I Wasn't Expecting The Break Up

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[Music] no ain't guardin ever see it's not something that we were it's not something that we could work not anything god thank you the enemy God would have had it go another way but God you saw enough in us Lord that you called us on this very morning and our eyes popped open God you spoke our names God on this morning and breath continue God to come and move through our body God we thank you that you are God who didn't judge us on our faults but you blessed us because we're your children you watch over us God because you've got plans for us and because God you've called us because God you've called our names we thank you and we bless your holy name now God we stand in your presence God not God for what you can give us but God here in this moment and this our God we shall give you glory because you deserve all of it God God we are determined lords to not have rocked cry out but God will play our part because you are a God who sits high and looks low you are a god where the heaven is your throne and the earth is your footstool you are a God who said we are more than conquerors through God who strengthens us and because you are who you are you've made us who we are and for that god bless you we bless you for the footage we bless you for the purpose we bless you for our destiny so god moving this service on this name God show us your glory show us your power your kindness man you mercy God bless us Lord in everything we here bless the choir god bless the preacher god bless God the ambassadors every area god that speaks to worship God blessed God so that we shall not be moved but we shall stand firmly on the word of God and God in all things we'll give you we will bless you we will speak Lord that your word might move speak yard that your word might bind up the enemies being Lord so that heaven shall come here on earth thank God we thank you for all things for in all things we give thanks and in all things we place in your hands because we needed in the Masters hands that things might be accomplished in your way in your time and we bless you in Jesus name hallelujah while you say Amen and while you remain standing do you know you that your life is in the hand of God god I said do you know your life is in his hand that he is in control that the government is still on his shoulders if your testimony is that your life is still in his hand come on lift up your voice and say thank you Lord that I am your garden and you are the head of this body called the body of Christ you are in control I don't care what it looks like God is still in control he knows what he's doing [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time every time [Music] one more time it's alright to sing to the Lord [Music] my source and there is nothing [Music] my [Music] yeah just to cool [Music] your recipe our God who this control policy the government on his shoulders and destroy [Music] [Music] when I'm in need you're my provider [Music] you [Music] just to prove [Music] together like so 47 in one and realize that when you're clapping you're praising the Lord come on right here we are [Music] that first one more time Shawn when I'm in need you're my role [Music] [Music] say my Jets really wanna tell you I need you you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] come on tell me I'm just a little t to wear makeup [Music] there's a lotta crap you plan to continue a classic rookie department from the teeth because he controls [Music] [Music] straight [Music] but I soloed somebody give God a hand clap up worries I would that you would please would you lift up that hand towards heaven I want to take a moment for us to just intercede there are 10 Caribbean islands that are without power from Saint Martin says st. Thomas to Dominica Puerto Rico and I share with the to earlier services while you were still assembling yourself that the death toll is so astronomical that they can't even report a number what's this that hand is lifted I got to show you something that's gonna mess with your mind if you can imagine that hospitals are without power and I want us right where you are even as you're able to assemble yourself would you take one moment and just begin to give God the fruit of your lips and begin to give him glory even now come on pray for them some senior citizen is trapped in their home some toddler is fearful for their own life I told the 7:30 service I was compelled and riveted because I was watching the interview while in Indianapolis and I heard a sainted grandmother who's raising four children alone she asks a question it almost made me jump out of my skin she asks where is God and I don't know if you've ever lived through something but you had to figure out is God still with me does he still have my back does he still have my best interests and I want you to know that God never fails he's got you those of you who trust God for the extraordinary I want you to give God glory and praise even now [Applause] we get may do something and I want you to be a part of it of your run very quickly Robbie for me the footage just of the devastation of Puerto Rico we're doing something that I'm excited about what says we're sending ten missionaries to go work in Puerto Rico for three weeks hallelujah we are come on give God a hand clap of praise the thing that I'm excited about we're sending ten missionaries from Baltimore somebody oughta shout louder than man and he's ten missionaries hear me very carefully these ten missionaries are from Latino churches in this city all ten of the missionaries that we're sending are Puerto Rican so they know the city they know the culture they know the community they're living on Wednesday morning they're walking away from family and from home and from work because they have a responsibility to give back I want you to look at the screen I received a video message from the Bishop of Puerto Rico asking me desperately to help aid and assist them in this enterprise I'm grateful and I'm glad we are the only African American Church that is a partner with the Latino Church Association somebody give God a hand clap of praise for that ten of them their tickets run about 550 apiece and as a consequence I'm asking you how to help me buy their plane tickets and so with every person please every person right where you are I want you to get your best seed in your hand best seed in your possession this is not our time that is not our offering how we are endeavoring to be a blessing to these ten individuals who are operating at a high level of selflessness here's what is amazing friends is that your giving has never failed because of your giving we sent 25 thousand dollars to Harvey relief victims because of your giving we were able to rescue thirty-five people who were living in shelters and fly them out of Texas so that they go live with family and friends outside of there again we've got to step up to the plate you spoil your pastor because there's never been anything I've ever asked you to do that you've not stepped up to the plate for as soon as you have that gift watch this if you're writing a check you're riding your tail empowerment temple if you're giving my debit card on either side of the sanctuary aisle but I beg you by the love of Christ Jesus that every single one of you I would in fact get that gift in your hand when you have it how would you please come bring it to the altar right where it is that you are if you'll bring it right where it is that you are come on quickly please would you do that and we got a lot of work we got to do this morning and I need your help I need your assistance I need your aid to come on every person is giving every person hallelujah bless his name come on with a smile on your face you act like you made about giving come on God loves a cheerful Giver hallelujah I'm still not giving nothing hallelujah bless his name would you give God a Handclap appraised I just want to thank you hallelujah forever and ever and ever for [Music] you've done for me come on blessings their season and on they all [Music] thank you Jesus come on I don't like y'all's energy level come on lift it up I just wanna lift you forever and ever and ever for all [Music] you want me come on Blair sings the same thing Laurie they are thank you Jesus [Applause] come on give God a hand clap of praise I'm gonna do this swiftly October friends is our men's a month October ears our men's month and we're gonna do something radical how many y'all know this president needs some prayer this president has lost his ever-loving mind October 15th is gonna be a crazy day y'all it's gonna be a crazy day your pastor is taking 500 men 500 men that's a Sunday I'm taking 500 men outside of Ravens Stadium dressed in black and we gonna take a knee for the whole world to see y'all ain't saying nothing to me that we still got men that are unbought and unbossed it's gonna be amazing amazing amazing October 9th in 10th my buddy my friend my covenant partner pastor Matthew Stephens are gonna be here from Chicago doing our for revival somebody give God some praise for him a major major man of God I need you to please make sure you mark your calendars when the middle of a series called God is gonna make it up to you how many of you believe God owes you some stuff God's gonna make it up to you and it is the gospel of reparations and we're going to continue in that series well today is the close of that series next under the first Sunday yes next and so it is the clothes can y'all believe how fast September when when that fast amen I and so this is our conclusion of the series God is gonna make it up to you how many of you been blessed this this month from that series I need you here I need you here on Tuesday night at 7:30 Tuesday night at 7:30 I'm closing out the series the blessings that God owes you God owes you some blessings I know that's conventional language from those y'all that was raised by a grandmother in church you shouldn't even talk like that huh but I'm telling you there's some stuff that God has got to get to you and he's gonna get it to you before this month is over but you've got to got to got to be here but now I gotta tell you all this I told you all I have a vision I've got a dream a fine 100 vacant homes 100 vacant homes I told you I want every member of our church to be a home owner every member of our church to be a home owner how many of you know Baltimore more than any other place in Maryland we have more renters than anywhere in the state of Maryland I need to show you something those of you who are not presently home owners would you lift that hand you are presently not a homeowner you're written you listen you got a housing arrangement whatever the case is but it's not lifted hand high now y'all really got a shout over this your church is the only Church in Baltimore that's got this partnership and I need y'all to shout and go crazy go nuts we have partnered with home-free USA and in this partnership with home for USA I'm gonna put all of you in houses that ain't your shout yet i'ma put you in houses where your mortgage will be the exact same amount as your rent y'all know some haters I said your mortgage is gonna be the exact same amount as your rich you got to come on this coming Saturday home free USA is going to be here as well as the director of the manager of lending for Wells Fargo Bank is going to be here as well as the title companies are gonna be here as well as the mortgage companies are gonna be here I need you to come I need you to bring your family on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. how many y'all excited about your housewarming party oh come on how you already see that bathroom huh how many y'all know when I get my own kitchen god help me the food network ain't seen nothing yet it's gonna be absolutely amazing so I need you here it is free of charge on Saturday I need you to bring your friends your family your co-workers bring everybody that owed you money I need you to bring them here on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. the music ministry is gonna prepare our hearts for the Word of God y'all been doing good all day today thank you so very much I need you to do me a favor please get on line tell every person in your sphere of influence that they can worship with us come hang with us they at the halftime it's almost over but I want them to worship with us all they got to do is go to empowerment temple or empowerment temple dot or look at your neighbor tell them God gonna make it up to your God he's gonna make it up to you thank you Pastor I love singing songs where we're singing the Word of God that's why I like he's a keeper we schooled Psalm 91 Psalm 23 and this particular song is a new song we want you to catch it in the spirit we introduced it last services first corinthians the second chapter verse number nine i has not seen nor ear heard nor that nor has entered into the hearts of men the things that God has prepared for them it goes on to say that they've been revealed to us by the spirit and one of those things that the Spirit reveals is that we're going to over flow exceeding abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think or even imagine if you believe that say Amen and there's a real simple song we want you to catch it we'll do the rap we'll have read do the rap for us next time we sing it it's a real simple song we want you to catch it and realize you're singing the scriptures eyes haven't seen ears hasn't heard the kind of let's say needs the kind of blessings that's about to fall me don't believe that yeah and it goes victory is here kick defeat out the door God's doing a new thing get ready for overflow real simple come on let's go show him come on eyes haven't seen come on voices yeah eyes haven't seen couple the words are on the screen sing it with us ears haven't heard the kind of blessing a kind of blessing yeah that's about to fall yeah come on if you believe it victory you say say it come on kick to feed out the door yesterday God's doing a new dawn doing a new thing get ready for all the floor all say I'm getting ready I'm getting ready to see come on something I've never seen something I've never seen come on can you just say that over your life say something I've never seen come on can you say that prophesy over your life say something I've never seen thank you Jesus let's go back to the top you should have it by now let's sing it together as a choir come on eyes haven't seen say say it hallelujah believe it tonight ears haven't heard the kind of blessings the kind of blessings come on that's about to fall blessings that make rich and have no sorrow come on victory this year declare it a kicked defeat out the door say God's doing the new thing get ready for all the flowers yes say come on Baltimore something under come on say it over your life and over your family say I'm ready to see something I never see [Music] and then the other part goes like this come on let's do it our battle cry this real simple empowerment one more time listen come on if you agree with that come on let's lift it up together hallelujah I'm one of you to relieve the promises of God our yesterday man come on say [Music] but if you believe that he watches over his word to perform it concerning you say Oh [Music] come on lift it up empowerment all over this sanctuary and then the last part is real simple it just says I'm getting ready ready for over I'm getting ready ready for over for come on you can say that come on say I'm getting ready [Music] say ready for the flame come on gods about to blow your mindset getting ready ready [Music] we're ready for are you ready for it come on with your hands lifted I'm ready say ready for overflow now making a declaration I'm ready for all the flood come on receiving this book I'm ready I am ready for all the Flay ready for all ready for over [Music] how many of you ready for the overflow come on are you ready for it clap your hands like you are bless the lord I want to I said you'll go to X 27 X 27 s it you'll stand to your feet x27 brother sailor I'm glad to have you sir thank you lift up your hand this guy is the brother of one of my closest friends in the world he's doing his PhD at Johns Hopkins University and I'm proud of him he's just relocated to the area as such I'll please be nice to up amen X 27 X 27 that's the Lord X 27 and I want to illuminate verses 42 through 44 [Music] X 27 verse 42 through 44 I went I found I want you to say I heaven the soldiers plan to kill the prisoners to prevent any of them from swimming away and escaping but this interior you'd wanted to spare Paul's life and kept them from carrying out their plan he ordered those who could swim to jump overboard first and get to land the rest were to get their on planks or on other pieces of the ship in this way everyone reached land safely you may be seated the presence of the Lord I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject I wasn't expecting the break-up I wasn't expecting the break oh my dear friends the morals of Millennials has been greatly misdiagnosed it's been falsely believed that this generation is nonchalant when it comes to things like commitment the last couple of weeks has disclosed otherwise my grandfather lived through red fox marrying three different Asian Brides brought him no backlash to the black community my father in the basement of our home had records of Richard Pryor and there was no static in the barbershop about Richard Pryor being married seven times to five different women the King of Comedy when I was a kid was undisputedly Eddie Murphy ticket sales for raw never waned even after he was arrested with a transvestite with a wife and five kids at home yet here recently footage was leaked related to Kevin Hart's alleged indiscretion and as a consequence everybody's social media has imploded the fact of the matter is that comedians have never been our moral compass but when you consider that most citizens of this society marriages are rare as unicorns so the value of seeing one after eight years of watching Michelle and Barack on television every day model for this generation something that they didn't know personally so this generation has become involved in relationships they never witnessed so it is now in affront to their own imagined expectation of what they want a relationship or marriage to look like even when they didn't have one at home any breakup is painful weather is the unraveling of a seven-year marriage or the abrupt crash of a six-week fling the effect is still jarring the impact is so profound that people struggling for prescription to that level of pain not knowing how to dispense percocet dole out ibuprofen so going through a breakup makes you lay down and you're not tired makes you eat and you're not hungry makes you isolate it when you don't have to be alone a therapist once told me the only thing closer to death is a divorce and the divorce what's this you still feel like a part of you has died when you reach that level of pain friends who have no clinical psychology training give you one piece of advice here's what they tell you take care of yourself implying don't go off on the deep end don't get caught in the middle of something stupid and don't start a cycle that will be regrettable and damnable what they're trying to say to you is don't go under somebody trying to get over somebody for something to be broken means it's not working whether it's a car or computer but those are inanimate so they don't impact us the same they bring us inconvenience not indigestion love is the only thing I want to say this to you as a thesis statement love is the only thing everybody in this room has been hurt by but still wants your brain fires synapses when you're going through a breakup so it's trying to make sense out of something that is illogical and something that in fact brings you beyond your own rationale a 2010 study published in the Journal of neurology found that when people are shown pictures of their exes activity is induced in the brain that registers physical pain and so people who don't know you well will screenshot or forward you your ex Instagram pose as if they think you want to see in the enemy my dear friends is in pain whenever he sees a picture of you happy because the enemy swore that you would always be miserable so the enemy can't understand how it is that you are happy when you have found life without them the area of the enemy's brain cannot comprehend after all of the psychological trauma you went through in the breakup that you found happiness is your shell with yourself and they don't even know they did you a favor because the break-up is really what helped you grow up because you had to in fact move off a fantasy island and buy a one-way ticket on the Love Boat to figure out if I don't love me then nobody else will figure out how to do it so when it is that you've gone through enough breakups you build a level of resilience that people who have never been hurt can't identify with being watch this the victim of a breakup this get ready to help you raises your gift of discernment so when you raise that gift of discernment as soon as I see a character trait that reminds me of the person that wounded me I'll start running in the opposite direction you don't look like them you don't just like them but because you did one thing y'all ain't saying nothing to me if my warning sign begins to go off saying this is not it you gotta find something else I'm talking to those of you watch this that are Teflon Don when it comes to relationships because your comeback game is so strong their folk don't even know how many times you've been wounded it is hard for you to articulate that you were wounded here's your shell by somebody who wasn't even worth it so you trying to figure out why did I make that kind of emotional investment for somebody who can't afford Who I am because the price of being with somebody this anointed is beyond your credit score I don't even know how you qualify for a conversation because what it is that I bring to the table when all you got is a fork I'm the spoon and the knife and you don't know I'll cut you without even blinking because there is a resilience in me that does not want to live through that kind of trauma the areas in your brain that become active whatwhat's this of the same ones is give me to blow your mind the areas of your brain that become active after a break up of the same areas of the brain that are mobilized for cocaine addict so after a break up watch this you go through not even knowing that's what it is withdrawal so you know that it is not healthy you know that is not meaningful but the crazy part of you still misses on top Jamal what's this and so you're trying to figure out how can I move past something that I know is not helpful or beneficial for me all I need is a season to get back on my feet where it is that the enemy got me as I fell in love when I was weak y'all ain't sayin nothin to me but now that my head is on straight next time you step to me I can give myself a VA and say what was I thinking because I know this was not in my weight class and is not in the will of God as a matter of fact I can thank God now when I could not then thank him that he spared me from it because as I stayed with them my whole life would have got topsy-turvy y'all really gonna leave me by myself so every now and again God gotta let you see them or a picture of them just so you can give a private praise and say lord thank you that you didn't let me go all the way with that I didn't see Athena but now I can see they ain't going away they got nothing to offer all they were well leach a parasite and an insecure or flame but God you gotta have something greater for me and for 12 of y'all in this season I'd rather be by myself than be with you and be miserable God spare me from another heartbreak a pregnant mother knows that the more pain intensifies the closer you are to getting rid of what you've been carrying I think I went too far let me give it to you a mother knows watch this that the closer the pain is together the closer you are to relieving yourself from what you have been carrying I am NOT talking to those of you that have only been hurt once I'm talking to those of you that have gone from bad relationship to bad relationship to bad relationship to bad relationship then you went back to another bad relationship thing you tried to give a bad relationship another chance God told me to tell you this the last trimester if you push one more time everything good in you is getting ready to come out of you you don't even know that you in Lamaze class right now we can make show you how to breathe through this because if you can shout through a broken heart I'm telling you God will put your man back together if you put your spirit back in place don't worry about the folk who sitting next to you ain't being hurt at the degree that you've been hurt and see some of y'all not shouting cuz you think I'm just talking about people you dated you can get your heart broken about people you were raised with by people that got your last name from people that you really thought was a friend of yours and you can't believe after you failed um picked up their kids y'all ain't saying nothing to me loan them money that now in this moment you gonna pull out every knife you got and breath stab me in the back but God told me to tell you the reason why you are in pain is not cuz you being stabbed but because I'm pulling the knives out and you ought to be shouting right now that this pain is not gonna kill me is to make me stronger the American Heart Association posits that when stressed Rus is a part of your heart temporarily becomes enlarged I want you to write that down it's gonna mess you up that after a breakup your heart becomes enlarged and not only does it become enlarged what's this it doesn't pump well so what's this after a breakup your heart does not act normal if untreated it leads to short-term heart failure but the technical terminology is cardio myopathy cardio myopathy verses in layman's terms it is called broken heart syndrome and you don't even know why you got hurt Latrice is gonna mess you up you got hurt what's this cuz your heart is too big god help me your heart is too big you do not have a normal-sized heart so you love people who are not worth the investment and if you can just become as cold as people think you are then you would not leave yourself to that level of vulnerability but you keep trying to give people another chance you always see another how you keep putting yourself in harm's way when your higher self keeps telling you to move out of the way and so you keep finding yourself in self-inflicted pain because your heart is so big and God says if in fact you think you heard how many times do you think you hurt me because so many times the Angels told me not to bless you again because you're not to be trusted and and I overrode the vote of glory just to give you a blessing that you are not deserving of and yet you got the nerve to sit in church and act as if something is due to you I am just grateful under God that God's heart is big enough to love a trifling ridiculous undisciplined sinner like me now those of y'all that ain't never messed up don't shout with us but if you know you've fallen short of his glory and you are amazed that he still loves you you ought to be thanking him right now that while we were yet sinners he died for us your emotions still care when your mind tells you to care less and it hurts and so the real autopsy of your emotion is this is you are mad with yourself what's this for steel caring on your altar call right here and just pass a box of Kleenex if I could just stop myself from caring hallelujah I would be at a better place Hey that I still got feelings for them huh I hate that I still think about him I I hate that I still want the best for them even though they didn't do right by me and it hurts me because I wish I could be as nasty as my friends want me to be because they already hatched the plan on how to pay him back and blow up their spot but I'm trying y'all ain't saying nothing to me I'm trying to do it the God way and it hurts because I don't want to care nobody ladies and gentlemen not your mama not your pastor not your best friend not your therapist therapist natural guidance counselor nobody ever prepared you fully for the pain of a heartbreak they lied to your face and it hurts they want faithful a few times and it still hurts you sustained emotional some of you physical abuse and it still hurts your credit score got compromised and it still hurts your family never liked them and it still hurts you know y'all are unequally yoked and it still hurts you told yourself that you could do better and it still hurts when all the indicators and the clues went off like a five alarm fire and it still hurts and when it hurts don't comfort me with no Scripture y'all don't wanna keep it real with me huh when I'm in that level of pain and I don't want no all things work together for your good nah y'all they never been that with women in hurts I don't want no when my mother father forsake me and in the time of trouble and weeping may endure for it been a couple of nights shut up I will really hurt [Applause] can I go a separate when it really hurts not only do I not want no scripture I don't want no worship I get turned off irritated and annoyed just from y'all screaming I'm agitated y'all not saying nothing cuz I just want to get a word from God hoping God gonna say something to me and I got somebody to rose.i here to me yelling and ain't even dealing with nothing and now I'm irritable y'all ain't saying nothin to me I'm hurt pastor for real for real just give me my word and please I'm cringing hoping don't make me turn to my neighbor please I do not feel like looking at nobody or talking to anybody all I'm saying nothing and my preaching to anybody when it really really hurts when I see you get ready to talk to me i'ma act like I'm on my phone ain't even doing nothing I'm just rollin up a deal life y'all ain't saying nothing me with it really really hurts I don't feel like going out I'm good in the house with me and a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos y'all ain't saying nothin to me I think about know what the hell I'm just watching a Lifetime channel I'm screaming at the television gowhy crazy when it really really really hurts y'all I don't even want to talk to my best friend cuz I'll feel like you told me so and you tried to give me the indication I don't feel like nothing when it really really hurt how many won't talk to my mama because I know she gonna pick up some what's wrong with you ain't none wrong come on tell me what's really wrong when it really hurts you beginning to shut down cuz I didn't see it I didn't expect it I didn't anticipated and in x26 Paul is being prosecuted watch this he is being prosecuted for promulgating the gospel you are being attacked some of us some of you some of you that are watching are being attacked simply because of what you carry and the enemy does not want it to get out Paul is being prosecuted was this just for carrying in the gospel and they scared he gone testify because if you start talking about what he's been through start talking about how God care for do you mean how how God for y'all ain't saying nothing to me do you all know if I give somebody in this room a mic and they they start talking about Oh 9 and the summer of 2012 I need a few people in here and in the winter of oh three it would be lights out in here the enemy better not ever give you a platform to talk about how you pulled yourself together when you felt like you were falling apart I said what are we going to do Paul is testifying and it comes to the magistrate what's this that we don't have the authority to prosecute him our power is limited and so we got a transfer oh cuz he ain't in the right Court I'm gonna say this to your tongue I hope you'll be able to receive it some people that cut you didn't have enough authority to hold you God yummy things they think the anointing on their life didn't qualify for what God had in mind vo y'all really ain't goin shout right through here now I'm telling you on a thank God for Supernatural release hallelu that God will get you out of the wrong hands because he already know who's the right hands so God never gonna get you out of something when he don't have something better in mind that he's going to put you in gotta be transferred Paul has to be transferred why because they don't have the authority and they don't know how to treat him I'll let that marinate right there so in acts 27 Paul is placed in a ship and is placed in a ship watch this with other prisoners who are not anointed sometimes your transition is being around people who don't carry your mantle hallelujah your anointing sometimes shows up when God places you in predicaments with people you have nothing in common with so he's placed on the ship to go stand before the Supreme Court in Italy turbulence begins rising and because the turbulence starts rising what's this it throws them off their time schedule being with the wrong people will always throw off your time I want you to lift up that hand I want to pray for you I'm almost finished it's a very simple prayer but I prayed it for you all this weekend God kept me a Friday night praying this prayer for you it's a very simple prayer I gotta unleash it to you and I want you to receive it and when I give it to you is just one sentence when I give you this prayer I want you to worship Him as an exclamation point that it is so can I tell you what your pastor prayed for you this weekend Lord don't let anybody come into their life watch this that will waste their time [Applause] I really thought y'all we're going I said God do not let anybody come into my life that will waste one hour of my valuable time if if they not serious get him away from me I'm not just about dating up to my business I'm tell my y'all ain't saying nothing to me I'm tell my partnerships I'm talking about watch this funding I'm done by finance god I don't want to be in the company of anybody that will waste my time so they running behind schedule because Paul is with the wrong people look at verse 12 verse 12 says Paul said I knew they were unsuitable Paul how you know they were unsuitable I knew they were unsuitable because they are not built for winter god help me if I if I was in another Church I talked about cuffing season but I want to talk to you right through here there's some people who are not equipped for the cold season of your life hallelujah but I'm I need God to assign people in your life who are not there for the harvest but are there for the fall hallelujah when I start losing my man when I start losing my patience when I start losing my faith when I lose my joy I need to know are you prepared for my winter season you got so bad that the people on board the ship gave up all hope are getting saved I feel bad for you that you keep rowing with somebody who don't even want to be saved don't want to do right don't want to trust God and for 14 days they growin against the storm can you imagine a storm lasting that long 14 days I feel like altar cry get ready to come right through here for 14 days they so messed up what's this that they can't even eat right hallelujah the burden is so heavy am I gonna survive this that they Rowan against contrary win they don't lost their appetite hallelujah I feel something heavy on me right through here I'm trying to push my way but the Gloria stopping me right here he said God please please give him their strength back and I don't want you to just give them their strength back I need you to give them their appetite back because they don't even seem like themselves because of what this last relationship did to them but God said I'm getting ready to restore him in every area that has made them act out of character for 14 days they can't even breathe they can't even sleep they can't even eat and they start throwing stuff overboard hallelujah they throwing stuff over boy watch this y'all the people around you who looking at you shout they don't know what you lost in this relationship they had no idea what you had to give up what you had to walk away from they they don't even know how it is that you made a covenant with God I'd rather start over with nothing hallelujah didn't stay with them and be miserable and unhappy so I'll give up all of that even if I gotta go back to an apartment with a lamp and sleep with a mattress on the floor my piece is worth it but God if I gotta start all over again hallelujah god I see you right through here annalee I feel that there's some people who are in this room who hallelujah had to give up everything but your sense of peace hallelujah the children I made with you and they don't even understand why you had to leave and why you had to walk out but they don't even know it was for their best interests I can't hear nobody your family that never had to live with the psychopath telling you you crazy and you should have stayed but you knew that my spirit won't gonna be right in this environment your friends say don't just suck it up and close a blind eye but you said to yourself God if you can help me roll out of this they start throwing stuff overboard and they see an island where they feel like they're getting better to make it hallelujah Sean stay right here with me I'm getting ready to go they feel like they're getting ready to make it and they throw stuff over boy saying here's the island where I can get peace have you ever felt like you were so close to where God had you just before you get there crash happens I'd rather drown while I was in the middle of the water but don't make me drown when I feel like I'm safe it's the worst thing in the world to have your come from your trust compromise at the moment that you let your guard down hallelujah I feel like somebody's in this room I'm getting ready to perform open-heart surgery cuz I feel you're pulling on my anointing right where it is that you are hallelujah God I'm trying to roll cuz I got people depending on me I got people who are counting on me and I'm trying to keep my head together I'm try not to get like have a breakdown I'm try not to lose my head keep rowing ooh you know talking to somebody who's in this room hallelujah I'm so close to where I thought I was supposed to be and now I feel like I'm getting ready to go under hallelujah I'm drowning offer something that I built where those are you I'm talking to right here I had to talk myself off the ledge I hid the makeup in my mouth this is not gonna break me and I'm a man and I love them god I can't hear nobody I'm sad I got feelings and I'm still rolling and I'm trying to make it work and just when I get close to it I hear a sound and it ain't no sound of victory it's the sound of my stuff breaking up can I just give you a disclaimer you ain't got to be strong in here today yeah you ain't gotta impress not buddy you ain't gotta prove nothing to nobody some of y'all don't know what that sound sounds like but can I talk to too many of you who are in this room who heard the sound of your own collapse you heard the sound of your own implosion and you don't even know how you still row it cuz they saying what I plan and they saying what I saw and you're saying what God showed me and God I gotta tell you this I wish I had a better sermon I've just got to give you what God told me I'm falling apart young for real I'm falling apart I put on a good poker face but I'm this one right here god help me just just got me don't don't let me for usually I'm good but right now Rev you you don't fill up on this sermon on me I'm falling apart I'm cracking hallelujah Matt Matt my tolerance is getting short I'm I'm cussing more now you only saying nothing man my patience is holding on by a thin thread hallelujah I'm irritated by my own kids I'm I'm slamming doors in the house I can't hear nobody I'm I'm muttering over my breath I really pastor I'm contemplating backslide now I'm him drink like this no more but I'm really feeling like I'm getting ready to crack and I was falling apart folk can't tell cuz I'm still rowing I'm hurt and going to work god I can't hear nobody I'm I'm hurt and I still make sure my hair's done in still make sure I look halfway decent walking out the house I'm hurt watch this and I still got the nerve to give other people advice cuz they got no clue I'm falling apart my god help me myself I'm rowing but I but I'm hurt right through here and I'm seeing it fall apart and can I tell you what's unfair ain't cuz I'm the one following God and the one that hurt me got no one knowing ain't got no covenant got no destiny but they sailing off into the Sun let and Here I am trying to keep it together on a crack ship I don't know where you are in this room I'm I'm not finished but I'm almost through those of you how little you know you get ready to crack you give ready lose it I'm gonna preach over you I can't even finish imma finish the message but I just need you to just get in the face of God so God can pull you together right through here those of you who are what Malcolm Gladwell calls the tipping point you come to that point here it is that you feel like if something immediate does not happen hallelujah is you just gonna lose it all if you hear mine I gotta give you this and at this time ain't even coming to pray over you cuz I'm gonna keep preaching I just need God to hear how bad you've been hurt cuz you ain't saying nothing and you've been acting and faking it like it hasn't bothered you and impacted you but God says I'm gonna do something all I need them to do is acknowledge the pain if that's where you are you don't come to that cracking part that cracking point I need you to meet me at this altar please if that ain't you don't come please don't come and this ain't for everybody I just need you to cry out under God who's this for this is for those of you watch this who just came out of a bad divorce those of you one says you was living with somebody for years and one day they rolled over and it was all over I can't hear nobody I need you to meet me at this altar pastor I'm trying to keep it together I never in a million years thought they would cheat on me no way in the world did I think they would steal from me when they don't even know I would give them my last God you gotta do something cuz I'm cracking I'm cracking and I'm losing it I'm losing it how'd I know you ain't even speaking of my own mother god help me my own siblings don't like me god I need you to come please Hallie I got no friends where I work I need you to meet me as quickly as you can hallelujah I got a lot of personality but I'm lonely as all get-out his hurts I've been the same since Nana died I need you to come right where it is that you want I blame myself that I didn't help them more for years ladies and gentlemen for years the church has been used as a metaphor for a ship our great-grandmother's used to sing a song that song William singing hear the song sister Mayo the old church used to say was it has landed many a thousand it's the old ship of Zion so the church historically metaphorically has been seen perceived watch this symbolically as a ship where do we get that from pester that emanates from Noah's Ark is that winged God was coming what's this through a hurricane through a flood through earthquake through a storm and destroying the entire earth only those that were on the ship waiver to make it to safety pastor as I still can't see where you're going that's because you still stuck on Noah's Ark and animals so stay with me stay with me those of you at the altar those on the Pew those are you watching online so the church is a ship what does that mean when I get to acts 26 and a storm comes and the storm is so heavy y'all ain't gonna like it it destroys the church so the church goes through a storm and makes the church crack and so the church what's this only has pieces of what it used to be and there's no longer the strong foundation it once was we're just a fraction of our former self and the Bible says if they could just hold on to a piece of it you don't even need the whole church if you can just get a piece of it you gonna make it to safety hallelujah I believe that the piece that God is calling us to hold on to is the piece called Freyja hallelujah and I'm getting ready to tell you something something that's get ready to shift in this room how much you're right where you are would you stretch forth your right hand to faith only if you've ever been hurt only if you've ever been broken how much it is stressful if your right hand to faith to those who are at this altar and I want you to begin praying out loud that God will cover them how do you do you God I need you to put them back together again I need you to hold up a standard how do you God I thank you my time is up how much it is stand to your feet my time is up lift up that hand allow your pastor to pray for you hallelujah lift up that hand please you are not Debbie you are not your whole self you're just a piece of who you're supposed to be but whoever is blessed to be in your presence if they hold on to that piece they don't make it to safety hallelujah I need that hand lifted I need you to open up your mouth as if you can't make it through this breakup hallelujah speak the grace of God over your life hallelujah speak the peace of God over your life hallelujah I can hear new version of us you are now gonna fall apart did you hear what I just said you are not going to fall apart hallelu I can't hear any worshippers I need you to open up your mouth you are not going to fall apart I speak the peace of God over your life you are not gonna fall apart I speak the peace of God over your life you are not gonna fall apart I need you to lift up that hand he's he's performing open-heart surgery today lift up that hand please hallelujah it's only reason God brought you to 11:30 service you are not gonna fall apart hallelujah did you hear what I just said hallelujah y'all still on worshiping you are not go fall apart hallelujah need your hands lifted I need you to cry out an igon hallelujah she's putting you back together again I need you to try out of that heart greater is He that is in you lift up that hand hallelujah you knock home fall apart I speak it over your life by the power of the Holy Ghost you are not go fall apart she she Anna Basha ha ha ha lift up that force the devil insuline I said the devil is a lie you and I go fall apart hey I need you to cry on a now God I said I need you to cry out oh my god you are not gonna fall apart hallelujah he's gonna sustain you he's gonna keep you together he's lifting you up you are not all fall apart yeah yeah yeah I can't hear any worse of us I can't hear any worse of us fall apart speak things over your life I believe sergeant thousand angels God is repairing you you are not gonna be broken you are not gonna be half for yourself you live in shame I [Music] need that hand lifted I feel glory coming hey I said I feel his glory hallelujah feel his glory coming I need you to lift up that hand and open up your mouth come on lift him up hallelujah I can't hear any worship and Allu you you ain't saying nothing hallelujah you only got 30 seconds I said you only got thirty second lift him up [Applause] melissa's Holy Name lift that hand as he lifts up your voice you ain't gonna live with this scar you ain't gonna live with this thing you ain't gonna live with second-guessing your decision I need you to make my heart over again that hand is lifted please hallelujah that hand is lifted I need you to lift that hand right where it is that you are lift at hand hallelujah [Music] [Music] lift up their hand right where you are [Music] lift up their hand that your pastor pray for you please hallelujah I feel as glory in this room hallelujah I'm trying not to cry I feel this girl over in this room come on I wish you would impregnate the atmosphere with the sound of your worship hallelu come on I can't hear no matter I need you to bless him hallelujah there will be glory after this we will fight and we will win I need you to praise Him let you know you'll put your heart back together again lift up that hand allow your pastor to pray for you please Halliday bless us all a night hallelu hallelujah I've seen them doing god I don't hear no worshipers in here them let me try that thing again maybe if I was at empowerment temple didn't know what to do can I tell you again I seen him do it hallelujah if you ain't never had God pull your heart back together don't sing this with us but if you know for yourself what God can do I seen them do it how much you to lay hands on yourself hallelujah I've seen him do it come on say it I've seen him do come on lift up your voice I seen him do ya'll ain't sayin nothing come on I have seen him do come on lift it up as high your chicken everybody oh yes I seen I seen him do I see lift up that hand and allow me to pray along the name of Jesus I pray for every person who's had to live through a broken heart I pray that in the words of David you'll create within us a clean heart and renew a right spirit over every lifted hand god block them from becoming bitter put a fence around them so they don't become vengeful and spiteful I pray dear Lord that they're walking to the happiest season that they've had in years thank you because you are the Potter and we are the clay make us over again and those of you that trust God for the supernatural would you give God glory [Applause] how much you write where it is that you are how much you help me please as they go back to their seats would you cheer clap and yell for them like you know God will restore their heart [Applause] come on help of glaze thank you come on I seen him do it I seen him do I see I see I see come on singer like you believe in I see I seen him do everybody is standing help me open the doors of the church if you will I want you to help me there's somebody around you that needs to be saved there's somebody around you there's to give their life to God my father told me something when I was in college that are stuck with me and I want to give it to you here's what my father told me he said watch this when you get saved so my father said since when you get say you gave your heart to Jesus why says ET so the only way your heart can be broken is if you take it out of God's hands and put it in the hands of somebody that can handle you did y'all hear what I just said when it is that we ask you to get saved we ask you to give him what your heart got to give him your heart because you've been hurt enough you've been through enough and now you got to get in the hands of somebody they can handle you I want to open the doors of the church in here's what I'm asking of you it's my third watch of the day I need you to help me I want you to find somebody in this room that you don't know I want you to find somebody who you do not have familiarity with and here's what I need you to do cuz I know y'all I know y'all especially in 11:30 y'all don't really talk to the people next to you you just give them a Brooklyn head nod and keep it moving because you don't want them on point this is what I need you to do I want you to go watch this to the road behind you or the road in front of you and I want you to ask them are they saved and I want you to ask them do they have a church home if they say anything other than yes I want you to bring them if they say anything other than yes I need you to bring them to me please come on I see I see him do y'all ain't talking to nobody I see I've seen him do it there's somebody else would you kindly come hallelujah I'm so grateful I'm so thankful if you were absolutely certain that your name is in the book of life that you are saved would you give God honor and Thanksgiving for that you may be seated in the presence of the Lord here's what is amazing about that narrative I want you to read all of X when you get home of the Bible says what's this then everybody thank you alright would you help me give God some praise for this mother and daughter you take them right on thank you come on clap your hands let them know how glad you are the Bible makes a keen observation and insight of Revelation if you would that I want to give to you watch what the Bible says the Bible says everybody on board the ship was saved what's this because they were connected to him Paul is the only one on board with a call he's the only one on board with a testimony he's the only one with an assignment but everybody connected to him has got to come through it some people don't even know how much they owe you that they came through some stuff they should have died in but because they were connected to you God saw them through I know y'all really don't like to shout right through here but would you do me a favor would you give God glory why that God right now is protecting your two best friends who ever are the two closest people to you God is getting ready to do something for them I want you right where it is that you are right where it is that you are the psalmist as the probing question how can I say thanks for the things that you've done for me the voices of a million angels can express my gratitude all that I am or ever hope to be I owe it all to him how much you right where you are ambassador's partner with me please we want to give you an opportunity for you to give God a tribute of Thanksgiving that he didn't let you drown he didn't let you sink but that you were able to make it just with a piece of yourself hallelujah come on right where it is that you are get that seed in your hand I challenge our earlier to services I challenge them as I challenge you that you would in fact make sure that you every seed of at least 180 in your possession this is highly applicable for those of you who are not yet tithers I want you to get that seed in your hand if you're writing a check you're writing it out to empowerment temple if you're giving electronically you're gonna do so on either side of the sanctuary on either side of the sanctuary you're going to give electronically through a debit or an ATM ATM given as that you'll please prepare that see my dear friends I am so thankful I'm grateful there's so many worship experiences that you could have encountered on today but through the divine serendipitous hand of God he pushed you to empowerment temple I'm grateful not only that you came but you came to this service because God wanted to minister to you without anesthesia he wanted you to feel the recovery happened while it was happening get that seed in your hand I want you to give online just as we are giving in this house every person would you prepare that gift prepare that seed in your hand everybody is standing right where you are everybody is standing right where it is that you are wherever it is that you are please thank you hallelujah would you lift up that gift above your head lift up that gift above your head holiday repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year what you did last month what you did last week what you did yesterday the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do before September is over in Jesus name Amen would you turn to your right begin coming from the last row come on choir give us a marching music if God answered you'll be here Tuesday night at 7:30 for our Bible study Wednesday is our hour of prayer at 7:00 p.m. as that you will please do everything you can to have a moment to commune and to talk with our God I might I say to all of you who are presently renters you have no excuse not to be here Saturday 10:00 a.m. at 10:00 a.m. at 10:00 a.m. as a matter of fact we're gonna have a light continental breakfast breakfast starting at 9:00 as have you come between 9:00 and 9:30 so we can start right on time at 10 o'clock how many of you all know somebody who's paying rent you know somebody who's paying rent would you please push them to be here on Saturday at 9:30 let's say 9:30 all of our men October is our men's month and so we want all of our men here we're looking for souls to be saved in an amazing way in October October 15th I'm taking 500 men down to the stadium to take an 8 amen and so I need you to please make sure all of the men in your life and in your family are connected to it tweet would you stand right where you are can I thank you for praying as you did just a few weeks ago she's in the hospital with blood clots in every long couldn't move her left arm doctors didn't know where it was coming from but you all prayed and God is a healer and I am so grateful that he's a restorer amen everybody would you stand to your feet right where it is that you are take your neighbor by the hand stretch out even across other aisles even across the aisles as that you'll please if nobody told you today know that your pastor loves you I pray for you every day I want to see you get everything that God has in mind and in store for you docker y'all set up in the back coach you set up in the back yes okay so those of you who are signing up for 30 help me now 30 33 30 33 thank you the 30 33 challenge thank you 30 33 challenge we got all of the equipment that is needed and necessary for you to sign up on today we are starting together as a church on October 1st October 1st so as you'll please go to the table are they are waiting for you there we want you healthy before the holidays we're just asking you not even for a lifetime commitment but a 30-day commitment if you get this down for 30 days nobody's gonna have to tell you to do it the next 30 amen but I need you to please please I'll do it because jesus said I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly those of you that were not here on last Sunday we discovered 76 percent of all black people are overweight to tell you what I just say don't look at your neighbor just look straight ahead 76 percent of all black people are overweight out-of-shape amen and so we want our church to be a holistic Church that we deal with mind body and soul so Institute please go on the lobby sign up register and they'll give you all other information lift up that neighbors hand please right where it is that you are as we leave this place but never from God's presence repeat after me walk of God and he'll walk with me talk with God and he'll talk with me listen to God and he'll listen to me build for God and he'll build for me love God because He first loved me lift that hand as high as you see yourself going now when to him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you I do you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you until you have to give stuff away here's for from now and forever mourn the blessed people of God said amen hug somebody on your way I'll tell them God's putting your heart back together [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 49,009
Rating: 4.782867 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2017, pastor jamal bryant, expecting, break
Id: NsL9SnlW6J0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 26sec (5726 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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