you're not getting out before 70 years so if your little preacher come or a prophet comes and tell you you're going to be delivered don't believe him i didn't make that up it's right there in the text he says if your prophets or your difference come who claim they got a word from the lord that you're going to be delivered in a certain day on a certain time on a certain schedule don't listen to them cause i did not send them ladies and gentlemen god got you on lockdown because he's trying to fix your faith so that you were not so that you would stop using your desperation as a means to activate your faith and stop opening your spirit up to everybody who calls themself a prophet the text says if they come in my name and say you getting out anytime soon tell them uh-uh don't listen to them i didn't call them i didn't send them cause you're so busy watch this church you so busy wanting a deliverance word that you ain't settled in a development word preach totally morgan god got you in this mess because he's trying to develop you before he delivers you and god help us from this deliverance-driven theology that god always going to bring you out god is a deliverer but sometimes god wants your tail in because he don't want you to come out the same way you went in so he needs you in a dark room to fix the quality of your heart and your life he said if they come if they come i didn't send them and ladies and gentlemen here's god's word for you god sent me here to tell you uh i'm gonna point my finger at this camera i'm going to tell you something god sent me to tell you that you are not allowed to be desperate so much that you open up your spirit to every good thing you hear from these pulpits and from these prophets i'm pointing my finger in your face sometimes god wants you in it so he can make better use of you and he'll bring you out when he wanna bring you out listen ladies and gentlemen i got some news for you god's gonna bring us out of this but god ain't telling nobody when he gonna do it he ain't telling nobody how he gonna do it he ain't telling nobody how he gonna bring you out you just got to learn how to walk by faith and not by sight you got to learn how to trust in the lord with all of your heart i felt that and lean not to your own understanding you got to learn how to trust god and stop putting your trust in people you've got to learn how to walk by faith and listen for god when god decides to move if they come and say i said they are lying i did not send them i only listen god was so serious here's the joke of the text y'all calvin here's the joke of the text god was so serious about this he told a prophet to tell the people not to listen to prophets y'all gonna get this in a minute he told the prophet jeremiah to tell the people not to listen to your prophets because i'm not giving you an early reprieve i'm not giving you an early appeal i'm not letting you out on good behavior i got you in this and the 70 years are going to be fulfilled until i'm ready to bring you out in the meantime you better make the best of a bad situation because this situation is not just about your deliverance it's about your development you cannot allow being desperate to open up your spirit to anything and anybody okay y'all ain't gonna testify so i'll testify for you when you're desperate you're vulnerable when you're desperate you don't think logically so you end up doing stuff you're gonna regret when you're desperate you don't have your wisdom mind on so you just open to anything and anything that sounds good it's a lot of stuff that sounds good but it ain't god i'm preaching in here to myself it's a lot of stuff that sounds good but it ain't god and sometimes god got you on lockdown so he can hone your discernment so he can hone your spirituality to know just cause he's got a robe and a cross and got a title around the name and got a robe on and got a camera and a mic does not mean it's all from god ladies and gentlemen can i tell you something about your pastor i am not your god i'm just an ordinary man with an extraordinary assignment that has to wrestle with sin and life just like you and the only thing that makes sense to me is that you can't always listen to what i say in my own mind you got to listen to what the word of god says as i present the word of god the grass withers the flower was saved but the word of the lord shall stand forever and in this season i'm teaching you how to hear the word and not just hear people because just cause they sound good just cause it's what you want to hear at the time you want to hear it doesn't mean it's from god god says settle in see i know you're upset cause you waiting on a deliverance you ain't know when god gonna bring me out yeah god gonna bring you out but god ain't telling you when you don't know why because he's in the season of developing you right now this season ain't about your deliverance preach toll in morgan thank you holy ghost this season is about your development because the next season that's coming you got to be ready for that season and he getting you ready for that season in this season he's honing you for that season in this season it's 70 years y'all it's 70 years do you know what's gonna happen in 70 years can i tell you the reality here's what's gonna happen in 70 years some people gonna live some people gonna die it's 70 years life span is now being shortened by this time of the bible and some people are gonna make it out of this captivity others are going to die in this captivity watch this but then there are others church who have the assignment of giving birth to what's going to be significant in the next season you missed it he said get your wife and have some children your assignment may not be to make it to the next season your assignment is to give birth to what's going to live in the next season preach soul and morgan and you got to be clear on what your assignment is but the the bible says your assignment now is not just to worry about being delivered your assignment is to worry about how you're going to settle in and accept god's will and make the best of a bad situation i'm done thank you all for listening to this little speech today my soul is happy in here today because i tell you this whole situation for the last four months is making more and more sense to me as god continues to reveal his word because the first thing i called you too is to reprioritize family in this season the second thing god calls you too is to reappropriate your faith and stop trying to fall for everything that says it's from god ladies and gentlemen you got to be careful everything that's a prophet that's not is not a prophet some prophets are real prophets some are not but a real prophet doesn't just give good news lord have mercy today a real prophet shows up in a crisis and gives you both reality and revelation jeremiah is the real prophet who gives both revelation and reality and he says hey man i'm not god ain't getting you out right now so settle in there are those among us who are not prophets but predators who prey on the desperate to bring glory to their name and increase to their pockets did i say that loud enough let me try one more time there are those who are predators who prey on desperation just to bring glory to their name and increase to their pockets he says if you're in in a desperate situation i need you to hone your spirituality and your discernment to understand that you got to try the spirit by the spirit to see it since of god because god's word will not be changed just because a prophet said so my word is 70 years and that's that can you post somebody and tell them now listen that's that he said we're gonna be in it now that's that you better get settled and settle in now that's that god got his day he got his time he got his hour when he gonna bring us out but until then make the best of a bad situation here it is y'all i'm done i i i i we we're in this so our families can be prioritized and our faith can be appropriated but we're also in it ladies and gentlemen because god is setting up yourself to be the reason for our fulfillment i'll try one more time god is the master plotter he's the he is what robbie zacharias called the grand weaver that god doesn't just provide the problem provide the solution he orchestrates the problem and when he orchestrates the problem it's in connection to how he gonna bring you out here it is he says i got you in captivity and i'm gonna visit you after 70 years and perform my good word to you i know the thoughts i think toward you saith the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil that's good news right there he says what you in i'm really not trying to kill you i'm just trying to get you ready for the next season i'm getting you ready for the expected end but what's the real goal of this hey god why did you con contrive all this why did you plan all this if this was the plan why couldn't you just get me to the end why you had to put me through all this captivity because i needed to put you in a dark room and when i put you in the dark room i'm bringing out all the good qualities out of you but secondly i had to put you in this because the real goal is not the expected end ladies and gentlemen if you got a real bible you will discover that god never disclosed what the end was going to be he just said i got an end for you i got an expectation hey god what's that i'm not telling you the reason why i'm not telling you is because i don't want you to want the end without warning me so i'm going to keep the end a secret and only disclose me to you because the whole point of why you in this in the first place is because you left me for another god and in order to get you back to me i've got to put you in a situation where the only thing you know is me so if i wet your appetite for an expected end you're gonna be on me every day you're gonna call me every day you're gonna be praying to me every day you're gonna be at church you're gonna be on all kinds of zoom calls you're going to be on all kind of prayer crawls you ain't prayed this much in your whole life but now you're always talking to god because you're waiting on god to do something and god understands that those of us who are infected with sin often times need a problem in order to act right here's the point ladies and gentlemen god got you in captivity and god got you on lockdown so that you can get right in captivity what you got wrong in liberty i gotta rewind in my mind god got you in captivity so that you can get right in captivity what you got wrong in liberty i got it one more time just because my wife said so god got you in captivity so that you can get right in captivity what you got wrong in liberty that's the whole point of this lesson ladies and gentlemen so here's the question if you got the revelation of this word today what's taking you so long to get it right if you got the revelation of this word today you don't fight god's will in this season but you make sure that whenever god shows up to bring the liberty i got it right in captivity i finally found out what god is trying to do he's really not trying to get me to the expected end he's really trying to get me back to him so when i get back to him i got a good chance of making it to the expected end whatever that expected end is this all we know it's better than what we're in right now that's all we know can you can you post that to somebody and tell them neighbor the expected end is better than what i mean right now no they didn't hear you tell somebody else i need you to tell about five people the expected end though i don't know what it is is better than what i mean right now have i got to win this here well let's try this one more time if you don't mind i need you to post and tell somebody that if you hang in there god you got a plan to bring you out have i getting myself and so your assignment is it's tucked away in isaiah chapter 40. pay that weight upon the lord they shall walk and not be willing they shall run and not faint when i say on the lord because god got a plan have i gotta win this here it doesn't matter what you're in right now the reason why you're gonna make it is because he got an expectation can i tell y'all what that means it means if he's got an expected end you're not going to die right now y'all slept it means if god got unexpected expectation you're not going to die right now you got to make it till the end would you post and tell somebody i got to make it till the end i'm not exactly sure what that is but all i know is that i walk by faith and not by sight i don't exactly know what that is but it's got to be better than what i'm in right now and the good news is the gun i serve has already got a plan here is the plan for our light affliction is but for a moment but it works for us of our greater weight of glory that's gonna be on the end that's somebody neighbor we are often tossed and driven lord on this restless sea of time some of the skies and howling tempest of succeeds of bright sunshine but in that lane [Music] a perfect day when the because i see myself out of this situation because god got a plan i know the thoughts that i think toward you serve the lord and they are thoughts of peace and not of evil they are flocks to bring you to an expected end and therefore i'm holding you together till i get you to the expected end y'all slept on that the word of the lord for you he is stay where you are build plant marry because i'm holding you together until i get you to where i want you to be that's what he did for jesus one friday he was holding him together because he had a plan to get him to where he wanted to be three days later he rose lord have mercy with all power in his hands and if you believe that heroes you want to be able to rise [Music] i need somebody at the house to get up out of your seat and give god praise that he got a plan to bring it back together your family has been fixed your faith has been fixed your mind has been fixed and if you fix it in this season you don't birth the business in this season we don't have to make everything perfect but the god i said knows how to bring it together would y'all help me close it and tell your neighbor neighbor here's what i hear in the spirit for we know that all things work together for the good of them that love the lord now if you believe god got a plan open your mouth in your home [Music] [Music] god a plan if god got a plan you ought to have a praise not let everything i said let everything that's god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] of the lord is [Music] [Music] there's a freedom in the place [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so just take a minute to just feel the joy of the lord if the tears run if the dance comes if the language changes receive the challenge [Music] [Music] for my life the joy of the lord is your strength [Music] come on give him praise everybody [Music] let your neighborhood nothing next [Music] see when you got real joy you don't even need nobody around it starts running up in your spirit [Music] [Music] we bless you jesus we bless you jesus glory glory glory glory what a mighty god we serve the joy of the lord is our strength the power of god is your energy you thank god right now god got an expected end for me i need you to post that when you post that on everything youtube facebook roku apple tv tell the enemy tell the world god got a plan for me [Music] tell he's got an expected end for me [Music] hallelujah hallelujah
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 21,860
Rating: 4.9034853 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Tolan Morgan, I've Got A Plan, Pastor Tolan Morgan I've Got A Plan, Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan 2020, Tolan Morgan Preaching, Dr. Tolan Morgan, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Warner Robins GA, FBBC, Black Preachers, Black Pastors
Id: eiQs1wFvkqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 20sec (3800 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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