A THIEF'S BEGINNING | Uncharted 4 - Part 1

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*High Five* TOP O' THE MORNIN 'TO YA LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE and welcome to Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. I'm so pumped for this game! I love the Uncharted games, Uncharted 2 is one of my favourite games ever made I think it's an incredible game It's so well paced the story is amazing the set pieces are awesome and I consider it one of-- I consider it an exercise in what a fantastic sequel should be... it did everthing a good sequel should for a video game or... just a sequel in general and I love it to bits and I'm so excited for this game 'cause this is supposedly the last in the series, the last of the Uncharted series, or at least the last in Nathan Drake's story so I'm looking forward to see how it all ends I've been really excited about this coming out all year there's a lot of hype and a lot of buzz around it so I want to do a full let's play on it I- I don't know how people are going to react to that, I- I don't know if people are going to enjoy that or not but me personally, I just really, really want to do a full let's play on it, so hopefully you guys enjoy it, and hopefully this will be a really cool thing to do here we go! (excited velociraptor noises) I'M SO EXCITED! I am a man of fortune, and I must seek my fortune -Henry Avery, 1694 Good god, that's a long time Henry Avery, he was a pirate right? 'cause I think that's what this all about Huh Huh, you think? Oh you're being chased! Yeah his brother's name is Sam Perfect for this channel Holy shit! I'm drivin' I thought this was like fuckin' CG or something! Good Christ!!!!! Yeah!!!! Okay... Th- the dialogue uh, audio is a bit low. So I apologize. At least the subtitles are on. Ugh. Can I ram into them? Uh-duh! Yeah! Fuck them up! (satisfied laughter) My boat is stronger than your boat, bitch. Oh God, oh God. I wanted to crash into him. But I want to keep going straight. Sam, can you shoot them? Thanks. Why are you chasing me? What did I do this time? Oh god I fucked him up! (laughing) This is fun! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BOAT CHASE! (groaning?) FUCK YOU GUYS! Oh God I feel bad... I wanna see if I can hit them and get them to land in my boat. Get 'em! Get 'em! Get 'em! (sexual groans and phrases) COME ON! Did I kill em? I didn't-- I didn't see them Ohh, that's a big momma! Oh, God, no! Ow, ow, ow, ow! Oh God, mines? I'm fuckin' trying, good Christ-- Can I make him blow himself up? This is nuts! Naghh, fuckin' mines, I don't like them! No! No! Stop firing mines at me! What did I do?! Why do these people hate me so much? Ah, fuck! Okay... I'm still alive... I'm still alive x2 It's much calmer down here Can I just stay down here? Oh god... Oh god x2 Oh god x3 OH GOD x4 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH MOTHER OF FUCK Wouldn't that suck you in and just chop you up into little bits? Good God, that's crazy HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I'M COMING hehe Let me in, let me in, let me in Y- yeah, please do. Please fix it Oh, fuck Do I have to shoot? Oh, God. Oh, God Oh God, I cannot aim with a fuckin' controller to save my life! Is that (an esplosey?)? It was all red, I though it was an explosive-- No, get back into cover I-- I may need to turn on aim assist or something Because I am terrible at shooting with controllers I-- I'm great on PC, I'm just terrible at uh-- uh-- PlayStation games And that's not fucking helpful in a moving boat! Whooaaa, Nellie! Get him! Right in the face Shoot-- shoot him-- Yeah! He dead What's up, bro? Oh God, Oh God. Are you firing the exploseys at me? No! You just stop that! Nyeh! Get him, get him! Shoot him, shoot him dead! Ah, there's too many of them! Nyarghh I got him! Yeah! Oh, God Ha! Shot himself! It is! And its name is Jack Can I-- can I drive it? Good God, the visuals are insane Ah, fuck Why? Why more? Why more-- oh, you're close Aaaghh, aaaghh Get away Think I just need to buy time This will be easier than I expected! Jack: Hello Puberty! (laughs) Jack: I'm ready to fight! Jack: Oooh yeah Let's finish this Jack: (Attempts to speak the spanish) I don't know what that means Jack: Huah! Ow! Ow! Oh god! Jack: Nyeh! Ugh! Oh god! Fuuugh! Jack: I like how my punches actually feel like they have weight Gustavo: Fuck, this (dirty) foreigner knows how to fight, huh? Jack: I dunno what that says! Gustavo: Do you like this? Hmm? Jack: Hyeh! Oh, the combat's so fun. Ow! Less fun! Less fun x2 Oh jesus! Jack: guh! Not today, Bitch! Gustavo: Let's see how you get out of this! Not today! How about this? Nope! Come on, dude! Jack: Leggo of me! Gustavo: Grab him! It's cause I'm not Hispanic, isn't it? That's racist, dude! Gustavo: Fight like a man! Jack: Ow! They're ganging up on me! Jack: Oh shit! Ow! Ow! x2 Ow! x3 Ow! x4 Ow! x5 Ow! x6 Jack: Punch the shit out of him! Gustavo: Take this, asshole! Jack: Ah, pendejo! That means dickhead, I think. Jack: Ah! Gustavo: You're dead! Jack: Esta Muerto! I dunno what any of this means! Jack: I didn't take Spanish! I took French! Jack: And even then I still wouldn't know what it meant We got this! Come on! You wanna hit me? Hard to hit a moving target isn't it? Hyuhhhhh! FUck! Ow! Ow! Maybe not that hard! Nyeh! Are the guards gonna come break it up? Ugh! x3 Fuck x3 Keep punchin' em! Keep-- Gustavo: This is for messing with us. Jack: NO! NO x2 Ohhhh my face! Gustavo: Now you done did it, asshole... you'll regret it. Oh fuck Shit, shit, get em, get em Ow, my face is hurting! Gustavo: I'll kill you, dumb-ass ("shit eater") Jack: *stressed noises* Punch him in the face! x2 Jack: I don't like this! Gustavo: I'll shut your big mouth, dirty foreigner! Jack: This is what losing feels like! Gustavo: Enough already Jack: ya basta! Bastard! Ooooh kick the shit outta em! Oh! Oh! Oh Nate! Enough already, idiots! Let go of me! Jack: *laughs* Gustavo: I'll kill you, dumb-ass dirty foreigner! Gustavo: I'll pull out your guts through your ass! Solitary confinement! Shut up! Jack: So solitary and... cell Gustavo: I'll be waiting for you here! I'm guessing. Again, I don't speak Spanish I wish I did. Spanish is a cool language, I like it Or is that... Portuguese? I don't know. I think it was Spanish. (something Spanish) That's Spanish, right? For shit? Thanks Jack: Gracias, mucho gracias mi amigo. (Thanks, thanks a lot my friend) Buenas noches Cool. Muy bien. Solitaria muy bien Does that mean that solitaire-- solitary is very good? I dunno. Sorry, Spanish people (laughs) I dreamt I was punching you, and not in this cell Ack! Come on, leave me alone! I am going! Chapter 2! Jack: Infernal Place Jailor: It's your fault, asshole Shut up Jack: *repeats the spanish* I don't know what these things mean Fellas Vargas: Hey, idiot! Get up the stairs! Jack: You're gonna have to ease up on the switching between languages Jack: If you want me to do what you say... Vargas: Here comes a prisoner! Open the gate! You speak English very well and I don't speak Spanish very well so I think a compromise is gonna have to be made Fella, how's it going? Oooh, that's a little bright Yeah Prisoner: Hey, foreigner! I saw what you did to Gustavo! You're dead! I have a knife that has your name, friend. Jack: Somethin', your number is up... friend? Jack: Somethin', Gustavo? Vargas: Stand back! Move! Get out, bastards! Hey, hey! Chill out! Oh, yeah Real big fans Fans of me- watching me get my nose broke Oh this place is... nice Architecturally, I mean Not, ah, physically. It's very demanding on my body Open the gate. Where are you taking him? (laughs) It's a surprise Have fun. Jack: So what did they say? Jack: *laughs* Jack: I speak a little Spanish, but what did you say, just in case. Jailor: I warned you, but you didn't listen. Jack: Hey! Stop! The poor dude! Are we going this way? oh ok. They're not gonna beat me up are they? What are you looking at? Nothing, friend. Nothing... Stand back. I'll take care of this one. OK. Jack: Bien! That means good! I heard that that means good. I'm sorry fella! I know how it feels *gasp/cringe* oh I don't know how THAT feels But, hopefully you're okay I get it! Stop pushing me! What are ya? HR shoving stuff? Prisoner: Please...stop. Stop! Jack: Pada? Does that mean stop? Jack: oh man Where you taking me? Are you gonna kill me? Ugh, into the sewer with all the rats Got it, left, left I can do Left is good just don't shoot me in the back of the head Wait this is outside? WOah Jack: ooooooh they have a plan! Yes. Jack: *laughs* Jack: Das a lotta... mucho dineros Jack: Why hasn't this place been checked already? I mean it was pretty clear Jack: "I was stuck in the highest cell" Jack: Why hasn't anybody else checked? *gasp* The spanish, I understood that! Jack: *laughs* Nate never breaks his neck! He is the- uh- climby- climby cloo Over there? oh okay So, this is what I like about end engine cut scenes Is that like, they're really high quality and everything and then when it switches to game, it's not all that different Like this is literally just what was in the cutscene and it's less jarring, it's really cool, I like it Oh god! oh Jesus! Oh! Hyuh! I see sliding is your new gimmick Imma get good at this sliding Sliding and climbing that's what I do best: Nathan Drake oh, oh no don't! Oh maybe I was supposed to fall in here TRESURE! You found a treasure! Cool! it's a lil' lion dude can I-? I need my stuff. Oh here we go GRAPPLING HOOK! Oh I love the grappling hook *thing squeaks nearby* Shut up squeaky thing! Wait, where am I pushing this? oh. Theres a lot of stuff like this in The Last of Us. It's funny how you see like Naughty Dog (Game Studio) in their games what they figure out what to do, it's like oh we figured out this mechanic of being able to push stuff around and make ledges and everything and it's like ok now you repeat that a million times Yes Good question... oooh Grappling hook! YEAAAAAAAH! Oh it makes me feel like spiderman! Oh those are all broken ankles! Cause you can just- just throw the grappling hook while standing and then jump off the edge and swing but I much prefer doing it when I jump. Like you jump and then you do it Cause it makes you feel like spider man! I love spider man *laughs* Hyuh! Oh god! I told you everything fucking breaks around Nate! Shouldn't call you Nathan Drake, should call you Nathan Break *laughs at his own joke* That was a good one! Awww down there looks much nicer! Just jump in the water and swim for paradise Oh Nelly! OH god! OH GOD! Yeah! Aw man! Wait, Sams here? What? I thought- Ok Thats- I need context for all of that ooooo I love paradise islands! That why- *trips over words* I liked about Assassins Creed 4 Cause it was the pirate themed one and there was a lot of like a lot of tropical islands and shit going around... oh over here yeeeah Climb Nate! Climb! Nathan *auditore da firenze. (* name of character in assassin's creed) woAHH GOD! Thought you weren't gonna grab that! shouldn't be too hard right? Can I jump up there? no. can I jump up here? yes. Who? Oh the guy in the letter. I don't trust any of this, looks like shits gonna break all the time HHHHHYUUP! Yeeeah. OH GOD! See! I fuckin knew it! oooh it's dark in here I dunno but we got a letter What's this say? Jack reads the letter aloud Dude. That's not good. you're a meanie face Hyuh! Pull the rope! *groaning noises* how does that help? Maybe I have to go up there The lighting is phenomenal in this game! Cause it's all like global illumination I know a lotta you won't care But you see the way that the lighting changes as you turn around and then like all the walls have like- the light just like isn't sitting on it, it's bouncing off the walls and it bounces around the environment It's not just like a static light sitting somewhere It's very impressive! Well, I dunno if thats actually the right terms for it but, I know Assassins Creed- Hyuh! Assassins Creed Unity did it as well It is pretty awesome! I'm glad you actually said it! *laughs* waiiiiit is there something over there? I dunno, lets just keep going up Oh god. Dude you must have great strength! Oh yeah, so fuckin.... suite This guy looked like a crazy person! Theres shit drawn everywhere! Alchemy symbols for gold and silver, also just a sun and moon oooo, Fold it! Sagittarius, and Scorpio An arrow cross and a squiggly M arrow oookay? squiggly M arrow is two Oh oh, arrow cross! Arrow cross equals ten squiggly M equals two So am I doing ten, two ? Or am I doing twelve? Let's try twelve, where is twelve? Twelve, five... two... nine... one... four uhhhh nope uhhh theres ten why ya not in order? uhhhh twelve? Oh twelve, it's right there in front of me Was I right? Yeah! Puzzle solver Jack! "Bear my cross!" He said bear my cross in the letter! Oh jesus, oh get buddha ooo that's shiny See the lighting at work in this thing I'm sorry- "We receive the due reward of our deeds" (Luke 23:41) I just love graphics and visuals and how like (graphic) engines work and the lighting works. aww I just love it so much What does that mean? I don't speak Latin! Thought he was gonna get his arm chopped off We came all the way here for THAT?! That are not enough! And seriously, this guy was holed up in here and no one in the prison whoever discovered this place thought to look around the place before yes you do I dunno why cause I'm perfectly fine. Hyuh! whee! Wait can I break the boards? Aw man, I can't even swing I wanted to like fly Forward and break the boards with my feet. Oh it's a slidy oh god oh god x2 oh god x3 oh god x4 UGH! Nate, I don't know how you Get the grapple off the thing But I'm impressed. Color me impressed. OH god, just ugh. I just jumped cause I panicked and heard a break Okay, WHEEE! nOOO! WHEEEE UH OH x3 OOOOOOH who the fuck is Rafe? You keep talking about him. *grunts* GUHHH! Whew! Uhm, I dunno how long to make this episode either I've been recording for about forty minutes so far and I was thinking about making it an hour but I don't feel like much has actually happened in this first episode yet. That sounded oddly sexual So I dunno if I should make the first episode a bit longer just so we have more of the set up and the start of the game I dunno, I'll see. I'll see what it feels like Where am I going? Over there. You just lead to death! I'll see what it feels like when I get to an hour. Spider man! Spider Drake! So much fun! Can I just do that for the entire game? I would love to do that Aw the beautiful green emerald ocean Up we go! Sorry bird! I disrupted you! Can I actually make that? Guh! Good god I can jump far! I really are a spiderman! Hyuh! Hullo Vargas! oooooo Sneaky! *laughs* He bought it! So are Sam and Rafe- whoever Rafe is- are they in this place as well? *heh heh heh* Such a handsome bastard Shit. What can I say? Beginner's luck, right? Jack: Sam! Son of a bitch I'm sorry, guys, I have to go. Sure, you go when you're winning. For you. It's a cool parallel cause when Sam finds Nate at the start he has a cut under his right eye and now he does too That's Rafe! *chuckles* In a prison? Theres tons of cells, just go in one of those. You guys have an awful lot of access to these places *chuckles* You were jumpin around with it in your pocket! *chuckes* That's a bit out there! Ohhhhh, Pendejo (spanish for stupid) Heyyyy fellas How's it going? hehh? I told you we weren't done. Look, you win already. Okay? Too late to talk. You're not getting outta here. Jack: ahhhhhhh You stay out of this. Jack: Non native speaker here! Oh! nice! AH fuCK! Oh it's fightin time bitches! *lots of grunts* ow ow ooooow his face! Get off my brother! Ah! I don't like it! I don't like it, I don't like it! beat the shiiiit outta that guy Beat the shit outta all the guys! Sit down! Double take down! OW! Thank you! Which one is the big bad guy? Oh it's him he's got all the tattoos! Nope! cause he's all knocked out now! Oh god they all look the same! They're all bald with tattoos! I can't- and everything is all shaky I dunno whats going on! Oh I like that double take down! I don't like gettin taken down myself though ARGH! Get em! Punch em in the face! x2 I don't need to roll to evade punches I can just smack his head off the thing and then i'm good! Oh yeah! Kick em in the belly!B Good god that's a pile o bodiesB Time to go, foreigner. OH wait is that him? I don't know I don't know what's going on! *grunts* Nyeuuugh! Can nobody else hear this!? All these dudes fighting down in the tunnels! OW! OW! x2 OW!! x3 This must be the guy! yeah he has a knife! He has a knife! on his back he's gonna shank me in the knees! He's gonna shiv me and then he's gonna shank me! I don't want any part of this! ow ow oH GOD! Oh god! You're dead! OH god I'm almost dead! What!? Get em! Yes! *jack cringes hardcore* OHHHHHH Oh that would hurt! All right. Wait! (laughs) Enough talking already. Jack: Oh no! Jack: Vargas! *jack cringing* OH! Oh Jesus! Does someone else need to be reminded of the rules? Line up! What is this? Give it to me! Jack: Oops! Shut up! Take them to their cells! Take the foreigners to my office. Oh we're gonna get it now! Jack: Daddy's angry! Vargas: Leave us. Let them go. Jack: I thought you wouldn't find it! YES! Ten percent is still FOURTY MILLION dollars. Jack: Sure, whatever Yep! 100 million each! OH! Oh no! thats- oh no that's Jesus! That are the badness! Open! oooh Improvise! Oh god this is bad this is terrible why'd you do that we were fine! There they are! Open that door! You do realize that you could've just said yeah and then killed him outside?! Wha- what -what are we doing? Shit, he has a gun! Are we the fuckin hulk now? Good god this place is badly built! 'kay, getting out, getting out, there's a storm coming in! I would NOT jump on galvanized (steel) like that! Here we go, here we go, Rafe are you behind us? Oh god, fuck em, fuck em I don't like em I don't like him anyways he's a dick he killed the dude who Jack: got us out! Jailor: I found them! Ah shit ah shit ah fuck ah bullets ow! Go through the fucking gap Do you know where you're going it seems like we're going backwards now YES! Wha!? Rafe! Jesus! where are you? Oh he was behind us all this time. Oh. okay. *laughs* get up! Up and over, up and over here we go! Here we go we're doing the thing! ooookay Guh! So Strong! So Strong! Thanks! Okaaay Fuckin lil bitch Ah! OW! I'm getting full of holes! EH! EH! EH! Oh god We're gonna die aren't we? That's it we're all dead Nathan Brake strikes again! Ow! Oh god I'm so sick of being punched! Ugh! Yeah! Sam! Outta fuckin nowhere! RKO! Help! Sam! Oh I punched him in the goonies! Oh god! oh god! Everyones getting punched , everybody die, everybody gets one! Get em! Get em! Get eem! Yessss Double take down! Yeah! That's how we fucking roll! Don't wanna mess with the brothers Drake! We're like the brothers grim except far stronger and we can actually kick your ass Up this! Oh okay we're pushing it. Got it. Can't we climb? *makes pushing noises* Aww I'm like batman now! Uncharted: Arkham Asylum Where the fuck (literal translation "shit") did they go? Oh god that's a lotta them Uhm yeahhhh Jack: I was gonna say, it IS a prision. Guard: Stop, asshole! Jack: Good job Rafe! Rafe: Hello, friend! Thanks bro! Now kick down the ladder! Kick down ladder? Do I have to grab something and bring it over? no. Kick down the ladder. Thank you. Oooo this is pretty ooo can I not leave I wanna stare at this for a while Jack: Oh that's awesome! Guards:We lost them! Shit. They can't be far away...Put more men on the doors! How convenient that the barbed wire is not around here! Guah! Come on! If it helps me escape, I am good. Where do I go?Where do I go?Where do I go? Okay... hyup! Okay good! I was just about to say wheres Sam Jack: Fine, fine fine almost there. Guard: There! On the roof! Almost there we got this! Hyup! Ow, ow ow, I'm getting full of holes! I'm getting shot a lot! Oh ball sack What's Sam gonna do? Jump! Jump! Grab em! Yes! NO! No wait he can't be dead! He's in the other part! He's in the part with the boat, they haven't done that yet Okay, Sam is still alive, he has to be. I mean of course he is, the fucking game is about Nate and Sam Why- why am I getting upset over that? *laughs* Oh this is so cool What where? Oh god Jesus In the fuckin ocean?! *makes bubble noises Boom! Uncharted! Credits roll! Yeah! I was fucking right! *laughs* Nice man! Strong opening! A Naughty Dog game. I love Naughty dog! Everyone keeps wanting them to make A new Jack and Daxter or another Crash Bandicoot soon. I'm glad they made this! Do I have to watch all this? Can I skip it? Teagan Morrison! Sounds like an Irish person Oh yeah! I didn't- Oh yeah these are all the other games Like Uncharted 1, 2, and 3 Uhm, I dunno if Elaina is in this one That's actually a good question Can't remember if I've seen her or not yet I probably have There's Uncharted 2 with the train and-and when that level came out at the time, everyone was like How, how did you do that? It was like a moving level and The scenery all around it changed consistently, it wasn't repeated very much it was so damn convincing Man, I love Uncharted 2 so much. So this- I like Uncharted 1 when it came out But there was a lot a lot lot of problems in it,and then Uncharted 2 came out and they fixed every single problem it had, and made it so much better And it was incredibly impressive And there was a lot of set pieces and everything and it was really really cool to look at and it was really fun to play and the pacing and the writing and everything was just spot on that- oh Emily Rose, yeah she is in it. Then Uncharted 3 came out and while it had way cooler looking set pieces They said that they made the game with set pieces first and then they wrote the story around it so then, the story suffered from it and I don't like Uncharted 3 as much it's not a bad game, it was just weirdly paced inconsistent and everything so It's a bit weird though- 15 years later! Ok we'll play a little bit more. We won't end it just yet, even though that would've been a great place to end it off but, again - that was just setting it up. Ooooo pretty. The Malaysia Job. Hold x to ascend. Can I go up? Oh, I can't go up anymore. Oh my god, that is cool. Through the reeds and rushes and grass underground or underwater grass. Oh, okay, I have to hold x to get over these obstacles. Got it. Nate, you look a lot like Crash Bandicoot, in Crash Bandicoot 3, in those levels, which I fucking hated. I hate those levels, the underwater ones. I hate underwater levels in any game. Oooo I saw a treasure. Get the treasure. Aw, it's a little fish. A little fish-boat plane looking thing. How convenient that it was down here. I've never been scuba diving. I've always wanted to try it though. I get uncomfortable underwater though. It's cold, it's wet, it's dark, it's creepy, oh, is this it? It looks like Godzilla attacked it. Did Godzilla attack it? Okay, do you still open? I'm surprised this even still works, the whole thing is bent and broken. *chuckles* Oh There's one *chuckles* that was easy. What's in the crates? Aw what's in the boooxx?? Got it, got it, oh, here it is! Yeah, it didn't drift far! What's in them though? Oh god really? Keep tapping x to carry a crate? Ugh. *grunts* Man, I'm so strong. Actually, Nathan Drake is incredibly strong in the games anyways. Have you seen all the parkour he fucking does? All the guys he punches in the face and kills? He kills people by punching! He's like Saitama. Tasty, tasty, got it, thank you, fellas, appreciate it. The music is cool. Aw god that's so cool to look at. It reminds me of Soma. Really good game. Oooo Loopy loopy! Oh god, lo- loopy loopy! I know how to loop, I are not a dumb. There we go, okay, got it, geezus. "That's fine....uUGHgh" *laughs* just passes out. Here we go. Looper dooper. Number 2! Lift! Gotcha. Lift fellas, lift! That is awesome. Oh yeah, crate. I forgot. Dude don't joke about that! I really hope we find out what the hell is in these. Is it - is it - is it soju? Is it sake? Is it East Island emerald heads? Pretty sure that's what it is. There you go all strapped down. Good job. Nice. No I don't want to. Oh. Oh, okay. Um that's another thing. I'll likely won't be collecting all of the treasures or seeing all the little memorabilia and pages and papers and everything that you can get in the game because at some points I'm just going to be like "Okay, I wanna continue the story and moving forward" and other times I'm gonna wanna explore so don't expect this to be a complete 100% play through. Whoa!! Dude I thought I was in like mid-Atlantic or something not in, Pittsburg. Hey fellas! Catch a flipper! Yeah, there you go, did you get it? Cool. Thanks! It's so awesome to look at. Oh, there was a oooohhhh you see up there? The guys are fixing the thing there was a crash and the container must've fell out and into the water. That's why I was underneath that part at the start for the coordinates and then I had to swim up further because it drifted a small bit. That's cool! Context, baby! 'Sup fellas. "Toss down yer gear." Oh, broken ankles. *chuckles* Seriously it looks like Godzilla attacked this fuckin' thing. Must've just got torn up from the bridge. Okay! My man! *chuckles* Treasure!! You guys - there was treasure right here all this time. An arcade token and you guys didn't pick it up? That's a lost - that's - that's a lost memorabilia right there. Ahoy! Hey, also go fuck yourself! Asshole. My man! It's a Rick and Morty reference by the way. No. What are we? Sure! I actually wanna know what's in it. But you guys know what's in it already. Copper. I guess it's - I guess this is to show kinda how mundane Drake's life has gotten that he's, like, picking up copper out of the water instead of doing anything spectacular like finding Shamballa. *chuckles* Nate's changed. No pressure, but take the job! Jameson, you also have the name of whiskey. It sure would. But we got other things to take care of. We're not about that life anymore. Oh god. That's a lot of other things people that want you to do. Is this your office? Chapter 4: A Normal Life This is a shit hole. What are you? Oh! Ahhhh. Did he just say I climbed your big brother? That was in Uncharted 2. The music's awesome! It's so...mysterious. Are these just like all the shit I've gotten? Yeah, when you're pointing out how silly this all is, you really look back and go, yeah those games were all over the place. *laughs* Oh, I could've inspected item. Can I do it again? I wanna inspect item. Aw, that's a nice picture. Found - oh, I can read. *reads picture* That's short for Elena. I'm smart. *laughs* A lot of shit everywhere. I like how none of it is organized either, you're just keeping it all over the place. That was a cool one, I liked that one. What else we got? A box full of magazines. C.M.? What was that? Is that a picture of Sam? Oh it's the stuff from the prison. Oooohh this is a bad memories box. Close that shit up. Lock that down tight. Don't ever share your emotions with anybody. I'm joking by the way. *chuckles* Iram of the Pillars. *reads letter* That was - like, Uncharted 3...right? Or Uncharted 2? I can't remember. Some belt buckle? Ooooo here we have the toy gun I found! What? *laughs* Really? *laughs* Awesome! Oh, more targets. Die dudes! Hooaahh! I got this, I got this, I got it. I'm like a fuckin' child playing with - actually, me as a person, I would so do this in real life. Like, shooting toy targets all over the place. There's another one up there. I see another one. Shoot! Shoot! Got it, got it. Can I get a play station achievement for hittin' all the targets? Oh, Elena called. How do I go downstairs? Oh, okay. That was fun! Awe I wish I had one of them in real life. *makes shooting noises* Except then you would have to collect all the balls everywhere and that would be so fucking annoying. See you later gun, you were the most fun I had. Nice house. A bit messy. Good god, Naughty Dog really upped their interior design game. This looks phenomenal. Lots of reflections, lots of shadowing, another reflection - man, I am a sexy bastard. Where - where's Jackaboy in this? Hello - I'm right here! I'm the one controlling the camera behind your head. Can I take a poop? Oh...how much do I weigh? That would've been a cool, um, like, little detail. This room's a fucking mess I need to clean. What a quaint neighborhood. Anytime now that I see interior, like, locations like this, all I can think of is The Last of Us. Oh we got married! Aw, awesome! Cuz' that ws the thing, they were trying to get together for AGES and then you're like did they get married? Are they just together? In Uncharted 3, then they weren't kinda together anymore, and then they were. Awww. Aw, awesome, they got together. Is this their house then? Yay! I'm happy for them. I wanna check around a bit more though. There's a lot to explore. This is a nice house. Is this Elena's room? "Ultimate Traveler Info: Safe and Easy Tips." *reads travel guide* Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's a brochure for Bangkok. I don't care. Actually, it's a travel guide to Bangkok, not a, not a, brochure. Aw awesome. Those are nice pictures. Why is there only three? *chuckles* That's a lot of cameras. Oh yeah, Elena used to be a journalist. That's how they met in the first place. Cuz' he tried to convince her to go find Francis Drake's fortune, and she funded the trip. Nice, nice details. I like it, I like it a lot. Nice music. Elena? Laners! You Facebookin'? No problemo. Food is in the fridge. That's where it's always is, baby. Spicy dumpling! Beer, nice. You didn't get the food. Uhhhh what? Oh, there's bowls over there. I mean, what developer goes through the hassle of actually putting pa - pons - pots and pans - I was going to say pons and pats - in a sink? Like, that level of detail is insane. Very nice! What are we eating? Is it shit food? It just looks like a fruit salad. That's lame! I want a piizza. Lemme have the piizzaa. Did you save that? *chuckles* *chuckles* "Hww wzz yr dy?" At least you got a shower. *chuckles* Nate, you're not listening. *chuckles* Uhhhh oooo, choices!! People of Bangkok, the lost city of Bangkok... no, flights in Bangkok, right? Oh, the other two are graying out. Uh, flights in Bangkok. *chuckles* *laughs* You're on board? They didn't even finish! *laughs* *laughs* Oh my god, it's a PlayStation!! Ohh, the sounds!! Oh my god - please tell me you're going to play Crash Bandicoot. Oh my god my fucking childhood is playing out in front of me right now. It's Crash Bandicoot!!!!! Oh my fucking god!! Oh my god, that's crazy!! I can actually play the fucking game!! I use square actually! Oh my god, this is the fucking best thing I've ever done with my life. I'm playing Crash Bandicoot inside Uncharted 4. There's your remake! Okay, I have to beat her high score. What's her high score? I got it, I've played Crash Bandicoots! This is my fucking jam. Literally my childhood. There's a box on the right then a box on the left, oh god, no, not yet, oh god I remember it. *chuckles* "These graphics are pretty good." Oh god, in a game with like full fuckin' 3D rendered global illumination and everything yeah, these graphics are "pretty good." Oh god, yeah, I forgot about this. Oh god, the dialogue. *chuckles* Yes! Yes! x3 *laughs* Huahh! Nate, you should be a let's player. *laughs* Oh god, oh god, near the end, we're near the end! Oh yes! Oh yes! Did I do it? I fucking did it, right? Aw, he didn't do his dance. Come on, come on! Motherfu - How'd she get 3,500?!? Her fucking face! *laughs* Aww, they're adorable together. See that's what I mean. They feel like real people! I mean, they are, they're mo-capped people acting out you're actually seeing real actors but just the facial nuances and everything, it just makes it feel so real. You can relate to them so well. Easy there, "judgy" Party! Party like it's 1999 That was at the start of the game! Mr. Alcázar. Good to see you. Get me out of here. What do we do with him? Yeeesss? Let's go! Oh! I get to play Sam now! Prison break I-I have to escape prison twice? Are the others in position? Underway. Everything goes according to plan, sir. Fantastic. Jack: S-Sorry, dudes! Sorr--couldn't you just open it up and let them all out and then..? Ahh they're dead...oh no You said they had wives! Piece of shit. You'll never leave here alive. Take care of the door. Jack: Oh no... Silence. OH NO! OH *cringes* Yeah...oh god, I don't know if I want a gun but okay... Are we gonna shooty bang bang now? Don't patronise me, Alcazar! Open all doors. Do it. Doesn't that help us escape faster? Okay, here we go Prison break Get ready. Shooty x3 Oh, shit! Oh, those are actually prisoners that I'm shooting Prooobably shouldn't shoot those guys I'm not even shootin' anybody, but everybody's dying anyway! Whoa! Can I have that gun? I'll get another gun soon don't worry Agh, god, I forgot to change the fuckin' aiming thing It's okay for now It's okay 'cause I'm standing still... and I can actually aim properly I don't have to be up and down and about Run dudes! Go ahead! Sorry, don't shoot me! ow x4 *sings* Those are my bones and my lovely fleshy pieces! I see you fuckers! x2 I'm playing on medium difficulty, by the way In case anyone's wondering that I'm almost dead. I should not die That is a great thing to not do It's a great thing to do, not die It's not a great thing to not die (lol jack wut) Let us pass...and we'll let you alive! Fuck you, Alcázar! Jack: I shot some of those dudes! As you wish. Jack; Those are my brothers!! Kill them all! Didn't hit anyone Shoot the dudes up top shoot the- AGH god jesus LET GO OF ME Thank you! Hector, or Victor, I can't remember which one it was Thank you, Alcazario! Oh god, I have no ammo Anybody have ammo? Yay, here we go Oooo Big gun! We're in position. Are you ready? Yes. Find someplace to cover. What's that mean? Okay JESUS CHRIST Fuckin' hell! Mr Alcázar? We're all right. Jack: Uh, a little forewarning next time Understood. Follow me. Jack: "Get behind something" is not The vans are on their way. Jack: the same as "Hey, Very well. Jack: you might wanna hide 'cause What about this foreigner? Jack: there's shrap and they're gonna blow your face off The foreigner is with me. Keep him alive. Watch out! We have to get outta here! Jack: This feels familiar Ow x6 Okay, just run x3 Okay You guys suck x2 There's a whle bag of dicks you guys need to suck right now I got you, foreigner! Jack: I'm out! I'm outtie! Jesus, get off me Thank you! Thank you! You are really saving my ass We're covering you! Jack; A bunch of times! Ooo, okay that's actually very helpful I don't need to shoot 'em, I can just punch 'em Aw, the gun sound awesome now! That was another complaint I had about the old Uncharted games like, the guns didn't "feel" like guns they felt like "toys" Up there! Jack: Oh god, there's a lotta dudes over there Liquidate them! Jack: Can I have some grenades? AGHHH die you *stumbles over words* die ye scurvy dogs! 'kay, I don't really wanna jump down yet maybe I have to change the sensitivity We're almost... I'm making progress though, we're doin' good that dude is dead come on out fucker's Yeah, that's what's up! That's what's up! That's what's up! I'm missing everything Not a headshot, but close enough The area is secured. We're fine. ammo x5 Oh, are we gonna do the explodies again? I don't want to, lemme look for guns! YES! Stop them! Jack: GO! UH OH x2 OW! x3 Don't let them escape! Jack: Oh god, Kill them! Jack: they're everywhere! Jesus fuckin' christ I thought that was an explodie barrel There's a distinct lack of explodies in this game I thought this was a 3rd person shooter Where's all my explodie red barrels? AGH- Die you sons o' bitches! Ooo, headshot! Nice! It's much easier to kill them when they're close Dude! I'm kickin' ass now! Ready to go? Let's get out of here! I am back I'm over here Boom! We gonna boom! Can ya warn me this time when we're gonna boom? Okay...no boom? Thought we were booming *Flinches* THERE IT IS Fuckin' hell Jack: All the warning I get (laughs) Good riddance! Jack: is, "Beep" then all hell breaks loose Take care of the foreigner! I don't want anything to happen to him! Jack: Aw, I kinda want that gun but Jack: I have more ammo for this one Okay Almost there, I remember this place! This is close to the end Well, at least from last time The turret! Watch out for the turret! Jack: I'm having bad memories, dudes I was kinda like shot last time Can I actually hit this dude? Okay, I don't think so You shooting away all my blocks? Oh god, the fuckin' cover's breaking! That's so cool, but also really bad for me Whoaaa Those are the explodies that I wanted! AGHHHHHH Yeah! Did it! Okay, we gotta move x3 Keep moving, move closer, move closer Got 'em! Got all the dudes- Oh jesus WHOAAA Who was that?? The vans are on their way. Jack: I'm glad I have friends in explosive places Don't stop. Thank you! They can't stop us! Jack: Okay, nice Stay back! Jack: Making our way out Fuckin' hell! Stop that! I could've been killed by rebar! It's awesome though! Out we go x3 Whoaa Nellie Stop them! Who the fuck is doing that? I love him, whoever he is There he is! Dude, I love you! Can I kiss you? Oh god, those are bads I didn't know they were bads! Got 'em! Oh! I got his gun! Sweet! That was a tactic in multiplayer Just shoot blindly and then punch them at the end 'cause you take a little bit of damage off them and then you punch them to death Go! x4 Prison entrance Jack: *Reads the sign in spanish* No trespassing Jack: *Reads the other sign in spanish* Water Jack: That was crazy! My pee was a little extra yellow today I suggest a dog A year? Stop here. Ohhh this is bad Oh god Give me a knife OH *cringes* Oh, that's optimistic I don't like this dude, he sucks he a big suck Let's go! Jack: Thanks for that oh and also almost killing me, that's fine Good luck, Samuel Jack: *repeats spanish* I dunno what that means Yeah He is a dumbass A picture of a camel! OOOooo My treasure senses are tingling! You just break in *laughs* *laughs* He was in Uncharted 3 Oh no... Bad Nate! Very very bad! Nice outfits! Sulli! Shut up, Sam! *Laughs* Sam's not family? Hopefully, maybe *laughs* I will! I'm Nathan Drake! Keeper of tuxes Okay! Um... I think I'm gonna leave this episode here then This is a good stopping-off point Once a thief... Always a thief! As long as you two don't start talking to each other I have an outro to do! This game is SO good That's why I kept this episode a bit longer The rest of the episodes will likely just be an hour long each I kept this one a bit longer just 'cause I knew there was gonna be a lot of exposition there was gonna be a lot of like "gettin' in to the story" A lotta cut scenes Tryin' to build up what the game is and then from now on it's should keep moving at a rapid pace 'cause that's usually what these story driven games do, so kept this one a little bit longer just to give A bit more of a feel of like like its actually started and we got somewhere and stuff going on We're at chapter 6 already That's a good start! Dunno how many chapters there are there's probably like 20 or somethin' So, I dunno The series probably isn't gonna be hugely long or anything but I'm really looking forward to it Hopefully you guys are too because I really really want to finish this out I'm playing and I really hope people are excited for it 'cause I'm super excited for it! It's been a while since I got a a long Let'splay that I'm SUPER pumped to do That I actually genuinely want to do start to finish so, hopefully you guys are enjoying it! but for now, Thank you guys so much for watching this episode! if you liked it PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON in the face like a BOSS and hi-fives all around! [*whpsh*] [*whpsh*] and thank you guys and I will see all you dudes in the next video!
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 9,931,299
Rating: 4.9154186 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Uncharted 4, Uncharted 4 Gameplay, Uncharted 4 walkthrough, Uncharted 4 Playthrough, Uncharted 4 PS4, Playstation, Exclusive, Uncharted 4 Jacksepticeye, Full game, let's play, lets play, Uncharted 4 campaign, Uncharted 4 single player, reaction, Visuals, graphics, Music, OST, soundtrack, characters, story, cutscenes, nathan drake, spoilers, uncharted 4 lets play, a thief's end, review, crash bandicoot, crash bandicoot easter egg, easter egg
Id: 2UAaxB35U7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 58sec (6718 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2016
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