Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, THEY MUST THINK I AM STUPID - December 23th, 2018

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deliver me from poor choices some of the stuff that I got in was not the enemy it was not the white supremacy it was not the White House but I put myself in it so god I need you to anoint me with wisdom I can't hear nobody you won raised with it you weren't exposed to it your parents didn't have it but I need wisdom to raise these children I need wisdom to manage this budget I do wisdom but this demonic attack I need wisdom for fall the friends nah give me wish [Music] Matthew chapter 2 verses 1 through 12 would you read silently as I read aloud after Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea during the time of King Herod Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and as way is the one who has been born King of the Jews we star so his star but when it rose when it rose and have come to worship Him when King Herod heard this he was disturbed and all of Jerusalem with him when he had called together all the peoples chief priests and teachers of the law he asked them where the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem in Judea they replied but this is what the prophet has written a you Bethlehem in the land of Judea are by no means at least amongst the rulers of judah for out of you will come a ruler who will Shepherd my people Israel then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared he said them the Bethlehem and said go and search carefully for the child as soon as you find him report to me so that I too may go and worship Him after they heard the King they went on their way and the star that they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was when they saw the star they were overjoyed on coming to the house they saw the child with his mother Mary and they bowed down and worshiped him then they opened their treasures and print presented him with gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh and having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod they returned to their country by another way you may be seated I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject they must think I'm stupid would you would you look at the person beside you say they must really think I'm stupid would you arm yourself with a writing instrument for those of you who are technologically savvy I want to admonish you to use the app that came free with your smartphone that allows you to take notes there are some principles and points that I want to download into your intellectual hard drive that I believe will serve you well long after this day is over we are now come to church just for inspiration but also for information how many of you want to learn something when you come to the house of God the only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing did you hear what I just said the only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing so said by Greg and philosopher Socrates who is considered second only to Solomon in the realm of wisdom Socrates was known for his pungent odour and his a repulsive aesthetics he acquired his reputation in Revere because he Arana Klee boasted that he knew nothing the Oracle of Delphi bestowed on him the title of being the wisest and he rejected the notion until he set out to find someone wiser than him and then duly discovered that the acolytes were rightly suited because no one else was willing to acknowledge that they didn't know anything according to Nigel Warburton in his treatise entitled a little history of philosophy a little history of philosophy the author's name is Nigel Warburton he is what the writer said wisdom watch this isn't knowing a lot of facts or how to do something wisdom here this is having an understanding of the true nature of our existence including your own limitations it is interesting it is interesting to say the least that what made Socrates so wise was that he kept asking questions even to the point that he was not afraid to debate his own ideas the underlying mantra of the Woodstock generation of the 1960s was to question everything and almost ironically we have gone from a generation that built their identity on questioning everything to now being a part of a generation that accepts everything and because we accept everything no wonder they treat us like we're stupid we don't value our own communities and think that there is no value in it but the Koreans the Jews the Asians the middle Easterns will come in and set up shop and take our money because they see our value even when we don't see our own value they were so handle us with low disdain that they want to do business with us but won't shake our hand and will slip your change through plexiglass and expect you to take it because they treat us like we're stupid don't understand that why it is that our children are not performing well in this County when it still classified that ketchup is a vegetable chocolate milk spaghetti and no greenery on the whole tray and yet we expect them to excel in reading math and science no wonder they treat us like we're stupid because they know that you won't show up for PTA they'll put your children in special education track them for the Prison Pipeline all the while your children know all the words of 21 savaged amigos jay-z Beyonce but can't conjugate a verb something is wrong [Applause] socrates relentlessly pursued the concepts of love justice and bravery what's good what's bad what does it mean to be moral or immoral what does it mean to love someone his questioning became so annoying that the people of Athens wanted to put him to death because he asked questions some people are angry because you refused to be the answer to their question you don't know how many people you infuriate just by your very presence you've done nothing to them but performed at a high level of excellence and your excellence exposes their mediocrity you got to come to a place where you've got to get frustrated of always having to hide your intelligence to make mediocre people feel comfortable get to a place where you're dealing with a supervisor who is threatened by you because they got the title but you got the influence the whole department can't even work until you show up and you keep everything going and they get frustrated because you don't even do it according to the manual you found the way to get it done better and faster and easier why because you are a culture shaper you learn how to ask questions they offered to Socrates that they would not in fact kill him if he would just stop asking questions Socrates says I'd rather die of him luck with honor than to live in silence within dignity was in fact Nina Simone that declared forthrightly under blues Zig that people will stamp you and then blame you for the blood they got on them you have to get to a place where you understand that the wisest thing that I can do is not be silent William Shakespeare said to thine own self be true and the old funk legend they said thank you for letting me be myself Oh y'all ain't always been sayin again there are people who want you to be silent because you refuse to go along to get along you are not the average Joe you are not a pushover but when stuff is out of order your question stuff people on your job can't stand you could you do stuff that ain't even within your job requirement but it makes you feel uncomfortable to be around stuff that's disorganized and chaotic so you stop fixing stuff and pulling stuff in the order even though it's not your responsibility wise people question what's accepted you just miss what I just say it wise people question what's accepted and a lot of us have confused tradition for biblical are y'all a sayin nothin just cuz we've been doing it don't mean that it's right so sometimes we gotta switch some stuff up God ain't afraid of change Negroes are and some of you have got to get out of your comfort zone for God to push you in a whole nother direction I feel like there's some people who are braced for the new stuff that God is getting ready to do that eyes have not seen that years have not wisdom is the virtue celebrated as the ability to make sound judgments through knowledge experience and through discernment I want to say something to this multi-generational church they're being old does not make you wise y'all don't like it I say being older does not make you wise sometimes a 25 year old can have more wisdom than a 65 year old because wisdom is not always predicated on experience but on critical thinking you have a lot of young fools a lot of young fools who take drugs and you got a lot of old fools who won't take their medication y'all just miss without your saying a lot of young fools take drugs and a lot of old fools won't take their medication at some point you've got to make sure that your age reflects your experience you should not be the same person at 40 as you were at 20 or else you have wasted 20 years of your life I don't know whether you realize it or not but the enemy ought to know that his season for missing with you is over had he got you last year you would have fell for it but now you look back over your life and you can tell a liar before they open up their mouth you can tell us we'll look before they ever give you the proposal why because you learn from your experience there's a Japanese proverb the Japanese proverb suggests that the best room in your house is the room for improvement you just miss what I just said so the Japanese proverb says that the best room in your house is the room for improvement there are some PhDs who have no common sense and there are some GE deans who should be teaching at Georgia Tech a part of your superpower is that you are smarter than what most people expect your secret sauce is the fact they all your life you have been underestimated folk have no idea what your potential is because they think that they know you based off of who you are or what you have come out of but you don't even know this morning you are sitting around god's undercover agents God planted some of you in the family to show the rest of your family what real favor is supposed to look like can I shout you real quick you weren't even the favorite you you weren't even the one they thought was gonna make it but now they need your prayer in a major the internet the internet and reality television has inundated the culture with the glorification of ignorance and in spite of that backdrop our souls are starving for wisdom as a consequence you see the rise of a new platform called life coaches the number one selling book on Amazon and Barnes and Noble is self-improvement books the leading podcasts that are downloaded on Apple music our motivational podcasts yet right under our noses scriptures keep shining a light on the merit of wisdom I want you to write this scripture down please proverbs 3 and 15 proverbs 3 and 15 what does it say pastor wisdom is more precious than rubies nothing you desire can compare to wisdom proverbs 3 and 15 wisdom is more precious than rubies and nothing you desire can compare to wisdom the average professional athlete has to file bankruptcy within 4 years of retirement because in spite of them having strength speed and agility they lack wisdom the average lottery winner ends up in a worse financial condition within 5 years because after amassing millions they do not have the wisdom or the acumen to maintain it my prayer for you as pastor is I want the Lord to give you wisdom to maintain whatever bless so you get next if God gave you the house it shouldn't go in foreclosure y'all didn't hear what I just said if he gave you the car it shouldn't be repossessed if he gave you the husband you should lose them to a side chick y'all ain't saying nothing whatever blessing God gives me I want God to help me to maintain it and keep it I'm sick of hearing people in church say I want to give back everything the devil stole I want to know if he keeps stealing why won't you get an alarm system find a way to keep the blessing that God has given you so that whatever blessing you get in 2019 you gonna be able to keep that blessing because of the wisdom that God gives proverbs 4 and 7 she write that down proverbs 4 and 7 wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and all of your getting get understanding the Lord appeared to Solomon in the first episode of let's make a deal and asked him what do you want Solomon do you want military strength do you want popularity do you want long life do you want wealth and Solomon retorted I want wisdom and the Lord began to blush and say because you've asked for wisdom I'm gonna give you long life I'm gonna give you wealth I'm gonna give you strength in it amazing that in this neo charismatic Pentecostal atmosphere that you hear churches shout only for that which is tangible so you tear up the church talk about a new house becoming a millionaire but God said is there anybody in Stonecrest that wants wisdom God deliver me from bad decisions deliver me from poor choices some of the stuff that I got him was not the enemy it was not the white supremacy it was not the white house but I put myself in it so god I need you to anoint me with wisdom I can't hear nobody you want raised with it you want exposed to it your parents didn't have it but I need wisdom to raise these children I need wisdom to manage this budget I need wisdom but this demonic attack I need wisdom for folded friends gives me wisdom that's what I walk for Christmas I want wisdom would you lay hands on your own head right where you are hallelujah every good every good opportunity is not a god opportunity God whatever you got for me give me wisdom show me which door to walk through which people to get in the business with what people I need to cut off lord give me wisdom about how I invest how I saved how I raised my children how I correct my bad decision lord give me wisdom lift up their hand and now the oil of Solomon has released he said because you asked for wisdom only a thousand of you go shout he said because you ask for wisdom I'm now blessing your health oh yeah I can't hear nobody I said because you asked the wisdom your cholesterol just went down yeah your blood pressure just went down the blood clots just stand up all of your limbs are in functioning order they don't need budget replacement you will not lose your hearing you will not lose your memories God will bless your help because you asked for health because you asked for wisdom hallelujah I said because you asked for wisdom buckle up you are getting ready to walk into the wealthiest season of your life I can't you nobody your nieces and nephews are going to college because of the wealth that you have you got have property the example states because of the wow that's a hair although your tax issues about to be cleared up because of the well you have just ended i speak prophetically over your life you have just ended your season of poverty god I teach you nobody in here you are not gonna get well through osmosis but God say your gift yes don't bring money in the your couch your cam there's God opened up doors for you be seated you are never working for another demoniac in your life you didn't hear what I just said the only people shall now are people who go work for themselves people that believe there's an empire trapped inside of me that there's multiple strains of a Wow getting ready to get my life all because you ask them for wealth you asked him for wisdom in Matthew chapter 2 in Matthew chapter 2 Jesus was born and we find wise men wise men are looking for and of course and then I had to ask the tick's it's because Socrates positioned us to question everything what makes them wise when none of them ever taught a class at the University of Jerusalem what made them wise when we have no published articles were made it wise we have no evidence of them ever defending a dissertation who made them wise the first thing that we see that illuminates for us out of the texts that their wise men hallelujah is that they were able to go off of watch this a sign God didn't speak all they had was a sign through a star I've been praying for you this week not you just person beside you I'm praying for you this week god help me in here I can't find who I'm preaching to I'm praying for you this week that between now and Friday God will show you a side I can't hear you he'll kill confirm for you what you've been praying about these don't show you a side of what it is you've been asking him oh I pray to God to give you a sign about what you ought to be doing in the next chapter your life hallelujah he'll give you a sign of who are your friends is the undercover enemy he'll give you a sign that your season on that job is over I can't kill no worshipers in here he'll he'll give you a sign that he's got plans for your children and for your lineage and for your last name he'll give you a sign looking for God to show you something I don't know whether it's a rainbow after the storm I don't know if it's due on the grass but Lord show us a sign and I need you to show me a sign way that I'm headed in the right direction the only way you know whether you're on 85 north or on 20 is that there's got to be signs god I can't hear nobody the only way you knew which exit to get off is their head to be a sign God you ain't gotta do everything but show me something just to confirm I'm not crazy loosen my mane and they're just still with me show me a sign and they looked up and saw the star they started following it because there was a sign the second parcel of evidence that they're wise men watch this is after they finally got their theologians argue that it took two years after they saw the star in order for them to get to the manger I know you don't need this but somebody around you is right on the precipice of a breakdown and there's only the oxygen of grace that's keeping them breathing they Lou your pastor why would you say that because you don't know what the last two years been like hallelujah am I talking to somebody in here they're like still you said in life for me ain't been no crystal stair huh I need those of you that have had to go through attack after attack and setback after setback and disappointment after disappointment the last two years you don't even know how you're still sane and still got your right man how you they kill nobody you you didn't become better or angry on the fence over the last two years you've had to downsize everything last two years you had to reevaluate your faith the last two years you second-guessed your call the last two years you were trying to figure out is my season up the last two years felt like a curse how did they know the two-year cycle was ultra say no was over when they got in the presence of Jesus and they begin to worship Hill I don't need everybody but those of you that need closure which you worship he'll like it finish I can't hear you worship him like a finish with this worship Him I'm Ted dragon into the new year worship hell [Music] I'm gonna show you something Jonathan they messed me up they begin to worship Jesus and they're not in the sanctuary they're not in the tabernacle they're not in the temple they're in a manger pastor why you telling me that because when the wise men start worshipping Jesus there are no instruments god help me no liturgical dancers no gear samus they were wise enough to know I don't need to be in church to worship you but when I think of the goodness of Jesus hallelujah some of y'all are gonna look at us crazy but I don't want you to shout like you in church I need you to worship like you in your bedroom I need you to give God glory like you do when you're in your car like I live to the south like there's no pattern [Music] for just 30 seconds I want us to be wise men and wise women when you worship Him with no background music let let me hear you worship him like I'm just glad to be in this presence I'm grateful to be at his feet [Applause] Sumner's didn't ready to break a day to lay your hand on your belly and just cry out on my god light you need him to do something like you need evidence [Applause] hallelujah I feel glory coming hallelujah half your glory cover sheet an Amish I feel this clover come y'all they sayin nothin is here I feel this glory cover the Bible said that when they started worship him watch this their gifts opened up God said if you stop worshiping me whatever gift is in you is about to be revealed what what ever known in your hair is about to be it [Applause] thank you don't worry about how these people looking at you hallelujah they wasn't there when you couldn't pay the bills they won there when you are about to lose your mind forget about all of this if they look at you crazy shout louder if they got a header to praise them with a header - I - give him praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] about with everything [Music] we see that one last time please I'll do what you want y'all don't listen to me no way for reason supplementals third reason why they were wives give me very carefully first reason is because they dared enough to look for a sign second reason watch this is they had enough nerve to give him service third reason evidence of their wisdom once this even for those of you watching online write this down third reason is that they were prepared to change their strategy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but let me let me prove it to you in the text there wisemen but they could take the counsel of somebody else don't you get so puffed up that you think you know everything I'm talking to church people right now just cuz you don't memorize 20 scriptures don't mean you know everything there is about God and the word came to them watch this you gotta change your strategy what does that mean pastor go home another way if you go the way you've been going you gonna get killed y'all ain't saying nothin to me but if you shift everything and go in another direction everything you were called to do is gonna come to pass do you know why you want to be shouting this morning you can ready to change directions you get ready to go down another road and follow another journey the strategy for your life strategy for your life has just changed I want to do this and I want to do it as quickly as I can I know you still trying to get to the mall before they close I know you got some stuff on the oven I want to do this quickly is that these wise men had enough sense to know I do not come in his presence empty-handed but whenever you come into the presence of somebody great you ought to be bringing something they brought gold watch this the highest rated commodity in the earth because they recognized I got to give God my best pastor why use this wisdom is wisdom watch this because Jesus can't talk yet so they weren't going to get a word Jesus had performed any miracles so they weren't looking for any sign they brought in offering watch this new birth just because they were glad to be in this presence you get ready to see the sign of maturity in this room did they realize what's this in the presence of God I can't just bring them one thing I gotta bring them at least three I don't know where you are in this room but I'm gonna challenge those of you who have made some bad decisions like your pastor may some dumb choices like the person you listening to right now but you're trusting God for wisdom gone into 2019 whether you are in this room watch this just to be in his presence before he does it before you see the sign before you understand the strategy I'm gonna challenge every person in this room here may they brought gold frankincense and myrrh I want you to get Plus this a cedar sacrificing your hand and I want you to get it to your closest receptacle as close as as possible as quickly as you possibly can hallelujah and when you lay it in that receptacle I want you to shout one word out loud not well not prosperity the one word I want you to shout is wisdom that's what I'm sowing my seed towards some of you ought to be giving a c230 some of you 300 hallelujah some of you all you got is three but I want every person in this room to get a seed in your hand hallelujah they walked for two years for the privilege and you sitting there timeout I don't want to stand in front all these people come on get your best gift in your hand hallelujah look at these wise people coming from the east coming from the north coming from the west end coming from Bankhead come on coming from Chaco coming from Stone Mountain look at these wise people hallelujah every person I need you to begin coming every person watching online I'm challenging you today when the last time you invested in your wisdom invested in your discernment I need you to begin coming now [Music] you know how long does been waiting for you to change your man waiting for you to think different waiting for you to process another way this is the greatest walk of your life it's the journey towards wisdom [Music] people are gonna owe you an apology for underestimated you you get ready to give promotions you never interviewed for give many to get jobs you don't have a degree for one he's getting ready to put mentors into your life this is your journey to wisdom people who thought they were smarter than you are gonna end up working for you y'all didn't hear what I just said for 50 of y'all if you shout out loud God said imma make family members of pologize they mishandled the call of God on your life come on wisdom wisdom don't you come to this altar plan for no man pray for wisdom [Music] come on wisdom wisdom [Music] give us movin those of you who are giving to push me is dumb I want you to follow the direction on your everybody is standing softly musicians so many times in church we want to be politically correct softly almost in a careless whisper we don't want to offend anybody we want to walk on eggshells new birth ain't that kind of church I want to say this to you even though I know some of y'all gonna be offended you're gonna be mad others of you gonna be big mad I want to say to you watch this the stupidest thing you can do is be in this powerful presence and leave out of here still unsaved the stupidest thing you can do is think you gonna find another church lit like this one [Applause] you know made some bad decisions in your life all of us have but one of the best decisions you'll ever make will be following Jesus and I'm telling you what decision you will never regret is joining new birth whether you are in this room what's this right off the rim no song ain't nobody gonna talk to you come on I'm gonna need you to operate with wisdom we're good since you know this better in but I need this this way I need to be this is where God can grow in me rock and stretch [Applause] [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 108,525
Rating: 4.8725553 out of 5
Id: uxNPN0hHtBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 6sec (2886 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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