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morning Jim ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to some screw driving route Miami this same look at me I'm all sexy look at that agent 47 no one's ever gonna tell that I'm a cold-hearted killer because they just got me a little moccasins on I'm ready to head into the global innovation race bag check no I don't have a bag thank you thank you oh my god this lady's ABS holy crap you're in shape you can probably benchpress me okay Chris me ain't got [ __ ] just relax oh wait do I in a sec wait do I actually have some waiver Gordon that's my penis all right good job sir thank you good job thanks Fred real hard to stand still and let you feel me up all righty this okay I have to kill somebody who's in a race apparently so I'm gonna do it by exploding them this level is [ __ ] cool VIP access very enormous penis access that's me I should be allowed in there what are these jitter an energy drink named jitter and that's good I like that okay oh wait what am I supposed to do with people around here okay I need to get a disguise oh because then I need to blend in on blend oh that's what I call it mr. stricted access no they have any idea where my enemies are a one of them is in the car okay where's the other have to kill Sierra and Robert Knox we can knocks them out here he comes here he comes this is him or her that's one of them okay anything can happen someone can even explode all right I don't have anything anymore or yet all I have are three coins I feel just completely naked without my without my screwdriver on me so I wonder if a good starting point is to get this guy or to hide a body nice I got a VIP card you can recorded by a security camera yeah that's fine it's fine I wanted to see my face I want them to know it even has the dice and air dryers for your hands the amount of times I see people in in bathrooms trying to use these things and they're putting their hands like in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out and then they're just like shaking it off the end I'm like you're not supposed to do that it even says on the thing you put your hands in and you pull them out slowly for ten seconds and your hands are completely dry there's a public service announcement for Dyson air dryers in bathrooms I know I'm on a security camera Oh trespassing oh that one's bad that one's much worse then a hammer a light pipe even better od is it oh I I can't drop the pipe it's attached to me okay okay oh yeah down he goes die sorta why apparently [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it's like nothing even happened Chaz had gotten out of your mind also exposed wire missing screwdriver I feel like you're taunting me at this point okay I need to get this guy out of the picture I carry do anything here there's order to hide your body if I kill you somebody else is gonna find it eventually I know I'm on camera piss off who's an accent there you mascot this might work no cow a guy and steal his flamingos healthy won't week I lost him in the scuffle but the real Mexico is still over there so don't get them I've got no evidence bye-bye money these days doing what I'm doing talk sir a disgruntled Kronstadt employee has equipment yeah yeah okay I'm a follow you imma see what you're up to Hey what happened okay he didn't do anything all right I don't know if I should give you the keys some keys sure did should I give him the key and then follow him to the car and then get him yeah entering its final lap 47 47 the race is over Sierra will be coming off the track any time now oh did this speed something up by giving it to him okay got it oh but I want to bore up in the car that'll be [ __ ] awesome there was a hide a body around here there sure is there's no one looking right here okay first we got a disguise and then we got to pick up the key and then we gonna drag you here we go here we go yes oh I'm so stealthy sneaky you can still call me the screwdriver though that's what I want to be known as ooh it's this van that's raising a tit criminais ting evidence I'm a [ __ ] genius okay well close that and then lock the door okay good hey fellas how's it going it's just me regular old mascot man oh my god you're super fit Israel look at that ass dude bring her down she's got a great foot this guys doing Diamond push-ups or actually no he's doing military push-ups in his [ __ ] arms these dudes are buff his [ __ ] slow like a turtle man that guy's mean with an ass like that you don't have to listen to anybody my learning salutations my friend salutations guys how's it going I belong here all right Oh mascot boy hi it's me other mascot I need to get to this meeting area and play the pirate apparently because I have to meet Sierra Knox and do something I don't know all I know is that I want to kill her I'm not gonna be allowed in here am I sure documents thanks dude Oh God okay they know that I'm not the real one oh [ __ ] not so far so good so bad so far they're shooting me now God [ __ ] oh my baby my love this screwdriver is back let's hope he doesn't screw it up let's hope he does the screwdriver strikes again oh if I just wait and let him call it in then I'm not trespassing oh okay hey fellas how's it going good to see you oh you guys are so much nicer when you're pumping me full of holes ah it was making me very aerodynamic though so thank you for that can't get in the door hmm okay where would a boy head where should a boy head where am I going wherever we drop it what's going on anything to do up here what'd you do about nothing sleepy man are we seems like a perfect opportunity for someone to screwdrive you destro cipher strikes again whoa do the air order if I could could I eat from here see no okay I don't know what I'm supposed to do with them I can't kill you what everybody else looking around maybe maybe I can suggest to become off the rooftop for a private meeting meeting of a screw-on a driver who that opens for missing nice hello yes miss Knox hmm I never did catch your name names of her friends straight to the point in all business well they call me driver going screw trying to kill you in broad daylight she knows sensitive business like this in front of an audience good idea she's gonna kill me in broad daylight that's what she just said she knows she's on to me okay keep it cool 47 there's nothing ridiculous about this at all you claimed in your email to somehow found internal reports that show Kronstadt sounds about right let's be clear you and I are having is meeting because my father doesn't need to know about this it's just another undesired distraction I don't care if the information is true or false I don't care if it mentions moving money from the nexus project into Tongan Valley damage control as you claimed in your correspondence I do care about protecting my father which is why you and I are now here I see leave me alone for a few minutes guys sure thing miss Knox if you need us just call so here's the deal what can I write over the documents and leave and that's the end of it and you will do that now I prefer my way screwdrivers next up Robert Knox yeah okay where can I dump the body back there got it got it got it she said leave her alone guy he's okay no peeping all right this is all perfectly normal behavior all right I'm gonna I've killed your boss she'd might have much fight she got serious Ciara Knox to the [ __ ] out she's dead but all in all good job day's work do it now she's a cabbage boy stink man and there you did get me a free shovel and a free baseball bat to kill her with as well you guys really wanted her dead didn't you and I am out of here can I can I drop tonight can I drop I want to drop down here No all I can do is hang okay I'm stir the pull-ups you know get my swole on Oh birdie fly away now okay okay they're gonna be looking for a mascot all right they know it was me somehow they have some evidence that I killed her partly from the fact that I went behind the place on my own with her and then she died disappeared and then I disappeared so I'm just gonna switch out real quick even though some of these guys are gonna know who I am chichay looking good screwdriver all right where's my next culprit where's my next victim there they are Robert Knox okay gentlemen how are we doing just a regular old security boy here ready to do some security all these people came out for me Hey hi guys oh you oh that's nice you're wearing a yes it's me you're wearing a shirt of the person I killed big fan of my work I see thanks guy Thanks Thanks oh they were waving at him honey's mercy ah I see you Bobby boy I'm coming for you Robbo okay I don't know where that is though but I'll use my screwdriver instincts to find out okay it's inside this giant Billy okay don't leave though been spending a lot of my time trying to figure out where this is [ __ ] baby I have the carrot let me in please please don't get my steps in where [ __ ] is he Robert oh he's up there again okay how do we get in there does anybody know maybe he's in the VIP area they can get around that way okay [ __ ] tired man all right I'm in we're in the podium building no one here recognizes me that's awesome they should though I'm the screwdriver this is my name precede me I've been trying real hard to get myself out there right while also being incognito you know I want people to be aware of the screwdriver but not actually know who I am okay this is not the right building the buildings over there claims the trophy thank you everybody thank you yes I worked very hard to be here today I screwed right my way through many a person ie I picked up one screwdriver - screwdriver there wasn't enough screwdrivers but in the end it was I who won thanks everybody have a good night tip your waitress nowadays is the right building okay just gotta get upstairs Bobby boy and then you are I'm not listening to you guys Wow look at this building this is cool all right he's up there all right I need to find a way up there stairs walkway anything I yeah Kronstadt German for screwdriver I'm only going to be able to kill this guy with a screwdriver nothing else will do it has to be the screwdriver okay nope nope nope nope no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't want to stop I gotta keep movin groovin [ __ ] I belong here scissors what am i some sort of pleb no screwdrivers only if I can sneak around and get him from behind [ __ ] let somebody see that something that somebody see that that did somebody see that I'm wearing the same dis guy he's already look no we don't know we don't know we do everything's under control there is no body literally Derek McInnes ID card without work I have an Android arm I'm not afraid to use it look thanks to get out here away from everybody oh it's nice to take my mind off all the murder that's been happening Miami baby what a lovely City I'm gonna come back here buy it buy a house sometime maybe just really you know relax maybe take the kids here body phone what they don't I'll help hi well you see about that um [ __ ] skies yourself as Ted Mendez okay my security outfit is compromised now as well so I'm gonna need somebody else and he's gonna meet with a Ted Mendez okay this everything's coming up jackaboy tip Mendez is down there Ted Mendez you were wanted in the lobby had Mendez one of the country's most influential military grade money men this must be connected to crumb stud hi Ted you gonna take a call yeah just returning your call before heading over to the expo building to meet Knox for the newcomer mine you're right buddy you're starting to freak me out sorry we're just protecting you newspapers apparently that's the real deal what was that sound if I distract this kid coin you'd complain about me for littering sir nice to know writer here thank you [ __ ] what I'm gonna coconut you want a coconut ed teddy yeah Wow Co can i hey military veteran man could you go see what that was okay let me just get my screwdriver back out again what do you know it's all your [ __ ] fault wife beater okay I had Ted Mendez in my hand in my screwdriver maybe just maybe sneaky enough no no it's the [ __ ] thing no one owes the [ __ ] thing this is incredible this is the greatest day of my life okay Ted Mendez okay give me back my [ __ ] scooter I need your clothes your boots and your screwdriver oh now we're trespassing there oh that's bad well is that a wood chipper [Music] oh well Ted Mendez more like Ted Shred des Thank You hello I am here it is I how are you guys doing me Ted Mendez you know decorated service soldier person Robbie boy how's it going are you guys on the phone to each other perfect synchronicity guy he's good job I think he knows I'm here he can see me see you let me show you everything I'm gonna say something provocative now Ted please keep your clothes on going out of just plain bad PR nobody wants to exchange their children and loved ones for flags and medals anymore the glory is God Ted but luckily Kronstadt has a solution for that imagine this Android infiltrators operating in the field oh yeah oh if I had his ID card could I Oh disguised and fully embedded ready to strike at a moment's notice you guys don't know is anything with their doing robotic operators who can beautiful trade the deepest sanctuary of any adversary okay making an unseen fatal blow and they're gonna kill this poor dude damn what's the holdup Mendez just scan one of the pictures [ __ ] if I had his when I'd just be able to put it in and kill him I'm leaving cuz I'm looking for your carrot I want to kill you I mean I have to go to the bathroom mine do this normally then here we go look Oh scanning the picture so cool that's kind of scary Wow oh if I can find where his key carrot is and you just put that one in and I can get him killed immediately a photo of Robert Knox will that work just scam one of the images that's it lay it like this I'm scanning a dummy oh [ __ ] what what was that that was so weird right guys how that happened I can't believe it I'm so shocked okay time to leave it wasn't a screwdriver though so part of me is still very sad about what just went down but I'm also very very happy that I accomplished my mission and the screwdriver has yet struck again you don't see anything you don't see anything you don't see anything I'm getting in the chopper and I'm going no no sorry boys you can catch me all you want on the flip side but I am outie the screw has been driven damn look at all the possibilities of things you can do holy crap things you can find things you can see things you can interact with story missions this is insane man that mission was fun I like that one a lot classic hitman level huge crowds of people and the way the level design is actually made it actually feels like like a place you would walk around in oh my god I did pretty well Jesus it feels like a mission you could actually a location you could actually walk around it like that felt like a real place and a real event and everything the way the security was all laid out there was catering trucks and there was little food stands everywhere I think the level of detail got into the construction of these levels is just phenomenal and sneaking around again into secret places and everything it's just it's really really fun I like it a lot that was a really great level though that was only the better hitman levels I've played in a while and I'm curious to go back and play these like in my spare time and see what else you can do in them but for now thank you guys so much watching this one if you liked it punch that like button in the face like a boss and pyro [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] agent 47 is its sefferman
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,662,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Hitman, New Hitman game, Hitman Beta, Hitman 2016, Gameplay, Playthrough, lets play, Walkthrough, Hitman jacksepticeye, mission, sandbox, assassin, disguise, gameplay mechanics, open world, choices, method, PS4, PS4 gameplay, PC, Agent 47, different ways, all, accident, death, solution, fiber wire, silverballers, tutorial, sneaking, stealth, stealth game, best hitman game, funny, funny disguise, paris, paris level, episode one, full game, hitman 2016, PC version
Id: IvmzUNZFjrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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