I didn’t choose the game..the game chose me - Pastor Jamal-Harrison Bryant - New Birth Live

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right now Sakura Basia healing is in the place right now so Ahmedabad area so toribash i renew ramen real deliveries right now Jesus Oh Rama nama cetera Shekar Abajo Rose Autorama Dario Satya risotto ramen an asset a demonstration of your Holy Spirit Solomon REO saya a demonstration of the power god Amun RA also Arabic or an animal see no no sorry no mana RINO Kurama Rossy a touch right now hubba-hubba Kurama nama saya let us experience you in a new way of God let us experience you in a new way oh God let us experience you in a new way oh God a demonstration of your power a demonstration of your goodness a demonstration of your power a demonstration of your goodness a demonstration of your favor a demonstration of healing Oh God fresh fire Paul haha fresh fire Paul is so fresh fire power moving the place like never before her moving the place like never before Shekinah glory it is so cold I must say we call upon your glory about Sunday they dare say we need courage Satori ba ba ba ha ha we can't do nothing without a god ha ha ha ha ball pressure right now ha ha ha fall fresh right now ha ha we need Sagada so we lift our voices to your God and we cry out so yeah we want to see in a new way uh ha ha we want a holy visitation ah ha ha ha we want a holy visitation AHA to it now ha ha ha to inalca harder for your holy God we ask for your presence God we receive your power hahaha we receive your power with open hearts with watch stretched arms we receive let your glory fall this satire let your glory let your glory Borisovich old I might say he's here st. Sophia Malfoy about an LLC ah if you expect something tonight just open up your mouth and say ibaka Nilsa already she of a higher real support Amasya huh Oh your holy God your holy God nobody is like ha ha ha no one compares to you we thank you for your love for higher we thank you for your lover ha ha we thank you for your love and we expect you to move in this place huh we expect the demonstration of your power we expect a demonstration of your goodness we expect a demonstration of your Holy Ghost uh now God pour this in the name of Jesus we ask them pray aha let every man and woman say amen amen it amen come on his Gloria's already in the room so let's give him a great face hallelujah we won't his glory to fill the room somebody shout fill the house come on shout of the games they fill the house we run a demonstration tonight of his glory is awesomeness yes Lord yes God we worship you tonight thank you Lord hallelujah we want to experience your glory tonight Lord thank you for being with us tonight [Music] hallelujah simple song to play the test says that the glory of the Lord rise among us that the glory of the Lord prize among us that the praises of mighty rise among us let the glory of the Lord prize among us the glory among us [Music] yes yes [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] someone [Music] [Music] we want to see the glory tonight we want to see the glory tonight yes [Music] here's a wonderful area and summer plans them [Music] [Music] the world [Music] yes we welcome your holy spirit in this room so we lift up our hands to worship you in spirit and in truth and we lift up our hands as a sign of surrendering everything to hell that's how bad I want to be in your presence we want to feel your glory tonight Holy Spirit you are welcome to come in the room yes come on lift your hands with me right here there's nothing worth more that could ever come close nothing can be compared [Music] it's your presence [Music] worship the sweetest my heart becomes free and my shame is [Music] everybody Holy Spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we can talk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come flood this place [Music] [Music] given Thanksgiving give him honor give him a jewel ation would you lift up that hand softly Mitchell's all over the room lift that hand now even those of you who are watching online lift up that hand I heard the Holy Spirit say to me this evening what I want you to pray is that hand is lifted would you just declare out loud spirit Holy Spirit don't let me settle you are only supposed to have you're only supposed to have God's best for your life anything that does not mirror that does not line up with God's will for what he intends for you to have lift that hand come on les prayer together getting Holy Spirit don't let me settle if it's second-best it's not your best if you believe it give God glory even now before you take your seats would you just embrace three people before you take your seats and tell them don't settle whatever you do don't settle halle-loo halle-loo you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I get joy when I think about what he's done for me I didn't have to let me live but he did and for that we give God glory if you have your Bibles let's go or straight into the Word of God I'm appreciative and don't take lightly in your sacrifice of time in order to be in this place 1st Corinthians chapter 2 1st Corinthians chapter 2 we welcome those of you who are worshiping with us in our cyber sanctuary this is the conclusion of our series on the Holy Spirit I pray that the last couple of weeks have been beneficial in a blessing to all of you anybody felt enriched because of our encounter in the Word of God but now you won't be acutely aware that we begin our global impact crusade on Sunday through Tuesday I ask that you will please come and I want you to bring 19 people with you amen but bring as many people as you possibly can our guest is coming all the way from London England you can come all the way from Alpharetta and Duluth and wherever else it is that you might live it is still a shorter commute than from London amen so as that you will please come and share with us we begin Sunday morning Monday and Tuesday first Corinthians 2 verse number 4 first Corinthians 2 verse 4 I want all of us actually to read this together my message come on everybody my message and my preaching come on would you read it again I needed to marinate right in your spirit my message and my preaching amen uh uh I want to talk tonight on I didn't choose the game the game tells me my message and my preaching they didn't have nice and persuasive words it was only effective because of the demonstration of the power of Holy Spirit how many of you want the Holy Spirit to be active in your life how many of you want evidence of the Holy Spirit how many of you want to see the Holy Spirit manifest in new birth Oh y'all on sale let me try to get I'll say how many of you want the Holy Spirit to manifest in new birth let me try it another way how many of you want to see the Holy Spirit active in your family he lifted up a hand would you lift up both hands I want you right where it is that where it is that you sit no matter where it is that you're viewing would you just take 30 seconds and give the Holy Spirit permission to have authority in every area of your life everything that you taught you everything you experience everything that you encounter will leave the DNA thumbnail print of the Holy Spirit and we give God glory give me a moment before speaking to the general body I want to speak to the elders and students in MIT most of my preaching is will come either from the Old Testament or from the synoptic Gospels because most of my preaching style requires a narrative very rarely will I preach from the epistles and the epistles basically in preaching is built on a principle and not on a personality or somebody's story but in dealing with this last night of the encounter I am arrested you know where I wouldn't ordinarily go in a preaching context to really do an autopsy on Corinthians and Paul's first letter to the Corinthians encompassing the larger body but I'm gonna bob-and-weave and giving messaging to our in-house ministers and you are part of the larger community of newburgh one of the things that you'll know about X I told you that X is an abbreviation for acts of the Holy Spirit or acts of the Holy Ghost depending on what commentator or interpreter that you follow but in Paul's letter to the Corinthians most people look at all of the action or the activity of the Holy Spirit is an X and really don't attribute enough credit to the Holy Spirit at work in Corinthians I want to charge and challenge you between now and our crusade that you will commit yourself to reading first Corinthians chapter 2 between now and Sunday that's your homework to read first Corinthians chapter 2 it is amazing because first Corinthians chapter 2 really gives us an overview of the inner working of the Holy Spirit and when you see the Holy Spirit working in Corinthians it's gonna blow your mind nobody is slain in the spirit first Corinthians it's amazing you won't find a prayer line first Corinthians you won't even find evidence or two speaking in tongues and yet 1st Corinthians chapter 2 shows us a crystal-clear HD portrait of the Holy Spirit at work I want you to come with me in the text and I want to expose him to you that the Holy Spirit works and how the Holy Spirit works might be a little bit different than your preconceived notion about the working of the Holy Spirit Paul is saying in 1st Corinthians we read together 1st Corinthians 2 verse number 4 I want you to climb back up and I want you to get first Corinthians 2 verse number 3 first Corinthians 2 verse number 3 now while you're climbing all the way back up one verse it's gonna take you a moment to get it I need you to see something in 1st Corinthians 2 verse number 4 here's what Paul says a mighty elders don't miss it Paul says my message and my preaching they're not wise they're not persuasive words it is the demonstration of the spirits or the Holy Spirit's power Paul is acknowledging I am absent of charisma Paul is saying in no uncertain terms that I am not articulate he is saying that in my natural I am not even a persuasive speaker I can't do a TED talk I don't like speaking in front of people he acknowledges what makes me powerful is not the words that I say but the demonstration of the holy spirit I wonder how many of us tonight I want to make that axiom come alive that our actions speak louder than our words and our actions of what we speak demonstrate or communicate about the power of God in first Corinthians by now you should have climbed up and got verse number three I know you were stuck in verse four come on let's go see what he says in verse number three he says I was with you in weakness and in fear and in trembling yeah I was with you in those moments I hope you can grasp this that you don't seem anointed the presence of God is with you here's this when it is not obvious when there's not evident to other people they don't know how the Holy Spirit works in you because they think for you to have the evidence of the Holy Spirit you are always encapsulating Authority No the Holy Spirit says I am with you in the moment you feel the most vulnerable I am with you in the hour that you feel inadequate and insufficient the Holy Spirit is its strongest when you were in your weakest moment so the question we got to ask of the text because this is Bible study is where is the demonstration of the Spirit in the Paul's life since Paul is acknowledging that he's weak he's vulnerable and he is inarticulate and done well doesn't do well in crowds does that mirror somebody else's testimony yeah how Paul declared in essence my life just give me to miss somebody up the evidence of the Holy Spirit in me is my life is a demonstration of what the Lord can do God takes a person with no charisma no commanding voice who has a lot of frailties vulnerability and brokenness and thin has the nerve to do something powerful in them and will they operate in something that is not their natural gifting I then step back put them on the stage for them to acknowledge this was not me that did it it had to have been the power of the Holy Spirit so when Paul is expressing this he's not saying it out of pride Paul is saying simply I know where my source comes from he knows that he battles and struggles with a myriad of issues and the only thing that keeps helping him cross the finish finish line is the undeniable presence of the Holy Ghost Paul explains in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 I didn't come to you with a strategy that men would recognize so for me to operate in this level of power is not because I went to Beulah or ITC or Emory but because I have lived openly a broken life and God has used my brokenness as the stage from what he needs to demonstrate the Holy Spirit at work so the only time I can tell that you have the Holy Ghost is in church that ain't the Holy Ghost I shut the book up and got the evidence of the Holy Ghost is that I have lived through some stuff that otherwise would bring me shame regret and embarrassment but I boast proudly that I came through it not by might not by power but by his spirit now if you say you want the Holy Ghost as you claim you cannot claim to want the Holy Ghost and not be prepared to be exposed the Holy Ghost blocks you from a private life y'all didn't hear what I just said I said the Holy Ghost blocked you on a private life wish stuff about you gets out and you don't know how we got out but God said I had to use you for my runway model to show people what the Holy Ghost is able to do and I can demonstrate that not to clapping not to dance and not to shouting but going through a season where I was crying and heaving and broken and one day I shook it off and said for God Paul said I came in the simple mind of God and I spoke a simple direct message and when I spoke it it went straight to the heart when I taught on marriage Paul said it moved you when I spoke about giving and moved you when I talked about being shipwrecked it moved you but I could only do it not quoting books I read but chapters of my life I recited you have to look around and even if you're looking around in this church you have no idea how many people are stifling the Holy Spirit simply because they distance themselves from their test the moment they do not give an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to be exposed because they act like it did not happen oh yeah y'all not saying nothin to me I act like they have no level of brokenness for the Holy Spirit to be able to expose himself and the power of what he's able to do now for me to be able to stand up and say to you today on live streaming internet that I went to Morehouse and went to do that's fine that's nice studied at Oxford graduated from graduate theological foundation oh that's nice the Holy Spirit don't come in until you add on that failed the 11th grade got kicked out of high school got a GED y'all ain't saying nothin to me went to Morehouse on probation you got to scratch your head and say how did that happen it's that that you say it's the Holy Ghost so now it's uh one thing I and so many people who had behind the pulpit I think that this is just a lectern for you to just articulate all of your success and not talk about your failure and if you don't talk about your failure again all you're doing is regurgitating what you've read what you've studied what you memorize but not what you have lived so God has to remind you that the pulpit is for folk that been pulled out of a pit [Music] oh yeah and so it's a real real model is what God can bring you through that you use as your exhibit a right ya cyan't get up on Father's Day and get up on Father's Day as a divorce pastor and my my message on Father's Day is not my preparation of Morehouse Duke and Oxford my message on Father's Day is only the Holy Spirit can help you effectively co-parent with a woman you divorce from yelling saying that that you can mess up a marriage but your life can be so strong after the divorce only five of y'all can shout that your ex can still hear you preach that's that's Holy Ghost oh yeah y'all ain't had no bad breakups you can't even talk to them I'm saying when the Holy Ghost works in your life stuff that other folk don't understand only the Holy Spirit can intervene and say I can still use you and we use too much philosophy anthropology data and theology without any practical application of where does the Holy Spirit work go to 1st Corinthians chapter 4 1st Corinthians chapter 4 and I want you to look at verse number 9 first corinthians chapter 4 verse number 9 I noticed this whole old school if you got a highlight or pull it out those of you there looking at it on your phone on your laptop just press it hard and then it'll highlight on itself first Corinthians chapter 4 verse number 9 I've never in all of my years in church all my years in seminary all of my years here in preaching have never heard this articulated out loud first Corinthians 4 verse 9 we are made spectacles unto the world and he will make you a spectacle in front of angels and he will make you a spectacle in front of other men the Greek word for spectacle is theater would you write that down Greek word for spectacle is theater and God will make you hear it is a theater in front of the whole world you are going through stuff for the entertainment of angels men women are watching your life to see how you are going to perform Joran got quiet the translation is God is gonna turn your life into a theater he puts you on a stage and the audience is the entire worlds alright so a little background as a side note my doctoral dissertation is on the theology of William Shakespeare so what I did my my doctorate dissertation on is the theology of William Shakespeare to that I would have you to know is that William Shakespeare went to seminary went to seminary and dropped out of seminary his second year dropped out of seminary the second year because God told him in a vision he can meet more people through the arts than through a sanctuary so all of his plays are interwoven with biblical truths and scriptural underpinning and so when William Shakespeare first started out in theater he began what we don't even use anymore a rotating stage so the rotating stage operated almost like this inner cavern right here in the sanctuary and so what would happen is those who are on the stage are acting in their sing and the people behind the stage are turning the wheel they're turning the wheel so they're giving their words and the stage is turning stage is turning and the people who are on singing - at the other end of the circle and they just start talking as scene one is coming off all right you have the visual in your head all right so what God is saying is you don't even know that while you are in church worshipping I'm turning the circle all right I'm turning the circle watch this which means I am changing the scene without you moving god help me your whole life is a theatre so people are only used to seeing you in one thing but they don't even know that while I am - praying wow I am worshipping while I am declaring God is changing the scene so who haven't seen me in a while don't know the scene has changed now let me tell you why you're the shout the genius of William Shakespeare is that you can change the scene without ever closing the curtain got about God help me in here you got get to a place where God says I will change everything that you looking at without stuff going dark I will shift everything that you are connected to and forgot no idea even if you don't clap God got somebody else that is prepared to appreciate my sing some feel with all the spirit I can put on stage each watch this because God wants to make the world watch this is heavy stuff every stuff do you know that God then to make the Holy Spirit work in you sometimes has to allow you to stay in a sing-along enough to build the crowd enough people are not watching you suffer yet you've been praying the prayers that are antithetical to the movement of the Holy Spirit you've been praying Lord removes all my enemies it's wrong trail when you got the Holy Spirit you gotta begin praying Lord give my enemies a front-row seat cuz I want them to see how I'm gonna come out of this Oh y'all ain't saying nothin to me I I need God to let my enemies live long enough for them to know I survived without them I need them to know I made it without compromise your life is a theater for the Holy Spirit look at tongue chapter 4 verse number 10 I'm still in 1st Corinthians we are fools for Christ's do you see that in your Bob yeah all along you you thought you were a serious actor God says I am putting you in a role that when you have finished the production you're gonna laugh at the skid I'm gonna feel like a fool when it's over that I ever doubted him Oh y'all ain't saying nothing so many of us we experienced the breakthrough and then we distance ourselves from the agony I want you to get so engulfed on the last time you were stressed over something that now don't matter what kind of fool are you to believe that God is not gonna provide a breakthrough when he's already proven he's done it three of the times before hallelujah anybody it foolish enough to believe God for stuff that is unthinkable that I I'm telling you and an unknown writer says if your dreams don't scare you it's not big enough hallelujah I want you to have I'm gonna say I want you to have foolish dreams God my faith is so crazy that I'm I'm trusting you for what the realtor said I couldn't have my my belief system is so crazy they gonna take me years to pay this mortgage off my faith is so crazy that I'm a trust God that imma get heal and not have to go through surgery that's the kind of faith I gotta have I'm what I want to be a fool for Christ hallelujah I'm gonna confound people who think that they are wise how they look at the person beside you tell them i Adam played the fool before hey yeah but but it wasn't for God it was for people that was crazy this time I am executing operating and exercising here it is foolish faith are y'all ain't saying nothin to me I said foolish faith God I trust you for it I don't know how it's gonna happen he is forfeiting y'all I don't even know how it's gonna be paid for my business Paul speaks about great trials great affliction great persecution even death hardships and he says that he's called to endure here's the word he uses like a good soldier Paul say you heard my testimony I've endured infirmities anybody had to battle sickness in your body come on wave that hand at me put that hand down Paul said I had to endure affliction people were putting stuff on me wave that hand at me put that hand down Paul said I've been persecuted people charged and accused me with all kinds of stuff Paul said I had people looking at me who I didn't even know who waiting on my failiure waiting on my demise I've been in shipwrecks where the stuff that I was on just collapse without any warning y'all ain't saying nothing to me I had to give direction even when I was lost myself I had to give encouragement when I was depressed I had to pray for folk when I couldn't pray for me yall a saying that this is foolish faith kind of fools faith of there Paul has to exercise he says God is appointing my life he's appointed my life is ministry and my life is such a ministry it does not require a microphone all of you who are in this room who are anointed sometimes you have to remind yourself I am persecuted for Christ's sake I am going through this so glory might be revealed it's a terrible thing that that God manipulates your life without your permission my favorite example of it is Lazarus I bring him up all the time he's one of my favorite personalities in the New Testament Lazarus nobody ever really charts back his medical history our noting that we had no sign no semblance no evidence of him having any previous illness and that crazy Jesus was just at the house he just had the house two three chapters ago he had the house and Lance is doing good he's doing good he's sitting in the lazy boy chair watching SportsCenter I was good they having a dinner party one sister is in the kitchen the other sister is at his feet cleaning off his feet and in the crazy that the only one in the house not paying Jesus attention is Lazarus don't have very sensitive only one who don't even speak to him is Lazarus everybody else is tending to him but Lazarus and Jesus don't even correct them he don't even call them out he just takes a mental note he says okay I got it everybody in the house is adoring me is worshiping me it's serving me except that one who's sitting there just watching she said all right I know what I'm gonna do I got it this one I'm gonna do I'm gonna make him go through something help me I'm gonna make him go through something that'll make him feel like he died god help me and and even the people who he lived with don't even have confidence he gonna get out of this so that the next time he sees me his response would be different but I got a challenge him I gotta make him live through something so now let's come on three chapters later on Jesus - business he get a text message from Mary and Martha Jesus come quick the one you love is sick on the death Jesus put his iPhone back in his pocket don't even pay no attention to it say it's alright let's take the long way and we'll get there because it don't usually take this long also they take the long way and finally Jesus shows up and marry your mother who are praying people they worshipping people take out a relationship with God they say by now it's too late his body sings he said I'll now don't worry about it show me where you laid up y'all ladies saying enough now something crazy happens is that now Jesus calls his name and says Lazarus come forth now his was crazy is that Lazarus had never publicly worshipped before it's not today laid him in the tomb that the Bible says he comes out jumping god I can't hear nobody sometimes God will make you live through something where you feel like you gonna die just so he can get glory [Applause] do me a favor obedience is important everybody who stay in this stay standing everybody who seated stay where you are everybody seated stay right where you are now when Jesus is in the room Lazarus was seated just like you seen it right now he said don't make me make you go through something this summer to make you give me more glory then you have a ham I need somebody to give Helena be seated I'm coming hallelu hallelu hallelu [Applause] y'all ain't been through nothing come on you like to kill me I almost lost it all and the way I was gonna survive there so since you don't experience the Holy Spirit just because of what it is that you live through there was an occasion you know it was an occasion in angelic homeroom where Yahweh is doing roll call he does roll and everybody has to give an account be present and Satan shows up for homeroom yeah some where you been you don't skip class a couple of times where you been said I've been going up and down to and fro looking for somebody to devour have you considered my servant job saying that I had my eye on them but you got a hedge fence or protection around them so I watch this Satan is looking at who God protects man up I'm teaching better than y'all they're shouting I said say Satan is looking at who God protects not only looking at you he is studying you he said look you got this head friend some protection around them lower defense so I can get Adam and God operates with what theologians call the permissive will of God so Satan can't do anything without God signing off on it first man that somebody needs to know that I said he cannot get to you without God's protection so the Lord says I'm a lower defense I'm a lower defense and I'm gonna let you get to him you touch all this stuff you just can't touch his soul and Joe didn't even know that he's now on the stage they're both Heaven and Hell are looking at him on the stage I hope you'll get in to see how will he respond when he starts losing stuff it's gonna change your thinking it ain't a test is theater yeah you are in a suspense right now you you are in a thriller right now all the heaven is looking to see what are you gonna do why you are going through this chapter of your life and joke told off everybody says the Lord giveth the Lord taketh away but still bliss it be the name of the Lord see it's easy to praise God when stuff is being added to your life but God wants to see how will you bless him when you start losing stuff and understand like David I will bless the Lord all right I need you yeah you already got one they turn that mic on for me please turn that one on and I need one more please I'm getting to my last point you are right now be seated I'm just talking you you are on the stage of life you're in the stage of life and you are a spectacle your weakness is showing God is exposing you to people who shouldn't be in your business so let your light so shine before men before women that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven how they gonna see it then looking at your stage William Shakespeare in Macbeth third stanza says tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow creep into this petty pace from day to day in life is just a poor player that struts and frets its hour upon the stage full of sound and fury signifying nothing took all of that out of Ecclesiastes that life is just a vapor God say I need to see how are you gonna memorize your lines if you know that you playing a role in the play how you don't know your words that word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee so some of you all your thriller is turning into a horror because you don't know the script you got to know you got to know your lines that the race ain't gettin Swift nor to the strong but to those who endure to the end I can't hear nobody in here you you gotta know your words when with my mother and father forsake me that's that's that's when the Lord will lift me up yeah yeah yeah I still don't know your words I'm telling he's my shield and my buckler you you you don't know you don't know your words in the time of trouble he shell me I'm telling you we you and he says I'm using your testimony to expose the Holy Spirit painting dancing generating phone men I was rolling to the back of the eyes here all that that's good but your real Holy Ghost is your life all right real quick please those of you 20:19 been one of the roughest years that you've had in a long time I ain't telling you to just follow Church calisthenics I'm taking it's been a hard year for you how are you for you lift that hand for me please been a rough year lost your job this year do you lift that hand for me lost that job this year went through a divorce this year break up this year money got real tight this year had to move twice this year it's just June you had to move twice this year come on lift that hand lost the job money tight oh you see I'm telling 2019 six months got sickness in your body come on keep that hand lifted for me Holy Spirit you make me feel themself in you you've been forced to be a caretaker ah you're now responsible for extended family lift that hand for me please got something going on in your body that you only recognize doctor ain't even labeled it yet but you ain't been feeling like yourself been lethargic been sleepy then slow to move here's what's crazy I need that hand lifted you struggling and folk don't even know how bad it is hallelujah I'm telling the Holy Spirit get ready reveal themselves how they now you you ain't embarrassed you ain't ashamed of your testimony how much you lift up both of their hands not ashamed of your testimony hi Lily thank you put their hands down this lady right here in this black I think you got braids in here yes would you come to me please I love it thank you come on help me thank you yeah bring out bring out here you got a real testimony watch the Holy Spirit and just to me hold that mic for just one moment thank you lift up their hands for me please hallelujah I feel a little over coming hallelujah somebody open up your mouth charge the atmosphere I feel the glory of God coming hallelujah reveal yourself even if you got to use my life take my chapter oh thank you alright I got you my couple right here on the end you and a black shirt and your wife in the red yeah they're too young come on thank you let me give one of the elders say come on Garrett take that for me please thank you how they put your hands down thank you I need you to do me a favor I'm telling the Holy Spirit gonna manifest itself in a way that is probably unconventional unorthodox of the expression of the Holy Spirit in what you're used to if you sitting on this side other things where stretch your right hand to faith towards them start praying for them right now how do full transparency I don't know what their testimony is stretch your right hand to faith start praying for her even right now lady said the Holy Spirit will make your life a stage then make it evident and begin to move I don't know what's happening I can't hear no intercessors I need y'all to chivay y'all y'all pray too cute for me come on I need you to go behind beyond the veil come on pray for him before you know the situation before you even know the circumstance hallelujah pray for the Holy Spirit to become evident in them hallelujah ah thank you you can put that hand down thank you put that hand down stay with me where's my there you are stay with me right there tell me your name please Nicole little hole didn't you say it yes damn right there we speak you speak look so much louder than they don't know why you shine yes tell me where you from Jamaica yeah how long you been here I've been in Atlanta for hours 17 yes sir to walk me through the last five months what me from January to June and came back my dad died February I was there dad February yes hold it for me please thank you my father died February I was in Florida and I came back yes I was homeless in Florida you were in Florida a homeless and Florida homeless in Florida yeah yes all over the place yes in my car yes God made my mother and I became very He blessed me my mother while I was in Florida yes we were never had any bonds but God blessed us very close to the situation even going down being all we got cute I have one son he's 25 he lives in Atlanta yes I was staying with his grandmother for all these years because I lived in Atlanta since I was 21 I've been at new birth yes and so now I just moved where you live now no yes stop right there please thank you yes ma'am I need to attempt take them flip-flops off for me and I trying to take the mic from her please thank you yes yes ma'am tell me your name and then introduce me to your husband please this is my husband Michael Ellen yes you gonna talk for the group yes okay thank you unleash him for just one moment I know you love them just keep the might but I need your hand for it okay thank you all right tell me where you from we're from Minneapolis Minnesota dead mic to your mouth please we have this Minnesota yeah how long you been down here three weeks three weeks you got somewhere to work no you moved here on faith yeah so we did okay tell me the circumstances you leave in Minneapolis please the circumstances of leaving Minneapolis yes we didn't know where we was gonna stay yes the Lord told me in February yes to move to Atlanta and I said god I didn't know where yes the Lord says that your home would be new birth yes the first Sunday when we entered into Atlanta yes the first thing that the Lord allowed me to recover it was spiritual covering and that was my us coming here and joining new birth yes Missionary Baptist Church let me stop you right there yeah cuz you you you supposed to be pastoring yeah you ain't supposed to stay here I just got to restore you from church hurt and get you back home [Applause] I can't hear nobody huh I'm looking for clappers I'm looking for intercessors right through here I want you to lift up that hand I want to say something lift up both of you lift up your hand please hallelujah it's a terrible thing hit me very carefully it's a terrible thing to be under Gary take that mic from him it's a terrible thing to be under immature leadership when people are threatened by your gift when they're threatened by your gift they think you want what they have and they didn't even know you were sent to support and undergird so you got run out of where you supposed to be because too many people affirmed your gift and saw the assignment that is on your life thank you for stopping your husband suicide for praying for while he was sleeping for prophesied over his life thank you for speaking into her life god I can't hear nobody in here I pray forgiveness I pray forgiveness for your former first lady Holly everything that she said about you for the lies that she put out you were her coz you looked at her like a mother I can't hear no matter but God said the years then the cankerworm destroy I'm getting ready to give it back to you just like for everybody I need 20 of you if you ever been hurt by ministry ever been hurt in church would you open up your mouth and give God I can't he'll know about it I said I give you boy you all got kids yes how long ago this alright how long ago last year yeah you still in grief you're still in grief how do you Chuck you want another one huh I said you want another one lift that hand man standing behind your wife lay your hands around her stomach hallelujah I declare and decree by next year this time that that baby girl is coming and coming out of your womb I declare that the joy of the Lord will be your strength there will be no birth defects Santa no birth defects I speak it all they are bother somebody open up your mouth be seated please I need a flask Oh y'all stay right there I'm coming I need a flask of oil please thank you hallelujah said I may use your life I may use your life as a demonstration of the Holy Spirit be seated this is Grace for grownups it's great for grownups hi Lou I'm talking to Matt or people he'll make your life a spectacle you'll make your life a stage hallelujah wherever you are in this room it's two of y'all I'm waiting on we have one season of your life and may not even be this season could have been ten years ago nine years ago could have been nine months ago two people in this in this room going to chapter in your life you participated in human trafficking I need you to come see me place wherever it is that you are I'm waiting on you I need you to come I'm telling you is in no shame zone no embarrassment zone hallelu you'll make me cry can I hug you please let me hug you please how did it hello hallelu I can't hear no worshipers I told you I don't want spectators I won't worship her I'm waiting on another one I don't know where she is it's a light-skinned lady I think she got a black top on I don't know where she is but I need you down at this altar wherever it is that you are I need you to come wherever it is that you are hallelujah I'm waiting on you I'm telling you my Holy Spirit is kicking in don't make me bring you down hallelujah if you're in this room and in a chapter in your life you participated in human trafficking I need you to come meet me at this altar all right y'all be seated please I need just your intercession here please all right thank you okay tell me your name yes all right thank you this lady in this green shirt would you come to me please you just look beside you would you come to me no not you behind you you keep looking next to you you looking down yeah there's you yeah where's that Val yeah I'm telling you get any elders only security and the elders thank you howdy thank you just play along with me please thank you tell me your name Michele thank you all right come on come on please you saved yes you got a relationship so I don't know what you're doing sir come on that man thank you come on please thank you all right put your hands together for me please will you trust me yeah I put some oh thank you we can bounce some more thank you all right would you do me a favor no no thank you I need to use this or you I want you to wipe her feet for me please is that beneath you are you uncomfortable doing it thank you would you do that for me please lift that hands up please hallelu thank you I love it now look at me please look at me look at me please thank you you don't even know what I'm wiping off do you huh I'm wiping off what you ain't tell me about that car you hear me I'm wiping off every area of vulnerability that God sent you here cuz you ain't got to run no more that you don't owe nothing anymore God is restoring everything tell me tell me how old you are please you're 42 I want to say something to you that God has restored everything that happened since you were 14 hallelujah there are people that should have protected you should have covered you and then say nothing you tried to tell him and nobody said nothing you started in that house but God says I'm getting ready to cover you and restore you I need you to hear me and hear me well when I lay hands on you it is not my hand it is the hand of God that has always been on your life he's gonna raise you up did you get ready to free two other young women I don't even know where they are but they can you know who I'm talking about they confide in you you keep trying to encourage it I'm telling them to stay in there you know what I'm talking about they've been beat to her into their life and God got you out in the time I declare glory over your life hallelu I need somebody open up your mouth y'all they say it nothing I need you to open up your mouth hallelu he'll use your testimony now oh where you going she okay no come back you gonna get who ya know she only know lamp cover she got chains on come on now y'all church people listen I need you to do this for me please you got kids yeah how many four yeah I need you to do me a favor take her sit down with her on that altar and I'll tell me I'm not into Mike tell me how old you are forty-eight thank you if your law since if you'll sit down here and I need you would you look at me please I need you to talk to her about what you went through from 17 to 23 yeah because you who I was waiting on lift up that hand please he said he'll use your life as a testimony I speak restoration over this couples ministry Harley minister to couples I speak over your life I speak over your life for the book y'all is supposed to write for the retreat that y'all planned on heaven for the dreams that you all shared with each other in the middle of night when you couldn't sleep when you all had to eat offer each other's company when there was nothing else to sustain you I pray that these next six months that God give you the desires of your heart and he will make it easy for you to go back home Atlanta is your layover this is not where you're supposed to be there's a ministry over your life and I'm telling you that when you get back home they're gonna welcome you like soldiers coming back from the war since you left I don't know your church I don't know your pastor since you have left the church has crumbled a fraction of them have already left and everybody been murmuring if y'all was here this wouldn't have happened they keep calling y'all asking y'all for advice and you sayin we ain't in it y'all take care of it I'm telling you that when you go back 20:20 gonna be the best year your life they gonna plant you the right way somebody give God a hand clap of praise for me please come on I can't hear nobody I said give God you all go back to your seats the old church we see that my time is up uh-huh he said no my time ain't no she said come on yes thank you thank you how they tell me your name Brandon thank you would you lift you thank you you're not a member of our church you're not a member of my church you ain't been in church in years many church in years I need you to just blink at me twice I got you thank you thank you Brian to kind of shake your hanger thank you you mind if I hug you thank you sir I appreciate it lift that hand up for me Brenda howly said I'll make your life a stage Brenda's ain't even about you ain't even about you tell you how God talked to me while you sit down you had to wrestle through is this real trying to figure out whether genuine is this a game is it authentic God you got to show me something hey Brandon i'ma show you something through your own life I'm gonna take you back to last Thursday last Thursday take you back to last but you drive you don't drive we were you last Thursday around three o'clock you're doing what huh yeah huh yes dad lift that hand he'll come stand behind him please so call on your life Brandon I need you to look at me please Brandon how old are you 25 tell me what you do yeah what you want to do I'm giving you a pen campus say Brandon whatever you want to do I'm gonna get it done tell me what you want to do if I can start you want it on Monday what you want to do you won't get close to God will you work Brandon you lost your job what's your passion music yeah doing what what kind of music hip-hop you got any kids no kids you've won in it when no I want you to have them down now that with no job I don't want you having no job and no wife I want to pray for you Brandon and I'm not even really praying for you cuz but I need you to hear me while I'm trying I'm praying for you but I'm not praying for you you got it yeah I'm praying for God to remove two people out of your space I don't know who they are not necessarily because they're negative I'm not saying that they're evil demonic but they're not pushing you the way you're supposed to be you got me God's given me to open up your creativity lift that hand come on Brandon lift that hand he opening up that creativity without the ascension of the week he's gonna give you clear mind I'm taking your songs he gonna give you the concepts he's getting ready to give you the lines he give me I give you the pause to give me give you I'm seeing you I don't even know why don't get fair I'm seeing you more in production than I am in front of a microphone it may not even be what you want but that's the way I'm saying is I'm seeing you behind the board I'm telling that God you may put you to put people on one cuz he got for you message they got music that has a message in it so he's getting ready to open up for you somewhere in the next four weeks and I want you to come back and finally in the neck four weeks he's gonna make you inconsequential a bump into somebody significant some eye significant they can put you on in an incredible way and I'm telling you when they shift wherever it is that you are positioned in the studio I don't want you to be offended because all they want you initially do is listen would you feel about this what should I change wouldn't it be different I'm telling you the beach that you get ready create it's gonna make you more money than any lines you could ever write he's gonna use you in a place of technology that you get may do something for your parents for your mom I don't know for your family because that burden has been that you want to make life easier for them and you been fresh I straighted now pour that ma even freshed that's that's why I'm stuck you frustrated I don't know why I'm sounding like you in seventh grade I'm frustrated that God give me make it easy people how they they misunderstand you hallelu it ain't that you antisocial ain't that you and the people person but when you get in your zone you just right for hours you can just concentrate and focus and you ain't even got to go do what other people are doing you can operate in your own silo people got you wrong cuz of your hair cuz how you dressed they think that's what it is that you are but you are a frustrated genius frustrated jingles you got an amazing intellect you are a critical thinker your teachers always already always told you that and you your frustration comes out in anger management you cold til you get frustrated you get frustrated you don't even know what happened cuz they knew you are painting what is that you operate how does that you function I need you to hear me transparent like I need you to trust me transparently I'm your main lay hands on you and I need you to hear me I am not trying to make you fall I'm trying to transfer a level of grace onto your life that will make you free of frustration I lay hands on you ain't my hand I'm believing that the hand of God is laid on your life for what you'll get ready to walk into for the next three years of your life tell me your mother's name please Liza thank you let's beat the grace of God I speak the peace of God that the prayers of Liza would tell me your grandmother's name tell me your grandmother's name yes tell me your grandmother's name miss Anna I speak the prayers of Miss Anna answered to stop the frustration gotta give you sweat this victory that you gon dream coherent dreams tonight everything that you draw everything that you paint everything that you color is get ready to come to pass I pray to God unleash your creativity in an unusual way I pray that you are fully employed about your last 17 fully employed July 17 I'm on sabbatical we now have in Bible study any in july/august I need you to come see me but I need you win the uniform from your job you have a blue shirt on with your name right here I want you to wear it my first Tuesday back all right thank you sir bless is that I need you lift up that hand we gotta go can I leave now no oh you can go back to your seat thank you lift up that hand please I love it I speak over every lifted hand God will use your life to let the Holy Spirit become evident I pray that this chapter will be your best chapter this chapter will be your greatest chapter God will heal heal set free and you'll deliver Simone come on I'm waiting on you come on please I believe with you thank you [Music] any value in your work well yes can you come I need your help she don't take care of you and I will get you through school okay come on somebody give God a hand clap of praise come on y'all ain't shouting good I need you to open up your mouth [Music] take your neighbor by the hand take your hand please I pray for the life of the person who's in Jehovah the Holy Spirit will make your chapter one of the greatest testimonies that the body of Christ has ever seen Jesus he said in his ascension greater things than these will you be able to achieve the greatest miracles are not in the Bible the greatest miracle is now holding your hand y'all didn't hear what I just said us I said the greatest miracle is now holding your hair and would you pray for the hand of the person you're holding pray for the person whose hand you're holding themselves Holy Spirit you are welcome in this place the spiritual welcome in 30 seconds you gonna loose your neighbors hand when you loose that neighbors hand in a thunderous way I want you to thank God for your own testimony come on loose dead neighbors hair come on I can't hear anybody I said give God your best shout of thanks Jim [Music] I know I'm I know I'm disrupting the protocol but here's what I need you to do I want if the person at the same time I want every person I want you to get your best offering in your hand I'm mindful my heaven open the doors of the church I know that I'm coming back to it but I just feel compelled to the Holy Spirit somebody needs to move now need to see so your gift now my covenant brother William Murphy sings a song I got a seed in the ground I want you right where it is that you are want you to get your best gift and your gift ought to be commensurate with your testimony those of you who are watching online I want to challenge you open my mail just before coming down somebody sent us an email talking about how they got healed on last week y'all not saying nothing to me somebody else sent a letter in saying that woody is that they were going through them they went back to the doctor and the doctor could find no trace I can't hear nobody in here don't you get a seed in your hand somebody mailed in today he's Colson senior $60 on this day saying I wish I could be there but until I can get there I'm gonna keep sewing cuz I'm thankful for what God is doing that new birth y'all ain't saying nothing there others of you that can give that seed of 60 I want you to challenge challenge yourself to do it I'm mindful that is not Sunday but even on this day the Lord compelled me to give a seat tonight of $100 I told y'all a couple of weeks ago I want God to bless me in between paychecks how many of you all want that I want God to bless me in between paychecks I want funds to come my way that I did not anticipate I want finances to be released that we're not on schedule don't you get that seed in your hand those of you watching online don't you dare rap God think about how God is gonna use your life on the stage theater for other people to see his handiwork at work now that you have that gift now that you have that seed in your possession our dutiful rushers are moving amongst you they'll receive your gift those of you as is the culture of our church if you want to sow your seed for yourself the altars open and available for you to do it those of you that want to give online gibla fire push to pay cash add text to give we welcome you to come and so your seat come on our shows help me please [Music] this is my [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you bless the Lord those of you who feel like the Holy Spirit was with us tonight would you give God a shout of Thanksgiving how many of you feel like your life has been a stage Alleluia where God allows other people to see you've worked through you as you're standing to your feet what an amazing marvelous uncanny opportunity of privilege I have to offer Jesus Christ to you you're here in this room and you're saying pastor I never been in a Bible study like this I never been in a worship encounter like this this which I'll do on a Tuesday I gotta get plugged in come on whoever it is that you are just saying I'm up one and join a new birth I want to be a part of this colony of faith I want to roll with y'all I'm telling you I'm gonna let you in on a secret you should really walk tonight this is the smallest crowd we're gonna have all year I just prophesied y'all just missed it I this can be the smallness crowd without argue so I need you to come I want you to give me your hand but I want you to give God your heart if you here in this room and you want and you feel compelled to join our church become a part of this ministry you feel like where this is where you can grow this is where your planet I want you to come please come on please y'all don't believe in God y'all don't believe y'all really don't believe God is able listen very quickly very quickly you the system girlfriend I gotta get me straight thank you I need you I need you real quick would you just talk to two people around us come out they saved ask him do they have a church home I'm thankful for these five but I want six come on where you at where you at you here you're not saved I need you to come yes anybody wearing a shirt saying they a millionaire I need you to join the church 30 more people like you amen stretch your right hand to faith stretch your right hand to faith repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time joning the right church serving only God and I know that's right show your right come on let's give God a big praise tonight with you all man coming this way we got to share some stuff with you amen come on new birth they came as friends they leave it as family couple of things cover things come on thank you sir all right don't forget don't forget revival shot Sunday through Tuesday how many you all are gonna be in revival next week come on nap this this have we rolling on Bible study unite you know the revival gonna be off the chain so I need you please please make sure that your present and accounted for I want to remind you that we're turning our parking lot into a driver in theater you can pull out your on lawn chairs drag your couch here if you want but on the 29th we are featuring car wash it's gonna be a memory y'all old enough to remember car wash I need y'all it's gonna be throwback Saturday don't forget on the 30th on the 30th of June we begin collecting 2000 pairs of new back-to-school shoes a bird put in my ear Payless is closing next wednesday and all the shoes are 70% off y'all better just go bad out and bring it on to new birth on next Sunday the McDonald's concert is going to be here on this coming Saturday night ty TripIt and so many others are gonna be in the house and guess what y'all y'all not gonna believe it yeah we got free tickets for y'all tonight all you got to do is go by the bookstore I'll go by the bookstore and go get your free tickets now last last but not least how many of you all have our new birth app on your phone you have your notifications turned on all right so last week we did our first pop up at the escape room and I'm gonna thank all of you I can't even believe it myself Apple has alerted us that 11,000 600 people have downloaded our new birth and come on gift onto Hank left appraise for that as it's your turn on your notifications even if you are in the Android family we don't know what's wrong with you but if you got an Android we praying that God will get the glory out of your life anyway it don't matter all have sinned and fallen short of his glory God can use you in spite of your Android I know we can so as it you're going your Google Play Store those the other got Android if you'll lift up your hand alright guess what I'm gonna do this is what I'm we got a new contest now we got a new contest now five back to school shoe giveaway all the Android people are gonna be on this side all the iPhone people we got their passes anointed give it on this side don't bring it this Sunday it's on the 30th all the team iPhone make some noise team Android oh [Applause] yes you may be hot it's gonna be hot here now July 7th July 7th everybody is in a new birth t-shirt and we are releasing you to your own creativity that you can flip it and reverse it you can remix your shirt any way you want we're gonna be doing prize cash prizes to people who got the best shirt now right here on this second row come cuz you already won come on you already won with a camera man tell me your name Joey's turnaround choice I need them to see this shirt new birth teen Jamal Bryant this is the best this is not even an authorized t-shirt you can even get this at the bookstore Joyce 15 years listen I want you to wear that shirt Sunday can you wear it Sunday you gonna be here Sunday bye she says you want me to leave you to shirt get me you ain't gonna be here yes I got you xxx you be back on the 30th weird on the 30th and I want you to sit in the box with me wearing that shirt thank you we rather die George we are we got you don't it's the only team Jamal I got thank you so I need you all please for these limited edition team Jamal t-shirts go see Joyce who will not be in church Sunday so y'all gotta order tonight I got you Joyce it's menu Joyce and Jamal we are we got thank you lift up your hand please your pastor loves you I'm praying for you have a wonderful week I want you to bring 19 people with you to church on Sunday it's our first night over my first day of revival Bishop John 8 Francis is coming from London England I just found out he's bringing a delegation from your church from London to come party with us it's gonna be crazy amen lift up their hand as high as you see yourself did I tell y'all I love you love y'all thank you so very much can't wait to see y'all on Sunday boy now why your hand is lifted I gotta say this I don't know where you are but I gotta say Church starts at 9:30 not 950 not 1005 9:30 y'all be messin with my nerves now I need y'all in church on time on Sunday morning now under him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless do you help somebody may God make you restless do you help somebody God irritate you do you help somebody may God bless you til you help somebody may God open doors for you till you help somebody may God anoint your head with oil until you help somebody may God make your run over so you can help somebody his funk now and forevermore the blessed be Allah God said Amen we all pick her up please thank you have a great day help somebody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 42,173
Rating: 4.7806301 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, dr. jamal bryant, newbirth, newbirthnow, #lovelivelead, new birth, church online, atlanta, stonecrest, georgia, pastor, pastor bryant, 1 Corinthians 2:4, I didn’t choose the game..the game chose me
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 39sec (6399 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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