Good Friday

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come on paulus name I said call his name they knew you you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I get joy when I think about what he's done for me didn't have to let me live but he did and for that I give Him praise anybody got a testimony on I'll tell you would you just tell the person beside you one thing God did for you one come on if they don't shout off your testimony find another seat I said tell him one thing he did for you has he made a way by anybody that's the Lauren a bishop Davis come out we are are getting ready to go live in just about five minutes you may be seated just just a couple of things that we want to go over before it is that we go live around the world I am so honored so humble that one of the most influential voices are in the body of Christ he's a mainstay for the word Network he got on the plane from Detroit Michigan just to lead us through worship tonight would you help me thank God for my covenant brother and friend Bishop Greg Davis come on make some noise for him just a couple of things up before he shares and gives direction and we're gonna be live on television so I'm gonna ask that you please take gum out of your mouth please as quickly as you can number two if you are not sure whether you are potty trained as that you will please go to the bathroom now so that you do not disrupt service but I need you to please make sure our hearts and minds are clear unless you are a neurosurgeon on call I need you to please turn that your phone on to silent please I need you to put your phone on silent as that you will please do that for all of us number three is I need you to avoid the Negro temptation pastor what is the Negro temptation when the camera comes by you do not wave into the camera please and need you to stay focused man stay focused on worship and so this is not a production this is not a performance this is worship amen how many of you know how to worship with no camera is look at let's practice it right now would you just give God a praise here it is for no reason in particular [Applause] we have amazing men and women of God who are serving and sharing on today I want to ask the spouses of our Proclaimers that the spouses that are here won't you all please stand are the spouses of our Proclaimers won't you please stand would you give God some praise for the other come on y'all gotta shout better than that we're so grateful so thankful for you would you help me salute and celebrate my mama is here all the way from Baltimore [Applause] [Music] dr. cecelia Williams Bryant we appreciative for her tomorrow from 12:00 to 3:00 right in our parking lot we're turning our parking lot into a prayer station and so for three hours uninterrupted at the time in which Jesus was in the tomb we're going to be in deep intercession how many of you still need God to answer some prayers so as you'll please meet our intercessor II team out in that parking lot I might I have anybody who is visiting from outside of the state of Georgia would you stand if you hear from outside the state of Georgia I want you to stand please come on give God some praise y'all ain't Shelton is high as gas prices are we so thank you so appreciate you bishop Davis come on greet the people station thank you I am gonna say this he gave all the instructions but I did hear tonight we had to put it across the night Eman and I heard the Lord say there's some miracles that's about to take place where's Lewbert had such a neighbor say you on a miracle roll and there's some miracles that's gonna take place before the night is over win if you believe it just shout miracles and the cross prophesied to your neighbor and tell them there's a miracle with your name on it bless the Lord our music ministry is going to lead us in worship without liturgical dancers I want you please to stay fully engaged in worship ignore the lights to cameras but look for God to make some action happen l want a person beside you tell them tonight is gonna be your night tonight he is gonna be your night would you stand together come on les collectively worship and give God glory come on minister Tiffany say maybe today will be the best day of your life now somebody give God a praise if you believe your slaw we mess your way tonight [Music] the best [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to turn [Music] [Music] the best day of your life we are live in Atlanta Georgia at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church for the largest seven last words in the world I'm peso dr. Tabar Harrison Brian our host for tonight is the word Network's own Bishop Gray Davis from Detroit Michigan give God some glory for him let's celebrate everybody come on new word let's celebrate welcome from all over the world literally 90 million homes literally 200 countries are watching the largest seven last words I want you to begin to believe God for miracles tonight I want you to for the kids begin to believe God for healing tonight we're gonna praise God we got some awesome speakers thank God for mr. Kevin Adel they own and operate of the word Network tonight it's gonna be amazing it is the best day of your life I want you to learn everybody you can go on social media tell them to tuning into the word Network if it is not provided in their local cable carrier ask them to log on and watch the word network that or we're believing God for signs wonders and miracles to happen I want you to record in history today is the best day of your life God is still in the blessing business and he's got a blessing with your name on it Georgia come on make some noise if you believe is the [Music] [Music] if you believe it is shake somebody hand and tell them this is my best day tell them you ain't seen nothing yet this is my best day come on shout in here you may be seated in the presence of the Lord he is a mighty God in case you didn't know you're watching the word Network and we are live from New Birth Missionary Baptist Church let's give God praise and celebrate the pastor my company brother come on dr. Jamal Harrison Bryan come on thank you dr. Bryant open 11 years ago we started this seven last words and we certainly honor what the Lord is doing in the life of dr. Jamal Harrison Bryan you all saw him in Baltimore last year but he didn't move down south y'all anybody glad about it at Newberry I said is anybody glad about that Newberg [Applause] on tomorrow let me just sit and I'm gonna go back to the program but on tomorrow they they were they were looking at raising forty thousand dollars but over a hundred thousand dollars has been raised not only not only did Jesus come out on Easter Sunday morning but tomorrow those that have been incarcerated unfairly yelling say nothing new birth is gonna set them free and send them to their families somebody shot in here he is a mighty God I'm believing God tonight that you're gonna be set free their miracles that are gonna happen tonight in your life we want you to get ready because we have seven men and women of God that are gonna preach the Word of God on tonight Bishop Brian Keith Hodges he is the pastor of the gathering of Champions International Cathedral in Marietta Georgia preaching over 14 years and has founded many initiatives in corporate and Christian arena in 2007 he was elevated to the office of Bishop by The Full Gospel Baptist Church fellowship a reverend dr. Charles E Goodman jr. past their historical Tabernacle Baptist Church Augusta Georgia celebrating 12 years as a pastor nine thousand people come together weekly for eight services and come on y'all y'all can do better than that the first word tonight the first word tonight will come from Bishop Brian Keith Hodges father forgive them but they do not know what they do Luke 12 Luke 23 and 24 our second word the Reverend dr. Charles Goodman truly I say to you today you will be with me in paradise Luke 23 and 43 give God praise for both of them [Applause] well they know not what they do a prayer about forgiveness a little boy and his sister from Chicago on their way spend the summer with their grandmother and grandfather we've got a wonderful farm in South Georgia when they get there the grandparents provide for them the lay of the land tell them what they can and cannot do they introduce them to this one favorite goose it's grandma's favorite goose shows up every day greets our welcomes our they have a fond relationship grandmother tells her grandchildren the only thing you can't do is you can't throw rocks do anything else you want but you can't throw rocks she's out sight this brilliant and bright precocious seven-year-old boy who is the tad bit mischievous picks up a rock throws it hits the goose in the head kills him he looks around grandmother doesn't see but his older sister sees when she sees she tells them you don't do everything I tell you I'm telling on you it was a miserable summer every nickel he got she took every extra tree she got he took he got she took everything that was given to him in a tangible way she took because he knew that if I don't give it to her she's gonna tell on me finally after losing his last benefit he runs in the house says grandmother I threw a rock I was disobedient I hit your goose in the head I killed your goose please forgive me she said I already forgave you he said why did you already forgive me she said I saw you when you hit him he says grandmother why wouldn't you tell me why wouldn't you say something to me she said I wanted to see how long you put up with your sister the truth is friends this prayer is a prayer that helps people get off the hook with God Jesus prays this powerful prayer that helps them get off the hook with God he starts with the word forgive it's an interesting word in Greek it's a fear me the word of family simply means this it means to let him loose let him off the hook Jesus is beaten he is batter he is bloody he has been beaten black and blue he has thorns on his head he has his beard pulled out he has been accosted in every way and Wow pierced hands and pierced feet hanging on the cross the first thing he thinks of before he takes his last breath is to forgive the people that did it to him this is interesting ladies and gentlemen and it's interesting for a number of reasons watch what happens when you think about this forgiveness that shows up on the cross the people who hurt him fall in four categories let me give him to you really quick the first group of people that hurt him were the unrelenting the unreligious they kept on beating him they beat him until they couldn't beat him anymore but then they kept on beating him Hadj do you really believe they kept on beating up not only did they beat him they beat his disciples all of his disciples died tragically with the exception of one John when they couldn't get rid of him they just left him alone unrelenting have you ever had somebody that when they got the best of you wish wouldn't leave you alone they still bothered you they still tried to malign you they still tried to hurt you they still tried to break your spirit they still tried to make you feel small they still tried to disrespect you they still did everything they could to push you under the unrelenting the and the lynching won't stop but then there's another group of people he prays for not just the unrelenting he also prayed for the unrepentant have you ever had somebody hurts you and didn't apologize have you ever had somebody do you in do you wronged disrespect you and never said anything Jesus prays for people that were unrepentant they didn't even care to apologize there's a third group though he prays this prayer for the unconscious the unconscious there are some people who are not just unrelenting they won't stop there's some people who are not just unrepentant they refuse to be sorrowful but then there's another group that sleep be careful when you're going through about the people that don't care be careful friends be careful friends about the people that you have in your life they see wrong being done to you but they don't say nothing yes what I've discovered I've discovered that everybody that hangs with you ain't hanging with you some of them trying to get what they can get from you some of them trying to get what they can get hi to you but when you going through they ain't got nothing to say unconscious unconscious there's the last group the unconcerned he prays for the unconcerned the unconcerned these are people who are supine if you will they're laying down with their head up but they ain't getting involved in anything they are just they're not at all concerned can I argue for a second I believe like we believed in the community God grew up in in Detroit if one of y'all get in the fight I know weird church but you at least ought to testify what are y'all getting the fight y'all get in the fight no but here's the problem the problem ladies and gentlemen is this there's some people who just don't care anymore and when they stop caring you better be careful that you don't have friends that don't care anymore you better be careful you don't have people around you that'll desert you when you're going through there with you when you're at your highest moment but that's your lowest moment watch what Jesus does Jesus prays for those people let's turn this coin on the other side let me take my seat hey do you know that not only are there four categories of people that he pray for but they're four provisions that are afforded by this prayer let me give them to you take my see here's the first one the first provision that's afforded by this prayer is intentional involvement Jesus prays for people who had hurt him more deeply than anybody else hurt him I don't want to mess with your too long but I do want to get you to think about this that sometimes your way to the next level is based on your prayer life if you don't get involved in anything else you ought to get involved with praying for the people who have done the most damage to you who have hurt you the most who have caused you to struggle the most giving you the most pain look giving you the most disappointment who have broken your heart who have made you go to bed every night crying you gotta be intentionally involved watch this don't get on social media and out them get on your knees and pray for them don't spend time trying to get back with them get on your knees and pray for them don't spend time trying to tell everybody else who's done wrong to you get all your knee start to pray for them because here's what Jesus shows us in this verse he shows us that wrath and forgiveness equals results will you miss a good place to hallow a day just look at your neighbor's a neighbor ain't talking about it I'm praying about it ain't talking about it sure you know what they did to me but I ain't talking about a shore you know how they treated me but I ain't talking about our brag about it [Applause] Jesus is intentionally involved watch this he's intentionally involved because if he's not intentionally involved then something's getting ready to happen to them they ready for watch this when Moses when Moses leads Israel he leads Israel to a place where they rebel against God God gets so angry with them that he begins to consume them and Moses prayed and when Moses prayed God relented don't miss this there was something else that was supposed to happen on that day that Jesus died on Good Friday there were some other people that was supposed to die but because Jesus prayed he prayed a religious prayer that stops some things from happening yo enemy don't know this but the only reason they Alireza watch what happens to friends not only intentional involvement there's a second thing I want you see that is instantaneous results because when he prayed God didn't kill them your enemy should rejoice if you have any if you have any they should rejoice that the moment you pray God backed up you don't believe me here it is let me show you I brought my good theology with me tonight hey let me shorty in John 42 he prays for his friends and scripture says and God turned the captivity of John when he prayed for his friends you've got to know this that one of the benefits you get in one of the benefits they get is prayer allows God to back up from what he was about to do to them here's the third thing here's the third provision again he has an interest in the impaired Father forgive them for they know not if people would have known who you are they don't never mess with you they really knew who you were they they never lied on you they knew who you were they never would have colluded they never would have been partners in collaborating with other people against you they just had no idea here's why you gotta pray for them because you gotta have an interest and the impaired some people just too drunk and through now here's the last benefit and inconceivable grace what shoulda happened to them was what was happening to him but because he prayed for them God turned the tables up for young everybody in here ever had God turn the tables only Oh enemy anybody in new birth tonight ever had God turn the table only old enemy I wish you grab his hand hold my hand swing down hand Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] 23 verse 43 Jesus says verily I say unto you today you will be with me in paradise for a few moments I want to simply talk from this thought the ministry of mercy it's an interesting evening I can imagine as you could see the darkness of that night 3 silhouettes of the crosses but they are and it's interesting that God would use that moment as the backdrop to expose the brilliance of his nature just like a master jeweler in order to show the perfections of their prides Diamond did not choose a white cloth they choose a black cloth to lay against it in order to show how perfect that diamond is it's interesting to think about that because that is what in essence God showed us with Jesus on the cross it was there that he expressed to us but most of us perhaps to not even think through that is this whole concept of mercy is interesting that as we look at this second word is interesting because Jesus starts his public ministry giving part of the Beatitudes that said blessed are the merciful they shall receive mercy and here he comes at the end of his public life and simply utters these words I say to you you shall be with me in paradise to consider that is quite interesting and I push it further this way because literally the second word is the practical application of the first word and I see why that didn't move many of us because mercy is not something that we oftentimes consider or perhaps even celebrate it is I would suggest an underrated theological construct that he is literally the second fiddle or takes a backseat to his twin sibling called grace but mercy is important because all of us need mercy matter of fact there is the worst in the best of us and the best in the worst of us when you think about that word mercy literally it is defined as having a compassionate heart is when someone can look at you in your circumstance and have empathy and wish whale in your life and here we have my brothers and sisters a wonderful picture of Jesus showing to all of us what God does to us and what God does for us by giving us mercy mercy is in essence as we examine the text even further I think it's important to note that this takes place and what is once again a state sanctioned execution of another black and brown body we see them hanging from this cross and I suspect that the Roman soldiers will not get off on paid administrative leave things will be difficult at that time they have now taken Jesus the one that is sinless the one that has done nothing wrong and now he is hanging on a cross but here is where Luke gives us the information he's not hanging by himself Bible tells us that to his left and to his right he is accompanied by some criminals we're not given much information about them but I think it is appropriate that Jesus dies in the midst of those who the world or even society would think are miscreants or even those who are the less than this Jesus who was born between a donkey and a arks now dies between two criminals as interesting how that begins to transition because what we see is an interesting moment because I believe that Luke shares with us that is not by happenstance that Jesus is there amongst people who the world would probably look at outcasts and I don't know about you I'm grateful that I serve a savior that does doesn't mind coming in the midst of my mess that that's why we have to do a better job of embracing those who the world looks at as outcasts I'm here to tell you my brothers and sister the most dangerous word in Scripture might just be whosoever we are as we examine that it looks that way what does Jesus decide to do in this moment and Jesus in our text ray is he shows us right here with these three crosses we see the redeemed the unredeemed and the Redeemer here God begins to speak in this mural of these three men on a cross and is interesting my brothers and sisters that as we look at it further I wonder what happens because the question is tonight which side of the cross are you living you on the side of the redeemed those who accept their plight but understand who Christ is or the Unruh Dean which means you willingly live continually absent from the presence of God I'm here to tell you that in that moment we get to see what happens for the unredeemed and the redeemed when we examine that text my brothers and sisters I think it's appropriate because the redeemed simply had one request to be remembered but the one that was unredeemed wanted to be rescued you read the text you'll know that what was happening while Jesus was hanging from the cross there was conversations and the unredeemed simply asked the question as he looked at our Savior on the cross he said if thou be the Christ save yourself and us here this moment he had an opportunity to get Redemption this moment he had an opportunity to be atoned and I submit to you that perhaps he may not know it in that time but surely he died with some sense of regret and I wonder how many of you have ever had moments of regret how many times as you wish you could take back some periods and some situations of your life how many of us wish we could have one last conversation with loved one and that's why tonight is significant whoever's watching us you gotta understand you don't know what tomorrow holds part of the challenge is when we began to examine that thing and take it further we see this man that had an opportunity but he chose not to give himself to Christ and that's the part I want to sail for you tonight it there is a no for sale sign of the selfishness of your soul then God cannot possess it I'm here to tell you that one thing you got to make sure you do is make sure your heart is in the presence of God and I wonder tonight because as I look at that unredeemed person on the cross it reminds us that you can be close to Jesus and miss your moment you can show up the church and miss your moment you can be close to Jesus and still not reckon eyes image or edema but on the other side the one that was unredeemed he tried to be rescued but the one that was redeemed he simply had one request I want to be remembered I I love that tonight and that's what I simply became to suggest to us tonight is that he asked his question I want to be remembered what would give him the audacity Pastor Brian what would cause him to say I wanna be remember this was interesting as you look at what happened I will submit to you that perhaps it should have been the least likely because he was part of the conversation with the unredeemed when they were there hanging on the cross together it was there talking and mocking Jesus but something about the action of Christ changed his mind perhaps it was him hearing the first words uttered by Jesus Father forgive them maybe he could see the aura of the anointing that was on the mantle of Jesus but in that moment he says remember me I submit that that thing blesses me because it lets us know that all of us ought to have some times that we be remembered and before you go ahead and try to dismiss this criminal on the cross all of us got some stuff we're not too proud of it we'll be honest we're not giving much insight of this particular criminal we we know he is an associate of Barabbas perhaps he's one that was robbing people on the side of the road we're not sure who he is but when you look at what he says in verse 42 he is honest that he looks at his friend and says we have done everything we deserve what we have but he has done nothing in that moment he renders over and I can imagine that when he asked the Lord to remember me even though our Savior was gasping for air and referee raised up and he said surely today you'll be with me in paradise that word today blesses me my brothers and sisters I admit to you to unpack it is interesting that word today there is hope in that word today I appreciate the hope of today and regardless of your theological ideas whether you put the comma in front of today or after the day in front of it speaks of an existential reality beyond it it speaks of an eschatological perspective but whatever you put that comma the same reality holds true that there is still Redemption today and I don't know about you but that bless me as I began to think about that because I love the fact that Jesus responded to him while he was still going through his situation which gives me room to give that honor today because I appreciate how Jesus responded Jesus didn't ask him for resume Jesus didn't ask him what church he attended Jesus did not ask him what's your denominational affiliation Jesus did not ask him what's your status Jesus did not ask him what's your orientation he's simply reclined it responded to the request and say today I wish I had somebody that could turn this somebody next to you and say I'm glad I serve a savior that speaks to me in my present situation that while I'm going through he doesn't have to go through an executive assistant he doesn't have to wait to give me a call back but right there in my present moment right when I'm struggling right when I need something that only he can provide today today I don't know what I'm going to talk to but I want you to know that today redemption is possible there's good news in our text that allows us to understand that God can speak in our situation and I know there's some who perhaps would take better with this text if you could see this criminal good down from the cross but sometimes out of God the peace are to supersede your circumstances sometimes out of God the mere fact God is speaking to you your circumstances and situation may not change but God is still good today you'll be with me in paradise this that's what he concludes he talks about this notion of paradise I was recently watching the homegoing celebration of slain rapper Nipsey Hussle one of the things that spoke to me beyond the reflections of Lauren London and and his mother was reflections of his children the first channel that spoke bless me because he stood up there with boldness and confidence and this is what he said he had a dream and the dream was that that that nipsey came back in Totem heaven was like paradise what is this paradise that that Jesus speaks of in matter of fact to though in Jesus's time this would be some sort of heaven it would be a place of where the righteous would go matter of fact the better picture would be its where the Persians Kings had their walled in gardens it was a place where whether you could come the palatial and and full of water it would be a place that every servant we want to go with the king and that's where Jesus said you get to come you get to come to stay with me in paradise and here's the challenge is that we never received a postcard from paradise we've never received an answer about where paradise is we can ask Siri where paradise is but the question is raised this paradise how do I get there that's what brought me to this moment I'll never forget as I conclude not too long ago I did a renovation in my house and I was renovating my bathroom and we put in new doorknobs in the bathroom and here's what's interesting is that I didn't realize the sensitivity of the locks of the new bathroom knob and you can already admit what happened as soon as I I got in unfortunately at one moment I accidentally locked myself out now what make this interesting is that this doorknob didn't have an outside key knob it had nothing on the outside to fit a key there was only a small little hole and I'm struggling because I need to get to the bathroom and I try to find things that perhaps help me I wouldn't got a screwdriver but that didn't work I went to the kitchen tried to grab a knife but that didn't work but in the place where I keep my tools I noticed they're to the side of my thing was just a few discarded nails I looked at one of them and I noticed that it looked like it was the right size I notice it looked like it was the right circumference and so I picked up that nail and I walked over to the door that I was locked out of no screwdriver could open it up no knife could open up there was no tool that could get me into that bathroom but when I took that inconsequential that small little nail and I stuck it in the hole child of God here's the good news the nail got the door open that's all I came to tell you is that at the end of the day the reason why we can be redeemed is because the nail is the key if you want to know why we can say today we can be what I savor is because to now [Music] [Applause] tell your neighbor before you sit down tell them it's happening today I said look behind your television it today whatever you need while you here right now I decree in the class is happening win such seven people say today today today today it's happening today miracles are happening today healing this happening today while you're sitting here right now somebody shouted a shy elbow say today today three people jump up and claim it right now say today today before Sunday morning today today give it up for the first - one more time Bishop Hodges dr. Goodman every round goes I said every round goes in case you're just tuning in you're watching the seven last words right here from Newberg Church lies owning your Georgia come on give it up new birth [Music] they're featured on a film called come Sunday morning come Sunday song with artists such as Dorinda Clark old Kurt Franklin Donald Lawrence Tamela Mann and they here tonight why don't you give God praise for Lana's own Kevin lemons and higher calling come on give it up the church to praise the Lord the church to preach the Lord again listen I know it's Friday night but look at your neighbor tell them they got a Sunday morning song they want to sing for you anybody like Sunday morning choir music anybody like that all right Daniel let's go and get it when you get out of town but I want to go and get it I need about 50 people turn their track up I need about 50 people to jump on your feet real quick and help us just are clapping your hands all over the century [Music] I promise it's a real easy song [Music] the song is easy just don't [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take a neighbor put a smile on your face [Music] say it again Oh again keep-keep ray me in brain [Music] Wow why that's it for time last one key play [Applause] come on give it up for them one more time anybody anybody being blessed already you're watching the word Network you may turn in the seven last words were three and four dr. Tony Alvarado co-pastor Grace Church international Atlanta Georgia [Applause] Chico Labor's with her husband Bishop Alvarado we honor him tonight assist in development and training of pastors elders deacons and ministers she has studied at various seminars and universities and has been awarded several earned degrees she has a divine called in passion for the Advancement of women Reverend William B Watney past the st. Phillip African Methodist Episcopal Church Atlanta Georgia a prolific author he has written over 26 books and booklets and has blessed many throughout the decades I want you to receive word number three from the woman of God right now come on give God praise dr. Tony Alvarado Jesus said to his mother woman this is your son then he sent two disciples this is your mother word for my God my God why has thou forsaken me preach the word and he said to his mother woman behold your son then he said to the disciple behold your mother I wish you just tells somebody around you is a divine reversal this third saying of Jesus is most interesting intriguing and demonstrates his love and compassion for his mother not only his mother Mary for she is not the only woman present at the cross in fact the tick's records in verse 25 they are actually three Mary's present here his mother Mary his mother's sister Mary and Mary Magdalene we know from all four gospel canons that women are of particular importance in the life and Ministry of Jesus dr. Bryant that's why I appreciate this invitation because this gospel cannot be preached without a woman each gospel writer in their own way reveals the significance of women in the fulfillment of his mission women are prominent in his birth narrative Mary Elizabeth and Anna the prophetess throughout his earthly ministry Jesus consistently interacts with women lifting their lives out of systems of religiosity and patriarchy that held them captive women are prominently displayed displayed in the gospel writings Mary Magdalene who would later become the first to here'll the message of the resurrection Joanna a woman of notoriety of great means and well Mary the mother of James all of whom are listed in Luke's Gospel chapter 8 as disciples of Jesus who provided for the ministry of Jesus with their substance the Gospel writers take time to know with specificity the women letting us know that the kingdom of God represents women from all walks of life span a great sector of experiences social and economic strata it is clear in the sacred scripture that women are vital to God's plan and the Ministry of Jesus could not go forth without the active participation of women throughout the Passion of Christ from the time of his arrest there is a thread woven almost silently throughout the drama in Luke's rock writing in verse on chapter 23 verse 48 the whole crowd who came together to that site see what had been done beat their breasts and return but the women who had followed him from Galilee stood at a distance watching these things somebody hollered the women Luke tells us that when the crowd decided to leave it was the women who stayed around and when everyone else said and decided that it was over it was the women that said it ain't over till God says this over hollow the women Jesus was used to women being in close proximity and no doubt he used he was used to his mother being there but she was with him when he began his earthly ministry at the wedding of Cana now she is here at the end of his life watching no doubt in pain watching her son the only begotten of of his father her promised seed produced by the power of the Holy Ghost being hung on a cross between two thieves i interrogated the text wondering what must she be thinking what must she be feeling is this really happening is this real how will I get through this we don't get any words from Mary here but every woman in this room can empathize with Mary because if you really want to get a woman started mess with her child but my attention tonight it's not on the words of Mary my word my my attention is on the words of Jesus what must be going through his mind as he looked out over the crowd and saw his mother his mother his mother the woman who accepted the challenge to carry him in her womb at the pronouncement of the angel the woman who with great faith declare being unto me according to thy word questioning Oh nobility for how shall this be seeing that I know not a man what was going through Jesus his mind when he looked out and saw his mother the woman who nursed him and taught him and worked with him and when he performed his first miracle telling the service whatever he tells you to do do it we are we know he he's concerned about her some scholars even suggest that Joseph might have been dead by this time and Jesus being a good Jew knew his responsibility to care for his mother but he was about to leave he's about to be killed he's about to be buried now in a borrowed tomb and the text says when he saw his mother it's a curious notion because when he sees his mother he does not call her mother he refers to her as woman's now I don't know about you but that piqued my curiosity that's interesting to me for one would think that since he's in his most excruciating hour like any child in danger why would he call her woman and not mother for in the very next breath when speaking to his disciple he says behold your mother expressing his concern for her well-being so when he opened up his mouth he cried one egg behold that son I submit to you tonight that Jesus was not just addressing Mary but rather Jesus was addressing every woman he had ever encountered when he cried out he was talking to the woman at the well he was talking to the woman with the issue of blood Jairus daughter the woman of the widow of nain Mary and Martha the woman caught in adultery the Canaanite woman the woman with the alabaster box the bent-over woman come on somebody the woman who had anointed you for his burial not only these he will salt of every woman in his bloodline ah who had been denied Rahab who hid the spies in Canaan Ruth the Moabitess best Sheba the wife of Uriah so when he looked out over the problem he said what and behold thy son and these words not only spoke to him to his mother these words not only spoke to the women who were there but these words reverberating down through the annals of time bringing the ears of every woman who had anticipated his glorious coming faster than the speed of light Jesus now goes back through history past the prophets past the Kings past the error of the judges past the patriarchs Abraham Isaac and Jacob past Sarah and Rebecca and Rachel and Leah and his wife found him in the garden it's no wonder it's no wonder it's no wonder that this word is recorded exclusively by John but John is the only gospel writer who begins his genealogy with Jesus from the beginning some I say from the beginning John is the one that writes in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and he was in the beginning with God in the world became flesh and dwelt among us and beheld his glory the glory of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth this word traverse through time past the prophets past the Kings past the judges in the patriarchs and found his self in the garden when he said the Lord God said to the serpent I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed and he shall bruise her head and you shall bruise his heel but hold woman this now is the fulfillment of the prophecy Oh Lord somebody say it's a great it is a great reverse so put on somebody we need hold that son it was him look up here woman I'm about to do what I told you I was getting ready to do I'm about to go back to the world I spoke thousands of hundreds of years ago the power in these words from the cross is in the fact that he fulfills every word that he told you and I don't know who needs to know it tonight but you need to know that God it's not a man that he would lie neither's he's the son of man that he would have to repent if he told you he's don't do something get ready come on down he's getting ready to bring it to pass I wish you prophesied of somebody around you and tell them get ready come on get ready for a turnaround get ready for the fulfillment of the prospect prophecy get ready come on now for the great reversal I'm about to crush the handle go enemy now they don't mean nothing that you've ever had some enemies but I only need about three or four y'all does have some enemies in your life open up your mouth and give God a praise because Jesus is about to crush the head of your enemy well you always sitting over you ain't had no enemies before but I came to prophesy about five or ten or twenty or thirty of y'all he's already crushed a head of your enemy why don't you praise him like you know he's already done it open up your mouth right here and tell your neighbor say neighbor ha ha ha Jesus is here tonight and just like he told the woman to look up come on you need to look up got your attention trolls laugh open up your mouth right now I ain't giving up my praise right now this is a prophetic utterance this is a fulfillment of destiny these words spoke to women from antiquity through eternity even to this bride which is the church open up your mouth and give them a praise right now touch your neighbor say neighbor it's a fulfillment of the prophecy come on it's a fulfillment of everything that he's told you come on it's the fulfillment come on everything you told your mama he told your daddy grandmama it's a reversal of every negative word trial that you've been to reversal turn around turn around where you are right now he's crushing the head of your enemy which I put on the enemy right here which I'll put on it right now troublemakers amen brother he's under that seat right now he's under my feet right now why don't you gonna stop running real good right now why reversal [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer we pray that nothing absolutely nothing will more interfere with diminish distract or take away from me the word of worship this night to your glory into your honor in Jesus name a man gospel as recorded by Matthew chapter 27 verses 45 and 46 from noon on darkness came over the whole land until 3:00 in the afternoon about three o'clock Jesus cried with a loud voice Eloi Eloi Lama sabachthani that is my God my God why have you forsaken me the middle passage and the traditional ordering the seven sayings of Jesus this cry of desolation the fourth is in the middle three before three after and as I pondered why this cry of desolation is in the middle it hit me that the middle passage is the most difficult when when when when we first get sick pain is fresh and we get the calls and the concerns I'm praying for you we come to church and we claim our miracle we shout this is the best day of our lives and we're prepared to believe the word of the Lord and the sickness remains the call stop the cord stopped coming and the devil whispers in our ear that our praying is in vain it is then that we find ourselves pray my God my God why have you forsaken me we lose our job we break up with a relationship that we thought would last forever we prayed and we fasted and we knew God sent us this person and it didn't work out and self-righteous Saints passed judgment about unconfessed sin in our lives and we're able to talk ourselves and praise our blues away but what happens when we get to that point and we begin to wonder if we'll ever smile again if we'll never love again if we'll ever believe again your name is Abraham and Sarah you've been told to expect a miracle child but you're stuck in the middle passage of 25 years waiting on the promise of God your Moses you leave Egypt on fire and you're stuck in a middle passage of 40 years trying to get Egypt out of slaves and have to see another generation die your generation and then are told that you won't see and land where you believed you would your name is David you Samuel anointed you to be king and you're stuck in the middle passage running from an of vulgar profane insecure xenophobic misogynistic neo-nazi king who can't handle your gifts [Music] what happens we're just stuck in the Middle Passage let let me just give you three ideas the the the cry of desolation as many of you know is Psalm 22 so you pray the word fine you a word and hang on it ask God to send you a word that the devil's I've had two career crises one and one my last one was about 15 years ago and and the Lord gave me a word I taped it on the nightstand I taped it on the bathroom mirror I taped it in the Wardrobe I taped it on my desk taped it on my bathroom at the office so wherever I went the word would be there in front of me because the devil doesn't pick the time when you are strongest to come and plant doubt in your spirit so you find your word and you keep the word before you and when the devil comes look at the word and say you are liya my God will supply all of my need you are lying for they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength you are liar His grace is sufficient his strength is made perfect in weakness just tell somebody get you a word and come hell or high water hang on to your word then you gotta understand that sometimes your reality is different than your appearance and all day ends at 12 midnight a new day begins at 12:01 it's still dark it looks the same you think you're in an old day the only thing Dave light does is announce what has already happened in the darkness and I need to tell somebody don't you give up now you maybe in your morning daylight just hasn't come and since I don't know what God is going to do I will just stay right here I might be in my morning [Music] and that that and and that's why I continue the different ways even though it's dark because I don't know whether I'm on that side of midnight and this side of midnight and I'm just waiting for the full revelation and the manifestation of what God has been doing in the darkness and then last in african-american history the middle passage is the term that is used to refer our journey from Africa to these shores which means that the middle passage simply means there was something before this and there's going to be something after this see what the devil wants you to believe is that you are at the end and that you will never come back no I'm sailing somewhere this is just the middle passage and it does not yet appear what we shall be oh I forgot I forgot to tell you that verse that I hung on to was second Timothy 4:17 that the Lord will cancel every evil attack and save me for his heavenly kingdom to him be the glory both now and forever that that that that meant that where I was was not the end it's a passage I'm walking through the valley it's a passage there is something on the other side not now I'm older than most of you but when I was growing up they used to sing I'm gonna run home see what the end don't be because something at the end just waiting for me somebody else put it like this the Lord has promised good to me his word my hope secures he will oh yes he will he hadn't brought me this far to leave me he will my shield and portion be as long as life endures praise God praise God fresh [Music] [Applause] [Music] but it do it you might be in the middle but somebody praise him praise them in the middle shout in the middle clap your hands in the middle tell your neighbor good morning sit down high-five somebody tell them good morning good morning good morning tell them you don't know where you act it's still night but this morning time the Bible says we've been man doing fun night but joy sit down Osama boy am I say about stop take just we going we going in a minute we don't we go get one in touch your neighbors I didn't come here tonight just to look cute cuz when I think of the goodness of Jesus he's done for me shame I say sit down sit down don't you come no close I never does City Mo Shia don't you stop that don't shoot 30 seconds let's give him a pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody holla sit down sit down look at your neighbor one more time say neighbor you know the reason I can shout on Friday cuz I know Sunday mornings coming and everything's gonna be alright sit down give God praise for these two come on come on Tony Alvarado and dr. Watley give God praise for them one more time you're watching the seven last words from Newberg those of you that are watching at home the same God that's in this house he's in your house right now I know I see you woman you sitting there praising God on your bed right now and God is about to heal your body is about to touch you right down the same anointing is in your home receive it right now give God praise one more time for this quiet Kevin lemon is it all right if I ant like I know God for one second listen I was born in the old church in old Baptist Church and there were just single song bishop everardo Jesus I'll never forget what you've done for me to the times never forget how you set me free Jesus I'll never forget how you choose I'll never forget no I oh Jesus I never part again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've never gone Oh [Applause] pick me [Music] around [Applause] yeah [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] give God praise for them one more time you are to shout for all the preachers who have preached have these preachers preach come on make some noise form we're coming to you live from Atlanta Georgia a new birth a church in stone Chris and I am grateful for how God has allowed us to be a light in dark places three months ago Bennett College was in crisis I in need of emergency assistance and this church in which we are beaming to you live from spearheaded the campaign to help salvage at that incredible woman's institution that's educating black young women in North Carolina we started with a seed plot from this church of sixteen thousand dollars they needed six million dollars and I want to report to you that Bennett College has amassed 9.5 million dollars come on you got to do better than that [Applause] dr. William Watley talked about the middle passage it is amazing that the ancestors were able to birth 118 historically black colleges and universities and most of them came out of the bosom and the womb of black churches and while we were grateful to be a blessing to been a college right here in Atlanta is a pillar that we cannot forget and I'm so grateful worshiping with us today is the new president of Morris Brown College dr. Kevin James I want him to come come on give God some praise for the president and as you can tell is the youngest president that Mars Brown has ever had I want you to just say a word about what's happening at that institution how they can get involved I am the new president of Morris Brown College right here in Atlanta Georgia thank you so much do me a favor if you attended a black college please raise your hand as you know historically black colleges are the pillar of the black community we are primarily responsible for the middle class but doctors lawyers pharmacists we cannot let another historically black college close and if you do not know this Morris Brown College founded in 1881 has never closed never closed God is all throughout our institution I call it the beautiful disaster of the triple threat we have gone through a 30 million dollar bankruptcy and we're still open and we're still open we lost our accreditation 17 years ago and we're still open we had to sell a lot of our assets and we are still open right now as of last week we have officially begun our quest to become a credit at once again come on y'all got a shout for that yes please keep Morris Brown College in your prayers we are open we are thriving I am on a quest to save this College and with God's help I know that we're going to do it police keep us in prayer if anyone wants to support us please go to our website Morris Brown died edu thank you Pastor give God a hand clap of praise fire president Bishop Davis is going to introduce our next preachers how many of you all want more of the world you want more of the word with thankful millions of you are tuned in we want you to bombard social media right now I'll go on Facebook Instagram snapchat Twitter for the five of you who are still lost in my space I want you to please tell everybody you know to go to the word Network right now we're just at the middle passage and there's still more to come give God some praise for Bishop Davis not only do we want you to watch it there but we want you to share it make sure everybody that's watching it on Facebook let's have the historical numbers share it right now word number five and six Pastor Mark Moore jr. mark a more junior pastor your system made covenant church to his dad who's here tonight mark more senior bless you man oh god bishop he's the CEO and founder of the mark more group Enterprise under which he has successfully hosted six young leader retreats but most of all last year over three thousand young people converged upon Atlanta and this year five thousand will come together for ylc youth leaders conference come on [Music] pastor Tolan J Morgan [Music] past the Fellowship Baptist Church water water Robbins my homeboy my brother celebrating 12 years as a pastor God has shaping and prepared this gentleman for an awesome assignment of leadership and he's somebody's preacher both of them are word number five and word number six comes now I thirst elder Mark Moore jr. word six pastor tolling J Morgan when Jesus had received the wine he said it is finished fifth word comes to us from the nineteenth chapter the book of John verse number 28 it says after this Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished that the scripture might be fulfilled saith I thirst I want to talk for just a few moments to name about the thirsty man the thirsty man what an amazing weekend is going to be all throughout the Commonwealth of faith as people that getting ready for their and your church appearance on this Sunday people across America have scheduled hair appointments we've installations have been set our brows will be waxed drawn on and plucked edges will be laid down like this sleep I don't have to be a prophet to tell you that right now there are in green red orange yellow suits in plastic just waiting for early Sunday morning but as beautiful and as entertaining in some cases the aesthetics of this Sunday will be it's important that we remember that as good as we were feel just two days from now everything that we celebrate on Sunday hinges on the fact that there was a thirsty man on Friday I don't have to tell you from the pulpit of a culturally relevant church with the culturally relevant pastor in a culturally relevant City streaming live on a consulate relevant network that typically the distinction of being thirsty is rarely intended as a compliment typically when you call somebody thirsty the one on the receiving end is desperate in their desire but I like John here because John gives us several interesting things to consider as he records the words at this particular thirsty man and we notice first of all that what's interesting is that he has already made four statements prior to this one but what's interesting is that none of those statements address his own need every statement until now was addressed to somebody else we've seen him already talked to several groups of people he talked to the crowd and said forgive them for they know not what they do he spoke of the criminal and said today you will be with me in paradise he speaks of his mother and says woman behold now thy son even in his frustration around feeling forsaken he addresses his God but in this word he expresses his desire and his need by saying then I first and I like this because it raises the question in the last few minutes that I have with you the question is how exactly does living water get thirsty surely surely you remember that this is the same thirsty man that in John four shared with a woman at the whale that he had the ability to ensure that she never thirst to begin but now he is thirsty this this is the question that leads me to the point that I love about this world and that's the fact that this world highlights but Jesus occupies a divine duality if you will understand that Jesus was not half god and half man but Jesus was all God and all man at the same time and because of that it is not simply his divinity that was paraded from judgment Hall to judgment Hall it was not not simply his divinity that was marched up that hill it was not simply his divinity that was speeding with the cat of nine tails but it was very much his humanity he felt every drop of that was aimed at his face he felt and heard the mocking comments that were coming from those watching the spectacle he saw every swing of the hammer and to not acknowledge his humanity is to cheapen the sacrifice how can I just tell somebody that you got to make sure you understand that there was no angelic anesthesia he he felt everything that took place and can I talk to the real vote that's why it means something when we say that we have not a high priest but cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities I know we're young and modern and it's a new day but that's why the old Saints used to sing and admit something when they said Jesus knows all about my struggles it's just hell somebody telling me but I'm glad the first man knows I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad he he shows us his humanity in his thirst but the second thing that I love about this particular world I first is that it reminds us of his commitment to see the world come to pass it reminds us it reminds us that he is committed to making sure that everything that has been prophesied materializes you you see right here that it says in the text that this Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished that the scripture might be fulfilled he's talking about in referencing Psalm 69 which was a messianic Psalm if you will and in that song that describes the intensity of this moment that our Savior is now going through we see that the predictions of the previous verses have already received fulfillment they said in verse number two adherence sink into the deep mire he's already been hated without calls like they said he would in verse four he's already borne reproach and shame like they said he would in verse seven he's already become estranged onto his brethren like like the word said he would in verse a he's already become a proverb to his revilers and the soul of the drunkards like in verse 11 well he's already cried unto God in his distress but the only word that must be fulfilled while he said living is that he will be offered a drink of vinegar and in order to fulfill the word he opens up his mouth he thrust himself upon the spots that I am his and closed them in his wrists he tells those that will listen he says first I gotta get ready to put this mic down and get away get away from the closer to come but but I want you to understand that even on the verge of his death he shows us that death cannot come until every word that has come to pass yeah yeah you're not gonna say that they're being here now he's already shown us his humanity and I like this because you got to make sure that you avoid people that are so anointed that they don't acknowledge they have a need I don't have no Church in here than I do you gotta watch people that are more saved in Jesus and they never acknowledge that they haven't need you you need sometimes they just be honest and say st. handle the Lord speaking all the tongues but but I've got a need right now is there anybody in here that knows what it is to publish a Sunday and you're not sounding because you got a promotion that week yeah you're not sounding The Closer you gotta check in the mail that you're selling the closer there's a need on the inside can I just talk to all the thirst of people that has some unfulfilled needs and tell me yeah but if you showed up tonight you wanna SAP the cause your need puts you in good company I wish I had somebody in here that would just tell your neighbor say neighbor I'm alright with my need I'm alright I'm alright Jesus shows us his humanity in his thirst but bin he shows us that he's committed to fulfilling the word he's now on the verge of his death and he shows us however that death not come until every word has come to pass it would have been easy to forgive this word it would have been easy to forgive this prophecy from the 69th Psalm it was insignificant but I came by I didn't tell some manner that his thirst shows us that he had a desire that was that limited to a bottle of easy four seasons or even vinegar on his sponge but he had a thirst to see the world come to pass and I just want to let somebody know in here on Good Friday the night then what you've got to understand is a complaint for but this thirst in man why don't you just leave overnight and grab your neighbor by the hand and say all neighbor y'all didn't say it's Good Friday thank God for the first in man because the first immense souls of every word has been for field and club the truck - all they all came at elbows in the room that happen unfulfilled the world over your name to tell balls of the you they had some promises that shall not seen them maybe you want to lift up your hair tonight sir and you want to give God praise because [Applause] [Applause] if you [Applause] let's say if you know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Gospel of John the Gospel of John chapter 19 verse number 30 the Bible says and when he had taken the vinegar he said it is finished a couple of weeks ago I was talking with my mother and during the course of the conversation she said that my daddy had saved her I said he did she said yeah your dad saved me I said how did he do that she said I got a letter of violation from the city of Detroit about a property that was not an improper State she called down to the city of Detroit to address the letter they assigned her to a counselor as she expressed her discontentment about the letter the violation and the fine that came with it his only advice to her was ma'am you need to come to court and address this matter to a judge she's irate about the violation and the significant fine that went with it and he just told her you really need to just go to court and address this to the judge she shows up to court they swear in she stands before the judge he says ma'am state your name she said my name is Hattie Morgan so give me your name again for the second time she said my name is Hattie Morgan he said of your head a Morgan then who is Tommy Morgan she said Tommy Morgan is my husband judge actor where is he she said he is deceased and the judge looked down at the paperwork and said well based upon his name being first on this list I can't charge you for a bill that belongs to a dead man John chapter 19 the judge looked at my mama and dismissed the case because the bill was in the name of a dead man ladies and gentlemen you and I have had our charges dismissed because our bill is in the name of a dead man which you touch three people and tell them you can praise them now because your charges have been dismissed cause your bill is in the name of a dead man it is the discipline and discourse discovered in John chapter 19 in which Jesus makes this statement that is one word in the Greek text it is that were touch aleste I it is one word in the Greek text what takes three words in English takes one word in the Greek text it is the Greek word tetelesti I the first and second century Greek culture helps us with this word because archaeologists have found papper of scraps from first and century Greek culture that had this word tetelesti I written all over it the Greeks said test unless they are translates paid in full you acted slow write long here so let me talk to these people here when Jesus said it is finished he is saying that the charges are paid in full and therefore ladies and gentlemen the cross is a receipt I can't get no help here let me talk to these folk here I said the cross is a receipt that when you get a receipt it is proof that you can't charge me any more for that which has already been paid that's why you ought to praise in the night because the devil cannot lift charges against you that have already been paid Jesus says it is finished to suggest that every infringement that we have against God is paid in full the question tonight is what is finished all of the promises and the prophecies of God are paid in for Jesus died and fulfilled it all that one day that Good Friday every Old Testament prophecy and every sin is fulfilled is paid in full let me find my exit here it is y'all this six word is significant because it is the last time that Jesus is going to be man's sin the seven last words is God vacillating between being gods son and man's sin that first word he's god's son that that second word he is God's Son that that third word his godson and man sin well that fourth word why he forsaken me he's man's sin that fifth word I thirst he's man's sin that six word up he's man's sin it is finished and it's the last time he's gonna be man saying alright you missus so let me help you if it's the last time he's going to be man sinned and he said it is finished it means pastor Bryant that our sin debt was not settled when he died our sin debt was settled before he died cuz you can't say it is finished and be dead at the same time I can't get no help it can I get somebody in here to test the fact that here is the theology for this text Jesus died for sin but Jesus did not die witzy [Applause] lord have mercy let me talk these people over here I'm trying to tell you that is some stuff you live in with now you ain't going down with it because it's gonna be finished before you ever grab your neighbor tell your neighbor I'm gonna be finished with this before my last will and testament got anything to do with it it's going to be finished before I know this it I'm done this it this it this it ladies and gentlemen if it's the last time that Jesus is going to be man sin then the only thing left for him to do is die and before he dies he makes a statement that I'm done suffering for people who don't care about me ladies and gentlemen Jesus statement to us tonight is the same that was settled before he died then he makes a statement that at some point you've got to put an end to other people benefiting from your bleeding I'll tell celada it is finished and this is tonight is your permission to make an announcement that I'm done struggling for folk who care nothing about me I'm done helping people who don't wanna help me back I'm done serving people who could care if I get helped or not because you do not have to spend your whole life bleeding for other people who are benefited at some point you got the shift into what God has for you good night Church let me bid you farewell I got one minute but there is no seventh word because there is a sixth word the sixth word makes the seventh word possible because now I can move on cuz it is finished grab some at about head and tell them neighbor you can move on now cuz it is finished now they didn't testify the 90 that you get already to move on because you're done with your assignment and God is getting ready to lift you up that has begun a good work in you shall perform it until the day of Jesus Christ y'all still ain't acting like his finish somebody to the neighbor how does it feel to have finished your assignment if you finish your assignment open your mouth give a God a praise like you finish your assignment somebody shout is finished tell somebody you can go to bed tonight Gus's give God praise for the word bearers come on one more time [Music] [Applause] don't touch that down we got one more round to go I said one more round ago have you been blessed tonight those of you that in the house and watching well you know it's no telling who's gonna stop by new birth and tonight we got a surprise for those of you that are watching by television and those of you in the house he's a Grammy nominee Grammy winner Estella winner all that stuff Bishop Marvin Sapp is in the house [Applause] he's gonna come sing a verse and of course as they say in the old church come on give it up a bishop Marvin sad just stopped by praise the Lord family how y'all doing tonight I I just made a decision just to sneak in on my brother and just to hang out I wanted to hear tolling great friend of mine from Detroit Michigan the Warner Robbins and my birthday nephew mark more he's born on the same day I'm born on and I was just I got here late I was just gonna chill in the back and we'll talk about this afterwards like always um my goodness have you all enjoyed what you've heard thus far tonight hallelujah I uh I just I don't know I heard this song and he simply goes bread of life send down from Mary things you are the king a carpenter you are the Living Word awesome Jenny Tori [Music] gotta pass the lemony truth and while the friend we have any room you are the living word bread of heaven single whip if you know it sits down from that's it many things you are all a whole the king a carpenter you are the living word also rule of ten to redeem God with us the living truth and were the friend we have in you who you are the living Jesus cheese that's what we call dude mein Jafar but all the tree you died to save you man fatigue you are the Living Word Jesus Jesus that's what we call you lame Department on a tree you died to save you man [Music] good Jesus Jesus that's what we call you major part but all the tree goodbye to save you been naughty he'll be sick as a [Music] signature Oh ah singer come on [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] cheers Jesus that's what they call you [Music] major more but on a tree so grateful that you died to say that's what we call are you [Music] major part for the treat you like to say humanity you are the lady sin you are the living you are the living [Music] Oh give it up for Bishop Marvin Sapp I just got a text Pastor Brian from Bishop bloomer you say he's watching from London England he says it's a Super Bowl night tonight Thank You Bishop bloomer give God praise for Bishop bloom as he watches our last word he is the pastor of new birth missionary Lithonia Georgia visionary civil rights activist community organizer unless you've been under rug you know dr. Jamal Harrison Brian the seventh word Jesus cried out in a loud voice father into your hands I commend my spirit give it up for our pastor tonight [Music] you may be seated Luke chapter 23 verse 46 and Jesus cried out with a loud voice father into your hands I commit my spirit and when he had said this he breathed his last I want to preach for a little while tonight using as a subject this is the last time I'm asking you for help as the last time masking you film in a classic case of art imitating life Victor Hugo in his classic work published in the 1831 The Hunchback of Notre Dame stated one cannot but regret cannot but feel indignant at the innumerable degradation and mutilations inflicted on the venerable pile both by the action of time in the hands of men he wrote this in 1831 and was referencing the great worship space that has become a mainstay tourist attraction in France the cathedral at Notre Dom now it's 859 years since its erection the police for assistance are finally taking notice around the globe 2014 the nation's Minister of Culture held an emergency press conference that 169 million dollars would be needed to fortify its structure that was 2014 yet donations were slow to trickle in the edifice which is actually owned by the nation has only been giving an operating budget or 2 million dollars a year which barely covers its expenses a France held under the umbrella that there's a distinction between church and state as a consequence the Parisian diocese sent a letter to the Vatican in March of 2018 asking for immediate assistance in the Vatican a year ago never responded other Catholics in the contrary suggest that that there are other churches in the hinterland who weren't getting any attention there was more of a priority and then this week flames engulfed the spire consumed the pews and the entire world ehem I would have you to know that in just four days they have amassed a billion dollars in pledges and Michel picard lamented the paradox of the predicament that now we have four times what we originally needed but if people would have responded when we first asked for help then this would have never happened friends it's unfortunate how sometimes people will wait to watch you crash and burn before they help you they knew you were struggling they knew you had a rough time they knew you were under undue weight but they wouldn't do anything until other people recognized it and now they got a problem when you struggle in silence and fame like they got a attitude cuz you didn't confide in them when you know that there were so many times they could have helped you but refused to do it so you just made up in your mind I'm not bitter I'm not upset I don't have an attitude but the way that I'm built I'll just suck it up hold it down and keep it together because I hate asking people for help I feel like I'm talking to some people at night who know what it's like to sometimes have to suffer without asking meanwhile in the middle of the Bayou of Louisiana three black churches were burned to the ground not because of negligence or disrepair but at the hand of a white supremacist who happened to be the sheriff son when those three churches were burned down not one statement from the president now one statement from Capitol Hill no declaration from the United Nations no great giving campaign on the television nobody was doing hashtag save black churches nobody was sending caravans down to Louisiana nobody was putting a post on Instagram it wasn't until there was a tragedy in France that then friends that the three black churches in the back face of what was raised in Paris of 1 billion 3 black churches had not raised a hundred thousand this society seems to exercise selective sympathy selective sympathy that ignores the inconvenient we can watch one person struggle and we'll drop everything to help them but if it's somebody within our inner circle will change all the rules to accommodate whatever makes us feel comfortable you don't have to fly to France or go to Louisiana to see selective compassion you see it in the church so we'll get up in the church and we'll beat up on homosexuals but will not say anything about undisciplined heterosexuals we'll prowl meet the young mother they got three or four kids but don't say nothing about the older woman who had three or four abortions we got selective compassion we don't mind when it is their folk don't show up for rehearsal until you get cut from the solo now you want to be a one-person March to fight for justice and liberality we got to get to a place where we stop exercising where if a young girl gets pregnant we take her off the choir but the father of the baby playing drums and so people get sick and frustrated with church on how it is that we met out assistance because it seems to not be on principle but on personality peter is a prototype of pushing aside pride he was on the ship one day with the other disciples and through the mist he was able to identify thang lane maybe that's Jesus what is telling Andy insightful is at the time of the text they had been with Jesus for two and a half years they were with Jesus when he in fact was able to turn to fish and five loaves of bread in the old country bath breath buffet they were with Jesus when he turned Perrier in the red rose they they were with Jesus when the woman who had a hunched over back became a chiropractor they were with Jesus when the blind man became my air traffic controller they were with Jesus but now they don't recognize him and the reason why they didn't recognize him hear me is because they had never seen Jesus in a storm some of you don't know who Jesus is because you only know him when things are going well but you sitting beside somebody who knows how to identify Jesus when they're going through a storm and say master is that you Jesus then just demonstrate something that I need you to take hold of and here's what I need you to take hold of is that Peter operates in something that many of our denominations cannot handle he volunteers hear me for something he wasn't called to you just missed that there there was no call for him to walk on water he asked to walk on water and Jesus said because you asked for it I'm gonna give you the ability to do something you were not born to do and you got some haters who have been watching you believe that you are walking on what you should have drowned it I need somebody who knows that you did decide to be where you are but God has given you a buoyancy to be able to stand where you shouldn't have survived Jesus says to him come out to where I am and Pete is doing good he's doing good he takes two steps take three steps takes four steps and he makes a cataclysmic mistake he takes his eyes of Jesus and when he takes his eyes off Jesus used watch the picturesque language of the writer and beginning to sink is when he asks for help pastor what are you saying to me is some of us wait too late to start asking for help when you feel like you are not yourself that's when you gotta start calling on him when you know you are two seconds away from cussing somebody else when you feel like you get ready to become unglued and detector that's when you gotta say Master save me I don't know whether you ever paid attention to detects is that when he cried Master save me Jesus didn't respond he never said anything all he did was take him out of hand and start walking back with him what happens when God doesn't answer but just takes your hand and make you walk through it I think I lost you what what what happens when you don't get what it is that you want but grandmama used to say precious Lord take my hand that there fifteen of you who are in this room who really don't know how to ask for help because you were raised with the spirit of self-sufficiency I brought some people who are like you I'm gonna introduce you to them it's not any of the six preachers that went before me but three friends that I grew up with I don't know if he ever heard of them Shadrach Meshach and the to go here's what's crazy about them is that they refuse to bow down but here's what I need y'all to know Atlanta is that when they got thrown in the fiery furnace hear me they never shouted for help they never asked for our exit or for a rescue they just begin to worship because their man was if he sees me worship he'll begin to stop pulling me out of it and I'm talking to somebody that knows us sometimes I got a worship when I asked him for anything because when she sees me praise Him when I'm under pressure that's when you start making away beat me beat me see there please I gotta show you this get to the text but I just feel like there's somebody watching from Kansas somebody from Texas somebody from Oklahoma somebody from California who's sitting in a bed right now and they're not sure whether God is hearing them or not and God says worship me then watch y'all just miss that maybe I went too far here's somebody right here in Georgia tonight who's been waiting on God to give you an answer and he ain't been saying nothing and God says let me see you worship here it is while you're in pain let let me see you worship when the doctor doesn't give you a good report let me see you worship when the bills are stacked up to your neck let me see your worship when you're children I had been crazy and it this is a sermon for people who have unanswered prayers you didn't hear what I just said this this is a sermon for people who have unanswered prayer it didn't really start on Friday you started on Thursday he's got a small group of friends in and he goes a little bit further from them and he praised the first time he says father if it be your will but take this cup away from me but nevertheless not my will but your will be done he he gets up and he catches his friend sleeping on them and ask can you not tarry one hour and because they won't stay up with him he goes and prays again sometimes God will cut people away from you just to force you into a prayer position something sometimes the people that you could lean on when they show up show Gossett that's because I needed you to talk to me second time he goes back and says father if it be your will let this cup pass from my mouth but nevertheless not my will look but sure will be done and notice this God don't say nothing again and it goes back and checks on his friends sleep they see there's some people who can't watch you transition they can only see you when you're on top but when you're struggling they act like they don't see you today so used to you being strong they don't know what to do when you're having a wig moment and he prays the third he prays the third time Bombur take this cup away from me nevertheless not my will but thy will be done that's Thursday night and can I tell you that God don't say nothing to him he gets up out of his prayer position and in a few moments and here it is that the soldiers come and arrest him and we're Nick he is arrested I want you to know God steel don't say nothing they dragged him to kangaroo court he don't even have prepaid legal he don't even have a Legal Shield but God still don't say nothing they spit on his face and they pull hair out of his beard they leave him they hung him but he refuses to don't say my god oh Jesus don't answer your prayer day to shake that neighbours head I say shake that neighbours head and say neighbor why you tryin to figure it out [Applause] yes so shall I just saw them yeah guess hold up lift up that hair [Music] [Applause] hey how long what you lifting up that hand is telling god I just took my hand off of it this battle is not mine this battle is the Lord's you're not getting ready to worship over cos clothes and money I want you to worship what's this for the situation you didn't have an answer to I can't hear anybody for the circumstance that was greater than you I want you to take 30 seconds just to embarrass the enemy I wanna know whether your worship when you don't have a hand side I can teach anybody I want to know we a bless him well he ain't sayin nothin I can't hear no Maddie in here the tumors still there the blood clot is still there the surgery is still scheduled the daughter still and called will you I ship him with no answer I [Music] speak of every lifted him that the situation is now out of your hands is now in the hands of God I need that hand lifted you don't even know why your hand is being lifted your blood pressures going back down I can't hear nobody I said why your hand is being lifted your credit score's going up I can't hear the worshippers why your hand is lifted your cholesterol is back to normal Wow lifted your house is being pulled out of foreclosure no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper every demon assigned to your family bloodline is being assassinated at the foot of the cross I can't see any worship I said everything that was a sign to break your spirit that's now being arrested he said I came that you might have life and she might have it more abundantly and when he put it in his hand he then breathed his last I speak boldly over every lifted hand this is your last night difficulty having to sleep she last night being restless your last night tossing and turning your last night consulting your horoscope God said I got this I just wanted to see how would you stand even when you didn't hear my voice and God is speaking watch this sometimes not in a world we're not in the earthquake but sometimes in the still small voice and those of you who are grateful that the voice of God still speaks over your life I need you to crowd out every voice that has been trying to talk to you out of your assignment right where you are come on open up your mouth and turn up the volume of of what it is that you're called to do I'm talking to somebody in the college dormitory your military barrack a one-bedroom our hotel I need you to lift up your voice God's got it come on come on [Music] while you trying to figure it out he's already worked it out come on Bishop Davis I need you right where you are real quick would you just embrace three people and tell them is in his hands now he's in his hands now is in his hands now is in his hands now [Music] cha-cha craze total place to chew you Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] those of you that are still watching right where you had worship please don't watch please don't watch zhu-li see there for a moment you see the for a moment nobody's walking those of you we're still on the word Network everybody they week neighbor gave us extra time tonight thank God for the word Network how many were bless from these seven words tonight those of you that are watching I wanted I want to challenge I want to challenge 100 of you tonight the Bible says seed goes in the ground and it dies and if it dies it comes up a greater in higher order tonight it's because of that one seed that we're all here to make tonight I want at least 100 of you tonight that would soar seed of seven eight hours lotta expense went into this but it's not really for that it's for you tonight that you sawn into the Word of God that went forth tonight how many were blessed from every word that was preached tonight I want those you that are watching on the word network to participate 100 of you that would do it I just want you to stand right where you are 100 of you that was source Edom $70 just stand right where you are just stand right where you are just stand right where you are just stand right where you are just stand right where you are come on just stand right where you are 100 of you that was so see new birth now if you have cash app it's new birth now no matter of fact I want those of you that was so dead to come to the altar now just just come I want to pray for you those you that are watching right now if you have cash app I want you to go to new births now on cash app you can give on the website also go to the website also and you can give but 100 of you he had new birth right now cause I want you to touch the altar with it as you get ready to give when I give you the instruction when I give you the instruction if you're given by your phone that's fine I need at least 30 more of you and at least 100 of you that are watching tonight I got a I got the inbox from a young lady she said thank you Bishop Davis thank pastor Bryant tonight because I couldn't get to church I'm watching it at the hospital tonight working how many give God praise for their tonight somebody come on I need at least I need at least 30 more of you I need at least 30 more of you and at least 30 more of you tonight come on clap your hands as they come you're giving you're giving you're giving online now you're giving on cash yep those of you that are watching now way of word Network you know I don't Acts I don't play with you those of you that are watching I want you to give that's $70 come on they're still coming you're still coming you're still clapping for them as they come [Applause] [Music] they're still coming they're still coming it's they're coming come on clap you're still giving on on the word Network you're still giving thank you Dave Sheffield Thank You mr. Dell for allowing us to stay on you're still giving you're still giving saengmin or somebody to say the same minority same anointing same anointing they still coming come on clap your hands they still coming you can do better than that it's still coming they're still coming come on come on I decree and declare about Sunday morning Dawn's gonna God's gonna turn your finances around I said I decree in declare a Sunday morning matter of fact some of you tomorrow you're gonna get an instant deposit your money that you want checks in the mail is coming right now somebody shall receive it right now somebody gonna walk up to you to Marge's put money in your Moshe it's still coming they're still coming you're still clapping because they're still coming you're still giving online you're still giving on television come on come on come on now everybody else that will get at least $20 in your hand you're standing on your feet everybody that would at least give $20 so you're standing on your feet everybody that would at least give $20 tonight all your best gifts 10 on your feet everybody as we get ready to pray as we get ready to pray everybody is standing everybody is standing with a seat in your hand this is a sacrifice those of you that are watching by the word Network want you to give lift your seat up hi there just if you need an envelope raise your hand lift your phone up if you envelope up so father we pray not as a debt that we owe but as a seed that we so no one go lacking for what they're about to give we put in the seed in the ground and now God we're believing you for harvests my Sunday morning somebody say by Sunday morning say by Sunday morning in three days I'm believing God for a financial miracle if you believe it wave it right now those you that are watching the same anointing is in you right now in Jesus name laid on the altar touched all to what your phone whatever you need to do but touched altar amen everybody is walking come on everybody's walking that's given come on you know you do it new birds and come on everybody's walking touch dog come on thank you dr. Bryan for allowing me to host tonight appreciate you those you that are watching by the word Network we appreciate you as you're giving tonight so that seed watch God work of miracle in your life come on clap for the word Network those of you that are still sitting right now [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody is standing Kimmie every person is standing five minutes left I need you to come as quickly as you can I don't want to go off the air on an off front I want to go off the air at the altar there's somebody in this room who needs to know that the greatest benefit of the Cross is his salvation that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us we'd be reckless and irresponsible to be a 90 million homes and not give somebody an opportunity to get saved come on somebody give God glory for it somebody an opportunity to come in right relationship I want to pray with those of you who are watching online those of you watching on your phone have those of you who are watching from the cubicle in your office the Bible says if you confess your sins he's faithful and he's just he'll cleanse you from all unrighteousness all over this room I want you to repeat after me we get ready to pray collectively every person even if you prayed it before I want you to pray it with me for the benefit of those who are watching repeat after me Lord come on say it like you know I'm Lord I'm a sinner my life is incomplete without you I don't want another day without you in my life I give you my hands so I can work for you I give you my feet so I can follow you I give you my mind so I can think like you thank you Lord for dying for a sinner like me but more than that thank you for giving up again because you got up I can get up from anything and I'll tell the world for the rest of my life that I'm saved i'm saved i'm saved if you're thankful for your salvation would you give God glory for it now give me if you're in this room you're in this room and you never prayed that prayer before you've never prayed that prayer before would you come meet me at this altar very quickly please your first time praying the prayer of salvation I want you to come meet me at this altar please don't let this moment pass you by the truth of the matter is tomorrow is not promised what better day for you to get saved then on Good Friday I'm telling you you might as well get saved on Friday night before the crowd comes on Sunday morning would you do a road check for me just check your roll real quick and ask them are you saved have you given your life over to God listen Lord we thank God for the joy of our salvation immature believers can only shout over material stuff but if you can thank God tonight that your soul is saved come on would you shout about it right now because of the power of the cross tomorrow the body of Christ represented through new birth church is going into three jails tomorrow to free people y'all not saying anything why because we serve a savior who lives I need y'all to give God glory tomorrow track the trailers are coming from Goodwill because the largest donation ever made in America will be done on one day on the campus of Newberg church if you're excited give God glory for because of your prayers tonight and the sacrifice of God I need y'all to tear the roof off Morris Brown College will never close come on we give God glory we give Him praise Thanksgiving I'm doctor Jamar Harris and Briah you've been watching the word Network live from Newport Missionary Baptist Church if you're glad to be here make God one noise of Thanksgiving will you shout for all of our preachers come on give God a shout for them would you shout fire choir come on give God praise will you scream for Marvin Sapp come out now make some noise for Jesus Christ our God is an awesome God we're thankful for you we want to invite you will be live again tomorrow morning those of you that can join us meet us in the sanctuary 9 o'clock tomorrow morning we'll be broadcasting live right here in our sanctuary at 12 o'clock we'll be outside in our prayer modulars we want you to come and be a part of it lift that hand if you need somebody to pray for you with you about you I need you to be here in the parking lot from 12:00 to 3:00 a goodwill is coming in the morning I want you to go tonight clean out your closets clean out your attic clean out stuff in your front closet only bring stuff from the 21st century please this is not throwback Saturday I need you to bring stuff from the 21st century bring it on or tomorrow God is going to bless us in an amazing way lift your hand to receive the benediction Sunday if you don't have a church home come hang out with us at new birth for us is not about clothes us about Christ we just wearing jeans and t-shirts on Resurrection Sunday somebody give God glory for it if nobody told you today I want you to know your pastor loves you and praying for you every day lift that hand as high as you see yourself going this is the lowest you ever gonna be now unto Him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you until you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you until you have to give stuff away hence wolf now and forevermore and all the blessed people of God said amen god bless you hug three people on your way out tell them to put it in God's hands [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 40,788
Rating: 4.7969093 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, friday
Id: aD1E6Wqmbbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 24sec (9744 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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