Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, Tired Of Trying To Force Itg - January 28th, 2018

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[Music] of X chapter 4 verses 10 through 12 once you found it wants you to clay I have it if you can't find it and say lord help me Matthew Mark Luke John acts chapter 4 verse 10 through 12 would you read silently as I read aloud then know this you and all the people of Israel it is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead that this man stands before you healed Jesus is the stone you builders rejected which has become the cornerstone salvation is found in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved you may be seated Acts chapter 4 verse 11 Jesus is the stone you builders rejected and now he has become the cornerstone I want to preach for a little while today and there's our last service and the end of our series I want to preach using as a subject I'm tired of trying to force it I'm tired of trying to force it would you look at the person Messiah and tell him that's the way I am I'm just tired of trying to force it Steve Jobs the founder of Apple said in his last speech which was the commencement address at Stanford University here's to the crazy one The Misfits the rebels the troublemakers the round pegs in the square holes the ones who see things differently they're not fond of the rules you can't quote them disagree with them glorify or vilify them but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things they push the race forward and while some may see them as the crazy ones we see genius because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones that do and this is a message for many of you who are here this morning for those of you who just can't find your space you can't fit into any clique you are hard to impress you're not the garden-variety kind of person who gets jealous you don't see competition and yet you find it difficult to connect with people who are not on your vibration and first samuel when david was in the cave hiding from saul it says he drew a motley crew of misfits they are described as being distressed in debt and filled with discontentment and david galvanized the misfits to come fight his battle i want you to know you ought be prepared that who god is going to help you link with maybe quirky in their demeanor they do not fit the normative z' of a Eurocentric standard of beauty they are not trying to assimilate with the main culture they don't do anything in order to be validated and you really don't know how to take them because you're not used to genuine love these are the misfits I want you to write this down it's gonna blow your mind I want you to think about it even after this worship encounter is over here's what I want you to write down the hardest thing you can ever do in life is not be yourself would you write that down please the hardest thing you'll ever do in life is not be yourself millennial somebody tweet that out for me the hardest thing you can ever do in life does not be yourself assimilating to what society suggests is normal can be an instrument of psychological torture you become an actor on a stage full of pretenders you pick up activities that align with your acceptance but not with your passion you wear clothes that are not consistent with your taste or body type regrettably we live in a culture where to be different is an act of risk when you are not living your truth you end up dying a lie a great black woman the civil rights struggle said it is not what they call you it's what you answer to because you have refused to acknowledge you are a myth fit misfit you have been forced to maintain outdated friendships because you will not become the peace with being a misfit you have to choreograph conversations that are light and trivial and leave you with a headache because you do not acknowledge you are a misfit you are a file voluntarily intentionally commit psychological suicide and die to your own genius because you don't acknowledge that you are a misfit you do everything that is appropriate to appear sociable even when your smile is awkward and you are really at peace being alone Kendrick Lamar said all my life I had to fight so a lot of your time ends up being spent but people you would rather not be bothered with because family members make you feel like there's something wrong with you because you cherish being alone and so they keep forcing you when you're gonna have a family when you're gonna have kids when you're gonna settle down and in the back of your mind you say a why to be miserable like you I don't want to live up to somebody else's standard of what happiness is supposed to look like when it is that I'm miserable Claude McKay that great Harlem Renaissance writer wrote the poem we wear the mask and many of you are wearing a mask because you hide that you're a misfit while everybody else enjoys going to movies you would rather go see a play most people enjoy restaurants but your pleasure is cooking up new recipes for yourself even if there's nobody to taste it they spend hours on Facebook but you would rather have your face in a good book the radio is inundated with trap music but you best relax - jazz afropunk and worship songs and you turn it up in your own car even if nobody else understands the groove it's because I like it and you don't have to co-sign they all dress out of forever21 Macy's and Nordstrom's but what you looking for can only be found in vintage stores and online and then off beaten path and you understand that this is not for everybody but I don't dress for everybody when I look in the mirror I didn't do it for likes I like it so if anybody else likes it that's just an added bonus but I didn't do it to appease you so people who don't understand the layers to the complexity of your personality don't understand why often you are spotted alone it is not because you want to always be alone but because you have discriminating tastes and you are arrogant about your company and you realize after so many failed attempts it is hard to find a match and you don't even mean in terms of intimate relationships you mean just in terms of friendships god I can't hear nobody and so they don't even understand I'm fine if I can just get two or three real people that understand my of brokenness and flaws I don't need a bunch of people running in and out of my house for waving you up built like this you don't even need your real friends to call you every day but whenever y'all catch back up y'all jump right in where y'all left off as if not a day has passed and you call with that can I talk to some misfits in here as a matter of fact if you call me every day I'm suspicious cuz I want to know why you ain't working on nuttin why you a bill did nothing while you ain't dreamin about anything all your time is for me so that's how you are in your relationships how much more difficult is it for people in your intimate space so it's hard for you to adjust to people who spit game because the stuff that they think is impressive doesn't even register on your radar god I can't hear nobody I need to have a meaningful in-depth conversation that will tantalize my mind and will motivate my thinking and because of that I need you to ask me more than what did you eat today I can't hear nobody I am over the mainframe I don't want to sit in the car and debate for 20 minutes what restaurant we don't go to and do the exact same thing every Friday Saturday and Sunday I need somebody that can stretch the elasticity of my experience and say there is something more I'm talking to real people who find no delight of walking through a mall three hours when you broke you would rather begin to Journal that dream begin to plot and strategize and think about what is my next step what's the point of me going to dinner with you and you gonna spend the whole time texting and tweeting or Facebook and you can't even engage a meaningful dialogue about the depths of who I am as a person the Bible asks a question that's almost rhetorical that nobody seems can answer and that question is how can two walk together unless they agree I need you right where you are would you shake your neighbor by the hair and tell them I agree hallelujah come on shake it like you got a strong handshake I agree now here's what's crazy y'all if they don't even know what they just agreed to but let me now fill in the bike they just agreed everything you pray for is getting ready to come to pass they just agreed that's or enemies are gonna be your footstool they just agree that everything got put in your heart yes get ready to be in your hair later grab that neighbor real quick and tell them you better come into agreement with me I agree that the worst is and the best is yet to come and I got too much for me to walk by myself and so the difficulty because that much more compounded not for companionship how do you find that match just they have a conversation we don't even know the art of conversation you dating somebody through Tex oh god I can't hear nobody and when the phone rings you think something is wrong because you don't even know the sound of their voice help other person besides to say do you hear him preaching to you today so you have difficulty having conversations you get bored easy it's hard for the mundane to hold your attention you become irritated by those who have no Drive god I can't hear nobody in here it gets under your skin when all they talking about is love and hip hop in I can't hear nobody in here I don't want to see another picture JLo I want to know what are you doing to change the dimension of your own existence and your own reality and if you're not taking me up you pulling me down - no 10 I find a match they can hold conversation that can hold my attention they can hold my spirit and then all of that trying to find a match when the Bible told me through a warning label to not be unequally yoked god help me in here so you don't mind going out with me but can't pray with me God I can't hear not my you comfortable sleeping with me but praying with me is too intimate god I can't hear nobody in here you can take me to eat but you won't fast with me not for one day it's hard trying to find a match to imagine them how much more is the difficulty for those trying to find a kidney I know I backdoored you hang on for those looking for bone marrow how much more difficult is it for them when they realize they are the misfit the kidney is only working at 60% how do I find a match black people consistently find themselves at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to health disparity we already prone to the kidney destroying illnesses of diabetes and high blood pressure and although organ transplants can occur between races matches are very difficult to come by from people who are not from your community doctor Marquette Faulkner of Meharry Medical School in Nashville Tennessee said if more African Americans signed up to be organ donors their chances of receiving a match would improve but black people are dying from curable diseases because too many in the community give according to the US organ procurement and transplantation Network White's account for 68 percent of organ donors while we only 14% notwithstanding that the amount of both races on the waiting list is just the same you just miss what I just said we are just 13% of the US population but we have the same amount of people on the organ waiting lists I need that to seep in for just one moment White's receive over half of all kidney transplant and we receive less than the third diabetes which is the leading cause of kidney failure overworks people's kidneys until they wear out and high blood pressure damages the small vessels in the kidneys and they're no longer able to function so we are dying in large measure hear me not because of Trump but because of what's on the menu more of us are dying at the hand of fried food then because of the claim you're not saying anything more of us are dying from a salt shaker than a drive-by shooting more of us are dying liquid deaths of leaders of Pepsi and coca-cola that your body would reject water to the right match several things have to happen I want you to write this down in order for you to have the right match you only need two things in order for you to have a right match you only need two things and I pray that this will help you long after this day is over I want you to share it with your family with your friends as I believe it will in fact be an emboldened benefit the first thing that you need in order to have the right match I want you to please write this down is blood type everybody say that with me blood type all right they have the right match you have to have the right blood type there are four different blood types write this down you're gonna be the smartest person at work tomorrow four different blood types Oh a B and a B oh those are you two got gd's with me zero a B y'all that you're dead later and a B are the four different blood types most popular is all the rarest is a B those of you who come under the canopy of Christianity your blood type is C pencil you said they were only for Oh a B and a B yes but if you're under the canopy and the covering and the vow of Christianity you got another blood type which is C that is the cross the blood of the donor I need you to write this down the blood of the donor has to match the blood of the recipient I'm coming I said the blood of the donor has got a match the blood of the recipient y'all Oslo y'all gonna get it in a minute I said the blood of the donor has got a match the blood of the recipient last time for the slow class the blood of the donor has got a match the blood of the recipient here comes my grandmother what can wipe away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus can I talk about it it reaches a HEPA highest mountain and it flows to the lowest Valley help all the person beside and tell them don't make me start um out the blood how do they only 50 of you right through here would you just say it out loud the blood the blood the blood ha I'm telling you when you get ready to get into a car accident and you feel like you can Betty to lose control of the vehicle all you gotta do plug I can't hear nobody when you give a walk in that courtroom and it looks like the odds are stacked up against you you better stop calling for the blood I don't 9:30 when the Death Angel was passing when they put the blood on the doorpost said death could not come in now I dare somebody to lay hands on yourself and say flagship for the brother it was the blood that covered me hallelujah so when he died Maher says whatever was in me was already in him because the blood type of the donor has got to match the recipient the reason why I give God glory is because when he died he offered in new hours trifling he already knew that I was broken but in spite of what other people think they know about me he died up for me anyway the Bible says that while we were yet sinners he died for me I know this is old-school I storefront preaching right through here but I need somebody in the room and get your name and say what saved me was not a degree what delivered me was not a car I Drive but on the hill hallelujah they hung him high they stretched him wide he hung his head and then he died you say anybody born again in here that under sound over this that that's not how the story ends but three days three days later he got up with power in his head some of y'all don't understand your assignment it is easier for you to find a match if there's somebody in your family ha ha the anointing on your life is not for stranger but God put something on you to bring a family member they've been looking at you and they know your circumstance and they can't believe can spider y'all being really in the same house you got a completely different perspective because it's in my blood I feel like preaching in here that's why I can't settle that's why I can't give my space to anybody it's in my blood I want better for myself I want more for my children I believe that greater is coming where'd you get that from your skin my blood try to sit still but when that preacher huh cause the name of the man that night for me there's no way I can sit still I said I won't tell nobody but I just can keep it to myself there's somebody to look at your neighbor and say neighbor if you wanna see me go crazy you better not call his name because we're not think of the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me my soul cries hallelujah I'll fight him thank him for saving me he saved me when I should have been dead he save me when I didn't love myself I was sinking deep in sinner very deeply stained within the master of the sea here my despairing she lives in me sighs if they anybody here that can say save save save I'm saved from what I used to be I'm save from what I used to like I'm save from what I used to be around I'm save from what almost killed me I'm save from my mother's addiction I'm save my father's brokenness I'm save from the enemy's trap I'm save from generational curses I'm save from every disease I'm save and what you think about me because the Lord is my shepherd she'll not walk give somebody a high five and tell him I'm safe I'm safe be seated please I'm saying oh I'm saying hallelujah have you got good religion certainly Lord I'm safe be seated I gotta tell you this first thing you need for a right match is the blood type second thing write this down is HLA typing right just down please H L a typing HLA typing is human leukocyte antigen and that is a tissue typing antigens watch this are proteins on the cells of the body they are over 100 different antigens but you only need six to have a match here's what I want you to have is you have three from each parent three from your mom three from your dad in order for there to be a match or high your probability because I need you to have this in order for you to have a match you have to carry I want you to have this you have to carry in order to have a match you both have to have the same substance and many of you are sick cuz you keep getting connected to people who have no substance the Bible says that iron sharpens iron and the reason why you are burnt out is because you gotta have strength for your whole circle god I can't hear nobody so you spend all of your energy encouraging them pouring into them coaching them and nobody pause back into you so they don't understand why you hit a brick wall and you don't feel like being bothered I like all the yah I really love you I want the best for you but I'm trying to ask God witness somebody boy in the mission because I'm sick of always be in the picture and I can't find nobody that's a cop my plan for you this year I need you to lift up that hand please I feel glory coming Thank You holy God my prayer for you is God is gonna connect you to people with substance hallelujah you got enough superficial and shallow friends I need people in my life that's gonna push me to dream that's gonna want me to want more from myself ain't no I'm cute I already know I'm attractive you got anything else you can say about me it's something with substance because it is hard for you to find a match because the people who you want to donate to you have no substance you look crazy with a college degree letting a negro with a high school diploma run game got god I can't hear nobody you look absolutely out of your mind letting somebody who ain't never built nothing give you constructive criticism on your dream you must be mad to let one person mess up your day that they don't agree with what you got on and the reason why they mad is cuz they can't afford it in the first place you better get yourself together and get connected to somebody with substance in the next chapter 4 we find misfits Peter and John were preaching to a rat preaching of radical gospel and the gospel that they're preaching is so radical it's not preached in the synagogue and they are arrested I wanna say a word to just some of you that can handle it you know you are misfit when the church don't know what to do with you okay yeah nobody in here then you got a call on your life but you don't need no microphone I need real people you you know you and all that but you ain't gotta sit up front and charge folk don't know how to handle you're anointed and the day it is Peter and John then get arrested at the mall and then get arrested at the supermarket they got arrested at church for flowing in a gift that the church was not used to god I can't hear nobody I'm talking to some real people in this room I hope y'all have be honest we like that come on y'all been with me for a minute I love God the patience for politics and being in York Lincoln in your circle I'm beginning there's something wrong with me because I keep going to church to church to church to church looking for something I can't find the match god help me because I need substance and can I talk to misfits in the room I got a bar myself from becoming cynical God yeah because I'm sitting there and I ain't feeling nothing and I'm seeing people shout over nothing and rejoice over nothing and in my spirits and when they gonna say something win when they go really minister to the need in the dress take issue god I need substance they preached watch this show in 5000 join y'all not gonna like this 5000 joined and then they got arrested I don't know who I'm talking to you I don't even know y'all in this room they didn't arrest me - they saw my gift world arrest me before I helped your stuff grow I can't hear nobody y'all attacking me because I'm successful because I'm proving because I got a racket why did you stop me before I help you [Applause] and they arrested them after five thousand join the church I'm talking to a misfit in this room your greatest liability your greatest liability I'm getting ready to help you your greatest liability is being successful the thing that keeps blocking you is what you do work if you are failure nobody would pay attention to you but everything you touch begins to multiply and mediocre small-minded people can't stand you and they don't even understand I don't even work for this this is my grace on my life I won't trying to show nobody up I want trying to embarrass nobody I wasn't auditioning for your position I was being me and being made here's your cell works for me always see results so if you can get over it I gotta be who God has called me may ask them a critical question be seated I'm coming to get you in one minute they asked Peter by what power do you do this people who are always questioning your gift don't understand the power of God hallelujah look look at your neighbors say they don't know how I do this they don't know how I do this hi I get out the bed with no hallelu your tears things on my cheek how do you do this how you able to speak to the folk who you know was trying to set you up this how do you keep helping folks that you know will take you for granted do this it's the power god that's on my life [Applause] [Music] they'll know how you're raising them kids they don't know how you got run over but you still look like a runaway model god I can't hear no matter they they got no idea how it is that you such a great mom but never had an example they got no idea how you are that groomed and that grace with no formal education they got no idea how you keep your house up good when you were raised in the project how well God is on me and he says in verse number nine if we're being called today to ask how we got a lame man back on his feet please know what my source is I'm only able to do it through Jesus how I want you to be seated just for two minutes I'm gonna let you do whatever you want in three minutes be prepared to be questioned because the anointing on you is so heavy that is getting ready to impact other people and that's when you are a real friend if everything you did was only to the benefit of you the enemy wouldn't pay any attention to you but God said just for 800 of y'all that will receive the Word of God from your pastor this is the year you are going to become a target god I can't hear nobody you are going to become a target Wow could you gonna help people get back on their feet hallelujah you don't even need no credit you don't need your name call you don't need any recognition and here's your best shot the people who you gonna help first are the people in your family that despise the ground that you walk off God said I may use you to get him back on their feet because you didn't even know I was the mid-set and he says empowerment being good company I want you to be in good company because some if you're knowing it you're not by yourself being ostracized being rejected being marginalize it don't think that it's just you the Apostle said they they rejected Jesus said he is the corner stone that the builders rejected god I wish I had a church right through here they really thought they could get it done without them and just when they were getting ready to finish they said we missing a piece we need some cornerstone to keep this together and I'm speaking to those of you who today are being delivered from the spirit of rejection God told me you have the cornerstone and it ain't gonna be finished until they includes you in the project god I can't hear nobody in here I want to take just one flashback holdin up your mistakes until they do right by you [Music] nothing good is gonna happen to them [Music] this is for the misfits the crazy ones the circle Paves trying to get in the square hole cause as you found your match I'm finally connecting you the way you supposed to be all of you who are in this room and you know I'm talking to you it's been hard is all get up trying to find a circle trying to find your tribe trying to find your space trying to find the way you belong I'm gonna pray for you would you lift up that hand please bring that God finds your match I'm trying to hook you up with nobody I said I wanted him to find the match let me work in the field that matches my patch in my expertise lift up that hand please God please surround me with some friends who will be as much as a friend to me as I am to them I can't find no worshipers in here God find somebody I can dream without loud well I don't have to hide my fears that I can expose my vulnerability God match me up with the right group there won't get caught up in triviality my god I want to be connected with some world changes with some history makers god help me to get somebody on their feet cuz there's grown people with low self-esteem grown people that don't know their value don't know their worth help me to be able to bless family members that wanted to see me down god I trust you for it and God if it is your will I don't reckon many of you gonna keep your hands up if it be your will God keep me by myself until you reveal the right match I don't have the tolerance to waste any more time I only need to be connected with something that's going somewhere that's meaningful for my life for my destiny and for my assignment and those of you your faith is connected to my faith all of the misfits in the room do me a favor please open up your mouth and give God your best sound of Thanksgiving [Applause] I can't hear anybody I said open up your mouth come on for the brave ones the creative ones the imaginative ones open up your mouth I want you to stand to your feet please you're fearfully you're wonderfully made in the Garden of Eden there are a lot of creatures kangaroos reindeers rhinoceros raccoon and something was said over Adam that was spoken over you here's what I want you to know what was said over Adam is spoken over you it's not that you can't get nobody the Lord said to Adam and I looked and saw here it is nothing suitable and a lot of you have exchanged availability for suitability god you're do you hear what I just said just because they available don't mean is suitable because you've got an assignment over your life you got a call that God is calling you too [Music] you
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 58,895
Rating: 4.8603492 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Jamal H. Bryant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 19sec (2779 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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