I just want somebody to treat me right

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[Music] [Music] everybody's saying no come on [Music] radians [Music] the Lord [Music] preyas [Music] come on everybody real big raise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bless the Lord this the day the Lord has made we rejoice and we're glad in it it's the first Sunday in August you know that means you survive the month of July but would you give God glory for your traveling grace I want why you're yet sending while you're yet sending would you just embrace three people around you and tell them a new season is starting for you a new season help me a new season is starting for you great the line you may be seated for just one moment great is come on clap your hands if you're glad to be in the house of the Lord might I ask those of you that have a birthdays in the month of August would you say them you got a birthday in the month of August come on you can do better than that birthday in the month of August look an incredible incredible month my old is doing a topaz turning 20 this month I'm having midlife crisis I'm thankful for all of you while you're yet standing if you're celebrating a wedding anniversary in August what you saying with those having birthdays you have a wedding anniversary and all this don't you say in comment do me a favor please I can't get to all of them but for whoever is standing near you would you embrace them and tell them the rest of your life is gonna be the best of your life the rest of your life is gonna be the best best of your life if you're happy and you know it clap your hands I want to ask by chance those of you that brought back to school supplies with you would you bring them to the altar now if you brought back to school supplies I want you to bring them to the altar those of you that neglecting to do so you forgot you still got two more Sundays to do it give God a hand clap a praise for those that are coming but those that are sewing and for goals that are sharing come on empowerment thank God for their acts of selflessness so thankful so grateful as if you please be mindful to help us towards this in so that we can be a blessing a benefit to so many who we are called to serve in this Park Heights community this Park Heights corridor we've been in the same series since Memorial Day and we're gonna stick with it all the way to Labor Day getting out of the red ridiculous economic decisions anybody ever made some bad economic decisions how many of you believe God can help you get out of it a minute some come with some labor with some work and with some sacrifice but we want to work with you in order for all of it to be accomplished you all know that we ascribe to the principle that readers are leaders or readers and our leaders as a consequence I want to offer to you the book of the month for the month of August is three kings how the hip-hop culture became a multi-billion dollar industry huh it's really a book on how it is that you profit off of the culture I want you to get it not only do I want you to get it but I want your young people to be able to read it I said that they understand that the greatest amount of money out of rap music is made by people who don't hold a microphone y'all not saying nothing Amen I weave so many times even limited the trajectory of our children I simply because they don't know the limitless possibilities that are open and available to them are we hope that this book will in fact be utilized at read and the practice of once you see the bridge business principles that are recorded in it if you have your Bibles go with me to the Book of Ruth the Book of Ruth s that you'll please saying I want to go to Ruth and I want to go to the second chapter if you don't have a Bible I want to ask that you share with somebody close by Book of Ruth second chapter and I want to illuminate for your understanding verses 10 through 13 finance ministry you're doing a wonderful job today thank you so very much Ruth chapter 2 verses 10 through 13 I want all of us to read it together with uplifted voices Ruth 2 verses 10 through 13 come on everybody let's read it together and this she bowed down with her face to the ground she asks him why have I found such favor in your eyes that you notice me a foreigner Boaz replied I've been told all about what you've done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband how you left your father and mother and your homeland and came to live with the people you did not know before may the Lord repay you for what you have done may you be richly rewarded by the Lord the God of Israel under whose wings you have come to take refuge verse 13 may I continue to find favor in your eyes my lord she said you have put me at ease by speaking kindly to your servant though I do not have the standing of one of your servants you may be seated in the presence of the Lord and this she bowed down with her face at the ground she asked him why have I found a favor in your eyes that you notice me a foreigner I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject I just want somebody to treat me right I just want somebody to treat me right would you look at the person beside you and tell them I don't think I'm asking for a lot come on look at me now telling me in this season of my life all I want is for somebody to treat me right if that's what you want come on give God some glory right there who will treat me right one of the greatest tragedies in this country as how many Caucasians really think the incident with Trayvon Martin is an anomaly and not an epidemic it's so pervasive that 62 year old Casey say to of Washington DC explains that he doesn't have post-traumatic stress disorder but actually has constant traumatic stress coming up in the mean streets of the nation's capital he was under constant state terrorism by the police who repeatedly stopped him as a team and placed him in a chokehold under the guise that they were looking for ID 50 years later Georgetown University professor Paul Butler has written a book that I want to offer to every black man in the room that book is entitled chokehold policing black men chokehold policing belt black men the author's name is Paul Butler his tremors is that America has to drop its chokehold mentality because it's sciples our ability to function to breathe and move it is used to improve white people sad while creating false impressions that all black men are criminals the chokehold is often used to improve watch this people's own zero intolerance in terms of policing and prejudicial profiling comedian and my comrade and brother DL Hughley said in a recent commentary that the most dangerous place for black people to live is in the imagination of white people dating before the movie Birth of a Nation we have been mishandled for the presumption that all black women are vulnerable and Dixons and all black men are criminals which keeps cutting off our wind as citizens so we end up screaming like a gardener I can't breathe you will probably surprised mainstream media but the bone of our discontentment Roy really boils down to being mistreated and I don't know how you feel about it but I believe I can extend the microphone to somebody who's sitting on your own who will in fact bellow aloud they what they can't stand is being mishandled being constantly looked over like leftovers in the back of the office refrigerator can't say I'm being mishandled mistreated whatever you gonna do if you want to upset me become descending like I'm a child if you really want to pluck my last good nerve make me feel ignorant when all I'm trying to do is get understanding I'm telling you if you want to ruffle my feathers use a tone that's suited for trial because you accuse me without ever asking me I'm telling you if you want to upset the anointing that's on my life assume that I'm stupid but in actuality I got a lot of sins but silently I'll let you play yourself you want to see me bother lie to my face when I already know the truth I'm telling you the worst thing you can do is take my kindness for weakness just because I smile they don't mean them silly keep assuming you don't get a pass you gonna look up and I'm gonna be gone and I won't even leave a note whatever it is that you do the worst thing you could do is believe I won't leave because when I'm fed up I'm not even angry I'm just through and went up through we don't need to talk about it cuz I don't already told you twelve things there's trying my patience in my nerves it's only so much I can do and handle before I him I'm saved I love God I speak in tongues I got a prayer life there's a Bible on that night saying I listen to gospel music but keep trying me here [Applause] there's another part of me that ain't all together saved or anointed and I keep trying to keep that part under subjection but you keep trying me and pulling it out I'm talking now the people who are in the room who's over 35 before you had a laundry list of what it is that you wanted out of somebody that had to be six foot three driving a BMW a dimple on the left cheek had a gold tooth with their initials in it y'all ain't saying nothing they had to smell like Calvin Klein's obsession but now you have gone through enough Negros that in this season of your life I just want somebody there to treat me right they can have a pickup truck no GED y'all ain't saying nothing they can barely conjugate furs but they don't love me and my kids I'll take it you always say of nothing because I didn't deal with people that had fancy cars but had nasty spirits and so it is not that my expectation has a lord it just set my standards and my priorities have changed so the stuff that you've got that used to impress me now don't even faze me because what you don't know is I used to have all of that but I'd rather have peace and happiness and no argument and still know my value all sisters don't think I'm just talking to you I'm talking to some brothers who used to have a mandate that she used to have to have hair down her back had to have a perfect shape y'all ain't saying nothing had to have all white teeth had to have no kids but now you don't gone through all of these Instagram models that don't have nothing in the bank got nothing to show for y'all ain't saying nothing and you found out that this Barbie dog got no grain so in this season of your light you de made up in your mind I don't care if she a-plus amount of it is more for me to love and she can cook and she can love me take care of my children will pray for me without emasculating me I just need somebody that will treat me right give somebody a high five and say that's all I've been prayin for in the Old Testament book of Ruth we are introduced to a woman by the name of Naomi and assisted by the name of Naomi watch this lives through a famine but her husband and her two sons do not ladies and gentlemen I want to tell you that you gonna find out the essence of who you are the God by virtue of the fact of what you survive because there are some people they can't survive your storm they only want to be under your rainbow until they can get to your pot of gold but you gotta find the folk that will be with you to the fire to the limpid y'all been saved too long you gotta be with some people that will not just be Fairweather friends but will show up with us so tune I got sunshine on a cloudy day when it's cold outside I got the month of May look at the person beside you and tell them I don't need no Fairweather friends because they'll be with you while you're up but they can't be found when you're going down her husband and her two sons don't survive the family as a result she's left to fend for herself with her two daughters-in-law in tow because of circumstances beyond her control she has to move but back home old family and friends are elated because it's been so long since she's been home then they start running in the street and calling her name Naomi no helmet Naomi Naomi Naomi is that you Naomi what you know that there's some people who call your name because they like to see you struggle not because they like to see you down and are excited and have celebration when you are down on your fortune and here Naomi is feeling embattled and embittered and she says listen don't call me Naomi call me Mara call me Mara why because the Lord has dealt bitterly with me can I tell you it's one thing to be mistreated by society it's another thing to be mistreated by a significant other it's another thing to be treated mistreated by your boo it's another thing to be mistreated by people who you used to call friends but what happens at the windows arm of your mistreatment of comes from the Savior I didn't expect y'all to really say nothing right through here what if the one that ain't treating you right is the one that you worship a door pray to not lift up holy hands give tithes and see and shout about and wake up on Sunday Mona what if that's the one that is making you go through it ain't fair but it's always just it's unfair weird isn't that God will make you go through some stuff and you can pick off the top of your head of to other people that should have went through it instead of you kids was crazy I hope y'all will agree with me when you were riding dirty and all up in the street and have a raggedy life and we're doing whatever you were being bad enough to do you want struggling like you do now that you trying to be saved and live holy and keep your focus I'm talking just somebody that knew mama was all that I had and the mama had enough nerve to be called home by the Lord and I got a deal with phony plastic Church saints telling me you're seeing a better place God needed her he was a missing rolls out of the gondola god this is unfair how you treatin me try to love folk and folk standardize my name and drag me through the mud yes Maya Here I am trying to say chase and pure and holy I can't get nobody and the hoochie mama got a man hot damn but doesn't is bad I try to work a job from sunup to sundown and the hustlers in the street are driving and living better than me here son try to eat right now but I still can't lose no weight exercise but my blood pressure you still through the roof thank God said I never promised you a male life I promise you to tell you man that though he slay me yet should you trust him anybody here then like Langston Hughes can say life for me ain't been no crystal stair but I still got trusting God in spite of how bad God has treated me this upset you you'll feel logical sensibilities last five years you just been saying God good all the time all the time God is good you will mean it you know I'm talking to you just blink at me twice it's unfair the enemy didn't do it to me Trump didn't do it to me system didn't do it to me it's unfair and nobody talks about it out loud but God did it something he'll give me a child with special needs son failure I gotta watch my parents and a downward spiral into dementia something that you would heal me a cancer and then let it return I'm faded I'll prepare myself and somebody else got the contract cuz I'm failing that dumb you keep disrupting my sleep and I ain't tired but I want rest son failed you changed my plans and then he passed my consent it's unfair that the person that wrecked my life has moved on and got somebody else you're really leaving me I'm here by myself and Here I am trying to pull the pieces together and there's so many times you see folk shouting in church because they have a nice nun but in your heart in your spirit in your mind but never out your mouth you cried my God why is thou forsaken me son fear I got to tell you revine you won't come to this church I really didn't even feel like being bothered today you do me a favor please just go ahead just finish preaching just finish for sure but don't have me turn to my neighbor no more that's enough of that [Applause] here comes Naomi and roof chapter one she feels dejected she lost her husband her two son one her daughter-in-laws have left she'll ever one more and she goes into Bethlehem and the moment she steps into Bethlehem it is the beginning of harvest season she'd have lost everything and while she's lost everything steps in the harvest some of y'all can't shout cuz you can't identify I just came to tell 500 of you when you stepped in the August you stepped out of your drought only a thousand of y'all really gonna shout over this August starts your harvest season y'all really ain't gonna give God glory I said for the rest of this year you gonna be pulling it in fun for the rest of this year it's gonna be pressed down and shaken together and Ronald [Applause] [Music] [Applause] her Leonard her lineage hallelu I just need 800 a Yoda shout this is my harvest season cuz I've sold and I've struggled I'm trying I made sacrifices I gave up some stuff God said I saw you I saw you I saw you but because this summer you refused to crumble and follow the path and though in the tower this marks the beginning of you're destined to one as verse 22 she sets into Bethlehem and the harvest season is beginning turn the page I'm in roof chapter 2 Ruth chapter 2 I here's the declaration heaven wants to hear you announce here's the declaration heaven wants to hear you're now here is the declaration that heaven wants to hear you announced here it is I'm starting a new chapter if they didn't mean nothing to you it wasn't for you let let let me try together it wasn't for me to say heaven wants to hear you say it if every person in this room open up your mouth and shout it out loud I'm starting a new chef Naomi has an industrious relative named Boaz so she tells Reuben go to his field mingle amongst the workers and pick up the leftover grain cuz the harvests just started and then come come through osmosis nobody don't give it to you you gonna have to work for that here's your shout and you will have a harvest like this in your field you just miss your prophecy you are gonna be successful in whatever field you work now that you ain't gonna have to do two and three other different things God is gonna make you a success in your on her first day on the field the boss shows up who she's never met before and the boss what's this his name is Boaz I mean Ruth chapter 2 I want you to meet me at verse number 4 can you imagine this happening at work tomorrow y'all don't have that kind of faith I said can you imagine this happening and work tomorrow I'm a Ruth chapter 2 I'm in verse number 4 the boss shows up and do you know what the boss says to everybody who's working the Lord is gonna be with you can you imagine your supervisor saying that tomorrow your manager saying that tomorrow come on hallelujah those of y'all who know you got the anointing of a CEO would you look at the person beside you tell them the Lord is don't be with you my sister the book the boss said the Lord is going to be with you I'm in verses number 4 and all the employees responded may the Lord bless you alright y'all gonna get it in just one minute I need you to see this buses they out working in the field and the supervisor the manager the overseer shows up and he says to everybody watch this the Lord IFS don't be with you and everybody who's working in the field looks and they met they make the declaration the Lord is gonna be with you keep here is the episodic announcement you committed to be did you get ready to proclaim to the people who are next to you would you look at the person beside you and as loudly as you can the hug would you make the declaration the Lord and is gonna be with you now look at whoever said it to you and tell them the Lord is going to bless you not here's what I needed understand that this blessing is not for church this blessing here's your child here's your shout this blessing is for where you work so let's stop that thing all over here look at your neighbor and tell him the Lord is gonna be with you now look back at him and tell him the Lord is going to bless you the people that are to be shouting you ought to be getting ready cuz this week you gonna get promotions you don't get it increases you don't get raises you gonna get y'all contract you gonna work from holder you go - the biggest don't be with you don't be with you he's gonna be with you the laws don't bless you in your field they not running you out of that office they now don't break your spirit every trap they set for you they don't fall in the Lord is no bless [Applause] we see them please hallelujah cause of the stress of your job the folks sitting around you don't know the anxiety attacks you got to suppress they don't know the appetite gets your loss they don't know the follicles of hair that have been falling out they don't know how it is that you guys sit in your car before you sit in the office they don't know how you got a kerb yourself from cussing out but God told me to tell 900 of you in this room the Lord is don't bless you this month and these don't bless you where you work holiday you you know who are to be shouting the loudest the that ought to be shouting the loudest are the people that work for themselves are the people that work from home the people that entrepreneurs my God is gonna bless you [Applause] hallelujah and needed advance somebody who's got me as blessed as you and give him a high five and tell them just gonna be the best season of your life may the Lord bless you be seated I'm gonna give this to you for those of you who presently are not pleased with where you're employed but those of you are not pleased where you're pleasantly employed I want you to write down this app please I want you to download it when you leave out of churches called the glass door app if you write that down please the glass door glass door app what glass door app does is it matches you with a place of employment that matches your expertise and your personality according to the glass door app watch this Facebook is the best place to work if you want to be treated well did y'all hear what I just said Facebook is the best place to work if you want to be treated well all of the employees that Facebook get free lunch free snacks Facebook will pay for your education if you want higher degrees if you want outside training they will pay for that if you need to leave for personal retreats they will pay for that facebook allows and affords and a lot you the opportunity and the luxury to work from home there's a casual dress Club code they are one of the few companies in the country that offer both maternity and paternity leave and you can take maternity or paternity leave for up to four months Facebook according to Glassdoor ad allows you to pick and choose your own insurance plan that you fit the one that is best suitable for your family they also watch this will match whatever it is that you put away for retirement how much he lifts up that hand I want to say something to you well put your hands down cuz the same for everybody or tool if your hand watch this if you a looking for job you are without a job or you hate your job you lift that hand looking for a job need a job hate your job lift it I as a matter of fact I want you to sing lift up that hand please I speak employment god I can't hear nobody and I speak for every single one of you a place of employment that matches your purpose you are not just collecting a check you gonna make a difference and you're gonna have an impact I'm praying every person with lifted hands that this summer will not end without God leading you to a job that will make you happy to go there god I can't hear nobody I am believing I hope y'all's faith will match and mirror my faith I am believing for every person who's watching online every person streaming every person watch this who is standing with lifted hands that your season of unemployment or sub employment is coming to an end you are getting ready to step into the greatest job of your life and those of you that believe God's got the authority and the power to do it come on I need you to join me and give God your best sound the worship now [Applause] come on I can't hear you be seated thank you be seated you've been out of a job for at least 18 months and you're actively looking for one been out of a job for 18 months but you've been actively looking for one I need you to say in please out of a job for 18 months or more and you've been actively looking for one interviews resumes how little you nothing seem to be breaking nothing seems to be opening how do you I want you to come meet me at this altar real quick please handle it lift up their hand if you once saying that a minute ago don't come up here now thank you come on I saw you come on come on lift up that hand I need you to stretch their right hand into faith to those who are at this altar I need God to perform and produce a miracle on their behalf hallelujah I'm telling you your drought is over your harvest is get ready to come to pass we just came out of the global prayer convocation those of you your faith is coming into agreement with the faith of your pastor here's what I needed to do I want you to open up your mouth and start praying for them that something will open for them in the next 10 days come on I can't hear I said open up your mouth Sean put your foot on the brake for one minute I need to hear the sound again Assessors come on open up your mouth please I'm gonna tell you the kind of faith I got god help me I'm gonna tell you the kind of faith I got I told y'all this is gonna be a Sunday of signs and wonders and miracles and breakthroughs how many of you all know God could do absolutely anything but fail I can't hear you I said how many y'all believe God can do anything y'all's faith sounds terrible to me y'all ain't gonna make heaven response sounding like that y'all sound defeated you sound like pushovers and wimps I need you to make a sound like you more than a conch ride I need you to make a sound like greater is He that is in me than he that's in the world be seated please I gotta see what I'm working with I got three women at this altar got trending expertise in nursing and they're looking for employment let me tell y'all this and if y'all don't go crazy I'm dropping this mic and lever I didn't get the first sentence out I just said I got three women who got nursing experience ivan came off from behind the communion table off the pulpit i stand right here this man standing right next to me just said pastor style i own a nursing staffing company I can't kill nobody I tell y'all to open up your mouth I dare you to shout out loud my god is able to do and then faint but fail be seated please Leonard [Music] handily does the y'all from nursing the three of y'all from nursing home care come stand over here with me please I gotta get this off my plate thank you come meet your your Bo ass [Applause] you're really a no-show you're really an open up your mouth you're really and don't give God glory I die you to bless you you may be seated hallelujah have your glory in this room ha the devil's already defeated God is already exalted I'm telling y'all right where you are will you just give God your sound the worship like you got expectation I can't hear your day to open up your mouth shout out loud expectation thank you God already answered the prayer I got a brother up here been out of work 18 months got a family he trying to take care of I said what do you want to do says some pastor I'm just trying to get in need some help I said what do you know how to do he said rehab houses so you only know you and the right Church in the right service y'all they saying nothing I need somebody who's in this room they can help me get this brother on his feet take rehab houses I don't know what it is that you do weathers in real estate with this contractor work I need you to come meet me at this altar real quick please I'm gonna do something for them thank you come on come on thank you hallelujah thank you hallelujah [Applause] I gotta tell you this yes I tell you this you ain't even gonna believe it you ain't gonna believe it come on you want help thank you cuz sometimes but where's ain't a man oh god I can't kill nobody up I'm telling you know who God going you let me take you give them your card this is what you don't give me your car all right I'm even gonna put you on Front Street I'm not putting you on Front Street hallelu but I want you to know how God works I'm gonna tell you how God works it's gonna blow your mind and I really need y'all to go crazy for God hallelu ain't gonna tell y'all this now I got to tell you this I need to tell y'all yes this sister who's giving him the car who does rehabbing of homes ain't gonna tell y'all she won in service today yeah I can tell she was late and just walked in the room [Music] did you just get here chafing in this room seven minutes I'm telling you we gods got you on his mind god I can't kill nobody he will read that read people onto your page just to be a blessing in your life thank you y'all slide Nelson the two of y'all y'all can sit there thank you so very much she been trying to get a job for 18 months in housekeeping or customer service housekeeping or cousin said I wish you to ask me for something harder than that when we gonna get it done real quick I somebody in the room that can help me I'll get her place and establish and housekeeping or customer service thank you so very much now let me tell you this come on come on thank you so very much now let me tell you who this young lady is this young might blow your mind she's over to Marriott yah Mon Chou yeah come on y'all let go give God glory [Applause] y'all be seated cuz I want y'all to shout good when you shout did this this young lady who was fun to marry out was the part of their first pilot program of welfare-to-work god help me came up through the system God helped me ahead to come to foster care and God put his hand on her life god I can't hear nobody and here's where y'all wanna shout she don't even live here she drove from Philadelphia today just to be in church I need somebody to shout my God will raise up your bow and [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna take that neighbor by the hand Ryan come quickly please thank you if you'll come talk to this young lady you can help her better than I can thank you so very much yes yes ah who in the room be seated you confusing me whether you Valentin or in the spirit I need you to be seen it watch this I anybody in the room who works in construction if you help me please somebody in the room are you work in construction I need you to help me very quickly if you work in construction or if you work in law enforcement those are the two people that I'm looking for you work in any level of law enforcement or security I need would you come to me please now can I make y'all shout I need y'all to shout real big on this y'all ain't gonna believe she just joined two Sundays ago come on I can't hear nobody would you open up your mouth like God will bless you in your feet our brother come on please this brother here good guy good guy all he needs is an opportunity hallelujah has spent years of his life hallelujah now is looking for another chapter their current let's look for another chapter going with female boys with high gloss lipstick go ahead Perez Perez is at the mat counter [Applause] thank you thank you I want you to take in your neighbor by the hand please you gotta mess up my whole song I'm coming into agreement with the person whose hand you're holding how they do you I want God to so bless you I want God to so bless the person whose hand you're holding then when you tell people you struggling they don't believe you God I can't hear nobody huh I want God to so bless you that you retire ahead of schedule my god I can't hear no real worshipers in here I want God does so anoint you in your field and in your area they're doing 40 hours is optional god I can't hear no matter then a good week for you is just 20 I want godness Oh bless you watch this that you'll so enjoy what you do that you won't call it work but it will be your assignment I need you to shake that neighbors hand that you're holding keep shaking at the Bible says if two or three are touching and agreeing there I shall be also here's your biggest shout in the day which is shout for your neighbors next job I lived in a South for wet engine rather than what is get ready to do send your feet next on the ELMO try to actually preach the whole sermon sandy your feet may God bless where you work I'll try this side make up bless where you work [Applause] y'all still ain't getting this thing can I start again may God bless where you work may where you work work for you I can't hear no matter both of you better fight for that God has an assignment for your life get your junk gets out right now give God your best shot [Music] but when it said to her I've given the assignment softly Michels I've given you an assignment here's what Boaz said there and I've given orders nobody is to bother you I wish I would read the Bible sometime he said nobody will bother you on your job because my hand is on you every demon assigned to you at that job has just been assassinated because there's a hedge fence of protection around your life you're standing but I feel your presence hallelujah hallelujah my time is almost up you quit your job this summer no any what are you saying softly Shawn and then what he's saying I got him let me hear that simple just a little bit sir drummer let me just see this somewhere just a little bit that's what I'm looking for you got fired in July got fired in July would you come meet me at this altar maybe you got fired laid off terminated release let go whatever it sounds best for you ah I let go release terminated downsize need you to come quick [Applause] that's what I need very quickly I'm gonna do this bro can you stand over by the camera thank you I'm coming for you here's what I need very quickly you'll be seated secured you tell the people outside keep driving around I'm going over [Applause] here's I need I need real quick from this section one two three four I need I need forty people to bring me ten dollars forty people from this section I need forty people to bring me ten dollars yeah cash thank you thank you or if you doing it by cash share those of you watching online watch this two three and four five six seven eight nine how much is that eight ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 those of you on cash chef I want you to sort now 18 thank you 19 the Nets eat with me 20 21 22 and 23 24 25 and 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 and 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 the rest y'all go to your seat go to your seat go to your seat then put it on all - if you insist Linette come on said you with me thank you come on come on thank you all right this section right here one two three four I need in this one two three four you got same by the system holding a baby I need 40 of you I need 40 of you to bring me 40 40 of you to bring me 40 that's what I need you to do 40 of you in 1 2 3 4 40 of you I need you to bring me 40 very quickly please thank you what is this one thank you that's two thank you that's three that's four thank you that's five go in swipe it thank you there's six there's seven thank you thank you little man that's eight that's nine thank you that's ten were you at 11:00 that's well thank you that's 13 yes 14 yes 15 you say in the with me thank you 16 17 you got it a 18 19 20 come on mama thank you 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 thank you 29 30 31 32 those are yellow did I send away over before I need you to bring it to me real quick come on real quick we yeah thank you were you yes 33 come on 34 here you come 35 36 7 38 39 yes 40 put it on the altar sister Holly come stand right here thank you you got me thank you I need 40 of you 1 2 3 4 I need 40 of you to bring 47 quickly please 40 of you I need you to bring 40 then we quickly this sexually y'all away huh yes give it again someone quickly 1 2 3 4 thank you so very much thank you that's 1 that's 2 s 3 S 4 S 5 thank you 6 if you give me back - yes 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 you my man thank you 18 19 thank you yo good 20 20 thank you 21 thank you mission 22 I'm almost there 23 thank you I'm waiting here she comes here comes 24 and 25 even if you give me on your cash chef's come make contact with me with your phone come on very quickly I'm a sausage if I was a member this church I sit over here I still need ten more come on y'all don't let me down all the boulders sit in this section right here thank you so very much yes what number am I on 24 thank you 25 26 27 thank you so very much I'm waiting on ten more of you thank you so much 28 thank you 29 30 thank you so very much thank you 31 I'm almost there 32 33 34 going right over there I'm waiting on five more to come where you on I'm waiting on five more I'm gonna meet you in the middle come on there we go thank you that's 36 thank you here we are that's 37 come on very quickly that's 38 I'm waiting on two more to come thank you two more I need you to come you there come on Sister Sledge thank you I appreciate you I'm waiting on one more that's in the corner pocket where's Lynette all right here's the net here sister Holly thank you so very much Campbell oh come on you with me we all be God thank you won't slow with that baby now you gonna mess up my carpet thank you very bad / Campbell oh come on quickly please come on sister Holly come on with me please yeah the neck come on thank you so much thank you so much the neck I'm saying behind me sister how they saying behind her Kamla saying behind her I'm stealing roof he said watch this when you working in the field i'ma drop stuff on you and when I drop it in a put you worked for watch this but I need to make sure your house is taken care of her feet you may be seated [Music] he told the workers know I'm in trouble he told the workers dropped stuff for her because she's given so much to her family she shouldn't have to struggle that work y'all just miss the principal and the image I need you to do me a favor as they go back to their seats watch this that God will restore back to you everything your former job Joe come on South within then they go back to they'll see come on y'all can do better than that you can go back back here I'll give it growers everybody is standing don't y'all leave out of here and say Jamal did that y'all better give God all the glory all the praise ah beyond he alone is worthy who couldn't serve a god like our God none of the three of them that came to this altar none of the three of them knew that God was gonna bless them with a whole week's worth of work did y'all hear what I just said and didn't know God was gonna bless him with a whole week's worth of work just by showing up for worship [Music] come on would you give him some praise I'm trying to go but God got me stuck right here [Applause] [Music] would you be seated I'm in trouble god I'm in trouble those of you watch this you're over hovering at your job your human resources at your job and you all need spots filled the immediately you're in this room and you need spots filled immediately how Lou you prepared and you are in a position of authority to do it hallelujah would you come to me real quick please come on sir I'm rocking with you come on on the god of turn communion service to a job failed ah he owns a car mechanic shop in my centre car dealership and mechanic shopping he's looking for a mechanic thank you so if I got a mechanic just looking to move and shift jobs and you do more than change the tire then I need you to come quickly yes yes you don't you're going too fast for me so I'm gonna walk with me I work for Louise Chapel I'm looking for CN n Ginny's housekeeping you name it I'm looking for it the staff thank you yes HVAC technicians and installers one thousand fifteen hundred dollar signing bonus they looking for like 1820 people's old receptionist yes I am a trainer for a designer I'm looking for drivers customer service and system managers and managers nursing medtech and cagn A's I pay every day and I pay in cash and I got jobs for people tomorrow [Applause] about man any mechanic so here's what we're gonna do after services over after services over all the one two three four five six seven of you are gonna go to this balcony when service is over I'm gonna send the seven up to this balcony also interview that are in need of employment in any of them areas I need y'all to run to the balcony y'all got family members a friend y'all better tell them get to church right now while this last said do me a favor give God some glory for those who have come come on y'all can shout better than that alright thank you would you stand to your feet please you wandering around the temple I mean what more I gotta do Jesus a dad for you and paid your bills ain't got you a job you don't want to roll with us for real if you here in this room my says you here in this room and you need a church home you need a ministry that will meet your needs mystery that will speak to your situation you don't want a whole lot all you want is the church there to treat you right that's where you are I want you to come meet me at this altar right now I want you to come wherever it is that you are I want you to give me your hanger but I want you to give God your heart come on the y'all gon shout here then come come on y'all gon give God's glory [Applause] here they come me y'all go praise God for it [Applause] listen wherever it is that you want wherever it is that you are you're not saved you haven't given your life to God I desperately need you at this altar I'm telling you tomorrow's not promised jobs are good cars the good houses are good but if your soul ain't safe none of it is worth it only would you do for Christ will last some people come need 11:30 there may be man with me so I'm gonna share the blame with you so would you please come on help me open the door the church so it would just meet you as all of us will help me open the doors of the church would you move and go find two people that you don't know go find two people you never met before two people whose names you don't know find out if they're saying find out if they got a church home find out if they've given their life over to God come on hallelujah it is somebody else come on I want to be your pastor but most importantly I want Jesus to be your Lord empowerment here they come come on give God some glory they come in from the back somebody give God a shout of Thanksgiving [Music] lessons name here comes somebody else come on give God some praise for these Superman sisters coming come on y'all they shout good give God some glory the enemy is mad I mean they beat me here they come somebody give God some glory here they come shut your right hand to faith to our friends who are now our family and repeat after me you are in the right place at the right time Johnny the right Church serving on the God and I know that's right show your right if you're known right come on Big Ups to the Savior will you give God some praise for it right now bless the Lord you may be seated in the presence of the Lord come on clap your hands make them feel welcome [Music] Lord I'm in trouble bless His name how many of you know God is in the blessing business how many of you believe he's in our myths then I miss I'm telling you if I wasn't saved out I got saved today for real straight up if I didn't have a church out to join the church today I'll take can I be honest with you if I wasn't atop the isotype in the day after what I just saw God do hallelujah I'm telling you they in him there is no failure I want our ambassadors to partner with me I'm thankful for how it is that you did random acts of selflessness to be a blessing to these individuals who came forward on today how much you write where it is that you are right where it is that you are our ambassadors in our mini ambassadors are moving amongst you if you're in need of an offering envelope I want you to lift up that hand please before you sit in the seat of judgment but by the grace of God you didn't get terminated [Music] by the grace of God you weren't up here looking for a job I'm sowing the seed why cuz I wanna operate like boys and I'm dropping something for somebody coming behind me fannie lou hamer said we don't think we shall overcome for the harmony we sing we shall overcome what's this in order to help somebody else come over ladies and gentlemen whenever it is that you're giving in this house you're being a blessing to somebody you may not know him you may never see their name you may never hear that testimony but I want you to know this is good ground what it is that you just witness it was not choreographed it was not planned it wasn't scheduled but God disrupted the whole service just to be a blessing to these people media minister tell you God knows I had another page of sermons to preach to you but God had something else in mind for your life and in store for your BA we've been talking about getting out of the red and here was a Naomi and Ruth in the middle of a drought until they stepped into the next chapter and when they shifted to the next chapter everything connected to them begin to shift I'm on every person in the room every person who's watching online come on you have seen the selflessness in the generous heart and the christ-like compassion exercised in this church how much you get your offering envelope in your hand please I want you to get your offering envelope in your hand and not just your offering your tithe this is the first Sunday in August what does that mean it's a new chapter you got out of July by the hell your chinny-chin-chin but you got out of it and now you start your harvest process as a consequence I'm standing over here because this way all to give us our I wanna ask every person to get your tithe to eat your hand would you get your best seed in your hand I want you to get your offering in your hand since I'm not doing this for me I'm doing this so I can be a blessing to somebody and the reason why I'm able to do it is because I know what struggle feels like I'm telling you you ain't never struggle will have a problem helping you but people that came up through the sticks understand it is rough out here love don't love nobody I need you to please get that offering in your hand those of you who are watching online you ain't even got to be here just pull out your phone go to your cash share to be empowered open up the app give the fire all no directly to empowerment temple org I want you to please send me your feet stand to your feet leaving for something for somebody else for those of you that came I gotta ask you a question if you gave $40 to a stranger what you gonna give to God you ran up here to give $10 to somebody you ain't never met what you gonna give for the person that died for you what must I render unto God all these blessings God made everything and everything belongs to you I need you to lift up that seat above your head you're giving electronically through our missions on either side when your rope starts to move you I move in that direction come on lift that seat as high as you see your whole family going here's the prayer all of us let's pray it together two words everybody thank you turn to your right even now come on come with a smile on your face of tipping yourself God loves a cheerful Giver everybody is standing [Music] the wonderful thing about grace is you can't even work for it your recipient of it all have sinned and fallen short of his glory these leaders are standing in front of you is choir that has been leading us in worship your pastor whose voice you're hearing we're standing before you not because we're better than you but because they're like you all of us have sinned falling short of his glory rym Kennedy is going to lead us through our prayer of general confession because the Bible is clear if you could official sins he's faithful and he's just to cleanse you from all unrighteousness rym Kennedy is not praying for you she's praying with you all of us have got to pray this prayer together come on let's pray oh my god father our Lord Jesus Christ maker of all things judge of all men we acknowledge and be weld on manifold sins and wickedness which we from time to time most grievously have committed by dark word or deed against your fine mantis tree provoking most justly arrest and ignant nation against us we do earnestly repent and I hardly sorry for these our misdoings the remembrance of them is Grievous unto us have mercy upon us have mercy upon us most merciful father for your son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake forgive us all that is past and grant that we may hereafter serve and please you in the newness of life to the honor and glory of your name through Jesus Christ our Lord amen amen was he ever so carefully pulled back the first level of your receptacle [Music] if their way from above you hear that ain't no crank oh jesus said this is my body his broken feels what theologians called transubstantiation that everything that was in his body is now in net brihat I want you to please break it right in your hands your boss your job your co-workers thought they were gonna break you but God kept you together because of that would you please take a knee ever so carefully ask that you'll please pull back the second level of your receptacle Jesus pulled out a flask of wine he lifted it up just as you're doing and he said to them this is my blood shed for you did you lift it up I want to say to you with all the stress you going through on your job you don't even realize you are right now in happy hour this dome the drink you need to deal with all the stress of your job I pray that you will please shake and drink as Jesus sought the disciples to pray let us pray together The Lord's Prayer amen would you hug two people real quick and tell them life's can't get better for you [Music] you mainly see from day [Music] you [Applause] ah come on Yin reaches everybody sit in a chair to the you made me see them and it flow oh yes that gives me training you never if now and you're blessed come on and give God some glory all right I need you all to have this very quickly all parents who have a child in college would you lift up your hand please waved at hand if you need some money all right uh I'm not sure if they gave it to them in enough time do you all in media do you all have the Bilal's email address yes no I sent that to you okay all right so representative Bilal Ali who's in the State House in Annapolis called our office on yesterday and said that they have money they got to get rid of for Baltimore City students who are born away to college so I want to give you the email address I need y'all to write it down please they say it's slow sometimes I read slow come on Bilal dolly Bulow bi Lal dot Ali and house die MD died us I'm gonna give it to you two more times cuz I know y'all Bulow bi Lal da Ali Al I like Mohammed come on now allow that alley and house dad MD dot us they need to get rid of this money this week for scholarships for students who are from Baltimore City and need scholarship money for college I need you to please email them today and tell them Jamal Bryan sent you all right we want to collect all of that and we've got two more weeks for our Baltimore for our back to school giveaway those of you that forgot to give as you'll please bring this Sunday and the following Sunday there was no Bible study for the month of August but our Tec classes on entrepreneurship and financial literacy are still moving forward this Tuesday at 7:30 I ask that you will please please please be here I know I know I know I've known y'all don't think I won't let you go we not talk about this white house [Applause] okay I know you see me on the video mister yes I'll say true thank you so everything I need to say about that please go on almost 700,000 people have already seen that add to it on the AME Church in which we are part of the President of our Council of Bishops mr. Reginald T Jackson has called for a day of activism for conscience Christians and we're going outside of the White House September 6 black Christians from around the country are coming to washington d.c to let Donald Trump know we are not all fooled and we are not all drinking the kool-aid and so we're gonna be organizing mobilizing prayerfully to take buses to Washington DC that's a Thursday so we don't want anybody lost in traffic so by next Sunday I'll be giving you the details but I need you to already to put in for that then September 6 we're all going to Washington DC the AME Church is leading the way in this regard and I am so pleased a proud and privileged that now the Church of God in Christ is coming with us folk gospel is coming with us so progressive Baptists are leading out with us and aren't you pleased and proud all them preachers that were around that table they had Baptists they Okocha say a word of faith but not one AME preacher would sell themselves out or sell out our community our culture and so we want to hold up the standard of Henry McNeal Turner and Richard Allen at Denmark Vesey and that turn all of whom were AME in which you ought to be proud to know that you come from an activists DNA is blush room we not them slave religion Christians are we to rise up and take the plantation Christians amen also as that you'll please I signed up so that you'll be apart let me say to you that there was absolutely nothing wrong here me I don't want nothing lost in interpretation nothing was wrong with preachers going to see the president that was wrong with that what was wrong was their silence God always raises up a prophet to speak two bowls away in authority to challenge them about what they are doing that is unethical so for those creatures to sit at their table and say nothing about him in fact misrepresenting Maxine Waters and Colin Kapernick and LeBron James y'all ain't saying nothing and for them to sit there smiling for the cameras was an affront to all of us who are black and Christian and that's why they had to be called out so for those who had an issue why you gonna call the preachers out in public cuz they sold us out in public and to whom much is given much is required to make a pledge to impoundment temple and long and Jamal Brown is your pastor you ain't ever got to worry about me sitting next to down the trunk and sayin nothin they gonna hang me out in handcuffs in a paddy wagon cuz I want to know how dare you insult Barack Obama black children and the black community by raising up preachers and lost their mind last let me say this last let me say this I'm trying to speak easy cuz Misha brand is here son let me say this the greatest affront the greatest of front of that meeting is that those black preachers were brought there by a white woman and not one black woman was at the table God y'all ain't saying nothin to me one of the preacher said I wouldn't a win had I listened to my wife y'all ain't saying nothing I'm gonna celebrate right now would you help me thank God for Christian black women they got good sense are y'all ain't sayin nothin cuz they couldn't have found a ten black women preachers who would have sold themselves out for a pot of porridge the black women in clergy got more since sand up it's time to go I don't renew my company for another thirty days I promise God ain't gonna cousin a month or August if nobody told you today nobody told you in August no that your pastor loves you would you lift up that hand please I need y'all to bring back to school supplies next Sunday I need you to bring your checkbook with you I need you to bring your checkbook with you the reason why sister Mayo we've got to do prison reform is because there's not school reform did y'all hear what I just said reason why we need prison reform is because there's no school reform this week for those of y'all who been thinking about voting for governor Hogan again this week we received a bill from the state of Maryland saying that they no longer gonna pay the utilities for the school then we gotta pay $7,000 to be G and E by the 14th or there will be no air in the Seoul I said to 7:30 when i'ma say to you last year you saw where there was no heat in the soles do you know where there was he in the jail something is wrong when the jails have been a service in the school sill and we've got a responsibility him and very carefully the hour is gone so late but next Sunday I'm gonna be raising a special offering for empowerment Academy and I need you prepared and equipped for it I gotta break $25,000 watch this before school starts and here's what I need you to know it is not because of the derelict fiduciary responsibilities of the church is because of the derelict responsibilities of the state of Maryland our children if we do not raise this $25,000 our boys at the school will only have one working toilet the only saying nothing to me I looked at that state of the art school that LeBron James built in Akron Ohio and I said that's the same kind of education the students in Baltimore deserve the reason why Donald Trump loves Michael Jordan and hates LeBron James is LeBron James build schools and Michael Jordan invest in private prisons today ladies and gentlemen I'm telling you on next Sunday we're gonna do a miracle to make sure that that school is not just open but it's operating at an exemplary 5 star level so our children are not distracted by trying to learn when their coats on but they understand that impoundment tempo realizes a mind is a terrible thing to I'm finished preaching lift that hand please Lord I'm telling y'all James Baldwin said you can't be black and conscious and not live with a level of Rage lift that hand now under him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God rest may God rule may God abide with each
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 14,039
Rating: 4.8503742 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2018, pastor, treat
Id: tzolIwNzqO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 18sec (5598 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 05 2018
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