Sometimes i feel like i'm falling apart

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they are domestic missionaries meaning that a lot of their workers right here in the United States but they have a global a global impact of both of you who are interested in joining the Missionary Society please see any of these ladies after service they are so jealous to enlarge their troops I am want you to be a part of what it is that God is doing I in this season Jesus was very clear if you want to be great all you got to do is serve and the greatest amongst us don't need a microphone I just need an opportunity to serve and so we're thankful under God for their lamp like example might I ask if there any of you who are visiting with us for the very first time would you please stand is this your first time visiting with empowerment temple worshiping with empowerment temple we're honored to have you thank you so very much I ask that as we continue in our series the ministry for being misunderstood so many emails have come in of those who have been impacted and blessed because they've been misunderstood and it's been largely of grossly unaddressed until in this worship encounter how would you mind standing to your feet for the reading of God's word music ministry thank you so very much Romans his way I want to direct you New Testament book Romans chapter 7 Romans chapter 7 look lost Matthew Mark Luke John acts Romans Thank You Romans chapter 7 once you've found it won't you say I have it I know it's a little bit slower that rain is all right none of the books will rearrange because of the rain they should have an exact same place Romans chapter 7 and I want to illuminate for your understanding verses 21 through 25 and in this setting I want us to read it together aloud Romans 7 verses 21 through 25 every single one of us come on let's read it together with uplifted voices so I find this law at work although I want to do good evil is right there with me for in my inner being I delight in God's law waging war against what a rigid man I am who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death so I find this law to work although I want to do good evil is right here and it's in me what a wretched person I am who can rescue me from this body that is subject to death thanks be to God who delivers me through Jesus Christ you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I want to preach on this Sunday using as a subject sometimes I feel like I'm falling apart sometimes I feel like falling apart would you look at the person beside you and tell them I know that feeling that's the wrong neighbor they have never felt like that they didn't even make eye contact with you you you know they've fallen apart what would you find somebody else and tell them they are some days that I feel like I'm falling apart consider to be the ultimate villain of reality television it's the Omarosa Manigault rose from The Apprentice to a senior advisor in the White House has recently released New York Times best-selling book entitled unhinged an insider's account of the Trump White House the media magnate spills the details to the hostile work environment in the executive office the paranoia pervasive in the president and the incompetency found in the south to set the stage she tracks back the DNA of her relationship with the commander-in-chief in their friendship over the last 15 years from consultant to candidate to celebrity to cabinet meetings she admits being sucked in by his charisma making her complicit in matters complemented complimented their complicated and compromised her character she maintains however she doesn't believe that he is a racist but has undeniable markings of somebody who is emotionally and psychologically fragile by the time of her firing and the unraveling of their friendship she is utterly convinced as the speaks the title of the book there Trump is falling apart it's considered suspicious by some that she didn't reach this conclusion until she got escorted off the property only the courageous can admit without prompting the due to circumstances beyond your control due to demands at home traps at work responsibilities to the family financial obligations health challenges and the stress brought by disappointment the you to have days where you feel unhinged unglued and unfit I think that it is worthy of your critical evaluation that Paul was never a president but he was an apostle and in his letter to the church at Rome in the seventh chapter he appears to be having an episode where he's addressing the ecclesia and talking to himself at the exact same time he identifies himself not as an anointed man not as God's man but as a wretched man and then asked who can deliver me from this death what a contradiction from somebody who's supposed to be preaching salvation transformation and good news people who are part of the church at Rome opened the letter thinking that is going to be a bright light in the face of their oppression only for Paul to be going through his only independent rant about what's going on with him Paul is a peculiar character and he reminds us of somebody we all know Paul cusses even when he's around Christ you don't know nobody like that pull out their mirror in your purse he carries a switchblade even though he claims that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal half dead MA during us to have the sword of the Spirit here he is with a pocket knife cuts a Centurion soldier Z off maybe what you forgot neglected to remember about Paul is that he rang ran with gangs before he ran with God and of all his time working around the work of Christ with God watch this ended amazing that he has access to the anointing but never gets his anger management checked I want to caution you that you've got to stop rushing to judgment when you don't know what people have endured you see their New Testament but you're not prepared for their Old Testament you draw conclusions when you don't have a box of crayons trauma can become a gateway to unreasonable fears that impact our decisions and not just our decisions but trauma impacts our actions it produces and reinforces negative views of our identity and not just our identity but of our destiny negative thoughts create spiritual strongholds and those negative thoughts that creates spiritual strongholds they stifle your ability to grow spiritually trauma is employed to convince us that there is no hope and that rejection is inevitable trauma is sent from the enemy in order to kidnap your assignment and your call so you keep having reoccurring events around the same issues and because it keeps popping up you have an overwhelming sense of feeling instability and y'all know where it came from how it is that you're dealing with it why the onslaught is so maddening and all the more peculiar when the memory of it shows up everybody in this room has had some bumps in the road some potholes some trauma and then with that trauma you have to figure out did that trauma shake me or did it shake my faith when I'm on the right Road who in fact put that pothole there did they put the pothole there so I would not reach where I am assigned most traumatic events here this contain an element of insanity because trauma is illogical and it's unexpected whatever trauma you're endured it was not scheduled well knowing your calendar you didn't expect for it to happen and that trauma is insane because it rattles your mind even when explaining to somebody else what happened the only response they can give that's crazy because it's that illogical the mind then begins to overload on trying to make sense and trying to defend it at the same time so I'm trying to block myself from full impact of what has happened and then I'm trying to explain it to myself as to why it happened knowing it makes no sense it becomes so toxic that the trauma disrupts your sleep it impacts how you eat it alters your capacity to interpret intimacy because I've been offended because I've been assaulted I'm not sure what it means to be hugged with no strings I've then begin to interpret whoever looks at me wants me because of what I've endured I have a hypersensitivity sometimes help me sometimes sing around the interaction around my children because of my trauma I have convinced myself I don't need nobody and God said it ain't good for me to be alone because of my trauma I will openly say and can't even check myself I don't like other women and you are one because of your trauma many of you hear me I'm not in touch you watching online cuz even just being in the atmosphere will make sure flare back up that I tried to suppress because I cannot separate fellowship from that which is perverse and when is the illogical there's usually unscheduled and if it is unscheduled and illogical nine times out of ten there is a demonic force connected to it if you ever wondered why it is that God has to fight for your mind he fights for your mind hear me empowerment when he never has to fight for your soul he died for your soul but has to fight for your mind told you over and over again over two hundred hills in Jerusalem how about the one they picked to crucify him always gal Gotha place of the skull so Jesus died watch this with my mind in mind you are transformed how by the renewing of your mind let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus I know you don't want to talk about it out loud I know that it's uncomfortable even in this setting but I want to tell you that reverse of what the enemy has been whispering pastor what is that you are not crazy you're crossing over your mind you're shifting into a whole nother dimension and you've got to forget those things which are behind so you can press to the mark of the high calling and everything you've been going through have been trying to crush your mind and even without the benefit of medication or therapy your grandmother used to say I woke up this morning with my mind stayin on Jesus I wonder if you've ever taken a moment to do an assessment I have to all of the trauma that you have endured after all of the insanity that you have encountered after all of the crazies that you've had to deal with have you ever thought about how God has regulated your mind that got no idea that legally I should have lost it oh but I'm I'm so thankful that he keeps his hand on my mind because if I was left to my own devices I would be better and angry and vengeful but I'm grateful that I've got the peace of God in spite of the trauma that I've been doing in my life if you ain't dealt with nothing that you don't know what power was dealing with but so see you've been with to a life of trauma and insanity and unpredictability but you thank God that you got a reasonable portion of health and strength you owe God gratitude I said I thank him from my mind there are people who have lived through similar traumas to yours who are strung out on drugs who are alcoholics who have anti deviant behavior who have become sociopaths who are in prison who have cut themselves who operate as terrorists of self-sabotage who cannot maintain healthy relationships who refuse to forgive but here you are in the house and all this time you thank him for cars and houses but what would it profit you if you lose your mind and I I just wonder if there's anybody who can talk the enemy and let us know yes that knock the wind out of me I was that I didn't lose my man thank you that circumstances didn't drive me crazy thank you then I was on the ads but it didn't push me over right yeah that I didn't do what I thought about doing that first cycle that I did commit suicide when the pressure got be like sure that I can lash out that somebody who wasn't wants the jail time right yeah I got a pause right here I just need 15 of you if you know you got to thank him because you almost lost your mind what would you just do me a favor please and just put worship in his face I know y'all looking at me like I'm crazy but this is the only therapy I gotta I gotta find him my mind being intact I'll tell you you you better do better than that you used to need cigarettes to calm you down you you used to need alcohol to take the edge off you you using me random sex to take off the stress but now you understand the authority of worship that when I give God my best worship it'll take stuff off my mind and give me peace in my [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my god hallelujah hallelujah thank you I don't want you to worship if you end up a held a grudge ha ha I don't want you to worship if you didn't have a legitimate reason to get them back I don't want you to worship if you didn't have days where you didn't want to get out of the bed I don't want you to worship if you didn't don't do some stuff in your childhood that should have disrupted your daughter I don't want you to worship your life being unfair to you but you are to fight him for your sandal [Applause] and The Wizard of Oz and the Wizard of Oz so many of us miss the metaphor of the movie that every character in The Wizard of Oz traveling down the yellow brick road is falling apart and they've fallen apart for different reasons Dorothy has fallen apart because she just came through a storm and she's already lost her parent she doesn't know whether her aunt and uncle have survived and all she wants to do is get back home scarecrow is falling apart because he lost his mind the only thing he needs is a brain so that he can think his way through the lion has fallen apart because he knows what he is born to do but he has no heart to act on it the Tin Man is falling apart because while it is that one of them wants to go home another one wants a brain and another one once heart of The Tin Man is like nine of you who are in his room he's falling apart because he knows the only thing is missing is the oil y'all just missed it I wish I was in church said that even if you got a brain and you got a heart if you ain't got the oil you ain't ever gone function but I I need 50 of y'all they can thank God that the only thing that keeps me moving and functioning though the only thing that keeps me on top of my game is I got the oil still flowing in my heart so whether it's my mind my heart what's going back at going on back at home or the quest of holiness I still don't want to fall apart I need you to do me a favor please just follow me in this exercise would you just embrace yourself please hallelujah embrace yourself I need the enemy to know that it is the love of God that's keeping me together hallelujah over the last 45 days I almost lost my man I almost lost my home I only almost lost my family I almost lost my heart but like David whatever you do please don't take your Holy Spirit away from me and I I need those of you even if you are keeping yourself together by a thread by the hair on your chinny-chin-chin would you just thank God you are still together because of the grace look at look at Paul in Romans chapter 7 look at Paul in Romans chapter 7 he says he says in verse 15 I don't understand what I do and I know something is wrong because I do it watch this and I hate do it I need some real focus this is not for superficial plastic couch Christians I need those of you who know better but don't know how to do better yep you talking yourself out of it while you in it you got I know I'll need this cake Oh God this is good yeah y'all ain't never been there wait you gotta talk yourself out of the insanity that they're driving over to the house you saying God I know this is wrong but it's my last time if you just keep me alive y'all just look straight ahead you're sayin a turn to your neighbor moment I'm talking to those of you who know your income is fixed and broken and the exact same time but you got no business walking around Columbian Towson and Owens mills mall shopping online god I don't know why I'm doing this Paul said I don't understand it and I hate that I do it and you don't even understand that I'm playing into the enemy's narrative because when I hate what it is that I do when I continue to do it I begin to hate myself and when I hate myself I reject everything that is assigned to me why because I have convinced myself I am not worthy of the assignment Huk Moses went to God and said to God I can't go speak to Pharaoh I got a stammer and tongue and the law said who gave you that mouth I knew your brokenness before I ever called you and it is because of your brokenness that you are qualified for the assignment that's why the enemy can't stand you I'm telling you is that you can see all your flaws and can't figure out why God's hand is still on your life I want you to embrace your assignment without any apology because when I know where I'm broken you can't hold it over my head because I know it and God knows it and guess what he chose me anyway Paul says in verse number 17 he says I hate what I'm doing even though I do it but I finally realized it ain't me that's doing it it's the sin that's living in me hallelujah I'm talking to self-righteous Saints this morning who act like you ain't got no sinning you god help me but I need 50 of you have better able to declare greater is He that is in me then he that is in the world I I'm gonna make an apostolic announcement and I hope you'll be able to receive it you are stronger than your greatest weakness how you didn't kill what I just said I said you are stronger King your greatest weakness and God said if you give yourself over to him this week whatever is your area of weakness and sin between now and next Sunday you gonna be able to overcome it but y'all sitting here acting like you ain't got no seeing you you don't have no weaknesses but those who can be honest in the presence of God that says this week I'm gonna deal with it i'ma deal with my depression i'ma deal with my overeating i'ma deal with my spending I deal with my lion happen whatever that God says in verse number 89 I have a dot a desire to do what's good but I can't carry it out how do you have you ever had that wristlet well you know that there's a call of greatness on your life but you don't know how to get to it because of all of your issues although your brokenness all of your frailty I'm noticing what God has for my life I know that there's more but I just can't get the gumption together to stand up in the face of wickedness haven't been able to break this stronghold like a dog returning back to its own vomit I find myself in the same place that God pulled me out of and now watch the insanity of Romans chapter 7 in Romans chapter 7 Paul is writing to the church at Rome he's a bishop he's supposed to be giving them the lamplight to salvation the church growth after mental health in the spiritual majority and now here is the bishop saying to the people who will deliver me they reading the letter saying well no we thought we thought you was gonna give us some advice I'm talking to those of you who who are under the pressure of living under the microscope of having to help people and people don't even know what you wrestling with god help me I'm talking to somebody who who even though you're strong you got some weak moments and and folk will never give you space to be human because they always want you to function in the supernatural yeah I love God but I do get tired I do get frustrated I do feel like quitting y'all gonna act like you'll never have those moments I I do feel like not being God that I do feel like telling you what I really think and there are some days if you catch me I'll tell you but but you gotta give me some space so that I can flow in [Applause] he says fool who can deliver me I'm preaching to somebody who's in this room Paul wants to know who can deliver me watch it cuz Paul knows the world he wrote more books than anybody in the Bible who can deliver me hallelujah sometimes you've got a dark night of the soul will you begin the question watch this what you actually know hallelujah folk who don't understand your walk with God gonna give you some tract scriptures if you'll already know that when you go in through don't tell me no weeping may endure for a night I wanna know how many nights you talking I don't want to hear think that way cuz I've been waiting I I don't need to hear when your mother and father forsake me say God I need to know what do I do [Applause] who will rescue me who will rescue me when with vocal going through they always come to me for prayer hallelujah but nobody ever checks on me in the moment that I need prayer that I need some real folk in here I I gotta tame myself because when I'm going through I got time for y'all playin Church I come to church for no announcements I didn't come for no skit I didn't come to be on no committee or buy a chicken I came to know is there a Living God but the word that I'm going through right now you don't even know how to articulate it because when it is that you need deliverance focus soon that you ain't already saved y'all ain't saying nothing to me that's my problem is I love God I know God but I still get trapped in some stuff and I need God to deliver me look at the person beside you tell him I came to get delivered today hallelujah that's the wrong neighbor they're gonna be self-righteous and judgmental but find somebody who's been going through something as deep as you look at him and ask who can deliver me hallelujah you live long enough you'll find out you can't trust people to do it Jesus I'll get tired of the process or they're holding over your hair I'm looking for Nick Rhodes to deliver me just he'll be your friend today like you own something tomorrow will deliver me hallelujah and when Paul says who will deliver me he understands that that before he can finish the sentence he says the only way I can get delivered is I got to get to Jesus hallelujah wish I was in a sanctified Church see some of y'all thought your deliverance was in a job and in a man and in a promotion but if there's anybody that knows can nobody human like Jesus can nobody to me like the Lord he hits me up he turn me around look at that neighbor tell him he'll deliver you today hallelujah y'all sitting beside the wrong person do me a favor don't sit with them next Sunday find somebody else look at it and tell him he'll deliver you to the utmost Jesus Saves he'll pick you up guilt on your Jesus he'll say I just need somebody who is able to testify that Jesus will deliver you gives your shout not from demons not from witchcraft not from Republicans he's for 50 y'all better be honest God said to liver me from me because there sometime well almost mess myself up the only sayin nothing if you ain't never been delivered from yourself you ain't never had a real shout but if you need to be delivered from bad decisions from poor choices from cycles of behavior who can who can deliver me nobody can deliver me but Christ Jesus hallelujah fearless glory right here I said nobody can deliver me but Christ Jesus November 7th 1907 to shore in November 7 1907 in a small village known as Sonora Mexico November 7 1907 anniversary is coming up November 7 1907 small village in Mexico known as Sonora Mexico there was a train coming through Sonora Mexico y'all ain't gonna believe it in in one of the boxcars of that train was a boxcar full of dynamite my scarf full of dynamite and rushes y'all the whole box car caught on fire can you imagine a whole boxcar full of dynamite and now the train is on fire what's going to happen with no sticks of dynamite catch on fire it's gonna blow up and destroyed the whole city I wish I had time to tell you how that that train is headed toward Sonora Mexico that has a resident population of only 3,000 and that train is headed right to the center of town while on fire and a boxcar is full of dynamite and the engineer says if I go through this town everybody in that town is going to die so he accelerated the speed of that train so he could get through the train through the town before the explosion he got just ten miles outside of town before the train exploded the explosion was so great that you could hear it for 26 miles I don't have time to keep you today I know you got stuff to do you you barely made it out in the rain but I forgot to tell you who was the engineer on that train god help me the engineer of the Train watch this last name Garcia first name Jesus Jesus is driving the Train y'all are missing it that is supposed to come into the town and all them would a dad had it exploded but Jesus accelerated the train until he drove through the town watch this so nobody would die and here's where you are the shout and all lives were spared but Jesus dad hang out time to tell you hallelujah but on November 7th thank you on number 7 there is a holiday in Mexico hallelujah where they got a thank God for the engineer that's not the explosion from coming hallelujah many of them are not even Christians hallelujah but on November 7th they all come out in the city and dance in the street and they only shout one thing thank you Jesus for delivering us I got to go 7:30 service but that's all I wanted to tell you that there was some stuff in your direction this week that had a gone off it would have destroyed everything that was connected to you but God in his loving care accelerated the speed so that you are still alive on this day and the only thing you can do now lift up your hand open up your mouth thank you Jesus because I should have wiped me out I'm still yeah thank you thank you thank you construction of blown up in my face thank you cuz the enemy meant it for evil but you minute for my good thank you because there's some people that plot it against me but you stopped it from killing my doorstep thank you I feel like I'm falling apart aside come into my life and I don't even know how he got diverted but for the grace of God can you imagine how the people that the church were talking about Paul he's will be leading us and he won't even like who he is I'm telling you can be anointed and misunderstood you can be a leadership and still misunderstood you're here in this room hear me very carefully if you hear in this room you're saying pastor I feel like I'm falling apart I'm losing it the pressure is on my life on my man on my family on my finances is killing me alive and I am becoming unhinged that's where you are I need you to come meet me at this altar please a lot of people ain't gonna believe that is you but it is you come on you falling apart you falling apart you falling apart come on meet me at this altar you falling apart come on you falling apart I don't know why I act out like this I don't know why I can go 0 to 100 real quick come on come on I'm waiting on you you sitting in your car just bust out crying for no reason come on you fallen apart Alleluia rough day at work you taking it out on the kids come on you've fallen apart tired of being strong tired of being resilient you just want permission from God to have a weak moment I need you to come meet me at the salt it's only two more you I'm waiting on you hallelujah come on quickly please I don't want something to happen in the next 48 hours just don't keep you over to scale Papa said other and took all I can saying and I can't stands no more wherever it is that you are I need you to meet me at this altar lift up that hand please how would you stretch your right hand to faith to those who at this altar on the name of Jesus I pray of every person who like the Tin Man just needs some oil starting to feel rusty she starting to feel like they are not themselves I need you God to give them the heart of the lion so that they'll have the courage to face their trauma God what I need from you is to help them to get back home a different way because of the storm that has hit their house I need you to cover every person that they care about god I pray that you'll bless them that in this season that they won't lose their mind that you'll bless them indeed thank you for your hedge fence of protection that you put around their life God thank you that even in this moment I find the spirit of depression bind the spirit of anxiety bind the spirit of resignation I release a peace that passes all understanding and a joy that is unspeakable and those of you who are in this room and you're trusting God for a supernatural breakthrough to happen would you do me a favor please not in any tone of judgment or self-righteousness as we give God glory for them when you give God glory for yourself that he's gonna keep you another week [Applause] come on every person is sending every person is sending I want you to hug three people around to tell them you gotta keep it together come on you gotta keep it together [Music] you gotta keep it together [Music] come on brain [Music] I need you to just go hug to more people to more people tell them keep it together keep it together you ain't gon losing you I don't bother fine come on break could you give God your best shout up Thanksgiving I want you to be honest with me please don't lie to your pastor has anybody ever had a moment where you felt like you were losing it come on a couple of if I'm in the last 30 days you felt like you were almost unhinge how many of you can give God glory you know he the only one that kept you together [Applause] the one that kept you together I wanna open the doors of the church because I'm looking for somebody I'm looking for several people need to come give me your hand but more than anything you need to give God your heart you're in this room and you're saying pastor I really need a relationship with God help me give God some praise for this young lady [Music] [Applause] Paul has enough knowledge of mine to know the only way I'm gonna be delivered as if I give my life over to God the only way I'm gonna be able to keep my heart the only way I'm gonna keep my carriage on the way I'm gonna be able to keep my house is I've got to be able to get in relationship with it who can't deliver me I'm telling you the pastor can I'm telling you he can I'm tell you the missionaries can stewards can but I'm telling you there's something about that man named Jesus who can take away the sins of the entire world if you're in this room and today you're saying I need to join the church I need to give my life over to God if that's who you are that's where you are would you mind coming to me now come on give me your hand I want you to give God your heart if you're in this room please hallelujah hallelujah help me y'all they playing hard to get day out here but I want to get to him would you do me a favor everybody move get off your row get out of your section get off your Pew go find some money ask him how they saved ask him do they have a church home hallelujah bless you come on the Bible says let the Angels rejoice over one that's found would you do me a favor would you give God praise for this one sister that has come on this rainy Sunday morning come on you ought to give God some real praise for you may be seated one of the things that'll make you feel unhinged unglued unfit is having no money y'all they never been there I'm tellin you stress about money and you yeah you can't even sleep you thinking of a masterplan house y'all ain't never been there huh bein broke I'll fix your attitude y'all gonna be on ain't no reason for me to be happy amen but I'm believing by faith that God is going to do something in the area of your finances so you don't lose your mind over money you know how many people want strung out on drugs this morning trying to escape the reality of poverty if any idea right now how many people are meandering around Atlantic City around Las Vegas y'all ain't saying live Baltimore cuz they can't deal with the pressure the anxiety of having no money when you realize what since that 70% of all divorces are point back to a money issue a finance issue you have no idea watch this in soup kitchens across the state of Maryland today I don't want you to think that every person in that line is bait some people are knows lines have PhDs y'all ain't saying nothing to me have have amazingly high IQs day they got their mind watch this but they lost it at the exact same time how I want you to know that many of us have misappropriated the Bible we've misappropriated the Bible why since it doesn't say that money is the root of all evil it is the love of money that is the root of all evil God God want you to be able to prosper he wants you to do well I believe that for me I hope you believe that for yourself hope those of you who watching online believe the exact same thing huh maybe the test the test of where you're going in this next level of your life is how it is that you handle your money in it amazing that is at the offering you lose your man at the time for the offering you'll never lose you ain't distress when you go out to dinner hello yeah you ain't distressed on Zappos website you distress on Amazon is only when you get into the house of God Jim Lord I can't afford all of this did you get irritated bad day asking for my money you ain't never been mad with Macy's you ain't never been upset with Nordstrom's it's only in the house of God says how in the world they want my money and keep reminding me that God gave it to me God is the giver of every good and every perfect gift on this rainy Sunday I don't believe that you came this far just to come this far I believe you came this far because God wants to take you much further than where you are right now I want every person who's who's ever had a touch-and-go moment last minute you didn't know where you gonna come up with the down payment with the rent with the car no with the insurance went to tuition with the child support whatever it is that you had in front of you to mortgage the car know who the insurance whatever it is and at the last minute God showed up just when you will get ready to lose your mind I want you ambassadors would you mind partnering with me I need you to lift up that hand if you're absent of an envelope lift up that hand if you're absent of an envelope please I want all of us collectively on this day yesterday was the first day of autumn first day of fall aren't you glad that God is preparing you for the next season it's preparing you for a new season he's preparing you for a different season Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing expecting different results how many of you want something different in The Fault in what you had in the summer that's your testimony if that's your conviction then I need your seed to be a reflection of that I want every person I want you to get your best seat on your handout dear friends or watching online how wherever it is that you are dear friends in carolina's how we're praying for you even as you recuperate we're believing that God is gonna restore everything that was lost everybody will one year away from Puerto Rico and still nothing substantive have changed or happened you thank God for all the blessings God has left in your life over the last year how many of you can thank God that he's been better to me than I've been to myself to that end I'm gonna challenge you every person I want you to get your your tithing your hand our visitors who are in this room our visitors who are in this room I want you to think about the last time God had to deliver you from something financial how much was it those neglected parking tickets how much was it just before they put that boot on your car how much how much was it damn court fees and you didn't have to do any time how much was it whatever it is that God did for you in the last minute I want you to in fact reflect your Thanksgiving at this moment wherever it is that you are even if you're giving through cash yep you're able to do so on your phone as that you would give a seed in your hand if you're not at either I'm gonna stretch the elasticity of your faith and ask that you would give a gift of no less than $40 on this day I want you to do that if you're giving back yup laughs I and said you'll do no less than 40 if in fact you are I'm not a title if you're a visitor in this house on this day every person once it is that you've secured your offering I want you to stand to your feet all over the sanctuary would you do that and said you'll stand to your feet stand to your feet lift up that gift above your head repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do before this month is over amen would you turn there right begin coming now from the last row if you know that we serve at risk I can be what I hands any other color [Music] give to an ever give us a couple of things that I wanted to share with you both of residentially and those of you who are in our cyber sanctuary this coming Tuesday I want to him personally invite all of you to please make sure you are in the house of the Lord is gonna be an amazing night national correspondent CNN contributor and a brave super bad sister is going to be with us April Ryan Baltimore Morgan State University zone we're gonna have a one-on-one conversation about her new book called the under fire after she would have concluded then she's gonna be doing a book signing out in the lobby I saw I want you to please come and let her know how much it is that she is loved to end the value I want you to come just because I want her to feel a circle of love which is not really being reported on the news but I wanted you to be aware of it is the number of death threats that have been aimed at April Ryan and Maxine Waters over the last of 90 days has skyrocketed to such a place that both of them now have to have 24-hour security detail so I wanted you please to make sure that you here on the Tuesday night just so she knows the community loves her and has her back come on would you give God some praise for April up this coming Wednesday this coming Wednesday is our sixth season on the word network four of the empowerment encounter I'm excited about it's gonna be absolutely amazing I want you to please make sure that you were tuned in Wednesday night at 8:30 we'll be broadcasting live from Detroit Michigan so please friends make sure that your present and accounted for but this is the last day that you can purchase tickets for our scholarship committees team which will be held on this coming Saturday also make sure that you are a part of it if you are unavailable on today ants that you will please buy your ticket anyway or make a donation that's what the end game is so that we will be able to send as many deserving students both young people and non-traditional students to give them access to higher education when for many of them the only stumbling block is finances and so we want to be able to remove that on so as the jewel please get a ticket on today out in the lobby or if you're not able to come or be a part as that you'll make a donation to the scholarship committee no gift is too great or too small so please make sure you are a part of it I want those of you who are in this room those of you who are in this room and you have somebody in your family who is presently incarcerated or is a returned citizen would you lift up that hand if you have somebody in your family who is a returned citizen or president incarceration wave that hand at me thank you so very much I'm doing something different in this season ordinarily October is just our men's month but I really wanted to put a lot of our focus for October on prison reform for returning citizens particularly in the city of Baltimore somebody give God a hand clap of praise traditionally our traditionally our men's Day is the last Sunday of October this year the last Sunday of October is going to be our entry day re-entry day pastor what does that mean and what does that look like are all through the lobby all through the Charles Robinson fellowship hall I'm gonna have programs or services educational opportunities and employment agencies for those who return back out of prison but are not given opportunities somebody give gone a Hank let the phrase because I'm tired of hearing panels and hearing conversations and not seeing anything done about it and I believe that our church is gonna have to step up to the plate and try to produce one of the things that I'm asking you to do between now and the last Sunday of October I want to collect 3000 neckties 3000 neckties is what it is that I want to do missionaries I hope you'll help me to do this as well in those 3000 neckties of gentlemen as you please clean out of that closet but I want to help two programs one in Maryland and one in Prince George's County that does a program for gentlemen who are returning and need clothes for job interviews so I want to make sure that we're able to help them in that endeavor and in that enterprise so beginning on next Sunday I ask that you please bring neckties to church 3,000 of them I want them flanked all over the altar also on that day we'll be able to really help them out on that last Sunday in October I'm gonna be bringing neighborhood and community halfway and transitional houses I'm going to come and worship with us on that day somebody give God a handclaps of praise because I believe that we have a whole lot more that we can do and what we should be doing our fall revival will be October 14th through the 16th I'm a good friend and brother prophet Hall will be with us again on October 14th through the 16th that Sunday Monday and Tuesday October 14th and 16th so please make sure you mark your calendar we only have revival twice a year so we not churching y'all to death you ain't got no excuse I'll make sure that you hear October 14 15th and 16th hot last but not least I'll add last but not least our Solomon school of success is getting ready to go into their fall semester how those of you who are interested in getting some help on some assistance and some mentorship are in the area of entrepreneurship please go to the TEC table out in the lobby and they're gonna be able to help you with all of the information that's needed and necessary for you to get off of the ground if you were blessed by being in worship on today would you give God your best shelter Thanksgiving next Sunday friends is our youth emphasis Sunday our youth and young adult emphasis Sunday as you please bring next Sunday are your children your god children your grandchildren young people are taking over our services on next Sunday are they gonna be in charge of everything and I wanna see them cultivate and develop and so we need your help and need your support in so doing other young people are not the Church of tomorrow if we don't have them in church today and so we got to be intentional about our young people so as that you'll please help us in so doing would you send to your feet right where it is that you are those of you who are watching online and you skip Church today cuz of the rain shame on you pray all your clothes get wet tomorrow yes as that you please stand to your feet I'm joking a little bit thank you but would you take your neighbor by the hand you have nobody told you today I want you to please know that your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I want to see
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 16,574
Rating: 4.7981653 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, feel, fall, falling
Id: 5nXfUGH4jrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 36sec (3936 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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