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technology ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to the Paris fashion show you're all very welcome we look very spiffy as a little hitman 47 dude here we're going to hit insight oh well wait welcome to hitman by the way remember I played the beta of it a little while ago this is the full version of the game so we get to play some extra missions this is the mission right after the ejector seat thing that I did last time which is hilarious hopefully I get to do more ridiculous stuff like that let's get it this oh that's a nice fountain can i buy this I am swimming in cash can you not see my shoot other where I got this suit though fine you said that very unconvincingly it was like have fun like I got my eye on you have fun not have fun like I hope you have a great time have fun we got to be sincere for once it's cuz you have a mustache I don't trust anyone with mustache well no there's a nice care this is my car nice tux at all but tight security means I'm not letting you through ah man ok that's a nice car though is that the new Tesla tronic Fulghum air I think so I want one of them if they run on air you just breathe into them and then it's like oh thank you hello everyone I have arrived yep yeah you can except taking all the pictures now that is Victor Novikov oh you're all here to see him and ringleader of Iago quite recently quite the resume a are you gonna drive the son here doesn't you talk cuz I really don't want to he's the guy have to kill and somebody else but I don't know where the air a pleasure I'm not listening to you join this way look back whoo this actually is the fashion show I didn't know that or maybe it told me and I remembered it subconsciously but I thought I was just making a joke I cannot wait to see some I cannot wait to see some supermodels this is nice I've never been to a fashion show in gamer in real life nice very nice bring yourself from Batman this is very nice give us a twirl gives oh there you go this is fun I'm enjoying with the school assassinating people I'm just gonna send here and watch bash me show you that's a guy you go girl is this Heidi Klum okay so are any of you my targets no I don't have to kill any supermodels that's good can I dress the super lovely then come out and shoot everybody that'd be fun where's where's my main guy gone huh uh-oh I lost track of him [ __ ] okay this might be harder than I suspected e to do this [ __ ] douche bag of course you're the photographer you doesn't roll looking [ __ ] you're a tiny little person and that is the same tiny little person and I'm not I'm not being insensitive or anything you just look like one of those character models but like 75% it your proportions do not look proper and this the exact same one a ridiculous looking you're the same person again just a birthday like the bigger version well it may go back here no people are just people are catching me out I need to be a white hair okay see everything needs to be pronounced differently because we're in false brief false we need to pronounce a better stay with me Claus I said the French speak the beautiful language wait can I kill you ah man I want to go through there with a map no okay I have a gun as a fiber wire and I am coin what three-way a white way could we combine all three of those things to make a deadly weapon of mass destruction try the fiber wire around the coin put it in to go and shoot it decapitate everyone that's clever I like more ideas like that please there he is Victor if I do say so myself and I do say so that's what whoo that's why I have to kill ha ha ha Oh Victor you are your jokes oh oh if you're here IV put my hand on your chest ooh like oh oh you're slay me Victor I'm about to slay you look to subdue him just in the middle of the crowd that's the lady looks like he'll fun hmm where else - why - there's no like obvious thing standing out to me unless you can find a waiter on his own somewhere that I could use hello how are you see there's some waiters right there no nope no no wait a minute found trespassing I got out of there I'm not a trespass [ __ ] shh shh shh you saw nothing you saw nothing Shh hi Hey you're not you're not attacking me or anything white can I connect what so do it die [ __ ] nobody suspects a thing these are my clothes I brought these from home I was in a suit before but now I'm in this other dude is stupid I'm dumping his body over here his buddy old pal lifelong friend and he's not even batting an eyelid hi how's it going you remember how you just saw me a second ago in a tux and now I'm in a another type of talks yeah that's not questionable at all ooh catering this is where I get all the food I told you I'm not going to assassinate anyone I'm just here to get some foods a knife will it be nice to meet someone can I steal a mop hmm look at me blending in they'll never suspect me ha ha it's almost too diabolical that's it mop the floor my head out upstairs he can't have any waiters running around here the hell out of here right now you think you're better than me don't you you think just because you got a [ __ ] Giorgio Armani suit and that you got a gun on your back that you better let me engine well you're not I pay my taxes I [ __ ] go to bed or every time I want screw you yeah can I go pass here see this man knows what's up this man knows how to treat a person whether people think they're [ __ ] cool huh could I subdue you and become a supermodel could I be a hit man's next top model that'll be lovely ain't no idea who I have to kill I don't have to kill that one dude but I don't know who I thought could I seriously put up I don't need a dress I am already beautiful look at those sultry ice ahh I found a sneaky way upstairs they will never stop the man of heat okay so do this guy so do this guy everything's about to go 90 90 sleepy time Shh no tears only dreams now this squeeze a we know where to hide the body though whoo release switch what is rich oh there's my other tearing it upstairs as a lady oh that releases on that is there anywhere I can put you oh there is no they're not Heidi Heidi holy holes he's a life never mind he's still alive snap I call that the old snap crackle and pop oh I could have put him in here oh no don't go through those on the double doors okay there's a dead guy I mean there's a dead guy [ __ ] here we go easy does it easy does it nobody nobody turn around and look this way he's it nope what are you doing I wasn't doing anything you got arresting what nope no I'm good [ __ ] an angel in the darkness [ __ ] what I are not a [ __ ] Oh everyone's mean to me in this game hey let's try this again drop the ball they left yes grab the body come on Gerald plan to put you in bed you should have not [ __ ] grab Gerald you should have been in bed ages ago what are you still doing up dead walking around what [ __ ] well crazy bastard here we go why do we got here standard a standard fireworks detonator trying all in the full London Eye to factory set yeah got a great show lobokoff asked me to fetch it for yeah Novikov asked me to fetch it for him where did the fireworks come out that's what I want to know how many down there worth killing I'm sure if you all there those are the firework things are they are those cameras and guys backs I didn't worry about the fireworks go off but I am interested I need to get me wanna dose up I wanna do is I mean to sue it not the guy technicians have no business here sorry please do you want the foot in your ass cuz I will gladly oblige that sir shouldn't be calling you sorry insulting me like this I need a suit dude unlock door yeah here we go missing key I don't care what a [ __ ] lockpick look you're missing the Nestor I need my lockpick we're getting a hit man am i man release winch where's that drop down there ah man no but Marva kovachev was down there earlier could've killed him mother there he is where's my other target there she is I figured this out like a maze in here how do you get any work done a stage crew allowed here oh you know tell me everything I know already ah can I just sit out here and appreciate the view it's super pretty out here he's got his own chopper that's cool he's a cool dude I don't want to kill him if he has his own chopper like that's like killing to do it on the toilet you just don't do it there's etiquette there's bro code man I think I have to kill him okay so I'm assuming that the firework detonator thing is for the lady upstairs she might be a model and she come down on the runway and then you fire off the thing and then shoots her in the face and blows her up the sets on fire she goes running out through the window she dies I mean I'm just spitballing here but how do we kill novum of a kava-kava cheb if I kill one of you dudes then I can go places no come back here do I have a coin I do doc crap you dudes are here where the dudes everywhere huh sorry this is occupied you know you're not telling me to leave do you want me here do you like this you like it when I call you daddy strangle I don't need to but he saw too much and I am going to steal your stuff because I was recorded on a security camera with another outfit you're never going to suspect me in this one can I wear your skin as well but they do it of powerlessness hey [ __ ] can I sit off the thing in the notion freewheelin is only an illusion okay at firework launcher shut up I'm gonna I'm alright it I have so much [ __ ] your fireworks are outside well make us some what do we do oh now you go outside oh [ __ ] those guys know who I am those guys know who I am run away run away you've been recorded by security hammer I don't care I don't care gun fight where are the fireworks going off oh the dudes down here somewhere where we go I saw him a second ago need to get him read dude ah man can make it out over this drop down drop drop down I can't top down because I would probably break my legs if I try yeah it's okay sneak around really go there are any of my targets right now those are some nice fireworks though yeah I ruined your perfect evening it was supposed to be at night festivities and thought serious focus here yeah slide [ __ ] here we go right at all where are you bro I see ya I was closer a second ago I could have thrown a knife at him and if I'm a nobody saw anything darling - not you darling him you didn't find out you see anything shut up I'm God [ __ ] shut [ __ ] security look at him telling what the last [ __ ] nope nope nope I'm God nobody suspected it a thing must be a [ __ ] way own it all God well I'm blending in now there must be a way to get upstairs to that lady look at her over there as if red marker I need one of these suits then I can go everywhere and I just need to change right now because I'm on diet people say am i good thank you brother who here's a guy on his own oh I can get you easily oh sorry you work here don't you yes I do shut up so anywhere I can hide you though cuz that's a that's the main thing that I kinda need anything to hide you in over here there that's generator want to hide in a generator body no you wanna [ __ ] die no actually not gonna die here's being subdued no sign of the suspect is a good thing for Jacobite drag think there's a well that's not a thing over there all god I thought I saw it like an eyelid oh wait dump yeah yes dump him out over there all inconspicuous they killed him I could have gone better three dead dudes me the scrollbar though um can hide one of you I fight you cuz you're the one whose clothes I have and if they come looking they're never gonna know grab his arms don't never gonna find me ah because the friend those other two dudes than to be like oh no those guys today but it's to find this guy's like he's Dan and his clothes are missing there's a skinwalker going around not today I can hide you in here haha you're not gonna explode right I threw it and it's making a hissy hiss oh I don't trust it actually I should really hide all your bodies in here shouldn't I just for nobody to find them then see I get lazy and then I don't do my work I'm an assassin it's my job I should take pride in my job if I don't take pride in my job what am i a jimmy-jam er I wigwam er Lexie a wigwam er is like a wigwam is like a tent thing right I can jump you as well I forgot to get them two bodies all righty-roo now I just have to find a lady upstairs killer my job is done then I can go home and spend some quality time with the wife and kids the wife has really been on my ass lately break open wait why would I need to break this open can I just walk around that's literally just that door yes now I can go upstairs hey fellas hey what's up hey what's up I see a few minutes ago I was like sorry you can't get upstairs boohoo now it's like hey what's up I still have the same face guys are you serious was a guy right here all that time and I could have just like hit him inside something [ __ ] sake one experience my expert tact not that guy though would forget about that guy he kind of saw me cuz one guy here who can kind of see me but not if I throw a coin he won't notice anything then huh that's it go investigate it Jeeves Thatta boy atta boy why you investigate that I'm gonna say hi to Chumlee here walk upstairs unbeknownst anybody like the darkness where's the lady I have to kill I have a date with a lady I kind of want to throw something at her the first time I got some really cool weapons I got a knife I could throw at it article she's leaving okay I got a beer max get a beer no get a beard maybe let's kill a lady my day is full my calendar is jam-packed can you go somewhere alone please you got a poop or something right now I did say not to kill someone mother poop on the VIP I'll be respectable here we go I mean we got a possible so here we go plane wasn't noticed plane wasn't noticed by anybody I'm safe I'm in the clear right nobody saw anything nobody saw anything shut up and free fries bird free kick off the bossy freezer bird [ __ ] you guys I'm out [ __ ] you bye oh god am I gonna die I'm a vault over this I'm gonna find my way out nobody can stop me yes hi Peroni no ha I am darkness I am night see oh [ __ ] I'm not all the way down [ __ ] a Shama Shama Shama Shama Shama gonna drop No uh Shama Shama shrimp there we go there we go yes Terra Firma now where's my exit out here okay got it I can exit in the chopper that guy's gonna notice me but not if I run around his field of vision ha ha ha into the chopper we go this is our we exit and style yes that way terribly we're gonna cooperate everyone but like hard but I got noticed by everyone I'm not in helicopter ologist but I'm pretty sure that you're not supposed to like take off like that so quickly Paris one day earlier no we're doing did he get some good stuff yes I don't want to [ __ ] why is there a toaster there I got a lot of stuff for that what's my rating total score zero what oh I did 20000 for my objectives and then I killed four guys who were not my target so I got minus 20000 so I got a grand total of zero that's you know a zero for my perfect perfect oh that's fun I want to play more in this game because it's new it's a new word hitman and I came to give a [ __ ] in the beta saying that some of the levels were a bit too constrictive and didn't feel like a newer hitman game it kind of felt a lot more like absolution than anything but this was definitely along the lines of blood money it was definitely much better it was a lot more open-ended the levels were massive there was a lot to do when it was a lot of like secret stuff to get I'm still not too keen on the whole like some of the UI elements making a bit too easy but I guess you could turn them off and play around however you want but that was fun I really enjoyed that one I imagined I could get a lot better if I just knew the routes of everything which is the way the older hit bands were hitman hitman games or her um but I liked it let me know what you guys think I really want to play more of it but this is the full version of the game now so I'm not constricted to a beta but for now thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face like a boss and my face our own Shh thank you guys no wassailia dudes the crooks line official my date Luther my boy oh yeah cool the pilots missile yes am I supposed to shoot you hitman hitman gonna take a [ __ ] man that will mess up your little poopy diaper
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,960,099
Rating: 4.9479904 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Hitman, New Hitman game, Hitman Beta, Hitman 2016, Gameplay, Playthrough, lets play, Walkthrough, Hitman jacksepticeye, mission, sandbox, assassin, disguise, gameplay mechanics, open world, choices, method, PS4, PS4 gameplay, PC, Agent 47, different ways, all, accident, death, solution, fiber wire, silverballers, tutorial, sneaking, stealth, stealth game, best hitman game, funny, funny disguise, paris, paris level, episode one, full game, hitman 2016, PC version
Id: rcFl3AypIzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2016
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