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*WHOOPISH* Top of the morning' to ya laddies My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to Hitman Now, I'm a little late to this because Christmas is over Well, it's more or less over The Christmas season isn't But Christmas itself is actually over This is the Christmas update For Hitman As you can see, there's Christmas trees everywhere. I think it's just the Paris level again The exact same one, like the layout and everything But everything's all Christmasy And I have to kill Harry and Marv Who are Smoking and Slick From the first Home Alone movie They were - They were the first one right? I'm - I'm pretty sure. I think Kevin sent me up Kevin was like, "You know what? I'm older now, Those guys messed me up when I was younger, go kill them please." So... I'm curious. That's about as all I know. In it. I think I can dress up as Santa. I'm not sure. Let's open up a gift! I got a brick! N-nice? That's what you get in your stockings, right? Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Hitman all the way!! And a wrench Oooh this is actually really nice I'm getting really great things out of this Did you put this in here, Mr. Security Man? Did you fill my stuff full of bricks? You know what I like! You know what I want ask for Christmas I also asked For a...a silver bowler But... I'm not getting those. All I'm getting is Dr. Pop Thanks bro. Nice moustache Can I get one of them of Christmas? There's one of them anyway I don't know who he is or what he's doing You taking pictures? Take MY picture!! Person in Game: Step right in sir. Enjoy your evening. *tsk* Awww you take her picture not mine It's cause I don't have hair isn't it? Yea. Course it is HAIRIST SO one of them's down there where's the other one? And which one are you, Harry or Marv? I don't know, but I... Person in Game: Sorry sir . But this area is restricted at the moment so I can't let you in. God dammit Okay. I move off the- OH! The photographer gets in Cause he has a HAT I'm the best dressed And best looking person here-- well I dunno, I have a bit of a cold dead look in my eyes Oh YEA! I'm with my people now This party is hoopin' Uhhh WAITRESS Waiter? Anybody? Can I have a drink? A Jack and Coke? Any-- You sir!! Are you -- No you don't work here Does anybody work here? The way I'm dressed, do I work here? There's no bad guys out here Except you, Cassandra! Oh, you know you're bad! Aha Yea I saw what you did at the-- at the fucking the office party last year Crazy lady!! Oh work it! Work it GURL YESSSS This is, this is not only my song But my exact fashion sense I LOVE going out In what looks like something you keep rain off your car in With a fucking dead face mouth Look at this dress Look at the flow, look at the frills Look at the cut on that and the hem Thats a good dress right there I dabble in fashion now and then I don't wear my own fashion Because I feel like thats a bit egotistical of me I like to let the fashion work through me Can I come in here? Hello? LONG LOST BROTHER I should be able to fit right in in this place *sudden realisation* I just heard a Ho-Ho-Ho Was that Santa? Is Santa here?? Oh Oh I'm SO killing Santa (Nuu! Dun kill Santa!! :( ) I know it'll ruin the Christmas cheer and all that But I wanna be Santa I have the gut for it I have the jolliness for it *laughs* HOHOHO You see? I kinda need to trespass to get there though Hmm....IM GONE No one saw a thing Dammit they saw a thing Found tresspassing People saw a thing Umm OOPS It- aaahhh ummm Where do I go? HALP Dudes? Oh they know I'm trespassing as well. FUCK. *Dramatic music dramatically playing* The trap is set He's not gunna know what hit 'em Mainly because I'm using a screwdriver and I don't see how anybody Would ever suspect A screwdriver! *sounds of death* There we go There we go. Close the door. YESS YESSSS Disguise yourself! *Evil Laughter* Okay Gimme back my coin It's not for you Son of a bitch trying to fuckin' steal my money! Ohhh Man I know that I was in there for a while And it smells like blood in there, but... It's only 'cause I had wicked shits! Don't read anything into it everything's normal everything's fine moving on. If I was a big jolly red bitch Where would I be? Probably upstairs There's something There's something going on in here Who's that? That looks like somebody whos Who's slouching around too nicely It must be Santa Okay. I wanna put a coin in this I wanna put a coin in this and watch it light up Awwww Awww thats cool!! Have you guys seen this? I mean I know there's a fashion show going on outside but this is cooler!! Santa Using a helicopter My whole life was a lie! Everyone told me he had reindeers and a sleigh But no! Just regular old fuel propelled helicopters Santa You're a Ooooh Jolly Holly Jolly Jiggly old Santa. NO! Big lying sack of shit Thats whats in his sack LIES Kay I kind of need to kill you bro I do need a disguise To get around. What is this? Can I read a book? Examine Firework schedule I don't fucking care! That's badass looking though Brother? BROTHER! Oh Wrong guy. Okay. Sorry Lum di dum dum christmas time Hiding bodies Giving gifts to children Aw. It's just a regular ol' day around here isn't it? Can I go up here now? Oh ya dude I've been good don't worry about me Ha, hows the wife and kids? You don't have a wife and kids I swear I know what I'm talking about Up the stairs I go!! *singing* It's the most wonderful time of the year With the kids Jingle-Belling and Hitman is killing it's so full of cheer!! SANTA!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?! I like how at this rate I'm not even trying to kill the bad guys I'm just trying to find Santa I think I'm getting close though Santa baby. Make yourself known to me Santa Baby Stab you under a christmas tree Where'd that motherfucker go I see ya I see ya dude He's gunna know He's gunna know He knows that I'm not one of them Okay. So we're gunna have to do a little of this And then NOOO DONT SHOOT FUCK EVERYTHING'S NORMAL Everything's fine There's just been a gunshot! Every-Everybody's normal What? Not me!! I'm helping him! I took the screwdriver out of his face! wooowwww FIREWORKS Happy New Year! wooohoo! Wow! So pretty! Y'all seeing this? Look at- OH I should probably be shooting people in the middle of this... uh- sound effects and all that.. oh crap :/ I mean.. i'm a GOOD hitman i'm not just here to enjoy a party i forgot what i was doing.. Well LOOK who it is! WHAT? He just vanished! :0 Oh god.. He shows up in different places all the time Aw, no wonder I couldn't frickin' find him. Okay.. this just got.. much harder. crap. At least I saw him for a second :') that SACK OF ASS. that's good right? that's good right?? that's good right? nobody spot me nobody spot me- I didn't do anything I didn't do anything... just leave him there.. we can kill everybody in this room and when santa comes back.. WHABOOSH ...right in his St. Nicholas FACE... *gasp of surprise* I heard him.. uh oh.. sowwy This is good.. this is good. This is where I WANNA be. This is what I WANT to happen.. I don't need coins! Does it look like I can kill someone with a coin? How hard do ya think I can throw? Pretty fuckin' hard, actually.. ..in real life. i'm a REALLY good thrower but.. that's not gonna help me (whispers) there we go.. *oh no* Why? :( Why you too? :'( NOT TODAY! You didn't find a body... all you found.. was a piece.. of... the inside of your FACE all you could see was... *raspberry noise* ok.. i'm really not getting anythin' done. I see you santa.. He's right through there He's right through- through there.. how am I gonna get em? get em! get em! YES! DIE SAINT NICK! >:0 Get a holiday firepoker yeah? Holiday fire axe?! OH. SANTA 47 HO HO HO BABY! Shit's gonna go down now! How do I drop? Oh, it's G isn't it? Ok. Drag santa's fuckin fat ass... YOU'RE NOT FAT I COULD'VE PLAYED SANTA! Holiday crowbar.. holiday fire axe... I could use those things.. But.. I could also save the game. I can't use those things right now because.. well.. I can hide the holiday crowbar.. Alrighty! Now that i'm good ol' jolly ol' Saint Nick.. ho ho ho ho! Now I can actually kill the dudes that I need to kill This is nice, this is good :) uh.. apparently everybody knows.. it's so hard to get santa that you should be invisible to everybody after that. feels a little unfair that it's so hard to get him.. and then all of a sudden everybody fricken knows where you are and who you are and aaAAAAA there's guys over there.. :0 ♪ santa baby ♪ ♪ shimmy shammy along the ledge ♪ ♪ santa baby ♪ this is what santa does this is how he gets around how do ya think ya never see him he always escapes, doesn't he? yeh cause ya shimmy shammy a shimmy shammy we should call him "Shammy Claus" eheheh i don't know where i'm going.. i don't know what i'm doing.. i'm trying to get around i'm trying.. I'm trying to get back downstairs without being seen because up here.. is only for the SUPER GUARDS so i need to get back down.. I'm so glad everybody's absolutely BLIND in this place can I drop down there? I should be able to. Why can't I teleport now because I'm santa? this game is BULLSHET!! (whispering) he sees you when you're sleeping... he knows when you're awake.. he knows if you've been bad or good so you BETTER NOT eat my cake! OH you better watch out! You better not cry! You better not pout, I'm telling you why SANTA CLAUS'L STAB YA IN THE FACE he he heh.. Santa always finds a way! look at dat! Fuckin slick as Nick! Ok.. I'm still not down.. An' everyone's suspicious of me.. I hate this! >:( Santa should be allowed to go where he wants! He does nothin but bring cheer and joy to people! I know what you're all probably thinkin.. "Why don't I just change character?" Why don't I just change disguise and be someone else? What's even the point? What's the point if I can't be Santa and kill people?! That's the beauty of "siènter clous" You can do what you want.. and nobody will give a shit! Well.. except the guards.. :/ They always give a shit for some reason- OKAY NOBODY detects me down here! It's just on the higher floors because i'm not a guard AYEE how's it goin? HO HO HO! Do ya want a gift? I'll give ye the gift of shuttin te FUCK UP They're out here! Oh, hey boys! That's them right there! That's the two of them! How am I gonna do dis? I've.. got.. special talents.. I'mma just go up an stab em in the face, it's like "I've got a plan!" AAAAAAAAAA heheheheheh Bombs would be really handy, just put them on the ground and then walk away and then *beep sounds* oh ho ho? I see.. I see.. exposed wire aye? but there's so many people around I kinda dicked myself over.. By uh.. exploding the whole place.. oops. oh i see ya.. Oh I see both of ya- are you guys pissin? I got it! As soon as you guys leave.. good ol Kris Kringle over here.. is gonna mess shit up! Yeah i'm good, how are you guys? Ya guys good? I'm good... ya want some santa? MAYBE SOME DEATH >:D eh he he heh Release the gas valve! There we go- hahahahah Oh.. good old smokey's gonna go over and light up now in a second! Don't light up until both of you are there though! I kinda need to kill both! Blend in as a waiter.. I could hide as a waiter right? JEEZ- OH GOD! OH! OH GOD! THINGS HAPPENED! :0 EVERYBODY OUT! EVERYBODY RUN! IT'S SCARY! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THAT WAS GONNA HAPPEN. OH NO. Oh! I know! Scary shit! He hahaha hah Or should I say... ho ho ho hO HO HO ♫ Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock ♫ ♫ Santa is comin to townnn ♫ ♫ Rudolph the red nosed reindeer ♫ ♫ Jingle bells jingle bells jingle bells! ♫ ♫ Christmas songss! ♫ Heheheh I AM OUT OF HERE BITCHEZ! Ho ho ho? More like.. BYE! NICE Santa 47 strikes again! I bring you.. the gift of GOOD TIDINGS and DEATH! *claps* Yeah! That was awesome! :D Well that does it for this episode of Hitman! That was a really cool mission! It was hard.. When you actually get te... finding santa first of all.. is REALLY damn hard it took me forever um.. and then.. gettin as santa and having to go around the area well *sigh* i mean.. when you're a- when you're a guard its only some guys notice you but when you're santa it's like yeah, you're not a guard at all so when you're up on the upper floors Really damn hard to get outta there without anybody seein you but i did it! :) not as swiftly as I probably could have.. but.. uh.. i never do things as swiftly as I probably could have.. I do them to the best of my abilities.. And if that means killin a bunch of people that are not my target.. Who cares? It's fun. Eheheh. Ahm.. but THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR WATCHING THIS EPISODE! IF YOU LIKED IT, PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE! LIKE A BOSS, AND! High fives all around! WHAPISSHH! WHOPISHHHH! BUT THANK YOU GUYS AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES.. IN THE NEXT VIDEO! :) ♪ Outro Music ♪ I think that was one of the more fun levels I've done! Well it was the same level as I've done before... But being santa was awesome! :D
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,527,116
Rating: 4.9648461 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Hitman, New Hitman game, Hitman 2016, Gameplay, Playthrough, lets play, Walkthrough, Hitman jacksepticeye, mission, sandbox, assassin, disguise, gameplay mechanics, open world, choices, PS4, PC, Agent 47, accident, tutorial, sneaking, stealth, stealth game, best hitman game, funny, funny disguise, paris, paris level, hitman 2016, PC version, snow, santa, holiday level, christmas update, christmas level, holiday hoarders, santa hitman, where to find santa, how to kill santa
Id: hv4CcOK0Ufc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2016
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